Worldwide Didgeridoo Meditation

Four times a year people all over the world take part in this didgeridoo sound healing meditation wherever they are. The didgeridoo meditation happens on the equinoxes and solstices at local sunset times. It is like a wave of healing sound following the sunset around the globe four times a year.

So the meditation starts in New Zealand (since they are the first large land after the date line); soon after participants in Australia, Taiwan, Japan and other Asian countries join in; the wave will then be carried on by participants in Arab countries, Israel, Africa and Europe with Americans, Canadians, Middle and South Americans complete the world wide circle.

Didgeridoo meditation will be done at every solstice and equinox, so didgeridoo will be conducted four times a year. The next one will be on 23 September 2011. Wherever you are on this beautiful planet on 23 September 2011, allow for one hour starting at your local sunset time.

The structure of the one hour meditation is very simple:45 minutes of meditative didgeridoo music followed by 15 minutes of silence.
The 45 minutes of didgeridoo music may also contain shorter periods of silence i.e. between different musical keys.
The 15 minutes of silence please allow being totally silent.

For more information, visit

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