Free Chakras Impact Wellness Event in Asheville

On Sunday, September 18th, 1-2pm Asheville's Earth Fare is holding a free event with speaker and author Alice McCall. The event, "Chakras Impact Wellness" helps attendees understand the concept of chakras and the potential role they play in their health. "I am happy to say that in recent years chakras have become a more mainstream topic. I want to open up the discussion about what our chakras are and their purpose," explains Ms McCall. "Our chakras are like our filters for everything that happens to us, which is why it is so important to learn how to clear and tune them."

McCall attributes a lack of motivation, a sense of heaviness, a dulling of mental abilities, a pattern of illness, and more as the symptoms of improperly functioning chakras. McCall says that, "My hope is to help others have a better understanding on what chakras are and steps we can take to keep them optimally functioning."

Following the explanation, McCall will lead a guided healing meditation utilizing her unique toning technique. The aim of the meditation is for each attendee to experience connecting to their heart chakra.

All are welcome to attend this free event at Earth Fare Sunday, September 18th at 1pm. Earth Fare is located on 66 Westgate Parkway, in Asheville North Carolina.

Ms McCall holds a B.S. in Psychology and a MBA. She is a Cellular Level Healing Consultant, Spiritual Counselor, Hypnotist, and Author. She works with the mind, emotion, and spiritual connection to the body in her practice. Assisting with serious health issues is her specialty.

For more information on Alice and her practice Healing Path visit

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