Reiki Therapy - Get To Know The Opportunity That Exists

Reiki Therapy - Get To Know The Opportunity That Exists

Reiki Therapy - Get To Know The Opportunity That Exists

Posted: 09 May 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Article by Tony Daniel

Audio Serenity - A Drug-Free Digital Vacation from Stress & Anxiety - Experience uncommonly deep, peaceful meditation in only 20 minutes, guaranteed to deepen your meditations. You'll also receive a free 6-week PDF course on The Neuroscience of Meditation. Find out more about Audio Serenity here: "Like" our Facebook page: iAwake's unique biofield technology: Audio Serenity: - Headphones are recommended for optimal results. - Can be used as a sitting, eyes-closed meditation. - Play Audio Serenity during the day, to remain in a constant state of peace. - Listen while you perform stressful tasks. - Turn any environment into a Zendo. - Also for use with Reiki, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, massage and other healing arts. The NeuroFlow Series: NeuroFlow is a series of releases from iAwake Technologies representing an exciting new breakthrough in neural and biofield entrainment technology. Though the Profound Meditation Program comprises the basis and main focus for the meditation practices we recommend, this new series will perfectly compliment your work with PMP. The focus of this series is to facilitate transformative flow-states and help you flourish, grow and evolve in today's turbulent but exciting times. The fourth NeuroFlow download/CD to be released is: Audio Serenity - A Drug-Free Digital Vacation from Stress & Anxiety -- This profoundly relaxing recording: - Features a 61-min suite of profoundly soothing, enveloping and healing ...

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Reiki and Other Healing Methods--It All Amounts to Energy, Love and God

Posted: 09 May 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Article by Scott Petullo & Stephen Petullo

A Tinnitus Cure Through Holistic Tinnitus Relief

Posted: 09 May 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Article by William P. Smith

Desperate For Tinnitus Relief? You're Not Alone

Millions of people suffer the endless roaring, buzzing, ringing, whooshing sounds of tinnitus. Some reports say as many as 1 in 5 adults suffers from this problem. So you're not alone, although I'm sure that's little consolation.

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is sound inside your ear or auditory system when there shouldn't be sound. Sometimes that sound is subjective. That is, only the sufferer can detect it. Other times, the sound is objective. With the right equipment, a doctor can detect the sounds that you are hearing too.

Tinnitus can have many causes, with perhaps the most common being exposure to too many loud noises for too long. With the modern worlds, planes, trains, and automobiles, not to mention TV, radio, and portable music players, most of us are exposed to far more noise than our ears evolved to handle.

But you're not going to abandon the modern world and move to the Amazon Basin or something like that. So how can you get tinnitus relief?

Modern Medical Tinnitus Treatment

Modern medicine as deployed all sorts of tools against tinnitus, with only limited success. Some doctors treat people with antidepressants, which have been shown to sometimes have some benefit. But the potential side effects are ugly (including increased risk of suicide) and the results tend to be small, and often fade away with time.

Other drugs have also been tried, with likewise disheartening results. In some cases surgery is called for, but even this extreme form of treatment offers no guarantee of success. Often, the best a doctor can do is tell you to learn to live with your ringing ears.

Traditional, Natural Tinnitus Treatments

Our ancestors developed an entire range of treatments based on natural materials like herbs and other organic extracts. Perhaps this kind of natural treatment will do the trick for your tinnitus?

Perhaps it will. In some cases, people have found significant relief from natu! ral tinn itus treatments. Herbal remedies can treat some of the underlying causes of tinnitus, so this makes perfect sense.

But because one person's tinnitus often has multiple causes, and those causes vary from person to person, The herbal remedy or homeopathic tincture that worked wonders for you may have no effect on me whatsoever.

Still, relying on traditional, natural substances seems a better approach than relying on powerful drugs and surgical procedures.

A Holistic Natural Approach to a Tinnitus Cure

The fact that tinnitus often springs from multiple causes argues for a holistic approach to the problem, rather than a reductionist, scientific approach. Focusing on making the whole person well, rather than addressing a specific issue at a time, offers hope for people whose tinnitus has multiple causes. And if you've tried visiting your doctor, or one after another natural treatment, your tinnitus probably has multiple causes.

About the Author

So what can you do about this infuriating problem? It is time to try a natural, holistic treatment or tinnitus. Get started right now by going to THIS PAGE

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in Pets Dr. Karen Becker, a holistic pet care expert discusses the symptoms, causes, and diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in pets especially in dogs and cats.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Find Out More About Some Of The Different Uses For Aromatherapy

Posted: 09 May 2012 08:00 PM PDT

Article by Nancy Arlington

There are so many different reasons why so many people are absolutely in love with all different types of aromatherapy products and in this article I am hoping that you can learn a little bit more about this very popular thing. For so many years now, aromatherapy products have been being used by many people, for different ailments and other reasons and today they are all just as popular, if not more. You should learn all that there is to know about these different and amazing products because you too could definitely benefit from using these unbelievable products that have been around for so long now. Nobody needs any type of prescription to gain access to any of these types of products that are highly recommended to treat so many different kinds of ailments, so it is truly an amazing thing that so many people have the ability to find so much relief from something that you can purchase just about anywhere.

If you are having trouble finding different types of aromatherapy products in the area that you reside in, then just hop on the computer at home, because shopping for these types of products over the internet is a great way to find a large variety, as well as many wonderful discounts too. Many individuals truly believe that aromatherapy combined with different types of music and meditation, they have the ability to be relieved from all types of aches and pains that have been occurring throughout their bodies, as well as really improving their overall moods, without any prescription medication or anything else. A good healthy diet and exercise program, along with aromatherapy, can really change the way that you think and feel throughout your day and evening and your body will thank you later because it could also be responsible for slowing down the aging process that all of us have to deal with at some point in time. Find out about many of these different types of products right from your home computer system today, because there is really no sense in you just sitting around each day feeli! ng so te rrible and stressed out.

The amazing scents that come from aromatherapy really do have healing power because anyone that uses these on a regular basis can tell you that their mind and bodies feel so much more youthful and also very rejuvenated as well. These products are used for so many different ailments, including things such as, arthritis, joint pain or strains, depression and anxiety and really the list just keeps going on and on. It is time for you to find out for yourself just how incredible aromatherapy truly is, do not wait another day, your mind and body need this. Research more about aromatherapy to find out what all amazing benefits you can receive from using them each day and evening, you might just be surprised as to what all it is good for.

About the Author brings you real information on the latest in aromatherapy info. There's nothing to buy. Be sure to check out our wholesale aromatherapy candle information pages today.

Safemeds provides holistic erectile dysfunction care

Posted: 09 May 2012 07:00 PM PDT

Article by Dan Ramse

Erectile dysfunction is a chronic disease. There are many chronic diseases that are affecting men, but most of these diseases are at least treatable and there are many drugs available to give a cure for these diseases. The erectile dysfunction on the other hand is not easily treated because of the lack of availability of a range of products to overcome the condition. The only drug available all these years was Viagra. Many of the sufferers used to buy Viagra and use it. Even those who used to Buy Viagra were not completely cured because of the fact that the drug is not very effective.

