Rune Healing

Rune Healing

Rune Healing

Posted: 23 May 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Article by Marc Rice

Runes were an early alphabet among the ancient Teutons (ancient Germanic people) and most of the alphabet, commonly referred to as the 'futhark' after the first six letters, consists of right angles, horizontals, and perpendiculars. What separates this alphabet from the one we use today is the understanding that each letter in the futhark represents a concept or force as well as a sound. The common belief is that the runes are little more than 2,500 years old. But, there has been evidence in the recent past that suggests that the runes are much older, quite possibly thousands of years older. If this is true, then the runes pre-date the widely admired and respected Celtic and Nordic peoples.

In some modern religions such as Wicca, Asatru, and Odinism the runes are used as a divination tool similar to the tarot or I-Ching. But, as accurate as the runes are in divination, there are more beneficial ways to utilize their intrinsic power. One very effective way to utilize rune power is through energy work.

Almost everyone in the metaphysical community is familiar with the Reiki system of energy healing. And most of us that have received Reiki treatments or have been attuned to the level of Reiki master (I have) are fully aware of the benefits of this system. But, you are also probably aware of some of the downfalls to the widely popular system of Reiki. For instance, when we use Reiki on a client it is rather difficult to use traditional hand postures if we decide we want to focus on a particular ailment. When this occurs, we often have to modify this respected system by using our intuition, which is something that is rarely, if ever, taught in any Reiki class. And, as you probably already know, the chakras or light centres within the body aren't even mentioned or worked properly in the traditional Reiki positions, forcing us to once again use our intuition. Most of you know full well what I'm talking about. Because so many of us have unique ailments, which subsequently always corresponds wi! th a par ticular chakra (which could lead to a negative imprint on your aura if left unattended), we have no choice but to modify Reiki.

Runic energy work, unlike Reiki, allows you to focus on particular ailments, both physical and emotional, due to direct contact with the chakras. The hands form the shape of the corresponding rune and are placed directly on the chakra. Each chakra rules a different aspect of your physical/emotional well being and when there is an imbalance, there is pain. When we examine them at a closer perspective, it becomes apparent that they are patterns of creation. Right angles, horizontals, and perpendiculars are the foundation of geometry, the science needed for building any construct. As I mention earlier, the runes contain all of these building principles, making them the perfect tools for nearly any type of manifesting imaginable, which is why so many pagans gravitate toward them. Even cultivators of technology understand, at least to some degree, the power they wield. The trademark for the widely known "Bluetooth" wireless earpiece is a combination of two runes; one representing rebirth and prosperity and the other represents magnetic transfer and the unification of opposites. It's a strange combination, but it obviously works! There's no doubt they've done their homework.

In the system I have cultivated after 15 years of intense study, I have developed a series of runic hand postures that directly correlate with the seven major chakras of the body. Because of the direct/intentional contact with the chakras, I am able to assist my clients in healing a very large variety of physical and emotional ailments, as well as successfully assist them in working with past lives and connecting with their higher self. These are things that couldn't even be approached with traditional Reiki. I always give my new clients the choice between Reiki and the runic energy work, but after receiving the runic work, none of them have even mentioned wanting a Reiki treatment.

I am not try! ing to d isrespect Reiki in any way, nor is it my intent to say anything derogatory about the system. I am very proud to be a Reiki master, but I do understand its limitations. I believe in the evolution of the soul and the development of the higher mind, and in order to foster such noble things we must not become complacent in our practices, especially if we know what we are practicing to be limiting.

About the Author

Marc Rice is a Runemaster in a Guild called The Circle of Thorn, Reiki Master, 3rd degree Master Mason in blue lodge freemasonry, 32nd degree Master of the Royal Secret in Scottish Rite freemasonry, and holds the title of Adeptus Exemptus in the Thelemic Golden Dawn. His work can be viewed at

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What Is Amrita Aromatherapy And What Makes It Special?

Posted: 23 May 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Article by Kerry Ng

Amrita is a company that was founded by Dr. Christoph Streicher. You can visit their web site at Amrita is a company that manufactures aromatherapy products. Dr. Christoph Streicher's main goal is to offer pure essential oils. He cites that many of these so-called it essential oils on the market have been tampered with or "denatured" as he puts it. The Amrita aromatherapy products are sold in salons, spas, wholesale aromatherapy stores, etc. These products are also available to the public for purchase through a related web site,

The company carries a fairly large product line, which includes over 150 essential oils ranging from Anise to Vanilla CO2. In keeping with its promise to provide pure, ecologically friendly products, the company offers information explaining the cultivation method for each of its different oils.

For people who are interested in trying out a nice selection of the most popular scents, the company can provide sampler packs of the essential oils or the synergy (blended) oils. In addition to the essential oils, Amrita also offers it wide range of other products including massage oils, diffusers, perfumes, deodorants, insect spray, etc.

The Amrita Aromatherapy Prices

There's an old saying in the business circle. And that saying is, "you get exactly what you pay for." In other words, if you want quality, you have to be willing to pay for it. However, Amrita does seem to been making an effort to keep the cost reasonable for its customers. As an example, a 4 oz. bottle of deodorant cost .95, or about .00 per ounce. When compared to most commercial deodorants in the marketplace, which retail for between .00 to .50 per ounce, it's not that far out of line.

Another example is a 5 ml bottle of Amrita Rose perfume, which claims to heal the heart and awaken love, costs .00 on Amrita's website. At House of Rose, a one-third-ounce bottle of Rose perfume costs .00.

Some Amrita Aromatherapy Reviews

Go to the Amrira retail Web site and you will find several testimonials of users that give high praise to the personal care product lines, such as the deodorant and the Deet-free insect repellent. Another very popular product is the Amrita diffuser. One of the testimonials referred to this product as the "Rolls-Royce" of diffusers.

So far, the general public is still not completely aware of these products and the company. Amrita seems to cater to a very tight niche of consumers who are deeply into the aromatherapy and environmental movements. Their advertisement seems to be focused towards this target group of people and as a result, there are very few Web reviews about the company and its product lines.

With stiffer competition among companies, the smaller companies that offer quality over quantity will always run the risk of getting pushed out of the marketplace. If you are one of those that prefer quality over quantity and don't mind spending a few extra dollars to purchase pure essential oils, then you may want to consider trying the Amrita aromatherapy products.

About the Author

Kerry Ng is a successful Webmaster and publisher of The Aromatherapy Info Blog. For more great helpful information about aromatherapy visit The Aromatherapy Info Blog

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See This Test Different Holistic Treatments To Ease The Pain And Burning Associated With Acid Reflux

Posted: 23 May 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Article by karanfoxwell

acid and reflux is induced from consuming issues that trigger acid and reflux; the natural remedy is straightforward learning to eat the opposite things. The challenge is the massive food business doesn't label your acid and reflux disorder treatments like they naturally should. The truth is if they will earn a living selling you the issues that cause your acid and reflux or no matter dis-ease you might have then it goes unsaid that they can make much more money promoting you the natural remedies too. Sadly the meals that trigger dis-eases like acid and reflux are low-cost quality readily available and priced decrease less too.A surprising number of people suffer from indigestion and for those who do it's very unpleasant. Here is 3 simple steps to improving your digestion and making your life more pleasant.

GERD is a problem for millions of people which is why the pharmaceutical industry make a fortune from sales of the many brands of drug based medication on the market. But is this form of treatment the best way to deal with your problem? This article suggests that it isn't and considers why natural GERD remedies are a much more effective alternative.

Find out what the various medical tests are required when you have acid and reflux symptoms. They are used to determine the type of problem that can be causing you to have the disease.

New E-book Reveals Unique Holistic Strategies to Cure Acid Reflux. Discover How To Quickly And Easily Cure Heartburn Permanently... Even If Everything Else You Tried had Failed... Without Drugs Without Over The Counters and Without Nasty Side Effects - Guaranteed!

Click Here End Heartburn >>

80 percent of heartburn sufferers report symptoms at night. 75 percent of heartburn sufferers say nighttime heartburn awakens them during the night or prevents them from sleeping. 40 percent say that their nighttime heartburn symptoms affects their ability to work the next day.

Hiatal hernias can be caused by accident injury birth! defect or by extra pressure caused by obesity or pregnancy. They are also common in people who have GERD.

Our pet's health can be greatly affected by environmental stressors pollution and family stressors just like we humans. As a result our dogs & cats gerbils rats rabbits guinea pigs and horses can become afflicted with illness injuries and even depression.

The eczema diet cure is all about attacking your eczema problem at its root: Making sure that your skin is receiving the proper nutrition it needs in order to carry out all of its functions properly and to stay healthy. Your skin is an organ just like all of the other organs in your body. It needs to be fed with the proper vitamins materials and minerals required for proper skin growth and regeneration.

To give an idea let's discuss some of the best and most popular diets to detoxify the body. First is the Master Clean detox diet is a mixture of cayenne pepper lemon juice and maple syrup that is mixed with water. This is said to be a bland diet because maple syrup is simply absorbed to help control the release of toxic substances such as excessive fat and thus turn them into energy slowly.

About the Author

STOP GETTING RIPPED OFF! LEARN THE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT ACID REFLUX HEARTBURN DRUGS AND ANTACIDS... To get the FACTS on exactly how to eliminate your acid reflux from the root 100% naturally and Permanently and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders without spending your hard-earned money on drugs and over the counters...

Click Here End Heartburn >>

Heartburn is caused when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) which is located between the esophagus and stomach is weakened or opens inappropriately. This allows acid and other stomach contents back into the esophagus causing irritation.

