How to Connect with Your Spirit Guide

How to Connect with Your Spirit Guide

How to Connect with Your Spirit Guide

Posted: 05 May 2012 06:00 PM PDT

The shadow is the name given in Jungian psychology to a complex of unacceptable feelings and impulses that function as an inner opponent, blocking growth and full expression of one's true self. By recognizing and integrating this inner adversary, however, people have the potential to also use it as an ongoing ally – a spirit guide - to self-discovery and personal growth.

To learn how to connect with and benefit from the spirit guide, EarthRise Retreat Center at the Institute of Noetic Sciences is offering a unique opportunity to learn guided alchemical divinations from consciousness science visionary Dr. Ralph Metzner. During Integrating with Your Shadow, Connecting with Your Guide, a weekend workshop April 13 to 15, 2012, Dr. Metzner will lead rhythmic rattling and drumming to support the process of concentration and tracking as well as practices of light-fire yoga to help purify and clarify perceptions and dissolve energy-blockages. He also will include chanting and drawing for aural-vocal and visual-spatial integration and application.

Early bird registration for the workshop is $ 295 available through March 19, 2012. Thereafter, the regular fee is $ 325. Fees include the program and 6 freshly prepared meals. Onsite lodging is $ 75 per person per night for a shared room or $ 99 per night Read More @ Source

Perfect Yoga Exercise for Beginners

Posted: 05 May 2012 05:00 PM PDT

Beginner Yoga Exercises

If you are new to yoga and looking for good exercises and poses in order to start your practice, I certainly recommend the poses detailed in the following article – Basic Yoga Poses for Beginners.  One of the great things about yoga is the wide range of exercises and positions that it offers, so in addition to the poses given in that article, there are many other great beginner's yoga exercises as well and in this guide I am going to detail one of my favorite for you.

This particular exercise is called Yoga Rowing and it is part of another great beginner's yoga set called the Morning Wake-Up Series | Yoga Poses for Beginners.  In fact it is the first exercise of that set and it is very often the first exercise I begin my yoga routine with as well.

One of the great things about this exercise is that it is an easy motion which can be done by yogis of all levels and of all ages.  In addition, this exercise is wonderful to warm-up with and it has the dual advantage of being a strengthening and stretching exercise.  If you are a beginner or out of shape and looking to get back into fitness then Yoga Rowing is a perfect place to start.

As with all yoga exercises, breathing is a key component of this movement as well so be sure to pay special attention to that aspect.  Also, as you might be doing this exercise first, be sure to start off gently and them extend the range of the movement as you feel you mu! scles st arting to warm-up.

More Yoga Exercises and Poses:

In addition to the 2 beginner yoga sets I pointed out above, you will also will find plenty of yoga poses and exercises in the following 2 free online galleries. There you will find both, starter yoga exercises and poses, as well as more advanced one. Free Hatha Yoga Galleries and Free Kundalini Yoga Exercises.

For Yoga and Yoga Certification Program Students:

For teachers graduating from the Online Yoga Teacher's Training and Certification Program or Online Yoga Certification Program, Yoga Rowing is a great exercise to do early in your class and my students have always loved this exercise.  Also, as this is a relatively easy movement to do, all students are generally able to participate. I use it in both my yoga classes and meditation classes as it really is a great way to get a stretch and get the energy moving.

Yoga Exercise for Beginners | Yoga Rowing

Below please find details of how to practice Beginner's Yoga Rowing, along with illustrations, step-by-step instructions, benefits and practice tips.

