Aromatherapy Soy Candles And Other Naturally Scented Items

Aromatherapy Soy Candles And Other Naturally Scented Items

Aromatherapy Soy Candles And Other Naturally Scented Items

Posted: 14 May 2012 11:00 PM PDT

by jainaj

Article by Brian LaShure

While people are demanding more naturally based products, more companies are starting to meet the demand. The public is becoming more knowledgeable about what is good or not good for our environment, and our bodies. Since candles are a preferred choice for scenting the home, consumers want them to be made of natural substances.

The traditional candle is made of paraffin which is a petroleum based product. They emit carbon into the air in the home. They also leave a film of soot on the walls after a period of time. Aromatherapy soy candles are better for the respiratory system. They are not only better for the respiratory system and atmosphere, but they last longer than paraffin candles.

Another popular way to scent the home or any other space is with essential oils. Aromatherapy is healing and provokes certain endorphins, and triggers in the brain. The limbic system controls these responses to aromatic and body oils. People tend to have multiple uses for essential oils. Some choose to make their own blends using top, middle and base notes. Others use them to alleviate ailments using selections such as:

1. Bergamot - acne, chicken pox, depression, gas, boils, cysts, abscesses

2. Eucalyptus - cuts, burns, bronchitis, asthma, sores, muscle aches, rheumatoid arthritis

3. Chamomile - gas, gout, depression, headaches, irritable bowel, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, blisters

4. Frankincense - asthma, nervous tension, colds, bronchitis, uterine tonic (for heavy periods and post childbirth)

5. Jasmine - anxiety, lack of confidence, cough, headache, laryngitis, dry skin

. Lavender - eczema, flu, headache, acne, anxiety, sinusitis, circulatory problems

7. Neroli - anxiety, depression, digestion, insomnia, panic attacks, dry skin, stress

Many oils work best in combination with others. This is where a professional mixologist will be of help. Online sources are available that will mix personal concoctions for most needs.

Scented aerosol spray! s can ir ritate the sinuses which is why a better option is spray bottles. Essential oils can be combined with water and simply sprayed in the air. Some people use vaporizers or humidifiers to distribute aromatherapy throughout their homes.

Essential oils can be used in aromatherapy soy candles as well although essential oils are used in most natural candles. It is just as popular to use oils in diffusers with sticks. The wood absorbs the oil and distributes the scent throughout the room.

Essential oils and aromatherapy candles can be found online, sold wholesale or retail. There are also brief lessons on how to extract essential oils and make aromatherapy candles yourself. It can take hundreds of petals to make milliliters of oil, so it is a good idea to consult the experts. Mixed in aromatherapy candles, it goes further than spraying.

Spas are growing all over the country. This is contributing to the demand for natural candles and other products. Many women create their own spa experience at home. Somewhere in the closed quarters of bathrooms around the globe are women taking luxury oiled baths with several candles lit around them. These are the demanding consumers.

About the Author

For more information on aromatherapy, aromatherapy candles, soy candles and other custom made candles, stop by our Promethean Candle Boutique online store.

Natural therapy treatments – Reiki

Posted: 14 May 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Article by Franse Serko

There are many different kinds of natural therapy which offer various different advantages to particular people under particular circumstances. Reiki is just one such treatment option that is based on ancient Chinese practices, and which has no known side effects.

The basic ideas involve in Reiki are based on the ancient Chinese belief in Qi. Qi here is believed to be the 'lifeforce' of all living things, and is thought to originate in our 'dan tien' just below our solar plexus, and to then travel around our body via chakras. This Qi is then able to provide us with energy and to help us to recover from various problems, but when we get a 'blockage' in one of our chakras and our Qi is unable to flow freely, this can cause a build up of 'bad Qi' which can cause a range of health problems.

Now many people don't understand the concepts of Qi, however they have nevertheless been demonstrated in many other settings. For instance, the well known practice of acupuncture also relies on Qi and the idea of chakras and uses small needles in acupuncture points in order to clear those blockages and allow the free flow of Qi.

Perhaps the most visceral and impressive demonstrations of Qi however come from the Shaolin monks who baffle science by hardening parts of their body through their control over Qi, and then use those body parts to smash through concrete slabs and to bend spears. Of course it's not recommended that you try any of those things, and that's certainly not what Reiki is about - however this nevertheless acts as a very impressive demonstration of Qi and shows just how effective it can be.

The idea of Reiki however is very different and much more gentle. Here the idea is for a practitioner to 'channel' their good Qi into the body of the patient in order to clear 'bad' Qi and to help them heal. To do this they will normally rub their hands together and then hold them over the site of the injury or illness on the afflicted patient. Using concentration and visualization t! hey will then aim to transfer that Qi into the patient who will often report feeling a slight tingling sensation.

This is a method that can be affective for some individuals under certain circumstances, though rigorous studies have yet to be carried out. Whether it is a result of placebo effect or something more is up to the patient - but if you have struggled to find a treatment that works for you then this has no side effects and no associated dangers so it's certainly worth a try and you may be among those who find it effective.

However it's important to note that you should not forego seeing your doctor in cases of serious illnesses. Always see your GP first and use alternative methods as a supplementary treatment on top of the recommended course of action that you are given. This way you will hopefully benefit from both aspects and enjoy a speedy improvement.

About the Author

Before I got it, I must admit I was sceptical about the merits of reiki. I had an injury and visited this naturopath Hyde Park.

The Risk of Diabetes and The Importance of Holistic Therapy and Prevention

Posted: 14 May 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Article by Dr. Kristina Taylor Lewis, ND

Diabetes affects nearly 7 percent of people in the United States, and 90 to 95 percent of diabetics have type 2 diabetes. This form of the disease used to be called "adult-onset diabetes" since it generally appeared in older adults, 80 percent of whom were overweight. With the rates of childhood obesity on the rise, however, more and more children and adolescents are now receiving this diagnosis. Treatment typically includes one or all of the following: Exercise; Strict, permanent diet changes; Medication. Since untreated diabetes can be deadly, exercise and proper dietary choices are essential according to naturopathic doctors, holistic practitioners and other natural health experts.

Natural Health Strategies to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes in Children

Type 2 diabetes is a serious illness that causes many health issues for children and adults including unhealthy weight gain. A study of 10- to 21-year-old patients published in the March 2008 issue of Diabetes Care, the journal of the American Diabetes Association, found that 31.3 percent who had type 2 diabetes had been breast-fed compared to 63.5 percent of non-diabetic patients. Researchers concluded that the reason for the reduced incidence of type 2 diabetes in the breast-fed group was a reduction in the risk of childhood obesity. Breast fed babies tend to feel full sooner than those drinking from a bottle. Overfeeding among bottle-fed children has been shown to increase the amount of insulin in the baby's blood, which can often lead to weight gain.

The researchers also suspect that the chemicals found in plastic bottles and the nitrates in tap water can impair the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin, which is the hormone that doesn't work as it should in people who have diabetes. Insulin is critical to helping bring glucose, our body's main fuel source, into the cells. When insulin doesn't do its job, our bodies are like cars with a fuel line blockage. The car is full of gasoline but the gas doesn't make it to the! engine, and the car does not run.

