My Search for a Free Online Reiki Course

My Search for a Free Online Reiki Course

My Search for a Free Online Reiki Course

Posted: 21 Dec 2011 12:00 AM PST

Article by Patsy Hamilton

Recently I searched the internet for a free online Reiki course, just to see what people have to offer. At first glance, it seemed there was lots of free information about Reiki, but after only a few minutes, I realized that none of them were actually "free" and many of them were actually irrelevant.

You would probably agree that one of the most annoying things about searching for anything on-line is when results are returned from places like "Adult Friend Finder" when you were looking for serious information and don't need an adult friend. So, I suppose that I should not have been surprised when I was searching for a free online Reiki course and got ads for carpet cleaning services and sports drinks.

The first site that I clicked on appears to offer Reiki first degree training, but since only the home page is written in English, I can't be sure. The site owner does apologize that the site is under construction and that she needs some help to build it in English, but there is no way to contact her.

Back at the search page, I realized that the number 2 spot was also written in a language that I do not speak. Funny thing, neither of them was written in Japanese. Not that I can read Japanese, I just thought that Reiki was a Japanese word.

Site number two did have Google links for Reiki courses, books and even mugs, but no free online Reiki course, so I continued my search. Since there were only 11 results returned, I thought that I would just click on each one. The third site was a directory of some sort, with lots of ads.

I clicked on one ad and learned that if I lived in the United Kingdom and could organize a Reiki training class for at least 5 other people, then the fee for my training would be waived. Plus, I could earn money if I referred more students. That one read more like a marketing campaign than a Reiki informational site.

The fourth site was another directory. At the fifth, the domain name had expired. The next three were sex sites and the last thr! ee had n othing to do with Reiki at all. At that point, I gave up on searching for a free online Reiki course.

I understand Reiki energy and I use it in my own life. I just wish it were not so difficult for other people to find the information that they need. I'm sure that many people give up in frustration and never return to the subject.

I have learned a lot about Reiki over the last several years. I began studying the use of the healing chakras when I was suffering from anxiety and depression. I am not exaggerating when I say that understanding the universal life energy has changed my life.

For many years, there was little information available about Reiki. A lot of the teachings were kept secret and in order to learn the art, you had to find a Master that was willing to teach you.

It is easier to find information now. Sadly, there is not a lot of "free" information. But, there are several very good and very inexpensive books, if you prefer to learn in the privacy of your own home, as I do.

In other words, there is no free online Reiki course, but there are some good e-books and some good sites that provide useful information. is a good place to start.

About the Author

Patsy Hamilton was a health care provider for over twenty years before becoming a health writer. Currently she is writing a series of articles about Reiki. Read more at

Reiki for Abundance from Lourdes

This video will help your recognize and attract abundance in all it's many forms. Please feel free to watch this video as often as possible to help bring more of what you want in your life. At you can get more information about Reiki, and you can also sign up for a newsletter where you can experience Reiki being sent through photographs ( Thank you

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Rosary - the oldest decoration or the healing item?

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST

Article by Andrey Evtukh

Most often rosaries are considered to belong to certain religions. And indeed, most frequently rosaries are used as aides in reading prayers: it is easier to count prayers or names of the god (the gods) with their help. And the number of beads correspond to the number of prayers, which a believer recite. Although moving fingers along the beads is accompanied not only by the prayers.

Rosary can be the only "complete" structure, when the ends of the base (string or rope) with ??beads strung on it, are linked to each other, thus forming ring (circle). In magic a ring is a strong element that allows to accumulate power in it. The allegorical meaning of a ring - the crown of faith. In addition, a rosary represents the cyclicity of time, endless repetition, asceticism. It is believed that they are connected with succession and with a ladder to heaven.

Rosaries are used in Christianity (both in Orthodoxy, and Catholicism), Old Believers, Islam, Buddhism, among shamans, etc. And every religion has a rosary with strictly defined parameters. Looking on a concrete rosary one can always tell whom it belongs to (a Buddhist, for example, or a Christian). In addition, by the form of a rosary the owner's level can be determined, and his belonging to one or another branch of the doctrine (if for a novice the small amount of beads in a rosary is enough, it could not be enough for a profound user).

