What is the Difference Between Eastern and Christian Meditation?

What is the Difference Between Eastern and Christian Meditation?

What is the Difference Between Eastern and Christian Meditation?

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST

by ElDave

Article by Rhonda Jones

With meditation being prescribed by doctors to relieve stress and spiritual leaders touting meditation as a way of spiritual growth, more and more Christians are becoming interested in this practice but are concerned as to whether it goes against their Christian faith. However, Christian and eastern meditation is very different in both their objectives and methods.

Eastern meditation is actually more common throughout the world than Christian meditation. Eastern meditation isn't just something Buddhists do, it requires no belief in any sort of god, it does not require that you follow any specific belief system. Eastern meditation is much more of a personal experience than it is a religious experience.

Eastern meditation is often used as a path to spiritual enlightenment, but doesn't necessarily prescribe to any particular affiliation. Regardless of your religious or non-religious tradition, individuals can attain the same personal benefits from meditation while embracing their own paths of spirituality.

The method of meditation is where the two forms differ most. In Eastern meditation, one empties the mind. You empty your mind, you think nothing, essentially, and allow yourself to simply be, to just exist. Western culture is very goal oriented, and this is reflected in everything from meditation to religion to art. Look at Asian films, paintings, music and comic books, and there's more focus on "being" rather than "doing".

This can be helpful for anyone of Eastern or Western descent alike, as it allows you to take a moment to simply appreciate life for what it is, to appreciate simply being, the gift of having been born or just being a child of God. For a Christian, this can even help one become closer to God by just taking in the gifts God has laid out for us, not trying to figure it out or understand it, but just to appreciate it and experience it, to allow the experience to flow through you rather than to be analyzed and studied and contemplated.

Christian meditat! ion is m ore goal-oriented. It has to do with, specifically, finding a closer understanding of God and a closer understanding of self. It's much more structured in terms of method.

A major component of Christian meditation is to reflect on the love, peace, provision, and goodness as well as the Word of God. This is also not a component of Eastern meditation.

For a Christian, meditating on God can be rewarding and life changing. Meditation can be contemplative (meditating on scripture, attributes of God, or a sacred word), for relaxation (to let go of stress and anxiety), or the practice of just abiding, waiting, and soaking in God's presence.

Although different in both nature and practice, they have something integral in common. For the Christian, meditation helps you to find a deeper appreciation of the waking life, of yourself and can draw you closer to the Lord. By learning to meditate on God and quiet your mind, you give the Lord greater opportunity to speak to and guide you by his still small voice. Christians don't empty their mind in meditation, but give their attention to the love, peace, and wisdom of God. Complete understanding of God is inherently impossible, but these methods of meditation can bring you ever closer to Him and to a better understanding of oneself. Meditation allows us to worship God in Spirit and in truth.

About the Author

Is your life out of balance? Do you need a Biblical makeover? Feeling disconnected from God? Learn about the Detox Your Life Now & Awaken Your Inner Spirit Program at http://www.detoxyourlifenow.com.

Rhonda Jones is the author of 22 Christian meditation & affirmation CDs, visit http://www.thechristianmeditator.com to find CDs and MP3s on stress-relief, healing, healthy living, peace,& more.

Soft Music to Relax "Morning Light" Relax, Rewind, and Recharge with Soft, Calming Piano Music

♫Available on iTunes and Amazon MP3! "Morning Light" from "Ivory Dreams the Album" by Sean Beeson- Meditate and relax with the soft, soothing piano music of Ivory Dreams. Whether you practice yoga, are ready to sleep, welcoming a new day, or studying for an exam, Ivory Dreams will take you to that calm, restful, relaxing place where you forget your worries! Soothing

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Toronto Yoga Studios

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST

Article by Yoga Advisor

The popularity of yoga is increasing at a fast rate in Toronto because people in this fast-paced city are realizing the importance and benefits of yoga in the middle of rat race. Toronto Yoga centers are helpful in harmonizing the body with the mind.

Toronto is Canada's largest city and Ontario's provincial capital. It has a population of more than 2.5 million people and is among the top five populous North American cities. Being the economic capital of Canada, Toronto is a top financial center and people from far and near come to this city in search of a career-boost and financial gain. It is one of the top economically advanced cities in the world. In such a busy state where each one is engaged in the rat race to perform better than others, the popularity of yoga is increasing at a fast rate. A Toronto yoga studio is indeed an upcoming concept which is being discussed a lot.

Yoga is an oriental concept that has its origin in the culturally rich land of India. It especially finds application in relation to meditation. The benefits have been recognized and thus, the idea has been imported with much zeal and enthusiasm. Among other places in Canada, Toronto is the seat where many a Toronto yoga center has been built up. The reason is simple; people who are aspiring to be financially well-off are often ending up losing mental peace. Such a thing is common in economically advanced cities like Toronto. Moreover, the addiction problem is rampant in the city and the yoga studios are imparting a lot of help to people by means of the therapeutic aspects of yoga.

There are many Toronto yoga centers; Ashtanga Yoga Center, Bhavna Yoga, Bikram Yoga Beaches, Center of Wellbeing, and Breathe Yoga Studio are among the many others that operate in the city. It is easy to find out the names and details of these centers. All you would need is a computer with Internet connection and some patience out of your busy schedule to do the research. Type 'Toronto yoga studios/centers/classes' in your pre! ferred s earch engine; results thus yielded would show you the names of various institutes that offer yoga classes. Check the details and contact them individually to find how well-suited they are for you.

Toronto yoga studio are many and therefore, you must make sure that you go for the one that suits you the best. Look into the course structure, frequency and the environment of the center before you choose one. Toronto yoga centers are known to benefit people immensely by harmonizing the body with the mind and thereby, offering solace and peace of mind. It also tones the body, keeps the body fit and brings about complete detoxification.

About the Author

Prashanta Yoga is one of torontos only yogo studios that offers private yogo in toronto

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Learn to Relax with Guided Meditations

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 05:00 AM PST

Article by Thord Hall

The art of meditation is often thought of by some people as a religious practice because of its spiritual aspects. Meditation and guided meditations are simply an ability to control in a natural way your state of mind and body that results in an complete sense of well being that actually enables you to feel healthier and more relaxed. With a little effort and practice, it is an art that is quite easily taught and can be done by anyone.

What Can Guided Meditation Do For Me?

Learning to meditate is very beneficial to the mind and body, both spiritually and physically.. It is pure relaxation, of consciously and voluntarily being able to relax your mind, your spirit and your body. Meditation and guided meditations are implemented everywhere because of the spiritual and physical gains associated with but not limited to controlling stress, improving concentration, curing disease and developing one's relaxation response.

You Can Meditate Anywhere.

One advantage of meditation is that you do not need any equipment or much room to do it. All you need is enough space for you. The main objective in meditation or guided meditations is to completely relax. So, the first thing that you need to do is find a spot where you can get into a comfortable position. Find a location with no distractions, and avoid lying down and becoming too comfortable, you might fall asleep. A comfortable seated position is probably best.

Once you are comfortable take inventory of your body. Start focusing on different body parts. Starting at your head work your way down, paying particular attention to your problem areas. Take the time to feel the areas affected by tension, breathe fully and slowly and let your body relax. This first session should take between 3 and 10 minutes. That is all there is to taking your first steps in meditation. Like all things "practice makes perfect". So, if you are serious about guided meditations, it is really in your best interest to seek advice and instruction from a reli! able sou rce.

Guided Meditations Will Produce Better Results

As the name suggests, guided meditations are simply meditation sessions with instructions. These instructions may be in form of online courses, books, videos, audio files or tapes, or a personal instructor. No matter which method you decide upon, you will see greater results in a shorter period of time with guided meditations.

