12 Family Movies to Watch With Someone Who Has Dementia

12 Family Movies to Watch With Someone Who Has Dementia

12 Family Movies to Watch With Someone Who Has Dementia

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 11:44 PM PST

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Californias' leading Holistic Spa, Creative Chakra Spa hosts Annette Carlstom who Gives Us a blessing of Oneness . www.creativechakra.com. 310-823-9378. This was filmed at Creative Chakra Spa on the Lanai after doing a Deeksha at Creative Chakra Spa in Marina Del Rey, California - on a tour around America. The director is Sandie West. owner of Creative Chakra Spa. http

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Crystals and Minerals - Fluorite Stone of the Rainbow Bridge

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 11:24 PM PST

Article by Terrie Marie

A rainbow is perhaps one of the most incredible displays of light flowing seamlessly interconnecting one with the other. It is one of the symbols of promise, of unity and energy healing. A bridge symbolizes connection, transformation, a journey from one horizon to another.

Fluorite, also known as the Stone of the Rainbow Bridge, contains all the colors of the Rainbow. Some specimens reflect or exhibit more of one color ray than others. Tumbled specimens make it easier to physically see its many colors.

The green ray for example, while containing all of the colors of the Rainbow within its internal structure, vibrates primarily with the Heart Chakra, health and abundance. The purple ray, also containing all the energy frequency of a rainbow, symbolizes spirituality, intuition and expanded awareness resonating primarily with the Third Eye and Crown Chakras. The bluish-green hue connects and integrates the Heart and Throat Chakras.

Many Fluorite specimens reveal white light, that of purity and integrity. White light is symbolic of our connection with Divine Source Energy and with thee Angels who guide and protect us as we travel our respective paths.

The color range of Fluorite ranges from light, almost pastel colors to very dark, rich vibrant hues of purples, greens and white. Do not be fooled into believing your physical sight, these beautiful specimens radiate all the colors of the Rainbow in all its perfection.

I remember the first time I saw and held this marvelous crystalline stone formation in my hand. It felt as though its unique energy frequency combined with mine, interweaving itself within and around me. I need only look at Fluorite to re-experience this sensation again and again.

*Angelic Realm Association: Archangel Taharial, whose name means, "Purity of God", is the overall Guardian of the Cosmic Rainbow Bridge and of thee Angels of the Rainbow Bridge. He will provide guidance to all who request his assistance in discovering their unique ga! teway in to themselves along the journey of life.

*Healing Properties: cleanse and balance Third Eye and Crown Chakras, emotional wounds, align Chakra energy centers, integrating emotional, physical, mental, Spiritual and Ethereal energy bodies; release unwanted excess energy.

*Vibrational Frequency: pure white light, prism of rainbow light, subtle, powerful, soothing, calming, unification.

*Spiritual Properties: connection with Divine Source, purity, intuition, expand conscious awareness, integration.

Fluorite has the capability of cleansing, balancing and integrating all of your energy bodies and all of your Chakra energy centers simultaneously. This unique stone calibrates itself to your current vibrational frequency. As you expand your conscious awareness, Fluorite will calibrate itself to you assisting you for maximum benefit.

About the Author

Connect with Angels every day when you click this link http://angelladytm.com/ from Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady and Desert Rose Healing Arts! Enter your name and email address to begin connecting with Angels! Copyright 2011 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Master George Dangel's Healing Crystals

Master George Dangel introduces his healing crystals that help treat a wide range of illnessess. More information may be found at www.amazinghealingcrystals.com

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Difference between Allopathic and Holistic Medicine

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 10:18 PM PST

Article by Mercedes Aspland

You may hear various difference terms when looking at treatments for your conditions. Two of the most common forms of treatment are allopathic and holistic medicine. In this article we will consider what each of these types of medicines are, where you will hear them mentioned and also what the significant differences between them are.

What is Allopathic Medicine?

Allopathic medicine is a term that is used to describe medical practice where a condition is treated with a medication that is designed to kill the illness. This may sound very familiar to you and it is largely because most of conventional medicine is effectively allopathic. You doctor will not tell you he is using allopathic medicine however that is what he is doing. You are more likely to hear the term when you visit a homeopath and that is largely because the differences are marked. In homeopathic medicine you will be given a substance that contains similar elements to your condition rather than those picked to kill it. What is Holistic Medicine?

Holistic medicine is again quite a general term but it is a form of therapy that treats the person as a whole. Many alternative therapies are thought to be holistic. The aim with holistic medicine is to treat the mind, body, emotions and all elements of a person in order to bring about health. For example in a treatment like acupuncture the therapist will consider you, your background, how you react to things and your symptoms. This will allow them to develop a treatment plan that is specific to you, including your emotional, mental and physical needs. When looking into alternative therapies you will hear this term mentioned a lot of the time and so it is important to be aware what it is.

What is the difference between Allopathic and Holistic Medicine?The main difference between allopathic and holistic medicine is the way in which treatment is approached. For example in allopathic medicine the aim is to treat the condition and to prescribe things to help you get rid of! it. In holistic medicine although the aim is to also clear up a condition the focus is different. In allopathic medicine a doctor will focus on the condition only however holistic medicine will focus on the person, how that person reacts to that condition as well as their history.

It is worth mention that both of these terms are very broad and cover a large number of different therapies and treatments but that the general principles are the same based on which type of medicine it is. In addition if your doctor is prescribing allopathic medicine for you then it may be possible to use holistic medicine alongside this so that you can get the maximum benefits for you and your condition.


As you can see from the above, the concepts of allopathic and holistic medicine are quite different. It does not mean that one is better than another just that the focus is different. If you are looking for treatment it is important to make an informed judgement on what you are going for and to discuss with as many professionals as possible. It is also important to find a reputable therapist to ensure you get the best possible treatment

About the Author

This article has been supplied by alternative therapies directory. You can also find more information on our Holistic Medicine page.

Maya Spa - Maya Healing

Daniel Pool Pech, a local Mayan shaman, is well known in the area. His relaxing and healing massages are beyond words. He learned his techniques through his dreams, where lights came to take him where he was shown massage, energy, and herbal therapies. He is often told that through him, a spirit heals a person of some illness or disease. "One of the best massages I´ve had. I liked his mixture of Western techniques and traditional Mayan ritual." www.Maya-Spa.com

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9 Proven Risk Factors for Cancer

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 10:06 PM PST

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Sri Sri Ravi Shankar - body, mind and spirit in a health balance

Sri Sri Ravi Shanka talks about the ways to keep body and mind healthy and in holistic balance. Full Video ( 12 Min ): www.spirit-tv.de

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Aromatherapy Diffuser

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 09:17 PM PST

Article by Ramone Stevenson

An aromatherapy diffuser allows you to benefit from aromatherapy by getting the oils into the air. You can use many vices as an aromatherapy diffuser including a vaporizer, humidifier, and nebulizer. An aromatherapy diffuser allows you to inhale the oils to relieve respiratory infections, colds, and asthma. There are also several types of actual aromatherapy differs if you don't want to use another device you already have in your home for one.

