Your Pure Soul Presence

Take a moment to become aware of who is reading this page. Do you feel a presence? That presence is not your mind; its your soul. The mind might be saying, What am I going to have for lunch? or I wonder what time it is. The inner dialogue happens in the presence of the soul.

Thoughts come and go, feelings come and go. The molecules of the body come and go. But they come and go in this presence.This presence, the soul, recycles itself as your memories, your moods, and even your personality, because you dont have the same personality today that you had when you were 5 years of age, or when you were 15.

You personality is an expression of the evolving universe; its constantly changing, growing, evolving, transforming.

Who is going through this experience? The real youthe you that we call pure consciousness, the field of intelligence, the inner self, the soul, the spirit, the infinite consciousness, the Being within you. Here, we have used all of these terms synonymously.

If you get in touch with this presence, if you really become intimate with it because its your own inner self, then you will know experientially, without anybody telling you, that this presence was there before you were born, and it will be there after you die.

Adapted from Power, Freedom and Grace, by Deepak Chopra (Amber-Allen Publishing Inc., 2006).

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