What Is Aromatherapy

What Is Aromatherapy

What Is Aromatherapy

Posted: 05 May 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Article by Michael Scott

Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use of aromatic plantextracts or essential oils. These oils and extracts have a widevariety of uses, such as in bath salts, massage oils and evenfragrances, which can be therapeutic to the mind, body andsoul.

The pure essence of a plant, otherwise known as essentialoils, provides physical and psychological benefits when usedcorrectly and safely. These benefits can come from bothinhalation and physical application.

There are a wide variety of aromatherapy products to choosefrom and each serves a different purpose. For example, lavenderhas a calming effect, while oils from the family of mint - suchas peppermint and spearmint - offer a stimulating effect.

These oils can be found in numerous vehicles, such as soaps,air fresheners, candles, and massage oils.

Benefits of Aromatherapy

The benefits of the essential oil aromas can be noticedalmost immediately. Inhaling the fragrance of essential oilsstimulates the brain to trigger a chemical reaction, likereleasing serotonin, due to the neurotransmitters firing at acertain level.The lungs also get a much needed boost from thenaturally occurring chemicals in the fragrances, offering atherapeutic benefit. For instance, the diffusion of eucalyptusoil can help break up congestion.

Essential oils that are applied topically can be absorbedinto the blood stream and aid in health, beauty and certainhygiene conditions.

How To Use Aromatherapy

These oils should never be applied directly to the skin inan undiluted form. Carrier oils, such as cold pressed vegetableoils, are used to dilute the concentrated essential oils andadd moisturizing ingredients to help with absorption.

Aromatherapy is a great alternative to some traditionalmedicines and treatments. By going the natural route, you avoidsome of the negative side effects of pharmaceuticals, while atthe same time providing additional benefits.

Many health food stores carry essential oils and haveknowledgeable staff that is! more th an willing to explaindifferent uses. Classes and seminars are also sometimesavailable in your local area. Search for them online or askyour local health food store.

Here are a few items you can use to get started on your pathto effective aromatherapy:

1. Essential oils. These oils can be found at health foodstores and online. Pick out your favorites or ones that areknown to have the effect you're looking for.

* Don't be afraid to combine two or more oils for a newscent and a dual effect.

2. Diffusers. There are numerous ways to allow essentialoils to get into the air.

* Cold air diffusers use the motion in the room to helpdiffuse the essential oil.

* Hot air diffusion is usually done by steam or a gentlewarming of the oils.

3. Misting bottle. Misting bottles are a great way to spreadthe essential oil without having to use a diffuser.

* They fit conveniently into your purse or pocket and canprovide a quick spritz of essential oils as needed.

Of course, there are many other items you can use foraromatherapy, but these three would be a great place to startif you're looking for some natural help to common issues or ifyou just like the way they smell.

Remember to use essential oils sparingly! They'reconcentrated and usually just a few drops will go a longway.

It's easy, therapeutic, and fun to use the effects ofaromatherapy. Give it a try!

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About the Author

Michael likes to also write about "http://bodybuildingwarrior.org/lower-ab-workouts.php">lower abworkouts on his bodybuilding website which can be foundat:"http://bodybuildingwarrior.org">http://bodybuildingwarrior.org

Understanding Aromatherapy

Posted: 05 May 2012 08:00 PM PDT

Article by Sara Ryan

In order to fully understand the effects of aromatherapy, it is best to understand the origin of this specialized oil. Of course, if you go to the mall you will probably see a ton of body and bath product specialty retail stores. If you look at the many different oils, scented items, and candles you have to choose from you may not even take the time to read the full ingredient labels. While these products have a wonderful smell and plenty of scents available to choose from by purchasing genuine essential oils, you can experience even more wonderful smells and scents.

An exciting aspect of aromatherapy is the fact how well this product makes your body and mind feel. It's kind of as if you are being moved from one spot to a different place, sort of like "escaping". Essential oils are the main ingredients in any aromatherapy product. So you can see exactly what these different types of ingredients are. I will explain those in this article.

Essential oils are derived from the fragrant parts of plants. There are different methods which are used to obtain these oils. Mechanical removal, extraction and steam distillation are common methods used. For each different oil, different parts of the plants petals, buds, leaves, roots, or flowers are used. These oils have been around since Ancient times and were originally used is spiritual ceremonies, incenses, flavorings for cooking, natural healing processes and in making and using aromatherapy candles.

Some of the most common plants used in aromatherapy are rosemary, sage, and juniper. Please keep in mind that even though these oils do come from natural plants, over consumption can be quite dangerous to your overall health. You are advised to do your research on each particular oil before use.

There are wide variety of uses of essential oils. Some are used physically, emotionally or therapeutically. You will find that many aromatherapy essential oils are used in the meditation process. There are many other essential oils used to relie! ve tired muscles, anxiety and stress related problems.

Depending on your personal situation, you are sure to be able to find the right essential oil for your specific need. If you apply these oils to the skin, these oils then enter your blood stream and this is when they work their magic.

You can purchase most all aromatherapy products at many retail stores that specialize in all natural products. Many massage therapists are well stocked with these oils as well. Perhaps your mate will give you a nice massage with the essential oil of your choice so that you can enjoy the powerful benefits of the oils while saving money.

Essential oils are the back bone when it comes to aromatherapy. Because they are all natural with no man made chemicals in them, they are excellent at allowing yourself to relax after a hard day or week. Normal every day life can be quite stressful and this is where the importance of essential oils comes in.

About the Author

Sara Ryan writes regularly for TIR Massage Stone, they carry such Pure Essential Oils as Lavender Oil, among many others.

Aromatherapy and Mist Fountain: Revitalize Your Mind, Body, & Spirit With Aromatherapy Mist Fountain

Posted: 05 May 2012 06:00 PM PDT

Article by Amy C.