An electric fan aromatherapy diffuser doesn't use heat. It operates on batteries. They blow cold air through a pad that has been saturated with aromatherapy oils. A steam aromatherapy diffuser works very similar except it plugs into the wall and hot water creates steam. Aromatherapy oil is added to the water before it begins to boil. They make a very small aromatherapy diffuser that fits into your purse. You can take it anywhere, even when traveling. The product has four chambers and a cover so your aromatherapy oils won't spill all over the contents of your purse.

Have you ever wanted to use an aromatherapy diffuser to help you sleep better or maybe get over an illness? While it is tempting, most of us are too afraid of the fire risk to sleep with it on. There is an aromatherapy nebulizer than has a timer on it. This is perfect for getting the scents you need to feel better and rest better without the risk of causing an out of control fire. The oil is in a small vital that attaches to the side of the nebulizer.

Ever wish you had an aromatherapy diffuser to use in your vehicle? Your wish has been granted. The vehicle diffuser comes with small pads that you place drops of oil on. It plugs into your cigarette lighter to fill your car with great smells. Make sure you use a scent that won't make you sleepy!

A candle can be used as a diffuser as well. Light the candle and allow it to burn for about 15 minutes. Put it out and pour some aromatherapy oil on the melted wax then relight the candle. A very popular aromatherapy diffuser is th! e oil bu rner. These are very inexpensive and decorative as well. It comes with a ceramic bowl. You pour water and aromatherapy oil into the bowl. A burner sits under the bowl heating it.

To get the most out of your aromatherapy diffuser, make sure you only use oils that are made from natural products. You should also know what the different plants and herbs can do. For example if you are trying to get a good night of sleep don't choose one that energizes you. If you have a long evening planned then use the one for energy not to help you sleep! An aromatherapy quick reference guide can help you with this information. The internet is a great place to find it as well. For best results when you want it, keep a supply of various aromatherapy oils available.

About the Author

Get all the latest information about Aromatherapy from the only true source at http://www.myaromatherapyinfo.com Be sure to check out our aromatherapy diffuser pages.

Oil Lady Aromatherapy® LLC

www.Oil-Lady.com Candace Newman "The Oil Lady®" talks about how True Aromatherapy and Pure Essential Oils can enrich your life.

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Know more about Holistic Health Treatments

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 08:29 PM PST

Article by Patresia Adams

There is a new concept in the health industry commonly known as Holistic Health. What is Holistic health? Holistic health is based on the principle that physical and mental aspects of the body are interlinked and play a vital role into the overall health and wellness of a person. Holistic Health is often much related to the concept of alternative medicine but many people consider it as the prime concept.

Holistic health and its treatments are not new. It is an age old concept but came into limelight these days. It is now become talk of the town and alluring many people towards the new concept of health care. The delay is because of headstrongness in the medical field and it is often slow to accept new ways of treatment.

Holistic health treatments are more an approach to how individuals should be treated rather than a treatment concept in and of itself. Those who practice holistic treatment believe that maintaining good health is more than simply taking care of the various parts of the body and it includes emotional and spiritual aspects as well. The primary objective of holistic health treatments is to achieve complete health, not simply a lack of disease or physical pain.

Holistic Health Treatments are not only based on treating physical symptoms but underlying psychological and emotional issues responsible for illness as well. In order to achieve total health, one should take into consideration, physical, spiritual and emotional factors to devise an effective treatment plan.

The tendency of a person to overcome health issues depends also on his willpower and to revoke his willpower a person should consider all the related factors. Medicines work only if the person is strong from his inside otherwise nothing would work on his body. Disease is a demonstration of an existing inequity that the individual is unable to resolve on any level.

Divine wellness is an Interactive health portal that provides interactive online yoga exercises on chikungunya treatment and cla! sses thr ough High Definition video conferencing and also helps you learn holistic health treatments.

Visit our website www.divinewellness.com for more information on natural remedy for Holistic health treatments and Chikungunya treatment.

About the Author

Patresia Adams is a healthcare consultant working with Divine Wellness. This interactive health and wellness portal offers Live online yoga classes through high-definition video conferencing.

Jennifer Dunne - Holistic Therapist

Jennifer Dunne is a holistic and complementary therapist based in Swords, Dublin. He specialities are reiki, reflexology, kinesiology, and sports massage. www.complementary-therapists.com

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Treat Your More than One Ailments with Aromatherapy Recipe

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 07:02 PM PST

Article by Mia Bilkins

Today, we all are aware of the innumerable benefits that aromatherapy offers to us. It does wonders for several disorders. The effectiveness of several essential oils brings calm and relaxation that soothes your mind, loosens exhausted body and makes you feel happy and confident on a regular basis. Aromatherapy recipe can be used to treat various ailments like insomnia, stress which are common results of our changing lifestyle. Aromatherapy recipe is an easy way to cure your ailments by preparing aromatherapy products right in your home.

Aromatherapy recipe involves the use of oils from plants called essential oils. Various combinations of essential oils in these recipes lift your spirits and relax your mind, body and soul. Aromatherapy recipe stimulates the nerve ending in the brain and sends the message to the brain and relaxes it. Aromatherapy recipe can be used as antiseptics, antibiotics and treating infections.

Aromatherapy recipe includes various recipe like essential oil recipe, massage oil recipe, essential oil formulas, blends, massage oil blends recipe. This aromatherapy recipe can be easily used for treatment of aches, colds, flu, headache, arthritis, fatigue and a lot of other ailments.

Aromatherapy recipe are a step by step procedure to follow. It is so simple that anyone can do it by reading and following them as stated. After that you can easily form the products for your skin care also like lotions, lip balms, soaps etc. You can use aromatherapy recipes with your various beauty products and have a nourishing effect on your hair and nails and have a feeling of well being.

Aromatherapy recipe uses some of the basic essential oils like lavender, rosemary, tea tree and eucalyptus. Recipes using lavender are used for treating headaches, inflammation, as in insect repellant and infection. Aromatherapy recipe using eucalyptus are used for treating infections, congestion, sinuses etc. Similarly aromatherapy containing combination of various other essential oil! s and ma ssage oils can be used to get the desired effect.

In aromatherapy recipe, the term "recipe" is of crucial importance. It is all about combination of the essential oils in the right proportion to give you most effective results. Do remember that essential oils are always used with some base oils. Aromatherapy recipe can be easily found through online sources. With aromatherapy you can cure a lot of problems and you can create these products in the comfort of your home. Various aromatherapy recipe kits are also available. So calm you mind, body and senses with aromatherapy recipes.

About the Author

Mia Bilkins is working with the New Directions AU. He has also been involved in research on plants and oils for a long time. To find aromatherapy candle, aromatherapy recipe, floral water, raw materials, recipes, bottles, caps, accessories, wellbeing you need to visit http://www.newdirections.com.au

Bar & Sheet Hit the Street "Aromatherapy"

Based on your ideas, our fanatic takes the Dryer Bar out on the streets for the first ever Bar & Sheet challenge - an impromptu aromatherapy session! Check us out on www.facebook.com/bounce and post your ideas on our wall. We'll make the next Bounce video based on what YOU want to watch!

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Crystals and Minerals - Watermelon Tourmaline is the Stone of Soul Mate Relationships

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 07:00 PM PST

Article by Terrie Marie

Many of us wonder if there is or if we will ever meet our Soul Mates in this lifetime. For many who have and are with their Soul Mates, there are questions about "now what" or "is there something more we or I am to be doing with my life?" Watermelon Tourmaline will assist all who seek their Soul Mate. It also assists all paired Soul Mates bringing clarity, emotional healing from past life issues and understanding with greater clarity agreements at the Soul level.