Holistic Nutrition and All Natural Weight Loss

We can help prevent diabetes and obesity by teaching our kids good eating habits, such as consuming fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats and staying away from processed junk food and fast food. We can encourage them to exercise more and spend less time sitting in front of a TV or computer.

In addition, there's a lot of evidence that we can help our children get off to a healthy start through breast-feeding them in infancy. More than two decades of research have shown many natural health benefits. Lower rates of hospital admissions, ear infections, diarrhea, rashes, allergies and, now, type 2 diabetes are found in children raised with awareness of and exposure to healthy lifestyle practices. Plus, nursing allows for bonding between mother and child, and also can help new mothers lose extra pregnancy weight by using up extra calories. For mothers who are able to breast-feed, this natural process is just one more step we can take to help our children and the health of our nation.

Resources: For more information about the study and diabetes: Diabetes Care. March, 2008;31:470-475, the National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse,,

About the Author

Lewis Family Natural Health is a husband and wife team of naturopathic physicians in Asheville, North Carolina. Drs. Kristina and Eric Lewis specialize in holistic women's health, homeopathy, herbal medicine, nutritional counseling, all natural weight loss and healthy lifestyle coaching. For more information visit

BLOOD SUGAR BALANCE: Critical to health, here's why -CHEK

Paul explains why your Blood Sugar Levels throughout the day are of utmost importance to all of your health related goals. This talk is an abstract of his 9 hour audio CD series "You Are What You Eat" available at CHEK It all starts with how you choose your food and ends with your ability to detoxify any non-food substances and endogenous wastes. Please RATE, COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE for more Paul Chek Live! Cancer, autoimmune, arthritis, digestive, colon, stomach, cardiovascular immunity health disease

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Experience the Pleasures of Gorgeous Aromas using Aromatherapy

Posted: 14 May 2012 08:00 PM PDT

Article by Annette Harper

Aromatherapy is a method of alternate medicine which was discovered thousands of years ago as soon as it was pointed out that specified aromas could create specific sensations and also results. Today aromatherapy scents are enjoyed in cosmetics, lotions, diffusers and also candles. Aromatherapy candles have many uses for different problems.

While in many ways aromatherapy can be facilitated through just about any smell, such as your mother's cinnamon apple pie that brings you back to the pleasurable memory of tasting that hot apple treat with a scoop of fresh vanilla ice cream. Probably the most popular scent is the smell of cinnamon rolls cooking in the oven which could bring a smile to just about any face. These are scents that initiate pleasurable emotions and can often stimulate wonderful memories.

Aromatherapy is most commonly associated with the use of therapeutic essential natural oils. Essential herbal oils are generally powerful liquids distilled from a big concentration of floral blossoms, plant's roots along with leaves, especially those of herbs. A small amount of drops of any essential oil placed into water can certainly fill up a space with aromas that would calm the heart and soul as well as energize the mind, according to the flower or plant essence.

An excellent technique to accomplish the great benefits of fragrances produced from essential oils is definitely through candles. A very few drops placed in some wax after melting delivers a fantastic way for you to share a pleasant smell with everybody. If you enjoy to make candles, and would wish to offer a present of relaxation to a friend or family member, consider putting a few drops from rose oil in your melted wax. Candles as soon as burned will give the particular gift of enjoyment and also calmness to the person who is lucky enough to smell it.

There are many books on aromatherapy and many articles and web pages have been designed around the use of essential oils to provide an effective form of the! rapy. Wh en making candles you can be transformed into an aroma therapist and a perfumer by experimenting with the combination of different essential oils to create a scent of your own that will not only bring the gift of positive emotions to a loved one, but a gift that will remind them of you and the relationship you share.

Aromatherapy candles make an amazing gift for everyone. It must be pointed out that you will find masculine aromas that could give quite a few enjoyable hours for the men in your life. Adults and youngsters like the particular scent of pine, eucalyptus and also jasmine, the flower most commonly used in perfumes.

Making candles is a satisfying, creative plus a esthetic hobby that may offer you hours of enjoyment.

About the Author

Take Advantage of my Candle Making Free Mini Course and Discover what Scent or Essential Oil is Used for each purpose in Aromatherapy Candles

Mesothelioma Treatment-6 Holistic methods of treatment

Posted: 14 May 2012 07:00 PM PDT

Article by Bello kamorudeen

Meditation Course - Lesson 2 Soul World - Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga - Om Shanti - Tutorial

Learn all the basic aspects of spirituality in this easy, simple and rich in content video, divided in six small parts. For free meditation courses, in more than 100 countries, please visit - Keywords soul atma supreme inner self peace deep meditation experience brahma...

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Homeopathic Remedies - A Holistic Approach to Healing

Posted: 14 May 2012 06:00 PM PDT

Article by Madonna Jeffries

Homeopathic remedies are alternative medications that treat diseases through substances that would normally cause the occurrence of the disease itself. Some people would refer to homeopathy as a holistic way of healing because it involves the whole being of the person, and first originated in the 18th century through a German physician named Samuel Hahnemann.

The popularity of homeopathy has made it as the second commonly used alternative treatment in the whole world. Homeopathic remedies have been widely used for almost two hundred years. The principle behind this complementary medicine is that the body, the mind, as well as the emotions are connected to one another.

The usual scientific practice of treating diseases considers symptoms as mainly the manifestations of the disease. However, in homeopathy, a patient has to suffer first prior to experiencing relief. The patient is provided with a substance that will induce manifestations of the same symptoms brought about by the disease. This way, the patient would have a stronger threshold to fight off the disease because the symptoms are already experienced.

Homeopathy is truly a delicate treatment approach. In general, the aim is to correct the imbalances that happen in the body before symptoms of a certain disease will disrupt the body's homeostasis.

Homeopathic remedies are derived from organic sources such as plants, animals, and even minerals. Because it is organic, side effects are less likely to happen. Usually, these substances are diluted until it reaches its weakest form. The diluted substance will be given to the patient to treat the particular disease.

Homeopathy is denoted as a complete opposite to the conventional form of medicine because it treats all the underlying symptoms as a whole. This makes it a holistic approach of treating disease conditions.

Advocates of homeopathy believe that this method is effective because it addresses the cause of the disease and not just treating it symptomatically! . In man y cases, people prefer homeopathic remedies rather than conventional medication.

Examples of conditions that can be treated by this type of alternative medicine are asthma, skin allergies, and even hemorrhoids. Asthma is becoming increasingly common among children, and many parents prefer to not expose their children to the harsh chemical treatments that a traditional doctor would recommend. Thus, homeopathic remedies offer a great alternative to conventional medicine.

Aside from that, the expenses that natural remedies incur are not as high as the skyrocketing health care expenses that a patient will have to pay in conventional medication. Through homeopathy, a natural and organic healing process is promoted, without using chemicals or strong substances that can cause toxicity to the kidneys and liver.

If you have conditions like skin allergies, asthma, and hemorrhoids, you can try homeopathic remedies for healing. There are many homeopathic clinics out there wherein you can consult about your condition. This type of treatment is becoming increasingly popular as many people are looking for natural alternatives when it comes to looking after their health.

