'A Qigong Mind and A Benevolent Brain' Free Event

'A Qigong Mind and A Benevolent Brain' Free Event

'A Qigong Mind and A Benevolent Brain' Free Event

Posted: 08 May 2012 01:00 AM PDT

On May 1, 1:30pm - 2:30pm Pacific Time, Qigong Master Mingtong Gu and neuropsychologist and best selling author Dr. Rick Hanson come together in a one-time free online live video event to share their insights on why "A Qigong Mind and A Benevolent Brain" should matter to every person. Every one can benefit from hearing these thought leaders, and especially every parent, teacher, doctor and caretaker, because neuroscience now recognizes that shaping a brilliant brain just added a new step. Qigong masters have taught for 5000 years, and now modern science is proving it, that a brain can regenerate and change over a whole lifetime through mindful practice. "When your mind changes, your brain changes too." Dr. Hanson writes in his best selling book, Buddha's Brain: The practical neuroscience of happiness, love and wisdom.

The online audience will learn why and when to start focusing on the mind, in order to build a better brain, that can slow mental aging and memory loss, manage stress, and achieve better sleep at night. "Qigong reconnects the communication between the mind and brain at any age." Master Gu said. Learn how a benevolent brain can help a person live with more joy and how this simple personal change can be critical to cultivating joy in their family, community and world.

Join this first-time conversation as Master Gu, who was trained in Qigong in China, and Dr. Hanson, a neuropsychologist, educated at Stanford, bring their respected eastern and western perspectives together to answer questions from interview host Ed Mills of The Shift Network. They will also lead a mind/brain meditation practice that the viewers can practice realtime.

The public is invited to go to The Chi Center Facebook page and ask the questions they would like answered, as a facebook audience question will be selected and asked during the event live.

This event is free, but pre-registration required at www.chicenter.com to watch the live May 1 event or watch recording until May 3. The Chi Center will present a follow-up workshop event on May 26, when Master Gu and Dr. Hanson will appear for an In-Person event in San Rafael, CA to teach the practice tools that are most effective in "Awaken Your True Power of Mind and Brain". Read More @ Source

Sound Healing Meditation

A short Meditation and sound healing video. Helps to clear you energy, rebalance and release stress.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

'Search Inside Yourself' Google Course Now A Book

Posted: 08 May 2012 12:00 AM PDT

"Search Inside Yourself," the popular course taught at Google, was created to elevate the work and lives of the best and brightest people at one of the most innovative, successful, and profitable businesses in the world. Deeply rooted in science, the course was designed for Googlers as a means to reduce stress, increase well-being, heighten focus and creativity, become more optimistic and resilient, build fulfilling relationships, and ultimately become happier and more profitable in their work and their lives. While the skills learned via "Search Inside Yourself" are designed to help one to "optimize thyself" and gain an extra edge, it may be surprising that the core concepts of the program are mindfulness and emotional intelligence.

Created in collaboration with a Zen Master, a CEO, a Stanford University scientist, and bestselling author Daniel Goleman (the guy who literally wrote the book on emotional intelligence), and written by Chade-Meng Tan, one of Google's earliest engineers, "Search Inside Yourself: The Unexpected Path to Achieving Success, Happiness (and World Peace)" (HarperOne; April 24, 2012; Hardcover & eBook), distills mindfulness and emotional intelligence in a way even a skeptical, compulsively pragmatic, engineering-oriented brain like Meng's can process, breaking them down into a set of practical tools and skills that can be adopted by anyone, at any career or experience level.

Chade-Meng Tan's job title at Google is Jolly Good Fellow (which nobody can deny). His job description reads, "Enlighten minds, open hearts, create world peace." Meng, as he is known, takes his job seriously and laughs a lot at the office. As one of Google's earliest engineers, he helped build Google's first mobile search service and headed the team that monitored Google's search quality. After a successful eight-year stint in Engineering and two years as GoogleEDU's Head of Personal Growth, he currently serves with Google's Talent Team. In short, "Search Inside Yourself" works in three steps, elaborated on in the book:
  1. Attention training
  2. Self-awareness and self-mastery
  3. Creating useful mental habits
On taking this concept to individuals and businesses who might, at first glance, ignore a book with the words "mindfulness," "meditation," "emotional intelligence" or "world peace" in it, Meng writes: "for the benefits of mindfulness and emotional intelligence to become widely accessible, they cannot be just the domain of bald people in funny robes living in mountains, or small groups of New Age folks living in San Francisco. Meditation needs to become 'real'. It needs to align with the lives and interests of real people." In "Search Inside Yourself," he addresses questions that may arise from skeptics with a "traditional" business mindset, such as: How can one to find joy while succeeding at work when under stress and pressure? How does compassion impact the profitability of a business? How can meditative practices benefit people's careers and business bottom lines?

In "Search Inside Yourself," Meng reveals another way—an unexpected path, to be certain—to achieve success, profit, and get ahead by way of time-tested wisdom and scientifically proven concepts. Delivered with his trademark humor and wisdom, he concludes: "Some books teach you how to be happy, some teach you how to be successful, and some teach you how to be liked. This book teaches you all three. You must be feeling lucky."

About the author:
Chade-Meng Tan (Meng) was one of Google's earliest engineers. Among many other things, he helped build Google's first mobile search service, and headed the team that kept a vigilant eye on Google's search quality. After a successful eight-year stint in Engineering and two years as GoogleEDU's Head of Personal Growth, he now serves with Google's Talent Team. His current job title is Jolly Good Fellow (which nobody can deny) and his job description is "Enlighten minds, open hearts, create world peace". One of his main projects is Search Inside Yourself, a mindfulness-based emotional intelligence course taught at Google at Google since 2007 on which his first book is based. Meng hopes his book and the course will eventually contribute to world peace in a meaningful way. As Google's unofficial greeter of world leaders and leading influencers, Meng has two walls of photographs at Google which can viewed at mengswall.com.

Outside of Google, Meng is the Founder and President of the Tan Teo Charitable Foundation, a small foundation dedicated to promoting Peace, Liberty and Enlightenment in the world. He is a Founding Patron of Stanford University's Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE). He is also a Founding Patron of the World Peace Festival, and adviser to a number of technology start-ups. He blogs at www.mengstupiditis.com. Read More @ Source

Insights into meditation, Messages of truth

This is my first ever video, and Hopefully many more to come! There was no real planning going into this, so I really just spoke from my higher self, conveying the message of meditation. There are many misconceptions on meditation and I feel a lot of the world has dubbed it just another "fad" or rising in popularity because well, people are "doing it"...but this also creates fear and hesitation in many who do not know the truth about it. They have not sought the ways to connect to themselves and better themselves..This is a great time to seek inner truth..2012 is the golden age and a time for great change, and change begins within and one person at a time. Be the change you wish to see in the world and create joy. Awaken to the possibilities that lie inside of you regardless of your religion or background. Create your own reality and keep your perspective in alignment with the highest good..Happier people = Happier world! Namaste

Video Rating: 5 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

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