Watermelon Tourmaline is a wonderful and unique combination of green, blue and pink Tourmaline. The green hue in Watermelon Tourmaline can be various shades from light to dark. This is an incredibly high-vibration stone or crystal.

This incredible crystalline stone will provide clarity to all who seek to understand, seek confirmation and validation that they are indeed following their Life's Purpose. It will also support you as you seek to deepen your understanding of your Life's Purpose. Meditating with this powerful crystal will assist you in unlocking the hidden knowledge within.

Multi-colored Tourmaline resonates with more than one Chakra energy center, integrating both the Heart and Throat Chakras with each other and subsequently all other Charkas.

Green Tourmaline: resonates primarily with the Heart Chakra. It will assist you in aligning your entire physical body. It is capable of balancing all Chakra energy centers simultaneously. This is a very powerful, vibrant stone, to be respected and worked with gradually so as not to over-stimulate your physical body. Green Tourmaline will assist you with Spiritual Expansion, in a subtle yet very deep profound level of understanding and healing.

Pink: resonates primarily with the Heart Chakra, love relationships, emotional healing on all levels to include the cellular level in both your physical and Ethereal energy bodies. Pink Tourmaline works with you in releasing heart blockages, allowing love to flow within, through and around you radiating a beauti! ful, sub tle glow to all who cross your path.

Blue: resonates primarily with the Throat Chakra, enabling you to speak your truth with loving-kindness, compassion and clarity. Speaking your truth without malice and judgment, accepting you and others is one of many ways to unlock the key within to your higher Self, connecting your more clearly with the Realm of Spirit.

*Angelic Realm Association: Aurora, Angel of Crystals, will when asked, assist all who seek emotional healing on all levels beginning with the heart and throat, permeating all Chakra energy centers at the cellular level. Ask Aurora to assist you in seeking or better understanding your Life's Purpose.

*Healing Properties: brings into balance past emotional healing into the present, dissolving emotional blockages; chronic fatigue; issues related to abundance and prosperity; clears Throat Chakra blockages

*Vibrational Frequency: very high frequency; powerful beyond imagination; loving, cleansing, balancing energy

*Spiritual Properties: Spiritual Expansion; intensifies your connection with your Higher Self, expands conscious awareness; reveal Life's Purpose

Tourmaline is a special gift to all who are attracted to this magical crystal. If you have been gifted with finding or being found by Watermelon Tourmaline, accept its many hidden treasures, gifts of love, prosperity and abundance, discovering your Life's Purpose. Be willing to trust the many opportunities working with Tourmaline in any form or color combination.

About the Author

Connect with Angels every day when you click this link http://angelladytm.com/ from Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady and Desert Rose Healing Arts! Enter your name and email address to begin connecting with Angels! Copyright 2011 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

How To Remove Negative Energy

www.tanahoy.com In this video, I am going to teach you how to clean out the negative energy that accumulates in your home. You need to clean out this energy, or it can cause fatigue, depression, emotional imbalances, and many other things. http

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Holistic Health and Health Responsibility: For A Healthy Lifestyle

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 06:07 PM PST

Article by Deep and Radi Johari

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. This widely known saying is often understood to connote an irreconcilable split between natural approaches to holistic health and the medical industry. On one side of the divide, holistic health, symbolized by an apple, represents the use of naturally available foods and essential nutrients to manage and maintain our daily health and vitality. On the other hand, the doctor represents the established public domain of health in which laboratory created medicines manufactured by the medical industry are offered as cures for various ailments geared towards improving the health of the public. Sadly, this perceived divide between holistic health and the medical industry has resulted in a split in public opinion with many people feeling compelled to select one or the other health option instead of taking advantage of the benefits of both. The truth, however, is that these 2 fields of health care should be utilized in unison as complementary therapies and not as competing solutions.

Holistic health choices provide an individual with a number of natural solutions that can assist them in improving their health and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The natural substances used as part of a holistic health approach would be completely digested and broken down within the body to attain their maximum healing potential. If these are used properly in their natural synergetic forms, these substances do not produce any harmful effects on the body. As a longer duration approach to wellness, the health remedies related to holistic health practices would be safe and effective solutions for maintaining a long and healthy life.

The combined use of holistic health options and those provided by the medical industry as complementary therapies becomes especially apt when an individual is faced with more serious health complications. While natural methods of promoting holistic health have many benefits as a longer duration approach to health care, making the most of the scient! ific and technological advances within the medical field might become unavoidable in life threatening situations. Viewed as complementary therapies instead of as antagonists, these 2 approaches to health care could be conjoined. As a result, the natural benefits of holistic health approaches would enable an individual to overcome the trauma and side effects of many typical medical solutions.

In the same way as individuals can benefit immensely from complementary therapies, a combined approach is equally advantageous when applied to the health and well being of their pets. Holistic pet care offers the same natural advantages for animals as it does for humans. By using safe, natural, and proven therapies, holistic pet care solutions could considerably improve the quality of a pet's life, safeguarding it from chronic and serious health conditions like cancer and thereby extending its life span.

About the Author

Are you considering using holistic therapies for your pets? Holistic pet care and nutrition can significantly improve the health, vitality, and well being of your pet. Sign up at http://ApplesAndDoctors.com to get FREE tips and updates on holistic health issues from Deep, Radi and Mithu.

Cure Your Yeast Infection Naturally Using A Unique 5-Step Holistic System!

Learn how to cure Yeast Infection Naturally and regain your health and well being, without drugs, without typical acne treatments, and without any side effects!

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How to Acquire Qualified Reiki Education From Home

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 05:00 PM PST

Article by Wayne Rush

Consequently apart from becoming exceptionally hassle-free to expand the scientific studies in this way, it also provides the likelihood to obtaining attuned at a distance, a great practical experience for the college student who will sooner or later may possibly attune some others at a distance way too, which has been carried out productively for ages.Reiki classes on-line are essentially on the internet e-mail programs. Some integrate audio and telephone consultations which only improve the understanding knowledge. The college student will be given the lessons 1 by a single -or all at once- and potentially send assignments by e-mail. It is a very effortless and acceptable way of mastering.After the course is accomplished, there is no need to have to get additional Reiki programs. Each piece of facts will be built available to the university student. This is maybe a single of the principal points that make Reiki lessons on the net appealing for quite a few who want to go after the practice of this healing artwork.Reiki is an art that has to be realized from an knowledgeable Master. Reiki has arrive a extended way from its regular Japanese roots and with time and travels to foreign shores has modified and merged with other spiritual practices and therapies to develop into far more adaptable and contemporary. The first custom was started off by Dr. Usui Mikao and therefore sometimes you could also hear Reiki referred to as as Usui Reiki Ryoho, Reiki Ryoho or even Reiho in brief. Typically Reiki has 3 degrees or stages but you can find some universities who educate a lot more than three even likely up to seven or a lot more. Below is a brief description of the 4 diverse amounts of Reiki and the lessons contained in each of these ranges. Nevertheless this is format that might alter for unique faculties and you may arrive across unique teachings less than various Reiki Masters, every of whom educate lessons according to their individual custom and know-how.Very first Degree Reiki (Level one):The begi! nning le vel of Reiki typically specials with the healing of the self. This might involve lessons for initiation for the Initially Degree, a briefing of the historical past and mythos of Reiki, the several traditions and various Reiki associations around the world. All this is coupled with studying to pretty much use Reiki like the hand positions and their usage, the rewards and different correspondences of Reiki and utilizing this art to recover buddies, household and each and every residing creature like pets and crops and charging edibles with Reiki vitality. All the spiritual importance and their subsequent effects on healing the brain, human body and soul are coated in this degree.Second Diploma Reiki (Stage 2):Right after acquiring completed the Initially Degree effectively you can opt for the much more superior Second Degree. The important aspect about the Second Degree is the imparting of the sacred Reiki symbols which have been typically stored key from initiates right up until they reached the 2nd Stage. These symbols are mentioned in depth and techniques to use them in meditations and for standard apply and focusing vitality are taught. Distance therapeutic and healing much more advanced disorders are also taught at this stage.3rd Degree Reiki (Degree 3):This is a degree for Personal Mastery that is however far more superior and for individuals striving for inner progress and intuitive advancement and adept in channeling Universal Spiritual Reiki Electricity.

