Reiki |
- Reiki
- Freedom From Mental Issues With Holistic Health Tips
- More Hidden Reiki
- Reiki for Spiritual and Physical Healing
- Holistic Healing For Self Confidence
- Reiki
- Conquer The Fear Of Failure With Holistic Training
- How Does Aromatherapy Work -- The Nose Knows!
- How will You choose Your Reiki Master?
- The White Light in America or How to be Spiritual with the Holistic Healing Arts of Reiki
- Be Picky When Picking an Aromatherapy Candle
- A Guide to Alternative Therapies - Reiki
- What is Aromatherapy and How Does it Work?
- Sharing An Energetic Contract With A Special One With Holistic Training & Healing Hands Tips
- Discover how to combat Swine Flu with Aromatherapy?
- 5 Natural Pain Relief Remedies Using Aromatherapy Essential Oils
- Reiki's Place in the World
- Using Reiki to Create the Life You Want
- Blending Eastern and Western Reiki
- What is Aromatherapy
Posted: 06 May 2012 11:00 PM PDT |
Freedom From Mental Issues With Holistic Health Tips Posted: 06 May 2012 10:00 PM PDT Article by Nicole Lanning Is mind chattering a challenge for you? Are your thoughts controlling you instead of you controlling your thoughts? Take control over those thoughts and live the life you have always desired and dreamed about, starting today! Changing your mental status and shifting that mindset is something that everyone can do, but the trick is to keep it there once you make this shift. We have been programmed our entire lives to think and behave in such a way, so we literally have to remove the negative programming and replace this without positive programming now. You can do this with holistic therapy techniques. There are some straightforward, easily done lessons to get this accomplished in a reasonably quick amount of time if you are wholeheartedly committed to do this. The very first step is to make a definite decision to alter your way of thinking. Be assured I know it sounds like there is nothing to it but this is exactly the very first step and the major one that many people disregard. You would not try to climb a mountain without starting at base camp and working your way up, would you? You cannot just jump right onto the side of a mountain and start from there. You may wonder why have I not been able to climb this mountain. Well you really did not start, but rather just think about it. There are many steps for you to take to do climb your mountain. Again, the first step is to start by making a firm decision. To do this, think about what you want? Peace of mind? Maybe you feel out of control? Whatever it is you have to make up your mind that you are going to do this and stand firm. Your old mind set will try to shift this, but you have to hold fast and not waver. There are some things you can do that can help you arrive to the top of that mountain a bit more swiftly once you have made your decision. It is extremely vital and important that you stay positive and only be in contact with positive people, situations, and issues. There is a lot of truth to this saying -Misery l! oves com pany. What we think we attract so therefore like attracts like. Stay in positivity and surround yourself in positivity all the time in order to support your positive mind set. There is no reason to tell others what you are doing. You do not need their approval, but rather you need to stay strong in the work that you are doing to enhance your life starting with your mind issues. You can also use other techniques such as reiki healing, goal statements, affirmations, journaling, meditation, and many others to help you succeed in changing your mind concerns around. These all have the same common issues, but the basics are about repetition, as this is how our minds and brains learn things. The more you repeat the more they sink into our subconscious. The most important key to working with mind issues though is to stay focused, positive, and work in the present moment - not the past or future - as all we have is right now. This is what will change your life around and in a very quick way with holistic therapy About the AuthorNicole Lanning, expert certified healer in Reiki healing and working with others in holistic therapy through Healing Art Forms and Holistic Healing Minute. |
Posted: 06 May 2012 09:00 PM PDT Article by Jim Cassa This article is about the hidden side of reiki. The side they don't tell you about. There are dangers associated with reiki level two they don't tell you. You complete level two after finishing level one and it is also taught by a master. If you want to know more about the sinister practices of reiki level two please read on. Allright let us take it easy. Let us begin with saying it is a good sign to want to do some spiritual practice in life. It is a good thing. Our inner spirit is telling us we can learn more and grow. We can become more in mind, body, and spirit progressively. This is a natural inner desire for self improvement. This is our inner self wanting to expand but we have to be wise and research with care the path we are going to take before we jump. Such are the hidden dangers. It is tragedy the dangers of this level two are not properly explained. It is know to me that a proper explanation would result in a lost customer if the truth be known. During this level of the art you learn to use guides to transfer energy over distance but in this there is a dangerous problem I am going to warn you about. Spirit guides inform. The guides used are not really guides but are in fact elementals, or energy beings, posing as guides. These are the ones who carry the energy during distant transmission. These elementals take your life force in exchange for the energy they send. Yes, and it is your life force they steal. Remember these unseen, of course guides are invisible to most people, steal human life force. This means if you use the distant sending energy of level two, your are absolutely going to be spending your life force, that is internal energy of the mind, body, and spirit connection in return to get the distant energy sent. This needs to be explained to all reiki users. If you have lots of life force to give, and have no shortage whatsoever, it is fine, you can do it. But if you are drained all the time be careful as you cannot afford to lo! se any m ore of your precious life energy. If a reiki master is ethical they will tell you this and explain this simple energy fact. Here is the deal: The guides do not have to tell you they are using your distant energy since you have called them in. It is one of the occult and metaphysical laws not very well understood. Since they are not actually stealing it, but you have in essence give them permission, because you have asked them to send reiki energy over distance. Giving away your energy is great if you chose to do it. But if it is unknown to you it can cause you serious mind, body, spirit problems down the road. To use an example in the occult it is like a witches sabbatical ritual. Demons are called in from the deep hell worlds during the ritual. The hidden side of reiki is shocking, but now at least you are informed. About the AuthorAccurate psychic Jim Cassa offers a genuine psychic reading and is happy to be of service to you. Click here to visit psychic predictions |