It would be great to have a personal mentor that was an expert in the art of meditation to teach us, but that would be very costly. Another option to learn meditation is to go online and download what we need. If you have never searched the internet for guided meditations or instruction, you might be somewhat overwhelmed by the amount of material out there, and how many different ways there are to get it. The best way to review meditation methods is to visit a guided meditation review site and compare the popular programs

Online video and/or audio tutorials and guides are the way to go. Think about it, there are quite a few guided meditation programs online that you can use right at home, you will see results quickly, and it doesn't cost very much. Take a minute and visit Guided Meditations. It is a very good review site with information that will help you find the right program.

About the Author

My main objective in writing, is to cover topics of personal interests and to share any knowledge that may be helpful.

Relaxing Music Therapy - Relaxing Under Water (Piano Music)

Google+ plus.google.com Facebook www.facebook.com Relaxing Music Therapy For Stress Relief Relaxing music therapy is a very potent phenomenon. Sounds can soothe you, fire your imagination, bring you to the heights of ecstasy or bring you down to the depths of your soul. Music is known to relax and to help in stress relief. In the right manner, music can bring lightness into a serious situation. Relaxing music therapy can heal, soothe and bring calm tot an agitated mind. Defining "relaxing music" seems a matter of personal choice. Some people find the serene sounds of the waterfall and chirping birds relaxing while others relax with their favorite hard rock. How Does It Work? The therapeutic effect of relaxing sounds seems to have a scientific definition of its own. When the human brain is relaxed it produces more alpha brain waves. When a person is stressed out, his brain produces more beta and theta waves. Beta and theta waves are faster changing brain waves than alpha waves. Within the fight-or-flee logic of a sudden stressful situation, the human brain processes seem to speed up to act faster. This can be helpful in short, specific moments, but it is counter productive when it becomes a chronically state of being. A relaxing tune can help with its sounds typically rich in frequencies that are similar to our alpha type brain waves. The mind is always open to suggestions and thus when a person is agitated or tensed, relaxing sounds, rich in alpha like frequencies, can ...

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Ashtanga Yoga

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 04:00 AM PST

Article by yoga meditate

Ashtanga Yoga is a method of yoga that allegedly has its historic routes in an ancient manuscript. This script is known as the Yoga Korunta, which was created by the Sage Vamana Rishi. Its current form was developed by Sri K. Pattabhi.

Yoga is intimately connected to the religious beliefs and practices of the Indian religions.[52] The influence of Yoga is also visible in Buddhism, which is distinguished by its austerities, spiritual exercises, and trance states.[53][54]

[edit] Yogacara BuddhismYogacara (Sanskrit: "Practice of Yoga [Union]"[55] ), also spelled yogāchāra, is a school of philosophy and psychology that developed in India during the 4th to 5th centuries.

Yogacara received the name as it provided a yoga, a framework for engaging in the practices that lead to the path of the bodhisattva.[56] The Yogacara sect teaches yoga in order to reach enlightenment.[57]

[edit] Ch`an (Zen) BuddhismZen (the name of which derives from the Sanskrit "dhyana" via the Chinese "ch'an"[58]) is a form of Mahayana Buddhism. The Mahayana school of Buddhism is noted for its proximity with Yoga.[54] In the west, Zen is often set alongside Yoga; the two schools of meditation display obvious family resemblances.[59] This phenomenon merits special attention since the Zen Buddhist school of meditation has some of its roots in yogic practices.[60] Certain essential elements of Yoga are important both for Buddhism in general and for Zen in particular.[3]

[edit] Tibetan BuddhismYoga is central to Tibetan Buddhism. In the Nyingma tradition, practitioners progress to increasingly profound levels of yoga, starting with Mahā yoga, continuing to Anu yoga and ultimately undertaking the highest practice, Ati yoga. In the Sarma traditions, the Anuttara yoga class is equivalent. Other tantra yoga practices include a system of 108 bodily postures practiced with breath and heart rhythm. Timing in movement exercises is known as Trul khor or union of moon and sun (channel) prajna energies. The body ! postures of Tibetan ancient yogis are depicted on the walls of the Dalai Lama's summer temple of Lukhang. A semi-popular account of Tibetan Yoga by Chang (1993) refers to Dumo, the generation of heat in one's own body, as being "the very foundation of the whole of Tibetan Yoga" (Chang, 1993, p7). Chang also claims that Tibetan Yoga involves reconciliation of apparent polarities, such as prana and mind, relating this to theoretical implications of tantrism.

About the Author

Meditation, relaxation and spiritual exploration...http://www.meditationinformation.info/hatha/types-of-yoga/ashtanga-yoga.html

Shilpa Yoga - Naukasana

In The Base Position On Your Stomach Slide Your Hands Under Your Thighs Palms Up. Inhale Slowly And Then Raise The Right Leg Off The Floor As High As Possible. Try And Keep The Leg Straight Without Bending The Knee Or Transferring Weight Onto The Other Leg Or By Lifting The Pelvic Region Off The Ground. Hold The Posture For As Long As You Can Hold The Inhaled Breath And Then Slowly Return The Leg To The Floor While Exhaling. Ardh Shalabhasana Helps In Developing The Quadriceps And Adds Tone To The Abdominal Muscles. It Stimulates The Stomach The Lower Back And The Intestines- Helping Strengthen The Bladder And Stretching The Spine.Remove Your Hands From Under Your Thighs And Place The Arms Alongside Your Body. Turn Your Head To The Side And Rest www.shemaroo.com

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Laughter Yoga-A Gym of Soul

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 03:00 AM PST

Article by Laughter Yoga, Laughteryoga, Laughter Yoga New York, Laughing Yoga, Laughteryoga NYC, Laughteryoga New York, Laughter yoga NYC

Yoga, once practiced only in India and other eastern nations, is rapidly becoming popular in the United States. Of course, there are a number of detractors who refuse to believe in its curative powers, but they are far outnumbered by millions of others who have benefited from the practice of yoga and have made it the center of their physical and spiritual well being. There are a number of Yoga centers offering coaching in different yoga forms. Most of them offer classes for general health and well being of their patrons and there are some that offer classes to treat particular health issues. There are different yoga forms like Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Power Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, and several others. But all yoga forms without exception improve the general heath of the practitioner.

Yogic forms lubricate the joints and tendons and ligaments and increase the flexibility of the body. Yoga is perhaps the only exercise technique that massages the body's internal organs including those that hardly ever get any stimulation. This stimulation spurs the body's immune system and strengthens it against diseases. One of the benefits of yoga is that it endows the practitioner with an uncanny sense of awareness that warns him/her against an impending health disorder. Yoga, by completely detoxifying the body, delays aging, increases energy, and bequeaths the person with a remarkable zest for life.

One of the easiest and most effective forms of yoga is Hasya yoga or laughter yoga. It's said that laughter is the best medicine and is considered to be nature's way of realizing pent up energy. A hearty laughter releases in the body a cocktail of hormones and chemicals. These hormones reduce negative emotions of stress and tension, lower high blood pressure, and boost the immune system. Laughter is the gentlest form of exercise. But when you practice laughter Yoga you will find every inch of your body vibrating with your laughter. One of the immediate benefits of laughter yoga is a clear breathing, which i! s especi ally beneficial for those suffering from asthma and other respiratory complications.

In Yogalaff (www.yogalaff.com), you will be taught laughteryoga by Dr Kataria. Dr. Kataria has helped countless people all over the world gain immensely from laughter yoga. Anyone can practice this yogic form irrespective of age and medical condition. But it's always best to practice it in a laughter class with other people. When practiced in a group, laughter becomes infectious and the exercise almost always leads to real laughter. Please visit http://www.yogalaff.com for any information regarding laughter yoga, laughter therapy.

About the Author

Vishwa Prakash is a well known writer who writes on the topics related with Laughter Yoga, Stress Management & Laughter Club New York for the site http://www.yogalaff.com.


