Aromatherapy Soap For The Family

Aromatherapy Soap For The Family

Aromatherapy Soap For The Family

Posted: 08 May 2012 11:00 PM PDT

by m-c

Article by David Faulkner

Everyone likes different things and has different needs. Man, woman, children, babies or elders have different needs when it comes to skin care. Aromatherapy soaps fill those needs. A man shaves a lot and may have sensitive skin. A woman shaves, wears make-up and has a need to feel soft and silky, children like to feel good have fun and smell good, babies need to feel calm and relaxed, and elders want to feel all of the above. No matter what you need or want from your bath or shower products aromatherapy soaps will have something to fill your desires.

Aromatherapy soaps can have the effect of invigorating, soothing, relaxing, softening, moisturizing or treating acne and oily skin. There are different combinations that can be beneficial for everyone. The unique thing about aromatherapy is while you are cleaning your body with aromatherapy soaps you are also enhancing other senses or naturally treating a sore muscle, relieving stress or calming your body.

Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils mixed with base or carrier oils and used in many every day products. Some of the ingredients used are:

*Lavender*Chamomile*Ylang Ylang*Eucalyptus*Citruses*Peppermint*Spearmint*Aloe Vera*Cucumber*Melon*Lemon*Sunflower*And the list goes on

These different ingredients provide us with relaxing and calming or invigorating and energizing affects. They can treat dry skin, aging skin, acne or combination patches.

Other Products

Along with aromatherapy soap, there are also many other every day products we have come to be very familiar with. Lotions, Candles, Laundry products, Baby products, Air Fresheners, Air Diffusers, Oil Burners, Sachets, Cleaners and Massage oils that we have come to use and enjoy to enhance moods, relieve stress, anxiety and even depression and pain relief.

Remember Your Allergies

If you suffer from any allergies, there are ingredients that you will need to pay attention to. Aromatherapy soaps and other products are made from oils of plants, flo! wers, tr ees, herbs and roots that could trigger an allergic reaction in some. Some reactions are mild but some people suffer from more severe or fatal reactions. Talk to your doctor to be sure you are not at risk. Your doctor may be able to recommend something that you are safe to use. You may also want to talk to some one who is an Herbalist or in Holistic medicine that can help you.

About the Author

You can also find more info on Aromathepahy Skin Care Products and Aromatheraphy Oil Burners

Rose Water Benefits

Waht to know more about the benefits of Rose Water? Watch this video :) Rose water is good for our skin, a nice perfume and can be used in cuisine in desserts- Edgar Cayce Recommended Rose Water in many of his readings and many cultures has been using it for centuries!

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What is Reiki?

Posted: 08 May 2012 10:00 PM PDT

by inju

Article by Debra Trotter

Reiki is a healing art. It is originated in Japan. In the US, many of the practitioners are learning it due to its great ability of healing. Its practice used in curing the symptoms of the side affects caused by some medicines, as a health maintenance and treatment of illness. It is also known as an alternative energy medicine. Reiki has made no formal health claims. It is highly being tested scientifically and many local practitioners are learning it.

The meaning of Reiki is universal life force energy. In Japan this term is used for different forms of healing and spiritual work. Hawayo Takata, an American, was the introducer of this form of medicine to the western world in the late 1930s. The manufacturer of this is Dr. Usui, Japanese. Due to his great finding he is well known as Usui Reiki Ryoho.

There is a universal source of energy which supports the body, also the curing power that the body contains. This is the main concept of this art. It is processed in medical centers, in hospitals and clinics. It is applied by many practitioners of healthcare to help their patients to recover from illness and to get healthy. During the treatment the patient is fully covered and this practice lasts for thirty minutes or an hour. A patient undergoes four sessions of this practice but it mainly depends on the condition of the patient and where this treatment takes place.

It is used in the US to make a patient healthy, control symptoms, for relaxation and to minimize stress. It is even practiced for some chronic pain in order to cure AIDS/HIV, and to give relief to the patients with anxieties. Reiki has added relief for cancer treatment symptoms, and even pains after surgery.

Patients have reported that during receiving Reiki diagnosis, they felt tingly, sleepy, refreshed and warm. It is known for its no side effects and is completely harmless. However, sometimes "curing crises" are caused when applying it, but this happens only during the body is re-balancing and it is advisable th! at the p atients and practitioners should not panic and start using drugs to treat those effects or they should not think of surgeries. This happens suddenly, but let the process go on as later the patient will find relief.

One cannot learn Reiki by himself. He should learn it from a professional who has a lot of experience in this field. It has three levels of learning; each level focuses on many aspects of its practice. After one has learned those three levels, one will need to practice a lot to be referred as an experienced master.

About the Author

This article is written by Debra Trotter. She is an article writer for around 2 years. Not only does this author specialize in a large range of topics, you can also checkout her newest website on iqair healthpro air purifier which shows and explains information about different hunter air purifiers.

5 Pet Food Ingredients Not Included in Holistic Fromm Dog Food

Posted: 08 May 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Article by Baline Ward

There are only few veterinarians who well know about the pet nutrition, so while feeding your pet, you are on yourself. It is hard to find proper pet nutritionist from the classified section or from the yellow pages. And also, your vet will only recommend for the food that is in his clinic. That's why you have to think well for your pet nutrition.

So think twice while buying dog food. There are various types of dog food. You will find both of the substance, good and bad, that will affect the dog's health. Especially while purchasing the good food for your pet you have to consider for the content of the following ingredient. These ingredients will negatively affect your pet's health. But if you choose Holistic Fromm Dog Food that never includes these substances, you are ensured about the optimum health of your dog.

1. Corn: Corn basically is filler that is in food. This is added in the pet food in order to expand the content in the product without addition of the overall cost while manufacturing which is in fact less expensive than meats. It will cause allergic reaction in the dog creating itchy skin, runny eyes, dandruff, and also cause vomiting and diarrhea.