Reiki for Spiritual and Physical Healing Posted: 06 May 2012 08:00 PM PDT Article by Louisa Coan Reiki is a set of mind relaxation techniques that originated in the Japan in the early 20th Century. Reiki is based on the philosophy that there is a life power residing in each and every human being. Based on the intensity of this life power, the person will be either sad or depressed or happy. When the life power is lower in intensity as it runs through the person• s body, the person goes into a depressed state. When the same power is in abundance the person will be always in a joyous or a blissful mood. Reiki is a very powerful self healing method based on harnessing the internal life forces that actually connects the mind, soul and the body. When all the three, mind, soul and body works in unison, the person finds a sense of satisfaction in whatever he does. By practicing Reiki, one gets a sense of peacefulness and restfulness, which is essential to tackle the various troubles that can confront the person. This method is a very powerful method of healing the inner self and thereby healing all the diseases that are present in the person• s body. Most diseases which are related to anxiety and anger such as blood pressure and hypertension can be treated effectively using this principle. One of the most important aspects of Reiki is that it is not based on any specific religion. It is based on the general guiding principle that there is an external force guiding and watching us and every one of our actions are under the influence of that external factor. The external factor has complete control over the human beings. Reiki is totally dependent on this philosophy. People who have started to practice Reiki, have in fact, realized the importance of the various aspects in their religions, whatever religion the person is following. This healing methodology doesn• t have any side effects and can be practiced along with other treatments the person is undergoing to clear them of disease. The techniques really work well along with other treatments and don• t act as a counter to the other treatment! methodo logies. Anyone can start practicing this methodology, irrespective of whether they have a faith in the existence of God or not. Many people who had done this course have in fact started to realize that there is an external force, guiding the human being. People from all religious sections have taken this healing course and have greatly benefited. About the AuthorLouisa Coan is writing for Christi Reiki Masters, who are reiki masters offering you holistic healing treatments and courses. They also offer massage Bristol and Bristol massage Llewellyn - GuinevereThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Holistic Healing For Self Confidence Posted: 06 May 2012 07:00 PM PDT Article by Nicole Lanning Self-confidence issues are issues that we can heal in our own life through many methods. They are an accumulation of issues from our entire lifetime that have been building up over years and years. This can come more easily to some than others, but no matter what your issues are it is all about what you see for yourself. You may see others that seem like they have all of the self confidence in the world, but you are not in their life so it really is hard to say. I can show you how to obtain all of this self-confidence in your life and show you how to do this in a natural way using holistic therapy techniques. For this we have to tap into all areas of your life, but in easy and simple formats for you to use every day if you so choose. Working on self-confidence is something you can achieve. When you start with your mental concerns, this is all about how you see yourself. One big thing for this is a lack of self-love. How do you achieve this? Start by saying ?I love you? to yourself every time you walk past a mirror. Give yourself a compliment each time and look yourself stay in the eye. Working on the emotional concerns dealing with your self-confidence issue is about really getting to and understanding the root cause of this for your lack of self-esteem. We have to be grateful for all of the things we have in our life and let go of the past to move forward. There is an infinite potential in all of us, but if you do not tap into this you are missing out on taking this control of your life. Physical energetic output is how your vibrational fields are sending the reiki healing energy out to be drawn back. To make sure you have a high vibrational output for self confidence is simply done by staying in a positive mindset all the time, even when things are not going your way. You have to find the opportunity in everything you come across every day. Spiritual connections is something you can work on every day by simply tapping into your higher self and guides through ! journali ng, meditation, affirmations, and holding that mental picture of your self-confidence all day long. You want to keep this going as much as possible, not just when you set aside time for your quiet space. You can achieve self-confidence today with a few simple shifts and having the trust and faith that you can achieve them with holistic therapy. Once you start practicing with them you will notice the difference in all of your areas in life. Start today on your new pathway in life! About the AuthorNicole Lanning, founder of Healing Art Forms, has a passion for helping others with holistic therapy and Reiki healing. Lisa Austin Foam Roller ClassThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 06 May 2012 06:00 PM PDT Article by Rachel Saxon Reiki is the teaching of the Japanese holistic ideas. There are a few differences between the Japanese and Western versions although it is really just a difference in the way things are done. One thing is that the western version doesn't practice breathing techniques. With this practice you sit straight up in a chair and breathe in and out through the nose. At that time the energy enters through the top of the head. Another difference between the two is the ways of treatment. In traditional Japanese people go to meetings every week and meditation work is done on separate parts, as with western the healing is usually done as on the whole body. Also in western application there are three degrees or levels. The first Reiki Degree course can be varied on the teacher. Some teachers have two classes over a two day period. Other teachers have four sessions spread over an extended period. They are taught meditation and hand placement for healing. At that time they can heal themselves and others. In the second degree students learn the use of symbols to enhance the connection between the healer and recipient. The use of these symbols helps to do the healing over distance and time. You can heal people without being with them. In Japan it has been known to take ten to twenty years to attain the second degree. It is dependent on the teacher. Most people do