Holistic care for a disease is possible only if there is a complete change in the condition of the person. Though there are many treatments that are available and advertise telling that they will completely cure a person who is suffering from erectile dysfunction, they are not able to completely cure the person because of the fact that they are scams and are just trying to make money with their advertisements. They are in no way able to provide a holistic care to the affected person.

There is a product from Safemeds which is the Generic Viagra. This drug is very useful for the person who is suffering from erectile dysfunction because it is very effective in treating the affected person. A complete cure is possible if the drug is used on a regular basis. The Viagra online purchase is possible from Safemeds site.Many people are now using this drug because the ones who have used it already have seen an amazing change in the status of their disease. They are able to have a complete cure if the drug is used. Other than the complete cure, the immediate effect of the treatment can be felt by the users after the first dose of the drug is taken.

The Viagra Online purchase can be made in a few simple steps. All that you have to do is to make sure that you get to the site. Once you are there, you will be guided by the instructions in the site that will help you to know what you have to d! o to buy the Generic Viagra from Safemeds.

The payment is a simple process too and you do not need to worry about that fact that you are disclosing some of the details to the site. All the information is safe and that is guaranteed for you. You have no need to worry about the payment process too that is very secure. Once you have made the payment you can relax because you will be able to get the Generic Viagra right inside your home as it will be sent to you by secure shipping in a sealed box.

About the Author

The payment is a simple process too and you do not need to worry about that fact that you are disclosing some of the details to the site.

Top Aromatherapy Recipes For Insomnia

Posted: 09 May 2012 06:00 PM PDT

Article by George Kakaris

It is well know that Aromatherapy can be beneficial for those who suffer from several mental disorders. The essential oil's effectiveness comes through their calming and relaxing properties that can soothe stressed mind, unwind tired body and generally lull and overcome insomnia. Before suggesting some tips and aromatherapy recipes, read what exactly insomnia is and how it incommodes health and life.

The term "insomnia" describes the inability to have satisfactory quantity of sleep. It is also called sleeplessness and it is a very common condition that concerns many people. It is believed that over of 20% of world population suffer from insomnia. If you cannot easily fall asleep or you cannot remain asleep or you wake up very early in morning, then you probably are one of them. Health bibliography classes sleeplessness in transient (which lasts no more a week), short-term (which last no more than a month) and long-term or chronic (which lasts more than a month) which is the most dangerous for health and wellness.

The causes of sleeplessness are generally associated with upsetting situations and stress. Moreover, other causes of insomnia are: caffeine, nicotine and alcohol consumption, snoring, asthma and other breathing disorders, sleep schedule changes, bad environmental conditions (too much noise or light), behavioural psychiatric factors such as anxiety and depression. At last, there are several cases that someone cannot fall asleep because of insomnia phobia. That is to describe the fear of not being able to fall asleep!

Sleep loss affects quality of life and wellbeing. Those who have been experiencing sleeplessness symptoms for more than a month are likely to become more nervous, irritable and tired. As a result, they cannot concentrate easily and they have poor memory. What is more, they increase the risk of car or work accidents and finally they may develop psychiatric and physical diseases, like chronic depression and immune disorders.

You can help yourself to over! come ins omnia by following some everyday tips. Fist of all, try to stay detached from stressful and overexciting situations. Adopt a regular bedtime routine and make your bedroom as cosy and quiet as you can. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine consumption, especially close to bedtime. It is believed that diet rich in calcium, magnesium, and B6 vitamin might be helpful. A cup of chamomile tea before going to sleep it is recommended because it has natural sedative effect.

As mentioned before, aromatherapy tips can also be beneficial to treat sleeplessness and provide a restful relaxing deep sleep. The most effective essential oils that are used for insomnia cure are: Lavender, Marjoram, Chamomile, Rose and Sandalwood.

Aromatherapy burners or diffusers can be used in order to create a soothing atmosphere in your bedroom that helps you relax. Aromatherapy candles can scent any room and have positive effect, too. Moreover, you can add 1 or 2 drops of your favourite oil to 1 litre of hot water in a bowl and put your nose over the bowl (approximately 50 cm away for safety reasons) and inhale the steam.

Sprinkled pillows and handkerchief is another way to aim your sleep. Lay over the scented pillows and get the scented whiff and as a result, you will relax, fall asleep more easily and have a deeper sleep. Another relaxing technique that reduces insomnia symptoms is Aromatherapy massage. Essential oils are never used undiluted but in combination with appropriate base oils. Gently rub of body and head can calm nervous system and provide a pleasant experience.

Finally, my favourite relaxing, sedative aromatherapy use is aromatherapy bath. Add 3 drops of lavender oil, 1 drop of chamomile oil and 1 drop of Ylang Ylang oil directly to bathwater and stir them to disperse. Stay in bathwater for 15 minutes in order the natural calming properties of the essential oils to have time to effect and unwind body and mind. After bath, go directly to bed and probably you will fall asleep without any delay and w! ill enjo y a delightful relaxing deep sleep untill morning.

About the Author

George Kakaris is greek fan of natural alternative health. Visit his Aromatherapy site to find comprehensive lists of Essential oils and Carrier Oils .

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Reiki Therapy - Will Your Dog Like It?

Posted: 09 May 2012 05:00 PM PDT

by inju

Article by David W Bates

We normally associate Reiki, the ancient Japanese form of touch therapy, as a form of healing only practiced on humans. The growing popularity of keeping dogs as pets has seen many owners turning to Reiki therapists to treat their animals. Reiki is a powerful natural therapy; it is a safe, gentle form of holistic healing that is eminently suitable for both humans and animals. When treating your dog a Reiki therapist channels energy through themselves, and into the patient. This energy flow can be administered either in a "hands-on" way or it can make use of a "distance healing" approach. The dog will usually determine the type of approach they prefer and the length of the treatment session. When your dog feels he/she has had enough they will generally walk away.

The therapy sessions will vary in length, the number required and the approach being taken. Generally the first session will involve the therapist familiarising themselves with your dog and establishing a rapport. They will then ask what you are trying to achieve and gather background information about your pets health and lifestyle. After the first visit any further sessions will typically last for 15 to 45 minutes.

In a healing session there is generally no use made of a treatment table, most dogs prefer to sit or lie down either on the floor, in a comfortable chair or on their owner's lap.

When a hands-on approach is taken the therapist uses a fixed set of hand positions suitable for dogs. This is a gentle process that dogs find soothing and welcoming.

Some dogs will be nervous, aggressive or just simply prefer not to be touched by strangers; they will often be more comfortable receiving the Reiki from a distance. This approach works equally well; the energy flow works just the same as it does if given "hands-on".

Dogs respond well to Reiki, treatment is particularly successful in treating muscular aches, pains, back problems and strains. It can reduce stress, anxiety, nervousness and skin or coat problem! s and it is often used to help dogs with behaviour problems.