The beads are produced from a large variety of materials including bone, glass, wood, crushed flowers, (even from horns and vertebrae of animals), semi-precious stones such as amber, agate, jasper, serpentine or jet and precious materials including silver, diamonds, coraland crystal. The material of beads is selected on the basis of targets set by the owner.

Juniper berries, dark blue lapis lazuli, red coral would be the best material to scare away evil spirits, to eliminate the harmful influence. A rosary made from sandalwood, pearls and rock crystal can help to remove obstacles, to calm, and to ! increase disease resistance. Beads made of lotus seeds, amber, seeds of the Bodhi tree, as well as gold, copper or silver are used to increase longevity, to promote the development of wisdom and to enhance spiritual development.

For the mystical practices a rosary made ??of juniper, black or red wood, bone, black crystal, agate and black coral is used. A rosary made ??of cedar will help to remove the headache, to reduce the pressure, improve sleep and dreaming. And besides, will protect from evil people, witches, nightmares. Furthermore, beside moving fingers along the beads it is recommended to touch a head and a sore spot regularly before going to bed, and at night - put them under the pillow.

It is well known that nerve endings, that are directly related to the think tanks, are concentrated in the fingertips. Look at the kids: developing fine motor skills of their hands, we give them peas, beans, so we develop not only the hands, we develop a brain activity as well. Even in ancient times clever Chinese used fatigue walnuts to relieve stress. A rosary works on the same principle. Moving fingers along the beads can affect a variety of vital functions of your body, and, primarily, on its emotional state. In addition, such work with a rosary influences on painful joints, developing them and relieving the pain (for example, arthritis).

And another side of a rosary's effect on our bodies is its help in focusing. If you want to remember some important information on a large scale (text, poems, words of a foreign language), you need to iterate sequentially rosary beads, each time shifting of a single bead, repeating a particular information unit.

About the Author

You can look for rosaries made of semi-precious stones in a special online gifts shop.

Kiesha's Crystal Inspiration

Little Grandmother Kiesha Crowther inspired Angela Stokes-Monarch and Matt Monarch from the RawFoodWorldTVShow to use crystals as a medium to bring good vibrations and wishes to the world through flowing waters. Here is a summary of their newest TV show with a short quote by Kiesha in the beginning. Really inspiring to see how the message of Kiesha starts to spread throughout the world more and more. Watch the whole episode of Angela and Matt from Ecuador on their YouTube channel:

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Is There a Free Reiki Master Attunement?

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 10:00 PM PST

by inju

Article by Patsy Hamilton

Is there a free Reiki Master attunement? While individual masters may be happy to offer a free Reiki Master attunement to family or friends, it is customary to charge a fee for attunements.

Beginning with Usui Mikao, the founder of the Reiki healing style, various fees have been attached to healing and training. Attunements are a major part of the Reiki training process.

Because of a question from a reader, I did an internet search for a free Reiki Master attunement. The internet has become my primary source for information.

If you belong to a Reiki group, society or club, you may have options that I do not, since I don't belong to any group. This article is written for people like me, attempting to learn on their own, at their own pace, in the privacy of their own homes.

I first learned about the healing chakras many years ago from a library book. At that time, the internet was something that my son used to play games. I went to the library and read books. Today, I look everything up on the internet. I love the public libraries, but I haven't checked out a book in years. It's just easier to stay at home, saves time and gas.

So, when I got a question about a free Reiki Master attunement, I went to Yahoo and did a search. I have already received a Reiki Master attunement. Although it wasn't free, it was a reasonably priced e-book. So, I wasn't searching for myself, just hoping to help others. Here's what I found.

The Reiki Asia website advertises free Reiki distance training. Sadly, only the advertisement is in English, the rest of the site is in a language (looks Indonesian) with which I am unfamiliar.

I went back to the search engine and clicked on another site that seemed more promising. The site advertises a free Reiki master attunement with any purchase of or more, but all of the links for more information led to a "site temporarily disabled" page...back to the search box.