not make it to the third level. In Reiki, there is always learning involved. As with the third degree, there is a time that it takes to study and practice. It depends on the teacher as to how long it takes to attain third degree status. I could be a day or a year or more. When you are obtaining the third degree you are given another symbol. It is thought that Reiki healing is used on the front and back of the body equally. It is usually started at the head and neck and then the other parts of the body. Reiki does not use medicine or instruments but feeling, blowing, tapping, and massaging. It is a practice that uses the energies that surround! all of us always. Many western practitioners usually use a standard twelve position for whole body healing. The recipient is asked to lay down when this is being done. The hands are usually held at each position for five minutes. Some people say that they get a warm feeling where the treatment is being applied. There is also a hands off treatment that the hands are held as few centimeters away from the recipient. There is really no governing board for Reiki practitioners but there are organizations that want to standardize Reiki practices. If that should happen the Practice might be under government regulation and that could be a fatal blow the practitoners of today and of the future. About the Author Rachel Saxon writes for the psychic arena & recommends these professional spiritual websites UK psychic readings sitePsychic reading UK psychic readings sitePsychic reading Australian callers click here psychic phone readingPsychic ReadingPsychic reading Psychic readingpsychic readings psychic reading psychic reading psychic reading psychic reading psychic readingPsychic Reading psychics psychic reading psychic reading great uk psychic reading brandpsychics Psychic Reading online psychics great uk psychic reading brandpsychic reading Psychic ReadingsPsychics popular uk medium readings company mediums psychic readings site psychic readings popular uk medium readings company mediums Australian callers click here psychic phone reading |
Conquer The Fear Of Failure With Holistic Training Posted: 06 May 2012 05:00 PM PDT Article by Nicole Lanning The fear of failure is a big part of many peoples day-to-day life. They wake up with this issue, go throughout their day with this issue, and even go to bed with this issue. Many of these problems are caused from issues that are deeply embedded from with in our childhood years. When you really think about it, what really is our fear of failure and where to system from? Do we have these fears we were children? No, but the root cause of them did come from her child-rearing years. Our parents, and/or guardians, did not really understand that they were instilling these fears with an honest when they are would not be proud of us for our accomplishments even though we tried our best. There are many different holistic training techniques that you can work with to release these fears of failure within your life today. Many of them stem from these issues of childhood, so by working with healing hand techniques and purging those inner child issues so that you can heal the inner child and its own fear of failure, will release and heal all of these sessions completely and thoroughly. Healing hands techniques is something that everyone can tap into by the power of using Reiki energy healing and their life. You do need to be trained into this healing modality, but once you have been, it is about sending your own self-healing session through healing hands steps to work on releasing and purging this fear of failure within your life today. Each person will take a different amount of time when they are working with this, depending on how long they be dealing with this fear of failure and how deeply embedded it is into their energetic field. Work on releasing all of these issues for your own fear of failures in your life today with holistic training. You can accomplish this and all of these simple steps and techniques so that you no longer have to carry that burden around within your own inner child issues and you can have a balanced it energetic vibrational frequency field today. About the AuthorNicole Lanning, expert in healing hands and holistic training, is helping others around the world through Holistic Healing Minute and Healing Art Forms. Breast ThermographyThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
How Does Aromatherapy Work -- The Nose Knows! Posted: 06 May 2012 04:00 PM PDT Article by Kyley Zimmerman How does Aromatherapy work? To answer this question, let's start by taking a look at Essential Oils, which are the heart and soul of Aromatherapy. What Exactly Are Essential Oils? Essential oils are microscopic molecules of "oil" extracted from the flowers, leaves, stems and/or roots of plants such as trees, shrubs, grasses, flowers and herbs. Simply speaking, essential oils contain the distilled essence of the plant. For example, if you were to simmer a big pot of lavender flowers on the stove for a while, you'd start to notice little blobs of oil forming on top of the water. This is the essential oil - the essence of the lavender flowers. Note: This is not a good method of extraction because the essential oil quickly goes moldy due to the presence of water. Plus, it takes A LOT of lavender flowers to make even the tiniest amount of oil. It's just not worth it - there's so many other great things you can do with lavender flowers! Essential oils have microscopically small molecules. There are approximately 40 million trillion molecules in one drop of essential oil. Their tiny size makes it very easy for our skin and our lungs to absorb them. That's why they're so powerful and so effective. How Do Essential Oils Get Inside Us? When essential oils oils are absorbed through the skin, such as with massage, they travel into the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system then circulates them into the blood stream. Once the oils are circulating in the blood, they really get to work, reducing inflammation, fixing imbalances, fighting infection and so on. Even when you simply inhale an essential oil, such as with a diffuser, the oil is absorbed through the mucous membranes of your respiratory tract and lungs. Then it's transferred into the blood stream to work its healing magic. How Do Essential Oils Help our Bodies? Essential oils contain hundreds of natural chemicals. Although each oil has its own unique chemical components, what makes all ! essentia l oils special is something called "terpenes". Terpenes do a lot of work in our bodies. They create an environment unfriendly to viruses, bacteria and fungi. This is why they're called 'antiseptic' (which basically means germ killing.) Some powerful antiseptic essential oils are Lemon, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Pine and Lavender. That's why you see them in home cleaning products! They help reduce inflammation. Symptoms of inflammation include pain, redness and swelling. Some good anti-inflammatory essential oils are Chamomile, Lavender, Sandalwood