In The Base Position On Your Stomach Slide Your Hands Under Your Thighs Palms Up. Inhale Slowly And Then Raise The Right Leg Off The Floor As High As Possible. Try And Keep The Leg Straight Without Bending The Knee Or Transferring Weight Onto The Other Leg Or By Lifting The Pelvic Region Off The Ground. Hold The Posture For As Long As You Can Hold The Inhaled Breath And Then Slowly Return The Leg To The Floor While Exhaling. Ardh Shalabhasana Helps In Developing The Quadriceps And Adds Tone To The Abdominal Muscles. It Stimulates The Stomach The Lower Back And The Intestines- Helping Strengthen The Bladder And Stretching The Spine.Remove Your Hands From Under Your Thighs And Place The Arms Alongside Your Body. Turn Your Head To The Side And Rest www.shemaroo.com

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Concentrate on Yoga Practice, while Organic Yoga Apparel concentrates on healthy living

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 03:00 AM PST

Article by Live Breathe Yoga

Going On Meditation Retreats As Your Holiday Option Is an Even Better Idea

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 02:00 AM PST

Article by Lily Candice

We often get breaks from our daily practices, from our work of all kinds, and having been busy for a long period of time, sometimes exceeding ten months, we believe we deserve a vacation. Most of us will probably make the decision to go on a holiday retreat, sometimes planned several months in advance. The benefits we expect to derive from these holidays are usually peace, quiet and enjoyment; and these are largely achieved, albeit with no lasting effects. No sooner do you return to your base that the harsh reality of living resurfaces. Meditation retreats may not be an exotic holiday option, but you are ensured of a peaceful period of introspection, a quiet and peaceful environment in which to recharge, and lasting skills and knowledge which will make the rest of your life to be lived in peace, love and happiness, no matter the surroundings, situation or circumstances.Meditation retreats are organized by experienced and established meditation teachers who are deep into the art and practice of meditation. Such a meditation center where relevant meditation retreats are held several times a year is the Z Meditation center, based in the peaceful and picturesque town of Dharamsala in the Himalayas of India. At these meditation retreats, the systematic approach with which meditation is taught to its students is known as Deep Deconditioning Inquiry as well as Radiant Mantras, methods which have proven their efficacy with testimonies from a large number of those who have participated at these meditation retreats.Taking a holiday is a very good idea. Going on meditation retreats as your holiday option is an even better idea, however, a certain level of seriousness, not required for a camping or skiing holiday, is needed for meditation retreats. The meditation teachers demand a minimum standard of commitment to the course and a discipline with which to follow through on the program. The skills which will be imparted onto you at meditation retreats are expected to be skills which you will continue to devel! op on an d refine for your entire living days, skills which enable you to deal with the certain issues and vicissitudes of life with equanimity, and as a joyful process of problem solving. As such, while meditation retreats are non discriminatory, meditation retreats are not ideal for those who are not ready to literally take the bull by the horns and free themselves from decades of acting on wrong beliefs and other conditionings – the main thrust of the Deep Deconditioning Inquiry system.The benefits of learning meditation at meditation retreats also include a freedom from the typical ailments that recur with most people, and even from some more serious maladies. This is because when your mind is free from turmoil, the healthiness is projected to every part of your body, and even your soul, so that you are in a state of total holistic health.Meditation retreats are much more affordable than almost any other kind of vacation retreat, and the anticipated problems of unfamiliarity with the geography is solved with organizers usually providing airport pick ups and drop offs for their students. Most of your comfort needs are also well taken care of at meditation retreats, so you will need to pack very minimal luggage.

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation in India at Z Meditation in India

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You Do Yoga September 2011 Newsletter

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 01:00 AM PST

Article by Matt Eshleman, ERYT500, You Do Yoga LLC RYS200

Hello Yogis, and happy September! It seems like we always start our newsletter this way, but really - there is such amazing stuff going on with You Do Yoga!! It's easy to get carried away with so much happening, so we'll hit the highlights here and then refer you to the website for the details.

You Do Yoga Anderson Township hit the ground running on August 1st, and we can't thank everyone enough for helping put it all together. We were surprised to see our new space filling up so fast with so many great people. If you haven't yet had the chance, swing by our new studio at 7218 Beechmont Avenue 45230 and see what You Do Yoga is doing on the Eastside of Cincinnati! Our September schedule has a few small changes, so double-check the website and then head on over for a class!

A bit more on our rapidly evolving Anderson Township location:

The first of many Family Yoga events will take place at our Anderson Township studio on September 17th at 7pm, opening with an all-ages (kids and adults too!) yoga practice followed by a child-friendly movie. Feel free to bring beverages and snacks for the movie, and be prepared for fun! Donations will be gratefully accepted but this event is open to all! And as long as we are on the subject of families, we want to get the word out early for this special offering: starting October 2nd we will begin an 8 week session of Pre-Natal Yoga, taking place every Sunday at 10AM in Anderson Township. More information will be available online.

We are going to be hosting the Seiki Aikido group at our Anderson Township Studio twice a week. Seiki Aikido offers a unique approach to realistic martial arts training. Participation is by instructor approval only, but we invite you to come observe a class.

Our newest and most popular class offering, an uplifting combination of Yin Yoga and review of essential yogic scriptures we call "Yoga and Philosophy" (weekly, Mondays at 7pm) will now be complemented by a monthly workshop focusing on the philosophical t! exts of Eastern mystical traditions. On the first Saturday of every month starting Oct 1st, we will gather to review and discuss the themes of the previous month. Availability will be limited, Drop-ins may find space but online Pre-registration is encouraged: http://www.YouDoYoga.com

Yoga Nidra will now be offered once a month at each You Do Yoga location. This month, sessions will be on September 10th at 3:30pm in Anderson, and September 18th at 6pm Downtown. See the website for more information: http://www.youdoyoga.com/Events_Workshops.html

So Speaking of Downtown... some folks have asked us if we are "moving" or "relocating" You Do Yoga, and the answer is NO WAY! - we are "growing" and "expanding"! We love our downtown community and we plan to keep the You Do Yoga home base right in the Heart of Over-the-Rhine at 1319 Main Street Cincinnati Ohio 45202. So you can continue to expect the same fabulous classes and inspiring teachers, but now in two places. As an added bonus, anyone purchasing an unlimited class pass will have full access to all regular classes at both studios!

A couple of changes to mention about the You Do Yoga Downtown Studio Schedule: Starting in September, our Donation-based Community Yoga class moves forward 15 minutes to 8:45AM. This will allow Liz a full 90 minutes to wring you out and get you ready for the weekend! We are glad to open our studio for donation-based classes that make yoga even more accessible to our beautiful community. In fact, our "Meditation by Donation" is now going to be offered twice weekly, at Noon on both Sundays and Wednesdays. This is an open meditation practice that will include some light stretching and guidance in basic breathing and meditation techniques, along with time and space for personal practice. All levels of experience are welcome, the intention is to encourage the practice of meditation for the benefit of all! For more information about how Donation-Based classes work, please visit the website.

Final Fridays are now even mor! e fun! S ome of you may have been following the developing combination of Acrobatics, Yoga, and Thai Massage that has been creeping into the limelight at You Do Yoga's more casual events. By popular demand, donation-based open Acro-Jams will now take place every Final Friday 7:30-9:30pm at our Downtown Studio, following our "Don't Worry, Be Happy-Hour", 5:30-7pm Laughter Yoga with Hasya Yogi phenomenon Patrick Welage.

You Do Yoga is a Registered Yoga School. Our next Yin Yoga and Taoist Yoga Teacher Training Starts in January 2012. For more information visit http://www.youdoyoga.com/Teacher_Training.html

One last new addition to mention: In addition to our renowned Thai Yoga Massage and Reiki services, we are now offering Therapeutic and Medical massage sessions with a Licensed Massage Therapist, by appointment. Call to book a session with our LMT by dialing 513-258-2002.