About the Author

Visit"> to receive a free copy of 'Healing Naturally Using Homeopathy, Herbs And Whole Foods' and to learn more about natural healing and homeopathic remedies that you can use yourself at home.

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What Aromatherapy is the best solution for Anxiety disorder?

Posted: 14 May 2012 05:00 PM PDT

Article by Ejazahmed2512

Anxiety disorder is called as a psychological condition which is differentiated by unnecessary, exaggerated and worry about routine daily life events which have not to be solid reasons of worry or fear. It provides a normal feedback to a stressor and also can help to a person tackling with a difficult situation by timely decision. Furthermore fear is associated to the precise behavior of flee and evasion, generally fear itself is the name of an incident which seems to be seated in person's heart without giving any signal, but majority of the people don't know why fear comes and where from. While anxiety represents to the superficial condition as uncontrollable or inevitable. According to the substitute study, usually when a person thinks about his difficulties in the prevailing situation and interlinked with the future incidents consequently the chances of creating anxiety are raised by the clash of collective thoughts at the same time.

The causes of Anxiety disorder are still unknown but according to the scientists, three main factors play a significant role to trigger the anxiety, fear and other disorders. Generally most of the anxiety disorders are treated by the medication that changes the brain's chemicals or chemistry. Due to imbalanced brain's chemical, a problem is produced between thoughts and feelings, so one's feels depression or anxiousness. Hence stress, panic and excessive fear are the result of difference between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Positron Emission Tomography (PTE) scans are being carried out to prove this study. Secondly if anxiety's symptoms are found in parents definitely the children would also be suffered by it, which may affect the one's childhood. Thirdly the bad experience of childhood such as poverty, violence and abuse represent to the anxiety, stress, fear and other behavior disorder.As far as its medicines are concerned, there are a bigger quantity of medicines are available in the market to combat anxiety, but most import thing is that ! it shoul d be treated itself in a natural way. First of all it should be reevaluated its main causes that why anxiety creates? Such thoughts, feelings which provoke anxiety must be avoided by self-control. Physiologically if some troublesome works which are not to be completed in spite of making serious efforts should have been left out at God's consent. It is a spiritual approach to treat anxiety and other severe mental disorders.In the present era anxiety problem is being treated naturally by applying Aromatherapy massage method. The history of aromatherapy is too old and these had not been used in a single culture other than the Greeks, Romans and ancient Egyptians all were used aromatherapy oils even though Egyptian God of healing and medicine suggested the use of fragrant oils for bathing, massage and mummifying their dead nearly 6000 years ago. The inventors of modern medicine had also been used aromatherapy baths and aromatic massage.More than 10 type of fragranced essential oil have been used during massaging. The detail of the some oils is given below:Rose Oil - one of the main oil which is used in Aromatherapy. Its components and fragrance stimulate to the self respect, confidence hope and mental power and establish a safety wall against any type of anxiety, depression, and negative thoughts.Orange Oil - it is a powerful tonic against anxiety and depression. Its massage gives a beautiful sensational touch with refreshment to the brain. This essential oil which is also rich with vitamin C has been used in cosmetic industry ranging from body oils, bath and also in confectionary industry.Lavender Oil - Apply some amount of this essential oil on your shoulder and ask someone to rub it and ask yourself for relax. After some time your body would be free from anxiety, tension and pressure. The massage on back muscles is also beneficial to reduce anxiety and tension.Sandalwood oil - it is found through a small study the massage sandalwood oil is very beneficial to reduce anxiety especially for soothing care pat! ients. S andalwood oil and its pastes have been utilized for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine for treating psychological disorders. Jasmine oil - it is a very expensive essential oil which is used in aromatherapy. Jasmine oil has been taken from thousand pounds of flowers to gain one pound of liquid oil. It is also used for sooth anxiety, reducing depression and treating addiction problems. Jasmine oil is the finest selection if you want to calm down after a busy day. The fragrance of jasmine oil persuades a profound sense of relaxation. The oil is also beneficial to treat insomnia.Besides the above essential oil, different oils such as Cypress, Neroli, Patchouli, Basil, Geranium, Chamomile, Sage, Bergamot, ylang-ylang, clove etc. have also been used in Aromatherapy process, which treat the anxiety problem and other mental disorders.

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I am associated with the import/export business field from the last 15 years.I was much inspired by the writers during my college life. That time I had read every kind of literature, articles etc. As a result my Enthusiasm came to me in the Writing field: you can also follow me on hub pages:

Chanting and the Reiki Mantra

Posted: 14 May 2012 04:00 PM PDT

Article by Samantha Hall

All about Holistic Skin Care for Women

Posted: 14 May 2012 02:00 PM PDT

Article by James Pendergraft

Most women want to look their best and are concerned about their skin. The skin is the body's largest organ. It is also what people see first about a person. Beautiful skin is also a reflection of health. It makes you appear radiant and feel good from the inside out.

But you don't have to spend a lot of money to make your skin look perfect. A flawless, glowing complexion can be achieved by following the practices of holistic skin care for most women. Here are some tips:

1. Eat right.

Everything starts from within. Perfect skin will only be evident if you eat the right types of food. Keep away from fatty foods, cholesterol-laden foods, sweets, and carcinogens. You also have to reduce salt and alcohol intake. Anything that's fresh, light, and nutritious is essential for healthy skin.

2. Take vitamins.

Your skin needs nutrition. And the best way to get it is to make sure that you take vitamin supplements daily. While you can rely on food to get all the nutrients that your skin needs, you will be able to boost the radiant effect if you have adequate amounts of Vitamins A, C, and E. Other vitamins and minerals are essential as well.

3. Stay away from the sun.

An ounce of prevention is always better than a pound of cure. Don't subject your skin to torture. The sun's UV rays are the ones most harmful to it. You are going to need the sun to have adequate Vitamin D in your body. It is best that you get your skin's dose of the sun very early in the day. At 10 am to noon, the sun is at its most dangerous. Never go out and expose your skin to it during such hours.

4. Don't use products containing harmful substances.

If you have to use skin care regimens, make sure that you use products that don't have artificial preservatives, chemicals, fragrances, paraffin, petrochemicals, petrolatum, alcohol, and ethylene oxide in them. With prolonged use, all of these may harm your skin. They may cause allergies and irritations as well. Worse, they would incr! ease you r risks of acquiring cancer.

5. Drink up.

You want your skin moisturized because dry skin is not healthy. So always make sure that you don't get dehydrated. Drink as much water and fluids as you can throughout the day. Water also helps in the detoxification process. It can flush out the harmful elements inside your body, which may eventually cause problems from within. Fruit juices and vegetable shakes are most advisable, on top of your regular eight glasses of water a day. You should also make sure that you stay away from sodas, alcohol, and caffeinated drinks which lack any good health values.

These holistic skin care regimens can definitely make your skin glow with beauty naturally. Follow them regularly and you'll be on your way to achieving healthy skin.

About the Author

Orlando Women's Clinic, was established by Dr. James Pendergraft. Our Abortion Clinics Offering the latest, safest and most advanced techniques including abortion pill in Orlando.