Yoga Rowing Illustrations

Beginners Yoga Exercises - Yoga Rowing Back

Illustration #1: Back Position


Beginners Yoga Exercises - Yoga Rowing Front

Illustrations #2: Front Position

A. How to Beginner's Yoga Rowing Exercise:

  • To begin, sit on the floor with your legs together or slightly apart and your knees straight.  Also, extend your arms straight out and have your fingers straight and your thumbs pointing up.  As with other Kundalini Yoga exercises your eyes are closed.  If this makes you uncomfortable, you can also do this exercise with your eyes open and looking straight ahead.
  • Now begin the motion, by leaning back 30 degrees or so as I have shown in Illustration #1 above.  Inhale deeply as you lean back.
  • Next in! a smoot h motion rock forward coming towards your toes. This is shown in Illustration #2.  It is ok if you knees bend slightly as you come forward.  Beginners should be careful not to stretch too far.  Just forward enough to get a gentle stretch of the hamstrings and lower back.  Exhale as you come forward.
  • Now inhaling again and rock back.  And continue the motion back and forth at a moderate pace.  Lose yourself to the rhythm.
  • Soon you should start to feel this exercise working on your abs and you should also feel it in your shoulders.  This means it is starting to work, keep going :-).

B. How Long To Do This For:

  • Beginners might not be able to do more than 15 or 30 seconds and that is perfectly ok.  Just take a break and start again.  Try to build up to 1 minute and from there build up to 3 minutes.  If you really love this exercise, feel free to keep going for even longer.  There are no bad affects and it will just make you stronger and fitter :-).

C. Beginner Yoga Rowing Benefits:

  • Good for stretching the hamstrings and calves.
  • Builds core strength and helps tone and firm the stomach.
  • Develops your shoulders and strengthens the deltoid muscle group.
  • Helps stretch the lower back.
  • Opens up the solar plexus and frees the body.
  • Improves respiration and gets the energy going.

D. Practice Tips for Beginners:

  • Often some parts of your body are not as strong as others, so if you find your shoulders tiring before your abs, you can lower your arms, while continuing to do the exercise.  If the abs are tiring you can limit the motion and continue on.
  • Once you finish the exercise a great addition is to reach forward and grab your toes while keeping your knees straight.  If you can't reach your toes, grab your legs as far down as you can.  Then inhale completely, hold your breath and apply root lock.  Then exhale and inhale again and apply root lock.  Do this 3 times.  It is a great finish to this wonderful exercise.
  • Don't forget to do the breathing along with the motion.

PS: If you enjoy this exercise or any other exercise on Mastery of Yoga and Yoga, please do share them with your friends. I appreciate your support.

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Related posts:

  1. Tough Power Yoga Pose – Not for Beginners
  2. Yoga Positions for Beginners | Basic Yoga Poses
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  4. Excellent Office Yoga Exercise for Back Pain
  5. Best Yoga Exercise to Get Firm Toned Abs
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Making The Most Out Of Life In 2012

Posted: 05 May 2012 04:00 PM PDT

Dharma Publishing Announces 4 Online Tibetan Buddhism Courses For Making The Most Out Of Life In 2012.

"When we are aware of the possibilities for developing inner freedom, we can begin to open to the pleasure, health, and satisfaction that are all around us. Knowing ourselves better will prompt deeper insight, more understanding, and a sense of peace. We will grow healthy in body and mind; our work, family, and relationships will become more meaningful."

• Tarthang Tulku, Skillful Means

Cultivate greater appreciation, create the conditions that allow deep connection with each moment, and take full advantage of life with Dharma Publishing's online programs in human development. Each program is comprised of a series of lessons sent via e-mail. Offering courses in meditation, yoga, Buddhist teachings, and developing satisfaction in work and life, these online courses, based on the teachings of Tibetan lama Tarthang Tulku Rinpoche.

e-Skillful Means: The online program in skillful means takes a unique look at how to use work as a path of inner realization. A perfect arena for exploring potential, work provides the possibility of refining inner resources and uncovering the strength of our natural abilities. While working, the Skillful Means practices will elicit hidden talents and the promise of the situation. This program can help to give a sense of what it means to have a "good time" at work: joy, satisfaction, meaning, creativity and positive accomplishments.