and Benzoin. They reprogram our cells so they function and replicate properly. For example, essential oils such as Basil, Pine and Rosemary restore function to the adrenal glands. They are sedative. They relax our nervous system and our muscles, which helps ease pain, tension, cramps and muscle spasms. Sedative essential oils include Lavender, Clary Sage, Geranium, and Ylang Ylang. How Do Essential Oils Affect our Emotions? Inhaling essential oils stimulates the olfactory nerves (sense of smell), which send signals to the brain's limbic system (sometimes called the 'emotional brain'.) The limbic system controls heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory and hormone production. When the limbic system receives signals from the olfactory nerves, it triggers an emotional, physiological and endocrine (hormone) response. For example, when you smell Lavender essential oil, its microscopic chemicals immediately trigger your emotional brain to calm your nervous system and relax your muscles. These combined effects reduce your stress and help you sleep. How Can I Use Aromatherapy to Feel Better? Aromatherapy is especially well known for its stress-relieving powers. You can use it in a hundred different ways to calm your nerves, ease your anxiety and relax your muscles. You can also use essential oils to clear up troubled skin, revitalize your hair or relieve your aching back. It's surprisingly easy (! and a lo t of fun) to make your own bath, body and massage oils, bath salts and body lotions. Even make your own aromatherapy candles! You simply need a little knowledge and a few basic ingredients. Check out for some simple, effective aromatherapy recipes. Try using aromatherapy today - you'll have fun, save money and smell fabulous! About the AuthorKyley Zimmerman works from home and focuses on making her family life happy, healthy and eco-friendly. She shares her love of making natural bath, body and home products at Check it out! Hellooo Morning TherapyThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
How will You choose Your Reiki Master? Posted: 06 May 2012 03:00 PM PDT Article by Shelley Hairston An important Understanding As a learner of Reiki, you must comprehend that this healing process is nonetheless a holistic system that covers a number of elements in relation to healing, balancing, and harmonizing every single aspect of an individual. The balanced and harmonized variables could be utilized to promote each the spiritual and individual consciousness and growth. The healing strategy is basically protected. You could possibly ask why. The main reason is that all of the methods employed are executed gently. The healers actually make use in the spiritual power inside the remedy from the mental, physical, and emotional illnesses and difficulties but together with the absence of massage or any other pressure or manipulation. Reiki is all about doing very good in one's lifetime. It applies to exactly where it truly is necessary. The client will only get the acceptable power that he needs at the time becoming. Reiki isn't in any way pushed by the practitioner but the energy from it is being drawn in by the client himself. It is also needed to note that throughout the session, the client will not take the energy that belongs towards the therapist. What he gets to absorb will be the pure and also the clean Reiki power. Top Guidelines in Locating the very best Master Throughout your search, you may be drawn towards the rightful Master who will probably be ideal for you personally as well as your needs. You need to go to the particular person with whom you feel cozy. He must be the 1 who can teach and guide you. He is someone who can really feel for what you need and what you want for. As you take a trip to a number of Reiki institutions, right here are the ideas that can assist you to out in in search of to your ultimate Master. Proficiency. Your Master really should have worked challenging and lengthy to understand every single single detail that comprises the art of healing. He needs to be capable to carry out the methods determined by what he has discov! ered, sk illed, and practiced with or with no them obtaining been mentioned inside the Reiki books or manuals. Lineage. The Masters belong to distinct categories. You ought to learn his affiliation to become capable to know the teachings and methods that he's likely to impart. Qualifications. Make sure that your Master is certified. You will find prerequisites before getting certified to grow to be a mentor. Class Coverage. What will he teach you? Will he reveal the symbols? Will he teach you self-discovered techniques? Costs. Know the pertinent charges that you must settle to begin together with the course. All round, the Reiki Master will likely be the a single who will hone your abilities using the appropriate quantity of techniques, hand positions, power usage, and the likes. It's a must to appear around for the most effective Masters that are certified to present the teachings. About the AuthorLearn more about Reiki Symbols on and become a reiki master yourself. Day 10: Shoulder stretches to open your heart- VInyasa Yoga ALL levelsThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
The White Light in America or How to be Spiritual with the Holistic Healing Arts of Reiki Posted: 06 May 2012 02:00 PM PDT Article by A.R. Paget The Alternative Ram Our Rams and Shepherds (Ezekiel 34:17-24) are concerned that our very spiritual lives are in jeopardy (Mohler) for seeking to be spiritual Sheep in our Christian Living by strengthening our spiritual bodies (I Corinthians 15:44)) through Yoga Teaching. Perhaps they will not object to our utilizing Reiki - since the Father of Reiki, Dr. Usui, was a "full-fledged Christian" Shepherd who had the White Light descend upon him during Pre-War Japan (Acts 9:1-9; Takata), and later transmitted this Wisdom to America by the Mother of American Reiki - Mrs. Takata herself. One Sunday Dr. Usui was teaching a group of his students, when they asked him about the Healing Arts of Jesus and how He was able to heal through the act of "laying on of hands" as recorded in the Bible. Usui answered his students the same way Rams and Shepherds would answer today - he could not demonstrate, "because I did not learn how to do it" (Takata). But Usui was determined to find the answer to his students' question, so he left Japan and went to a Christian Country to search for his answer. That Christian Country was the United States of America and after seven years of searching to be a true and spiritual Ram to his Flock in Japan - the Rams and Shepherds in America could not help him. None of our Rams and Shepherds could help Dr. Usui, despite the fact that the Bible relates to us the doctrine the laying on of hands as a fundamental element of the New Testament Church (Hebrews 6:1+2). Dr. Usui returned to Japan after his unsuccessful journey to America. Back in Japan, he searched the Buddhist Monasteries for the answer, but they could not help him either. At last Dr. Usui decided to follow the Scriptural Mandate as laid out in the Holy Bible(Luke 11:10; Matthew 17:20+21) - by asking, seeking, knocking and fasting for three weeks. At the end of his fast, the White Light (Acts 9:1-9) descended upon him and revealed the formula of Laying on of Hands for our generation through the Holistic Heal! ing Art of Reiki (Takata). Our Rams and Shepherds may not accuse us of irreverence for our quest to be more spiritual by using the Holistic Healing Art of Reiki for strengthening our Holistic Health and spiritual welfare. The Laying on of Hands of Reiki is a vessel that contains a scriptural mandate as set forth by the Holy Spirit as She is revealed in our Holy Bible (Hebrews 6:1+2). The Subtle Body -- Should Christians Practice Yoga?