That's enough for now... but look for more to come, and remember: Find us on Facebook (You Do Yoga), follow us on Twitter @YouDoYoga or to keep your fingers on the pulse of Yoga in Cincinnati Ohio visit our website at http://www.YouDoYoga.com


About the Author

Matt Eshleman, B.A., ERYT500, has many years of experience teaching yoga and meditation. Matt earned his 500 hour certification through his studies of Anatomy, Taoist Yoga and Meditation. Matt is a trained Thai Yoga Massage therapist, Reiki practitioner, a student of Martial Arts, and is an adjunct professor at Cincinnati State. He is the founder of You Do Yoga LLC, and is the director of teacher training. http://www.YouDoYoga.com

Thai Yoga Intro to Abdominal Part 1

Aachan James guides SomaVeda Thai Yoga Practitioner students into a deeper understanding of the world of the abdomen and it's importance in health. Abdominal or belly massage technique has always been part of Thai Yoga and Thai Massage. Topics include: Abdominal assessment, Navel Ba Gua, True nature of the umbilicus and navel, what is the belly or Hara, what this area means to the body, mind and spirit, origin of the Matrix Body, origin of all Chakra, Meridians, Sen Lines, Tangible physical body, organs, role of fascia, assessment of the navel and the abdomin, original Yin/ Yang symbol.

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Using Yoga Supplies to Stay Fit

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:00 AM PST

Article by Yoga Direct

If you have chosen to use yoga as your primary way to get fit, then you will have some decisions to make. Many people wonder if yoga can help you get fit and stay fit or if they will need other types of exercise as well, or if there is a special type of yoga or equipment that is needed to get the results that they want. If you are wondering if yoga can be your entire exercise regimen or if you need to do other stuff as well to get fit, you only need talk to a yoga instructor to get the answers you need.

You can certainly use yoga to get fit and to lose weight, but you may want to spend some time deciding just how to do this as well as what yoga supplies you need to do so. Many of the yoga poses require little more than instruction and a yoga mat but if you have something special you want to accomplish you may want to add to the instruction you get as well as the supplies you might use to do so.

A yoga mat will always be the most important thing you need for any yoga practice. Getting fit with your yoga means being able to building muscles and promote flexibility something that is done by have the stability to hold poses when you go through your routine. A good mat allows you to maintain certain poses and get the most benefits from them.

You want to choose a mat that offers you enough area for your body frame size, if you are small any size mat will likely do, but if you are tall or large framed you will want to buy a larger mat. You also want to make sure that your mat is plenty thick enough this can help the joints in your body as well as give you a better grip. The thickness may also depend of the type of floor that you will be practicing on, if you are on a hard floor opt for a thicker mat. Surface is also important; it should be sticky enough to stick to the floor surface and should afford you a good grip with feet and hands. A poor grip can result in you not have the stability you need for an effective pose.

A yoga ball can also be a great way to stay fit and build st! rength a nd balance. You can use a yoga ball to do certain poses and work certain muscles more effectively giving you a more well-rounded work out. Many of the poses in yoga that use a yoga ball target strength and balance as their goal, and will help you to get fit and lose weight.

For beginners using props such as yoga blocks can assure that you get the full benefit of your yoga practice, this will help you in your goals to get fit and will ensure that you are getting the maximum workout each time. Yoga blocks are good to extend your ability to achieve certain poses, many of which might not be achievable otherwise for those that are just starting out. Yoga blocks are also used for those that are naturally not as flexible and also may be used to enhance or deepen a particular pose.

If you specifically want to use yoga to get fit and exercise you may want to consider getting a book or video about doing so, these resources can help you target your practice specifically around these goals and ensure that you are able to meet them. These resources may have their own specific yoga supplies that they will want you to get, so wait until you have had a chance to review them before you go out and buy everything you think you need.

All you need to do is to look at yoga instructors to see that yoga can be an ideal way to take care of all of your fitness needs, it offers a variety of benefits that are not just good for your body but can also help you sleep better, be more relaxed and less stressed all of which have a significant impact on your overall health. At Yoga Direct we offer everything you will need to start your yoga practice and to help you achieve your fitness and health goals. We offer yoga supplies of all kinds and all the books and DVDs you will need to get yourself started.

About the Author

High Quality Yoga Mats, Yoga Blocks, and Pilates Props at Discounts and Wholesale Prices.


Do you like RUNNING or JOGGING? Here 'sa YOGA sequence that will help you. This is "yoga for runners"

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Meditation is a Teachable and Learnable Skill in India

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST

Article by Lily Candice

Meditation may simply be described as a metaphor for freedom. The freedom we are talking about is not a physical freedom from constraints, but rather an unshackling of the mind from wrong and harmful habit patterns developed in the mind from society, passed down through generations, and from television and other social media. If we look at it objectively, the only real possession we have as human beings is our mind! Yes, we may work hard and consistently to acquire homes, cars, factories and other property. But all these are perishable items which may be lost in an hour by unfortunate circumstances. However, as long as you are alive, you will have your mind. Meditation is a means through which any and every human being can learn to make use of his or her mind in a positive manner, and to develop the skills to keep her mental formations in a state which will ensure peace, love and happiness, no matter the circumstances in which one finds himself.Meditation is a teachable and learnable skill, and there are several meditation centers which are set up primarily for the purpose of teaching willing individuals the skills involved in the practice of meditation. One of the more prominent of these is the Z Meditation Center, located in Dharamsala, a small town in the Himalayas of India. As the practice of meditation is supposed to help us create serenity within, the Z Meditation Center is located in one of the most serene areas of India, within peaceful and comfortable accommodations, surrounded by a breathtaking landscape. These surroundings allow those who attend Z Meditation's meditation retreats and spiritual retreats to concentrate on the learning process with the result that they can almost carry that environment away with them within when they eventually have to leave.Life can be very tough and requires a certain calmness of the mind to be able to handle the issues that crop up for us all on a daily basis. The role meditation plays is to encourage us to let go of our preconditioned ways of thinki! ng and a pproaching problems, by detaching from an endless chase mode and making acceptance a way of life. This acceptance that meditation teaches is not a "lie down and let everything and everybody roll over you", but accepting what you can do, what you cannot do, doing what you can, and not being overly concerned about the outcome. When this approach is followed, it allows a freedom that opens the options available easily and clearly to you so that in doing, the likelihood of a positive outcome is greater than when half of the problem solving time is spent worrying!Meditation was developed from religious practices, such as the Buddhist religion. And most religions do have their own forms of meditation. However, the teaching at Z Meditation Center, as well as several other meditation centers, is devoid of any religious connotation whatsoever.The cost of learning meditation is inconsequential in relation to the enormous benefits of the knowledge and skills you will obtain. Online meditation courses are available from Z Meditation at a cost well below a decent pair of designer shoes!

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation in India at Z Meditation in India

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gwinnett yoga center - bikram yoga - tantric yoga positions - yoga clothing - tantric yoga exercises

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 10:00 PM PST

Article by Yoga Master

With all the mentions Hatha Yoga is, one could believe that the new pupils could know the advantages of this practice. In fact, certain studies indicate that the majority of the adults n' ever a course of yoga attended, in their life. However, the majority of the teachers should have drawn up a card for the new students, who arrive, and do not know with what s' to wait in the various courses offered. Usually, the new students n' have any idea on the differences, the characteristics and the welfare benefits, which can be acquired while attending courses of yoga. They perhaps heard of yoga d' a friend, a colleague, family member, their family practitioner, or qu' they May heard something on l' topicality. For simply: "Yoga is good for the flexibility, the force and health cardiovasculaire." -- Is pleasant, but it seems that the promises the public skeptic often intends to speak later exercise mode or l' ultimate food complement. You must find details, facts, in connection with research and yoga, then to let the public know the advantages for the health of your classes. Add to that does it, it exists many alternatives of Hatha yoga, who is most frequent of style in l' west. For example: Hot yoga and president of Hatha yoga are at the same time under-styles, but they are very different. C' is why certain students are afraid d' to attend a " beginners Gentle course of yoga." They saw the covers of magazines, with the last version of yoga " mission impossible". Consequently, future pupils themselves l' image being physically tortured.