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The 4R Gut Healing Program: Remove

Visit us at Facebook http Nutritional coaching The Metabolic Blueprint Program Do you have chronic GI issues? Have you been diagnosed with Crohn's, RA, Colitis, IBS, etc? Are you looking for a program to heal your gut and body without the use of Rx meds?

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The Holistic Natural Cures for Tinnitus

Posted: 23 May 2012 08:00 PM PDT

Article by Michael Grubbs

Deep thumb pressure applied to the subsequent points for one minute can relieve tinnitus: GB 2, GB twenty, TW 17, TW 21, LI four, LI eleven, GV 15, TW three, TW 5, CV twenty three, K three, LIV a combine of, BI twenty three.Color therapy is effective for many tinnitus sufferers; blue ought to be used for thirty minutes each morning and night, followed by ten minutes of indigo as another natural cure for tinnitus.

Tinnitus is that the medical term for hearing ringing, buzzing or other kinds of noises within the ear. While several people expertience tinnitus usually, some individuals suffer.Use this guide to boost your exposure awareness to damaging sounds. There are natural cures for tinnitus out there. Tinnitus cures are no longer restricted to a lifetime of prescription medications.

Tinnitus is a condition in that the sufferer hears ringing, hissing or whooshing sounds inside the absence of any outside stimuli. This can range from barely noticeable to debilitating. While there are allopathic treatments like prescription medications, auditory therapy and last resort surgery, you'll wish to try a home remedy to avoid wasting cash and avoid doable hearing loss from unwell suggested procedures.

Main Ingredients in Ear Drops. Over-the-counter or non-prescription ear drops are utilized by many to alleviate irritation caused by excessive or impacted ear wax. Chinese Herbal Remedies for Eczema. Western drugs is starting to acknowledge and settle for ancient Chinese strategies along with the use of herbs and acupuncture in.Taking dietary supplements additionally to herbal treatments for tinnitus can facilitate relieve ringing among the ears.

Have you been suffering with tinnitus for a while? If you've got tinnitus, you need to perceive how painful and frustrating all those noises among the ear can be. They will strike anytime inside the day, and will go to pot in the night. You would in all likelihood give something to induce some relief. However that is when all easier said than! done. T he remedies instructed by the physician can provide some relief. But the noises perpetually come back back.

There are a variety of holistic natural cures for tinnitus, which will be a noise that originates at intervals the ear. Every cure is particular for certain types of tinnitus.Carbo vegitabilis can be used if you've got got sluggish or stagnant circulation within the course of exhaustion, icy cold limbs and a numbness of the body elements used for reclining.Causticum can be used if your impaired hearing includes roaring, rushing and ringing sounds consistently. There could be a burning sensation and a loud reverberation of spoken words, steps and different noises if you would like Causticum.

About the Author

I really hoped you enjoyed reading and you can learn more about Natural Cures For Tinnitus. I have some more in depth information over at my site!

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What is Kyphosis Lordosis?

Neuromuscular Therapist Sam Visnic from shows you the imbalance called kyphosis lordosis posture.

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Distance Healing -- Can It Really Help Some Cancer Patients?

Posted: 23 May 2012 07:00 PM PDT

Article by Michael Hills

Distance healing can be done through energy systems other than reiki. But for those who don't know how reiki works let me quickly explain. Reiki is administered by a specially trained practitioner, using his or her hands. Hands are placed above the body and the reiki life force energy is transmitted to them. For distance healing this is done in a different way, as the person to receive the energy obviously is not physically present in the room.

Distance healing uses pure mental powers to transmit the spirit energy to the one you want to heal, and it is very powerful indeed. In fact for some people it has more effect then direct contact.

Here is one area where reiki energy, and distance healing can work, and has been scientifically studied and proven in the laboratory in Calgary Canada. It can help for some cancer patients when other forms of drugs simply have no effect; reiki does help them.

These patients say they felt a sense of warmth during the reiki sessions. It helped with managing their pain. They become more relaxed, and much of the side effects of the treatments, like nausea and stomach upset was eased. They tested to make sure this was not just the placebo effect, and found out that it was really happening through the reiki channel.

Now there is scientific data that supports these claims. Patients testimonials support the positive effects of reiki and distance healing as well.

Certainly reiki, distance healing, or any other form of energy healing should not replace a regular doctor or treatments, but it can definitely help to ease illness, and in many cases, cure. Reiki and distance healing is mainly used to ease the emotional and physical side effects of treatment, but miracles have happened. My wife, when she laid her hands on my back, healed a lump there that vanished in a couple of weeks. She has seriously slowed down the ill effects of cancer too. The good thing is that these days reiki and distance healing is widely accepted. You can even take classes ! and sess ions in some major hospitals.

Indeed, reiki is safe to receive and use. But be sure to always talk to your doctor prior to having any alternative or complementary treatment.

My tip: reiki is all well and good, but there are more advanced, purer, energy out there like WhiteLight Self-Empowerment. This is a great system for distance healing. And to be honest some of my best experiences with energy healing has been through WhiteLight Self-Empowerment.

About the Author

If you want to learn real and powerful distance healing go here:distance healing right now, or go distance healing here.

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Spiritual and Emotional Healing "Shen Technique" 1 of 4

Grandmaster David Harris shares what he considers the "Heart and Soul" technique of the Shun Shen Tao Temple. Known as the "Shen" Technique in the art of Shun Shen Tao. It's name translates into the "Spiritual" Technique and is used for almost anything related to healing. At one time the Shen Technique was one of the most closely guarded secret of the Shun Shen Tao. Now Grandmaster David Harris shares it with you for free in hopes that it will benefit your health and the health of others that you may use it upon. Heal Many and God Bless. Available for purchase through:

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Highly Rated Healing Cancer Holistically

Posted: 23 May 2012 06:00 PM PDT

Article by alphonsopengelly

You might think food is what causes heartburn. There are many other factors however that you can control that may help you prevent heartburn.Acid solution mainly constituting hydrochloric acid secreting in the stomach is known as stomach acid or gastric acid. Parietal cells in the stomach produce this acid. The secretion takes place inside the lumen of the stomach through a network in the parietal cells called 'canaliculi'. The pH of stomach acid varies between 2 and 3.

Dandruff is a skin disorder that produces white dry flakes of dead skin on the scalp. These flakes result in itching and keep on shedding from the scalp. In severe cases this condition also affects the ears eyebrows and forehead.

For many people on this planet the pain and punishment of nausea and bloating are a monthly occurrence. For some nausea and bloating can be signs or symptoms of something more serious going on with their bodies. How can I be sure which one I am? Well here are a few tips regarding nausea and bloating that can help you figure that out.

New E-book Reveals Unique Holistic Strategies to Cure Acid Reflux. Discover How To Quickly And Easily Cure Heartburn Permanently... Even If Everything Else You Tried had Failed... Without Drugs Without Over The Counters and Without Nasty Side Effects - Guaranteed!

Click Here End Heartburn >>

Heartburn begins as a burning pain behind the breastbone and it then usually radiates upward to the neck. There is often a sensation of food coming back into the mouth and is accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth.

If not treated severe acid and reflux can result in some very serious problems. This is why managing acid and reflux disease is so important. Here we look at some conditions that can be a result of severe acid and reflux and also some suggestions for managing acid and reflux disease.

Reflux oesophagitis also known to layman as acid and reflux is an inflammation of the oesophagus leading to regurgitation of th! e conten ts in the stomach. This disease is easily recognized by people as it causes heartburn. It is very common in the new generation because of the faulty diet and sleep patterns.

There are medications and herbal remedies that can reduce the pain of heartburn. Take a look at some herbs that you can use to relieve heartburn naturally.

As long as there is people eat food they will want to know how to get rid of heartburn. There are many natural ways to get get rid of heartburn and...

About the Author

Have You Seen Jeff Martin's new Acid Reflux System yet? It's called Heartburn No More I've read the whole thing (all 150 pages) and there's some great information in there about how to naturally and permanently eliminate your heartburn without drugs antacids or any kind of gimmicks. I highly recommend it - it's very honest and straightforward without all the hype and b.s. you see all over the net these days. Here's the website where you can get more information:

Click Here End Heartburn >>

Heartburn begins as a burning pain behind the breastbone and it then usually radiates upward to the neck. There is often a sensation of food coming back into the mouth and is accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth.

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Super Saturated Potassium Iodine (Part 1 of 2)

Herbalist shows you how to make SSKI

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Get Free From Stress With Aromatherapy Bath Salt

Posted: 23 May 2012 05:00 PM PDT

Article by Stefanie Young

Aromatherapy bath salt combines the healing properties of salt with the relaxing fragrance of aromatic oils, to bring about a deeper level of relaxation and relief from stress. Salt is well known for its healing and cleansing properties. It is believed to clear our energy fields from any toxic or harmful substances. A salt water bath is a miraculous way to cure oneself of body aches and joint pains. And aromatherapy has its own wonderful healing effects on our body through our olfactory system. Combined together, the two therapies make an excellent healing tool!

Not only does an aromatherapy bath salt help alleviate muscle and joint pain, and provide relief from stress and anxiety, it can also be used to cure various chronic skin conditions and other serious ailments like seborrhea, osteoarthritis and psoriasis. Dead Sea Salt is one of the most potent healing remedy for these diseases. Various research studies have also been conducted on it, reporting 80% relief from the pain after a bath with the Dead Sea Salt.