The next site was a Reiki forum with information, opinions and exper! iences f rom people who practice Reiki. It showed up in the results of my search because of a page that promises a free Reiki Master attunement, but it's a joke. At the next site, the words, "free Reiki master attunement", were inserted randomly into a posting that made very little sense, even though it was written in English. I think it was probably a site solely designed to display Google ads.

That site, several other forums and another site that was all ads completed the two pages of results that the search engine kicked back. I didn't want to say it without doing the research first, but there really is no free Reiki Master attunement. There are courses and reasonably priced e-books, as I mentioned before, but if you want to learn and you don't have a close friend who is also a Reiki Master, then you are going to have to pay.

About the Author

Patsy Hamilton was a health care professional for over twenty years before becoming a health writer. Currently she is writing a series of articles about Reiki energy, which she has used to improve her own health and the health of her family members. To learn more about Reiki, please visit Understanding

Reiki for Self Confidence and Self Esteem from Lourdes and friends

This video can help bring more self confidence into your life. By increasing your self esteem, you can improve your self image and your self worth will grow. Like the Calming Fears this video, I suggest doing this video twice in a row, once a day if possible. The energy will build upon itself the more frequently it is played. At you can get more information about Reiki, and you can also sign up for a newsletter where you can experience Reiki being sent through photographs ( Thank you

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Posted: 20 Dec 2011 09:00 PM PST

by inju

Article by Conrad Raw

In Japanese, Reiki means spiritual guided life force energy. Rei meaning higher self and Ki meaning life force energy or chi. This life force is used by practitioners for stress reduction, healing and relaxation administered by the practitioner laying his/her hands on you. Reiki works with Chi energy. The Reiki practitioner's hands are either touching the body or slightly above the body. Reiki can be used in combination with other medical therapies as well as holistic therapies.

Learning Reiki is not done in the usual sense of teacher/student, but is actually transferred to the student by a Reiki master in a process known as attunement. This procedure allows the student to tap into the chi energy, which will then allow the student to perform Reiki on others. The energy is transferred to the student and to the receiver through intention. A Reiki practitioner will focus on intent, focusing in on the problem within the body that needs to be healed or for a simple relaxation. The receiver also should focus his intent on receiving the treatment. It is done the same way from master to student in that the master will focus his intent onto the student to learn and understand the practice of Reiki.

Reiki works with chi, the life force flowing through all of us through the passageways of the chakras. Energy is also located in our aura. The life force is basically encouraged through positive thinking and feelings. Reiki works by breaking up the negative energy and to strengthen the energy with positive energy. It helps to relax a little when receiving a Reiki treatment. The negative energy disrupts the process because Reiki must be able flow freely through the energy field.

A Reiki practitioner does not in him or herself provide the healing, the person undergoing treatment does. What the Reiki practitioner does is locate where the 'patient's' problem is coming from and proceeds to use the higher self or the divine to work on the patient. Because of this, Reiki can never cause harm to anyo! ne. Afte r a treatment, most people see a big difference in the way they feel. They are relaxed and their energy levels have increased.

Reiki is not a religion, but it is a spiritual practice and therefore it is important for practitioners to behave in a way that will put themselves in touch with the divine that is within all of us. However, using Reiki does not require that one be greatly spiritual, it is available to anyone and has been taught to thousands over the years to all different kinds of people.

About the Author

Conrad Raw is an expert in practical techniques for personal and spiritual development. He is the author of "Forbidden Secrets of Personal and Energetic Development." He travels the world to learn and teach and is the founder of, a website devoted to bringing you easy to learn techniques to increase your human evolution. Visit his website for a free newsletter filled with tons of great tips and advice.

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Holistic Yeast Infection Cure? - 3 Holistic Home Remedies

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 08:00 PM PST

by Bods

Article by Carol- Anne Dida

3 Home Remedies - Holistic Yeast Infection Cure

Ladies, bookmark and share this article because at some point in your life on this planet the information you can access here about natural cures may prove invaluable to you - just like it has been for many people in the past looking at fast home remedies for treating thrush; the irritaing and uncomfortable yeast infection with sypmtoms that can be a real 'pain' to get rid of.