• Albert Mohler, Jr. • The History of Reiki as Told by Mrs. Takata• Hawayo Takata About the AuthorReverend A.R. Paget is a Near Eastern Studies and Old Testament scholar. He has proficiency in a number of Semitic languages including Arabic, Hebrew and Aramaic. He is a well-traveled citizen of the world living and working abroad in many of the places mentioned in Scripture. Reverend Paget is an ordained minister, advanced Reiki practitioner, and a homeopathic specialist. |
Be Picky When Picking an Aromatherapy Candle Posted: 06 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT |
A Guide to Alternative Therapies - Reiki Posted: 06 May 2012 11:00 AM PDT Article by Steve Hill Reiki pronounced Ray Key is a Japanese word meaning (Rei) Universal Life and (Ki) Energy, an energy that is all around us and we all living creatures have an inbuilt energy system through which this 'life force energy' flows. This energy is what is used or channeled by practitioners for the purpose of healing. Reiki therapists believe strongly that everybody has a latent ability to connect to their own healing energy and they can use this for the purposes of strengthening the Ki (or life energy) of others. The aim of the Reiki practitioner is to feed the Ki through his or her hands to the patient, thus activating the body's inbuilt ability to heal itself. For our body to remain healthy it is important for our 'life force' remains high and not become blocked. Keeping the Ki high and flowing freely will result in an improved and lasting state of wellbeing both in terms of health and on an emotional level. Reiki is acknowledged as one of the most widely known forms of energy healing. It is a very gentle form of natural healing and uses a hands-on technique and is non intrusive. Various patients have reported feeling a range of gentle sensations including, heat, tingling, cold, pressure, etc. In a Reiki session, the practitioner having established at the first meeting what needs to be done, usually asks the recipient to lie down and relax. There is no need to remove any clothes but the client will probably want to remove their shoes. The therapist, who will have received 'attunements' to open their healing channels then uses their hands, on or close to various parts of the body to channel Ki to the client. Sessions usually last an hour and four is usually the average requirement. Reiki is accepted as having beneficial and positive effects on many emotional, physical and spiritual complaints. However it would be inappropriate to detail lists of ailments and conditions which can be treated, although many claim that Reiki can have a beneficial effect on most kn! own cond itions. Although Reiki is totally safe it is a complementary therapy and it is recommended that any proposed treatment be discussed with your own GP. About the AuthorSteve Hill is a webmaster from Birmingham, he has interests in a number of websites including:stuttering treatmentreiki symbolalternative therapies |
What is Aromatherapy and How Does it Work? Posted: 06 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT Article by Zuleikha Assenjee As part of the complimentary medicine market, aromatherapy is well known for its relaxing effects. It's most common use being in the form of massage therapy with the use of essential oils. Contrary to general public opinion that aromatherapy is the simple application of specific essential oils to the skin as part of a luxury massage; one of its main uses throughout history has been to provide the most beautiful women of the world with natural solutions for skin care and hair care. Plant extract, today known as essential oils has been the key ingredients in secret formulae that had cleared complexions, made hair soft and silky and softened hands and feet. Essential oils have successfully provided the beauties of all times with the perfect solutions for their skin and hair because they contain powerful healing and antioxidant properties which are effective both on a physical and psychological level. Research has shown that certain essential oils can rejuvenate the skin and restore vitality to the tissues by regulating the activity of the capillaries. Regular use of aromatherapy products enhances the top layer of the skin in two ways. First, essential oils will naturally smooth the skin surface by disinfecting and cleansing it, helping to remove the top layer of dead skin cells that give a dull and grey look. Secondly, essential oils penetrate the deepest layer of the skin, rejuvenate and stimulate cell production. The combined effect enhance overall look, creating radiance and a glowing complexion. Because essential oils are extremely efficient at penetrating the deepest layers of the skin where new cells are formed, care should be taken as to what ingredients are combined with them; more damage than benefits will be achieved if cosmetics containing artificial ingredients are applied shortly after using essential oil products, e.g foundations and sunscreen. With the increasing popularity of "natural products", off the shelf "aromatherapy" products are found in department stores an! d superm arkets, sometimes at prices that will attract the uninformed buyer with the promise of accomplishing the same result. However, no matter how attractively these products are presented they do not adhere to the aromatherapy principle in the slightest manner. Their high content of synthetic scents and waxes; mineral oils and other form of chemicals can only achieve temporary and superficial benefits, if any benefit at all. The potent aromas of essential oils travel like any odour through the olfactory system of the nose and the front part of the head to the limbic area of the brain where smell is processed. The limbic brain is closely linked to the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that communicates with the sex glands. Due to the healing properties of these pure essences, regular use of aromatherapy products can improve your health, your mood and even your relationships. Certain essences have calming effects, whilst others are uplifting, some can even be exciting. Aromatherapy is so much more than a ready made blend of oil in a bottle off the shelf of a drugstore or supermarket. To benefit most from aromatherapy, products should be created on an individual basis. A therapist will assess the mood, state of mind and other personal needs of the client before formulating the blend. Hence, the reason to have your products personalised. About the AuthorFor more information on Natural Aromatherapy Essential oils and on the Natural First Aid Kit visit: Natural Aromatherapy Products |