About the Author

So, if you are looking for reiki lessons to grow to be a healer/grasp, there is a whole lot a lot more information you would require to know.I would like to share this info with you at :reiki courses .

Green Tara Seichim Reiki Attunement

In Tibet, Goddess Green Tara is honoured as the Bodhisattva of Wisdom and as the female patron deity or Bodhisattva of Tibet. She is regarded as having been instrumental in the introduction of Buddhism to Tibet and in one of her incarnations is said to have been the wife of the early Tibetan Emperor Songtsen Gampo. Her mantra is the famous Om Tara Tuttare Ture Soha said 3 times which may be used to call upon her for assistance. She is usually depicted with a lotus held in her left hand. Green Tara is known as the Saviouress and is said to protect human beings as they cross the sea of existence. She has strong compassion for human beings with a particular concern to help women. The invocation of Green Tara in Reiki work enables her wisdom and compassion to flow through to all aspects of the person receiving her energy. Lineage: Stephen Comee- Dori McLean- Jarrod Hastings- Stephen Lovering- Chris Comish- You More information found here cityofshamballa.ning.com Please donate in any amount as energy exchange at cityofshamballa.ning.com 22 more attunements found in the "The Living Light by Chris Comish" available at http or www.amazon.com

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Finding an Aromatherapy Course in Australia

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 04:00 PM PST

Article by Robert Watson

As more people turn to natural alternatives to try and reduce stress and unwind, why not consider taking some aromatherapy courses in Australia. There are a huge range of online and distance learning options, and most good aromatherapy books will provide you with all the information you need to get started.Aromatherapy courses in Australia don't have to limit the sources you use, or the training you receive. Many courses from America, Europe and Britain can be taken by correspondence or through online mediums, so you can keep up with the rest of the world.Any good aromatherapy course in Australia will first cover the basics: What aromatherapy is, the history of aromatherapy, how essential oils are extracted, how to confirm that essential oils are of a therapeutic grade and the best way to use oils. Most will also cover the difference between cheap fragrance oils in comparison to essential oils.If you're just beginning, and not sure if you want to commit to a full time aromatherapy course in Australia, simply consider looking at internet sites to begin learning basic information. Any good aromatherapy site will include information on the history of aromatherapy, and the best uses for oils. Most will even supply a few recipes so you can begin to use your essential oils.Another simple way to complete an aromatherapy course in Australia is to buy one or two good aromatherapy books. This way you can create your own course outline based on the chapters of the books. You'll also get information on oil properties and what they are best used for.Of course, aromatherapy courses in Australia can also be taken at some places as standard classroom courses, but many people can't find the time in their busy schedules for this sort of training. An aromatherapy course in Australia doesn't have to be taken in the traditional classroom setting to be effective.An aromatherapy course in Australia doesn't have to be difficult or intricate. A large part of aromatherapy is based on your own instincts, likes and dislikes! , so no course can teach you this. The benefit of taking an online, or designing your own aromatherapy course in Australia means that you can experiment with different ideas and explore your own uses for aromatherapy in your life.As aromatherapy use continues to grow, popularity of aromatherapy courses in Australia will grow. If you do use aromatherapy in your daily life to help promote relaxation, this will only benefit you as more and more information and ideas become readily available. If you decide not to take an in-person course, consider taking a home-study course. There are hundreds available in every price range, from the full college-accredited courses to free courses available through email.

About the Author

Robert Watson is a trained hypnotist who runs a free, 30-day Aromatherapy Course through email. To sign up for his course and start getting lessons and training on a regular basis, visit his website. http://www.myaromatherapyclass.com


Aromatherapy AZ (Hay House Lifestyles: www.abebooks.com

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Feel The Medicine Work Better With The Holistic Health Care Ways

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 03:00 PM PST

by rocor

Article by Colby Siletto

The holistic health care focuses on the overall improvement of the condition of the body. Holistic health care is not restricted to only one kind of disease. Instead, it considers the overall condition of the body and then works for its improvement. The very foundation of holistic health care is different form the conventional medicinal forms. The holistic health care, works by bringing out the hidden spirits of spirituality within the body and then connecting it to nature. The kind of treatment that the holistic health care works on is based on more of healing the disease with the mental strength than the physical strength. The power of this mental strength is then incremented by the very special and unique plants that heal the body. The overall structure of the body is improved by the endless energy within human mind.

The holistic health care is very deeply associated to the concept of wellness. The basic coverage of this concept includes stress management. The healing of the diseases and overall deployment of these techniques are based on how happy does the body feel. The holistic health care ways are very unique and a novel concept. The overall happiness that the body feels drives the positive vibes into the body. This positive energy is the very requisite for improvement of the bad condition of human body. The mind should be satisfied for the therapy to work properly.

The newer concept deals with the integrated forms of the medicinal cure. It includes a blend of the pharmaceutical medicines and the holistic health care ways. A happy brain with lots of positive energy flowing into the veins will definitely cure the diseases that hit the proper working of the body. Medicines have come up today, with the best combinations to heal the body. However, it is a very well known fact that the effect of these medicines becomes multiplied and far faster if combined with the holistic health care. These ways make the body ready to take up the fast changes for the overall improvement of the bod! y. The i ntegrated form of treatment combines the drugs which suffice the requirements of the body and the holistic health care which brings out the effect of these drugs in the body with ease and pace. The final result is very much influenced by the holistic health care, and hence it must not be treated as a secondary mode of healing.

Note: You're free to republish this article in any way you want, as long as kept in its entirety. No changes and all links intact.

About the Author

Colby Siletto has been writing articles for 3 years, covering a number of topics such as women health and fitness. Click here to find more in depth information on resveratrol.

Community Holistic Health Clinic LTD

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Crystals - Aura Quartz Crystals

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 02:00 PM PST

Article by Terrie Marie

You may be aware Clear Quartz crystals are unique, carry the entire spectrum of the Rainbow within its inner crystalline structure. Each unique specimen of Clear Quartz amplifies not only its own vibrational energy frequency; it enhances and magnifies the color vibration and the energy frequency of all other crystals and minerals. It also intensifies the color ray for all other crystals and minerals for maximum benefit to all who choose to wear, carry or work with crystalline formations.