Enjoying Life: Remembering the Moment

Posted: 05 May 2012 06:00 PM PDT

It is only in the present moment that we experience being alive.

Life, in all of its fullness, is happening right now. While our thoughts are sometimes elsewhere, beautiful opportunities and moments are being passed over and lost to the flow of time. And though we cannot possibly fully experience each leaf that falls to the ground, sometimes we get so attached to reaching our goals that we don't pay attention to the wonder all around us. When we do that, we live in a world that exists only in our heads, while we miss life itself. There is so much to be enjoyed and appreciated that we need to remember to pay attention to the present moment, because it is the only space in which we can experience being alive.

We learn from our past, but dwelling on it keeps us from being fully present to life in the moment. We create our lives with our thoughts, but focusing so firmly on our imagined future keeps us from co-creating with the universe, so we might never allow ourselves to live our dreams as they manifest. It's possible to be so happy and comfortable in our inner worlds that we lose touch with the business of life. We may enjoy spending large portions of time in meditation, or focused on our thoughts.

Life must be attended to, and if we are wise, we can enjoy it at the same time. We can awaken ourselves to the moment we are living right now by taking a deep breath and simply looking around. In doing so, we refocus our attention to our location in the real world. Then we can learn to appreciate the process of working toward our goals as much as their attainment. Balancing ourselves between the present moment and eternity, we can experience and enjoy the full range of reality available to us as spiritual beings living on earth.

~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM

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Baba Ramdev - Daily Yoga Aasans-Saturday (Shanivaar)

This episode explains the simple and effective ways of retaining a strong and healthy spinal chord through the practice of Makaraasan, Bhujangasan and shalabhaasan. Learn to eat right. Some home remedies for common illnesses. Click www.rajshri.com to watch more Baba Ramdev Videos.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Danger Opportunity: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, May 1, 2012

Posted: 05 May 2012 05:00 PM PDT

Hello, good morning, this is Dr. Rob
It is another awesome and amazing day in the universe
God has granted you and I the beauty of this day
Danger Opportunity, my intention of the day

Yes, crisis you see
And you want to run and flee
Angry, mad, and sad
And not sure if you've just been had
But know in this moment God says to you
Gift for you
Step back in the crisis and be thankful
For the gifts in your life
Be thankful for everything
And you will give it thy might
Thy might that changes danger to opportunity
A crisis you see, but an opportunity from thee
To grow and to learn, to step back and to see
Not fear that you have, but faith that you be
For with faith comes thy courage, ability to stand
Ability to step forward with a smile you see
And love all that there be
For this is the key
The learning opportunities abound in thy life
If you can see that crisis, danger comes to me
With courage, the opportunity will open up
The light always shines on thee
Happy for this life
And grateful you see, love is the key
Enjoy this day, as every day
The practice you see is love what it be
God Bless to you
Dr. Rob

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Althernative medicine: Aromatherapy

Posted: 05 May 2012 04:00 PM PDT

by Zero-X

Article by Alex Stapledon

Aromatherapy is a branch of Alternative Medicine which affirms the odors of essential oils have curative and health-giving effects. Our smell sensory starts to function when we sniff the aroma of the essential oils through transmitting signals to the brain's limbic system thus affecting the endocrine and nervous system. The pharmacological properties of the essential oils is another factor that plays part in the healing effects of Aromatherapy. There are a lot of plants from which the essential oils are obtained and has varying effects, for example: antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic, antispasmotic, invigorating and antioxidant.Since the ancient times, the concept of Aromatherapies is already used with the use of ground dried plants mixed in fatty oils. The conception of the distillation procedure unlocked ways for additional purpose of Aromatherapy in pharmeceutics.Gas transmission is basically for aerial sanitation and fragrance. While Direct Inhalation is administered for respiratory disinfection. Application on the skin is for general massage, compresses and therapeutic skin care.The basic component of Aromatherapy is the use of Essential oils. The sense that it carries a distinctive aroma or essence is what makes a plant oil 'essential'. Essential oils are wheedled out from plants through Distillation and used suitably in Aromatherapy. * In perfumery, Basil is adapted becaue it has a sweet spicy scent. In Aromatherapy, it is used for treating depression and sharpening sexual concentration. * An insect repellant, Bergamot, is also utilized in treating the urinary and digestive tract. When combined with Eucalyptus oil, Bergamot is effective in ministering to skin conditions linked with stress like chicken pox and cold sores. * Another sharp and spicy piquant scent is that from Black Pepper. Also used for stimulating circulation, to relieve muscular pains and aches and can also be applied on bruises. * Derived from a lemongrass relative is Citronelle oil which i! s also a n effective insect repellant. * particularly useful in reducing ache, Clove oil can also be applied as antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative and antiemetic. * Eucalyptus when mixed with peppermint is an effective abatement for cold or flu. * Geranium oil can be of use as astringent, antiseptic and diuretic. * Jasmine is applied to provoke erotic impulse. * Lavender oil is applied as an antiseptic, to pacify minor cuts and burns, toappease and unwind, for sleeplessness and to soothe headaches and migraines. * A substitute cure for stress and depression is the lemon oil. It ameliorates the mood and advances relaxation. * Rose, Ylang-ylang and sandalwood are utilized to induce sexual drive. * Applied on the skin as topical preparations is the Tea tree oil for its antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antiparasitic properties. * Yarrow oil is for the diminution of joint inflammation and relief of cold and influenza symptoms. * Correcting sleep disorders is the favorite sedating oil Chamomile. * Juniper is a good treatment for fatigue and also helps promote self-esteem. * Rosemary is used as a rejuvenating and energizing whiff. * Sandalwood, in addition to being an aphrodisiac, is also used as an anti-depressant. * Vetiver adjusts the nervous system and a agreeable medication for sleeplessness.

About the Author

Alex Stapledon is a writer for AlternativeMedicine.com.au, an Australian Medical directory which focuses on alternative medicine and natural therapies.

Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selections, May 1, 2012

Posted: 05 May 2012 04:00 PM PDT

"It still holds true that man is most uniquely human when he turns obstacles into opportunities."
~Eric Hoffer

"Gratitude is an opener of locked-up blessings."
~Marianne Williamson

"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them."
~Walt Disney

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Aromatherapy for Weight Loss: Five Reasons You Need an Aromatherapy Nebulizer

Posted: 05 May 2012 03:00 PM PDT

Article by Fit Gizmos

Are you interested in aromatherapy for weight loss? The soothing scent of lavender can not just relieve headache pain and achy muscles, it can interrupt a complex hormonal process in which not getting enough sleep and having too many aches and pains can keep you hungry all the time. The soothing scent of lavender can give you just the edge you need to lose all the weight your diet and exercise plan allow.And the best way to use aromatherapy for weight loss is with an aromatherapy nebulizer?What is a nebulizer for aromatherapy? Basically, it's a tiny compressor with a fan. The fan blows air across a well holding essential oils. Tiny droplets of essential oil enter a coiled tube. As they are blown around and around the coils of the tube, they get smaller and smaller. When they are blown out of the open end of the coil, the invisible droplets are so fine that they immediately fill a room with healing scent.A nebulizer is the best way to enjoy all the benefits of essential oils every hour of every day. Here are five reasons you should buy this most effective of all aromatherapy machines.1. A nebulizer releases the right amount of essential oil into the air every hour of the day, not too much, not too little. Usually the machine runs just 30 minutes every two hours so your home is not overwhelmed by scent.2. This useful home health device isn't just used for lavender. Lemon and grapefruit scents also may activate the nerve cells that carry the message to fat cells telling them to burn more fat, faster. Their scents won't melt your pounds way, but they will make it easier to lose weight and keep on losing weight on a reduced-calorie diet without hitting the dreaded "weight loss plateau."3. A nebulizer can be just what you need to get over a lingering case of flu or a long-lasting cold. When you are through using your vaporizer, then your nebulizer is just what you need to get the ongoing respiratory relief you need.4. This machine may help your children get good grades. Lemon oil, particularly, helps c! hildren and teens study more efficiently. It can also give them greater stamina for taking tests.5. A nebulizer can even ease the lives of older people. There's a lot about getting old that is frustrating. Lavender, jasmine, and bergamot therapy can help older people feel more "at home." It can ease agitation and, in seniors who suffer dementia, prevent them from leaving the home without letting anyone know where they are going.These ingenious machines make the most of expensive essential oils, operate for 2 to 3 weeks without any attention from you, and deliver healing therapy 24/7. A nebulizer in every room may be just the thing you need in your home for optimum health for every member of the family.

About the Author

Do you need more evidence to convince friends and family that aromatherapy really works? Read more about aromatherapy science.

Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selections, May 2, 2012

Posted: 05 May 2012 03:00 PM PDT

"By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it. The non-existent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired."
~Nikos Kazantzakis

"Talk happiness; talk faith; talk health. Say you are well, and all is well with you, and God shall hear your words and make them true."
~Ella Wheeler Wilcox

"Faith goes up the stairs love has built and looks out the window which hope has opened…"
~Charles Spurgeon

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Acne Scar Treatment - Dermabrasion, Chemical Peels or Microdermabrasion?

Posted: 05 May 2012 02:00 PM PDT

Article by Chris Aragon

You may want to spend your time and cash to find the best acne scar treatment that you're searching for. There are many treatment solutions that you could choose from. Your expectations with regards to results of the therapy and just how much money you are willing to spend determines the kind of the skin treatment that you would choose in addition to your skin type and condition.

Acne scar remedies are available in order to ease your worries about your appearance. You don't need to to suffer from these scars at various times. Here are a number of the possible treatments that is going to work for you.

Dermabrasion - By using wire wheel brush or diamond in a sanding motion, the main layer of the skin is being removed. Superficial and deep scars are being removed and new skin grows as the skin heals. This process have to be performed by a well veteran professional in order to avoid added skin scarring. You may require getting the procedure repeated in order to get better results. The results would also rely upon how the procedure has been done and hence, selecting the person you must do the procedure for you is essential. Undertaking this treatment may give you darkening and lightening of the skin, dilated blood vessels, infection and pain.

Chemical Peels - This process uses chemicals to remove the top layers of the scarred skin and allows skin tissue to grow back. It can be applied any place in the body which may have mild, moderate as well as severe acne scars. Your scar will vary from mild to moderate to severe along with your recovery following this procedure will depend on it. During you recovery period, you might experience skin darkening or lightening. You might also experience pain, dilated blood vessels or perhaps infection.

Microdermabrasion - A wand that sprays aluminum oxide crystals are used in Crystal microdermabrasion procedure. This could cause you to feel uncomfortable especially on the nose and mouth area. Your esthetician will likely be asking you from to c! heck if you are comfortable and you have to see him if you get pain.

Diamond Tip microdermabrasion whisks your dead skin which results to exfoliated skin by using vacuum and wand.

For anyone those with diabetes, rosacea, bacterial infections along with a very sensitive skin, Microdermabrasion is not a alternative. A sunscreen must be applied before you expose yourself to the sun to be able to protect your skin.

All these acne scar treatments or procedures work well as long as it applied to the proper skin type and condition. Choose a trusted dermatologist to take excellent care of your skin as they is definitely the one to give proper diagnosis and treatment into your skin needs.

About the Author

If you are truly serious about stopping the embarrassment and discomfort caused by Acne Scars. Find out the best Acne Scar Treatment now!