Sharing An Energetic Contract With A Special One With Holistic Training & Healing Hands Tips Posted: 06 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT Article by Nicole Lanning You can connect and with your loved one, spouse, or energetic partner in life by creating a very high in unique energy bond between the two of you. This type of bond, or connection, is something that is created far be on the normal astral energy cords that are used to connect with other relationships. With this connection you can plug into each others energy fields for a very special sharing experience. You can work with holistic training to use these healing hands techniques throughout your relationships. I do not recommend creating this type of energetic connection with anyone other than your significant other that you plan on sharing your life with. When you establish a type of connection like this it is something that stands your entire lifetime as well as it to other planes and realms of your existence. This type of energetic connections that you will be creating and sharing is something that will be working for both the positive and negative issues that you are both facing in your everyday life. For this type of connection you need to understand, that whatever can occur between the shared energy with in both of your energetic fields, you will be tapping into the positive and negative that will be shared. This type of connection is not something to be taken lightly. This type of unique energetic connection that you will be sharing is something that you want to make sure that you understand the full issues of this before establishing a spot. This is not something to be used during casual dating, average relationships, or anything of the like. This is only to be used when working with your true soul mate in your life. Working with this type of energetic connection you can establish through holistic training by using healing hands once you understand the techniques. This will allow you to tap into your own filters, shields, draw upon your own personal power, and incorporate this with different energy healing format to establish this connection in your everyday life. About the AuthorNicole Lanning, founder of Healing Art Forms and Holistic Healing Minute, has a passion for helping others with holistic training and healing hands sessions. Natural Healing Tips : Natural Cold RemediesThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Discover how to combat Swine Flu with Aromatherapy? Posted: 06 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT |
5 Natural Pain Relief Remedies Using Aromatherapy Essential Oils Posted: 06 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT Article by Yvonne Handford Many people are now turning to Natural Pain Relief Remedies Using Aromatherapy Essential Oils. Essential oils can be used safely to assist with pain relief. There are many different oils which can be used to assist with the relief of pain and discomfort. These pure essential oils can be added to a base oil or cream and rubbed or gently massage into the affected area. The 5 Commonly Used Pure Essential Oils Used For Pain Relief 1. Curry - Helichrysum italicum is excellent for pain relief as it has antispasmodic and anesthetic properties as well for relief of deep pain. 2. Peppermint - Mentha piperita has been used through the ages for headaches, aches and pains, backache and arthritis. Peppermint has excellent pain relief properties and is also know as a powerful anti-inflammatory. 3. Basil - Ocimum basilicum which is very good for any type of muscle or nerve pain. Basil is excellent muscle relaxant and also contains powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties as well. 4. Marjoram - Origanum majorana also has muscle soothing properties for any type of muscular or nerve pain and is also very beneficial for headaches. 5. Clove - Syzygium aromaticum which is well know for relief from toothache. It has analgesic properties along with anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties and anesthetic properties. Aromatherapy oils are generally safe and easy to use and people have been successful using Aromatherapy pure essential oil either on there own or combined in a blend to assist with pain relief. Do not apply any pure essential oils directly on the skin as severe reaction or intolerance may occur. Always blend pure essential oils with a suitable base oil or cream. The holistic benefits of combining aromatherapy pure essential oils and massage therapy, is well known to assist with relief from pain and discomfort and is suitable for people of all ages. Coping with pain or any form of discomfort is emotionally taxing and distressing. Other! pure es sential oils can be used to help cope with the psychological aspect of dealing with pain including Lavender Oil which is excellent for people who are suffering from emotional pain, anxiety or distress. Lavender promotes a feeling of calmness, confidence and relaxation. Lavender also soothes the spirit and provides relief from anger and exhaustion whilst restoring and healing the body. Aromatherapy essential oils can be used alone with base oil, or three or four oils combined together in an aromatherapy essential oil blend to bring relief and comfort in pain management. For a full list of aromatherapy oil blends, visit About the AuthorYvonne Handford is an Author, Speaker, Soul Healing Coach, Psychic and Healing Master trained in Usui Reiki and many other healing modalities and alternate therapies. Yvonne is a Healer who specializes in promoting the "Golden Keys" to Healing Within and assisting others to live the life of their dreams. |
Posted: 06 May 2012 04:00 AM PDT Article by Ryan J Bell There has never been a better time than now to promote the healing energy of Reiki. On one front, the medical community seems increasingly unable to diagnose and treat a growing number of ailments. On another front, people from around the globe are more aware than ever that their place in the universe is heavily influenced by everything around them. These two factors have created a dynamic that has drawn countless people to the healing force of this spiritual practice. In this article, we'll explore how individuals used to discriminate against their neighbors, including those from different ethnic or religious sects. I'll also explain how this relationship paradigm has shifted and why Reiki is positioned as a societal pivot. The Old Way: Discriminating For Survival In the past, discriminating against others was a form of survival. Entire societies would fear that which they did not understand. Their inability to understand other people led to a separation or rift between them. In some cases, religions that seemed odd or inconsistent with their own beliefs were shunned. In