e-Meditation: The inner quiet which arises from meditation relieves the stress of these times of rapid change, when it is so easy to lose sense of stability and balance. In trying to do too much in too little time, we can become agitated and upset. When our minds are relaxed and quiet, however, life becomes simple and balanced, free from disruptive extremes. The e-Meditation program explores meditation by refining the breath and developing the mind's ability to practice visualization.

e-Dharma: Dharma Publishing's newest online program, Doors to the Dharma, connects life and teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha. Offering a thematic approach to study the teachings of the Buddha beginning with Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, this program includes readings, practice suggestions, and instruction in visualization, mantra, and sacred art. Inspired by the Buddha's teachings, access to inner knowledge becomes more readily available.

e-Kum Nye - Tibetan Yoga: Offering a practical guide to the pleasure of a healthy and balanced life, rich in beauty and enjoyment, Dharma Publishing's e-Kum Nye program brings together 9 levels of theory and practice to transforming from the inside out! E-Kum Nye postures generate a relaxing process of body and mind that opens a path of spiritual development in the midst of daily life, laying a foundation for meditative practices.

Based on the books Kum Nye – Tibetan Yoga and The Joy of Being, this course provides instruction on how to integrate the energies of body and mind allowing them to function calmly and smoothly, relieving stress, transforming negative patterns, and opening your heart and senses.

Whether looking to begin or deepen a meditation or yoga practice, get more satisfaction from work, or interested in the Buddha's teachings, with Dharma Publishing's online programs, the timeless wisdom of Tibetan Buddhism and Tarthang Tulku is made available to a growing global community, positive and lasting change is possible here and now.

For more information about Dharma Publishing's online programs, visit

Introduced by Tarthang Tulku in the early 1970's, Kum Nye is an ancient Tibetan Yoga practice based on traditional Tibetan medicine. The physical postures and breathing exercises, combined with inner awareness and concentration, align and integrate the physical body and senses with the mind and intellect. In calm and relaxed states of well-being your inner world—the world of the mind, heart, energy and senses—is transformed. As described by a long time Kum Nye practitioner:

"One of the most beautiful things about Kum Nye is just how inspiring it can be, how it wakes up something in you, that part of you that wants to be joyful, it wakes it up and lets it run free like a little kid again." Begin exploration of Kum Nye – Tibetan Yoga with the following exercise:

This posture calms the restless flow of thoughts and generates feeling in the heart center.
1. Stand well balanced with your feet about 4 inches apart, your back straight and your arms relaxed at your sides. Slowly lift your arms away from your sides until they are directly overhead with the backs of the hands facing each other and the fingers straight. Close your eyes and feel the sensations of energy in your body. Relax your thighs and minimize any backward arching in your spine.
2. Slowly open your arms, increasing the distance between them in a balanced and equal way. Take 1 full minute to bring them all the way down to your sides.

Take another minute to move your arms up again. When your arms are overhead, stretch up slightly, keeping your legs relaxed. This stretch clears and settles the mind. Do the movement 9 times.

As you move your arms pay attention to the feeling tones and the flow of energy through your body. As your arms descend let energy flow into your heart center; as you raise your arms, direct energy outward through your fingers. You may feel heat and energy surrounding your arms and hands.

To complete the exercise sit in a sitting posture for five minutes or more, continuing to sense the flow of energy, with breath, body, and mind as one. As a variation try slowing the movement down, taking two minutes in each direction.

For more information, visit Read More @ Source

Spring Equinox Yoga with Healing Path

Posted: 05 May 2012 03:00 PM PDT

"I wanted to celebrate the Spring Equinox in a unique way with friends, clients, and meditators from all over the world," shares Alice McCall.

On Tuesday, March 20th, 6-7pm CT McCall will lead a guided healing meditation via teleconference. Participants from all over the world are able to attend from the comfort of their homes through the easy to use phone based teleconference system.

"The meditations is about planting our spiritual seeds in this Spring's growing season, so we are able to enjoy the benefits they will bear all year long. Through meditation we can connect with our inner-selves to nurture spiritual growth," states McCall.

