The Anatomy Of Healing Workshops

Do old beliefs hold us back? Is our mind taking a toll on our body? How do we work with discomfort? Can we heal?

When the body is acknowledged, healing is inevitable. Turning inward we can develop true intimacy. The body becomes a refuge. By touching the inner sanctuary we can unlock true confidence, intuition and love.

In this four-week class, Denmo Ibrahim, founder and CEO of Earthbody, will guide a variety of body mind practices for the individual and the group. The course includes guided meditations, techniques in self-massage, introduction to the seven gateways within the body, healing circles, and the power of mantra.

Denmo will lead the group to:
Deepen the relationship to the inner body; locate and work with emotion; define and clear mental blocks; develop intuition through touch; awaken energy channels of the body; connect and ground in self love.

Instructed by Denmo Ibrahim:
CMT, Ayurvedic Educator, Vajrayana Practitioner
Denmo is the founder and CEO of Earthbody, a day spa for healing in Hayes Valley. She also formulates EB's organic bodycare line inspired in the tradition of Ayurveda. Denmo is a graduate of the World School of Holistic Healing, The San Francisco School of Massage and holds an MFA in movement from Naropa University. She has studied intensively with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, founder of Body Mind Centering and with Dr. Reggie Ray, a Buddhist Scholar and Dharma Teacher for 10 years. A Licensed Body Therapist and devoted Vajrayana Practitioner, Denmo has spent years exploring somatic practices in retreat, in community, and in business. The Anatomy of Healing was created as an intimate space to explore the healing process and create space for the world within.

Rooted in contemplative practice and inspired by ancient healing traditions, Earthbody offers restorative bodywork, organic skincare, and herbal rituals through ecologically responsible principles.

Limited to 10 participants. Open to all. No experience necessary. Pre-registrat! ion requ ired. To register please visit:

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