2. Soy: Soy is added in the dog food as replacement for meats and other grains. Though this will also create an allergic reaction in the dog, it will be slightly less subtle like other grain. It will cause gastronomical distress in dogs that will directly affect the animal digestion.

3. Wheat: The next ingredient that shouldn't be included in pet diet is Wheat. Wheat is extremely common in dog treats both organic and natural. This is basically added to expand the quantity of the product. As corn, it is also filler and can cause same allergic effect as that of the corn.

4. Animal Digest: Basically this is stomach content like chicken digest is the chicken's stomach content. Mainly chicken eat bugs and corn. But these are not the ingredient that you want to use in your dog diet. Though pets commonly eat bugs while! playing out, it will be unlikely to grab the corn plant during a run through corn field.

5. Preservatives: There are natural as well as manmade preservatives. These include BHA, BHT, Ethoxyquin which are extremely toxic to liver of dogs. It is used to lower the oxidation of oils and fats. Tocopherols and vitamin E along with some natural ingredients are considered good for the pet's health. So if you tend to go to market to buy food for your dog, you can choose Holistic Fromm Dog Food that has never included these harmful preservatives.

About the Author

The author is actively involved with Petflow Dog Food that provides the different brands of pet food at possibly cheaper prices.

Thai Herbal Compress Massage Tutorial with Helen McGuinness Helen McGuinness demonstrates part of a Thai Herbal Compress Massage treatment to the back of the legs. The use of herbal heated compresses is a traditional Thai therapy which dates back to ancient times, when it was the secret healing technique of Buddhist monks,...

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Aromatherapy Soy Candles and You

Posted: 08 May 2012 08:00 PM PDT

Article by Darrin Reservitz

The aromatherapy soy candle will create a scent that will de-stress you. Inhaling the essential oils' scent while admiring the flickering of the candle will quickly relax your spirit. In addition, because they are soy based, they don't degrade the environment as they don't use paraffin wax and animal products. Also, they give off a fresh, clean scent.

Essential oils, which are used in the candles, generally put people in better moods when burned. However, the overall traditional medical community doesn't recognize any empirical data that shows the therapeutic benefits of the aromatherapy soy candle, putting it in the alternative medicinal realm. Your Choice of Mood

You can reap the benefits of scented candles by yourself. Or you can enjoy them with a partner. As an example, you could forgo disruptive bathroom lights and use candlelight while bathing, no pun intended, in the aromatherapy soy candle scent of your choice. You could also, as another example, use an aromatherapy candle to create a romantic bedroom environment. Consequently, an aromatherapy candle gift is a great option for both couples and single friends.

You can choose a candle and its specific scent to help you achieve the state, or mood, you seek. An example might be to use the jasmine or lavender based candles to help facilitate sleep late at night.

However, always keep safety at the forefront of your mind when using candles. Taking the above example into mind, falling asleep with a burning candle could be a fire hazard.

It's important to note that aromatherapy candles are made with essential oils to specifically help you change your mood. Yet you could purchase scented candles that don't have the necessary oils that make them aromatherapy candles. As a result, they may not change your mood. So read the candle's label to determine if it has essential oils before you buy.

It all comes down to choosing the scented candle that will help you achieve the emotional state that you want. You'll find t! hem a gr eat way to relax, sleep, unwind, or delve into whatever state you seek. Or, given the benefits, give an aromatherapy candle gift to someone you care about.

About the Author

Seeking more information on aromatherapy soy candles? Then visit

Reiki and Diabetes - You Can Heal Yourself

Posted: 08 May 2012 07:00 PM PDT

Article by Lilli Mason

Diabetes is a disease sweeping the nation. Type2 diabetes, a direct result of modern diets, occurs when the cells in the body resist insulin, causing abnormal blood sugar levels. Reiki and diabetes go hand in hand.

The healing energy of reiki has been shown to improve many health problems, including diabetes. Effectively managing Type 2 diabetes with diet and lifestyle can prevent the need for insulin medication.

By consistently using reiki healing on the energy chakras 1 to 3, associated with diabetes you can alleviate and dispel the symptoms. Think of your chakras as a spinning plate on a stick throwing out powerful energy and we need to keep them balanced so they don't fall off.

First Chakra - located just under the tailbone Second Chakra - sits between the pelvic bones at the base of the spine Third Chakra - behind your navel

The seven energy chakras running along the spine must be in balance for optimal well-being. So as well as working on chakras 1 -3, try giving some attention to all your chakras as they may have become unbalanced. We need to treat the cause and not just the symptoms.

Unless you have a friend that can give you free reiki sessions, you might find the cost of having sessions at a clinic is too expensive for you. A better alternative is to take an online course to become a Reiki Master Practitioner so that you can treat yourself with healing energy.

Are you not worth investing in yourself and having better health? Take this opportunity and learn to be a Reiki Master; it is quick, easy and fun. However, most of all, it is affordable. Share your newfound knowledge with your friends and family and see the amazing transformation that takes place. Therefore, my friend, do not hesitate any longer. Visit and begin your reiki journey today. Take advantage of the free mini-course available at for you right now.

About the Author

A mother and grandmother who has explored many spiritual therapies seeking answers and solace after the sudden loss of a beloved son. It was through this personal journey she has found her own understanding and peace. Along the way, strangers would seek her out for guidance, and through listening with empathy, was able to help ease the pain of others.

The Best and Easiest Uses of Aromatherapy for Stress Relief

Posted: 08 May 2012 06:00 PM PDT

Article by Caroline Selfe

Usages of aromatherapy for stress relief can be incorporated easily into your daily life. Whether in the bath, air or on the skin, aromatherapy is highly effective at relieving tension, anxiety and fatigue. If you are searching for an inexpensive, simple way to deal with stress, give this natural remedy a try.

What is aromatherapy? It is a natural healing technique of using essential oils to ease health conditions. Essential oils are directly extracted from flowers and plants. The use of plant-based oils for healing is over 1,000 years old. When inhaled, the scents of the extracted oils affect the limbic system in the brain.

