The Power of Your Spirit

I have been working with bestselling authors in the personal growth and spiritual arena for over 16 years with my company Mishka Productions. I absolutely love my work. We create live events with authors whose work inspires the world and helps people to live a more fulfilling and joyful life. It sounds very fluffy when stated like this, however thousands of people have been deeply transformed, hearts have been healed and spirits have been awakened. The letters we receive post event is what keeps me moving forward with the next project. It touches my soul and I know I am suppose to continue doing this work.

Our signature event, the Celebrate Your Life conference, brings thousands of people traveling from all over the world together to experience over 20 authors in one amazing event. We carefully select the authors and speakers that we feel have messages that will positively affect peoples lives.

Bestselling author Sonia Choquette is one of our regular presenters at Celebrate Your Life. I was introduced to Sonia in 1999 and was stunned after attending a workshop with her. All I kept thinking was, why isnt this woman on Oprah every week? and every person on the planet needs to attend a workshop with Sonia and have one of her books in their library. It is 12 years later and my feelings have not wavered. Sonia Choquette is one of the most powerful teachers in our country today. Period. She has the innate ability to shift peoples energy from depression to joy in a matter of moments. I remember someone once shared that trying to describe what Sonia Choquette does in her workshops is like trying to capture lightning in a bottle. She is pure magic! I could not agree more.

In the 16 years that I have been working in this field, I have NEVER seen a presenter turn around a quiet reserved crowd, so quickly into a room filled with people laughing smiling and most importantly feeling the joy and power of t! heir spi rit like they never have before. She gets people to step out of their box, be outrageous, wild and different, and on their feet into taking action. She moves spirits! Sonia is an alchemist who guides people into shifting their energy from despair to joy and love of self. Being in a workshop with Sonia is like being at a party for your soul. She is a stunning example of what it means to live a life inspired by ones spirit and intuition andhelps people understand their souls plan and purpose and lead them to a successful, meaningful and peaceful life.

Most people struggle to write just one book, however Sonia has written over a dozen books including, Your Hearts Desire, The Power of Your Spirit, True Balance, Traveling at the Speed of Love and the NY Times bestseller The Answer is Simple. Her philosophy is simple and pure.

One of the keys to Sonias work is learning to pay attention to your intuition. She teaches how to learn to listen to your intuition and then move forward and act on it. She calls this six sensory living and discusses this in depth in her book Trust Your Vibes. She believes that living in your spirit is the end of the era of the ego and the victim. Living from this place becomes so empowering that life begins to have an ease and flow.

Some of my favorites Sonia wisdoms are:
- The Sixth Sense should be the first
- Words are the bricks and mortar of the dreams you want to realize.Behind every word flows energy.
-Our minds are confused but not our souls
- Lifes journey is a gift, not a given, and we can never truly know how long the journey will last. All we can do is decide how it unfolds.
- LOVE LOVE LOVE Your Sprit!

We were able to capture a snippet of what Sonias workshops are about. Of course it is not like being there in person, but take a few moments and give yourself a few moments of inspiration. Click here to experience a litt! le of So nias workshop from one of our Celebrate Your Life conferences.

And thenif you are ready to do something outrageous and wonderful for yourself, join us this November with Sonia Choquette, Wayne Dyer, Dr. Andrew Weil, Doreen Virtue, James Van Praagh and many other powerful presenters for one of our deliciously magnificent Celebrate Your Life conferences in beautiful Arizona. Click here to learn more and to join us for the party! www.CelebrateYourLife.ORG

Liz Dawn Donahue was recently married after years of dating. She is the CEO of Mishka Productions whose signature event Celebrate Your Life, brings together people from all over the world to assist in raising the consciousness of the planet. www.CelebrateYourLife.ORG

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