Primordial Sound: Natures Finest Vibrations

Once a person learns to transcend, his mind is opened to itself in a fresh way. That is very beneficial, as we have seen, but it is not the whole story. You can also learn to manipulate the subtle layers of the mind. For that, special techniques exist, the first of which is called primordial sound. It takes its name from the faint vibrations that can be detected when the mind is almost totally quiet.

According to Ayurveda, these fainter-than-faint sounds are not incidental: all of nature is made up of them. In the complete stillness of the quantum mechanical universe, primordial sounds are born, form patterns, and in time blossom into matter, energy, and all the infinite variety of things made of matter and energyMars, trees, rocks, and human beings.

The theory behind primordial sound treatment is that the mind can return to the quantum level, introduce certain sounds that may have become distorted somewhere along the line, and thus have a profound healing influence in the body.

Adapted from Perfect Health, by Deepak Chopra (Harmony Books, 1991).

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