Meditation has long been used as a tool to balance the mind, body, spirit connection. For people that have busy, always thinking minds, meditation is touted as an opportunity to slow down, listen to your inner voice, and minimize stress.

McCall's meditations feature a technique called toning. Using her voice, she holds and sometimes manipulates a note. She believes that each sound corresponds with specific energies or chakras. "I've been told time and again how my toning during a meditation makes all the difference for someone's experience. I commonly hear from individual's who have never been able to quiet their active mind and thoughts that my toning allows them to stay centered and in the moment of the meditation."

Cost of the meditation is $ 15 and RSVPs are required. Questions or registrations can be directed to Alice McCall at 828-577-5623, or emailing

Ms McCall holds a B.S. in Psychology and a MBA. She is a Cellular Level Healing® Consultant, Spiritual Counselor, Hypnotist, and Author. She works with the mind, emotion, and spiritual connection to the body in her practice. Assisting with serious health issues is her specialty. For more information on her popular book Wellness Wisdom, inspired by her own self-healing journey with breast cancer visit For more information on Alice and her practice Healing Path visit Read More @ Source

Guided Relaxation Spiritual Yoga with Andara Crystal

A guided meditation by Spiritual/Life Coach Faith Spina from Kauai to assist you in the ascension process and to guide you to remember the truth of who YOU are. Faith (Vicki) Spina is the author of Success 2000 , Moving Into the Millennium With Purpose Power and Prosperity and has been featured on the Oprah TV show as well as CNN, The Today Show and hundreds of other TV, radio and personal appearances.

Video Rating: 0 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

The Reality of Truth—a New Documentary

Posted: 05 May 2012 02:00 PM PDT

There is an expanding shift in consciousness taking place right now, and people are looking for a new understanding of life, according to Mike "Zappy" Zapolin and spiritual guru Deepak Chopra, creators of the upcoming documentary "The Reality of Truth." The film, set for release this summer, not only identifies the perception problem plaguing society today, but also analyzes specific techniques to break though to a new reality—one that is more peaceful, tolerant and, when looked at properly, amusing.

"Transcendence is the key to taking off the filters that separate and blind us, so that we can see things as they actually exist," said Zapolin. "There are many techniques people use to transcend—meditation, prayer, dance, music, even psychedelics—and for this film we set out to explore the effectiveness of these different techniques."

Highly controversial in nature, "The Reality of Truth" introduces audiences to the modalities people have used throughout history to transcend into an alternate reality, and suggests these techniques may be the breakthrough humankind needs to move into the future. The film features top religious gurus, thought leaders and scientists, who discuss the prevailing understanding of reality and the methods they invoke to transcend into an alternate reality.

These conversations include a panel discussion with Dr. John Hagelin, PhD and Fred Travis, faculty members of the Maharishi University of Management, and Dr. Norman Rosenthal, author of New York Times Bestseller "Transcendence." The panel was held in Fairfield, Iowa, where thousands of people in the transcendental meditation community meditate together each day. The team also traveled to Maui to speak with legendary spiritual leader Ram Dass, who was with Timothy Leary during his infamous Harvard experiments.

"The Judeo-Christian religions, Vedic traditions, and Shamanistic rituals all incorporate techniques for transcending," said Zapolin. "In the history of mankind, we have tenaciously sought out gateways to spirituality and found them in meditation, prayer and the consumption of natural substances."

Some of the plants that have documented transcending capabilities, according to the film, are: ayahuasca, a giant vine native to South America, noted for its psychotropic properties; ibogaine, a hallucinogenic compound derived from the roots of a West African shrub, sometimes used as a treatment for heroin, methamphetamine and cocaine addiction; the psychoactive compounds psilocybin and psilocin found in certain mushrooms, especially liberty caps (aka magic mushrooms); and marijuana.

"When we ingest these naturally occurring substances, we taking in their energy, and it combines with our own," said Zapolin. "When we observe things at the energy level, we realize there is no separation between us and nature. It can help to show us that we are all the same, and that realization is completely liberating.