The limbic system influences the autonomic nervous system as well as emotions and behaviour. Inhaling certain scents can calm and balance our emotions and behaviour. Take advantage of aromatherapy for stress relief. It is a powerful method of producing relaxation and rejuvenation.

There are many ways to use aromatherapy for stress relief. Using the essential oils in the bath, air and on the skin are the easiest. The oils are readily available and range from .00 to .00 for the most popular ones. They can be found mostly at health food stores and online. Try these methods and feel your stress melt away.

· In the bath - The most pleasurable way to experience the effects of essential oils is in the bath. After pouring a warm bath add about six drops of a soothing oil such as lavender, lemmongrass or pine. The warm water will activate the healing scent of the oil. Bath products containing essential oils are now widely available. However they may not be as effective as using the pure oils.

· In the air - This is a popular way of using aromatherapy for stress relief. Using diffusers, aroma lamps and inhalers are the many products available to fill the air with therapeutic scents. You may want to try putting a few drops of oil on a light bulb before you turn it on. The warmth of the light bulb will activate the scent. A quick method is putting a few ! drops on a tissue or cotton ball. Take a few whiffs to instantly relax, revitalize and recoup.

· On the skin - Using the skin for aromatherapy serves many purposes in addition to relieving stress. Massaging tense muscles and joints, revving up circulation and improving skin health are but a few benefits. Essential oils always require a carrier oil to be put on the skin. Carrier oils such as sweet almond, avacado or grapeseed work well. Use approximately 6-8 drops essential oil to 20 ml carrier oil. You can even purchase a rub containing relaxing essential oils to use in times of stress. Just massage the rub into your temples, wrists or chest to calm your nerves instantly.

Using these methods of aromatherapy for stress relief are pleasant yet powerful. Feeling the soothing and rejuvenating effects of essential oils may lead you to use them for other ailments. A healing method that has been used for over 1,000 years must be effective.

About the Author

Learn more about using essential oils to relieve stress by clicking here: Aromatherapy for Stress Relief

Caroline Selfe has been a passionate seeker of natural and holistic stress relief methods for the past 25 years.

Teaposy Blooming Tea Gift Set

*Item is discontinued. View more awesome at Subscribe to our channel! http The Teaposy Blooming Tea Gift Set is an artful fusing of aesthetics and some of the world's finest white needle tea. This tea-for-two gift set features hand-crafted crystal clear glassware including two cups with saucers, a sixteen ounce teapot, and a loose-leaf filter. Oh, yeah, we almost forgot the coolest part. This flowering tea set also comes with six vacuum-sealed, handcrafted, natural herb flowers that are ready to blossom when immersed in hot water. This blooming tea set will surely be remembered.

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The Benefits of an Aromatherapy Accessory

Posted: 08 May 2012 05:00 PM PDT

Article by Kerry Ng

Aromatherapy is beautiful because it combines both extraordinarily beautiful fragrances along with healing powers. Untold millions of people have experienced the power of the aromatherapy treatment and they feel that this is a beautiful way to heal; because everything associated with it is beautiful.

In order to treat the patient properly, an essential oils need to be circulated in the right combination. This is normally done with the help of diffusers whose job is to spread the fragrance all around the room.

What are the Main Aromatherapy Accessories?

One of the main important aromatherapy accessories is the clay pot diffuser, that kind of reminds us of our grandmother's era. Other important accessories would be storage bottles and boxes, burners, jars, containers of all sizes, oil diffusers and essential oil dispensers.

Why Would You Need Aromatherapy Accessories?

Storage bottles and boxes; these boxes are generally used for the storage of essential oils and are built out of alder wood. It's quite common to have these boxes exquisitely carved and polished in natural colors. Before you decide what type of box you want, check out how many compartments you will require, so you can store the maximum number of oils in it.

Bottles and Jars; these types of an aromatherapy accessories are used for storage of oils. The oils should be stored in the right type of jar in order to prevent contamination from the sun, air and/or light. Glass jars are usually a better choice that plastic. Sometimes the essential oils may erode the plastic and thereby corrupting it.

Electric Diffusers; this is considered one of the most important aromatherapy accessories because it helps in the diffusing of the smell for their respective person so it can be inhaled. These types of diffusers are available in a great variety, each having its own advantages and disadvantages. Some experts would suggest that you never buy something just because it looks beautiful. Check out how practical it! is and then focus on the aesthetics. Don't get swayed by the beauty of the electric diffuser; rather, check it's utility before deciding to purchase one.

Dispensers; dispensers are critical aromatherapy accessories. Without proper oil dispensers, you will run the risk of having the whole bottle of oil contaminated. The pipette should be such that it can be removed for washing and then used with extreme care so as not to allow oxygen to get to the oils and spoil them.

A good set of accessories will help preserve your essential oils could for a long time and at the same time, save you the trouble of changing the contents ever so often.

About the Author

Kerry Ng is a successful Webmaster and publisher of The Aromatherapy Blog. For more great helpful information about aromatherapy visit

Creating Aromatherapy Candles at Home

Posted: 08 May 2012 04:00 PM PDT

Article by Robert Watson

Candle burning is the oldest form of aromatherapy. The ancient Chinese started the tradition of burning joss sticks, made from fragrant herbs, over six thousand years ago as a way to honor their ancestors. This unseen, fragrant energy is aromatherapy.

Deriving from flowers, fruits, leaves, etc. essential oils are used in aromatherapy. Designed to improve health the therapeutic properties are extracted with the oil during distillation.

When you make your own aromatherapy candles you can add as little or as much scent as you like. In order to find one you like try experimenting and mixing the different oils. Gather together a double boiler, crayons, wicks, candle molds, 1 pound Paraffin, 1/3 pound Beeswax and the essential oils. A possibly healthier choice for both you and the environment when it comes to wax is noted by the consumer market green segment as soy wax; it is non-toxic, cleaner burning, all vegetable, 100% biodegradable and lasts 50% longer.