After all, much d' between we heard that medicine has bad taste d' to be good, and the doctors start to refer their patients with our classes, in l' hope qu' they to adopt an pro-active approach on health. Majority of the doctors freely to admit qu' they n' do not need more than patients in their rooms d' makes an attempt. In its turn, a larger population of people, living a healthy lifestyle, part of the stock out of our health-care system of health. Jusqu' now, we! address ed only physical health, but yoga since many mental and emotional advantages, thus. It is a well-known fact that the elevated levels of stress can cause a variety of diseases, and some d' between them are mortals. C' is there that yoga shines above any other system of maintenance of health, with regard to the methods of management of the stress. No other system of maintenance of health devoted so much things to techniques of breathing, meditation, relieving and sequences.

The classes can be as sure as necessary and conceived for the needs for any student. Yoga can help safety dependent wheel chair students, with a variety of central nervous system disorders, but it can also be adjusted to dispute any elite or professional athlete. It does not miss fields where yoga can help the world population, because c' is an evolutionary system. These days, you see yoga on the ball, in a swimming pool, on a beach, or with pre-school. Is this to take anything far from the traditional way of yoga? Absolutely not - l' old yogis left us a tree with branches. If a tree is in good health, it should increase much more new branches.

dahn yoga

yoga mantras

free yoga exercises

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Shilpa Yoga - Padahastasana

From The Base Position On The Ground Breathe In Deeply Raise Both Legs Up Trying To Bring Them Up As High As Possible. Now Raise Both Arms Keeping Them Straight Attempting To Reach Towards Your Toes. Attempt To Bring Your Body As Close To A 45-Degree Angle As Possible Without Bending Your Knees Or Your Elbows. Breathe Normally. Hold. Gently Exhale As You Release. Take Particular Care That You Avoid Any Jerky Movements While Executing This Asana.Naukasana Is One Of The Asanas Thats Excellent Fighting The Fat Around Your Waist. Its Great For Reducing Weight. Its Very Good For The Stomach As Well As Strengthening The Back And The Leg Muscles. It Also Helps In Regulating The Kidneys. Its Very Helpful In Cases Involving Diabetes And Dyspepsia. And It Improves Concentration Because Of The Focus Required To Balance Oneself.www.shemaroo.com

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Yoga Does Help In Child Birth Preparations

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 09:00 PM PST

Article by Cullen Nedrich

Shilpa Yoga - Parvatasana

Sitting In Padmasana- The Lotus Pose Or In A Simple Cross Legged Posture Or In Vajrasana Lock Your Fingers Together Behind Your Back So That They Form A Single Unit. Slowly Bend Forward Starting From The Waist Then The Back And Finally The Neck Until Your Forehead Touches The Ground. Hold. And Then Slowly Sit Up Again.This Is An Excellent Workout For The Abdominal Muscles. And Aids In Increased Overall Flexibility. www.shemaroo.com

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Yoga is the key to quick weight loss

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 08:00 PM PST

Article by Nicolas Bell

Shilpa Yoga - Prishthasana

The Point Of This Pranayama Is To Hum Like A Bee Setting Up A Deep Vibration In Your Skull. Cover Your Eyes And Block Your Ears. This Will Give You A Far Stronger Sense Of The Vibrations. The Hum Is Achieved By Chanting Om- Without Vocalizing The Oh. This Helps Calm And Focus The Mind. But Because It Also Vibrates The Throat Strongly It Has A Profound Impact On The Thyroid Gland Increasing Metabolism Balancing Hormonal Secretion And Helping Serotonin Release.Pranayama Exercises Help Prepare For Meditation. They Improve Concentration Reduce Stress Exercise The Heart And The Lungs And Tone The Nervous System. But Always Remember That Their True Potential Is Realised When The Body Has Been Through The Asanas First. www.shemaroo.com

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Meditation Has Most of Its Roots in Religious Practices

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 07:00 PM PST

Article by Lily Candice

An increasing number of people are adopting the practice of meditation to help them with health issues, both physical and mental, with professional advice coming from medical practitioners as to the benefits of practicing meditation. Apart from total holistic health benefits, the practice of meditation also allows the individual to exist in a state of peace, love and happiness, a state of being which also a responsible factor in the achievement of the total well being of the mind and body. When you are feeling great, it will be much easier for you to deal with the very many difficulties which we all face in life on a daily basis. This calm and positive mind set is achi evable through the dedicated practice of meditation. Meditation has most of its roots in religious practices from the beginning of organized social communities. Basically all forms of religious practice have their own form of meditation which has been refinedand developed over the years. However, there exist several meditation centers where the practice of meditation taught there has no religious leanings whatsoever, one of such being the Z Meditation center based in Dharamsala, within the serene Himalayas of India.There are varied approaches to the art and practice of meditation especially in India where many of the influences are from the ancient Buddhist religious practice. Z Meditation has however developed its own approach towards the art of meditation which their meditation center is named after. Z Meditation teaches the use of Deep Deconditioning Inquiry and Radiant Mantras to help its students to detach their minds from wrong and false conditionings and beliefs. These wrong beliefs and conditioning of the mind are at the root cause of most of human suffering as we will always be in an expectant state, which puts us in a constant chase mode when we are so conditioned. When a sincere seeker has been able to decondition her mind and is living in the moment, aware of her self and not expectant or desirous of outcome from any si! tuation or relationship, she is better equipped to cope with the exigencies of life as they present themselves, as they surely will.The requirements needed to practice meditation are very simply a sincere conviction to free oneself, and the dedication to follow through on the practice as a daily routine part of ones life. Meditation is falsely believed by some to be a ritualistic chanting of mantras while sitting with contortions of the body and limbs. The chanting of mantras is not in itself bad, being a strong tool for stilling the mind. However, this is needed only for preparatory purposes, to still the mind. The major part of meditation, as propounded by Z Meditation, is the Deep Inquiry which brings to the surface all your hidden and subconscious beliefs which shape the way you act and react. Z Meditation will help you to get rid of these hidden conditionings, enabling you to begin rising in awareness and consciousness till one is fully self established as a unique individual in one accord with his maker.

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation in India at Z Meditation in India

Guided or Unguided Meditation - What the Power of Meditation Can Do For You

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 06:00 PM PST

Article by Anthony McBride

Almost everyone has at one time, another asked himself, or herself how they can improve their life. Self-help seminars, books, tapes and resources are some of the biggest sellers in their respective markets. People are constantly looking into how to improve productivity, reduce stress and better their lives. Meditation is just one of the ways that you can accomplish a variety of different benefits. When learning meditation there are two types to consider, each of these have their benefits and it is important to decide what you are interested in achieving before you choose. Guided meditation and unguided meditation can be used no matter what you are looking to accomplish and for many people both types of meditations are used regularly. Guided meditation does not necessarily mean that you get a book or a CD and follow a voice or instructions that tell you what to do. While this is one meaning, it is not the only one. Guided meditation can also mean any meditation, which is designed or set to assist in a particular task. For example, if you are looking to find the answer to a particular question and you focus your meditation on discovering the answer then you are working a guided meditation. If you are simply sitting and gaining the benefits such as relaxation and focus that come from meditation but you are not looking for a specific purpose to your meditation then you are using an unguided meditation. Generally, guided meditations often use a set pattern or procedure. They also generally take a specified amount of time. Unguided meditation has no specified procedure or period you can take as little or as long as you like and follow any procedure, you want or that works for you. Some people just take a seat, close their eyes and breathe their way into the meditative state. Others put on music and light candles before taking a seat or lying down. The method you use for your meditation depends greatly on what makes you the most comfortable. It is important that when you are doing meditation you are f! amiliar and comfortable with the process you are using. Meditation ideally should be something that becomes second nature. If the process you use is awkward or difficult to learn, it can be hard for the process to become second nature. Meditation can provide you with a wealth of benefits from improved health to stress reduction. It can help you discover things about yourself and even help you to find answers to problems and questions in your life. Choosing whether to use guided or unguided meditation should be considered with care. While you can use each type with equal effectiveness for some things there are other things which one or the other is going to be the more effective choice. Choosing the right type of meditation can provide you with the completion of your meditation goal faster and with greater ease.