If you are contemplating using Reiki therapy for your dog it is worth bearing in mind that, in the UK, any sick animal must be taken to a vet, so any alternative therapy practitioner working with animals will need a referral from a veterinary surgeon in order to treat your pet legally.

About the Author

David W Bates is a complementary therapy specialist from the UK; he has an interest in several natural therapy sites including:alternative therapies, reki treatment and stammering information

Liquid Mind - Whisper To Me

ambient Liquid Mind IX: Lullaby is slow music at its best... Soothing, melodic, heartfelt, and comforting, this new album from Liquid Mind® composer Chuck Wild continues a fifteen year tradition of deeply calming music for relaxation. Appealing to the softer side of the musical spectrum, Liquid Mind IX: Lullaby is filled with gentle extended soundscapes that create a welcome relief to those of us searching for a break from our high stress, high energy world. Liquid Mind's albums have for many years been popular with music therapists and other healthcare practitioners, and are frequently used in massage, anxiety management, meditation, sleep therapy, surgical recovery, Yoga, Reiki, Pilates, maternity and many other healing settings. While we think of lullabies as being primarily for children, you will find the peaceful compositions on Liquid Mind IX: Lullaby are perfect for both grownups and kids.

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Faq About Aromatherapy Essential Oils

Posted: 09 May 2012 04:00 PM PDT

Article by Stefanie Young

Are you interested in Aromatherapy? Aromatherapy is the use of fragrant essential oils in lotions, creams, baths, gels, and sprays to affect mood and boost health. Many people are curious about the components of the aromatherapy essential oils. Where do these aromatherapy essential oils come from? How are they produced? How are they used in the lotions, creams, sprays, etc? Read on to find out.

Where do aromatherapy essential oils come from? Aromatherapy essential oils come from nature. They are not made in a factory out of synthetic substances. These essential oils are extracted from tiny droplets in the glands, glandular hairs, sacs, and veins of different plant parts. The plant parts include stems, leaves, flowers, roots, bark, and fruit. This diverse set of sources yields a vast array of aromas.

These essential oils are the backbone of the fragrance of the leaves, plants, fruit, and bark. For example, when you sniff a flower the aroma that you smell is due to the release of the flower's essential oils into the air.

What are properties of aromatherapy essential oils? Essential oils are volatile in nature. Therefore, you need to be careful when you handle them. They can turn to gas even at room temperature so store them in a cool, dry, dark place. This volatility is the reason why flowers are more potent smelling in warmer temperatures such as summer.

Essential oils are water-like as opposed to being oily. Essential oils are very concentrated. For example, one drop of certain essential oils is equivalent to nearly thirty cups of herbal tea. In addition, the concentration level is also dependent upon where the essential oil is extracted from on the plant. For example, essential oils can be distilled in several places from an orange tree. The oils can be distilled from the blossoms, the leaves, and the citrus fruit itself.

How can you determine the quality of essential oils? The type of plant you have determines the quality and quantity of the essential oil that you ! can extr act. Other factors that affect the essential oil include: soil condition, cultivation methods, and how the oil was extracted. It is best to find a reputable supplier that will inform you of their essential oil techniques and where the oil came from. Make sure you find 100% natural oils as opposed to synthetic substitutes.

What are other essential oil tips? Make sure that you buy aromatherapy essential oils that are housed in dark-colored glass bottles. An amber bottle is preferred. Also note the cost of the oils which can range from as little as .00 per bottle to .00 per bottle. It depends on the type of essential oil. Be wary of buying a variety of different oils that are all the same price. This may mean that the quality of the essential oils is less than desirable.

In addition, watch out for synthetic oils disguised as natural oils. If the bottle says "fragrance", "perfume" or "potpourri" then it is a synthetic blend and you should shy away from it. You want all natural essential oils because they provide the most therapeutic properties and have a much richer scent.

About the Author

To gain the maximum benefit from the practice of aromatherapy, please go to:

Astro Highlights Jan - May 2012 Mars Direct & Venus Retro - KG Stiles, Host

SUBSCRIBE & SHARE Book Your Astro Consulting Session @ Astro Highlights sponsored by http organic aromatherapy. Highlights during this time include: 1) 2012 Astro Numerology, 2) 1/23 Mars Retrograde the same day as the Chinese New Year of the Water Dragon, 3) 2/3 Neptune moves into Pisces for a 14 year stay, generation of Intuitives when Intuition is Highly Favored 4) 2/7 Saturn's Retrograde same day as Leo Full Moon, 5) 3/12 Mercury Retrograde, 6) 3/12 Pluto Retrograde, 7) 4/13 Mars Direct.

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The 4 Levels of Reiki Training

Posted: 09 May 2012 03:00 PM PDT

by inju

Article by Samantha Hall

Reiki training is different when you are beginner compared to someone who has already been introduced to it. In this article, we will talk about the first four levels to give people an idea of what actually happens.

During level one, the instructor will introduce you to the energy. Here, you get to develop a relationship with it by learning how to work with it, how it feels through your body and the effects on using this on yourself and others.

Over the course of two days, you will learn the 4 attunements. There will be enough time given to allow your system to settle into the new space and after a 21 day cleansing session, you will no longer feel any negative energy in your system.

Level two Reiki training should be done at least two months after you have completed level one. During this time, your vibration level should be much higher.

This is also a two day training course where you will receive another attunement that will increases your vibration and make you familiar with three of the four Reiki symbols. You will learn here how to make each of these symbols work and after a couple of days, you will again have to undergo a 21 day cleaning period to remove any negative energy that you may have.

Most people do not go beyond level two because they are already happy with what they have learned. But for those who want to push on and even become a master, they can continue on their way to level three.

It is recommended that you wait at least 6 to 12 months before you take level 3. When you are ready, you will again undergo a two day session so you may received your final attunement. There is another 21 day cleaning period and you may even be taught another Reiki system like the Seichim to help you through.

From here, we go the fourth and final level where you will be taught how to become both a master and a teacher so you may also teach those who want to learn about the Reiki. What makes this different from the first three levels is that you will be! taught now from an instructor's perspective.

This will enable you to come up with your own lesson plans and manuals that you will distribute to your students. You will also learn about boundaries and ethics being a Master Teacher. You might even be given a test by creating a level one training which you will use to treat new comers.

Reiki training is now available in some institutions. You can even enroll in home study programs, online learning and distance instruction. You just have to find the right instructor that can teach you everything there is to know about this healing technique so you get your money's worth.

If you attend to join a class, you shouldn't worry about if this is crowded because batches are limited to 4 or 8 students. This will allow each one to have individualized attention from the instructor aside from the manuals that will be given at the start of the class.

Everyone is more than welcome to experience and embrace what Reiki training can do. You just have to keep an open mind and let the positive energy flow within you and cleansing yourself of the negative energies that fill your body, mind and soul.

About the Author

TrainingReiki.Com - what is Reiki, Reiki master training with Reiki books and manuals.