Put the wick inside the molds, this can be tricky at times so you may want to try winding the excess wick around a pen or craft stick and place it on top of the mold. Then melt the beeswax and paraffin together in a double boiler. If you want to add color to your aromatherapy candle add shavings of crayon into the melted wax. A quick and easy way to get the shavings is to use a carrot or potato peeler to add a little at a time. Go easy on the crayon or the candle may come out smelling like a crayon. Now is the time to add your essential oils, start with just a drop or two as you can always add more, putting too much in at one time will give it too much of a scent, thereby defeating the purpose of aromatherapy. Pour the mixture into molds and once cooled trim the wick to about inch.

Making your candles can be a therapeutic and relaxing event, proving that aromatherapy does what is says. Of course you enjoy making aromatherapy candles, you can give them as thoughtful gifts to friends and family.

About the Author

Robert Watson is the owner and webmaster of My Aromatherapy Class, the home of the only free Aromatherapy Course on the internet. To sign up for his free newsletter and to get involved with the free home study course, click on his website.

Lavender Guide : Caring for Lavender

Caring for lavender involves watching out for field pests who eat the roots, pruning each plant once a year and improving air circulation around the plant by clearing away sticks and leaves. Care for lavender plants withtips from a lavender-farm owner in this free video on lavender. Expert: Lila Avery-Fuson Bio: Lila Avery-Fuson owns and runs a Lavender farm with her husband and daughter in Paso Robles, California. Filmmaker: Patrick Eaves

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Getting Pregnant Naturally: Helpful Natural and Holistic Tips

Posted: 08 May 2012 03:00 PM PDT

Article by Jelena Hemmes

It is a rather unfortunate reality that 20% of couples who try to conceive will be declared infertile after their first year of trying. Often times underlying medical issues from either partner are the culprit for the difficulty in conceiving. There are thousands of women that have decided, after hundreds of painful doctor visits, IVF treatments, and painful surgeries, that maybe the holistic route is worth a try; And were they ever right! As I mentioned, there are thousands of testimonials that this product works, and it is all natural; No drugs, nothing!

There are a lot of products that promise to get you pregnant trying these 4 simple tips, or through yoga exercise and training: Whatever it may be, they have been holding back the truth. Following more natural and holistic approaches to getting pregnant has proven to be a very valid topic, and perhaps worth digging further into.

The following tips may help you finally conceive after all these years:

1. Keep a very positive and happy demeanor about everything in your life; always think positive. Many say that the secret to conceiving is all in the power of our minds. Positive conditioning of your mental processes is necessary in all aspects of your life, so why would this not hold true for pregnancy. Studies have been conducted to PROVE that pregnancy can certainly be induced and/or altered through thought processes. Pregnancy is much easier to obtain while maintaining a calm and peaceful disposition. Do yourself a favour, and stay away from negative auras, vibes, or influences in your life. Stress levels have shown to be a great determinant of a successful pregnancy: Low levels, being the ones we are after. Just a reminder, it is never a good idea to force conception. If you force your body too hard, it will be too stresed out to conceive. Just be patient, and let nature run its course; your stress levels will be down and you will be well on your way to a beautiful newborn child.

2. Live life at your own pace; request yo! ur emplo yer that you get some time off in this time of need. They should be understanding. Don't deny the fact that stress is probably the number one thing that hinders us from progressing. Having some quality time to unwind, sit back and relax will give you the alleviation of stress you have been looking for; shut everything out for a while, and do this for you. Bathing, aroma-therapy, spa treatments, massage, manicures, pedicure, hair cut, whatever! Do what you want ... Pamper yourself, you are working hard for this bundle of love.

3. Maintain a healthy diet. A balanced nutrition is essential if you expect to maintain a healthy pregnancy. Vegetables are a great source of folic acids and essential nutrients of an aspiring mother-to-be. Protein and Iron are the secondary important nutrients required. These can be found in extra lean meat, preferably, peanut butter, and beans. It is vitally important for a woman to maintain a healthy balance of iron in their system. Iron greatly enhances the ovulation process thus increasing your chances of getting pregnant.

This is just a taste of some of the great information that can be found in Lisa Olson's Pregnancy Miracle Limited-Time Offer. I know that these books can help you get pregnant; I know they helped me! :-)

About the Author

Click here to continue to our site for more information!

Click here to get your copy of Pregnancy Miracle today!

Hypnotic Rocking massage

Visit for more information. A free 6 part Thai Massage video course is available at http Hypnotic Rocking Massage is a technique that transforms Thai massage into a more gentle and fluid treatment. The body is kept in constant motion while massage techniques are applied at the same time. This has several benefits: It is totally painless (compared to more vigorous modalities like Thai massage, deep tissue or rolfing), it is great for opening up tight joints and increasing range of motion, and it induces a hypnotic feeling of relaxation and well being.

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Aromatherapy For Dogs - Some Scents That Work For People Also Work For Your Pet

Posted: 08 May 2012 02:00 PM PDT

Article by Ron King

It is common knowledge that dogs have a profoundly keen sense of smell. For that reason, it is logical that aromatherapy for dogs would be of great value. However, because of that aforementioned sensitivity, it is a good idea to meet with an aromatherapy health professional if you are thinking about using this holistic treatment on your pet. This guide will help you find out a bit about essential oils, safety and natural healing for your dog.

Essential oils can be combined with a carrier oil, one drop per teaspoon of carrier oil such as jojoba, sweet almond or olive oil and massaged into the dog's skin where there is the thinnest amount of hair, such as the joints, armpits or the groin. For dogs, the massage should last 3 or 4 minutes for the most benefit. Never apply undiluted essential oils as it could cause a reaction on the animal's skin, and always consult an aromatherapy health professional for specific remedies.