"In sum, we are all living in a 'fake' reality, but we have the tools to break through and see an alternate reality. This film is aimed at increasing worldwide awareness of transcendence, so that audiences can break through the 'illusion of reality' and move forward toward a more meaningful and peaceful future." Zapolin noted, "One of the more provocative scenes of the film documents me with actress Michelle Rodriguez and MacMillan Publishing's Dan MacMillan participating in a life-changing ayahuasca ceremony with a shaman. It was a mind-blowing experience that I think audiences will truly appreciate."

"The Reality of Truth" is being produced by Kurt Engfehr, who co-produced "Bowling for Columbine" and "Fahrenheit 911." The film includes interviews with Marianne Williamson; Ram Dass; John Hagelin, PhD; Bruce H Lipton, PhD; Foster Gamble (who recently released the documentary "Thrive"); Charles Grob, MD; Peter Coyote; Lior Suchard; and Ravi Zacharai. Executive producer is Wall Street icon and just capitalist Peter Janssen.

For more information about The Reality of Truth, visit Read More @ Source

Why Meditate?

Some reasons why meditation is an amazing practice!!! So much love and joy comes from just quieting your mind. It really does allow us to hear the whispers of our spirits which guide us in the path our heart paves for us. Here's the link to a guided chakra meditation by Reiki Rachel: Much love & peace

Video Rating: 5 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Good Vibes to Beyond Awakening Event

Posted: 05 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT

The Hearts Center spiritual community will be gathering spiritual healers and speakers from across the U.S. in Miami the weekend of March 23-25 for a spiritual conference: "Beyond Awakening: Love, Heal and Thrive: An Experience of Unity and Light on the Path." The conference begins at 2:00 p.m. Friday the 23rd at the Mariott Dadeland Hotel, 9090 S. Dadeland Boulevard, Miami.

The conference will have key teachings and chakra blessings from ascended masters through David Christopher Lewis, spiritual director of the Hearts Center and messenger for the Great White Brotherhood. Besides Jed, other locally and nationally know and gifted spiritual healers, shamans, clairvoyants, musicians and authors will be presenting, including: Donna Ferri, Felipe Alfonso, Theraveda monks, Junia Gail Imel, the Magnified Healing group and Wayne Purdin.

Jed Shlackman is a licensed mental health counselor and hypnotherapist as well as a Reiki master and sound healing practitioner. Jed has a master's degree in counseling from the University of Miami and has been providing holistic therapy services in private practice since 2003. Jed has been exploring spirituality and holistic wellness since completing graduate school in the 1990s and presently offers group workshops and private therapy sessions in Miami, Florida. Jed is also author of the metaphysical guidebook "Consciousness, Creation, And Existence: A Guide To The Grand Adventure," and writes articles as the Miami Holistic Health Examiner for

Jed will perform a "Vibration/Sound Healing Yoga" Friday evening starting at 8:00, using the sound of special tuning forks and crystal and Tibetan singing bowls for clearing and balancing chakras. The vibrations of these devices produce in listeners sonic bliss, stress relief and transformation. Jed discovered the power of singing bowls during his participation in meditation events. Instantly affected by the bowl sounds, he began exploring how sound resonates through our body's energy systems and through our chakras to positively shift our consciousness. He was attracted to the crystal and Himalayan bowls as tools for soothing and harmonizing our subtle energy centers.

Jed began using vibrational sound healing in his professional practices, observing how it can dissolve tension, entrain brainwaves through binaural sound, balance our chakras and aid in healing. He learned that our DNA and cells use both light and sound to communicate and transfer information.

Later in the conference, on Sunday afternoon, there will be an entertaining interactive session with author and National Alternative Religions examiner Wayne Purdin on "The Wonderful Wisdom of Oz" that will examine L. Frank Baum's popular folktale in the light of ascended master teachings. It will show conferees how they can, like Dorothy in "The Wizard of Oz," transform their thoughts and feelings through purifying and balancing their heart, will and mind with the violet flame and other spiritual techniques so that they can ascend and go home.