92 The inner world. Music by Paul Collier, with Fractal animations

A music journey inside our mind, relaxing piano music, with a beautiful fractal animation. The music is called "The Inner World" and is OUT NOW only from... I hope you enjoy this music. I have wrote it myself, along with the other (so far) 91 tracks here on YouTube. I deeply value your comments and subscriptions. Paul

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Prosperity and Reiki

Posted: 09 May 2012 02:00 PM PDT

by inju

Article by Samantha Hall

Usui Sensei, the recognized founder of Usui Reiki once said, "Just for today, do not worry. Be filled with gratitude." There are reasons why the great Reiki teacher uttered such words. And it's primarily because he knows how much power your thoughts and statements have on you.

If you tend to worry about a lot of things such as your job, money, health, and everything else in between, negative energy will flow into your body. The positive, mind enriching ones will be cast away to your disadvantage.

Everything that happens to a person occurs in his mind first and foremost. When you dream, you think hard about it. You imagine what it feels like when you finally made that dream come true. If you don't think much of that dream, then it ceases to be one. It stops to become your desire and it will never come true any more.

So if you allow your thoughts to be filled with worries and fears, then it would eventually manifest in your life. As a Reiki practitioner, you can heal yourself from such negative thoughts and attract positive forces such as prosperity instead. Why worry about tomorrow's finances if you can think about prosperity and abundance today?

Your goal is the same anyway – to provide everything you might need to live a comfortable life in the future. But your method of going about it becomes different. By using Reiki's positive energy, try to envision yourself as a powerful and successful man. And then do everything that you have to in order to make that happen. Don't make negative thoughts of hunger and being homeless or penniless become your motivation to work hard.Being attuned to Reiki, you have the power to empower your thoughts. And this is very important in prosperity consciousness. Unite your heart and mind. Transmute your words into light. If you do all these, then your positive thoughts will become as strong as your actions.

Abundance and prosperity means different things to different people. Try to imagine what these elements mean to you. Som! e people associate prosperity with money. Others say that there is abundance in their life if they are surrounded with many possessions. However, prosperity and abundance may also mean riches in terms of loving relationships and spiritual success. You can be rich and prosperous devoid of all the material things in this world.

Analyze yourself. Write down everything that would describe abundance and prosperity for you. After making your list, tune in to the words that you have written down. Go from one word to another. Use Reiki symbols along with the words and connect to your consciousness. See how your thoughts and emotions respond to every word.

It is possible to attract all the riches of this world if your mind and spirit are attuned to it. Keep in mind that all material things, feelings, and emotions are simple energies. And with the use of Reiki, you can summon these energies to come to you and become you. With your mind, thoughts, and words attuned into your own concept of prosperity, it would surely dawn on you.

About the Author

TrainingReiki.Com - Reiki training with Reiki books and manuals.

What is Reiki?

Posted: 09 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT

by inju

Article by Dr. Tami Brady

Deep Relaxation Meditation 1 - Stepping Inwards - Guided Commentary - Brahma Kumaris

Better Watched In Full Screen. - Watch more Meditation Videos, with Animation, Music and more! - Free Meditation Courses in more than 120 countries. Thank You for Watching! Please Subscribe to receive our New Meditation Videos! - - - - More Keywords...

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Cosmetic laser treatments - Holistic treatment and planning your program

Posted: 09 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by Andrew Wood

If you're thinking of getting laser treatment, or are getting it, there's an opportunity you need to know about- You can get a lot of other things done, too, and really do a complete holistic program for yourself. This is easy, because laser treatments are very quick, very safe, and very efficient. If you've seen some of the new laser treatment equipment like the new Candela units, you can see how versatile these machines are, and how many options you might have.

Holistic laser treatments- How to give yourself a treat

The opportunities are endless. If you've got some annoying blemish, scar, hair or other issue which can be treated with lasers, this is your chance to get rid of those things as well as your other work. You'll find it's no problem for the clinic to schedule this work in with your other things, because these are usually topical treatments.

How to find what you want

The simplest approach is usually the best:

1. Consider any of the cosmetic work available using lasers or "Intense Pulsed Light" or IPL, which is a related type of technology suitable for a range of cosmetic and therapeutic purposes. All the top clinics have IPL technology, and it's pretty impressive. 2. Look at the options closely, and figure out which of them would be good to include in your laser treatment program. Just create a wish list of what you want. 3. Ask your clinician about your ideas. You'll find that most of your wish list is easy to do.

You'll get a full range of options, including scheduling, and be able to plan a complete treatment program. This is very useful for very busy people, because it's also productive use of time you'll be using anyway during the other laser work. Instead of one job, you could be getting several done in the same amount of time.

Note: If you check out supplier websites, you'll get a look at things like the new Palomar platforms, which can do practically anything. They'll also give you a few ideas about your options for treatments.

C! osts and options

Most modern health insurance companies do provide some level of cover for cosmetic treatments, and for significant medical issues like scar removal they're actually considered medical procedures, not cosmetic, so you should be covered anyway. Check with your health fund what's covered, and see how you can get the coverage you need, if it's not enough for your purposes.

Talking to your clinician

You'll find that your clinician won't have a problem with fitting in your work,. Even better, your clinician may be able to suggest a range of treatments which will dovetail, giving you a great result sooner. You can get treatments which complement each other, like skin rejuvenation and hair treatments, or other useful combinations of treatments.

Important: Don't forget to ask about scheduling. The more your clinician knows about your ability to schedule appointments, the more efficient this process will be. If you can fit in an extra hour, you might have your wish list done in one appointment.

Just don't miss this chance to do all the things you want to do.

About the Author

Laseraid specialise in pre-owned, market-leading laser hair removal machines, parts and repairs at an affordable price, with training and warranties provided. For more information or to view our range, visit Candela.

The Holistic Approach to Healthcare Benchmarks: Enterprise-Wide Data Gathering and Analytics

Posted: 09 May 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Article by webmaster

Aromatherapy For Children

Posted: 09 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Article by CMPalmer

Although the use of aromatherapy is typically associated with adults, children can also benefit from the healing and soothing powers of aromatherapy. They are very attracted to different scents and love to experience it through diffusion, baths, massage, inhalation, and even topically.

Children particularly enjoy creating aromatic blends for their own use. Whether creating a blend to help calm themselves at night, or helping to identify the essential oils or blends to use on burns or wounds, aromatherapy can be a fun way for children to participate in their healing through an effective natural therapy.

There are few rules of thumb when it comes to aromatherapy for children. First of all, since children are much more sensitive than adults, the concentration of essential oils in their blends should be at least three times less than adult blends. I also recommend that children under the age of 5 should not use aromatherapy directly (bath or massage). Instead, use the essential oils in a nebulizer and run it for just 10 minutes in the room. The other option is to use hydrosols or floral waters instead of essential oils in their bath.

Children can safely use the following essential oils: Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Orange, Lemon, Neroli, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Grapefruit, Marjoram, Dill, Cardamom, Rose, Basil and Melissa.