A mister can be used to spray the dog's sleeping area or bedding and a diffuser also works in circulating the oil aroma throughout the house from where the dog will breath it throughout the day or night. Like pet owners, aromatherapy for dogs may have varying effects from different scents. Experimenting will help find the best scent for your furry friend.

As you investigate aromatherapy for dogs, you may realize that learning what works for your pet may be time consuming. According to holistic veterinarians, many of the scents that work for people also work on dogs. Lavender, which for humans instills relaxation or sleepiness, can calm hyperactivity and hyper-sexuality in dogs. It can also be utilized as a pain killer and as a relief against vomiting, generally as a massage oil or in a diffuser.

An aggressive dog can be calmed by the use of sandalwood or ylang ylang, by massage or diffuser, with many recommending the diffuser method until the animal shows signs of being less aggressive. A mix of a carrier oil and lavender or rosemary can help dogs in the eve! nt of a burn, by massaging the skin around the burn. Lemon oil can help prevent congestion.

A massage with citronella will repel fleas, and in a mister or diffuser can keep them away from your pet's favorite areas in the house, just as tea tree oils can help with insect bites and bee stings. People who use aromatherapy for themselves and know the help they feel should try aromatherapy for dogs for any problems your pet displays. The use of essential oil is a great way to bring holistic healing into your animal's life, helping them remain healthy while using products that are earth-friendly and safe for your pets. Always enlist the services of an aromatherapy health professional for deeper diagnosis and treatment of graver medical conditions.

About the Author

For more info, check out Aromatherapy Essential Oil or Dog Skin Problems. Ron King is a web developer; visit his website Authoring Articles.Copyright 2008 Ron King. This article may be reprinted if the resource box is left intact and the links live.

Dr. David Gorski - (So-Called) Complimentary and Alternative Medicine | For Good Reason

Dr. Gorski defines complementary, alternative and integrative medicine and contrasts it with science-based medicine. He talks about whether its acceptance is growing. He debates to what extent massage therapy and aromatherapy are examples of CAM. He reveals whether he likes to refer to CAM as (S)CAM, and how helpful such an acronym is. He explores to what extent traditional medicine and herbal medicine are science-based, resulting in aspirin, digitalis, and various chemotherapy drugs, and why they should not properly be considered CAM. He describes the health freedom movement, and what social criticism fuels it. He talks about the ways that adopting CAM approaches harm patients, including leading to patents to forgo other, more effective treatments; paternalistic deception of the patient through knowing use of placebo. He explores the moral values that motivate skeptical activism. And he talks about why more medical doctors are not skeptic activists.

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First Annual Carriage Trail 5K Run & Walk

Posted: 08 May 2012 02:00 PM PDT


*Race is sponsored by Dr. Rob Kiltz's CNY Fertility Center and is to benefit the Limestone Creek Hunt hounds!

Sunday, May 20, 2012
10:00 a.m. start
For more information and to register, please click here.

Course: This year's course is a 5k fun run & walk. It travels through the beautiful countryside and carriage trails behind Lorenzo State Historic site. The run is approximately 2 miles of slate base carriage driving trails and one mile of farm lane.

Where: Starting location is Fire Road 3957 off of route 13S (Rippleton Road) – 1 mile south of intersection of Route 20 & Route 13, just outside village of Cazenovia NY.

Registration and Cost: Pre Race Registration- $ 20 per person


Read More @ Source

Getting The Most From Aromatherapy Oil

Posted: 08 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT

Article by Jon Arnold

The use of aromatherapy oil has been around for many generations. It is actually an ancient practice of using the oils of natural plants to promote well-being as well as overall improved health. It uses the pure essence oils from a variety of plants. These oils come from flowers, roots, bark and fruit that is steam-distilled or cold pressed.

Many people do not realize that aromatherapy can help to relieve a variety of ailments such as easing aches and pains related to injuries as well as relieving pain and many symptoms and discomforts from a variety of health problems. People have also been known to use these types of oils to help with relieving depression as well as anxiety. Aromatherapy oils can help to reduce stress and it can also relax someone. Depending on what type of oil use, you can help suppress your appetite, improve your energy levels as well as help to restore your emotional and physical well-being.

Aromatherapy oils have been seen in many workout establishments. It can help to smell certain oils before work out as it can help to increase your focus on what you're doing as well as curb your appetite and increase your energy. Strawberry oil is a common one used in aerobics classes as it helps to increase your energy and awaken your senses.

It is important to use the pure oils and not substitutes or imitations as they will not produce the same amazing effects. Below is a list of some of the common oils that are used and what particular areas they are best used for.

The oil of basil can be used to relieve headaches as well as migraines. It's also been shown to have an uplifting effect on people that suffer with depression.Black Pepper has been used for muscle aches and pains as they can help stimulate circulation. When applied to the skin and it can be effective for bruises for the same reason.Lavender oil can be used to help relax and calm a person which will also help to soothe migraines as well as headaches.The oil of lemon has been shown to be very good for str! ess and has an antidepressant effect. It is also shown to be uplifting or provide energy.There are many oils that are used as aphrodisiacs such as sandalwood and ylang-ylang. Yarrow oil can actually help reduce inflammation in joints and relieve the symptoms of the flu and the common cold.

There are many uses for aromatherapy oils. So if you are looking for an all natural way to help with some ailments you may be suffering with, then you may want to check out aromatherapy oils. From helping you to relax to energizing you before a work out, you can be sure that you'll feel the effects of aromatherapy no matter what ailment you're using it for. Your nose can play a powerful part in the healing process for many different types of illnesses or ailments. Use aromatherapy oils for a natural alternative to medicine.

About the Author

For more insights and additional information about Aromatherapy Oil please visit our web site at

Four Hands Lomi Lomi

When harmony is lacking the effect is pain physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. Illness is a state of tension, which leads to resistance which blocks energy movement. Lomi Lomi helps release this and therefore facilitates the road to healing. On the physical level, through Lomi Lomi stress and tension are relieved, blood and lymph flow assisted and the elimination of wastes and toxins stimulated.