Finally attendees will unite in a "Circle of Oneness" for ascended master Melchizedek's blessing and challenge to "Be Initiates!" closing and sealing the weekend event. Everyone will be invited to meetup and continue co-creating their experience of heartstreaming with their angels and the ascended masters in a growing Miami heartfriends community.

The Hearts Center Community connects many heartfriends worldwide whose mission is to realize personal enlightenment and share the ascended masters' love-wisdom teachings throughout the Earth. The community believes that each soul has a personal connection with her Higher Self. With the ascended masters as examples of selfless living, each individual may advance in personal discipleship toward the goal of the ascension through study, devotion and service to life.

Join the ascended masters and many fellow spiritual seekers in Miami from March 23 through 25 at the Mariott Dadeland Hotel, and go Beyond Awakening to co-create together an experience of unity and light through heartstreaming with each other, the angels and ascended masters, and through meditation, Magnified Healing, healing sound and radiation, song, movement and mantra.

source: Read More @ Source

4 Inspiring Quotes of the Week

Posted: 05 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Recently we have been getting some great feedback on our Mastery of Meditation and Yoga Facebook Fan Page and one of the aspects which the readers have really been enjoying are the inspirational quotes that we have been posting on a daily basis.

These simple quotes are great pointers of the deeper Truths of life and enlightened living and can inspire one to live at a higher level.  So, below are 4 such sayings which I thought would be worth sharing with you on the blog as well.  I am sure you will find them uplifting as have others.

If you have quotes that you find specially uplifting and insightful please do share them with us in the comments section below.  Also, feel free to leave your thoughts and feedback, we would love to hear what you think of these sayings.



Be The Lion

Spirituality is rebellion; religiousness is orthodoxy. Spirituality is individuality; religiousness is just remaining part of the crowd psychology.   Religiousness keeps you a sheep, and spirituality is a lion's roar. – OSHO -




 Jesus said: the mote that is in thy brother's eye thou seest, but the beam that is in thine eye thou seest not.



The Down Ward Dog Pose :))

The True Person is detached and humble and to the world appears confusing. The people all strain their eyes and ears,yet the True Person remains childlike. – LAU TZU -



Sleep - Samadhi

Patanjali says sleep is just next to samadhi. A good sleep, a deep sleep, and samadhi, are different only in one sense: samadhi has awareness, sleep has no awareness. – OSHO


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  1. How to Make Spiritual Friends and Inspirational Spiritual Quotes
  2. Inspiring Osho Quote on How to Live Courageously
  3. Inspiring & Enlightening Spiritual & Personal Growth Articles – Carnival #31
  4. Survey: How Many Times a Week Do You Meditate?
  5. Inspiring Yoga & Pranayama Testimonials from Online Yogis
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Mindful Meditation 1-2012 Beginner's Expert - Mindful Meditation for the Beginner is a great way to get started, Barb Tremlett shares the importance of staying in the moment and the necessity of water and breathe.

Video Rating: 3 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Benefits of Meditation Made Simple

Posted: 05 May 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Jurgen Van Heuval, co-founder of has recently published his new guide Mysteries and Mastery of Meditation. The guide lays out in a simple and easy to understand language not only the benefits of meditation but much more.

The guide starts with a detailed chapter about what meditation is and what is involved. Most people know that meditation has been around for a long time, however some still have a view that it is something only practiced by Tibetan Monks or that it involves sitting cross-legged in silence for prolonged periods of time. Jurgen presents the facts and dispels the myths surrounding meditation.

People consider taking up meditation for a variety of reasons and here they are laid out in a way so as the reader will most likely identify with one or more of these. Meditation Mystery and Mastery goes on in further chapters to explain how the power of meditation heals and how it can be used for anything from pain management and panic attacks to boosting self confidence and lifting depression. For anyone sitting on the fence about meditation, Jurgen's guide should do the trick.