So what are the most common childhood ailments, and how can you safely use aromatic blends on your children? Try creating the following recipes at home for a natural healing alternative. In future Health and Beauty editions, you will learn more about the holistic aspects of aromatherapy for children and teenagers.

To create these blends, pour your essential oils into a 10-ml bottle, and fill will organic vegetable oil.

********Colds and Flu********-2 drops Rosemary 1,8 cineole-2 drops Eucalyptus

Rub blend on the chest and middle back. Add a few drops of thearomatic blend to your child's warm bath water and let him/hersoak for at least 15 minute! s. Pour 4 drops of the aromatic blendon a tissue and have your child breathe it in deeply.

********Wounds and Burns********Dab 1 drop of pure, undiluted Lavender essential oil on theafflicted area. Do it just once.

********Immune System Booster********-2 drops Rosemary 1,8 cineole-3 drops Ravensara

Massage the solar plexus and lower back, chest and middle back.Add a few drops of the aromatic blend to your child's warm bathwater and let him/her soak for at least 15 minutes. Pour 4 dropsof the aromatic blend on a tissue and have your child breathe itin deeply.

********Sweet Dreams********-1 drop Roman Chamomile-2 drops Lavender-2 drops Orange

This is a wonderful blend for story time! Massage the foreheadand temples, neck and back. Add a few drops of the aromaticblend to your child's warm bath water and let him/her soak forat least 15 minutes.

********Toothaches********-2 drops Roman Chamomile

Rub the essential oil directly on the cheek.

********Joy and Laughter********-3 drops Orange-2 drops Lemon

Massage the solar plexus and abdomen, friction the back. Pour 4drops of the aromatic blend on a tissue and have your childbreathe it in deeply.

********Tummy Aches********-2 drops Basil-2 drops Dill

Massage the tummy clockwise with the blend as needed.

********Lack of Appetite********-2 drops Cardamom-2 drops Dill

Massage the solar plexus and abdomen. Pour 4 drops of thearomatic blend on a tissue and have your child breathe it indeeply.

********Motion Sickness********-4 drops Lemon-1 drop Ginger

Massage the solar plexus. Pour 4 drops of the aromatic blend ona tissue and have your child breathe it in deeply.

More Aromatherapy Remedies

About the Author

Aromatherapy remedies was put together with the aim of demystifying the use of aromatherapy and essential oils, with easy to follow home remedies, recipes and ready made remedies.

Holistic Approaches To Overcoming Depression

Posted: 09 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Article by IMI Health

"A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and attend them all! Even if they're a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight." RumiDepression is a mind-body illness which takes hold not only in the brain but also in the body. And to overcome it, it has to be treated both in mind and body.Today depression is a pervasive health issue and it can be a terminal illness. It describes conditions ranging from 'the blues', that is minor depression caused by stress, tiredness, poor nutrition or conflict in relationships to severe clinical depression, which can endanger life. People commit suicide caused by depression on a daily basis.One in four people will suffer depression at some point in their lives. Worldwide, depression is the fourth leading cause of disability, costing billions of dollars in days off work and medical expenses. Despite huge quantities of prescription drugs being taken, people are still depressed. Statistics alone give a strong indication that what we're doing to treat depression is not working effectively.The traditional approach to treating depression has been drugs - tricyclic antidepressants and then the newer SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors). Recent research shows that, of those with major depression treated this way, only 15% go into remission and have a long period of stay well rate. The other 85% end up with having continuing relapses and become chronically depressed and may suffer from a medicated /depressogenic depression. In simple terms, this means that the drugs cause the depression.Depression is a very serious condition, however it is not a "disease." Rather, it's a sign that your body and your life are out of balance. This is so important to remember, because as soon as you start to view depression as an "illness," you think you need to take a drug to fix it. In reality, what you need to ! do is re turn balance to your life, address the issues, both external and internal which are causing the depression and learn skills to cope with it.Today Prozac and Xanax are household names, so widespread as their use. Yet, short-term research trials show that antidepressants do NOT provide any clinically significant benefits for mild to moderate depression. And, as we now know, all drugs have benefit-to-risk ratios, so it really doesn't make sense to use it as a first line of defence. Yet doctors tend to prescribe antidepressants as if they were sweets!We now realise the consequences of overuse/abuse of antibiotics and know that there are alternatives, both preventive and curative. Similarly we need to stop relying on antidepressants so heavily before we face the consequences of overuse. Finding an effective treatment for depression is not something to approach lightly, and having the facts about what actually works, and what doesn't, is imperative.For serious clinical depression and bipolar depression, medication will, most probably, be necessary, but this too can benefit from the support of additional alternative approaches.The good news is that there are excellent, safer, more effective alternatives to treat most types of depression for successful, long term outcomes. These alternative treatments involve a holistic approach to regaining wellness: counselling, diet/nutrition, supplements, energy medicine and exercise, all of which are available at IMI.IMI, Hong Kong's leading integrated medicine clinic, is able to offer a comprehensive, holistic approach to treatment of depression and will manage the process with the different practitioners involved in treatment. It is recommended that a successful treatment plan include all of the following:Counselling: Therapy is a key factor in understanding the source of your depression Your counsellor will explore your symptoms with you and help you to uncover the underlying emotional issues which have contributed to your depression. An experienced counsellor can identi! fy if yo u are suffering from a mild form of depression, as can be expected at times from simply living life, or, if it is sufficiently serious and pervasive, to require referral to a specialist.There are many counselling approaches which are able to address depression, among which are Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy, Psychoanalysis, Psychosynthesis, Primal Integration, Narrative Therapy, Positive Psychology and Therapeutic Visualisation. What is essential is to address the issues and alleviate symptoms.The following are feelings that progressively lead to depression. When you become aware of these feelings, you can monitor them and take responsibility for self care to decrease and eliminate the feelings and the depression they cause: withdrawal from interaction, sad, decreased enthusiasm, lonely, melancholy, sense of helplessness and hopelessness, feeling overwhelmed, despair, excessive crying, feelings of worthlessness, difficulty in concentrating/making decisions, loss of appetite, insomnia, anxiety, weight loss or gain.Energy Medicine: EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) - psychological acupressure. This technique combines tapping the energy meridians and voicing positive affirmation to clear the "short-circuit" - the emotional block (of which you may not be consciously aware), from your body's bio-energy system, thus alleviating depression and restoring your mind and body's balance, which is essential for optimal health.Diet plays an important role in depression. Foods have an immense impact on your mood and mental health, and your ability to cope and be happy. Highly processed foods and unhealthy fats, sugar and grains can affect the onset of depression which can then take hold in those with an unhealthy diet. On the other hand, higher consumption of some foods e.g. fish oils help mood and mental functioning. Pioneering studies show that higher national fish consumption is correlated with lower risk of depression, post partum depression and seasonal affective disorder.Nutritiona! l Supple ments: These play a critical role in supporting the brain, central nervous system and mental health. Omega 3 fish oils have been shown in clinical studies to have a strong connection to improving symptoms of depression. The current depletion of omega-3 and resulting imbalance in fatty acid ratios (Omega 6 strongly outweighs Omega 3) in Western food has had an untold influence on rates of depression firstly the West and now in Asia. Those with depression have lower levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood and the lower the level of EPA, the more severe the clinical depression. Omega 3 deficiency also lowers levels and functioning of the two important neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine.Vitamin D is a crucial factor in treating depression or keeping it at bay. People with low levels of vitamin D tend to be more prone to be depressed. Deficiency in vitamin D is actually more the norm than the exception, and has previously been implicated in both psychiatric and neurological disorders.Exercise: There is a substantial body of evidence to show that physical exercise is as effective at treating depression as antidepressant medicines, plus there is the added advantage of exercise having virtually no contraindications. In a study, conducted by Duke University, they found that of the three groups they studied the exercise-only group that had the highest remission and stay-well rate.The UK NICE (National Inst of Clinical Excellence) for example, no longer routinely recommends antidepressants as the first line of therapy for mild to moderate depression. Doctors there can write out a prescription for a consultation with an EP (exercise physiologist/counsellor) instead. Since 2007, doctors prescribing exercise for depression has increased from 4-25%, and the UK Mental Health Foundation are now making exercise a front line therapy. Studies on exercise as a treatment for depression are showing there is a strong correlation between improved mood and aerobic capacity. There is now a growing acceptance that the mind! -body co nnection is very real, and that maintaining good physical health can significantly lower your risk of developing depression in the first place.