The Three Magic Words: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, May 2, 2012

Posted: 05 May 2012 02:00 PM PDT

Hello and good morning, Dr. Rob
Another awesome and amazing day
The Three Magic Words, my intention this day

I love you – yes
You are perfect – yes
Thank you today – yes
But the trick you see faith and belief
Is all required from thee
Faith and belief knows who is thy God
It's you I see, and that's the key
The three magic words, "I am God"
This and every day you and I are the gods, you see
The master within, it's not a sin
The mark you see is right in thee
Take care of thee with love of thee
Love of God is love of thee
And you and I are the same you see
With love and perfection you will grow
And know all of thee
Thy love and perfection is within this day
God says come this way
For I love you this day
The only one I wish to play is thee I see
Now come into the day and love what you say
Love all for all be thy God, all be thy perfection
The dream, the reality all blessings to you
Thank you God for this awesome
And amazing day in the universe
Blessings and Love, Dr. Rob


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Customized Gemstone Engagement Rings That Means Behind The Magnificence

Posted: 05 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT

Article by george michael

There are rather a lot of common gemstones that have a specific which means in history, which is likely considered one of the causes they're so standard and wanted for jewellery and designs. Earlier than planning a set of customized gemstone engagement rings, contemplate the meaning behind every widespread gemstone.

This checklist is not going to solely deal with beautiful gems but may also give ideas for stone combos for custom gemstone engagement rings.


Diamonds are the most popular gem stones used for engagement rings today. They are known to be one of many strongest supplies on the planet and an exquisite symbol of innocence and permanence, which is something that a relationship ought to all the time have.


Sapphires are available quite rather a lot of gorgeous blue shades which are typically placed alongside clear diamonds due to the lovely contrast. The gem stones are stated to symbolize peach and happiness but also a strong image of destiny.


The colour of an amethyst is one that immediately brings calm and clarity in somebody's life. The gemstone represents knowledge and great healing, which is a wonderful selection for anybody who may be sensitive to stress or other ailments.


The stunning great thing about an emerald is one which brings awe to many individuals around the world. It represents faithfulness and hope. This is seemingly one of the the rationalization why many couples have emeralds for his or her custom gemstone engagement rings.


The incredible ruby is a powerful image of friendship and love, not to mention it's also a favourite among royalty. It's mentioned that the ruby additionally has many healing properties for blood circulation and the heart.


It's mentioned the moonstone is most powerful throughout a full moon and brings inspiration to a person's life. Not solely does it represent ardour and love but it also brings clarity to a clouded thoughts, wh! ich is s omething that enormously helps creative types.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli is an historic gemstone that represents fact and a transparent mind. Many individuals choose lapis lazuli for custom gemstone engagement rings as an outcome of in addition they represent love, friendship and harmony inside a relationship.


Obsidian is a really unique gemstone that's identified for being utilized in jewellery but in addition for creating ancient weapons like spear heads. Although it had such a range of uses in the past, immediately it's recognized to be a wonderful stone that represents resilience and a warm mild heart.

Quartz Crystal

Quartz crystal is without doubt one in every of the extra widespread stones used for engagement rings and this is very true since it represents romance. Not only does it have powerful therapeutic properties for the human body however it also enhances the improbable thing about many different stones.

About the Author

The opal is another historic gemstone that represents hope and love for engagement rings . It has very robust connections with water and is thought to be one of the vital powerful gems for numerous healing properties. Refined in beauty, opal is an excellent alternative for contemporary engagement rings.

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Numbers: Repeating Patterns of Meaning

Posted: 05 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT

Seeing number patterns repeating in your life is a signal to take pause and pay attention to it's meaning.

Glancing at the clock may cause us to look again sometimes, especially when we notice that we've caught it at the same time over and over again. Maybe we see the same number pattern echoed everywhere we look—whether on license plates or appliances—over a period of hours or even days. When we accept that there are no coincidences, we know there is a message in the numbers for us, and we know to pay attention to the repeating patterns and search for their true meaning.

Numerology has its basis in the ancient world and tells us that each number carries its own vibration and symbolic significance. It can mark the stages of our soul's evolution as we move from one frequency to the next. Repeating number patterns in our lives may call us to focus on certain aspects of our lives and rise to approach them from the best within us. Once we've recognized that there is something we must look more deeply into, we also must trust that we will be guided to the people and places that hold the right answers for us.

Numbers, as symbols, can carry personal meanings as well. We may have our own lucky number that has served us well throughout our lives and another that reminds us of certain events of significance. If these are the numbers that are appearing, it may be the right time to delve into the past for clues about how to handle a present situation. Many people are seeing 11:11 right now, which can be interpreted as an energetic gateway that has opened for you and is ready to manifest your thoughts into reality. Whatever explanations you receive about the numbers that are appearing everywhere you look, the important thing is to trust your own guidance as to what they are telling you. Each culture attaches different meaning to the numbers, so a Chinese interpretation may be different than an interpretation from Kabalah. It is up to us to use our intuition to see which is the best fit for us. If someone has an explanation that doesn't feel right, then this is not the answer for you but may be just a clue to keep you moving on the path. By paying attention to the numbers around us, we use them as tools to improve our connection to the universe and our awareness of our choices in life.

~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM

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RELAXING SOUNDS FOR SLEEPING-Soothing Waterfall sounds-Dripping Noises-Bird Song

Use the relaxing sounds of this beautiful tranquil waterfall as a natural sleep aid. Relax as you watch these waterfall pictures, concentrating your full attention on the water dripping over the stones and the occasional soothing sound of birds in the trees above, a robin and a thrush. When you have the image of this healing water in your mind close your eyes, relax your breathing and listen to these wonderful sounds of nature, they are excellent sounds for helping to sleep. The calm water noises and gentle bird song should help you achieve a sound sleep. These water sounds can also be used as part of an holistic healing or any other alternative healing program. They are wonderful as an aid in a 'learning how to meditate' programme. These tranquil nature sounds, listened to in the background are also good with 'meditation for beginners', or for relaxing in preparation for deep meditation.Please share this video with anyone you think may find it useful to relax with. Thank you very much for watching, commenting, rating and supporting this and my other relaxing videos, This video is filmed and produced by myself, Johnnie Lawson. I am a visual Artist living and working in the North West of Ireland. I filmed this particular video in a beautiful little gorge near a friends house, he spotted it this winter whilst out picking sloes to make sloe gin. It is located near Manorhamilton, County Leitrim, Ireland. Relaxant sons pour dormir-Apaisante cascade de sons-dégoulinant bruits ...