The guide will be selling on Kindle for US$ 15 however it is free to visitors to the website.

Jurgen also recently added a new post to the site entitled "100 Benefits of Meditation" and does exactly what it says. You will find 100 reasons why one should consider taking up meditative practice. So whether you are male or female, religious or secular, young or young at heart, meditation benefits absolutely everyone.

Once on the site you can read up about some very interesting facts about meditation and mentions famous meditators past and present. There is also a quick start guide on how to meditate for the absolute beginner.

For more information, guided meditations and Meditation guides please go to Read More @ Source

Akasha Soul Celebration: Core Rejuvenation Retreat

Posted: 05 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Akasha Entertainment, LLC, announces the availability of new lower-priced ticket packages for The Akasha Soul Celebration: Core Rejuvenation, a unique weekend retreat with author and filmmaker Carolyn Cobelo, taking place April 26-29, 2012 in Haiku, Hawaii. This event offers an opportunity for participants to explore their connection to spirituality and to the Earth in a unique collective group ceremony. A free public event on April 26, 2012 has just been added, and daily ticket passes start at $ 95, and can be purchased online at

The Akasha Soul Celebration will include group activities such as spiritual ceremonies conducted at Maui sacred sites, meditation and chanting, fire dancing, and volcano ceremonies. Author and spiritual teacher Carolyn Cobelo, facilitator of the ceremony, describes these activities as "vehicles to reach higher dimensional energy, to assist ourselves and the Earth in immediate transformation."

As the director of the award-winning documentary film "Sacred Space: Searching for the Source," and author of 1999's "The Power of Sacred Space: Exploring Ancient Ceremonial Sites," Cobelo is one of the world's foremost experts on the Earth's ceremonial sacred space. She is particularly impressed with Hawaii. So much so, that she recently completed her second documentary film in Hawaii, Sacred Space: The Magical Land of Hawaii. In January, Cobelo and her husband moved their metaphysical media company, Akasha Entertainment, LLC, to Haiku, Maui. "Hawaii has a certain sacred power and spiritual resonance that is much stronger than most other places around the world," she said.

Carolyn intends to offer Akasha Soul Celebration participants an intimate, personal experience of sacred space. "Ancient cultures built temples over cracks in the Earth's mantle. Due to shifts in our global civilizations, these places were abandoned and left dormant for thousands of years," Cobelo said. "The creators of these temples knew that at the right time, the energy and information of these places would be known to all who open their hearts and listen. I believe that time is now." She went on to say that it is of utmost importance that the sacred places around the world be protected and respected for the delicate healing treasures that they are.

Cobelo, with a Masters in Clinical Social Work, has transitioned over the years from practicing as a Gestalt and Transpersonal psychotherapist into a spiritual facilitator who leads people to sacred sites to "help individuals find their own inner intelligence and power," she said.

Cobelo has a 30-year history of producing events that blend metaphysics and entertainment, including two highly successful metaphysical film festivals in Santa Fe, NM and Carmel, CA. The film festivals featured such luminaries as actresses Shirley MacClaine and Lindsay Wagner, producer Stephen Simon and many other accomplished metaphysical film producers, directors and actors.

"People are hungry to find ways to facilitate their own direct experiences of spiritual power and wisdom," Cobelo said. "Many cultural institutions, which in the past have provided security, are breaking down so that we can give birth to new forms that honor the universal right to know the Divine. The Akasha Soul Celebration, Core Rejuvenation is oriented toward creating opportunities for people to discover their essential divine essence."

source: Read More @ Source

Book Reveals Spiritually Healthy Lifestyle Secrets

Posted: 05 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Why not live life to the fullest? How does one get started on goal setting? Why not strengthen the spiritual life? Why develop one's self mentally? These questions and more are detailed in a book that helps guide one's faith and encourage making the right choices in health, fitness, and relationship with the Lord, Healthy: The Guide by Those Encouraged by God to Discover a Life of Fitness! written by author Robert DeCrescentis.