We will explore the many facets and unique qualities of Angel Aura, Aqua Aura, Imperial Gold and Tanzan Aura Quartz Crystals. Each one of these exceptional crystals are coated with rare and valuable metals.

*Angel Aura - Angel Aura deepens our connection with thee Angelic Realm; protects from unwanted negative energy; heightens meditation; tranquility and balance; expanded awareness, serenity; peacefulness. It resonates with the Crown Chakra and 8th Chakra, reaching through the veil of forgetfulness. Angel Aura is Quartz bonded with Platinum, a noble metal and Silver, radiating the shimmering light of the Moon.

*Aqua Aura - Aqua Aura crystals enhance communication; calming, relaxing, deepen our connection with the Spiritual realm, and aid in Psychic protection; assists with fulfilling life's purpose; multidimensional healing. It resonates with the Throat and Third Eye Chakra energy centers, promoting communication, speaking your truth, clearly and easily. Releases negative energy in the emotional, physical, Spiritual, Etheric and Astral bodies. Aqua Aura is clear Quartz bonded with Gold, transforming and elevating the crystals natural vibrational frequency.

*Imperial Gold - Imperial Gold connects the Heart Chakra with the Solar Plexus Chakra, bridging the upper Spiritual Realm Chakras with the lower or Physical Realm Chakras. This crystal will assist you in focusing your intentions, manifesting your heart's desires; provide comfort and emotional balance. Imperial Gold Quartz is Clear! Quartz bonded with Iron which aids in grounding and Titanium aiding with transition from that which no longer serves your highest and best good.

*Tanzan Aura Quartz - Tanzan Aura, also known as Tanzine or Indigo Quartz, vibrates on a higher Spiritual plane. It encourages communication with the Soul, your Higher Consciousness, and heightens your awareness of the Ethereal Realm. It brings clarity to visions and dream interpretation; develops Intuitive abilities, strengthening and encouraging self-confidence in messages received. It sustains multi-dimensional balance. Tanzan Aura resonates with the Soul Star (above the Crown Chakra) Throat, Crown and Third Eye Chakra energy centers. Tanzan Aura Quartz is Clear Quartz bonded with Indium, a rare mineral, Gold and Niobium, producing a blue-violet color and powerfully subtle energy frequency.

About the Author

Connect with Angels every day when you click this link http://angelladytm.com/ from Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady and Desert Rose Healing Arts! Enter your name and email address to begin connecting with Angels! Copyright 2011 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Stephen Co: The Miracle of Crystals and Pranic Healing

Renowned healer Master Stephen Co shares the ancient secrets for harnessing Life Force energy (known as prana or chi) to remove stress, boost vitality and accelerate healing from common health challenges. At his East West energy workshop Master Co explained and demonstrated how to focus energy using Mother Nature's power tools—quartz crystals and other gemstones—to protect against negativity and increase wellness on all levels. --- BestofEastWest features excerpts of talks, concerts, and workshops held at the legendary East West Bookshop in Mountain View, California. www.eastwest.com

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Bewitchery of Crystal Glassware

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 01:00 PM PST

Article by Poppy's Emporium

Crystals have had a distant alliance with the society. This element is produced under the earth's surface and comprises many minerals. Man use them for their personal happiness and for its healing powers. Since the discovery of crystals years ago, they have become one of the best examples for gift giving and for showing gratitude to a loved one. These are said to blend the energy of the sun into healing energy. This will then supply healing energy to the wearer.

Crystal glasses can be broken easily. They are said to be very sensitive in sudden changes in temperature that is why do not pour hot or boiling liquids or an ice cold beverage into a crystal glass. The lead also in these can be unhealthy. It is not recommended for pregnant women and children to drink from these glasses. The lead can be distilled into the acid content of the beverage. To avoid the lead content of the said glass seep into drinks, immerse the newly purchased glassware in vinegar for twenty-four hours before you use it. Crystal champagne is best served in crystal glasses for its brilliant glow.

Having a collection of wine glasses in your dining area is lovely especially if you have crystal glassware in your collection. It carries allurement and brilliance in any event. Glass makers create a numerous non-lead varieties so that the number of health threat from the lead will be increased. This has the same benefits as the real crystal. It has its brightness and glamor. This will not pose health risk to anyone. This also can be used on a daily basis because it is lead-free.

Beside the health threat that crystal glassware poses, many are still purchasing and using these crystal glasses. If for you it is not threatening, you can purchase one at any antique collectors like antique dealer in El Dorado, Arkansas. Shops like them have this crystal glassware because they are categorized in vintage collections. For you to add more of your dining displays or dining wares, you can shop at these stores. You're assured tha! t any fo rms and designs of antiques and vintage collection are at their store.

One type of crystal glasses is Waterford crystal. These are the earliest brand and the most favorable one to use. This type has a lot of models with different purposes. It originated from Waterford, Ireland but the factory was then closed in the year 2009. There are more areas in Europe that creates this kind of crystal. They have various styles to choose from. To add more to your collection, better be smart in looking for antique shops that offers affordable crystal glasses.

Crystal glasses are unique. If you have them in your home, for decoration or for occasional use, guest will think that it is ordinary, but you can show- off by saying otherwise. This glassware are said to be vintage because only the ones who are in the superior class can afford it, but if you know where to look for affordable one, you will surely be in-line with them too.

About the Author

In every home, having an antique or classic decoration/s or collectibles increases the value. That is why in antiques and collectibles El Dorado related topics , the author shares to the public his knowledge in artifacts and classic collections. The quality and value for antique collections should be given importance. The said collections are from centuries old. The author of the said business also would want to impart to the public how important these antique collectibles to every home.

Crystal Ball. Crystals, healing & energy.

Crystal Ball. Crystals, healing & crystal energy on www.SpiritualChannel.co.uk or visit Ustream 'CRYSTALCAM'. Video Production Glastonbury.

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Crystals and Minerals - Azurite Malachite Is The Jewel of Wisdom

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 12:00 PM PST

Article by Terrie Marie

The Jewel of Wisdom is a wonderful, naturally occurring combination of Azurite and Malachite. Both minerals gift us all with their own unique qualities of healing, discernment, wisdom and calming the Spirit. When combined, each integrates with the other creating its own unique energy frequency, its signature vibration.

One gift to be treasured is enhanced communication between the physical and Spiritual Realms, enabling all who choose to work with this incredible duo, an expanded sense of conscious awareness. Another gift is its extraordinary healing power, interlacing and integrating your upper or Spiritual Realm Chakra energy centers one with the other.

Azurite-Malachite resonates with the Heart, Third Eye, Throat and Crown Chakras. In working with the Heart Chakra, it assists in releasing past emotional trauma no matter the origin. The Throat Chakra is opened more fully, enabling you to clear any blockages caused by not being able to speak your truth. The Crown Chakra is our direct connection with the Realm of Spirit, enabling all who choose, to reach through the Veil of Forgetfulness, remembering our Life's Purpose. The Third Eye, our Chakra of sight and seeing, clears the pathway to recognizing our inner essence, guiding us along the journey we chose long ago.

Ancient Egyptians used Azurite to heighten Spiritual communication with their Gods and Goddesses, soothing the Soul along its physical realm journey. They also used the power of malachite to effect great change within their physical bodies, healing at the cellular level.