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Natural Aloe Vera Acne Remedy

Posted: 05 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by Huang Kopischke

Aloe Vera to the rescue!

Todays market is brimming with spot solutions brimming with harsh ingredients, and we are starting to realise that the organic road is the certainly the best road to turn down.

Choosing the path to go natural will benefit you in numerous ways. Not only do organic homemade remedies put far less strain on your wallet, they are far better for your long term health and actually work better than chemical cosmetics.

It could not be more simple to locate organic spot fighting ointments, often you can just pop down to you local shops. However, there are some good ready made blemish ointments, just make sure that most of, if not all of the ingredients are natural. Try and keep to this rule as I can assure you that natural treatments will give you much better results.

There are lots of different methods to cure your spots naturally but here is one of the most famous.

Aloe Vera is fantastic for soothing numerous annoying problems. Aloe vera helps to battle a large list of health problems, such as soothing burns, treating bad skin and even helping sort out digestive problems. Being famed to cure lots of things, it wasn't a surprise that it could help with acne. After all, it has polysaccharides that are perfect for skin healing.

However, no, it does not heal acne per se. Skin experts usually conceive that acne is best cured from the inside out, which explains why a lot of topical treatments can leave us upset.

Just like 99% of the blemish fighting products on the market, Aloe Vera most likely will not give you crystal clear skin overnight, however this natural treatment is perfect for calming facial redness and keeping spots at bay. This natural remedy is fab for healing open blemish wounds and calming down any huge red blemishes.

Following your usual cleansing routine, take a topical Aloe Vera ointment and dab it generously onto the effected areas, let it sit for a few moments and than thoroughly wash it off with lukewarm water.

It is a dvised to follow this pattern once in the morning and again at night.

Due to the large need for Aloe Vera treatments and gels, it is extremely easy to locate, but make sure you chose one that will suit your skin type.

You can also get hold of great Aloe Vera moisturizers that will also help combat any lurking signs of acne. Often moisturizers can surprisingly cause spots by clogging up vulnerable open pores, so Aloe Vera moisturizers are always best to locate.

Another great tip is to use pure Aloe Vera gel as a soothing facial mask. Spread it evenly and liberally over your skin before going to bed and let it work its magic overnight. Rinse it off with humid water when you get up.

About the Author

It is so testing to get a leading Chin Acne treatment that works perso nally for you. A little background research is key. I urge viewing this exposed skin care reviews. It is enormously good.

Spiral of Sound Crystal Bowl Choir - So Ham

Oct. 2008, Atlanta. Candace Keach, director. Spiral of Sound Crystal Bowl Choir www.SonicAngelMusic.com

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

I See – Dr. Rob Kiltz

Posted: 05 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Hello and good morning, this is Dr. Rob
It is another awesome and amazing day in the universe
All God's graciousness this and every day
I see the goodness of God a comin'
I see the goodness here today
I see the moon rising with joy
I see the rivers flowing this day
I see his generosity upon us
And I see goodness in the day
I see the perfection of your beauty
I see goodness all the way
I see the creation of your love
I see all beauty in the day
I see graciousness upon us
I see it's love that makes the day
I see the perfection of this moment
I see your graciousness today
I see the smiles shining on us
I see it's you that paves the way
I see, I see, I see
And I love thee
God Bless to you
Dr. Rob
Another awesome and amazing day in the universe

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Feed Your Soul

Posted: 05 May 2012 11:00 AM PDT

We all know how important it is to feed our bodies and especially to do it with good, nutritious food. Eating junk food, heavy food, etc. only makes us sluggish and unhealthy. Similarly, many people will talk about feeding the mind. This is also very important and shouldn't be taken lightly. Positive input vs negative input can really have an effect on our thoughts.

What about feeding your soul? Is this something tangible? Can you feel it, do you know any good food for the soul? It's my opinion that this is a very personal thing. It's about what moves you, what fills you up, what gives you a great sense of love, peace, appreciation, etc. If you know the things that do this to you… then be sure to feed your soul and do it regularly. It's just as important as feeding your body and mind.

What feeds my soul:

  • slow, soothing music
  • poetry
  • nature
  • family

I hope you enjoy some of my soul food below :)

Christine Briel



In truth everything and everyone
Is a shadow of the Beloved,
And our seeking is His seeking
And our words are His words…
We search for Him here and there,
while looking right at Him.
Sitting by His side, we ask:
'O Beloved, where is the Beloved?'


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Infinite You: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, May 3, 2012

Posted: 05 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Hello and good morning, Dr. Rob
Another awesome and amazing day in the universe
Infinite You, my intention of the day

Infinite you in all things you see
But an atom it be or smaller from thee
God's greatness within all things that there be
An infinite you, so perfect is you
The push and the shove
The challenges be life
To think the whole is just me you see
But as I look out, it's all that it be
Infinite you is infinite me
And all a mix and play of thy life
The energy flows, mighty it goes
The infinite you and all that there be
The atom you see much bigger than thee
For all of us be smaller, a speck that you see
Yet one is thee and infinite we be
Love and Namaste, enjoy the day, Dr. Rob
Just sharing some infinite words of the universe
God Bless

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Going on Retreat: Making Time for Reflection

Posted: 05 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Going on retreat can be a powerful way to process what is happening in your life.

Giving ourselves time to reflect and heal can be a powerful way to process the things that are happening in our lives, and one of the best approaches to do this is by going on a retreat. Going on a retreat means that we have set the intention to heal and learn more about our spirit, and doing this is a decision that we make for ourselves.