Around the internet and in books everywhere you can find many different ideas about the natural treatments for yeast infections. Some You may have to look very hard for as they could appear in all manner of phrases; Candida treatments, thrush remedies, vaginal yeast infection cure, holistic thrush remedy...all sorts! The truth in the answers you may find are hardly helpful either, many that can be researched could quite evidently be dismissed as 'old wives tales' or 'myths'; merely offering temporary symptom releif from vaginal yeast infection.

Most people are familiar with ineffective over the counter drugs, the humiliating 'airing' technique, or the live yoghurt home remedy for treating thrush; And it is easy to grasp the science behind the concepts of those treatments. But there are other natural 'home cure' suggestions that many people not want to care for the science behind! Some involving vinegar, some involving licorice powder. Theres infection cures with basil, and even rosemary. Now, i know sometimes the discomfort of a vaginal yeast infection can be almost unbearable and desperate times do sometimes call for desperate measures, but as you will see there definitely ARE other home remedies available for curing yeast infection that wont leave you fearing for the unpredictable side effects that you may or may not get to you private parts as a result!

3 Holistic Home Remedies for Curing Yeast Infection

(1)Like most people, if you are seeking a remedy for thrush then you will want a cure that is very effective and that works FAST ! to relie ve symptoms of Candida yeast infection. What many people therefore find very attractive but more importantly, very effective is the 12 Hour Cure For Yeast Infection.

(2)You may have found youself reading this for the natural remedy for yeast infection as like many people you prefer a holistic treatment for curing symptoms. For this approach yeast infection no more is certainly recommended.

(3) This site is another believer that the recurrence of candida related yeast infection is in fact diet related. Find out how you can control you holistic home remedy cure for yeast infection. Full money-back guarantee with great promotions too.

So there you have it, 3 holistic home remedies for yeast infection! Hopefully this information will help you get the relief you deserve, if it does then please share it!And who knows, if you are suffering symptoms right now - then this time tomorrow you might not be. Imagine that!

3 Home Remedies - Holistic Yeast Infection Cure About the Author

Article author for the relief of discomfort for women across the globe. Holistic Yeast Infection Cure

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Aromatherapy Body Massage For Relaxation

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 07:00 PM PST

Article by Gene B. Pineda

Aromatherapy body massage is a form of massage that integrates the use of scented oils and extracts in the massage. Any full body massage or just a foot massage that requires the use of oils can be an aromatherapy body massage. Aromatherapy body massage has a particular aim with the use of scents in the massage, and this is to either relax or invigorate the individual being massaged. If the massage does not require the use of a body massage oil, then aromatherapy can still be applied with the use of a scented candle or a burner with aromatherapy oil.

The choice for scents to be used in aromatherapy body massage is actually the preference of the person being massaged. There are many common choices that are popular for a lot of people. There are many different scents and aromas that are used for an aromatherapy body massage. One of the main aims of an aromatherapy body massage is to relax the individual. To achieve this, the right scent must be used either as a body massage oil or burned in a candle burner container.

Relaxing Scents

Lavender is among the foremost in the relaxing scent category. This very relaxing scent is often used for aromatherapy body massage as well as just poured on the candle burner to induce a very relaxed state of mind. Another popular relaxing scent is chamomile. This light and calming scent is often used as an aromatherapy body massage scent for babies in some countries. It is supposed to help reduce colic and induce a sleepy state to calm an infant.

Citrus scents of any variation are also another aromatherapy body massage recommendation by many alternative medicine experts. These will help an individual get a good night's sleep and awake refreshed. Other good choices for aromatherapy body massage oils are jasmine, bergamot and rose. These three are able to relax and sooth a tired or cranky person when used for aromatherapy body massage. All three are rather heavy scents that can be sensual at the same time. They can also alleviate or at lea! st, ease a depressed individual.

Some aromatherapy body massage oils also have different elements in them that can act to treat many physical ailments. This is one of the main reasons why some people prefer to use aromatherapy oils for their body massage oils. Choosing the right kind of oil is necessary to achieve the effect that one needs.

About the Author

If you love this article, you will also love another article written by this article's author on body massager and neck back massager.