*Angelic Realm Association: Archangel Gabriel, whose name means, Messenger of God, will assist you in speaking your wisdom with truth and integrity. Archangel Raphael, whose name means, God Heals, will assist you in reaching through the fear of what is now behind you, seeing beyond surface appearances, healing on all levels. Archangel Taharial, whose name means, Purity of God, will assist you in knowing and accepting your true self, the Sp! ark of D ivinity within.

*Healing Properties: self-confidence, emotional healing, softens the tongue, reduces stress, relieves tension

*Vibrational Frequency: powerful, healing, soothing, strengthen the immune system, ground excess energy, integration

*Spiritual Properties: enhance intuition, calms the Spirit, transformation, re-birthing the Spirit, heals the psyche

If you seek to open, cleanse, or expand your Third Eye, working with this incredible duo of malachite and Azurite will, when worked with consistently, open your inner forms of communication with the Realm of Spirit in ways you have yet to imagine!

This stone is very powerful, yet it is subtle in the way it transmits or flows energy through you, weaving its magical properties of wisdom, healing and communication. There is no part of your core essence, your physical body or your Ethereal energy body that will be left untouched.

About the Author

Connect with Angels every day when you click this link http://angelladytm.com/ from Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady and Desert Rose Healing Arts! Enter your name and email address to begin connecting with Angels! Copyright 2011 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Crystal Healing Wood Wand Tutorial

www.satincrystals.com How to make a crystal healing wood wand tutorial by Sheila Satin of Satin Crystals.

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Taking a Closer Look at How Does Aromatherapy Works

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 11:00 AM PST

by jainaj

Article by Ralph King

Everyone knows how great it feels to get a good massage. With the help of a massage, you can alleviate sore and tired muscles while also releasing stress. In order to increase the benefits of a massage, however, you might want to include aromatherapy massage oil in your massage sessions.

What is Aromatherapy Massage Oil?

Aromatherapy massage oil is a special type of massage oil that contains aromatherapy essential oils. Since it is a massage oil, it contains special oils that make it slippery and easy to glide over the skin. This way, friction is reduced and a more soothing and relaxing massage can be enjoyed. In addition to containing oil, however, it also contains aromatherapy essential oils.

Aromatherapy essential oils are oils that have been extracted from plants. By extracting the oils through a distillation process, aromatherapy essential oils are able to maintain the beneficial properties of the plant from which they are derived.

How Does Aromatherapy Works?

To understand how does aromatherapy works, it is important to first gain a better understating of essential oils. Since aromatherapy essential oils are a concentrated version of the plants they are derived from, it takes very little of the oil to receive the benefits the plant provides. Therefore, aromatherapy massage oil typically only contains a few drops of essential oils. Yet, these oils are potent enough to provide benefits to the recipient.

With aromatherapy, the essential oils are inhaled. As a result, the scent of the essential oils has an effect on the brain, particularly on the limbic system. Depending upon the plant used, the aroma of the plant as well as its healing properties has a different effect on the body. Aromatherapy essential oils are even more potent when used along with massage, as the combination helps to further relax the body and to surround the olfactory system with the scent of the oils.

Some of the benefits of aromatherapy essential oils and the plants that provide! these b enefits include:

* Antibacterial - cinnamon, clove, lime, rosemary and tea tree oil* Anti-inflammatory - bay leaf, black cumin, cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus and sage * Antifungal - clove, juniper, lavender, tea tree oil and thyme* Antiviral - ginger, hyssop, lemongrass, peppermint, sandlewood, tea tree oil, thyme

Aromatherapy essential oils can also be used to change a person's mood, such as using peppermint to energize the body or chamomile to help the body relax.

A look at how does aromatherapy works and how to include http://www.worldwidehealth.com/alternative-medicine-Aromatherapy.html">aromatherapy essential oils in an aromatherapy massage oil in order to improve the effects of the massage.

About the Author

Ralph King has been contributing to leading magazines for the past 10 years. He's also an accredited researcher on the subject for leading research institutes in the US.

How to Make Aromatherapy 'Sweets"

Aromatherapy 'sweets' are fun and easy to make. And not only do they look sweet, they smell great too. (Do I have to mention they are NOT edible?)

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Dr. Rob’s 3G’s, December 7, 2011

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 11:00 AM PST

Gratitude: I am grateful for the this life, this day, and the compliments given to me

Goals: to share more compliments in the day

Game plan: to read and write of the value of sharing compliments

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Quartz Metaphysical Properties Of Different Types Of Crystals

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 10:00 AM PST

Article by Crystal Meyers

Types of crystals exist in all courses associated with materials. Just about all quartz metaphysical properties exist in a polycrystalline state; amorphous or even single-crystal alloys should be created artificially, often with excellent difficulty. Ionically bonded types of crystals can build on solidification associated with salts, either from a molten liquid or even upon crystallization from the answer.

This quartz metaphysical properties depends on the innate forces of healing types of crystals. For example, flower quartz is ideal for emotional recovery, amethyst deposits with regard to headaches, malachite for that stomach, lapis with regard to anxiety, and jade for the coronary heart....simply to name a few.

Most crystalline materials have a wide range associated with crystallographic defects. The types as well as structures of these flaws may have a serious impact on the actual qualities from the kinds of deposits.

These types of crystals could be over cast at the bottom, as well as obvious at the very top, sometimes highlighting rainbows or prisms within, along with blemishes. Occasionally the actual very will be completely obvious throughout, highlighting it's advanced state associated with growth towards perfection and finish knowing.

The process of developing various kinds of deposits from a fluid or from materials mixed in the liquid is usually known as the crystallization process in the quartz metaphysical properties.

Yet another unique type of quartz very is the Herkimer Diamond. This can be a greater vibrations or octave form of crystal. These crystals are just present in 1 devote the world: Ny.

Within clear quartz crystals are often found blemishes, or clouded areas. Sometimes these resemble galaxies as well as in a sense they are, with regard to "As over, so beneath.Inch

In the aged example recommended through the root meaning of the word crystal, water being cooled down undergoes the stage vary from fluid to solid starting with lit! tle glac iers crystals that develop till they blend, forming the polycrystalline framework.

From as far back as the days of the legendary misplaced city of Atlantis, through the ancient Mayan as well as Hebrew civilizations, and including Far Eastern as well as Native United states cultures, deposits as well as gemstones have been utilized both in spiritual traditions so that as aids in order to physical healing.

When individuals discuss quartz metaphysical properties, they are usually referring to clear quartz, the most typical type, that is called the "grandfather" of the mineral kingdom. Quartz crystals represent the amount total associated with development on the material airplane.

A quarta movement cluster is really a organic conglomerate formation associated with three or more single terminated quarta movement crystals joined inside a massive rock and roll matrix. A quartz crystal bunch might have as many as 100 person quarta movement points or terminations, or even it might only have two.

They are brilliant, usually double terminated, many with little black flecks of androxylite. Many types of crystals also have rainbows. They are little but extremely effective. Herkimer Expensive diamonds are considered to be the actual catalysts of the quartz loved ones. Quartz metaphysical properties have the potential to initiate heavy internal change from the personal.

About the Author

Types of crystals in which the actual liquid may form depends upon the actual chemistry from the liquid, the conditions under which it is being solidified, and also on the background pressure.