Stress Management: Depression is a sign that your body and your life are out of balance. You need to take proactive steps to return balance to your life. Stress can be internally or externally generated. Either way, it is essential to not feel 'victim' but to make choices that empower, support and enliven you. Making lifestyle changes are important: meditation, yoga, hiking in nature; finding purpose in your life; dealing with relationship issues; handling change and conflict; improving communication; removing negative beliefs: expressing rather than suppressing feelings of anger, resentment, frustration, fear or grief. Focusing on gratitude and appreciation are highly effective to generate feelings of happiness and enhance positive states of mind.Seeking Treatment: Depression is a common human experience and most people will, in their lifetime, experience it. The most common sign is a lack of pleasure in a normally pleasing life and feeling fatigued. You go on doing what you have to but need to push yourself. When it becomes severe and interferes with your daily activities it is a major depression. You are frustrated, withdraw from people and isolate, avoid people and situations, experience negative thinking, hopelessness, feel overwhelmed and your appetite and sleep are disturbed. You feel a prisoner of this state and believe it will never end. You may even have a death wish and wish something would happen so that you did not need to struggle any more, or actively think about taking your own life.There is a wide range in theexperience of depression. Sometimes we feel sad about something happening, we experience depression with grief when we have experienced a serious loss, or we have a building depression which does not go away when something serious has happened and it is not resolved. Also the following issues relate to the experience of ! depressi on:

* You do not express your needs, thoughts, or feelings in order to maintain harmony * You have lost your sense of identity * You have lost hope with what you need and feel * You feel empty and confused * You stop expressing your hopes and goals & have given up on them

Note that depression, while an emotional symptom, may also trigger disease: worsen diabetes, raise blood pressure, increase the risk of a stroke, weaken your immune system, and cause obesity.If you are depressed mildly or severely it is recommended that first you have a physical examination to rule out any physical complications that may be contributing to your experience of depression (for example: candida, thyroid malfunction, acute or chronic stress reactions, allergies, drug/alcohol abuse/dependence, recent surgery or PMS).You should then consult your mental health professional. Therapy is a key factor in understanding the source of your depression. Your counsellor or therapist can help you identify your symptoms and the issues contributing to your depression, determine an appropriate course of interventions, of which there are a number, and set you on a comprehensive path to recovery and wellbeing. "There is no despair so absolute as that which comes with the first moments of our first great sorrow; when we have not yet know what it is to have suffered and be healed, to have despaired and recovered hope".George Eliot

About the Author

Article written by Catriona Rogers, Counselling Psychologist with IMI (Integrated Medicine Institute in Hong Kong) who draws on her experience of many different approaches to assist those suffering from depression. She strongly believes in a holistic approach to treating depression and works closely with IMI colleagues to ensure the needs of  individual clients are met.

Twelve Reiki Positions For Powerful Hand Placement

Posted: 09 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Article by rufusshepherd2137176

When considering the twelve reiki positions for powerful hand placement, these positions can better be understood if we divide the placement numbers into four groups of three. The first three consist of the groin or area of procreation, the tailbone, the area of spinal origin, and the abdomen, the area of compassion and emotion. When a Reiki healer motivates the chakras in these areas, she is healing the foundation of the person, as well as the Earth from whence we come. This is our base, our support, to all that we do, and these areas must be healthy and whole first, in order for the rest of the body to have strength and stamina.

The second group of reiki positions for the hands are the kidneys for the purification of the body's fluids, the solar plexus where we feel our "gut intuition" and can feel the spiritual realm, the shoulder blades where we flex to fly in our dreams, or embrace our loved ones and our lives. These chakra points lift us into the realm of the dawning realization that we have power to move and the ability to transport ourselves and others beyond Earth bound and mortal limitations.

The third group of reiki positions for hand healings are the human heart, which is the pump that never quits, day after day, teaching us to never give up, in order to obtain the prize, the shoulders that bear the burdens of others, allowing us to serve our fellow man, and the throat which speaks the truth for all eternity to acknowledge and vindicate. The Reiki healer that balances these chakras finds his client gaining renewed determination in following their true path in life, and without ever giving up.

And the fourth and final group of reiki positions for hand placement to empower healing are the base of the skull where our Earthly self connects to our Heavenly self, our temples, where meditation and prayer are framed and expressed, and our eyes- openings to the inner and outer realms, as well as windows into our souls and the souls of others. These twelve chakra areas have se! condary areas and connections that the skilled reiki healer can access to perfect a healing in a client. They are also connected to the eight-plus color spectrum that is necessary for complete healing and spiritual advancement. When you meditate and pray, these positions and truths can be revealed to both the healer, as well as the healed.

About the Author

Keith Baxter is a certified Reiki Master master. Keith's life mission is to spread the value of Reiki to as many people as he can influence. Read Keith's teachings by following this link: youtube reiki.

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Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selections, May 9, 2012

Posted: 09 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT

"What happens to a man is less significant than what happens within him."
~Louis L. Mann

"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door."
~Milton Berle

"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that things are difficult."

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Discover the History of Reiki

Posted: 09 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Article by Yvonne Handford

The history of Reiki reveals the story of magical healing energies which were rediscovered by a man named Dr Mikao Usui, a Buddhist monk in the early nineteenth century. Dr Usui found the "key" for healing using only energy and the palm of your hand. His amazing quest to find the missing "keys" of healing has now been widely spread all over the world, and used daily by millions of people..

A senior student asked Dr Usui, "Do you believe everything written in the bible?" Dr Usui answered "yes". The boy then proceeded to ask "Why does it say in the bible that we can walk on water and heal sick people, when we can't".