Apart from the Dead Sea Salt, there are various other salts, used as an aromatherapy bath salt. Some of them are:

* Sea Salt - The most basic salt, most easily available and very inexpensive. It contains a lot of minerals and is available in small, medium and coarse grains.

* Epsom Salt - Clean, white, sparkling salt containing magnesium sulfate but no sodium chloride. It is great from removing toxins from your body and for releasing aches and pains.

* European Spa Salt - Mainly composed of sodium chloride, this is one of the most expensive bath salts, harvested from the Mediterranean Sea.

* Icelandic Brine Salt - Dissolves instantly, leaves skin feeling silky soft, relaxes sore and tired muscles and detoxifies your skin from dry, scaling skin conditions. It is gentle enough to be used for a baby's bath.

* Dendritic Salt - Available in a unique crystalline form, it dissolves in water very quickly and retains the scents in bath salts for a longer pe! riod of time. Hence, it is always good to use 10% of this salt in each aromatherapy bath salt recipe of yours.

* Pickling Salt - Same as the table salt, but larger and not iodized or treated with anti-caking additives.

* Solar salt - Mainly used only as a complimentary salt in bath recipes. It takes a long time to dissolve because of its large size.

* Hawaiian Red Salt - High in iron oxide, with a rusty red color, this salt has healing properties for sore throats, gum infections, wounds, body aches and muscle sprains.

* Black Sea Pink Salt - Provides pain relief from rheumatism, psoriasis, arthritis, eczema and muscle strain. This unique luxury salt also improves the health of the skin.Make Your Own Bath Salts

Apart from the above mentioned bath salts, you can make your own special bath salts by mixing two or more of these salts together to get a more beneficial result. Or you can use the salts in combination with essential aroma oils, to create your own aromatherapy bath salt recipes.

For example, try using 10 drops of a soothing essential oil, like Lavender, Rose or Jasmine, with 2 cups of Epsom Salt or Sea Salt. Also add some moisturizing carrier oil like sweet almond, olive oil or coconut oil. Use this blended aromatherapy bath salt mixture, and see the difference in the results.

About the Author

I hope you found this article helpful! To discover some shocking facts about aromatherapy candles, and to uncover the secrets to effectively using aromatherapy, be sure to check out this useful Aromatherapy Blog

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Holiday Haulage

Gabby: product list in order: -Mask of Magnaminty (LUSH) -Breath of Fresh Air (LUSH) -Aromatherapy gift bundle (Bath and Body Works) -Blue Heart earmuffs (F21) -Ice Dragon Webkinz (Hallmark?) -Black and Gold dangle earrings (F21) -Inifinity scarf - cream knit (F21) -Buxom lipgloss in Princess (Sephora) -Badgal Lash in Waterproof Black (Sephora) - Blue and white jersey dress (Francesca's Collections Boutique) FTC: I bought absolutely everything with my own money. not getting paid! etc. etc. etc. :) merry christmas! happy belated hannukah! happy kwanza! happy... everything else? haha xoxo Katy

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New Article Healing Heartburn Holistically

Posted: 23 May 2012 04:00 PM PDT

Article by jenaemendillo

acid and reflux is the movement of acid and fluids up the esophagus. This is the track that takes food to the stomach. The reflux is as a result of an esophageal sphincter than loosely fits. Acid is produced by the stomach lining to digest food. The stomach has a mucus lining that protects it from corrosion by the acid. There are many types of medication for reflux on the market that claim to give the most effective relief from the pain and distress of heartburn. But which one gives the best results? Furthermore is there any alternative way to deal with reflux? This article shows that there is in fact a much more effective way to deal with your problem.

Finding a heartburn home remedy that works in the long term can be a matter of adjusting your diet to cut out foods that bring on your symptoms or make them worse. Although each person is different there are certain foods and beverages that tend to trigger an attack of heartburn or acid and reflux in many sufferers.

There are different types of acid and reflux food that that will either have a negative effect (heartburn) or a positive effect (no heartburn). But not only does it depend on what you eat but when you eat is also an important factor.

New E-book Reveals Unique Holistic Strategies to Cure Acid Reflux. Discover How To Quickly And Easily Cure Heartburn Permanently... Even If Everything Else You Tried had Failed... Without Drugs Without Over The Counters and Without Nasty Side Effects - Guaranteed!

Click Here End Heartburn >>

Heartburn begins as a burning pain behind the breastbone and it then usually radiates upward to the neck. There is often a sensation of food coming back into the mouth and is accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth.

When food is swallowed it enters a foot long tube that connects your throat to your stomach. This is called the esophagus. A ring of muscles known as the lower esophagal sphincter is located at the bottom of the esophagus.

Constant heartb! urn atta cks are a problem to some. Just imagine what it would be like to stop in the middle of a task because a burning sensation suddenly creeps up to your chest bone to your esophagus to your throat and sometimes even to your mouth. The pain can strike anytime even at night. Which is why it is no wonder why many heartburn sufferers want to find out how to cure their condition once and for all.

The occasional lack of a bowel movement should not be misconstrued as constipation as medical professionals seem to agree that only someone that is not having a bowel movement at least three times a week should be considered as constipated. Before rushing to buy harsh laxatives you may want to consider a natural remedy for constipation.

acid and reflux is a disorder that can affect the digestive tract. Many of us have experienced the burning sensation that takes place just behind the breastbone. This burning sensation has many different names with heartburn being the more commonly known name. It is always best when stopping the rising acid cure reflux symptoms as soon as possible as well.

About the Author

Jeff Martin - certified nutritionist and former heartburn sufferer teaches you his acid reflux freedom step by step success system jam-packed with a valuable information on how to naturally and permanently eliminate your heartburn from the ROOT and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders.

Click Here End Heartburn >>

More than 60 million American adults suffer from heartburn at least once a month and about 25 million American adults suffer from heartburn on a daily basis.

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Warning Signs the Body is Not Healthy: Reading the Body

Warning Signs the Body is Not healthy. The signs come months or years before illness.

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Spa Gift Basket to appease Persona

Posted: 23 May 2012 04:00 PM PDT

Article by Harold Laughter

Spa gift baskets are popular gifts for girls. They're filled up with bath salt, bath gel, body lotion, aromatherapy candles, along with bath accessories. Some can sometimes include bath towel, slippers, potpourri drawer sachets, soft music CD, and chocolates. Spa gift baskets offer relaxation and rejuvenation to females who are busy moms, working women, and may even n't have the perfect time to indulge themselves inside a relaxation bath otherwise. This information provides information on how spa gifts might help women to unwind; and offers a review of some available spa gift baskets.

Spa basket gift offers relaxation and stress reduction since the body lotions, soap, aromatherapy candles, and drawer sachet it is filled up with may contain essential oils used for aromatherapy. Aromatherapy requires the using essential oils extracted from the roots, leaves, seeds, or flowers of plants for healing, also to promote both mental and physical well-being. Each essential oil possesses his own blend of substances, which determine folks who suffer specific oil. For example, the give an impression of sweet orange oil is believed to get calming, helps provide emotional balance and produce over a positive outlook. Another critical oil, Lavender oil, is needed with the relief of stress. Besides aromatherapy, Other common valuables in the basket, for instance, wooden body massager, soft music CD, will likely help women to wind down.

Essential oils have been used in healing, bathing plus in perfumes for thousands of years. While it's not entirely clear how aromatherapy may work, some experts believe our olfaction may play a role. For instance, if we breathe in lavender oil vapor, it can be considered to stimulate the activity of cognitive abilities inside the portion of the brain that controls emotions and memory. Essential oils in body lotions and soap are often absorbed throughout the skin.

Since spa gifts provide relaxation and healing, these are thoughtful gifts on your mom, wife, girlfriend! , sister , or that special someone. A high level female boss, also you can send a spa gift on your female employee. A few of the popular spa gifts are reviewed below:

1. Spa Gift Basket:

This gift consists of a floral covered tin filled up with revitalizing body lotion, bath gel and bath confetti, aromatherapy pillar candle, floating jasmine rose candle, toes and nails bristle brush, bath fizzies, body and hand cream, a relax and read pillow. and two ultra soft slippers. The keepsake box could be reused for storing photos or cosmetics. This gorgeous gift can sooth the strain of the woman.

2. Essential Healing Spa Gift:

This basket is full of comforting aromatherapy bath and body enhancements. To meet her taste bud, she'll find sweet decadent tea with all the crisp sensation of orange and lemon, creamy orange cream filled truffles, and fudge filled shortbread cookies. The basket is usually loaded with an entire collection of moisturizing body lotion, body butter, bath salt, back massager, for pampering its recipient.

3. Vanilla Spa:

This basket is filled to Overflowing with bath accessories like the vanilla milk bubble bath, shower gel and rich body lotion, flowering English soap bar, and vanilla bath caviar beads using a soft absorbent soft towel. Additionally there is a 100% cotton plush white spa robe,along with a wooden body massager. The keepsake wicker basket with closing lid and handles could be reused to keep other bath items. This heavenly basket brings the spa directly into the house of any woman.

4. Lavender Spa:

This lavish wire basket is full of lavender scented body lotion, body gel, bath crystals, bath fizzers, body refresher spray, body bar as well as a loofah. She can truly relax her body-mind together with the fragrance in this lavender spa gift.

5. Bath and Body Gift:

This silver plated wire basket contains matching body lotion, body butter, shower gel, bath fizzers, an appearance bar as well as an exfoliating bath sponge. This is a soo! thing tr eat for the busy mom or girlfriend.

