Mindful-Awareness For Kids' Attention, Life Skills

Mindful-Awareness For Kids' Attention, Life Skills

Mindful-Awareness For Kids' Attention, Life Skills

Posted: 23 May 2012 06:00 PM PDT

The new Healthier Happier Life Skills Series on DVD gives parents and teachers innovative tools to help children (ages 3-8) learn about health and happiness, so that they can develop and succeed in life. Self-management and the ability to focus one's attention are among a broad range of essential life skills introduced in the series for kids.

Studies demonstrate that school age children benefit from mindful-awareness training. In research reported in the Journal of Applied School Psychology 26 (2010) 70-95, second and third graders who participated in mindful-awareness activities for 30 minutes, twice weekly for eight weeks, showed increased self-regulation skills. Other studies report benefits such as improved attention and social skills, and reductions in absenteeism and rule infractions.

In a music-rich environment, young learners are introduced to a broad range of life skills and age-appropriate relaxation and mindfulness activities supporting physical, emotional and social well-being. The animated DVD series, with its radio show Q&A format and activities, help kids develop awareness and skills such as: Coping with stress & self-relaxation - The importance of fitness, sleep, and nutrition - Cultivating gratitude and kindness - Building self-esteem and confidence - Listening and communicating - Sharing feelings - Being responsible.

Songs enhance the learning experience. For example, children are introduced to a simple breath exercise as they listen to the classic "Danny Boy". Kids sing-along to "When the Red Red Robin Comes Bob Bob Bobbin' Along" and "Grandma's Feather Bed" while learning about the importance of family experiences and happiness.They learn a mind-quieting meditation with finger poses as they listen to Stephen Sondheim's tender "Not While I'm Around".

The expanded Healthier Happier Life Skills: Classroom Edition (PrK-3) includes 31 episodes and a year of cross-curricular standards-based activities on 3 DVDs with closed captioning, a 100-page Teacher Guide, and 3 CDs, supporting health, language arts and social-emotional curriculum. (Kit $ 249. DVD duration: 180 minutes; Activities duration: 15+ hours)

The Healthier Happier Life Skills Home Edition DVD titles are HEALTH: Fun Time, Relax Time (50 min), HAPPINESS: The Best Things in Life Are Free (50 min), and RELATIONSHIPS: Love Songs for Our Children.

For more information or to order the Healthier Happier Life Skills series, visit http://healthierhappierlife.com. Read More @ Source

Mountain Stream Relaxation Video (No Music)

WATCH IN HIGH QUALITY: www.youtube.com WANT A VERSION WITH MUSIC (ORIGINAL VERSION) www.youtube.com I've gotten a lot of requests for a version of this video to be uploaded without the music and just the sounds. Also, please check out this link for some Chakra Healing Meditation: www.mindrecipes.com

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Take a Breath Bay Area Campaign

Posted: 23 May 2012 05:00 PM PDT

Silicon Valley continues to be home to highly driven individuals who work under high pressure to deliver in an intensely competitive environment. As health conditions resulting from stress reach epidemic levels, the Art of Living Foundation today announced the launch of Take a Breath Bay Area campaign which aims to raise public awareness of the harmful effects of stress and provide simple and effective solutions that decrease the impact of stress, calm the mind and improve overall well being.

The APA's 2012 Stress in America study reveals that Americans have high stress levels and rely on unhealthy behaviors to manage stress. This combination suggests that the nation is on the verge of a stress-induced public health crisis. Take a Breath Bay Area anti-stress campaign will educate the public about the adverse effect of stress and ways in which it can be combated. This will be done through local stress relief seminars available at no cost at various public areas where more than 100 volunteers will talk to people on a one on one basis. The campaign urges people to think about how stress has impacted their lives and what steps they are taking to reduce it. It also makes them aware of the link between the breath and emotions and how the use of the breath can reduce stress.

"Negative emotions as a result of stress drain energy. If you can learn how to manage stress well, you can manage your time well," said Rajshree Patel, senior leader and international instructor at Art of Living Foundation. "The secret to buying time and managing stress is in the breath."

"Many individuals in Silicon Valley have become so accustomed to stress that they can't even recognize what true relaxation is," said Narendar Shankar, Art of Living Instructor and director of the campaign. "With continued economic pressure, a fast-paced lifestyle and extreme competitiveness, it is imperative for each individual to manage stress levels before it impacts one adversely."

The Foundation has organized a special event called the Art of Living course in San Jose, June 15-18 which incorporates Sudarshan Kriya, a unique technique that uses specific natural rhythms of the breath which harmonize the body, mind and emotions. This breathing technique eliminates stress, fatigue and negative emotions such as anger, frustration and depression, leaving the individual calm, energized, and relaxed. Numerous studies on this breathing practice have been published in peer-reviewed medical journals.

For more information about this initiative and to register, visit http://takeabreathbayarea.org/. Read More @ Source

Deva Premal - Mantras for Precarious Times

Each track is about 7-9 minutes in length, short enough to encourage a daily practice and long enough to feel the power of the mantra. Read more about the meaning of each mantra and how to use them as a meditation practice here. devapremalmiten.com "I hope they inspire you and enhance your life as they have mine. As my good friend Sharon Gannon says, 'The power is in the repetition.'" With love, Deva Mantras For Precarious Times is offered as a guide for daily meditation, and includes seven mantras chosen specifically to support us in these challenging times. Deva chants each mantra 108 times, according to classic Vedic tradition for a mantra meditation practice, and each mantra has a special focus: Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha (Removing of Obstacles); Om Shanti Om (Peace); Om Shree Dhanvantre Namaha (Healing); Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya (Liberation); Om Radha Krishnaya Namaha (Joy & Bliss); Om Shreem Mahalakshmiyei Namaha (Abundance); Om Kama Pujitayei Namaha (Sacred Love Making). 01 Om Gum Ganapatayer Namaha 8:07 02 Om Shanti Om 3:50 ( at 8:07) 03 Om Shree Dhanvantre Namaha 8:26 ( at 11:52) 04 Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya 9:23 (at 20:20) 05 Om Radha Krishnaya Namaha 8:06 (at 29:40) 06 Om Shreem Mahalakshmiyei Namaha 8:08 (at 37:48) 07 Om Kama Pujitayei Namaha 7:23 (at 45:47)

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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