This was the seed that started the quest for answers and Dr Usui resigned from his position. He moved to the United States of America and received a Doctorate Degree in Scriptures. Dr Usui knew Buddha had the power to heal, so he returned to Japan to study Buddhism.

Whilst studying Buddhism he discovered the Original Buddhist Scriptures, but unfortunately they were written in Sanskrit (an ancient language). Which he had to study before he was able to understand the teachings.

Finally, he found the formula of how Buddha miraculously healed people. He knew he was close but could still not heal people. Dr Usui went to the mountains in Japan to fast and meditate on the technique required to heal people for 21 days. His friend the Abbot warned him it could be very dangerous, and he may even loose his life.

As Dr Usui climbed the scared mountain he collected twenty one stones, that he used as a calendar. He spent his days on the mountains studying the sutras, meditating and singing. As the days passed Dr Usui became tired, stiff, hungry, thirsty and exhausted and disappointed as he was no closer to discovering how to heal the sick.

On the twenty first day as Dr Usui began to head home, then suddenly he became aware of a beautiful beam of white light shooting from the heavens directly towards him.

He was stuck by this light which eventually kno! cked him over, he could also see bubbles of white light before his eyes. These bubbles of light contained the energies of Reiki. He realized the missing key's of Reiki had been given to him, and the missing energies or the now known symbols of Reiki healing, had been rediscovered.

Following this experience Dr Usui was no longer feeling the tiredness, stiffness, exhaustion and hunger he previously felt. On the way down the mountain he stubbed his toe which he placed his hands over and the pain and bleeding subsided. He healed himself.

When he arrived down from the mountain he stopped at an inn and ordered a Japanese breakfast. The inn keeper could see he had been through an ordeal by his clothes and appearance.

Whilst waiting for breakfast he healed the inn keeper's daughter of tooth ache. He also healed himself of aches and pains plus his friend at the Monastery the Abbot, of severe arthritic pain using only energy and his hands.

He continued to heal the poor and the beggars for many years. Eventually left the beggars and returned home to the Monastery, where he began healing and teaching students throughout Japan.

Dr Usui now realized there were two primary aspects of healing which were vital- the healing of the spirit and the responsibility of the receiver.

Dr Usui passed the "Keys", the lineage and the history of Reiki onto 16 students including Chujiro Hyashi, Hakayo Tagata and Phyllis Furimoto who in return passed the Reiki lineage on to thousands of students, so his teachings were never lost again.

For the full story of the History of Reiki and Dr Usui and his quest to discover the keys to healing visit

About the Author

Yvonne Handford is an Author, Speaker, Soul Healing Coach, Psychic and Healing Master trained in Reiki and many other healing modalities and alternate therapies. Yvonne is a Healer who specializes in promoting the "Golden Keys" to Healing Within and assisting others to live the life of their dreams.

Canyonlands National Park, Utah (in HD)

Canyonlands National Park, Utah. Content: Canyonlands NP - Island in the Sky district, views from the nearby Dead Horse Point State Park, Canyonlands NP - The Needles district (mostly shot on the amazing Chesler Park trail). Shot in October 2009 in HD. Music: Keller & Schonwalder - Noir - 04-Dedier A Papathanassiou Vangelis - Movement One Deuter - Reiki Hands of Light - 05 - Mystic Voyage

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Video: Take the Day On – Dr. Rob Kiltz

Posted: 09 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Dr rob shares his thoughts of the day about living passionately!

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The Soothing Qualities Of Aromatherapy Bath Products

Posted: 09 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Article by Holman Craig

A soothing bath at the end of a long and hectic day can be a welcome relief. By using aromatherapy bath products, a truly remarkable special effect can be added to that bath. These types of bath products are made with essential oils that have been extracted from unique plants that have special healing and healthy qualities. These bath and beauty products are carefully manufactured with special blends that have been shown to have definite and specific effects on the body. The essential oils that are added to bath products are not randomly chosen, but instead, they are carefully selected for the special benefits the oil has to offer.

Aromatherapy bath products were accidentally discovered as a result of an experiment by a French chemist many years ago. The chemist found that by using lavender oil he could heal burns that he had suffered. The chemist then began his study of special plant oils, and since then, his work has been carried on by many other knowledgeable people. Currently, the essential oils that are used in aromatherapy bath products are chosen based on the studies and findings of those experts. The essential oils extracted from plants are now considered as an alternative medicine due to their many successes. There are a wide assortment of bath products that are now available which use these therapeutic oils, and they can be purchased over the counter by customers for both beneficial and practical use.

Types of Aromatherapy Bath Products

Bath gels are one of the most popular products made with the essential oils of aromatherapy. These gels can be found in many specialty stores and on websites around the world. There are gels for both shower and bath that contain specific oils that can be beneficial to countless people. There are gels made with lavender, ginger, mint and other essential oils, each with it's own unique therapeutic properties. People who use these gels have found them to be very helpful for numerous conditions from stress reducers to burn healing. Most of! the aro matherapy bath products are now very carefully made using essential oils, and at the same time removing any harmful substances. These products usually have a combination of vitamins that are also helpful to a person's health and well being.

Aromatherapy oils are also commonly used to make bath salts and soaps. These are also made using the same essential oils as the bath gels. They are known to have many beneficial qualities including that of reducing stress. These products also have other beneficial effects such as softening the skin. Many of the oils are imported from special places around the world in order to get the best products available. The soaps are made with oils extracted from avocado, eucalyptus, peppermint and other unique plants. The soaps are often designed for special types of skin treatments. Other soaps are made because of the special regenerative effects that they have on the skin. All of the aromatherapy type bath products have become popular due to the many benefits that they provide. If you have never tried them before, you're in for a very special treat.

About the Author

Brought to you as a courtesy from the Bath and Body Store, a member of the Aromatherapy Products network.

Doctors Discuss Low Back Pain (Part 1)

Two physicians, Dr. Devi Nampiaparampil and Dr. Geetha Nampiaparampil, explain the common causes of low back pain using a spine model. They explain degenerative disc disease, osteoarthritis, herniated discs, and spinal stenosis.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Using Yourself as a Pendulum: Intuitive Guidance from Within

Posted: 09 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Using your body as a pendulum is another tool you can use to access your higher wisdom.

Learning to trust our intuition is something that can connect us with our higher selves. Sometimes it might not seem easy to do this. Our thoughts and minds often get in the way. But by accessing our innermost self, we will find that the information we receive is usually what we truly need at that moment. One of the techniques that allows us to really get in touch with our deepest font of wisdom is using our body as a pendulum. The simple act of letting our physical being lead us in a certain direction can offer us extremely deep insights and help us find the answers we seek.