6. Bath Gift:

You may provide your recipient an opulent bath knowledge about a bath collection that leaves the skin delicately scented with fragrant pink water lily. The gift will come in a gorgeous reusable Victorian style bathtub, and includes moisture rich bath cream, vibrant body wash, creamy body bar, exfoliating body polisher, as well as an aromatherapy candle. You'll find an inflatable bath pillow, soft terry towel, and a CD of natural sounds and rhythms that inspires clarity and calmness.

There are also a shower gift within a lovely mesh cosmetic bag full of lavender and vanilla scented bath products to wind down one's body, mind and spirit. The gathering includes shower gel, body lotion, bath fizzers, bath crystals, and also a bath sponge This can be a great gift by yourself or someone you care about.

7. Pedicure Gift:

This complete pedicure gift set comes enclosed in the beautiful baby blue container and encompass everything she'll need to pamper and excellent her feet.

8. Spa Gift Basket For Mom:

Spa gift baskets are popular gifts for mom. You will find spa gifts designed specifically mom. A well known gift carries a ceramic mug inscribed while using words "My Mom is the better!" and is particularly accompanied by a matching ceramic photo frame for mom to demonstrate off your photo. Included as well inside the gift set are terry cloth slippers, aromatherapy potpourri, terry cloth bath pillow, moisturizing body lotion, bath & body gel, body spray, bath salts, exfoliating bath glove, assorted chocolates and cappuccino. This gift might be sent for mom's birthday, Mothers day, and also the holidays.

In summary, spa gift baskets give a wonderful means for ladies to wind down and rejuvenate. They can be thoughtful gifts to say you care, which enables it to be delivered to your mom, wife, girlfriend, sister, or that special someone.

About the Author

Click the link to get at learn more on latest tips and advices on Spa Gift Baskets.

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Tips For Opening A Gas Station In El Paso

Posted: 23 May 2012 03:00 PM PDT

Article by Ken Grimes

Whenever Bobbie would cook dinner or can goodies, she would often do a united states jig and dance that will her favorite country new music. When I would see her with this mood, I knew every little thing was alright. She was still doing her two-step whenever i kissed her and went off to operate. On my way to function, I needed to stop off around the bank. And just as i entered the double exterior doors, I was paged by my cousin. I thought maybe I needed left something I need taken to work. I telephoned her back belonging to the bank. When she addressed she was crying along with asked me, "would you got home right away? I solely received some bad press from my doctor. " She was hesitant to share the biggest and worst type of word that puts driving a car in everyone. I had even a sense what it was. Best then, I forgot why I what food was in the bank. All I cared concerning was rushing home to comfort my sister. I called in work to share I had an emergency and couldn't be in today. I was shaking when i entered the front door and walked straight into see her sitting with the living room. I was wishing to remain cool, calm plus collected. I put our arms around her not to mention kissed her gently, wiping at a distance her tears. The first thing I said was--"we're likely to fight this and succeed. " I told your girlfriend I loved her completely and we sat along with talked. Her doctor had described as and gave her this bad news we were hoping could not come. Her doctor informed her she had a sort of bladder cancer in the nation's advanced stage. Her lymph nodes were suffering from the cancer and that it was spreading throughout her human body. We prayed together and we discussed the subsequent enduring task of reducing the big "C" using a vengeance. That night, pictures recalled the bad news for the day at the bank or investment company, my mind had fully took a leave about absence. I forgot exactly why I was there. I JUST never did begin or maybe finish any business generally there. Sadly, I'll never a! void tha t day. I had precisely the same feeling many Americans describe as knowing where exactly they were when the pair were told that President Kennedy had been assassinated in Dallas, Mississippi or the 9/11 great loss. It bears an huge emotional scar that hardly ever heals and time just moves on-slowly to start with. When I look again, it's crystal clear-- then simply it becomes a blur as time passes. There's never really any closure towards scars. They just try to heal independent when the storm emits through and settles--time right after time. I felt as devastated then as i do now. Time certainly not really heals. It reminds an individual. The next day, we awoke to refurbish breakfast. There standing on it's own and cold, was the prized control we looked forward to having as a new member of the household--the brand brand-new refrigerator-freezer. It hadn't been touched as being the delivery man arrange it there against the wall.

About the Author

Place Appliance Repair El Paso ARIZONA: SoBellas Appliance Repair El Paso could be the only appliance repair company you need for all your appliance service needs. SoBellas will be El Paso appliance repair expert you'll be able to trust for refrigerator maintenance, washer repair and most of appliance services.<a href="

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Shamen And Clairvoyant Psychic Powers

Posted: 23 May 2012 02:00 PM PDT

Article by Mark Andrews

The word clairvoyance has a French origin which means clear vision. Thus, clairvoyants as the name suggests are those kinds of psychics who can clearly see objects, people or events which are otherwise not visible to others through ordinary eyesight.

Moreover, clairvoyants are also able to view events and occurrences of the past, of the present, those which are happening elsewhere, and even events of the future.

It is safe to say at this point that psychic abilities are something that exists in each and every human being on this planet though most are unaware of this fact. Clairvoyant psychics may call it the sixth sense or third eye or even ESP or extra sensory perceptions, but the fact remains that it is present in everyone waiting to be tapped into and worked on.

The only point on which clairvoyant psychics differ from that of other ordinary people is that they are aware of their own abilities and can create the required mental state to gain psychic information.

For some, awareness of such psychic powers comes naturally which can be quite scary at first since they experience strange phenomenon that they don't understand, but for some others it is a result of conscious effort towards its development.

A psychic is connected to the realm of spirits and hence uses this connection in order to gain psychic information. A clairvoyant uses the forces of energy to guide him so that he gains such information through visions.

Unlike what we witness in TV programmes and movies, clairvoyant visions are not usually images with crystal clarity. On the contrary they are more of a sudden image that comes across in a flash, often accompanied with a particular emotion or feeling with it.

What the clairvoyant does thereafter, is take this information and interpret it as best as he can so that it makes sense and helps out the other person in question. For example, the vision might act as an assurance for some decision that this person has taken in life.

However, many ! a times the vision can be negative as well. In which case the psychic suggests alternative paths to proceed on which will avert such negative outcome.

Clairvoyant readings are termed as divine since they have the ability to read a situation transcending the two boundaries of the physical world - Time and location.

These readings act as guides which enable us to discover our true selves and the hidden potential we have within and has nothing to do with the ordinary five senses that one possesses or the amount of intelligence one has.

Meeting face to face or a conversation over the telephone used to be the common ways for a person to get a clairvoyant reading. However, recent technological boom has made it possible to get one online through avenues such as chat or videoconferencing. Internet undoubtedly has made it possible to receive psychic help whenever one requires it.

Many websites on the internet will lead you to clairvoyant readers providing various types of readings such as for alternate healing, soul healing, past life reading or angel reading. Otherwise, one can also consider the local yellow pages as a source of clairvoyant readers.

Psychic abilities are innate in nature and are possessed by all human beings deep inside their subconscious. Such psychic abilities, known as the sixth sense lead us to see things that are beyond the realms of the physical world. When an individual develops his inner psychic abilities, he can see things that others cannot by tuning into higher frequencies like that of other clairvoyant psychics.

We usually cannot do this as a normal practice because we have been conditioned since birth to only use a small fraction of our brain for our most basic survival needs.

You can boost your brain power and increase the awareness of your own potential by meditation. Regular practice will enable you to attain a mental state of heightened consciousness wherein you would receive psychic visions or perceptions.

The most crucial aspect in devel! oping cl airvoyance is learning to trust your instincts. If you want to become a successful clairvoyant psychic, you have to start trusting your gut feelings.

In clairvoyance development therefore, instincts or gut feelings should never be dismissed or overlooked. Always keep in mind that these are the signs or signals that your subconscious is sending to your conscious mind which otherwise cannot pick up these messages from the surroundings through the ordinary five sense organs.

To conclude, it can be safely said that the two most important virtues that clairvoyance development requires are those of time and patience. Once you overcome the initial difficulty of trusting your instincts, you'll realize that over time and with patience your sixth sense will develop thereby making you a true successful clairvoyant.

About the Author

Look at the exciting world of becoming clairvoyant with the popular website. Discover for yourself how you can get free clairvoyant powers. Find out the hidden secrets of free clairvoyant readings when you visit here and get your FREE DVD video, audio and ebook Package.

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The Positive Affects Of Hot Tub Aromatherapy Spa

Posted: 23 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT

Article by Adrian Hardy

If you have a hot tub or spa, you have no doubt used it from time to time to relax after a hard day at work or maybe you make it part of your routine to have a spa bath on a regular basis. You will know how great you feel with the jet streams working on your body. After you get out you feel relaxed and rejuvenated. However you can enhance this sensation by adding aromatherapy spa items into the mix.

There are all sorts of products that you can get for your hot tub or spa to create an aromatherapy spa bath. Generally each item has a theme, like relieve tension or lift depression. It will feature a number of essential oils that are believed to be good for improving this condition. The oils will be in the form of crystals that dissolve in water. They may even be in bath bombs, bicarbonate of soda balls that have essential oils and fragrances added to them. If you have never tried these sorts of products in your hot tub or spa bath before then don't worry about clogging up the jets. The products dissolve into nothing and shouldn't affect the circulation of water.

Many of these aromatherapy spa products also have minerals and body softeners in them so your body will feel suitably indulged.

An aromatherapy spa kit comes with a variety of other products. Many of these items are just a bit of fun. You may even find a rubber duck in the kit if you look around. Other items include a massager, some candles, fragrances and sponges. It seems that the aim of the kit is to not only give you the healing benefits of the essential oils but also to suggest that you pamper yourself and have a laugh. And these emotions, in their own ways, are great ways to help you to relax and heal any problems you may have.