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Videos: Dr. Rob Enjoying Horse Lessons

Posted: 08 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT

Dr. Rob shares his love of horse riding and a recent session of saddleseat lessons below (*Filmed at Denise Vespa Stables):


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Top 3 Questions about Reiki Healing

Posted: 08 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT

by inju

Article by Lilli Mason

It seems that although reiki is a very simple form of healing to learn and apply, there is a lot of confusion surrounding it. Here are answers to 3 of the most asked questions.

Question One: Is Reiki Energy the Same No Matter What Style is Used?

Yes it is. Reiki uses the energy of the universe to facilitate healing. The only tool required, is the therapist giving the healing. Think of it this way. The universal energy is a super- power and channeled through the therapist connecting to the patient like a bridge. This can be achieved either in person or remotely. Therefore as long as there is a connection with healing energy, it doesn't matter which style is used to deliver it.

Question Two: What Colour is Important in Reiki?

Reiki can be given successfully without colour. However, colours are often used to re-inforce the universal energy. For example, if a patient needs healing to control anger, then visualizing red energy would be counter-productive.

* Red for stamina and activity* Yellow conveys cheerfulness and optimism* Orange for vitality, ambition and fertility* Blue for loyalty and openness* Green is linked to friendship and harmony* Black for detachment and seclusion* Violet is insight and spirituality* White conveys purity and innocence

Question Three: What is Enlightenment?

Enlightenment can progress through many levels and can vary greatly. The progression begins with releasing the endless thoughts going through your head by not giving them power. Next, you will realize we are all connected to each other and feel united with the universe. You will experience the absence of suffering, discover deep compassion, and love for the earth.

If you need more answers or wish to train to Become a Reiki Master please visit and take advantage of the free mini-course available for you right now and experience the benefits yourself. It only takes 48 hours to become a Reiki Master.

About the Author

A mother and grandmother who has explored many spiritual therapies seeking answers and solace after the sudden loss of a beloved son. It was through this personal journey she has found her own understanding and peace. Along the way, strangers would seek her out for guidance, and through listening with empathy, was able to help ease the pain of others.

Deuter - Lovesong from the Mountains

Deuter - Lovesong from the Mountains

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Get rid of your cans and bottles and help students go to the World finals!

Posted: 08 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT



A bottle and can drive will be held from noon to 4 p.m. Saturday, May 12, in the Skaneateles Central Schools parking lot. Please donate!

The proceeds will benefit the Skaneateles Odyssey of the Mind teams heading to the world competition in Iowa.


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Modern Aromatherapy: Beyond Just Smelling Nice

Posted: 08 May 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Article by Michelle Cech

What do you think of when you hear the word 'Aromatherapy'? For many folks, it conjures an image of plastic Glade Plug-In air fresheners; for others, a bottle of flowery dish soap. For a fortunate few, a pleasing bath with natural soothing scents comes to mind; for even fewer, a cold-air diffuser releasing a fine mist of pure Rose petal oil throughout their home. The rarest concept of Aromatherapy in these United States is one of highly potent medicines, effective against a broad range of bacteria and viruses, with further uses including relief of arthritis pain, stomach discomfort, sleeplessness, and a host of other conditions. If this is a new idea, read-on and enter the wonderful world of medicinal aromatherapy and therapeutic use of essential oils.

The word 'aromatherapie' was first used in 1937 by the French cosmetic scientist Rene Maurice Gattefosse after accidentally discovering Lavender oil's healing effects on burns he sustained in his lab. This led to a subsequent investigation into the healing nature of essential oils, and the publishing of a well-known text which initiated great advances in medical aromatherapy. Medicinal use of essential oils is widely accepted in France today, where one can receive a prescription for a blend from their doctor, and have it filled as we do with pharmaceuticals here. Using natural scents for uplifting the emotions is just the tip of the iceberg; Aromatherapy includes the entire branch of medicine using volatile (easily evaporated) aromatic compounds naturally occurring in plants. Many physicians and scientists believe the psycho-emotional actions through oils' inhalation to not be their most important medicinal action. Beyond acting on through the olfactory senses, essential oils have been shown to have effects ranging from broad spectrum anti-microbials and anti-virals to inflammation reducers and even tissue regenerative properties.

Essential oils effects on the nervous system and psyche through the olfactory sense is not to be discounted! , howeve r. Studies have shown repeatable results in essential oils' ability to lift the spirits and sharpen the attention. Students inhaling Lemon and Rosemary essential oils while studying have scored better on tests; other subjects have slept better while inhaling Lavender (one article proclaimed these results with "Lavender Works Better than Benzodiazepines!"). The 'aromatic' effect of essential oils is a result of the intimate wiring of the smell sense with certain control systems of the brain. The olfactory system is the only one of the five senses directly connected to the bulk of your gray matter - the rest are routed first through the thalamus. This direct connection has powerful implications for physiological as well as psychological effects.

The olfactory sense is closely tied to the limbic system, which is the center of emotions, plays a significant part in the formation of memories, and affects our sexual responses. The olfactory region also connects to the hypothalamus, which in-turn controls the entire hormonal system through it's influence of the pituitary gland. One can easily imagine an olfactory sense receptor being stimulated by the mist of an essential oil resulting in downstream stimulation of the brain in a certain way - stimulating, sedating, relaxing, or otherwise - depending on the molecular form of the oil.

