A Calm Mind and A Joyful Heart

Mindfulness is our capacity to be fully present in our own lives, to be aware of what we are doing as we are doing it. As we develop our awareness, an inner stillness naturally grows. We are better able to embrace the world, better able to respond wisely and lovingly. If we are not mindful, we are split, and disconnected from the life energy that is in us and in the world.

A Calm Mind and A Joyful Heart: An Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation will be held on September 12, 2011 from 7:00 - 8:30 pm. During this 90-minute workshop there will be an exploration of mindfulness as a daily practice and a familiarization with conscious breathing, sitting meditation, and walking meditation.

There is no fee for this workshop. This workshop is co-sponsored by Crossings, and will be taught by Mitchell Ratner.

Mitchell has been a lay member of the Tiep Hien Buddhist order since 1993, and in 2001 received the Dharmacariya (meditation teacher) transmission from Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. A founder of the Still Water Mindfulness Practice Center, since 1994 he has taught classes and workshops focused on practicable methods of integrating mindfulness meditation with work, meaningful relationships, and the challenges of everyday life.

For more information, visit www.stillwatermpc.org.

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