Applying Universal Principles

The magic of alchemy works by aligning with the principles that make up the universes operating system. Here are examples of how you might apply these universal principles on a daily basis.

The events in my life reflect who I am: I will apply one experience today to myself. Whatever catches my attention is trying to tell me something. If I feel angry at anyone, I will see if what I dislike in the person actually exists in me. If an overheard conversation catches my attention, I will take those words as a personal message. I want to find the world that is inside me.

Whatever I pay attention to will grow: I will take inventory of how Im using my attention. I will keep a log of how much time I spend with television, video games, the computer, hobbies, gossip, work I dont care about, work I am passionate about, activities that fascinate me, and fantasies of escape or fulfillment. In this way I will find out what aspects of my life are going to grow. Then I will ask, What do I want to grow in my life? This will tell me where my attention needs to shift.

At any given moment, the universe is giving me the best results possible: I will concentrate today on the gifts in my life. I will focus on what is working instead of what is not isnt. I will appreciate this world of light and shadow. I will receive with grace the remarkable gift of awareness. I will notice how my own level of awareness makes me perceive the world I am co-creating.

Adapted from The Book of Secrets by Deepak Chopra (Harmony Books, 2004).

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