Genoa Bliven Transformational Workshops

Keynoting Your Full Emergence: Transformational Workshops in the Netherlands with Genoa Bliven. These summer workshops are dramatic intensives for self-transformation. There will be a use of the most recent breakthroughs in the Poetry of Keynoting to ignite a sun-like presence in the core of one's being and build upon its power. They will combine this special keynoting synthesis with interpersonal support techniques and creative journaling to create a gift that keeps on giving. Participants will go deep into their history and unpack the "The Ethos of the Self" to create this special transformational process at the workshop.

Program for the Netherlands 9-10-11 September are as follows:

Friday evening public lecture: 9th September
From: 19:00-21:00
Location: Den Haag
The Turning of The Ages and The Human Design System
This lecture is about the Celestial Mechanics of the Mayan Calendar, Cosmogenesis and the Human Design. It reveals the background and history of one's relationship with galactic forces. It explains the mystery of 2012 and the evolutionary shifts taking place in one's lives. This is an unforgettable transmission about how stupendous celestial forces are connected directly with one's energetic body. To master the dynamics of one's own aura is to master the forces of change. Now is the time to gain a specific knowledge of the four energetic types and inter-type communication, to not only survive, but to build an emerging society for the future.

Saturday and Sunday workshop
From: 10:00- 17:00
Location: Den Haag
The Great Turning Transform key elements of one's inner life and exercise Personal Power: Join Genoa Bliven in a two day workshop of intensive self-examination through one's unique Human Design Body-graph. Nayla Nasra will assist Genoa throughout this inspiring event. This is a workshop centered upon one's personal process. Participants will open up and strengthen a path, which is unique to the participant through their personal Authority. The ! transfor mational techniques that will be used are based on new developments that have emerged through the Human Design System called the Proactive Overview and The Mechanics of Mastery.

First, there will be an establishment of a profound level of safety through one's own creative process. Then participants will embark on a journey that will empower them, while supporting one to transform closely-held beliefs to set oneself free. In this workshop participants will uncover past events, relationships and conversations that gave birth to attitudes, and ways of thinking, that cast a shadow over one's life. Participants will be guided through the Human Design to transform these self-imposed barriers and wield the sword of personal truth to emerge as oneself. Discover one's life purpose and more than recover from disempowering programming to live the life one was born to live.


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