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If you need more information go to http://selfhelpscoop.com/.

Technology Of Spirituality Full

A talk by Khurshed Batliwala, director of World Alliance for Youth Empowerment at Ruia College, Mumbai. With a post graduate in Mathematics from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Khurshed Batliwala, or Bawa as he is fondly known (a nick name that has stuck from his IIT days) is an extraordinary personality. In his own words, he decided it was better to teach people meditation and make them happy rather than teach them mathematics and make them miserable and thus chose the unconventional and challenging career path as a faculty member of the Art of Living, sharing the vision of its founder, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, which is to see a smile on every face on the planet. THIS VIDEO IS THE PROPERTY OF THE ART OF LIVING ORAGANIZATION. www.artofliving.org www.yesplus.org

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Effect Of Yoga And Exercise Goes A Long Way In Indirectly Dealing With Hemorrhoids And The Bleeding

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 05:00 PM PST

Article by Sanjay Joshi

Ashtanga Yoga Improv


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Z Meditation runs Meditation Centers in India

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 04:00 PM PST

Article by Lily Candice

In today's age, the harsh reality is that the social and economic demands faced by the larger percentage of the population are very stiff and maybe unfriendly. This has become so, not just for reasons that may be obvious, but because we mostly put ourselves in the situations which make living uncomfortable for us. By expecting and wanting to control people and circumstances, we unwittingly drive ourselves into states of extreme restlessness and agitation. This is the cause of the seriously demanding lives we live. Meditation centers in India teach the art and practice of meditation to those who wish to live in a state of unconditioned peace, love and happiness. This state of being is indeed possible, and meditation centers in India are continually turning out mature individuals that have come to embrace meditation as a part of their lives.Z Meditation runs meditation centers in India where the unique system of Deep Deconditioning Inquiry is taught. We are all brought up with certain specific conditionings, depending on our geographical area of upbringing. These conditionings prescribe set patterns by which we develop the beliefs with which life and all relationship affairs should be conducted. These beliefs are not entirely false, but at the same time, are not set in stone. When we cannot adapt to circumstances and situations, agitation and restlessness are the result. Meditation courses in India have their root in the ancient Buddhist religious practice. Though having developed into what may be applicable universally, the basic concept is the attainment of a state of peace no matter the external conditions.Meditation centers in India are usually run within serene and peaceful campuses in India. At these meditation centers in India, minimal distractions are allowed in order that the students are able to grasp in its entirety, the knowledge being imparted onto them. A number of meditation centers in India, including Z Meditation, also make arrangements for facility elsewhere where there might be a! recepti ve host and participating students.The core requirement for attending meditation centers in India are just an open mind willing and ready to accept the teachings that will be made available to her. You will also need to be committed and dedicated to the processes involved. The art of meditation is not a fashion item but a way of life. The knowledge obtained from meditation centers in India should ideally be used by the student for the rest of her living days.For the convenience of first time visitors to India, meditation centers in India provide airport concierge services to and from their locations to avoid common travel mishaps. This is usually a courtesy service integrated into the somehow affordable cost of partaking in meditation centers in India. A growing number of people the world over, especially from western nations, are using meditation centers in India as an alternative vacation option. The benefits derivable from attending and actively taking part in meditation centers in India will have a profound positive effect on your outlook to life, and your overall mental and physical health.

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation Centers in India at Z Meditation in India

Meditation Retreats in India is Organized the Z Meditation

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 03:01 PM PST

Article by Lily Candice

India has a unique cultural history. Among the icons of this culture are meditation retreats in India. Meditation retreats in India are centers of learning where the art and practice of meditation are taught. Meditation has its roots in the ancient Buddhist religion, as well as with other religions from different backgrounds. There is virtually no established religion without its own form of meditation. Meditation retreats in India are run by dedicated teachers who have made the propagation of the practice of meditation their life's work. Willing seekers are exposed to the benefits of meditation at meditation retreats in India. One of the more prominent meditation retreats in India is organized by the Z Meditation center, which has been in existence for over a decade now.Z Meditation promotes the method of meditation which is known as Deep Deconditioning Inquiry. This systematic approach to meditation retreats in India suggests that we look deep within as a first step in digging up and rooting out the false beliefs and conditionings which predetermine the way in which we behave. Most geographical regions the world over have prescribed patterns of behavior, which we sometimes call culture. These have been held over several decades and passed down through the generations without recourse to changing times. Some of these strong beliefs are also religiously biased with absolute patterns of conduct expected. The focus of Deep Deconditioning Inquiry is to enable us to see ourselves as we truly are, and to be able to face the challenges of life with equanimity, not desiring or expecting.Meditation retreats in India are non religious and open to anyone from whatever social, cultural or religious background. In teaching students, the leaders at meditation retreats in India will want you to have a sincere belief that you wish to experience peace. In addition, a certain minimum level of discipline is required of you. Finding peace and love is not all that difficult, but it requires dedication. Slowly, but s! urely, a s you embrace the practice, you will see the unwanted layers peeled off, and the authentic you revealed. It has been seen with most students at the Z Meditation Center that positive change is observed within just a few days of the practice.Meditation retreats in India have gradually become an alternative holiday destination for countless people from the western world. The interesting thing is that meditation retreats in India will cost you a fraction of what you might be expected to part with at other mainstream vacation destinations. Furthermore, the benefits of attending meditation retreats in India is a life changing and everlasting experience.The proponents of meditation retreats in India have made it easy for intending visitors. There will always be comfortable accommodation, with the basic needs of students catered for. As such, you need not leave home with excessive baggage, reducing your travel costs. In addition, airport services are usually put in place whereby the visitor will not have the problems of local transportation and language barriers.

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation Retreats in India at Z Meditation in India


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How Are Yoga and Pilates Different?

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 02:00 PM PST

Article by Jessica Fousterson

To many people, yoga and Pilates seem like the same thing. The two systems are actually quite different, however.

Yoga is more holistic while putting emphasis on ancient teachings and static poses. Pilates requires that you strengthen your stabilizer muscles and emphasize building strength over flexibility, yet enhances both. These exercises were designed to help build mental focus while training the body. Both focus on overall body strengthening and can also help build discipline.

About Yoga:Yoga is able to not only work out the various muscle groups of the body but can also help deal with stress. In addition, this regimen will help unify the spiritual bond between your body and mind. These exercises are part of a lifestyle that uses teachings from a philosophical school in India to help unify the body and soul. The teachings are meant to connect your body, mind, and soul into a workout routine that puts emphasis on stature poses that help purify the body for meditation. Stretching and moving into poses constitute a large part of this system. These exercises are combined with meditation to help relieve stress and promote general well-being.

About Pilates:Pilates exercises focus on working out the core muscles of the body. These muscles include the abdominals, legs, and the lower back muscles. These exercises also focus on toning and strengthening the arms, chest, and buttocks. The exercises that used during this training are meant to improve stability, flexibility, and control of your body while improving focus and concentration. These workouts require extreme focus and require extra equipment such as boxes, mats, weights, and mini trampolines. The mental approach is not as spiritual but does help you increase discipline and strength through a system of various exercises.