Since everyone sees and experiences the world differently, it is important to choose a type of retreat that works best for us. Even though a friend or loved one may recommend something, we have to trust our intuition and select a path that really connects with what our soul needs most at the time. The most essential thing is to be willing to respect our unique stage of development and to be patient with ourselves since any thoughts or issues that arise are simply part of the process of healing. Just remembering that a retreat is an intense period of time where serious soul searching takes place can help us allow whatever may happen to us to fully unfold. Going on retreat may sound like a vacation, but most retreat experiences ask you to look deep inside of yourself, and sometimes this can be uncomfortable or stir the pot of our soul.

Putting our trust in the retreat process will make space for the necessary work we have to do, making it easier for our hearts and minds to explore wholly the innermost reaches of our soul. By paying attention to these messages, we pave the way for greater healing and transformation, since spending time in contemplation at a retreat will give us the gift of insight and understanding that we can use in all aspects of our daily lives.

~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM

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Zodiac Jewelry for February Birth Indicators and discovering Gems for Designer Bracelets

Posted: 05 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Crystals Healing
by OiMax

Article by Michelle Michaelis

The particular lore and also allure regarding Zodiac gem stones and designer bracelets is a thing I have been considering over the past month or two, taking each and every Zodiac sign and also month subsequently. There has been a lengthy tradition regarding assigning gem stones to start and planetary impacts, and if you believe on this, it does make a nice style for offering birthday offers of jewellery including the picked stones often in silver necklaces for women! On the centuries, from your Ancient Greeks and also Romans, to the Native indian system regarding Ayurveda, certain rocks and jewels were consideration to reflect the type of any particular person or without a doubt animals or perhaps plants delivered under the influence of a particular planet.

Therefore it is now the turn of the month of February, and the main sign, which is Aquarius. There are several stones that are appropriate here, including garnet, turquoise, amethyst, onyx, ruby, diamond and sapphire! That's a good selection! And of course, February 14th is St. Valentine's Day so another reason to look for jewellery...

Amethyst is a very popular gemstone, hard and durable and thus good in fashion jewellery. It is considered by crystal healers to change negative energy into positive energy.Ruby is associated with love, the red colour being likened to the heart. Thus in healing it is said to be connected with diseases of the blood, and ancient warriors believed that it would prevent wounds hemorrhaging! Rubies are very well-known in diamond jewelry, being obviously hard. Additionally it is the loved-one's birthday gemstone for your 15th and also 40th numerous years of marriage : hence 'Ruby Wedding' for your latter. Dark red is the treasure of love. People lacking in self-love needs to have and mediate about the Ruby. In addition, it gives the braveness to be very best potential a person provides.

Ruby works together the blood flow as an assist to circulation. That aids the particular cleansing and also removal! of cont amination or bacterias in the blood vessels. The Dark red may be used in diamond jewelry, but in no way close to the pv plexus, as the Dark red has a disquieting result upon that.

To own any ruby is considered to give happiness and peacefulness. Placed under any pillow the particular ruby may ward off bad dreams. Ruby rings should be worn on the left hand so as to receive the life force and have protection. Given as a gift, the ruby is a symbol of friendship and love. The ruby is also the symbol of vitality and royalty - a nice stone to have!Garnet, being normally red, is associated with fire, blood and passion. So it makes a great love token.

Turquoise has been thought to warn the wearer of danger or illness by changing colour. In the 13th century, turquoise was thought to protect the wearer from falling, especially from horses. Turquoise is also believed to bring happiness and good fortune to any or all. It's asserted turquoise draws in healing mood, making it a top-notch healing rock.Believed to be the protective rock, turquoise is actually worn to protect against physical violence and mishaps. Turquoise is another valuable amulet with regard to travellers.

Black onyx belongs to the quarta movement family, along with clear quarta movement. It is an agate, just with straight rings of color. Normally monochrome bands, even though it also can be discovered with white and red bands (Carnelian Black onyx) or dark brown and whitened bands (Sardonyx). This particular banding makes black onyx ideal for chiselling cameos so is frequently found in brooches. The Romans regarded as onyx an appropriate talisman for troops, to make them courageous in fight! Onyx should really sharpen the actual wits making one alter bad habits. Such as other dark stones, it's a grounding stone and may be used to deflect the actual negativity associated with others. Black onyx is the wedding anniversary gemstone for that 7th 12 months of relationship, and dark onyx may be the anniversary gem for the Tenth wedding a! nniversa ry.

Azure has long been a well known gem stone, particularly in engagement rings. They're usually blue, but could also come in additional colours, other than red. Having a Mohs scale score of Nine it is nearly as hard because diamond, which is also the present for the Fifth, 45th and 70th wedding ceremony anniversaries. Via history, azure symbolizes reality, sincerity, as well as faithfulness within relationships, and also to bring serenity, joy as well as wisdom towards the wearer as well as owner. Previously, the azure was also thought to be a talisman that will protect you from evil mood. The ancients regarded as star sapphires being a powerful talisman guarding travellers and also were regarded as being so powerful, they might continue guarding the person even after getting passed on to another individual.

Many of the stores featured in my website, http://www.myjewellerystore.co.uk have|has} these wonderful stones constructed into diamond jewelry, so you should take a look and discover our unusual engagement rings or gold charms!

About the Author

Treat yourself or a family member to jewellery gifts they will love. Give them a treat with jewellery from http://www.myjewellerystore.co.uk .We have items like unusual engagement rings, gold heart pendants or silver necklaces for women and many other beautiful items from selected retailers.

Healing Mandalas by Negrete - Into the West

Light Mandalas created by Jose Negrete. Born to heal.

