The Wisdom of the Body

In meditation, the body and posture are not mere preliminaries. Mindfulness is all about opening up our awareness. And how else would we do that than through our bodies and our senses? The body is THE vehicle with which we take in what our experience has to offer. But how open are we to receiving it?

It is said that if we create auspicious conditions in our body and environment, meditation and realization will automatically arise.

That is why Aryaloka Buddhist Center will be holding a meditation retreat from the 23rd to the 25th of September. This retreat will practice embodied awareness as a doorway to deepening one's practice. Participants will learn principles of posture that will set the stage for openness and receptivity. Participants will also explore different approaches to cultivating mindfulness and metta through the gateway of sensory experience. And there will be plenty of silence to allow each one to touch that place of stillness within.Open to all who have experience with the Mindfulness of Breathing and Metta Bhavana meditation practices.

For more information, visit

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