Though we shouldn't get distracted by the wonderful possibilities of aromas! The medicinal actions of therapeutic grade oils go far beyond those induced through the olfactory system. Medical aromatherapy includes topical application, oral ingestion and natural suppository use of aromatic oils as well. Their chemical structures are of a 'lipophilic' (fat-friendly) nature, passing through cell walls and tissue membranes without difficulty. They are easily absorbed and well tolerated, for the most part, in small amounts. Essential oils are not cure-alls however, or placebo-effect-inducing nice smells - they are potent plant medicines, each with significantly different action! s. Orega no oil is one of the most broad spectrum anti-microbials known; it has been widely studied as supportive for the human immune system to defend itself against bacteria - Oregano is also a potent irritant to the skin and requires experience for correct application. Melissa oil has been hailed as a cure for Herpes Simplex virus infections by German researchers. Ginger oil has brought relief to sufferer's of motion sickness, rheumatoid arthritis and intestinal parasites - but not to those with the Herpes virus. The list goes on; the take-home message is that oils CAN be effective if used properly, and improper use can not only be ineffective but even dangerous. That doesn't mean essential oils are something to be afraid of - they deserve the respect given to any powerful medicine. Consult a qualified professional for ANY serious condition, and consider using essential oils if and when appropriate.

Embracing essential oils as medical therapies will likely not happen for some time in North America. There is a lack of knowledge within the established medical community, and qualified aromatherapists are fairly rare, as of yet. With the growing body of evidence validating the efficacy of natural medicines, however, and the failing confidence in our allopathic medical institutions, it may not be long until essential oils find their rightful place in our medicine chests. In the meantime, be cautious, have fun, and do stop and smell the roses, and lavenders, patchoulis, sandalwoods, and all the other great aromatherapies available to you!

About the Author

The author is the co-owner of - More aromatherapy resources are available on her site - along with direct contact information if you have further questions.

Holistic Detox- What about It?

Posted: 08 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Article by Barbara A. Robles

Through Nutritionist Detox International was established, Healer as well as Councellor, Midi Fairgrieve, through the help of an extraordinary team of nutritionist and therapist to offer a unique and with supervised mind-body detox programme. Everyone's objective is to offer you a holistic detox support to transfer you back to your most favorable health and well being. The said retreat gives more importance on the Detox and Wellness experience by means of a wide selection of available therapies and treatments, with the support of some detox yoga, even though no prior yoga experience is required.

Through retreats health and vitality will improve, clear toxins out of and renew the cells and are designed to boost body immune system and rebalance. This serious and upper most quality program of body-mind cleansing will significantly enhance physical health and well being and revitalize spirit. The Detox is not a typical fast. Such as the physical, Holistic Detox cleanses colon, bowel as well as internal organs. Several people come to solve again the physical or else the emotional issues, others to develop spiritually. No matter what the cause is the support is needed. Through involving one of the retreats where personal transformation is not just possible, however probable in taking the next step towards vibrant health and happiness.

Detox is designed to regenerate on all levels. For the spirit and mind, there are possible lectures, guided meditations and transformational assemblies. Giving the chance to release emotional blockages as well as clear the mind. Through detox programme you will be encouraged to live a healthier lifestyle once you leave the retreat along with this will return to your life to, cleansed, refreshed and rebalanced, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The retreats is capable of helping you with numerous dissimilar health issues; in series of weight loss, IBS, skin conditions as well as lack of energy to depression, hormone imbalance also the infertil! ity. Oth er people come to determine physical or emotional issues, others to evolve spiritually. Doesn't matter what the reason will find the support which is need.

In the duration of detox retreat the data's was given, the ideas and inspiration that will help you understand yourself and also your health. Considering that the optimum health is related to 'listening' to your body, to your mind and heart, 'recognizing the needs eventually, despite of the fact that detox does not require you to be fast, other weight loss must be expected and calories are restricted.

About the Author

Experience is also chosen as an accelerated program for the intensive cleansing as well as weight loss. Start your healthy detox with your body with holistic detox and enjoy life and being healthy. To learn more about holistic detox just click here.

Holistic Dentists for Good Health

Posted: 08 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Article by Ace Abbey

Nothing Behind: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, May 8, 2012

Posted: 08 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Hello and good morning
A beautiful, awesome, and amazing day
This is Dr. Rob, thinking and speaking words
And today's words are Nothing Behind

It's a funny thing to think, but we do think
And we think every moment, every day we're alive
This be good, but often we think
How bad things were, are, and will be
We think of the past, we regret, and we judge
And we have anger and sadness
Yet joy is there in every day you see
Nothing behind but pure love and joy in the day
For nothing is there
It's all right here in the now you see
And there be no future either you be
But the dream in the now
Is the key you see
See only beauty and joy with love
A challenge you see, for nothing it be
But what you think it be
And think it be with love and it will be
A thought is a thing, as simple as that
And matter of fact
Think it all good and beauty in the day
And this is how life loves and plays
Move forward this day
Simply motion the way
And joy of the now, and this is how
To love and live
And blessings this day and Namaste
Dr. Rob

Another awesome and amazing day in the universe
God Bless

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Making Your Own Aromatherapy Products

Posted: 08 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Article by Robert Watson