Scents Available For A Hot Tub Aromatherapy Spa

When you buy an aromatherapy spa kit you want to target a problem that you feel you are having. Most people simply go for a relaxing kit as relaxation is a great way to heal or soothe any number of ills. However you can get all sorts of! oils th at can help different conditions. For instance, if you want to use your hot tub session for reflection, then you will want to use lavender essential oils or a blend of this oil. If you are want to release tension or reduce stress then chamomile or clary sage essential oils work wonders. If you are after rejuvenation then look into things like green tea, ginger or lime. When you want to be enlightened, use some lemon, cypress and juniper berry. You can use peppermint or eucalyptus oils whenever you want to feel revitalized. Of course, this is just a small sample of the scents available. Browse the internet or indulge in some retail therapy and find out all the different essential oils you can get in aromatherapy spa kits.

About the Author

Learn about different types of essential oils that can be used in Spa baths at There are a number of features on the site, including the healthy properties of sandalwood essential oil. Adrian writes about Aromatherapy and essential oils.

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How Is Aromatherapy Massage Broken Down ?

Posted: 23 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by Mike Selvon

Everyone should have at least one aromatherapy massage sometime in their life. You have the wonderful feeling of tense muscles becoming relaxed, while soothing or revitalizing massage oils are spread onto the body. The incredible aroma permeates the nostrils and goes straight to the brain.

You can feel the tension, no matter what essential oil is used, flow right out of the body. It is a feeling like none other and is one that many people find addicting.

Most aromatherapy massages take place in a spa. The session begins with you undressing and being draped with towels to cover any areas not being treated by the rubdown. The masseuse will combine essential oil with base oil in order to produce aromatic oil which will be used during the session.

Different aromatherapy essential oils include: lavender, vanilla, peppermint, eucalyptus and sandalwood. The base oil may be grapeseed oil, apricot oil or almond oil. The masseuse will probably not use any body lotions, as these have a tendency to wear off quickly during a massage. Oil is the preferred medium with which to work their magic.

So why do aromatherapy essential oils work? Your brain has olfactory sensors that go off when you smell something. If you smell something displeasing to you, then your body will react to that smell by causing you to back away or become upset.

There are scents occurring in nature that cause your brain to release different chemicals in response to their aroma. Take for example peppermint. Peppermint essential oil is considered to be an energizing scent. The brain becomes more active and awake when smelling peppermint.

Aromatherapy oil is different from a perfume or fragrant oil used in your home to scent a room. You must know the differences if you are going to be the one giving out the massage or you are making your own essential oil for an aromatherapy massage.

A perfume is a chemical process that includes alcohol and other manmade chemicals. You want to use oils that are made! from pl ants because they have been crushed and processed specifically for use on the skin.

What are you waiting for? Go find some peace and tranquility through an aromatherapy massage. Your body will delight in the sensation of basking in a particular essential oil. The deep tissue massage will feel incredible on your muscles.

You deserve this treat so pamper yourself in some aromatic luxury. When you are done, you may want to schedule future massage services before you leave the salon.

About the Author

A whole world of information about aromatherapy massage oil eagerly awaits you from Mike Selvon portal. We appreciate your feedback at our massage blog.

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Welcome to You Do Yoga, the region's leading yoga school, located at 1319 Main Street in Historic Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio.

Posted: 23 May 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Article by Matt Eshleman, ERYT500

Welcome to You Do Yoga, the region's leading yoga school, located at 1319 Main Street in Historic Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio. Call us or visit us online.

Our mission is to make yoga accessible to everyone, and we have a wide variety of service options to meet any client's needs:

Join us today for classes at our studio, going on now! All of our instructors are well trained professionals, able to accommodate any level of experience from brand new beginners to experienced practitioners. Simply visit our website to view the current schedule and purchase class passes with secure online payment. Our studio is spacious and fully equipped, just bring you!

You Do Yoga offers personalized private instruction in all styles of yoga. Come to our conveniently located downtown studio, or let us come to your home or office! If you would prefer to have the undivided attention of your instructor, private lessons with one of our trained professionals would allow us to develop a customized practice routine that is just right for you. If you need individualized practices adapted for special needs such as medical or psychological conditions, or rehabilitation from illness or injury, we have experience creating positive results for people suffering from conditions such as lower back pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, joint pain or recovery from joint replacement, stroke, depression, anxiety, ADHD, chronic stress syndrome, and more! Contact us today for your free consultation.

You Do Yoga offers a unique Yoga Teacher Training Program! We are a Registered Yoga School with the Yoga Alliance, offering training that leads to internationally recognized certification. Our current training session is sold out but we are now accepting applications for our next round of training, coming soon! See complete program details online.

With You Do Yoga's Corporate Yoga Service, you can boost your company's bottom line and Feel Better doing it. Bringing yoga to your workplace is guaranteed to get your colleag! ues and co-workers feeling better and working better. We believe that yoga at work not only benefits your productivity, it also creates a more positive social environment in the workplace and is an excellent team-building activity. We have many options for our corporate clients, and we can develop a program to fit your needs. Experience the difference that You Do Yoga can bring to your work!

You Do Yoga is thrilled to offer our annual yoga retreat to beautiful southern Italy June 12th-17th, 2011. Total price per person of 50 includes 5 nights of room and board (3 wonderful Italian meals per day - no one will go hungry on this trip!) and full access to the mineral water pool facilities, daily meditation and yoga classes led by Matt and Anita Eshleman, and transportation to and from Rome airport. We are also offering optional excursions along the Amalfi Coast! Registration is limited to 20 people, Book & Save price discount ends February 4th. For details, pics, and registration information, visit our website.

You Do Yoga is family friendly - our fun filled kids yoga classes are now held every Saturday at Noon at our downtown studio. All ages welcome but children under 5 must be accompanied by an adult. We are developing our Prenatal, Mommy and Me, and Toddlers yoga programs for 2011 and we would love to hear your input, feedback, or scheduling requests. Get and give info on our website.

You Do Yoga is pleased to offer Thai Yoga Massage Therapy. Thai Massage is a comprehensive full body treatment that relieves muscular tension, improves circulation, boosts the immune system and balances the body energetically. This style of bodywork is different from what most western people think of as massage. Thai Yoga Massage is performed on a mat on the floor, both client and practitioner are dressed in comfortable clothing allowing ease of movement and flexibility. Receiving Thai yoga therapy is like doing yoga without putting forth any effort while simultaneously getting an acupressure and reflexolog! y treatm ent. The purpose of Thai massage is to bring the body, mind, and spirit into a state of harmony, providing an opportunity for self-healing. Contact us today to set up an appointment with one of our trained Thai massage therapists.

You Do Yoga also offers Reiki, a powerful form of energetic healing. Reiki promotes healing and health, it is a technique for transmitting and balancing energy. Reiki restores vitality by relieving the physical and emotional effects of unreleased stress. It gently and effectively opens the flow of blocked energy, leaving the receiver feeling relaxed and at peace. Reiki is excellent for healing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual issues of any kind and gives wonderful results. Contact us to make an appointment with one of our trained professional practitioners.

We look forward to the opportunity to serve you!

More upcoming special events:

"Love is all you need" Partner Yoga and Thai Massage for Two February 12th 2-5pmJoin us for a FUN class for couples, friends and family, yoga practitioners, massage therapists, or if you are just curious about Partner Yoga or Thai Yoga Massage. This class is open to all interested students, no previous yoga or bodywork experience is necessary.The class is designed to be fun and playful as well as educational. Most of the class will be hands-on, meaning you will enjoy first a partner yoga practice and then will be giving and receiving Thai Massage throughout the afternoon. First the basic techniques will be explained, then a series of movements will be shown which you will practice on your partner, with the instructors leading and supervising. We will be working on the floor and kneeling quite a bit, so If you have any physical constraints, let the instructors know. This event is the perfect gift for your partner, or just fun for friends and family members to share a healthy way to be nice to each other. You can bring your own partner, or we will provide one for you.

Matt Eshleman's very popular Sunday af! ternoon Yin Yoga class is now held at You Do Yoga's Downtown Studio. See our full schedule and purchase class passes online at

Every "Final Friday" 5:30-7pm "Don't Worry, Be Happy-Hour" Laughter Yoga Featuring Hasya Yogi Patrick Murphy Welage This event will be a wonderful opportunity to experience a style of yoga that anyone and everyone can enjoy. Laughter Yoga is a fun-filled participatory and experiential event, including movement, light stretching, breathing exercises, and laughter exercises - all leading up to a laughter yoga meditation. Please join us for this extra-ordinary experience, and come ready to have some side-splitting, smile-so-much-your-face-hurts fun!

The next "Don't Worry Be Happy-Hour" happens Friday Jan. 28th and will be followed by open drum circle, live music, meditation and movement 7:30-9pm

You Do Yoga Does Workshops! Partner Yoga ~ Partner yoga gives two people a chance to benefit from the support and energy of each other. Partner yoga can strengthen trust within and without. Partner yoga routines provide a unique way to not only synchronize breath and movement - but also personal connections and relationships.

Yin yoga seminars ~ Yin yoga is a form of Taoist yoga, and simple enough that students can learn the fundamentals of the practice in a relatively short time. A workshop could be as short as two or three hours, but could also present more detailed information and several practice sessions of greater depth over the course of a weekend seminar.