High Fiber Foods - Healthy Weight Loss

Naturopathic Doctors strongly suggest that we increase roughage (fiber) in our diets. The latest holistic medical research suggests the high incidence of heart disease, diabetes, bowel disease, hernia and diverticulitis in western countries on a lack of dietary fiber in the diet. How much dietary fiber are you consuming on a daily basis? Americans usually avoid high fiber diets because of a concern that it will increase gas levels and bloating. As a matter of fact eating fiber will help the normal detoxification processes, normalize your bowel and support maintenance of a healthy weight and prevent bowel diseases. Dietary fiber amounts are now listed on most product labels in supermarkets. It is suggested that we consume at least 35 grams of dietary fiber daily. This amount can assist in re-establishing proper digestion in your body by toning and strengthening your bowel, eliminating harmful toxins. High Fiber Foods in Your Diet represent the revolutionary way for you to lose weight, prevent disease, stay slim and have more energy. Dietary fiber and digestive enzymes are a great way to improve poor digestion.

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Aromatherapy for Anti-aging- Aromatherapy Australia

Posted: 14 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT

by Zero-X

Article by Hong Vo

Ageing is a part of our life but it does not necessarily mean that we will just sit down in one corner, waiting for the day until we found out that we are having wrinkles, fine lines and dull skin. The reality still sucks that although there are many ways on how you can stay younger looking and blemish-free, the cost of many anti-aging creams in the market is too expensive. People who want to keep their skin healthy and smooth are seeking beauty regimens to suit their budget. Given this situation, the use of aromatherapy and essential oils in beauty products has been well recognized.

Aromatherapy is defined as the utilization of extracted oil from the essence of flowers and plants. It has become increasingly popular as positive results are evident to individuals who have used it and are still practicing this kind of therapy. In fact, aromatherapy is one of the proven effective treatments to combat the signs of ageing. There is actually a plethora of organically occurring oils that can moisturize and cleanse your skin, enhance its elasticity as well as help to eradicate fine lines and wrinkles.

Here are some examples of anti-aging oils and their properties:

• Argan Oil: Possesses a remarkable ability to nourish, moisturize and improve skin elasticity. It has strong anti-oxidant qualities, contains high levels of essential fatty acids thus is effective as an anti-inflammatory oil for mature skin. • Camellia Oil: Exhibits exceptional antioxidant activity, moisturizing, rich in vitamin E, and has excellent absorption. Great for anti-aging formulations.• Carrot Seed Oil: It stimulates circulation, repairs and tones the skin, increases elasticity, reduces the formation of wrinkles, and scars. A MUST have in all anti-aging skin care products!!!!!!• Frankincense: Encourages the growth of skin cells. Great for dry, mature skin.• Marula oil: High in omega-9 oleic acid and the omega-6 essential fatty acid linoleic acid, a strong anti-oxidant. Excellent for dry and inflamed skin ! conditio ns.• Neroli: Has cell regenerating properties and helps with broken capillaries. Helps skin elasticity and improves circulation. • Patchouli: Promotes new cell growth. Calms inflamed skin making it perfect for mature skin prone to acne!!!• Pomegranate Seed Oil: A luxurious and deeply penetrating oil which is deeply nourishing to the outer epidermal layer. It will promote healthy skin cell regeneration and provide them with powerful anti-oxidant benefits.• Rose: This super oil does it all. Excellent hydrating properties. Helps maintain the elasticity of the skin. A must have ingredient for mature skin.• Rosewood: Stimulate new cell growth, regenerate tissues and also promotes to lessening of fine lines and wrinkles. It is balancing for dry and oily skin, and is also useful for acne breakouts.• Sandalwood: Balances the skin. Great for oily mature skin.

Essential oils are very distinct not only for their benefits but also for their cost and accessibility. You can purchase these oils in aromatherapy shops, health food stores and online shopping malls. However, before using aromatherapy as part of your beauty regimen, you need to know some precautions related to the application of essential oils. Although these oils are natural and proven to have therapeutic effect, you must consider the right amount of oil and its proper utilization. Some oils are very strong and may cause irritation if applied directly onto the skin. Huge doses may result in side-effects such as appetite loss and sedation. It is highly suggested that essential oils be used diluted since this is the safest method to apply it. In many cases, you may need to combine the oils or create effective blends that can be added to creams and products for use on your face, neck, hands and other areas of the body that are prone to aging.

Aromatherapy for anti-aging is more than just for direct application to the skin as prevention for wrinkles and dull skin. Inhalation of scented oil is a great way to relieve stress and depressio! n. The r elaxing and soothing scent of essential oil facilitates wellbeing helping us to become more vibrant and younger looking.

About the Author

Do you want to have youthful and radiant skin even as you grow old? Experience the effective effect of Aromatherapy Australia for inner beauty and healthy feeling. Visit InnerScent Health & Beauty-

Reiki Attunement -- Just Take A Deep Breath And Walk Into It, Take That First Step Into The Great Mystery

Posted: 14 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by Michael Hills

Why could a reiki attunement change everything in your life? It might be the starting point to an awesome spiritual journey that will put you where you want to be in your life. The question to answer is what do you want in your life? Most people want to change their lives but have no idea what they want to change, and how to do it.Getting a reiki attunement might shed some light on the subject. This might not directly happen with a single reiki attunement, but every great journey starts with the first step. The journey for many people, including myself and my wife, started with a reiki attunement. It opened the door to a whole world of self-empowerment tools, systems, subjects, and philosophies. It opened the door to greater wellness, and personal harmony. It seriously made our relationship way better, and brought harmony to our family, not to mention financial gain. This ultimately happened through a simple reiki attunement. From there a whole new unexplored magical realm of a mysterious universe became out playground. It is a play place that has no end to new discoveries.Every day is a new adventure. Every completed quest gives light to new unexplored places that open to new quests. Anyone can play there, anyone can have a quest, the playground of the universe is begging you to come and have a good time. All you have to do is take that first step into the great mystery, accept, and trust in the journey that is about to come. My wife and I can not imagine what life would be like if we did not take that first faithful step. But we are sure glad we did. Maybe it is time that you take that step as well, is the universe talking to you? It might be right now, all you have to do is listen!

About the Author

Reiki attunements can be very powerful, learn more about it here now: reiki attunement.

Reiki Makes Warping Time Easier

Posted: 14 May 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Article by Christy DeArment Martin

Have You ever wanted to get somewhere faster than humanly possible? Do You believe You have the capacity to warp time? Do You believe time is an illusion? Then read on...

The first time I warped time, I had no idea that I was even doing so. I had no conscious thought about warping time. I was aware that time was an illusion though.

My first encounter warping time was when my niece was born in 1996. I drove my sister from Sedona, AZ up Oak Creek Canyon to the hospital in Flagstaff, AZ in 20 minutes. My niece's father was timing my sisters contractions on the way up to Flagstaff. Therefore, he knew how long this journey took us. If You aren't familiar with this area of the country. The road between Sedona and Flagstaff is a windy canyon road. The journey to the hospital normally takes 40 to 45 minutes.