other cases, ethnicity was the point of contention. In still others, those who were traveling from distant lands were regarded as untrustworthy, or worse. This perpetual separation inevitably led to increasing isolation and ultimately, the development of weapons. Today, much of the strife throughout the world can be traced to these catalysts. Even as violence has spread, the Reiki energy has been at work. More people than ever are becoming aware of the connection we share with each other. Building Upon A Natural Connection One of the bedrock principles of Reiki is that each person, regardless of ethnicity, religion, or any other factor, is connected with others. The universe's healing energy flows through this connection. We can see the results in the world today. While there is strife, there is also cooperation. While there is violence, there is also acceptance. Leaders are becoming more will! ing to w ork with one another rather than to immediately assume control over others. The internet has accelerated this process. Each of us can communicate with people in other lands; we can understand them better and appreciate the mutual link each of us shares through the common spirituality of Reiki. A Common Bridge Religious differences have been at the heart of struggles throughout the world for thousands of years. Protestants look warily at Muslims; Jews look warily at Catholics; the list goes on and engulfs the world. A defining characteristic of Reiki is that is has no allegiance to any particular religion. This is the reason it has attracted Protestants, Muslims, Jews, Catholics, and others from every imaginable religious background. Every religion recognizes a Divine presence, which is a cornerstone of the healing methodology. The connection is natural and intuitive, and creates a bridge that every person can cross. The Practice Takes The U.S. By Storm The progress of Reiki has been slow. Long ago, practitioners used the healing energy to help others in private. Any public showing was sure to be met with derision and ridicule. Even the media had a difficult time remaining unbiased. Fortunately, times have changed. People have begun to explore alternative forms of treatment for all types of physical, mental, and spiritual conditions. Thirty years ago, it was unheard of for a medical doctor to give the slightest notion that he or she was willing to use the healing energy of the universe to help patients. Today, dozens of hospitals do so openly. The spiritual practice of Reiki and its all-encompassing energy have a critical place in the world today. It can form a bridge between people from around the globe that was once impossible due to separation and fear. About the AuthorInformation in the above article was compiled by Programs of Light, a provider of animal reiki as well as reiki master courses. Check them out online at |
Using Reiki to Create the Life You Want Posted: 06 May 2012 03:00 AM PDT Article by Frank Lucer We choose the lives we lead. Though the universe seems sporadic in design, we're given specific gifts and qualities that can be used to dictate the paths we travel. That's not to suggest that difficult circumstances are always within our control. The challenges of life will confront each of us regardless of our decisions. In those situations, we are tested. The manner in which we cope with difficulties, and the decisions we make when confronted by them, play a key role in determining where our lives take us. This is one of the fundamental principles of Reiki healing. In this article, we'll consider how you can use Reiki to find balance in your life and create the paths you travel. I'll explain the struggle between short-term gratification and long-term benefit as well as the power of purpose in everything you do. We'll also discuss how to treat yourself and accept treatment from others in areas in which you're pursuing personal growth. Short-Term Gratification Versus Long-Term Benefit Too often, many of us are seduced into making hasty or ill-considered decisions. We answer the siren's call of short-term gratification, even if doing so impedes our personal and spiritual growth. Each of us can look back upon our lives and identify the decisions we have made and the paths down which they have taken us. Sometimes, these choices result in physical ailments. Other times, a spiritual deficiency becomes manifest in our lives. While it is important to avoid dwelling on why we made such decisions, it is worth recognizing their impact. Often, choosing the most difficult option can lead to the most significant long-term benefit. Moving Forward With Purpose One of the core elements of Reiki healing is that your life is based on a series of purposeful choices. Few things happen within our lives unless we actively choose to let them occur. The counterpoint to this is that our purposeful choices, along with our actions in support of those choices, always generate tangible res! ults. If there is an area in your life in which you need healing, it is critical that you realize the power of moving forward with purpose. In fact, it is only then can true physical and spiritual healing taking place. Healing Yourself With Reiki Beginning practitioners often believe that Reiki healing is represented by a set of distinct rules. In truth, there are many techniques; you'll discover that some are more appropriate for your personal circumstances than others. Developing a system for treating yourself will require trying multiple techniques and taking notes regarding their effects. This might include setting aside 20 minutes each morning for meditation and prayer, or to apply Byosen scanning to specific areas across your body. Be open to it all. Eventually, you'll design a system that is perfectly attuned to your physical and spiritual needs. On Being Treated By Others While self-treatment is an important cog in Reiki healing for those who are pursuing growth in some area of their lives, receiving treatment from others is essential. Identify one or two people who, like yourself, have areas in their lives that need healing. Then, meet with them weekly to treat each other in person, and exchange ideas and inspiration. Throughout the week, send Reiki energy over the distance to them in order to continue the treatment process. Have them do the same for you. Your life and the situations in which you find yourself are the result of a slow accumulation of past decisions. Engage the decision-making process with passion and purpose. Then, rely upon Reiki healing, both through self-treatment and treatment from others, for physical recovery and spiritual growth. About the AuthorThis article was provided by Programs of Light, a provider of reiki training courses and animal reiki programs. Check them out online at |
