Where Will You Be Sept. 21?

The Truckee Tahoe Peace Project announces two local events in honor of the international Peace Day movement and Peace One Day on Wednesday, Sept.21.

A twelve-hour Meditate for Peace Marathon will begin at 5 a.m. on Sept. 21 at For Goodness Sake, a non-profit, non-denominational spirituality center in historic Truckee (10157 Donner Pass Road). At 3:30 p.m. there will be a procession from For Goodness Sake to the Truckee Regional Park where all ages will come together to participate in peace themed activities and enjoy live performances at the free, community-led Peace Day celebration in the amphitheater from 4 to 8 p.m. Leading up to and following Sept. 21, teachers are encouraged to access the free "Peace begins one student at a time packet with activities ranging in length from one minute to one hour.

The Truckee Tahoe Peace Project, a growing collaborative of individuals, organizations and businesses dedicated to promoting peace, continues to expand as community members learn about the collaborative and seek to a play a role in the Peace Day celebration on Wednesday, Sept. 21. The group advocates for peace within, peace at home and peace in the broader community.

The International Day of Peace was established by a United Nations resolution in 1981. In the late 1990s independent filmmaker Jeremy Gilley met with leaders across the world to advocate for an official day of peace, and he created a film about his effort. He describes the inspiration behind Peace One Day, "The more violence I saw the more frustrated I became about not being able to do anything about it. Ten years ago, in 2001, all of the UN member states voted to adopt a day of ceasefire and non-violence based on Gilley's film project advocating for peace one day. Today, Gilley's UK-based organization, Peace One Day, works toward eliminating global violence through film, education, sports and inspiring others. Governments, schools, businesses, spiritual organizations and individuals have initiated events as varied as si! lent mar ches and meditations to arms handover ceremonies. The combination of all of these activities creates long-term impact, beyond the annual observance. One focal point is a minute of silence at noon on Sept. 21 and this moment of silence will be observed during the Meditate for Peace Marathon in Truckee.

"Jeremy Gilley of Peace of One Day has inspired many of us to come together to advocate for peace. Our focus for Peace Day is celebrating the ideals of peace within ourselves and in our community, shares Andy Hill, director of For Goodness Sake. With generous support from the Kling Family Foundation, For Goodness Sake is hosting Immacule Ilibagiza, a Rwandan Genocide Survivor and a dynamic and moving speaker, on Sept. 17. In addition, the community is invited to experience diverse forms of meditation at For Goodness Sake on Sept. 21. The Meditate for Peace Marathon will include a variety of experiences including short meditations, deep Yoga, Tai Chi Chih, Tibetan Singing Bowl Meditation and Chakra Dyana, visualization, drumming, a standing meditation on the outside deck, mantras and prayers facilitated by well know Tahoe-Truckee community members including Angelika, Shari Beard, Dee Dee Boies, Andy Ellsmore, Breeze Cross, Armin Jung, Jon L, Laurie Martin, Leisa Peterson, Chris Worcester, Kira Yannetta and Ziva as well as visiting songwriter Chris Spheeris. The Marathon for Peace Meditation culminates in a special Kirtan and singing meditation in the Truckee Regional Park to coincide with the beginning of the free community Peace Day celebration. For a complete schedule, visit truckeetahoepeaceproject.org.

Peace Day celebration
Peace Day, a drug, tobacco and alcohol free family event produced with the Truckee-Donner Recreation and Park District, will take place from 4 to 8 p.m. in the amphitheater at the Truckee Regional Park. The celebration includes activities for all ages, dance shows, live music, arts and crafts and poetry writing and readings. There will be ample opportunities for youth! and adu lts to share their vision of peace and connect with others. Performances and activities will delight the senses and inspire thought and reflection:
  • Sample chocolate and coffee at the Truckee Lutheran-Presbyterian Church's Fair Trade table
  • Write a community peace poem with Tangled Roots Writing
  • Record what peace means to you with Videos By Greg
  • See Trails and Vistas colorful peace card mural designed
  • Design prayer flags in the garden and learn about growing food in harmony with the environment with Slow Food Lake Tahoe and Project MANA.
  • Make origami lotus flowers and discover movements alongside Falun Gong practitioners
  • Decorate T-shirts with the Family Resource Center and visit activity tables staffed by Senior Services and Tahoe SAFE Alliance
  • Take part in an inner centering activity facilitated by Walter Lightner of Tahoe Yoga and Wellness Center.
Along with the activities, expect unforgettable stage performances by singer/songwriter Emily Tessemer, Chris Spheeris and the Glenshire Chorus as well as angelic singing by Angelika. Be moved by the dancers from Inner Rhythms Dance Theatre.

Peace Day planning meetings will take place from noon to 1:30 p.m. at For Goodness Sake on Sept. 7 and 14. Everyone is welcome to attend. Visit http://www.truckeetahoepeaceproject.org or call (530) 550-8981 for the most up to date information.

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