Learn more about different types of crystals here: Quartz Metaphysical Properties

A Compliment a Day: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, December 7, 2011

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 10:00 AM PST

Hello and good morning to all
Another awesome and amazing day in the Universe
A Compliment a Day, my intention of the day

Simple you see, to see, beauty in all that be
And to say, thank you for this day
And most of all, a compliment to you
Each day to give pure love of the day
And pure love of you, and all that you do
I am blessed this day for what you do
And I say thank you, for your gracious good way
I now say to you, a grand thank you
You work so hard, now I simply see
That you and I are one from thee
Each day we play and sing the day
I love thy way, and your smile this day
God's gift I say, of how you play
A compliment a day lifts thy spirit
And all around will feel it too
For life is new and blessed thy way
On this good day, my compliments to you
Love and Namaste, Dr. Rob

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Holistic View Made Simple and Easy

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST

Article by S. Ali Myers

What is holistic?Relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts <holistic medicine attempts to treat both the mind and the body> <holistic ecology views humans and the environment as a single system>

Simply put, holistic means whole or complete. We, as humans, live a holistic lifestyle. Just because you don't know you do doesn't mean you do not. Question. Do you wake up and take your arms off, unscrew your head and then go to work. NO! Your body is already attached. Why? Because you are complete physically. This is obvious, but for some reason most people do not realize that this holistic view relates to EVERYTHING else in this world.

Holistic things that everyone knows existsMan - Woman - ChildSun - Moon - StarsHumans - Animals - Plants/TreesVegetables - Fruits - Nuts - GrainsWater (lakes, rivers, oceans) - Land

One relates to the next. But, when all together, they are complete. Man compliments woman but man, woman and child is complete. This is a simple outlook but critical for viewing EVERYTHING in a holistic manner. Why? Because EVERYTHING compliments or depends on each other.

Example:The sun provides the light energy source for plants and trees to grow. These plants and trees produces fruits and vegetables. Man, woman and child are able to eat and become nourished. This cycle is imperative for life and is naturally holistic.

This article is just a small example of the holistic view. This subject, in the future, will be broken down and put together many different ways to demonstrate its relevance to you as a complete, organic being. Like, how your nutritional lifestyle affects your body, mind and soul. Or, how your negative thoughts can develop into physical ailments or diseases. Or, how single parents have a more difficult time raising complete and balanced children. It really is an endless list of topics because EVERYTHING IS PART OF THE HOLISTIC UMBRELLA.

! Peace Pe ace,S. Ali Myershttp://soulfulbodymind.com

About the Author

Owner of Soulful Body & Mind - holistic approaches for personal improvement. http://soulfulbodymind.com

holistic band-magbalik.mp4

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America’s 10 Saddest Cities

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 09:49 AM PST

Earlier this year the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index published their findings on which cities were the happiest, they ended up with the other end of the spectrum as well: The miserable places. Based on the results of telephone surveys with a random sample of 352,840 adults, compilers of the index asked numerous questions about six sub-indexes: life evaluation, emotional health, work environment, physical health, healthy behaviors, and access to basic necessities

America's 10 Saddest Cities

Fast forward to this month when Men's Health complied a happy cities list of their own. Their diagnosis was calculated on suicide rates (CDC) and unemployment rates (Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of June 2011), combined with the percentage of households that use antidepressants as well as the number of people who report feeling the blues all or most of the time.

The results vary from other lists; the happiness of a city really is a difficult statistic to qualify. But here is what they came up with for the least happiest cities of the 100 they considered; 100 being the saddest city of the bunch.

91. Las Vegas, NV
The most populous city in Nevada, Las Vegas is known as a major resort city for gambling, shopping, and fine dining. The city bills itself as The Entertainment Capital of the World, and is renowned for its casino resorts and associated entertainment. A growing retirement and family city makes Las Vegas the 28th-most populated city in the United States–but according to Men's Health, the 91st state in ringing in the happy factor.

92. Reno, NV
Reno, known as The Biggest Little City in the World, is famous for its casinos. And…being the 9th saddest city in the country?

93. Miami, FL
Wikipedia notes that in 2010, Miami ranked seventh in the United States in terms of finance, commerce, culture, entertainment, fashion, education, and other sectors. It ranked thirty-third among global cities. In 2008, Forbes magazine ranked Miami "America's Cleanest City", for its year-round good air quality, vast green spaces, clean drinking water, clean streets and city-wide recycling programs. According to a 2009 UBS study of 73 world cities, Miami was ranked as the richest city in the United States, and the world's fifth-richest city in terms of purchasing power. So what gives with being 93rd in terms of happiness?

94. Birmingham, AL
From its founding, through the end of the 1960s, Birmingham was a primary industrial center of the South. The pace of Birmingham's growth during the period from 1881 through 1920 earned its nicknames The Magic City. But is the magic still there? This ranking in happiness suggests otherwise.

95. St. Louis, MO
Many cultural attractions are located in the Greater St. Louis area, such as the Gateway Arch and the Delmar Loop. The city is also known for its music and the performing arts, especially in reference to blues, jazz, and ragtime. Classical music in St. Louis is also important, as St. Louis is home to the second-oldest symphony orchestra in the United States, as well as one of the oldest classical music FM radio stations west of the Mississippi River (until it was sold in 2010).

96. Louisville, KY
Louisville has been ranked among the top 10 safest large cities by Morgan Quitno in the past four years–so, better safe that sad?

97. Tampa, FL
Something's fishy here: In 2008, Tampa was ranked as the 5th best outdoor city by Forbes–yet now it ranks at the bottom by Men's Health. What gives?

98. Memphis, TN
Many notable musicians grew up in and around Memphis, including such musical greats as Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Muddy Waters, Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash, Robert Johnson, W. C. Handy, B.B. King, Howlin' Wolf, Isaac Hayes, Booker T. Jones, Al Green, Justin Timberlake, Three 6 Mafia, The Sylvers, and many others–so why so blue?

99. Detroit, MI
Between 2000 and 2010, the city's population fell by 25 percent. Among major American cities during the decade, only New Orleans experienced a greater decrease by percentage.

100. St. Petersburg, FL
Known as a vacation destination for both American and foreign tourists, the most despondent city in America also boasts 360 days of perpetual sunshine a year. How did "The Sunshine City" also become the saddest?!

What do you think of these ratings? Do you live in one of these cities and find it sad?


