Buddhist Monk Brings Transcendental Meditation

Technologies of consciousness developed by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, including the Transcendental Meditation Programme, have been growing in popularity in Japan, and this year especially have helped people recover from the stressful effects of the devastating earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster.

For the last eight years, at Maharishi's request a Buddhist monk in Japan, Reverend Dr Koji Oshima, has been bringing these technologies to monks in other Asian countries. Since 2003, 4,000 Buddhist monks have been inspired to learn Transcendental Meditation1,500 in Sri Lanka and 2,500 in Thailand.

The monks have greatly appreciated learning the technique, and the project has proceeded with support from senior Buddhist monks and elders.

The young Buddhist monks have greatly enjoyed Maharishi's knowledge, and were particularly interested in Unified Field charts that are used as a teaching tool in Consciousness-Based Education. The charts illustrate how the Unified Field of Natural Law, described by modern quantum physics as the universal field of intelligence at the basis of all forms and phenomena in the universe, can be experienced directly as the field of pure consciousness, the Self, during Transcendental Meditation.

In recognition of his achievements in helping to re-enliven Buddhist tradition through giving the monks the experience of transcending, several years ago Reverend Oshima was honoured with the degree of Doctor of World Peace Honoris Causa, the highest degree bestowed by Maharishi University of World Peace.

Another initiative has been the development of plans to build the first Vastu structure for Reverend Dr Oshima and Buddhist monks in Thailand. The design according to Vastu principles of Vedic architecture has been completed, and about half of the support needed to complete the construction has been raised.

source: www.globalgoodnews.com

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