Young People's Retreat

A young people's retreat will be held this weekend from August 26 to August 28 at the Dharma Drum Retreat Center. The retreat program consists of meditation instruction and practice for young people (ages 18-35). The teacher will give talks related to practice on retreat and in daily life, using Buddhist concepts to address issues that young people are facing. The program is flexible and varied, including indoor and outdoor activities suitable for beginners as well as experienced practitioners.

Individuals wishing to take a meditation vacation, and make an appointment with oneself are encouraged to attend. Participants shall engage in a simple routine of Chan meditation, free from the distractions and information-overload of daily life. They will also cultivate a clearer understanding of oneself through silent self-reflection. They will also learn to apply Chan meditation methods to all activities, whether sitting, walking, or working, whereby every moment becomes a chance to cultivate joy and freedom within oneself.

The retreat will be headed by Chang Wen Fashi.

For more information, visit

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