Aromatherapy is gaining popularity as more and more people are discovering its healing benefits. Its popularity is mainly due to information being passed down the grapevine. Many people are looking to natural medication as an alternative to taking prescriptions, especially for ailments such as depression or anxiety. Always keep in mind that many essential oils are way too potent to use alone. Some may have an adverse reaction to some ailments so it's a good idea to consult a professional before using certain ingredients. Once you understand how certain essential oils work, then you can experiment with your own recipes. When purchasing oils for mixing in an aromatherapy recipe, always ensure that the label lists it as an "essential" oil. Other products that tout themselves as fragrances or perfumes are just for show. They don't contain the actual healing benefit that is found in essential oils. Know the kinds of containers that they should be sold in. Dark glass is typically used to store essential oils because they retain the oil's properties longer than clear. Another thing to watch for is any degrading of the actual oils by mixing in other ingredients. Some unscrupulous retailers will cut pure essential oils with synthetic fragrances to cut costs and this diminishes the benefits of the oil. Learn about the oils and where their plants were grown for certain regions will produce stronger blends than others and some may even be more toxic for use than the same plant from a different country. For beginners who are learning how to mix their own aromatherapy recipes, it's a good idea to start off with some gentle relaxing essential oils. Understand the kinds of carrier oils that should be used for dilution and how much to blend together. Always take the time to do a patch test on the skin to test for any allergic reaction before applying it to any large areas. This is usually done by covering a small drop of oil applied on the arm and covering it with a band aid for a day or night. If any irritatio! n occurs , it should be immediately taken off with a lotion. Always consult a physician if you are pregnant, breast feeding or taking any medication. Using some essential oils can have an adverse effect on these conditions. Some soothing aromatherapy products to make are sprays that can be misted over linen or even over the face as a pick-me-up. These are simple to make using distilled water. Using Bulgarian lavender in these sprays will also contribute to erasing pimples. If you are looking to create a soothing scent to diffuse in your house, there are formulas that you can mix up and use with a wide variety of diffusers on the market. Several blends contribute to certain ailments due to PMS. They have ingredients that ease irritability, bloating or cramps. Create your own bath soak or massage oil to be used for these purposes. Once you've mastered blending essential oils with in simple recipes then you can move on to making your own aromatherapy candles and soaps. Creating your own aromatherapy products can be quite satisfying and it also enables you to determine the effect of the blend on yourself. Blending your own candles and soaps also ensures that you have a good quality aromatherapy product and takes the guesswork out of purchasing from an unknown source. Most of all making aromatherapy products should be enjoyable and satisfying to you especially when you get to sit back and enjoy the end result.

About the Author

Robert Watson, noted hypnotist and owner of Learn Aromatherapy has used aromatherapy practices in conjunction with practice Yoga Therapy for many years.

Video: Be Nice – Dr. Rob Kiltz

Posted: 08 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Dr. Rob's video on sharing kindness with others.

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Quality Essential Oils - The Essential Key to Experiencing Aromatherapy's Many Benefits

Posted: 08 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Article by Ivan Cuxeva

Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selections, May 8, 2012

Posted: 08 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT

"The greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions, and not on our circumstances. We carry the seeds of the one or the other about with us in our minds wherever we go."
~Martha Washington

"To get up each morning with the resolve to be happy…is to set our own conditions to the events of each day. To do this is to condition circumstances instead of being conditioned by them."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day."
~Henri Nouwen

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Mindful Communication: Calm, Cool & Connected

Posted: 08 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT

I remember when I was young that when I had something I needed to say to someone I would write it down first. Often I would take that sheet of paper and either read it out loud to the person or leave it for them to read later. I felt I wasn't very good at staying calm, cool and collecting my thoughts enough to convey what I wanted in person. I've gotten better at this, although it is still a challenge when I have something important to convey to others.

With the many different ways that we communicate with others today: email, facebook, text, twitter you would think that we would all be able to collect our thoughts and stay calm and cool because none of these forms of communication require instant responses. They offer us an opportunity to think out what we are conveying. They offer us an opportunity for mindful communications.

Consider these questions the next time you get ready to email, facebook, text, twitter:

  • Would you say this to the person if they were right in front of you?
  • Would you want a copy of this shared with others?
  • If you took a moment to stay calm, cool and collected… would you really want to say what you are about to convey?

It's easy to be mindful about your communications when they are not in-person but there are a few things you can also do in-person to stay calm, cool and collected.

The next time your phone rings, before you rush to answer it, take a breath, consider how you want to be when speaking with this caller, let the phone ring a few times… then pick it up and answer.

The most challenging of all is communicating in-person. You may think that you aren't afforded the chance to take time, be calm and think out your communications. That's not entirely accurate. When you are in a conversation with another, spend time listening, spend a second reflecting before you answer questions, you don't need to react to everything and sometimes you don't even need to respond.

The way we communicate can create a lasting impression on others. Don't you want it to be a positive one? Try being more mindful with your communications, you'll see it's quite easy. That tiny amount of extra time you spend on it can be rewarding and make a big change in your relationships.


Christine Briel

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How to Use Aromatherapy at Home?

Posted: 08 May 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Article by Nick Mutt

Aromatherapy is an alternative therapy that uses the healing essences of plants, shrubs and trees to restore the body and mind to a healthy and balanced state. Regular use of aromatherapy is a gentle and effective way of maintaining good health. You can help your body to function more efficiently, and alleviate the effects of stress and tension, by using aromatherapy in a number of different ways.

1. Massage - This is the most relaxing and therapeutic way of using aromatherapy at home. Essential oils are blended and then worked into the body using massage techniques that stimulate the whole system while improving the circulation and relaxing the nervous system.

2. Bathing - An aromatherapy bath is also a pleasant way to round off a tiring, stressful day. When essential oils are added to water they stimulate the skin and have a muscle relaxing effect. Aromatherapy baths are extremely beneficial in nervous tension, headache, fatigue, cold and flu, menstrual pains, muscular aches and pains.

3. Steaming and inhalation - Steaming with essential oils can be used to deep cleanse and moisten the face, helping to maintain a healthy, supple skin. The oils can also be inhaled from a handkerchief or tissue; very useful for carrying around to relieve a cold or headache. You can also try a few drops on your pillow to allow you a decent night sleep.

4. Compresses - Aromatherapy compresses can be helpful in the treatment of bruises, irritated skin conditions, muscular aches and pains. Usually you would soak the compress in approximately 300 ml of water to which 10 drops of essential oil have been added. Occasionally neat oil on a small compress can be very effective, especially for abscesses and bruises.

5. Surround yourself with scent - Essential oil burners allow you to perfume a room and improve your wellbeing at the same time. Depending on the oil you choose you can create a warm, relaxing atmosphere or a refreshing, zesty, uplifting one.

Disc laimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

Read more about aromatherapy, ayurveda, yoga and massage therapy at Natural cures website - a health guide to make you and your family live better, fit and healthy. Also read the benefits of anti-aging herb Shilajit and stress relieving herb Ashwagandha.

About the Author

Nick Mutt

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