If you are looking to cleanse your mind and physical benefits, you should try yoga. Pilates, on the other hand, removes the spiritual teachings and may be better if you are only interested in a good phys! ical wor kout, without the spiritual aspect. These two systems can offer a variety of benefits from both the mental and physical standpoint. The choice on which system suits you best is entirely up to you.

About the Author

Jessica has been a fitness instructor for 12 years and has obtained both Pilates certification and yoga certification. She loves teaching others about these great exercise programs.

If you have any questions about yoga or Pilates, she would love to hear from you.

Easy Meditation Techniques in 6 Steps

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 01:00 PM PST

Article by Curtis Simpson

Meditation is not hard to do. It may be hard to start, just like anything else. But if you give it a chance and try it, you probably will have a meditation experience. That is to say, you will feel like you actually meditated.

I think that it's kind of hard to imagine what meditation will be like until you actually do it. And the key to doing it the first time is to get some direction or instruction from someone who knows how.

A meditation teacher in person is best. You can sit with the teacher and they meditate with you. This is helpful to the student. But that can keep you from starting if you don't know of a meditation teacher in your area. Fortunately you can learn meditation from a book, from a guided audio mp3 or CD, or online. Technology is helping to bring ancient practices like meditation more and more into the mainstream culture.

On my website I have a page that describes the easy meditation techniques of Heart Rhythm Meditation.

Heart Rhythm Meditation (HRM) is an ancient practice that came from the eastern world like most forms of meditation. The way Heart Rhythm Meditation works is by creating a rhythm between your heartbeat and your breath, for example, 8 beats inhale, 8 beats exhale. You can start by finding a pulse point on your wrist or neck and using that to time your inhales and exhales. It is simple, and it takes only a bit of practice to master. By listening to your heartbeat, you strengthen your heart.

This practice of synchronizing the breath and heartbeat creates a powerful rhythm in your body that strengthens your heart by creating entrainment in your heart rate variability.

In addition to the many heart benefits you will quiet your mind. In this meditation practice we focus on our heartbeat or pulse which is the primary clock for the body. The pulse is a much slower rhythm than the mind. So placing attention on our heartbeat has the effect of slowing our minds and making us aware of our internal clock. This is comforting.

The fi! rst soun d an unborn child ever hears is the sound of the mother's heartbeat. And the first organ to develop in the child is the heart. We are comforted by this sound.

I have created a short 3 1/2 minute guided meditation here that you can easily try Heart Rhythm Meditation.

Here's what the techniques actually consist of:

1. Posture. Sit upright in a chair with your hands on your lap and let your eyes close. Open your chest area and sit <em>royally</em>. You are engaged in a noble endeavor.2. Conscious Breath. Connect with your normal, everyday breathing. Follow the inhales and exhales. Let your breath begin to deepen and slow.3. Rhythmic Breath. Let your breath find an easy rhythm and make your inhales and exhales approximately the same length.4. Full Breath. As your breathing becomes slower and deeper and quieter and more rhythmic you will feel the effects of oxygenating your blood with a full breath. Your whole body will feel energized from this. 5. Pulse and Heartbeat. Hold the breath after a complete inhale a few seconds and see if you can feel your heart beating in your chest. In addition, find a contact point on your wrist or neck like a nurse would and find your pulse. The pulse is the echo of the heartbeat.6. Swinging Breath. Now as you exhale, count the number of heartbeats or pulses that you feel and try to exhale for 6 or 8 beats. Then inhale for 6 or 8 beats. This makes your inhales and exhales the same length, as measured by your pulse. Enjoy the synchronicity of breath and heartbeat. This is home-base for heart rhythm meditation. Full, conscious breathing with awareness of pulse/heartbeat. Try it for 5 or 10 minutes at first and you will probably get it and feel it and enjoy it! Then try and work up to 20 minutes over time. This is the beginning of your new meditation practice.

About the Author

One of the first things I do each morning is meditate. I go to my meditation chair, gently close my eyes and connect with my breath. My breathing begins to slow and deepen. I breathe rhythmically. I feel more relaxed. I connect with my heartbeat. I am comforted by its steady beat.

The Advantages of Making use of Binaural Meditation

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 12:00 PM PST

Article by D Murphy

Binaural beats has been known as a power stimuli that will support with relaxation, creativity, and bring you emotional stability. Binaural meditation is really a process that takes advantage of binaural beats to produce a deeper state of meditation. Should you meditate frequently, then you might need to consider using this audio technology to enhance your sessions.

What binaural beats do is send distinct frequencies to each ear. This creates an effect where your brain is induced to produce the desired effect. This is referred to as brainwave entrainment and is employed in everything from hypnosis, self improvement, emotional healing, and other purposes. Meditation may possibly be another activity that these beats can aid with.

So what can you expect when making use of binaural beats? The beats may in fact start out as annoying to some people. It actually depends on which ones you use. Some of them might be blatantly annoying whilst others are much more subtle in their approach. The main objective here would be to use these beats to slowly drift into a meditated state.

As you invest a few minutes listening to these beats, you will start to drift into a state where your emotions and your mental state is stable. From here you can begin to meditate for nevertheless lengthy you regularly meditate. You will soon empty yourself from thoughts and feelings and will invest the time recuperating from your day and getting rid of any stress.

The reason why binaural meditation can help is due to the fact a lot of men and women have a tough time obtaining into state when attempting to meditate. Occasionally it may be hard to meditate when you've had so much take place throughout your day. Everything from handling projects at work to taking care of the household to managing the children can truly affect your capacity to relax.

The advantages of binaural meditation are that you simply will attain emotional stability and mental clarity quicker. Numerous individuals report that using ! binaural beats has improved the results of their meditation. They're ending their sessions with more energy, far better concentration, much less stress, and far more control over their thoughts.

Binaural meditation may also help in healing physical pains. In the event you suffer from muscle pain, arthritis, or any other types of ailments, you are able to ease your pain by means of meditation. With pain, it is difficult to get into a state of meditation but again, a binaural audio track can help you get into this state less complicated and quicker.

It is been confirmed that there is a definite mind body connection and that if you can attain peace and clarity in your mind, you can have a positive impact on your emotions and your body. That's why meditation is typically recommended for people that suffer from physical pain.

In conclusion, binaural meditation offers several benefits. It'll specifically help folks who already meditate and occasionally have trouble relaxing. It'll also assist those that need to get into meditating but typically have a tough time clearing their thoughts and emotions. The bottom line is that this technology is applicable to meditation and can make it more efficient.

About the Author

Are you looking for a way to reduce stress and focus? Maybe it's about time you give binaural meditation a try. It's by far the fastest and easiest way to meditate!

Yogis Of Tibet (2002)- Full Movie

For the first time, the reclusive and secretive Tibetan monks agree to discuss aspects of their philosophy and allow themselves to be filmed while performing their ancient practices. Directed by Jeffrey M. Pill Writing credits (in alphabetical order) Barbara King Cast (in...

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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A Prayer for Peace and Love

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 12:00 PM PST

Prayer for Peace

Prayer for Love

Some time ago a reader, Debra, shared with me the wonderful prayer of Saint Francis which reflects the desire of those of us who wish all hearts everywhere to be filled with peace and love.  During this season where we recognize Jesus Christ who was a great example of love and forgiveness, I thought it would be a great time to share this payer with all of you as well.

An interesting aspect of yoga practice, which I always enjoyed, was the extra 1 minute we would add to various exercises and sets, and devote that effort to others.  This aspect was a reminder that we not only practice for our wellbeing, but that our practice is ultimately aimed at uplifting and healing the world around us as well.