My brother in-law was amazed and kept asking me how I got to the hospital so fast. He could even see the speed-o-meter and knew that I was not speeding, at least not recklessly. I was very aware of taking the turns slowly because I didn't want to make the labor pains worse. My sister was the first time I had been with a woman in labor.

My niece's father made me aware that something out of the normal had happened, that I had warped time. I really didn't think much of it. It took a while before the full impact that I had jumped ahead in the time/space continuum.

At some point later, I read an article about warping time. It gave a fully explanation on how to warp time. I wish I remembered where I read this so I could pass it on. It was then that I realized how I had warped time subconsciously. Here's the points I remember about how to warp time consciously.

See your destination in your mind's eye. I was visualizing the hospital all the way there. We had just been there that day trying to get my niece to turn in the womb since she was breech. See yourself arriving at a certain time. I live in Nederland, CO and I can get to the hospital in Boulder in 20 minutes if ne! eded and traffic cooperated. The drive is a canyon drive similar to the drive between Flagstaff and Sedona. I really thought it was normal to be able to drive to the hospital in Flagstaff in 20 minute. So I saw us arriving in 20 minutes. Looking back, I'm certain I was energetically driving us in Boulder Canyon. Ignore any landmarks that give You a sense of timing. Pretend You have blinders on. That part was easy. It was dark and I hadn't driven Oak Creek Canyon enough to have any landmarks that told me I was a certain distance from the hospital. In fact, at this point I think I thought it was only 17 miles between Sedona and Flagstaff. I think it's more like 27 miles. I never once thought at any point, "We're only 10 minutes away from the hospital from here." Trust and know You'll reach your destination when You see yourself there with clear focus and just pay attention to your journey, the road in front of You. Be relaxed as possible. That's all I did. Drive and focus on driving quickly on the straight parts of the road and slowly and comfortably around the corners for my sister. I still remember being in what felt like another world or a tunnel, paying attention to the road and how my sister was doing. At the same time knowing I could get there in 20 minutes. Believe it's possible. Get your analytical mind out-of-the-way. I had no doubt in my mind I could make it from Sedona to Flagstaff in 20 minutes. So it worked then. I now "know" how long it's supposed to take. So repeating this exact time warping feat might be more challenging if I attempted it again.Now that You have the basic steps for warping time. You can add Reiki to the formula to make warping time easier. The distance symbol from the second degree of Reiki transcends time and space so everything can be experienced in the now.

You can activate the distance symbol while seeing yourself happily arriving at your destination at a certain time. You can imagine the distance symbol lying on the road ahead of You. Remember to Reiki yourself while Yo! u drive to keep focused and calm while driving, walking or biking.

I use this time warping technique often and most of the time successfully. I have been asked more than once, "Did You fly down the canyon?" Why, yes I did, on the wings of Reiki.

Enjoy using this time warping technique. I look forward to hearing how it works out for You. If You get there when You saw yourself arriving and You feel good when You get there. Count it as a success. Even if You only shaved a few minutes.

Reiki Blessings to You!

About the Author

Christy is the founder of Blue Spruce Energetic Wellness. She also writes about using Reiki in daily life in The Reiki Muse. http://www.thereikimuse.comChristy is an Usui and Karuna Reiki Master Teacher and Certified Reflexologist.

Lomi Massage Techniques with Gloria Coppola: Using Forearm

Gloria Coppola, owner of Massage Pro CE is at the Oakworks facility explaining Lomilomi massage and demonstrating lomi massage techniques using forearms. She is using the Oakworks ProLuxe™ Convertible Massage Table along with other Oakworks accessories. Gloria Coppola, LMBT #6902 , has been in the healing arts for approximately 25 years. The former owner of a massage school, she has also traveled nationally to help other massage schools with their curriculum and to offer CE trainings. She is the founder of Massage Pro CE and the Marion Wellness Center in North Carolina. Gloria's studies include many modalities, including advanced cranio sacral therapy, chakra healing, reiki, myofascial release, medical massage, lomilomi, neuromuscular therapy, foot reflexology, thai massage, hot stone massage, raindrop therapy , Gestalt Therapy, Breathwork, Somato-emotional Release and more!

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Lead with Love – Dr. Rob Kiltz

Posted: 14 May 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Hello and good morning
An awesome and amazing day in the universe
God has gifted you and I the beauty and perfection of this day
This is it, this day you say, that we lead with love
And this thy way
The key to life is love what it be and then you see
Greatness in thee
There's a space between the brain and the pain
It's two millimeters I say
But the chasm may be great or small you see
But it's a flash and a dash of what you be
For what it be is what you think you see
Now lead with love and there it be
The greatness of this awesome day
Is what you believe and this thy way
Pain it be or love you see
A thought, a choice, a space you see
Imagine it perfect as it be
For you to stand still and see
With love does lead and there you be
Calm within for there be God
Love and Namaste, Dr. Rob

Another awesome and amazing day in the universe
God Bless to you

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Information on Aromatherapy Recipes

Posted: 14 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Article by Chirag Kansoda

Aromatherapy refers the use of complex chemicals in the oils of the plants and herbs which are proved to be relaxing the mind and the body. While breathing in the aroma of the essential oils people experience feeling of vigor and balance within the perfume and fragrance.

Lavender oil is the most preferred oil used in the aromatherapy recipes because of its ability to minimize the stress, anxiety and depressions, helping to curb the irritations and uncontrolled emotions and bring forth the feeling of serenity and balance in the life of an individual. The lavender oil constitutes 70 % of linalyl and linalol acetate, a sweet delicate flower smell, and 4% of terpenol, camphor and the cineol which produces the intense and the dominant aroma.

The combination of the two chemicals in the lavender oil creates an aromatherapy recipe that permeates the floral fragrance to spread out and penetrate the nostrils to smell the sweet and mild aroma of the herb like plant stimulating the senses with serenity and tranquility.

The use of the chemicals do not seem to have any correlation yet the balance used in the aromatherapy recipes does create the much required balancing, normalizing and alleviating the combination of the perfumes with the essential oils.

The other essential oils used in the balancing of the aroma are lemon grass, juniper berry, clary sage, fir needle, Melissa and Petit grain.

When there is the proper understanding of the prevailing characteristics of the aroma selected for the essential oils, recipes that stimulate the energies and the senses and the other benefits are produced.

The body and the mind retaliates with the dominant outcomes of a particular aroma when the oils are used separately, but the person who has the experience in the benefits of the aroma will be able to experiment with the combinations of the oils that result in the several applications which improve the well-being of an individual.

The creation of the aromatherapy recipes involves ! the two important processes. The first process involves the use of single essential oils and the other process involves the combination of the oils that have different effects but compliment each other in terms of fragrance.

While producing aromatherapy recipes it is important to select a middle tinge from the blend of those oils. The middle tinge obtained should make a perfume that tantalizes the senses and bestows the symptomatic outcomes that can help the individual to relax the mind and body and muscles and ease physical discomforts after using the aromatherapy recipe.

About the Author

Find the best deals online for Aromatherapy Products Shop at discount price. This article is posted by Chirag Kansoda and with the help of his staff members. Our team is working on the clients website to improve their natural search engine ranking.

