Emotions Are Just Recycled Energy

Emotions do not originate with us. They come and go depending on situations, circumstances, relationships, and events. Emotions are never created in isolation; they always come about because of some interaction with the environments. In the absence of circumstances or relationships, there is no emotion. So, even though you may fly into a rage, it is not actually your anger. It is anger that has settled on you for the moment.

Notice how your fear and anger have accumulated over the years. Although you cannot remember it, there was a time in your life before you ever felt anger or fear, a time of total peace and tranquility. Try to imagine what that experience of utter bliss might have been like.

Focus on a time before fear or anger. Rewind that imaginary tape of your life until the screen goes back, and feel the boundaries evaporate between yourself and your surroundings. For the next minute, feel the total loss of all your accumulated anger, fear and ego.

Adapted from The Essential Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire by Deepak Chopra (Harmony Books, 2007).

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