Scentual NRG Wellness Centre

Scentual NRG Interview on Out and About NBN. Scentual NRG Wellness Centre is located on Australia's Gold Coast. We specialise in Aromatherapy, Massage and Natural Skin Care. Our personal range of products has been formulated using organic ingredients wherever possible and avoids the use of chemicals which may be toxic to the body. This video is about who we are and what we are both passionate about...helping people feel fantastic!

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Aromatherapy for Healing Dry Skin and Acne

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 06:00 PM PST

Article by JD Hoopes

Understanding how aromatherapy works and the theory behind it is easy to come by. However, knowing how and in what circumstances to use aromatherapy can be a mystery. It's generally known that aromatherapy can be soothing and a "feel good" remedy for the body as a whole. Beyond that, the general population doesn't know how to replace medical remedies with aromatherapy in order to gain effective and positive results.

Aromatherapy can be used for many skin conditions. By going to the grocery store and purchasing a few simple products you can make home-made aromatherapy remedies for general skin problems. The recipes for making these remedies are easy, but come with one precaution. First read up on how to use aromatherapy before applying any home-made aromatherapy remedies. This is important because the essential oils used in aromatherapy are not all created equal. Some oils can be digested while others can only be used topically. Being smart about the way essential oils are applied is a part of using aromatherapy effectively and safely.

The few recipes and treatments below are for minor skin problems that you would normal treat at home. Serious medical conditions should still be consulted upon by a physician before applying any aromatherapy techniques to them. Sound judgment and common sense are the most important ingredients when working with alternative medical therapies and essential oils.

Acne is a common ailment that plagues both adolescents and adults alike. The right essential oils can help balance hormones, reduce stress, improve complexion, and even help regulate the skins oil production. Even commercially recognized skin care products like Noxema use eucalyptus oil as a primary active ingredient because it slows skins oil production and fights bacteria all at once. For an intensive acne treatment use 12 drops tea tree oil, half teaspoon powdered Oregon grape root and a few drops of water. A little vitamin E can be added by poking open a vitamin E gel capsule and adding i! t to the recipe. Vitamin E will aid in healing if there is any open sores present from acne. Sir all ingredients together to make a paste and use a a face mask. Keep away from eyes and mouth. Wait until the mask dries and where for a total time of about 20 minutes. This can be done once a day for severe acne or down to once a week for very mild acne. As with any essential oil mixture, use with common sense and read all labels on essential oil bottles.

In wintertime particularly, we all scavenge the beauty stores for a lotion to cure our dry skin, eczema, and psoriasis. Aromatherapy can actually play a big part in healing dry skin related problems. The best way to do this is to find a company that sells unscented bath and body products and add certain essential oils to body cream or lotion. These contain water that absorbs into the skin. If essential oils are added to it, they will also be able to absorbs into the skin and work effectively. Get a "pure" cream or lotion, or one that is as natural as possible containing no extra perfumes or dyes. Then, grind together 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and 1 tablespoon of cornmeal. This can be done by hand or with a blender. Next, add 6 drops lavender oil and 2 drops peppermint oil. Use as a light scrub periodically on your face or as an in-shower body scrub. This can also make a soothing and moisturizing foot scrub at the end of a stressful day. Make sure to avoid getting it near your eyes and mouth in all cases.

Using these aromatherapy recipes can be as effective or in some cases more effective at treating dry skin and acne problems than conventional treatments. Aromatherapy recipes and techniques have been used for many years yielding great results; and remember that serious skin conditions should first be looked at by a physician before using aromatherapy techniques or any other treatment at home.

About the Author

Go to to discover premium Bath Body products and buy a Unique Bath and Body Gift.