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Rockin’ Right: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, May 14, 2012

Posted: 14 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Hello and good morning, Dr. Rob
Another awesome and amazing day in the universe
Rockin' Right, an intention of the day

This the day to rock thy way
The universe you see is best in thee
And all of thee are gods I see
And rock thy life with all thy might
For passion be what you see
Now get up and move
And love, love, love all thee
For the sun does come in each good day
Fear you see is fright that be
Love is the key
So let it go and rock the day
For thy rock is right to move thy way
Dance and sing, and share the day
With all love and purpose of good it be
F'n rock the day and go thy way
With pure good thoughts and love you see
Life it be, the gift to thee
Namaste, Dr. Rob

Another awesome and amazing day in the universe
God Bless

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Holistic Depression Treatment Is The Best Treatment Plan

Posted: 14 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Article by Sunset Malibu

Depression treatment cannot succeed if it fails to account for the full scope of depression itself. Clinical depression is both a physical and a psychological disease, which means that depression victims, for example those suffering from panic disorder, are sick both in body and in mind. Under those circumstances, it would seem obvious that depression recovery must always entail both physical and psychological healing. Unfortunately, many exclusive depression treatment programs fail to put that principle into practice.

Too many high-priced depression treatment programs target either the physical or psychological dimension of depression while ignoring the other. This is a recipe for failure when treating all mental disorders. The good news, though, is that Sunset Malibu is different. Sunset's expert caregivers understand that depression is a holistic disease demanding a holistic treatment approach, including the use of depression medications. That's why so many of Sunset's clients achieve meaningful and lasting recovery. More to the point, it's also why Sunset Malibu is the right place for you.You shouldn't need a lecture on the perils of depression. You know that the disease strips its victims of their capacity for hope, and turns them into shells of the people they used to be, even those people with anxiety depression. Sunset Malibu can change all that, provided you can muster the courage to take the first step. For your own sake, for the sake of the people who care about you, let today be the day you start remembering why you ever believed tomorrow to be a thing worth waking up for.If you'd like more information on this topic, please call 1-800-332-9202, or visit our website at press release may be used freely, provided that the resource box is included and the links are active. A courtesy copy of the issue or a link to any online posting would be greatly appreciated. About the Author

Sunset Malibu

Video: Loving Life – Dr. Rob Kiltz

Posted: 14 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Dr. Rob shares his daily thoughts…

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Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selections, May 14, 2012

Posted: 14 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT

"People who say that yesterday was better than today are ultimately devaluing their own existence."
~Karl Lagerfeld

"Everything in the universe has a purpose. Indeed, the invisible intelligence that flows through everything in a purposeful fashion is also flowing through you."
~Wayne Dyer

"With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts."
~Eleanor Roosevelt

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What's REALLY in Your Pet's Food!!

Do you really know what your pet ate last night? You will be SHOCKED to learn what's legally allowed in pet food.

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How To Choose And Become A Usui Reiki Master

Posted: 14 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Article by Tut Sugi

If you have an interest in becoming a Usui Reiki Master then first and foremost you must have an overwhelming passion for healing and want to dedicate your life to practicing the Usui system. Being a reiki master should not be thought of as a job, it is a stage of self development and discovery.

If you are to ensure that you achieve your desires by learning the methods necessary to be a Usui master you must understand that it is often a lifetime commitment. There can be various motivations that encourage us to go down this road. Many people today have discovered that the Usui system suits their lifestyle and aspirations.

Mikao Usui was a Japanese practitioner who is the founder of this particular system. It was after years of meditation that he came to realize that it is possible for anybody to connect with the universal energy and undergo attunement. His teachings have been adopted and used by modern masters to allow students to achieve perfect harmonization between the chakras and the reiki energy with the minimal of effort.

Though one of the major aspects of the Usui system is the possibility of self attunement you may still want to take some training off an experienced master. It is important to consider carefully who will initiate you. They must have immense self knowledge and be able to train you with care. It is better to choose a master who has many years of experience of the Usui system.

It may not be easy to find an individual with the commitment necessary. It would be better to locate a master that is financially secure and offering to help out of willingness to spread knowledge. They should also be able to challenge you as and when is required whilst also guiding to places unknown. The reiki master you choose is an individual that you will have a long lasting and maturing relationship with over a long period.

It is important to never rush when searching for a master. It can take years for such an individual to appear to you. Do not think that a fast initi! ation is in some way a sign of success. If you are to become a master yourself, the urge and calling will not diminish with time; it should exist deep within you.

To help you achieve your goals you should attend the classes of as many masters as possible. Try to become acquainted with as many different variations of Reiki before deciding whether the Usui system is the best option.

About the Author

Tut Sugi is a novelist who wrote a lot of articles on spirituality as well. He has been a Reiki Master Healer since 2004. If you have an interest in becoming a Reiki Master visit

Rajendra Teredesai - Bamboo Flute Meditation Series - 7-Yog Samadhi..mpg

This haunting bamboo flute music is designed for meditation, helping you to relax completely, calming your mind & experiencing pure bliss and tranquility.

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Missing Our Old Habits: Enduring Discomfort

Posted: 14 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Sometimes when we break a habit or addiction we find ourselves missing it like a dear friend.

Whenever we make the effort to free ourselves of an addiction or a habit we no longer need, we are often surprised to find ourselves missing the old pattern as we would a familiar friend. This sounds counterintuitive, because we think we should instinctively gravitate toward that which is good for us. And yet, it makes a lot of sense when you consider that we humans are creatures of habit. This is why we gravitate to people and places—and patterns of behavior–that make us feel comfortable. Therefore, many of the habits we form are not conscious and are based instead on learned behavior from role models who were not always making the healthiest decisions.

Most addictions begin as a way of avoiding feelings that are extremely uncomfortable, so it makes sense that stopping the addiction means, for a time, a fair amount of discomfort. The same, of course, is true of habits that we have developed over time that we are ready to release. Just knowing that this is hard, and having compassion for ourselves as we work through this process, can help us to stay the course when we feel the urge to backtrack. It's also helpful to remember that in time we will establish new, healthier patterns, and the yearning for the old ones will disappear. Eventually, we will instinctively reach for things that are good for us, and the longing for positive change may form the basis of a new habit.

The only way to get to this new place is to endure a time of difficulty, which is a challenge we can confidently handle, if we remember that it will lead to the change we seek in our lives. Our bodies, hearts, and minds always need time to adjust to a new way of doing things, but they will adapt, and even become our allies, if we remain true to our vision of a new way.

~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM

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Holistic Methods of Pain Management

Posted: 14 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Article by Michela Mangiaracina

"The first night after I learned how to do Brain Wave Vibration, I practiced it to rid myself from pain. I was asleep in bed, and had a severe muscle cramp in my right quadricep. The cramp would not go away, so I thought about taking one of my leg cramp pills. Then I thought that if I continued to rely on the pills, I would essentially be a slave to the pills because I would be dependent on them. I decided to try Brain Wave Vibration to see if it would help make the pain go away. I sat on the edge of my bed and shook my head from side to side. At the same time I imagined the pain from my legs coming up through my body and then leaving my body as I exhaled. After about five minutes, my pain in both legs was gone, and I was able to go back to sleep. I felt elated that I was able to stop pain with such a simple procedure."--Patrick Ruz, 53, Albuquerque, NM

Like Patrick, millions of people around the world suffer from pain, both occasional and chronic. His experience offers an example of how some pain can be dealt with on one's own without medication and its side effects. Some holistic healing methods of pain relief include herbal treatments, exercise, deep breathing techniques, self-hypnosis, acupuncture, music therapy, yoga, biofeedback, magnet therapy, massage, meditation, and relaxation therapy.

