Kado - Ikebana as Meditation and Contemplative Art

Marcia Shibata will be heading a Kado workshop from September 30 to October 9 at the Dechen Chling Shambhala Buddhist Meditation Center.

Discover and cultivate the source of creativity and learn how to express this in flower arranging. Kado is a meditative, contemplative understanding of self,nature, space and perception and how they all interrelate and depend on the other for true, authentic expressions. Students will begin to learn to see clearly, or notice when they do not.

Kado means "The Way of Flowers. The Flower Way began in China over 2000 year ago. When it was introduced and assimilated into Japan, the Japanese word "Ikebana arose, meaning "living flowers. Kado is a contemplative practice that studies nature as it is. Human beings are part of nature, we are not separate. We follow the same patterns as does all life on this planet. Kado students simultaneously study the human condition when working with natural materials from the earth. By practicing classical Ikebana forms, Kado teaches to see the wisdom of nature clearly, which is the same in ourselves and others. The ultimate purpose in Kado is not to make pleasant flower arrangements, but to discover joyfulness, work with obstacles, and develop respect for all things animate or inanimate.

Marcia Shibata, student of Chgyam Trungpa Rinpoche, is classically trained in the major schools of Ikebana and works with students in Europe and North America. She is one of the strongest inspirations behind the resurging practice of Kado, the contemplative art of flowers and branches.

This Kado programme is aimed towards giving students more depth in all aspects of "The Way of Flowers". In particular, to understand what is called "Natural Hierarchy". What does this really mean beyond flower arranging, living our every days lives? How does setting flowers have anything to do with the idea of hierarchy, and why is it called natural? Does it have to do with control and suppression? Are flower practice and other seemingly artisti! c endeav ors a gateway to what we truly long for?

The workshop welcomes all levels. Sitting practice of meditation is the foundation for our practice, therefore meditation will be taught and practiced daily.

For more information, visit www.dechencholing.org.

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