VinSunto: Vinotherapy Warm Massage Demo in Olympia, London

Where to buy: ·VINOTHERAPY WARM (Therma) SKIN MOISTURIZER ·VINOTHERAPY WARM (Therma) MASSAGE OIL ·AROMATHERAPY CANDLE ALL IN ONE The VinSunto products are manufactured in California, USA, and it is actually HIGH QUALITY Vinotherapy Skin Moisturizer, and Vinotherapy Massage OIL that is made into a candle. The product possesses all the ingredients and features of high quality Aromatherapy Candle. The warm Vinotherapy Skin Moisturizer & Massage Oil made of High Quality, cosmetic grade Ingredients of Vinotherapy Skin Care Natural Oils. The innovative technology deployed in the production of these products is designed so that the Vinotherapy Oils are melting at 3-4 degrees Celsius above body temperature, which makes it possible to apply the warm Vinotherapy skin Moisturizer & Massage Oil directly on the body, and enjoy warm high quality skin Moisturizer & Massage oil. The Therma (Warm) Vinotherapy Moisturizer, Massage Oil & Aromatherapy Candles are all 100% natural (including the Wick) made with Grape Seed Oil, Avocado Oil, Apricot Oil, Jojoba Oil, Coconut Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, Vitamin E, and Soybean Oil. The uniqueness of VinSunto Vinotherapy is that it can be used as professional SPA product for body treatments, as well as Vinotherapy massage oil that can be used by individuals or couple for sensual warm massage, and Aromatherapy candle, ALL IN ONE. The product is available in 21 flavors/Fragrances, in round or heart shape cans.

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What is Aromatherapy and Does it Work?

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 05:00 PM PST

Article by Sarah Labdar

Smell is the ability for us to perceive odors within our environment. An odor can revive a memory, give us a feeling, remind us of a person, place or thing, or even enhance our mood. This is why aromatherapy has been introduced as an alternative medicine to be used with or without other modalities to enhance both psychological and physical benefits to the body. Aromatherapy uses naturally extracted aromatic essences or oils from plants such as flowers, bark, stems, and leaves to improve physical and emotional health, and to restore balance to the whole person. Essential oils can benefit the mind, mood, cognitive function and overall health.

Aromatherapy has been around for thousands of years dating back to antiquity. Then dried plant materials were infused into fatty oil, heated and then filtered. In addition to the potent odor, these oils were thought to have medicinal healing properties. This is not entirely inaccurate especially since some of the essential oils used today have antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal properties. During the time of the Crusades essential oils were being distilled and used as medicine. The Crusades are what is thought to have moved essential oils from India, China and Egypt westward. In the 16th and 17th centuries aromatherapy became popular with European herbalists. In 1907 Scientists and doctors began studying the components of essential oils and determining the individual plant chemistry. By 1937 a French book was written on aromatherapy and by World War II Dr Jean Valnet used essential oils as an antiseptic to treat wounded soldiers. By 1950 Marguerite Maury an Austrian beauty therapist introduced essential oils into her massage therapy practice. She went on to establish the first aromatherapy clinics in Britain, France, and Switzerland.

Aromatherapy is a natural, non-invasive therapy designed to affect the whole body and person. The art and science of aromatherapy involves not only the aroma of specific plant oils to treat the mind and body, ! but by a pplying the essential oils directly to the skin, the oil can be absorbed into the bloodstream to alter the body chemistry, support the body systems, and improve moods and emotion. Therefore aromatherapy does not just treat a symptom or disease, it assists the body in its natural ability to balance, regulate, health and maintain itself. Overall aromatherapy promotes the health of the body, mind and spirit.

Aromatherapy can be used in three different modes- aerial diffusion, direct inhalation and topical application. When used in conjunction with other modalities the therapeutic potential increases. Aerial diffusion enhances ones environmental fragrance while disinfecting the air as well. Direct inhalation works to disinfect the respiratory system by decreasing congestion, enabling expectoration in addition to psychologically enhancing ones mood, energy and mind. The benefits of direct inhalation include stimulating brain function, uplifting, stimulating the immune system, relaxation and mood enhancement. Topical application can be done through massage, baths, compresses, and therapeutic skin care. Through this method a patient can see a reduction in tension, and pain, while promoting healthy circulation and restoring balance.