This book focuses on the author's journey towards his road to being healthy. It discusses the life-changing steps he made to pursue the right path the Lord wants him to go. His growing personal relationship with God led him to UNC as he got involved with the Campus Crusade for Christ which places him in front of solid believers who became his mentors and developed him to be a man of God.

The purpose of this book is to assist everyone to become physically, spiritually, and mentally healthy and center everything toward a well-rounded lifestyle. It serves to motivate, encourage, and inspire everyone and was not written as or intended to be a substitute for a physician, dietician or a fitness trainer. As readers explore the contents of this book, they are encouraged to read everything in its every page with an open heart and an open mind.

The author hopes that readers can walk away with a positive outlook on life after they are done reading this book and go out there and use the tools outlined for them to be a light in someone's dark path. Furthermore, he encourages readers to reflect, meditate, pray and do everything that he suggested in the book to live a well-rounded, healthy lifestyle.

This book will be featured at the 2012 Florida Library Association Book Exhibit in Orlando, Florida, on April 18-20, 2012.

For more information on this book, interested parties may log on to Read More @ Source

Husband & Wife Discovers Path to Extraordinary

Posted: 05 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT

When Michael Taylor, M.D. of Connect with Spirit™ came out as a medical intuitive and energy healer and left his N.C. practice in 2006, he began a journey to explore alternative paths to wellness‚ ones that did not involve taking medications, and ones that assumed personal responsibility for one's health. Ultimately, it led him to Australia.

With a struggling global economy, skyrocketing healthcare and insurance costs, people need simple, cost-effective ways to be and stay healthy. Rediscovering non-medical techniques including meditation, assisted intuition and spiritual healing among others, "Dr. Michael" found benefits beyond improved physical and mental health, including proven business results, such as: increased productivity and profit, and a significant decrease in staff sick days and workplace injuries.

"He's the real deal," Dr. Wayne W. Dyer said to a Sydney audience about Dr. Michael and his medical intuition after he performed his didgeridoo-based spiritual healing on the inspirational author in 2010. Dr. Michael says, "Everyone has intuition and gut feelings‚ only most ignore them with disastrous results. My life became extraordinary when I embraced my intuition and spirituality. I learned my "good guesses" about the very private lives of complete strangers were true. So, I began incorporating spirituality into my life and developing my intuition – to help others and to help me understand myself. Because, quality of life is much more important than longevity."

Dr Michael's psychic-medium wife, known to Australians as "K, the clairvoyant and channeler" believes, "Understanding ourselves is so important, especially with all of life's rapidly changing technology, social and financial stressors. Also, everyone can live a happier life if they apply our simple but effective methods, not just the spiritualists, meditation teachers, psychics, and angel therapy practitioners. Ordinary people live extraordinary lives when they improve their intuition and natural psychic abilities."

K and Dr Michael of Connect with Spirit™ are teaching for the first time in the USA the I Connect with Spirit Intuitive Workshop at the Sheraton Garden Grove Anaheim South Hotel, near Disneyland in Anaheim, CA. This psychic development and intuitive skills workshop runs daily from 9 AM-to-5 PM, April 20, 21 & 22, 2012, and is open to all adults over the age of 15. No experience is necessary. Tickets must be purchased from their website before the 1st of April 2012.

With this 3-day intuitive workshop, attendees have an opportunity to explore their intuitive gifts and intuition to discover their full potential. Using very unique techniques and exercises, attendees will learn a new and better way to read angel oracle cards, easy practical ways to achieve deep meditation, and methods of assisted intuition by working with angels and spirit guides to get accurate messages for yourself and others.

To learn more about K and Dr Michael, Brisbane's husband and wife psychic duo, or their first novel, Dating the Messenger, which explores K's true modern story of an extraordinary person looking for love, please visit the Connect with Spirit™ website at Read More @ Source

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