Research by Robert Kerns, Professor of Psychiatry at Yale University, and the National Program Director for Pain Management at the Veterans Health Administration, has indicated that "a person's thinking could really affect their pain experience. Therapy that helps people feel they are in some control over their thoughts and emotions--keeping a journal, practicing relaxation techniques, or biofeedback--that help them manage their negative feelings and alleviate their suffering, was shown to reduce stress and pain. Our chronic pain isn't beyond our control."

A recent method of pain management developed by Dahn Yoga and Brain Education founder Ilchi Lee gives practitioners this sense of c! ontrol. It expands on the "shaking medicine" of shamans and the healing powers of meditation and music. Called Brain Wave Vibration, its simplest form involves shaking the head while focusing on the center of the head cavity. As tension in the head and neck relaxes, the vibrations created by the shaking travel down to the shoulders and then to the rest of the body. While moving their body, it's important for practitioners to follow their own internal, natural rhythm in order to create a stronger connection between mind and body.

It's often thought by many holistic healthcare providers that a strong mind-body connection helps natural healing to take place more readily in body and mind. In the case of Brain Wave Vibration, the vibrations created help reduce or eliminate mind chatter and increase focus-like a moving meditation. With extraneous thoughts out of the way, the brain can better pay attention to the body.

Anecdotal evidence about Brain Wave Vibration has indicated that keeping a goal in one's mind while doing the technique helps with that goal's achievement. As Patrick Ruz demonstrated, focusing on the pain while keeping thoughts of healing in the mind and moving the body instinctively helps relieve or eliminate pain.

Besides eliminating pain, Brain Wave Vibration has the added benefit of lightening your mood, relaxing your body, and bringing you inner peace. Using that or other simple methods of pain management you can do on your own will enable you to take control of your pain and your health without as much reliance on medication.

About the Author

Michela Mangiaracina is an editor for the independent publishing company, BEST Life Media, as well as a certified Dahn Yoga and Brain Education Instructor. She studied Health Communication at Emerson College and has an undergraduate degree from Cornell University in neurobiology and behavior. BEST Life Media produces books, CDs, DVDs, and gift products designed to enhance your health, happiness, and peace so that you can live your best life.



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Infertility Success With Holistic Medicine

Posted: 14 May 2012 05:00 AM PDT

by rocor

Article by hearn2

Are you having problems becoming pregnant? You're not alone; over 7.2 million Americans are facing the same challenges of infertility. Though some non-experts say that it's all a matter of relaxation or taking medication, you need clear, straightforward, and trustworthy answers from healthcare professionals without feeling insulted, humiliated, or scared. Infertility affects both men and women. It even affects family and friends who may make inappropriate comments but are just trying to be supportive and helpful.

There has been research done with Chinese holistic medicine. It has had positive results for many people who have been trying to get pregnant for yearsIt has helped both male and female infertility patients. Also it can help women in their late 30's or 40's.

Even If You Have Endometriosis

Even If You Have Tubal Obstruction

Even If You Have Ovarian Cysts Or 'Lazy Ovaries'

Without Resorting To Drugs, IVF or IUI Procedures

Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!

Are you struggling to get pregnant? Are you frustrated, or feeling angry for not being able to conceive despite all your efforts ?

The system that was developed by this research is all natural and drug free. There is no risky surgery or expensive infertility treatments that can cause so many side effects.

Many researches show that up to 92% of women who use conventional treatments to increase their chances of getting pregnant fail, and sometimes end up worse then when they started.

Get Pregnant Naturally Without Drugs or Typical Infertility Treatments. Drugs, and expensive painful procedures such as IVF or IUI to treat infertility only seldom work but the side effects and the procedures are nasty. The tiny handful infertility sufferers who have learned how to treat their Infertility from within and without ever using drugs, painful surgical procedures or over the counters are the only women in the world who keep it off permanently.Trying to get pregnant can put an enormous s! train on even the very best of marriages. It often can even turn into the blame game, each spouse blaming the other for their infertility, doing themselves or the situation no good.

With this system you will learn:

1. What are the top ten best fertility foods you should eat all the time.

2. What are the top ten worst foods you should never eat when you are tryingto get pregnant.3..What is the beverage which decreases your chance of conceiving by 50%.

Find out what 100's of women around the world think of a natural holistic system to help with fertility problems.With no dangerous drugs and side effects to worry about or expensive fertility treatments, this system will at least open you eyes to other methods that can help you conceive with all natural products

About the Author

Infertility options. 5 step proven infertility method. Trying to get pregnant.

"Are You Part of the 11%?" Marianne Williamson Are you ready for a quantum leap forward, personally and collectively? In this video, bestselling author Marianne Williamson dares us to become part of the 11% of people that can transform the world. From the suffragettes to the civil rights movement, history shows that all it takes is ENOUGH people to truly make a difference. Will you be one of them?

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Holistic Health News: Not All Fish Oil is Created Equally Part 3

Posted: 14 May 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Article by Dr. Kristina Lewis, ND

Are You Getting Enough of Your Fish Oil Supplement to Do Your Health Any Good?

Many times we read the labels on fish oil supplements our patients bring in and see the amounts of the active omega-3 fatty acids, known as EPA and DHA, are negligible and not present in high enough amounts to provide any health benefits. Depending on the person, patients often need 5-20 times more than is found in the average over-the-counter fish oil supplement. If you don't consume enough of these valuable essential fatty acids, the supplement is just a waste of your money. You really need therapeutic levels to see health benefits.

However, just because a fish oil is advertised as "concentrated" does not mean it will contain enough of the omega-3 fatty acids for you to receive true health benefits. It's not the oil itself that matters most; it is the amount of omega-3 fatty acids you find in the supplement (specifically DHA and EPA omega-3). A fish oil supplement can be highly concentrated, but without high levels of omega-3s, it doesn't contain all the health-giving properties of fish oil supplements.

If your fish oil says "1000 mg of fish oil" read the breakdown of the DHA and EPA on the label. Many supplements will only have small amounts of these active ingredients despite the claim that the supplement is "concentrated." The more EPA and DHA in your supplement, the more available the nutrients will be to your body. And if a brand doesn't specify the EPA and DHA amounts, it may be because they don't want you to see how small the amounts are-you would be best to look elsewhere!

Can You Trust Labels? How to Ensure You Get the Maximum Holistic Health Benefits from Your Fish Oil Supplement.

Well, after reading our Part I, Part II and Part III articles on fish oil, you now know what to look for, so it should be easy to go out, read the labels of various fish oil supplements, and make good choices. Right? Wrong!