Many of us may have tried using a pendulum or crystal on a chain as a dousing tool to acquire the information we need to make decisions or even find lost objects. Using our bodies puts us much more closely in tune with our being. The process of using your body as a pendulum is to ask your higher self a question and wait for your body to respond in either a forward-tilting or backward-tilting motion. The first step is to really understand how our higher self communicates with us by centering our bodies, asking ourselves the directions for "yes" and "no," and noting which way our body moves. For a lot of people a forward motion is "yes," and your body tilting backward is a "no" answer. It is easier to start with simple questions at first to understand how our higher self communicates with us. As we become more used to the messages we receive and how we process them, we can start asking for more specific things such as what dosage of herbs to take or which foods would best nourish our bodies. Using this technique in the grocery store or when shopping for vitamins and remedies can be extremely helpful.

Since we are always present in our bodies, understanding how we can use our bodies as pendulums is a tool we can use at any given moment in our lives. Letting our bodies tell us what is happening inside of us will in turn help to guide us through not just daily but also major life decisions. The more we allow our bodies to open up and share with us the connection it has with our deeper self, the better able we will be to truly access the knowledge we hold so deeply within.

~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM

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NYC Personal Trainer Reveals the Holistic Approach to Diet and Fitness

Posted: 09 May 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Article by Diane Williams

As a NYC personal trainer for over a decade I know that having a healthy and happy life is all about incorporating a healthy diet and fitness. Some of us will choose one of the ingredients, either diet or fitness and exercise. We will kid ourselves thinking that just having a healthy diet without regular exercise is good enough or working out like crazy to compensate for the bad eating habits is just fine. That is far from the truth. Incorporating good eating habits and regular exercise is the magic formula.

Now it is possible to lose weight just focusing on cutting your calories to the extreme but your arteries could still be clogged and your body be absent of muscle tone. For the ones who are exercising like mad, if you're eating way too much you won't see the rewards from all of the time spent with your trainer or time spent at the gym or fitness studio.

In my career as a NYC personal trainer, I've seen very slim women who have been lifetime dieters but cannot walk a block without huffing and puffing or cannot lift a 20 pound bag of groceries with complete ease. And at the other extreme I've seen those who workout 6 days a week for at least an hour a day but they overeat and are considered in the overweight category because of their eating habits.

When it comes to attaining the complete holistic healthy and fit lifestyle you need to incorporate both ingredients. Start moving your body. Incorporate cardiovascular exercise to keep the heart strong and the blood pressure down. Lift weights to have a strong body that can move quickly and keep the core from getting weak.

Before I was a NYC personal trainer I bought into this strange myth but it seems to be hanging around. One pound of muscle weighs less than one pound of fat. That is absolutely false. One pound of muscle takes up less space than a pound of fat. I'd rather have more muscle than fat because I'll be able to burn more calories during the day while I go about my business. I will feel more energized and strong all! through out the day and I will look better. Dieting alone doesn't do everything. It will help you lose weight but if you're just dieting you'll lose the necessary, vital muscle that is needed for optimal function.

Remember that while you're incorporating your new resistance training program you may be losing fat so your body will be shrinking but it won't indicate that if you just use the scale. So make sure that you remember the scale is not a great indicator in showing your progress. It's crucial that you keep your spirits as positive as possible while you're working at achieving your fitness and health goals. Being frustrated focus on the number on the scale can easily veer you off track never being able to return. Better tools to show your true progress are how your pants fit you around the waist and thighs, circumference measurements using a measuring tape or even taking pictures on a monthly basis.

Dieting and fitness is a relationship that you'll need to understand to achieve your desired fitness and health goals. Without both you can't have what you're truly looking for. Combining the two will give you miraculous results but leaving one out will give you a mediocre body. Take it from this NYC personal trainer. Having a holistic approach to a fitter and healthier lifestyle by incorporating diet and exercise is a must for spectacular results!

About the Author

Diane Williams, NYC Personal Trainer is a dreamer, a boxer who could knock out a grown man, and an always evolving Curvy Goddess. She is a former plus-size model for the Wilhelmina Modeling Agency and now a fitness expert and advocate for women who wear sizes 10 and up. For more information on health, fitness, and fat loss visit

Easy Said, Easy Done: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, May 9, 2012

Posted: 09 May 2012 05:00 AM PDT


Hello, good morning, this is Dr. Rob
Another awesome and amazing day in the universe
Easy Said, Easy Done – my intention of the day

We're so used to saying easier said than done
Isn't that what we think it is
And then it becomes our truth
But if everything is but what we think and say
Then we're right again
Easier said than done
Yet think again, and say within
Easy said, easy done
And now you create an awesome, new day
For but what you say is but what you do
It's easy said and easy done
Life is created first in the mind
And then second in matter and reality
Easy said, easy done
How easy it is and oh, so fun!
Live life with joy and creativity, I say
Love is purely what you think and play
Now go ahead and shout for joy
And live the day, and love I say
Have a great, awesome and amazing day
This is Dr. Rob

Easy said, easy done

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Aromatherapy Candle Gifts - A Great Gift Giving Idea

Posted: 09 May 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Article by Terry Edwards

You already know how aromatherapy scented candles can give your home a wonderful smell, as well as put you in a great mood. So why not give these candles as a gift?

Aromatherapy candle gifts are a great gift giving idea. Instead of giving the same old stale gifts for that special occasion, give something that is beneficial and warmly received. Here's some tips to help get you started.

You can easily find aromatherapy candle gift baskets in most retail gift stores. They are available in all different sizes and styles, making it simple and easy to give your close friend or family member a perfect gift.

With that said though, you may want to take things a step further and design your own special aromatherapy candle gift. Hey, it really is easier than you might think. Here are some quick tips to get you headed in the right direction.

1. Find a gift basket at your local crafts store. A place like Michael's is great because you can often find them on clearance and get a really great deal.

2. Buy your aromatherapy candles. This is totally a personal preference for you. You can find all types of aromatherapy scented candles, from those that will make you feel happier to ones that will improve your memory and everything in between.

Another thing you may want to include in your aromatherapy candle gift is some candle holders.

3. Finally, put everything together in your basket and wrap it. Include a nice ribbon and gift card as well.

When you present that special someone with a gift like this you will be amazed at how happy they will be. An aromatherapy candle gift is something that creates a lifetime memory and gives you a great feeling in knowing how you brightened up someone's day.

About the Author

By the way, you can find out more about Aromatherapy Candle Gifts as well as much more information on all types of aromatherapy and aromatherapy products at

How To Make Mineral Eyeshadow At Home

Here is a basic eyeshadow recipe that is easy for everyone to do at home. Have fun being creative and enjoy! Grind together: 4 tsps. sericite mica 1 tsp. titanium dioxide 1 tsp. magneseum stearate Grind these for about 3 - 5 mins until fine To this add 1 heaping tsp. ultramarine pink Grind for another minute Shake in 1 large tsp. blushing pink mica You can add more of this depending on how much shine and sparkle you want.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Pray – Dr. Rob Kiltz

Posted: 09 May 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Here for a reason
God's still doing his work
Be patient I say
Stand still and pray
Pray thank you to God
For this gracious, good day
And all be thy way
And perfect I say

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