Anatomy for Yoga ~ By understand a few fundamental principles, you can make your personal yoga practice or teaching considerably more effective and efficient, much safer and less frustrating. No latin experience required, this is a practical and experiential class.

Meditation workshops ~ We have experience teaching meditation in a variety of formats. A single two to three hour seminar can be a great way to introduce students to several useful techniques to add to their own ho! me pract ice, or an extended series of lessons over time can help students develop their personal practice under the guidance of an experienced teacher.

Chakras, meridians, and chi ~ Based upon thousands of years of spiritual science, this workshop attempts to de-mystify the function and form of the subtle bodies. Mostly lecture but also includes simple guided meditations to clarify the student's understanding.

Reiki ~ In this 2 day workshop you will learn what Reiki is, the history and evolution of Reiki, what Reiki can and cannot do, how to use Reiki to help others and yourself and how to give a full or a partial Reiki session. You will also learn Reiki self-healing, how to become a clean instrument for Reiki energy, how to become a healing facilitator and the basics of subtle anatomy and the chakras.

-Day one will include the attunement to Level I Reiki and day two will include the attunement to Level II Reiki.

If you would be interested in hosting any of our workshops or holding a workshop at our studio, please feel free to contact us by our website:

Feel Better!

About the Author

Matt Eshleman, B.A., ERYT500, has many years of experience teaching yoga and meditation. Matt earned his 500 hour certification through his studies of Anatomy, Taoist Yoga and Meditation. Matt is a trained Thai Yoga Massage therapist, Reiki level 2 practitioner, a student of Martial Arts, and is an adjunct professor at Cincinnati State. He is the founder of You Do Yoga LLC, and is the director of teacher training.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Veterinary Care Specialists

Posted: 23 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT

by inju

Article by Representative

At Veterinary Care Specialists, we're committed to holistic medicine. This simply means that, when we assess a patient and provide medical care at our animal hospital, we consider the patient's social, emotional, and spiritual needs, along with his or her physical needs. At Veterinary Care Specialists, our clinicians are interested in each animal's genetics, nutrition, social relationships, hygiene, and stress factors, in addition to assessing the animal's physical status. When our medical team develops a treatment plan, we think in terms of the animal's total lifestyle.

At Veterinary Care Specialists, because we think holistically about each animal we see, we like to address each animal's medical needs using integrative medicine, through which we can provide alternative treatment options to pets and their owners that complement and support the aims of more conventional, Western-type medicine. Integrative medicine, also called holistic alternative medicine, is not just for humans anymore. Increasingly, animal owners are seeking out unconventional therapies in addition to the more traditional ones, to give their pets a more complete range of treatment options to cope with injuries or disease processes.

On the integrative medicine service at Veterinary Care Specialists, we use a team approach, with multiple clinicians meeting and assessing the patient's health care needs in a thoughtful, organized manner. Our clinical team then applies unconventional therapeutic options that complement the standard veterinary medicine being provided either in our own veterinary clinic or by the referring veterinarian.

We strongly encourage referring veterinarians to consider working with our integrative medicine team at Veterinary Care Specialists. We can evaluate patients and develop treatment plans that will complement the continued care of the patient at the referring veterinarian's office.

Veterinary acupuncture. One of the alternative veterinary medicine therapies available at Veterinar! y Care S pecialists is acupuncture. Veterinary acupuncture can be used as a technique for bolstering your pet's immune system and relieving pain. In veterinary acupuncture, the acupuncturist stimulates specific points located on the animal's body, selected in accordance with the problems the animal is experiencing. These body locations contain nerve bundles, blood vessels, and mast cells, all of which are important in releasing endorphins and other chemicals into the animal's body. The chemicals released, in turn, block pain pathways and awaken other cells in the body's immune system, encouraging a more robust defense from disease-causing organisms. Veterinary acupuncture is an effective alternative veterinary medicine treatment that complements the more traditional medical care offered at Veterinary Care Specialists. Veterinary acupuncture helps regulate your pet's bodily processes, bolster immunity, relieve pain, stimulate nerve regeneration, reduce muscle spasms, and increase circulation. Most often, you will start to see results right away: When the acupuncturist begins working, your pet will begin to experience relief and relaxation immediately. At Veterinary Care Specialists, our acupuncturist is a licensed veterinarian who has completed advanced courses in equine and small animal acupuncture.

Reiki therapy. Reiki heals on all levels--mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual. Though Reiki has been used primarily on humans, to facilitate healing in conjunction with western medicine, animals can benefit from Reiki, as well. Animal Reiki aims to remove anything blocking the flow of life energy in a gentle and effective way, allowing the life force energy to flow freely, so the body can heal. As a healing system, Reiki is simple, noninvasive, stress free, and highly effective. The Reiki practitioner channels the life force energy through the placement of hands on the animal's body. Reiki can expedite the healing process after your pet has experienced a traumatic injury or undergone surgical procedures! . A Reik i session can offer your pet relief from debilitating diseases. It can also have a calming effect on a high-strung and hyperactive animal. Reiki for animals can relieve the stresses your pet experiences at home or in the hospital environment. When your pet is a patient at Veterinary Care Specialists, the initial Reiki session is available at no charge. Once you see the benefits that Reiki offers your pet, you can choose to adopt it as a ongoing care option that can be used to complement the traditional veterinary care.

At Veterinary Care Specialists, our Reiki practitioners are licensed and registered in veterinary technology and are members of the International Association of Reiki Practitioners.

When you bring your pet to Veterinary Care Specialists, we will discuss with you the integrative care treatments we think your pet may benefit from. We're pleased and proud to be able to offer these holistic medicine care options to you and to our referring veterinarians. In our experience as veterinary medicine specialists, we've seen these treatments work. We include them in our specialty services so you can have the broadest possible array of care options to choose from, to help your pet recover and return to health.

About the Author

205 Rowe Road, Milford Township, MI 48380(248) 684-0468 ‎

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Health Lecture Rahsan Abdul Hakim Pt.1.

Brother Rahsan Abdul Hakim, author of the book: "Basic Herbs" lectures on health and nutrition for the melanated diet. This lecture took place in 1997. He is a master herbalist and used to conduct nature walks in the New York City and Mount Vernon parks back in the 1990's. The sister leading in meditation is Mother Khoshhali. She is a Reiki Master, Master Herbalist, and also has a host of many other wonderful talents. Check out her website @ Hotep

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Read Now Holistically Healing Heartburn And Acid Reflux

Posted: 23 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Article by shinpiccinini

Alternative medicine is enjoying a boom as people start to take control of their own lives. As an alternative medical practitioner a homeopath I am very excited about this. When people take control of their own lives there is no limit to what becomes possible.A heartburn-related symptom of inner imbalance can show itself in different ways such as indigestion a sensation of pain and burning just below the breastbone and a sour after-taste in the throat. Heartburn is one of the symptoms that pregnant women feel the most often. From different estimations between 60% to 90% of pregnant women will experience symptoms of heartburn at one moment or another.

Any adult can tell you just how uncomfortable or even painful indigestion can be. Now put yourself in the shoes of an infant. Can you imagine the pain they must experience when they have indigestion? They can't tell you so they just express it by crying to show you something is wrong. Any mother will tell you that they'd gladly take on their baby's sickness if it meant giving their child relief from whatever is causing them pain.

For millions of heartburn sufferers a wide choice of medication is available. You will certainly get relief but only temporary relief. It is also well known that there are serious drawbacks to taking drug based medication long term. This article looks at the alternative way to get relief by taking a holistic approach to your problem where all acid and reflux causes are dealt with and you gain permanent control over your heartburn.

Jeff Martin - certified nutritionist and former heartburn sufferer teaches you his acid reflux freedom step by step success system jam-packed with a valuable information on how to naturally and permanently eliminate your heartburn from the ROOT and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders.

Click Here End Heartburn >>

More than 60 million American adults suffer from heartburn at least once a month and about 25 million American adults suffer from hea! rtburn o n a daily basis.

Here's how to get rid of lower belly fat (the most stubborn kind) without spending endless hours in the gym. Check it out to get started today.

It is a known fact that people sometimes do not realize that acid and reflux is really a problem for them. This condition is known as silent acid and reflux. The condition is no different from common by existing acid and reflux.

The refluxed fluid from the stomach coming in contact with the esophagus causes heartburn a burning sensation in the chest and throat. When we have an acidic feeling in the throat we call it acid indigestion. Heartburn is common and its occasional incidence does not indicate any chronic condition. But when it occurs with a frequency of more than two times a week it can be considered as chronic acid and reflux with potentially serious consequences for health if left untreated. Not only adults but also infants and children can be victims of chronic acid and reflux.

There are various effective home remedies for constipation. These home remedies combat constipation without causing side effects.

About the Author

STOP GETTING RIPPED OFF! LEARN THE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT ACID REFLUX HEARTBURN DRUGS AND ANTACIDS... To get the FACTS on exactly how to eliminate your acid reflux from the root 100% naturally and Permanently and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders without spending your hard-earned money on drugs and over the counters...

Click Here End Heartburn >>

Heartburn begins as a burning pain behind the breastbone and it then usually radiates upward to the neck. There is often a sensation of food coming back into the mouth and is accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth.