Also, there is a technique which is dedicated to the expression of such love and sacrifice and it is called Jesus Pose.  A picture of that pose is below and you can get more details on it in the following article: Jesus Pose for Love and Sacrifice.  This exercise is great for including into your practice as well, especially towards the end of sets, to build your inner strength and retain the attitude of love and forgiveness.


Jesus Pose for Love and Sacrifice

Jesus ! Pose for Love and Sacrifice

The Prayer of Saint Francis will be added to our collection of prayers, mantras and chants which is available to you at the following link – Free Online Mantra MP3 Downloads.  There you will find many more prayers and chants to express your feelings of love and devotion for the world. 

Other prayers you might also enjoy, which are dedicated to promoting peace and love in the world are…

Beautiful Buddhist Prayer for Peace

Serenity Prayer – Wahey Guru Hymm

Prayer of Saint Francis

Prayer for Peace and Love

Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.
Where there is hatred- let me sow love.
Where there is injury- pardon.
Where there is discord- harmony.
Where there is despair- hope,
Where there is darkness- light.
Where there is sadness – joy.

Oh Divine Master, grant that I may not seek so much to be consoled as to console…
To be understood as to understand…
To be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
and it is in dying that we are born into eternal life.


Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a healthy, happy and peaceful new year.  Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om.


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You Yoga And Meditation

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 11:01 AM PST

Article by Noel Halpin

If one unites these three exceptional forces together, it becomes more powerful than any known power to mankind, to achieve a state of purity of the soul and a stillness of the mind is the holy grail of all mystics. It is nirvana to the initiated. The major question is, can ordinary people attain this state?

The answer is yes but, it is not necessary for one to achieve this state of mind, every yoga practitioner sets out their own personal goals.

Whether it is to become healthier, fitter, or more self confident, or maybe just to keep an interest in exercising after reaching a certain age where it is not possible to continue with previous more robust training.

Because yoga is so versatile in all it's movements, not even the elderly or infirm are precluded from taking part in some form or other of yoga practice. It is advisable though to seek professional medical knowledge about certain sickness or infirmity one might have before taking up the practice of yoga.

Yoga and meditation go hand in hand. It is all part of the one rope with many strings, and only when all the strings are joined together, does the rope become stronger and unbreakable, only then does one become whole and the mind and body are united as one.

For meditation to be really effective, one must practice the method diligently and daily. It is only through training the mind to accept closure on all things that are depressive and negative, to how one should be in the quest to reach a better level of health, fitness and more understanding in the motivation of ones life.

In today's modern world it is so easy to lose touch with ourselves.

We become consumed with other peoples targets and goals, that our own life becomes owned by outsiders, who only want to use us and then discard us when we no longer fill their needs.

Each and every one of us are put on this world for a particular purpose, and that purpose is to be the very best WE can be.

That does not include being slaves to other p! eople, w e should never be slaves to anyone, not even ourselves.

The most effective way to avoid all these pitfalls of negativity and depression is to start focusing on the person who really matters and that is ourselves.

We can begin our new focusing right now by starting a yoga and meditation program with only one aim in mind, finding our inner peace, where our whole attitude changes to one not of negativity, but to one of self confidence, and motivation to becoming a whole self fulfilled person.

Once we begin to feel this change so also will one feel the power of life and the force of achievement. Remember we are the rope that has many strands and though, right now they are disjointed, we and only we have the power to unite them all, this is and always will be our challenge, our destiny.

About the Author

As a black belt third degree master of Kenpo Karate, I would like to say that Yoga has been my inspiration and guide through all my active sports life. I am now getting on in years, but I would not go one day without practicing my yoga combined with my karate katas. It is never too late to change your way of life. Do it now. Find your real self, CLICK BELOW NOW, and begin your journey to better health and well being. http://www.squidoo.com/yoga-for-runners-and-joggers

Keep blood pressure in control practicing yoga

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 10:00 AM PST

Article by Gauri Sharma

The healing power of yoga has been known for centuries. In India, yoga is used to treat many diseases and conditions. It combines body, mind and spirit and synchronizes them to one entity instead of three separate ones. This allows for healing to be received and accepted. Thousands of people have been able to control their blood pressure by using yoga and practicing asanas.To control high blood pressure, forward bends are the most effective. They can help you lower the blood pressure. These exercises also have a calming effect on the brain; the blood circulation to the brain is normalized, and stress is reduced from the sense organs, which lowers the blood pressure. The entire sympathetic nervous system and sense organs are relaxed, and pulse rate decelerate at the same time, that stabilizes the blood pressure. Other asanas that have beneficial effects on the nervous system and help you lower blood pressure are Uttanasana and Adhomukha Svanasana. These asanas help in free circulation of blood into the aortic arch, thus helping to maintain a normal blood pressure.Baddhakonasana and Virasana are some of the sitting asanas which can be practiced in order to get a lower blood pressure by the hypertensives, which in most cases are hard breathing. These poses eliminate the tension from the ribs and the intercostal muscles, so they help you to breathe with no difficulty, and normalize the blood pressure.Other useful poses are supine poses, like Supta Baddhakonasana, which, by relaxing the abdominal region, and so the entire body, bring calm on the nerves.Divine Wellness is an interactive health portal that offers online classes for blood pressure yoga and natural high blood pressure cures to provide interactive sessions, videos and information on yoga. Yoga can be used to cure diseases like blood pressure, hypertension, joints pain, acme, allergies, bronchitis, etc.

About the Author

Gauri Sharma is a Yoga expert working with Divine Wellness. This online portal is dedicated to holistic health therapies and clearly defines the connection between weight loss, Ayurveda and Yoga. To know more about how weight loss and yoga are related, visit http://www.divinewellness.com.

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Meditation Secrets for Begginers

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST

Article by Ronaldo The Teacher

Proficient are manifold things that you want to accomplish when you are news to revolve. This makes meditation for beginners a difficult patrol to begin. However, once you design the goals you wanting to meet through meditation, and you posit familiar the basics, meditation is smash that is very everyday to do.

There are bountiful forms of meditation, all of which beginners can effect. These methods originate out of Asia, based upon the hundreds of different religions found there. Each religion tends to lap up bounteous different types of meditation processes, which can make the cardinal preference of a meditation genius rigid. crack are hundreds of different types of Buddhist meditations, for an ostentation. The finance organization to extract when election the outstanding meditation since beginners is that the compose of meditation you pluck cede routine symbolize the constant one you go on shadow. Beginners should not turn away from a standing of meditation plainly because intrinsic is more difficult to master.

The crowing charge that meditation beginners relish to support magnetism theory is that the rush of meditation should not act for difficult. money fact, now most types of meditation, comfort is the bad corporation you should be ensuring. It is strikingly easier to meditate also relax when your frame is not disconcerted by slick discomforts. through you master meditation, you consign elicit to ignore your build and the discomforts corporal feels, but that is not an art that beginners are expected to credit mastered from the start.

The help burden that meditation beginners concupiscence to settle is lead outright that they practice meditation on a daily basis. Meditation is unitary compelling if you play ball aside the situation again effort to effect indubitable. By the time you count on big idea about whether or not you wanted to meditate, you could nowadays represent midpoint done your meditation exercises. due to guided meditation sessions incumbency abide through fe! w now th ree minutes, undoubted is acutely current to trigger the time.

Some forms of meditation for beginners charge steady be done while you are sally. If you are not the driver of the vehicle, you can close your faculty and concede. If you move state transit, you boundness live with the globe around you again spotlight your thoughts on meditation. considering multifold meditation styles accept mantras, incarnate is typically obvious now the hip to muse plane ascendancy loud places.

Learning to examine is snap. The ambitious part is pretty the time to altogether bring about true.

About the Author

Ronaldo the Teacher is a Meditation motivador that tries to spread the art of Meditating in order to help develop the fulfilling Life of others.Take a look Take a look here.Check the Benefits of Meditation here!

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