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Holistic Health Practitioner Jobs - Career Explained

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 08:00 AM PST

Article by Erik Johnson

Although holistic practitioner jobs have been around for thousands of years, these alternative medicine professionals have seen a career boom in recent years. Roughly 38 percent of all American adults are currently using some type of complementary or alternative medicine, according to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Holistic health practitioner jobs are now being recognized as viable forms of patient care as people continue seeking alternatives to traditional health care and pharmaceutical medicine.The belief behind holistic practitioner jobs is that there should be a safer and more natural way to diagnose and treat various ailments, and that the whole emotional, mental, physical and spiritual aspects of a person's health must be addressed. This way of thinking has become much more popular in recent decades. There are holistic health practitioner jobs in acupressure, herbology, nutritional counseling, reflexology, traditional Chinese medicine, yoga and many other fields. Some practitioners focus more on healing the body, while others act more as counselors or teachers who guide individuals on a healthy lifestyle from the inside out.In order to be a holistic health practitioner, one must have a passion for alternative or complementary medicines. These aren't just jobs; they are part of an entire lifestyle that focuses on greater health and well being. There are schools focused on holistic health that can prepare you for such holistic practitioner jobs as acupuncturist, biofeedback therapist, energy healer, meditation leader, massage therapist, kinesiologist, yoga instructor and many others. You may work in a spa, professional office, private office, from home, or you may go to the clients' homes. There are many options in this promising field.Now is a great time to get started in one of these careers, as there has been a substantial increase in alternative medicine and holistic health practitioner jobs since 2002. There are also many indicators that the growth will ! continue through 2016, and it will probably continue after that as well. If you have a passion for holistic living and believe that total health encompasses the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual, this is an ideal career for you.Institutions offering quality Holistic Health Programs include American Institute of Holistic Theology, Clayton College of Natural Health, New York College of Health Professionals and Spa Tech Institute.

About the Author

Find the perfect Massage School or Holistic Health College today and start your path to a rewarding career. MassageSchoolsU.com offers complete information about top massage schools of USA that offers best massage degree programs in various disciplines.

How to Get Pregnant - Natural and Holistic Approach Will Help You in Getting Pregnant

www.GetPregnantGuaranteed.info Deciding to get pregnant and starting your own family is really very exciting. It requires a lot of attention, care and emotions. Giving birth of a child is a very natural process. Some women get pregnant very easily without any difficult. In today's generation there are huge quantities of that couples who are struggling to become parents for a long time. Some women try to get pregnant but not able to do so. There are many reasons behind why she cannot give birth of her own child? So, here is a product that will really help you in getting pregnant in just within 60 to 90 days. This pregnancy miracle teaches you step by step program to get pregnant fast when you are suffering from the any reason of not conceiving. http So, above you have learned how this miracle book helps you in these types of problems and makes you get pregnant in just within 2 months. This miracle book is written by Chinese medicine researchers, alternative health and nutrition specialist, health consultant, and former infertility sufferer Lisa Olson. If you go through this book and follow the step by step program, you can treat your infertility forever. This miracle book has helped around millions of infertile peoples to Get Pregnant in just within 90 days. If you are also trying to get pregnant but not able to accomplish your goal, you need to go for this natural holistic program about Get Pregnant Fast.

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Dr. Rob’s 12 Minute Meditation, December 7, 2011

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 08:00 AM PST

In the breath of life, a compliment so easy I sight
All the best in the breath and the smile
Now I see how life breathes in me
Thank you for the day, the bumps I play
Joy I say and move with you
You have provided such a great day
A great way for me to grow
For me to show and love in life
So best thy way and blessed thy day
In the breath and the smile I move with thee
Life so free and now I see
You and I are one from thee
To give and receive a compliment this
The sunshine of life, in the breath and the smile
Keep sharing and blessings in the day
Love and Namaste, Dr. Rob

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Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series kino MacGregor Miami

Check out Kino's YouTube channel to get tips on yoga postures: www.youtube.com Buy the DVD on Kino's website: kinoyoga.com DVD Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series kino MacGregor Miami Life Center. Miami Life Center (MLC) is an urban retreat space dedicated to the study of yoga, holistic health and consciousness. We offer an ideal place to share a sense of your life's purpose and meaning. Joining our community ensures your access to daily yoga classes, coaches, and healers as well as workshops with international leaders in yoga and spirituality. More holistic than a "yoga only" center, we offer you the possibility of real transformation and inspiration for your daily life. All of our Ashtanga Yoga teachers have been to India to study with the living master of this tradition, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in Mysore, India. Classes come straight from the source and are an authentic taste of the search for peace that is the heart of yoga. We, along with our prestigious staff, have been featured in Yoga Journal, Yoga Magazine, EuroMan, Travel & Leisure Magazine, Ocean Drive Magazine, as well as appearing on The CBS Today Show.

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The Deep Red of the Ru Contains Powerful Energies for Healing and Stimulation

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST

Article by Jude Smith

In the ancient cultures of Europe and India the gemstone ruby was held to be the stone of the sun, representing the life force and inner fire.

The gemstones are mined in India, Madagascar, Russia, Sri Lankar, Cambodia, Kenya and Mexico and can be polished and faceted to reveal a transparent deep red colour, or left unfaceted and opaque. In India it is called the king of precious stones and it is believed that it can help to retain abundance and wealth.

It is the birthstone of the sun sign Leo, the zodiac lion and a fire sign. Leo people are leaders, hard working and intensely loyal. Their motivation is generally affection for people, and they often have big dreams and plans to make people happy. They can also be very traditional and have a reputation for steadfastness, holding on to situations and people for a very long time before they give up. Leos have a passion for the finer things of life, so a Leo woman will appreciate a birthday gift of ruby earrings or ruby bracelets.

This stone of the heart chakra and of passion is a very powerful stone in crystal healing and should be used wisely to avoid overstimulation though the passions aroused are not generally seen as self-destructive.

As it is the stone for stimulating the heart chakra and can also act as a shield against psychic attacks wearing ruby pendants can be effective. Enlivening, rejuvenating and firing us with enthusiasm it is recommended for couples who want to reignite their passion for each other.

It can stimulate virility and if someone wants to feel sensual it is recommended that they hold the stone next to the heart for a few minutes, close the eyes and ask it to restore lost or waning passion and romantic feelings then place it on the bedside stand before bedtime for positive dreams or renewed passion.

The ruby's powers are dynamic so it can help overcome lethargy to boost confidence and courage, to realise ambitions and to increase the power of a person's argument and creativity in discussion.!

Given that red is the colour of blood, it is no surprise that the ruby can be used to stimulate the circulation in physical healing as well as the spleen and adrenal glands. Ruby can also help to treat fevers and infectious diseases.

As is the case with any jewellery rubies should be stored carefully, preferably covered, and should not be exposed to harsh chemicals. All stones that have been used for healing should be purified under running water from time to time to restore them and remove any negative energies they have absorbed.

About the Author

Wearing a ruby pendant can stimulate the heart chakra and reignite romance and passion. By Jude Smith.

Dr. Rob’s OM2, December 7, 2011

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST

Dr. Rob shares his thoughts on giving compliments and being thankful in the day.

Another relaxing day in the universe.  I was blessed to be able to hang out a bit this morning and just relax.  Receiving compliments, it builds.  Giving compliments builds.  Every day the practice nothing personal, always do your best, impeccable with your words.  The truth shall set you free every day.  It's good to share; it's good to take nothing personal.  Remember, we're all looking at the same reality and seeing a different reality.  Somehow, the bumps were placed there for the gift for us to grow, for us to move forward, for us to simply love and forgive, and hold no judgment against every day.  When we do this with pure love and creativity, amazing things happen.  Thank you god for this day, thank you for creating such an awesome and amazing day – every day, I share these words.  It's a practice.  It's the thoughts conscious and subconscious helps us calm the brain and send that calming energy to every cell of the body.  Thank you for all that you do and all that you've done in life. Enjoy this day.  Remember, nothing, nothing, and nothing personal.  Always do your best.  Take time for yourself to go and relax and enjoy every day.  My blessings.  God Bless.  Dr. Rob

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