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Dr D Manila 1-8 Edema and Potassium

Helping us to understand the biochemistry of edema, Dr. Donsbach takes us to the chalkboard for a lesson in cell biochemistry, highlighting the interrelated functions of sodium, magnesium and potassium, as an example of "Nutritional Synergism." (Day 1 morning session of his 2 Day Seminar, "Taking Charge of Your Own Health," at the PCAM Alternative Medicine Practitioners Conference, The Hyatt Regency Hotel, Manila, Philippines, August 18, 2000). Visit our new Online Store featuring Dr. Donsbach's favorite Healthy Items:

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

The Status Quo: Life as We Know It

Posted: 23 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT

by Madisyn Taylor

Our lives can sometimes become status quo and that is ok as long as we aren't keeping it that way on purpose.

When our lives are going well, and sometimes even when they aren't, we may find ourselves feeling very attached to the status quo of our existence–life as we know it. It is a very human tendency to resist change as though it were possible to simply decide not to do it, or have it in our lives. But change will come and the status quo will go, sooner or later, with our consent or without it. We may find at the end of the day that we feel considerably more empowered when we find the courage to ally ourselves with the universal force of change, rather than working against it.

Of course, the answer is not to go about changing things at random, without regard to whether they are working or not. There is a time and place for stability and the preservation of what has been gained over time. In fact, the ability to stabilize and preserve what is serving us is part of what helps us to survive and thrive. The problem comes when we become more attached to preserving the status quo than to honoring the universal givens of growth and change. For example, if we allow a situation we are in to remain stagnant simply because we are comfortable, it may be time for us to summon up the courage to challenge the status quo.

This may be painful at times, or surprisingly liberating, and it will most likely be a little of both. Underneath the discomfort, we will probably find excitement and energy as we take the risk of unblocking the natural flow of energy in our lives. It is like dismantling a dam inside ourselves, because most of the work involves clearing our own inner obstacles so that the river of our life can flow unobstructed. Once we remove the obstacles, we can simply go with the flow, trusting the changes that follow.

~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM

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Advice Natural Remedies For Heartburn - A Holistic Approach

Posted: 23 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Article by audreadearmitt

A suitable acid and reflux food regime to guide one's diet at home is an excellent way to avoid 'bad' foods - one of the most prevalent acid and reflux causes. Specifically this article shares some common food types to avoid for sufferers of mild and severe heartburn.acid and reflux or heartburn is one of those things that affect everybody from time to time. If you are a regular victim to this disorder sit back and relax for now there are several acid and reflux cures for you. These are quite simple and you can apply them easily at home. Here are some of the most popular acid and reflux natural cures to ameliorate the symptoms of this condition and prevent this disorder without causing repercussions in your health.

Believe it or not there are some easy natural remedies for indigestion and they focus mainly on your diet. If you're suffering from acid and reflux or even the more serious gastroesophageal reflux you might be able to free yourself of it by merely altering your life. Avoiding prescription drugs or worse surgery is feasible if you choose to use the following advice.

Have you ever felt a painful heartburn right after engaging in a strenuous exercise that you felt like its caused by the activity you just engaged yourself in? Well you are not mistaken as certain exercises do trigger the attack of heartburn. Do not despair if you are the active type as there are ways to balance this approach.

New E-book Reveals Unique Holistic Strategies to Cure Acid Reflux. Discover How To Quickly And Easily Cure Heartburn Permanently... Even If Everything Else You Tried had Failed... Without Drugs Without Over The Counters and Without Nasty Side Effects - Guaranteed!

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80 percent of heartburn sufferers report symptoms at night. 75 percent of heartburn sufferers say nighttime heartburn awakens them during the night or prevents them from sleeping. 40 percent say that their nighttime heartburn symptoms affects their ability to work the nex! t day.

If you have acid and reflux you may think of it as just an inconvenience admittedly a pretty painful one at times but some people see it as simply a condition they can live with as long as they have something to soothe away the pain when it strikes. While this condition is not as immediately serious as a stroke or heart attack for example however if left untreated there can be serious acid and reflux esophagus complications.

Are you looking for a quick and simple acid and reflux natural remedy? Try using aloe vera for acid and reflux. Learn more about this quick cure.

The majority of people make a full recovery from flu without needing treatment by just letting it run its course with the help of an analgesic such as Aspirin (children should not be given Aspirin as it can cause damage to the brain) or Ibuprofen if it is felt necessary. But there are exceptions. Flu can cause serious complications in babies and in people with pre-existing medical conditions such as asthma chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) kidney disease heart and liver disease and a weak immune system and those over 65 years of age.

Understanding how an acid and reflux diet can affect daily living can be a turning point. Food and eating play a big role in this and making it work and it is something you can take control of. Have you ever had the idea that there are helpful foods and those that add little or nothing to the nutritional balance? Let's examine acid and reflux which by its very name identifies the problem and suggests the cure.

About the Author

Amazing all-natural heartburn breakthrough permanently eliminates acid reflux without drugs or over the counters. Stop wasting money on pills potions and other worthless quick fix cures… Learn the truth about acid reflux once and for all and finally get the heartburn freedom you deserve:

Click Here End Heartburn >>

More than 60 million American adults suffer from heartburn at least once a month and about 25 million American adults suffer from heartburn on a daily basis.

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Life is Easy: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, May 23, 2012

Posted: 23 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Hello and good morning, Dr. Rob
Another awesome and amazing day in the universe
Life is Easy, my intention of the day

The amazing part of life be it one thing you see
It is what you think it be
Easy you see, yet you're so used to saying hard it be
Hard and unfair, but life is the perfect dare
To come in you see, to love what it be
The thought as it be, easy as life
Is to love and let go and go with thy flow
Great you see
This thing we fight and we push and shove
It's called love, stillness you see
And say I love thee, I love all that you be
I love thee in this beautiful day
God says go out and play
Playing in thy heart, love is the start
Life is so easy when we think love of the day
Love of thy play, love is thy way
Blessings I say
So easy is you, step back and there you knew
Always right there, simply love and share
Enjoy the day
Dr. Rob

Another awesome and amazing day in the universe

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Tips When Making Your Own Aromatherapy Products

Posted: 23 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Article by Mike Selvon

Why are you still paying so much money for those aromatherapy products you see in the stores? Everywhere you go there is another new scented candle, some body lotions and even soaps that all claim to be an aromatherapy product. But how much of that advertising is just hype?

People are moving away from pharmaceutical companies and moving towards holistic medicines. However, sometimes the products marketed as aromatherapy are really nothing more than hype. The best bet is to make it yourself and then you know what is inside the bottle.

Most bath salts, lotions and candles all start off with a base, plus aromatherapy essential oils. It is the oils, of course, that give the product its scent. Different scents will illicit a different response from your body. Some people find lavender to be very effective in calming their mood and producing a feeling of tranquility.

Peppermint oil is used to boost energy levels and give the body a wake-up call. Knowing which scent does what is essential information to have and will determine how you make your body lotions, pillar candles and body massage oils.

Aromatherapy products, besides the essential oil, have a base in which they are mixed. Soap would have a glycerin base whereas a lotion would have neutral scented base so that you could add whatever scents appeal to you, and bath salts have a neutral smelling special salt that dissolves in water better. There are two things to watch out for when making your own aromatic products.

The first is that you never use the wrong kind of essential oil for your skin. There are some types of oils that can irritate skin so you cannot use fragrant oil meant for an oil burner on your skin. It may be too overpowering.

The second thing to keep in mind is that not all bases are alike. Take for example the bath salts. You do not want to use table salt instead of Epsom salt. Some finely ground sea salts work wonders. The best purchase you can make before you start whipping out batches of body! lotions , bath salts and candles are aromatherapy books.

There are some great home kits on the market that can help you by providing the basics and giving you step by step directions on how to make your own aromatherapy products. If everything turns out well, then you may find a way to make extra money by selling these homemade delights.

About the Author

A whole world of information about aromatherapy products eagerly awaits you from Mike Selvon portal. We appreciate your feedback at our massage blog.

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Essential Oil of Patchouli

Djehuty Ma'at-Ra of talks about some of the uses of essential oil of Patchouli. Visit Djehuty's emporium of natural health products @ (888) 823-9416 or (818) 245-6084. PUBLIC NOTICE: Djehuty Ma'at-Ra is only associated with and no other company. His products are exclusively sold at and Djehuty's Health Store, 1015 North Pacific Avenue, Glendale, California 91202 (888) 823-9416 or (818) 245-6084. Category:

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In Gear – Dr. Rob Kiltz

Posted: 23 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Great afternoon at the Limestone Creek Hunt Club's Carriage Trail Run on Sunday, May 20th. I came in first place and so did everyone, the top top! If you show up, that's the trick of life. Most people don't even show up. Most people are staying at home watching TV and complaining and listening to the junk radio. There is some good stuff out there, by the way. If you're doing something interactive and learning, that's good. Go on a run. You're not running away, you're simply participating. I always say you're going at your own pace. Every step is a step to success. Put it in your gear. The right gear is the gear you're moving in. If you believe and think it's perfect right now, it always will be. All the things that ever come in life will be your teachers. If you think with love and recognize that every single step you make is a step to success—or a 'step in' success. Simply by moving and stepping in life, you are successful. 5K; it could have been 100K or a 1000K, it didn't matter—get that pace and keep moving. Every step a step of success.

I say when you need to change gears, just change gears but just keep moving. Never, ever, ever stop moving. The more you move, the more amazing things happen in life. Yes, you and I are the creators of this amazing universe. When you do it with love, love comes. Love comes every single day. At the end of the day be thankful and grateful for all that you have. At the beginning of the day, be thankful and grateful for all that you have. Every step of the way; be thankful and grateful for all that you have. Every step is a step in success. Love and blessings. It's as simple as that. Life is in love and blessings every single day. With faith, amazing things continue to unfold. With love, Dr. Rob. This another awesome and amazing day in the universe. God Bless to you.