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Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selections, May 3, 2012

Posted: 05 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT

"The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"In the universe there is an immeasurable, indescribable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link."
~Carlos Castaneda

"I know that you are part of me and I am part of you because we are all aspects of the same infinite consciousness that we call God and Creation."
~David Icke

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Natural Aloe Vera and Lemon Acne Treatment

Posted: 05 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Crystals Healing
by dolanh

Article by Huang Kopischke

Pure Aloe Vera and Citrus Fruit Spot Cure

The market is pack full of acne treatments pack full of harsh chemicals so quite rightly we are edging towards more organic treatments.

Choosing the road to go organic will benefit you in so many ways. Not only do natural homemade solutions put far less strain on your bank balance, they are far better for your long term health and actually work better than manmade chemicals.

Getting pure natural spot battling remedies or even organic ingredients to make our very own homemade acne treatments could not be more simple. Most of the time they are stocked in your local shop. However, if you are keen to buy a ready made topical acne solution then I wholeheartedly recommend you keep to products that are mostly made from 100% natural and organic elements. Stick to this rule and you will have far better results from your acne solution.

There are countless different methods to get rid of your spots naturally but here are my top two.

Treat Your Spots With Lemons

Dating back to the olden days, citrus fruit have always tipped the charts for natural acne cures.

The natural lemon juice within the lemon and limes surprisingly helps to dry up invasive acne and can help calm down facial redness.

A massive benefit to using citrus fruit to cure blemishes, is that they are simple to find, totally natural and will not hurt your bank balance. As we already know spot treatments can be very expensive, so one that costs just a couple of pennies is indubitably worth a try.

Just like any spot solution on the market, lemons are not usually an immediate quick fix for acne, but stay with it.

This natural cure is very simple to use, using a cotton wool pad gently dap on freshly squeezed citrus fruit juice on to your blemishes. The longer the solution is left on your skin, the better the results will be. It is really is that straight forward.

Aloe Vera is great for healing lots of vexing issues. Back in the day Aloe Vera ! was used to heal burns, help heal skin damage and was even used to clear up digestive problems. Being renowned to cure lots of things, it wasn't a surprise that it could help with spots. Apparently it is the polysaccharides in the Aloe Vera that make this plant treatment so effective.

However, no, it does not heal acne per se. Skin professionals securely trust that acne is most effectively cured from the inside out, which explains why scores of topical solutions can leave us upset.

Just like the majority of the spot combating products on the market, Aloe Vera probably will not give you crystal clear skin overnight, however this natural treatment is perfect for soothing facial red patches and keeping spots at bay. It is still very effective at curing spot wounds so take a pen and paper an d take note of the following Aloe Vera blemish tips:

This natural spots battling solution is very easy to use. Simply add it into your average day and night cleaning routine. Add some of the treatment to your spots, let it soothe for a few minutes before rinsing off with humid water.

If possible follow this routine both in the morning and at night just before bed.

Due to the huge need for Aloe Vera treatments and gels, it is really easy to find, but make sure you chose one that will suit your skin type.

You can also get hold of great Aloe Vera moisturizers that will also help fight any lurking signs of acne. Normal moisturizing products usually increase over oil production on the face but Aloe Vera moisturizers won't.

You may also use Aloe Vera gel at before bed to serve as a soothing facial mask. Spread it evenly and liberally on your skin before going to bed and let it stay on overnight. Wash it off with warm water the next morning.

About the Author

Enduring cystic blemishes seriously takes its toll on your self value. If you need to discover an impressive over the counter acne treatment here is the leading way. Browsing treatment reviews is the most productive technique to pin point a good treatment. My personal favourite acne treatment review website exposed skin care review as it was exceedingly detailed.

Change Your Life & Create More Happiness!

Posted: 05 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Join my New Daily Habits Group Coaching Program With Soul Coaching® Oracle Cards

You can create more happiness by simply changing your habits…did I hear you say really? I have proof that this is possible.

In Marci Shimoff's book Happy for no Reason…Marci states that scientists have discovered that each of us is born with something called a "Happiness set-point," which acts like an inner thermostat that determines how much happiness we are able to experience. No matter what happens to us, whether good or bad, we tend to hover around our predisposed range of happiness, unless we deliberately do something to change it.

She tells us there is some startling information about the forces that determine our happiness set-point.
50 percent of it is determined by genetics;
10 percent is determined by our circumstances; while an astonishing
40 percent is determined by our habits of thought and behavior.
This means that in the same way you raise the thermostat at home to get comfortable on a cold day, you can also raise your happiness set-point to experience more joy, spontaneity, and fulfillment in life.

This was so exciting when I heard this news because I had always heard the old stories…such as …my dad is never happy and I am just like him or grandma was never satisfied no matter who she married, mom says I am just like her….Marci's research blows those old beliefs right out of the water. Because this is only half of the story! 50%

The other half is that only 10 percent of your happiness is determined by your circumstances. This means without a doubt you can control your happiness.

In other words by creating new daily habits you can sustain a new happiness level which can literally change your life forever. I know…wow…amazing! No more excuses for you to be unhappy for very long!

Let's start now to change your life…ok?

"Because of our routines we forget that life is an ongoing adventure." ~Maya Angelou

How this group coaching works:

You will be connected on a bridge line that allows everyone to be on the same phone line.
Meet weekly for a 60-75 minute call.
Learn two ways to create a sustainable habit.
Take turns being coached. You will learn a great deal listening to others.
Discover how to let go of tolerations that are holding you back.
Create new habits to work on & receive support to sustain them.
When appropriate we will use the Soul Coaching® Oracle Cards. This is called Coaching with the Oracle Cards.
E-mail between sessions to clarify your new habits and celebrate your wins.
Calls will not be recorded due to privacy!
BONUS: One 30-minte PRIVATE PHONE COACHING (anytime during the 6-weeks)

When: Starts May 23rd!
Six Consecutive Wednesdays, May 23th-June 27th, 7:30PM-8:30PM (Eastern Time)

Where: In the comfort of your own home (phone)
Yes, PJ's are acceptable apparel…LOL

Your investment: $ 120.00 (only $ 20.00 a call)
This is a very low price for professional coaching, but I want everyone to have a chance to experience more happiness.