Blending Eastern and Western Reiki Posted: 06 May 2012 01:00 AM PDT Article by Frank Lucer Even though Reiki was first developed in 1926, we are still discovering new depths of the spiritual practice. In fact, many startling revelations have been uncovered over the last two decades alone, which have cast new light on the methodology widely adopted in the West. The practice was invented in Japan. By the time it had finally reached the U.S., its founder had long since passed away. This created a dynamic in which the original teachings were modified to fit a western culture. This article will explore the differences between Eastern (or, Japanese) and Western (or, Occidental) Reiki. I'll explain the early influence of a woman named Hawayo Takata as the spiritual practice spread throughout the U.S. We'll also revisit some of the original teachings of its founder, Mikao Usui. The Influence Of Hawayo Takata For much of the twentieth century, the West's access to Japan was very limited. As a result, the U.S. had only a rudimentary understanding about the original teachings of Reiki, which remained within Japan until the 1970s. A woman named Hawayo Hiromi Takata brought the practice to the U.S. after having been trained by Chujiro Hayashi. Hayashi was a student of the founder, Usui. He transformed Usui's teachings into a rigidly simplistic set of rules that emphasized physical healing over spiritual growth. This is the version that Takata introduced to the West. The style offered by Takata was positioned as an unchanged methodology. That is, the methods she taught were billed as entirely consistent with the founder's original methods. For years, nobody suspected the claim. However, when Japan and its culture became easier to access, it was discovered that the style of Reiki that was spreading throughout the West was radically different than Usui's approach. Like Hayashi, Takata emphasized the memorization of a codified set of rules. Every person who received healing was treated with the same set of techniques, including established hand positions. While her methodo! logy suc cessfully standardized the practice, there were inherent limitations. First, it did not allow flexibility for each client's unique needs. Nor did the standardization encourage students to expand their understanding of the methodology. Reiki practitioners have since learned that there is enormous power in experimenting with different systems and channeling energy through those systems. Rediscovering Mikao Usui's Approach Mikao Usui's approach to the methodology is far different than the style taught throughout the West by Takata. His method did not emphasize memorizing one distinct set of hand positions to be used to treat each person. Instead, his approach was more intuitive; he trained his followers to "listen" to the energy and adjust their hand positioning accordingly. He also taught Byosen scanning, a technique in which the practitioner learned to determine areas in need of healing through sensations in the hands. Usui also incorporated a number of other methods under his broader Reiki system. These included Gassho meditation, Gyoshi-ho, and Koki-ho, all of which allowed students to further control the energy. East Versus West Initially, because Japanese and Western styles of Reiki are so dramatically different from each other, it seems logical to select one or the other. However, both strains of the practice have immense value to an astute practitioner. Both cater to disparate concepts, but both also form a similar framework. Takata's style emphasizes a linear approach. Usui's style highlights an approach based on the student's intuition. The ideal system integrates the best of both styles. Reiki continues to evolve as we learn new things about the practice. In the West, there are already dozens of systems that underscore different procedures and concepts. It's important to remember that each person's needs are unique. To that end, it is more important to apply systems that fit the need rather than rigidly sticking to one of them. About the AuthorInformation in the above article was compiled by Programs of Light, a provider of animal reiki as well as reiki master courses. Check them out online at |
Posted: 06 May 2012 12:00 AM PDT Article by Petronille Berlay Ask an aromatherapy aficionado and she'll tell you that "real" aromatherapy uses exclusively clean, natural plant materials. For example, rose oil is well known for its soothing properties, whereas tea tree oil is used by numerous people to ward off symptoms of colds. Diffusion can be performed in a number of manners. Essential oil burners are widely used. Aromatherapy is a method of using complex plant oils for personal well-being. There are numerous essential oils (Huiles essentielles) which are used in the science of aromatherapy and these are too lengthy to list. However, there are many benefits to be gained from essential oils but you need to understand that there can be several drawbacks for use in essential oils although some people say there are greater benefits. Due to the undiluted concentrated nature of essential oils, they should never be applied to the skin in their undiluted form. Essential oils which are not commonly identified may simply seem to be, at least from the perspective of the customer less refined. Aromatherapy may not eliminate terminal illness or remove burns instantly but it's a wonderful method to bring natural scents into your home. Essential oils don't have the unnaturally sweet scent of synthetic air fresheners or the chemical scent of room cleaners. It's important to remember, one has to be thrifty with that much overused phrase (natural essential oils). Unless you're using fresh plant material, perhaps from the food supply, you can't actually say that an oil is organic without context or further definition. Inhalation can be performed in a number of ways through steam, which are easily available in many stores. Not all the starting material is of a high quality, this may be reflected in the eventual price. Using diffused mint leaf oil to eliminate congestion is a common example of the benefits of essential oils. Aromatherapy is a method of using strong plant oils for personal well-being. Essential oils are the byproduct of plants that provi! de physi cal benefits when used as part of a holistic wellness routine. Aromatherapy, a phrase that comes from aroma meaning fragrance and therapy meaning treatment, is based on an ancient belief that the mind and spirit the should be in harmony. There's many essential oils for sale and clearly not all of them are manufactured with aromatherapy as their intended purpose. Generally speaking, it is a fair bet to say that most professional aromatherapists see their materials as natural. You may, however, accept that the hand of man is going to eliminate this naturalness to a greater or lesser degree according to the manufacturing process that the oil goes through. Labels like these don't indicate that the product is made solely from the ingredient(s) listed. There are dozens of essential oils, which amongst them constitute a highly powerful medical system. About the AuthorCreated by Petronille Berlay for the French website which has a large amount of enlightening facts to assist you learn more about citronella oil (huiles essentielles de rose) and balsam oil |
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