There are no regulations in place to enforce any sort of l! abel cla ims. Many fish oil supplements claim to be "pharmaceutical grade" with "no detectable toxins." They may say they are "extra-distilled," "high-potency," "natural," and "ultra-pure."

The problem is that none of these claims are regulated in the United States, so in reality any fish oil manufacturer can say anything they want about their product! This makes it very difficult as a consumer to know how to identify a good fish oil and a bad fish oil.

The Naturopathic Conclusion About Buying Fish Oil

It is very important to take high quality fish oil products, and not purchase the bargain-basement brands. Questions of environmental toxicity, therapeutic value, and chemical contamination make this a supplement you really want to make sure you are getting with the best possible quality.

For ideas about safe, beneficial brands, ask your local naturopathic physician. Companies who work with licensed naturopathic doctors hold themselves up to the high standards as set forth in this article. For more information and to read our Part 1 and 2 articles on fish oil supplements visit or

Holistic Health Article Sources:

1: Marz, Russell, ND. Medical Nutrition from Marz, 2nd Edition. Portland, Oregon: Omni-Press, 1999.

2: Gatpandan, Nelda, Account Executive at Genestra/Seroyal. Emails to Dr. Kristina Lewis, May 6 and June 26, 2009.

3: Foran SE, Flood JG, Lewandrowski KB. Measurement of mercury levels in concentrated over-the-counter fish oil preparations: is fish oil healthier than fish?

Arch Pathol Lab Med, 2003; 127(12):1603-1605.

4: Virtanen J, Voutilainen S. Mercury, Fish Oils, and Risk of Acute Coronary Events and Cardiovascular Disease, Coronary Heart Disease, and All-Cause Mortality in Men in Eastern Finland. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 2005;25:228.

5: Foran JA, Good DH, et al. Quantitative Analysis ! of the B enefits and Risks of Consuming Farmed and Wild Salmon. J. Nutr., 2005;135:2639-2643.

6: Leslie G Cleland, Michael J James, and Susanna M Proudman. Fish oil: what the prescriber needs to know. Arthritis Res Ther. 2006; 8(1): 202.

7. Perlmutter, David, MD. What are Environmental Toxins? April 2008:

8: Melanson SF, Lewandrowski EL, Flood JG, Lewandrowski KB. Measurement of organochlorines in commercial over-the-counter fish oil preparations: implications for dietary and therapeutic recommendations for omega-3 fatty acids and a review of the literature. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2005 Jan;129(1):74-7. Clinical Laboratories Division, Department of Pathology, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA.

9: Foran SE, Flood JG, Lewandrowski KB. Measurement of mercury levels in concentrated over-the-counter fish oil preparations: is fish oil healthier than fish? Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2003 Dec;127(12):1603-5. Division of Laboratory Medicine, Department of Pathology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass 02114, USA.


About the Author

Lewis Family Natural Health is a husband and wife team of naturopathic physicians in Asheville, North Carolina. Drs. Kristina and Eric Lewis specialize in holistic women's health, homeopathy, herbal medicine, nutritional counseling, all natural weight loss and healthy lifestyle coaching. For more information visit

Guide to Aromatherapy Diffuser

Posted: 14 May 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Article by Chirag Kansoda

Aromatherapy Diffusers as the name suggests are type of machines or devices that help in dispersing aromatherapy scents all around. These devices come in filling and refilling forms. The first one allows filling and in the second one refilling of non-liquid scents is done. Also available are pre filled forms wherein the cotton soaked aroma oil scent is already filled.

Aromatherapy Diffuser is among the most recent fresheners for the room. In these devices diffusion can occur through a humidifier, a nebulizer or a vaporizer. It all depends upon the choice of the individual.

It is believed that when these oils are inhaled these give soothing effect and thus help in curing asthma or cold. These also help in curing numerous respiratory disorders. These diffusers have many different oils as well as different methods. One can opt for the one which is suitable to one's budget and the one which is required.

A fan can also be used to diffuse the oils which are present in the air of the room. Diffusion by steam is also well known, and is probably the easiest and the best way for diffusing the fragrance in room. Here as the steaming starts the oil added in the water starts to evaporate leaving fragrance in the room. In Aromatherapy diffuser can be even a candle or a tissue paper.

The other method which is used in Aromatherapy and is part of Aromatherapy Diffuser is through lamp rings. Here the rings of the lamp are used as Diffusers. Oil is applied to the rings, and as the bulb starts to heat the oil which is applied on the rings starts to evaporate and thus spreads and diffuses in the air.

Other method is through the use of pots made of either clay or terra cotta. Here this pot may have a small opening through which oil drips into the Aromatherapy Diffuser. Later slowly this pot sucks the oil and disperses it into the air.

Another method is to diffuse the scent or aroma using Electric heat. The other way is through nebulizer, here the nebulizer sets apart the essential o! il into minute particulars and thus spreads and disperses them which ultimately spread fragrance.

One important thing is that one should never use the oil which is not suitable or the ones that create negative effect. Thus it is always better to do little research before indulging in it.

About the Author

Visit our online Aromatherapy Products shop to find best deals on aromatherapy message oils, relaxation candles, aromatherapy bath, books, kits and more at discount price. This article was written by Chirag Kansoda and with the help of his staff members. Our team is working on the clients website to improve their natural search engine ranking.

Getting A Reiki Master Attunement

Posted: 14 May 2012 03:00 AM PDT

Article by Tut Sugi

A reiki master attunement is a ritual that helps to connect the healer with the source of the spiritual energy used in the practice. In this process the body's energy centers or chakras become activated and receptive taking in the real universal energy. It is this that's then applied to heal people.

If you believe that to undergo an attunement would take a lot of effort then you've not been informed correctly. Yes in most cases it's required to pass all three reiki levels in order to give attunements to others, but it's also possible to carry out the procedure at an earlier stage. In actuality it doesn't have to be a long and complicated procedure and as a matter of fact you don't even require the touch from a master. It's possible to feel the very same benefits from the comfort of your own home and at a time convenient to you.

Are you familiar with the name Mikao Usui. He is often described as being the founder of the modern form of Reiki practice. Whilst meditating and fasting on Mount Kurama, Mikao discovered he could access universal energy alone by himself. Of course, the man had spent a long time studying the principles of Reiki, but nevertheless after his own personal experiences he suggested that it's possible for any one of us to undergo the same process and be rewarded with the same sense of awareness and understanding.

Today there's a lot of interest in the works and teachings of Mikao Usui. As a matter of fact there are even online courses that can be taken up that have his knowledge as the core principles. There's a belief that many of us have already experienced attunement without even realizing it's taken place.

This is best explained in the following way. Sometimes we have a talent but are unaware that it exists. For instance, if you've never picked up a paintbrush you don't know whether or not you've a natural aptitude for art. By following the teachings of Mikao Usui you are able to unlock your own powers that may have been lying down.

Reiki continu! es to sp read around the world more of us will come to realize that we can tap into out own universal energy without the need for a master to be present. At the end of the day the more people that undergo attunement the better world we'll be living in.

About the Author

Tut Sugi is a novelist who wrote a lot of articles on spirituality as well. He has been a Reiki Master Healer since 2004. If you have an interest in becoming a Reiki Master visit

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