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Umayalpuram K.Sivaraman - Mridanga Cintamanih

Mridanga Cintamanih - Sangita Kalanidhi Umayalpuram K.Sivaraman - A comprehensive, in depth encyclopedia on the art of Mridangam, encompassing the entire gamut of playing techniques from the basic lessons to the art of accompaniment to Vocal & Instrumental Music has been meticulously designed for aspiring students of percussion by the greatest exponent of Mridangam, Umayalpuram Sri.K. Sivaraman. Rhythmic lessons have been explained through Sollukattu or percussive phrases and translated into Mridangam playing. The components which form the very edifice of the Mridangam art are brought out unraveling a holistic panorama of percussive art.The whole benefit of the Gurukula system is made available by the use of meaningful technology. These products (Ranging from Levels 1 to 4) are a happy wedlock of tradition, creativity and novelty. These lessons reveal the splendor of percussive art beginning with laying a strong foundation for beginners (Level 1) to further advancement (Level 2) to gaining expertise and perfection in all aspects of rhythmical techniques (Level 3) and finally attaining success in concert accompaniment (Both Vocal & Instrumental in Level 4). Spectacular Taniavarthanams by the legend are the hallmark of these set of products painted with the most exquisite colors of his imagination. Sangita Kalanidhi Umayalpuram Sri K. Sivaraman (Padmasri & Padmabhushan awardee) a virtuoso, a trendsetter, an icon and a maestro par excellence has created ...

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Why Ear Stretching is Popular

Posted: 23 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Article by Mark Wilson

Ear stretching is popular for a number of reasons, but mainly because people are seeking new ways to be different. They know that most types of body piercing are now commonplace and that many are not generally visible, being hidden beneath clothing. They see stretched ears, particularly the earlobes, as a way of making their independence easily visible to everybody. However, it has not always been for that reason that people have stretched their ears.

The Historical Culture of Ear Stretching

Stretching ears is just one of the many forms of body modification that people have been using since before historical records began. Examples are body painting, tattooing being a more permanent form of this, lip stretching, hair styling and piercings of many different types. Unlike lip stretching, where the skin and flesh are stretched out to hold circular plates, stretched ears are simply an enlargement of the piercing in the ears, generally the earlobes, but not confined to just these.

Such body modification has been carried for a number of cultural reasons, including for religious reasons, to ward off spells and witchcraft, tribal affiliation and personal adornment and beauty. Young people of today use ear stretching for the last mentioned of these reasons, although there is still a great deal of stretching carried out throughout the world for those other reasons mentioned.

Examples are the Maasai people in Kenya and East Africa, some areas of Thailand and also among the indigenous peoples of the Amazon basin. Many carry out stretching to extreme levels, involving not only the earlobes, but also the conch of the ear, the septum and the lips, the latter being predominantly an African form of stretching. The Mursi of Ethiopia still wear large lip plates on their stretched lower lips, although as explained earlier these are straight stretchings and not stretched piercings.

Famous Examples of Ear Stretching

There are numerous examples of stretched ears, one being the stret! chings a pparent on the famous Easter Island Moai statues. The story goes that the Moai statues represent the ancestors of the original inhabitants of Easter Island, and were carved somewhere around 1200 CE to 1500 CE (CE=AD). They are represented with stretched ears, indicating that this was likely carried out by the original inhabitants of the island.

Another famous example is that of the boy pharaoh, Tutankhamen, whose famous gold and blue death mask exhibits earlobes stretched to at least 10 mm in diameter. The mask may be stylized, and not necessarily display the correct extent of the stretching, but there seems no doubt that this form of adornment was common in Ancient Egypt.

Another very famous example is that of representations of Siddhartha Gautama, better known as Buddha. Sculptures and other forms of representation of Buddha show definite stretched earlobes.

There are few doubts that earlobe piercing and subsequent stretching of the piercings has been carried out for many thousands of years. It may be that this was a sign of stature in society, although this is not the case in Thailand and Brazil, where ear stretching has been common among all members of society for untold centuries: even now, the peoples of the Amazon Rainforest and the highlands of Thailand practice this form of bodily decoration.

How to Stretch Your Ears

If you have a desire to stretch your ear piercings, you must either have an existing piercing, or have one carried out. In the latter case, you will have to wait longer to commence the actual stretching procedure because it takes about 6-8 weeks for the initial piercing to heal sufficiently to allow it to proceed.

You can choose either to do it yourself of have it done by a professional. Because of the damage that can be done if you get it wrong, you are advised to go with the professional, although you can purchase the equipment needed online from any good flesh tunnel or ear piercing website. Recommended site -

You must be absolutely certain that this is what you want, because after a certain point it is irreversible without radical plastic surgery. That point is in the region of 10mm - 12mm diameter holes, below which the stretching will revert to normal after a period of time, although to be frank, your ear lobe will never look as perfect as it once was, even with plastic surgery - so be certain!

Ear Stretching Equipment

The equipment you and the professionals will use is roughly the same, often in the form of insertion tapers that vary is width along their length, although the pros will have theirs properly sterilized and will take the increase in diameter of the piercing in small stages, allowing about 2 weeks healing between gaugings. The term 'gauging' is used because that is the term used to measure the diameter of the stretched hole.

Your ears lobes might start off with a 14 gauge piercing, around 1.63 mm in diameter. This can increase in size to 12.7 mm (1/2 inch), or 0000 gauge, and even larger to any size at which you care to finish. The Maasai and Brazilians can go to very large diameters, although you will likely stop at 0.5 inches or thereabouts. You will note that the gauge numbers drop as the size of the hole becomes larger.

Jewellery for Stretched Ears

You have a wide range of jewellery from which you can choose to adorn your stretched ears. Some use flesh tunnels that fit into the hole and show the space going through your earlobe. Others use bars that fit the expanded earlobe, with various forms of adornment attached to the ends. Yet others prefer to use rings or hangers that accentuate the ear stretching, and often make it seem even larger as the weight of the jewellery pulls it downwards.

Materials range from gold, platinum, titanium and niobium to Teflon, glass, crystal, plastic, shell, bone and wood. You are advised to keep clear of the absorbent materials, such as wood and bone and also some plastics, because these can harbour germs, viruses and fungi. !

E ar stretching is a great way to express your individuality, but it's not the stretching that matters as much as what you wear with it. Make sure you get some great jewellery to go with your stretched ears and you will look absolutely fabulous - Ab Fab as they say!

About the Author

More tips and information on gauging ear lobes for flesh tunnels are avialable on 40mm ear tunnels where you will also find a selection of great ear stretchers

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Green Tourmaline Crystal Ball SPH118

Green Tourmaline Crystal Sphere ~5cm: The unusual formation of this green tourmaline crystal ball makes it a beautiful and collectable piece. Green tourmaline is one of the most powerful healing and detoxifying crystals. It has an uplifting energy that works well for healing and spiritual work. Crystal Ball from

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Video: Words on Lake Skaneateles – Dr. Rob Kiltz

Posted: 23 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Dr. Rob shares his video of the day…

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Treatment Using Scents - Aromatherapy

Posted: 23 May 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Article by Ali Mack

Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine that uses essential oils and other aromatic compounds derived from plants for the purpose of affecting a persons mood and/or health. It is often used in combination of another alternative practices or spiritual beliefs.

Aromatherapy is one of the fastest growing fields in alternative medicine. It is widely accepted and used at home, clinics and hospitals for a variety of conditions and illnesses. It is commonly used by pregnant women during labour, pain relief for cancer and cardiac patients. In Japan engineers are incorporating aroma systems into new buildings - while many companies use essential oils in their air conditioning systems; as example adding lavender and rosemary to create a calming environment or banks have been known to add lemon and eucalyptus to keep bank tellers alert.

The therapeutical properties of essential oils are known from the beginnings of time. From early writings from centuries ago it is shown that essential oils have been used in the medical system of India, known as "Ayuvedra". And as we well know the Egyptians used the aromatic oils as medicine, massages and baths, and the Greeks and Romans also used aromatic oils to heal injuries, lubricate the skin, repel insects, as well as to purify the air and embalm bodies.

Aromatherapy means "treatment using scents" this is used as a holistic treatment to care for the body with pleasant smelling botanical oils such as rose, peppermint, lavender or lemon just to name a few. Aromatherapy is used to alleviate tension & fatigue, invigorate the body or used as pain relief.

The essential oils are inhaled directly or diffused by using a burner to scent the entire room, added to a bath or massaged directly into the skin. Essential oils work on the nervous system and brain through stimulation of the olfactory nerves. These oils contain a great variety of hormones and nutrients that have useful properties to fight bacterium, viruses and depression. Other substanc! es of es sential oils, which are taken advantage of when using aromatherapy, are their relaxation, stimulation and digestion properties. To get the most from essential oils they should be made from pure raw materials.

For more information on Aromatherapy and Alternative Medicine in general then check out:

About the Author

Ali Mack is a promoter and user of alternative medicines. It is all about being in-tune with your body and using herbs andrelaxation to bring your body back insync.

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Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selections, May 23, 2012

Posted: 23 May 2012 05:00 AM PDT

"All of us might wish at times that we lived in a more tranquil world, but we don't. And if our times are difficult and perplexing, so are they challenging and filled with opportunity."
~Robert Kennedy

"There is no value in life except what you choose to place upon it and no happiness in any place except what you bring to it yourself."
~Henry David Thoreau

"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them."
~Galileo Galilei

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