Maximum number of people in this group will be eight.
This way everyone gets special attention. Only join if you are serious about creating a life you love!

Join my New Daily Habits Group Coaching Program
(With Soul Coaching ® Oracle Cards)

Click here to buy or send Judith an email (Judith@flyingchangecoaching.com) with Group Coaching in the subject line.

Judith Geiger, ACC
Coaching Women to Thrive
Certified Life and Relationship Coach
Flying Change Coaching, LLC
Blog: http://www.beinloveagain.com
Blog: http://www.coachjudithblog.com
Email Judith@beinloveagain.com
Meetup Group: http://www.meetup.com/Women-Loving-Life-in-Central-NY/

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Corfu Experience

Posted: 05 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Article by Corfu Apartments

Corfu is a Greek island in the Ionian Sea, just off the coast of Albania. It's 60 km long and between 5 and 20 km wide and has been a tourist destination for more than 40 years. Most of the tourists spend their holidays in a beach hotel, soaking up the sun. But that's not all Corfu has to offer!

The island of Corfu is one of the greenest islands of the Mediterranean, all year round. The vegetation is lush, evergreen, century-old olive groves cover the greatest part of the island and the quantity and variation of wild flowers is astonishing! The combination of the various factors which make up the microclimate of Corfu favours the growth of wild flowers. Without exaggerating we can say that Corfu blooms during all four seasons of the year. A typical example of the variety of flora are the 55 species of wild orchid, complex and very sensitive plants, which have been catalogued in Corfu. Corfu also has two beautiful lakes. The water-loving vegetation of the lakeshores is lush, with reeds and cane, glasswort, poplar, walnut, willow, plane and many other plants and trees which thrive on wetland shores. Those lakes also serve as a habitat for migrating birds of all sorts. If you are lucky, you may even spot a flock of flamingos!

Off the main roads in the beautiful green country-side, there is an extensive network of country roads, paths and tracks which leads to a virgin territory full of walking and cycling opportunities. A little-known fact is that Corfu has the most dense road network in Europe, and that network includes tar roads, gravel roads and footpaths. In short, Corfu is perfect for a holiday in nature. Whether you prefer walking, cycling or horse-riding, this is the place to feel the power of nature. You can walk amidst huge olive trees, wooded slopes, verdant meadows, picturesque villages and ancient paths, all the while encountering yet another breathtaking view of green cliffs plunging into the crystal clear blue sea.

For those of us who want to come in touch with their ! inner se lves, Corfu (and especially the north-west) is becoming a center for healing holidays, combining nature with meditation, artistic expression of all sorts and workshops on subjects as diverse as Reiki, Gurdjieff movements, mantra chanting, personal exploration and much more. Meditation centers offer accommodation, (mostly vegetarian) food and courses/workshops for anything between 2 and 14 days.

So, next time you are looking for a special place to relax and rejuvenate during your holidays, consider Corfu. We want to introduce you anew to this green island, full of positive energy!

A great place to start exploring the possibilities for an alternative Corfu holiday is the Green Corfu website. It has informative and entertaining sections covering the history and geography of the island, several sections with great photographs that highlight some of the most impressive plants, insects, reptiles and birds of the island, great traditional Corfu recipes and dedicated pages for walking, cycling, organic and healing holidays, as well as articles dealing with recycling and green energy.

About the Author

If you plan to visit Corfu, don't forget to book at Corfu Appartments

Rosamond Gifford Zoo’s Monkey Cam-Twice the Fun!

Posted: 05 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Rosamond Gifford Zoo has now added a second Monkey Cam for twice the viewing fun of the adorable, hilarious, and always entertaining Patas monkeys!

Click here to watch them!

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Stack the Love – Dr. Rob Kiltz

Posted: 05 May 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Hello, good morning, Dr. Rob. Another awesome and amazing day in the universe. God has gifted you and I the beauty and perfection of this day, this moment. This shift, this change, this up, this down; we are our words; that's it, nothing more. Our thoughts create the things every day. We are constantly, constantly 24/7/365 making it all up. If we think something is good, then it is. If we think something is bad, then it is. We label it via our words and thoughts, and it all becomes that. We are our words. Every word, every good, bad, indifferent, ugly, sad, happy, mad, God and devil, heaven and hell; it's the words we make.

It begins with our environment, where we grow up, our peer group and who we hang out with, the movies, television, radio, the books, the magazines. It's all what we take in. It's the most powerful environment of the universe for the brain is the creation of the universe, it's the thinker—it creates. Crazy as it is, it's as simple as that.

For you and I to simply think it 'good'
And it becomes that
If you think it bad, then there you be
Simple you see!
Now think again at the beauty of the day
And use God's love, and words and best thy way
For every day, I know is good when I simply say
Thank you God for this day!
When the challenge comes to me
That I think Oh, I hate this!
I quickly turn it around, and I stack the love
I stack the love–
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you
Yes, stack the love
When you stack the love, the love
For everything is but a thought you see
Nothing more nor less it be
For thinking makes it all come to be
Now love, this is the key and you will see
The beauty and perfection of what it be
Start the day with thank you God for this day
Look in that mirror and feel the energy
And most of all, I love you, I love you
For love is the key
To love thy neighbor, love thy enemy
And love thyself
Words to live by, grow, and enjoy
And you are the blossom and the love of life
Miraculous as it be, you are the key
To change all that there be
Now I love you this day, and love I play
God's gift the day
Practice the words of love and affection
And all will be good and all will be grand
For this is God's gift at plan
Love and Namaste, Dr. Rob
Another awesome and amazing day in the universe
God Bless

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