The Universal Experience Of Coincidences

Coincidences are so much more than amusements. A coincidence is a clue to the intention of the universal spirit, and as such it is rich with significance. Some people use the phrase meaningful coincidence to describe events happening at the same time that have some special meaning for the person who experienced them.

But I believe meaningful coincidence is redundant because every coincidence is meaningful; otherwise it would not happen in the first place. The very fact that it happens is meaningful. Its just that sometimes we are able to glimpse its meaning and sometimes we arent.

What is the meaning in a coincidence? The deeper part of you already knows, but that awareness has to be brought to the surface. The meaning does not come from the coincidence itself. It comes from you, the person who is having the experience.

In fact, without our participation any incident is essentially meaningless, the whole universe is meaningless. We are the ones who give meaning to events, and we give meaning to events through intention.

Coincidences are messages from the nonlocal realm, guiding us in the ways to act in order to make our dreams, our intentions manifest. So first you must have an intention, and then you must get in touch with your spiritual self. Only then will you have a way of using coincidence to fulfill your intentions.

Having an intention is easy; its as simple as making a wish for ones life. Becoming more spiritual is difficult. Many people who believe themselves to be spiritual are still not tapping into the vast ocean of the spirit force. Rather, they swim across the surface of that ocean, never diving to discover the depths of the universal experience.

Adapted from The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire, by Deepak Chopra (Three Rivers Press).

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