Although the efficacy of aromatherapy has not scientifically been proven herbalists, aroma therapists and massage therapists have long used it on their patients. The benefits that patients have demonstrated include pain relief, anxiety reduction, enhanced energy, increased short-term memory, relaxation, hair loss prevention, reduced itching, clarity of mind and mood enhancement. Aromatherapy benefits the person as a whole rather than treating a symptom or illness. The mechanism behind aromatherapy is not fully understood however; the influence of aromas on the brain especially in the limbic system through the olfactory system is thought to produce the desired benefits. Additionally the essential oil constituents (naturally occurring chemicals) have positive effects upon! the bod y. When used correctly aromatherapy is subtle but effective.

About the Author

Graduated with a BA in exercise science and have worked in the medical field since. My focus is alternative medicine however all aspects of health interest me. Check out my health website!

Lavender Harvest | Lavendar Oil | Video | Veria Living In this Lavender Harvest Video from Veria Living, we see that when it comes to essential oils, Lavendar Oil is queen. Noelle Katai goes to a California festival devoted to this shining star of aromatherapy. Lavender Harvest Ingredients: 1/4-1/2 cup dried lavender flowers

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Reiki for Adults and Children. Physical, Mental and Emotional support

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 04:04 PM PST

Article by Margaret Ann Jones

Reiki, denoting 'Divine Life Force' is a secure and preferable manner of coping with a variety of complications. I say preferable because unlike the alleged conventional treatments founded on pills and medical interventions, the Reiki healing comes with no adverse effects.

With Reiki there are no contradications whatsoever.

The intense relaxation you feel with this type of unconventional remedy is like a light moving across your body. Clearing away every sign of ill health that has been troubling you.

You will see the affects for yourself: Reiki can deal with the troubles in life that both the body and the mind encounter, physically, mentally, and emotionally. When Reiki treatment is applied you can see your stress and anxiety melt away. And when you apply it at home after a busy and tiring day, the pressure of your daily life eases, and you truly relax.

Reiki is able to lighten up both your body and spirit by means of constructive and positive thinking. Reiki therapy is undemanding: just by positioning your hands on or near yourself or a patient, the life force runs from (the one who is channelling Reiki) to the recipient. Simple!

Reiki could be said to have its origins in one of the many Asian religions. Reiki is not a religion.

The most common conception is that Reiki developed as a changed structure of Buddhism. Buddhism stands as one of the oldest beliefs in the world. Some correspondence exists between Buddhism and the Reiki unconventional remedy; the most decisive similarity is the healing principle of both of them.

Nonetheless, the creators of Reiki were not Buddhist. They had learned about Buddhism, but they had also studied other beliefs, such as Christianity. While Buddhism is viewed as a religion (albeit one that does not have a God, Reiki is a way of coping with all Ill's and conditions you encounter in this life.

Reiki is a particular type of delicate energy transfer. In the process, the healing has effect when the therapist puts his o! r her ha nds on or above the body. In this way, a relationship takes place between the patient and an immeasurable spring of life energy.

This energy transfer runs through the Reiki practitioner - he/she is the channel, the energy path. The Reiki Healing force is very strong, yet is incredibly soothing and kind to all. You can lead it towards oneself and towards others with complete understanding and faith that it is doing nothing but good.

The healing light/vibration is drawn from the 'Universal Life-Force' and is therefore multi-level. Reiki will awaken your mind, body and spirit to a more relaxed lifestyle.

About the Author

Awaken your Mind, body and Spirit to a more meaningful lifestyle. More relaxation and less stress.Margaret A Jones http://www.thesimplicityofreiki.comClick on the link above to find out more Reiki Insights.Margaret is a Reiki Master/Teacher, and has been using her Reiki for herself and others for many years. And of course the animals we all love.

Reiki Distance Healing The Simple Version Prt1

Sending Distance Healing Using Reiki A Simple Version Part 1 of 2 by Tera-Mai London Reiki Master Michelle Elaawar of

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Aromatherapy - Relaxing Your Body and Mind

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 03:01 PM PST

Article by Keith Richard Conwell

Historically, aromatherapy has been used by ancient people in different countries. This is to relax their body and mind with all the stress. This is a fact since archaeologists have found evidence in ancient Egyptian tombs, in ancient Roman unearthing and even in ancient Chinese relics.

Today, aromatherapy is also used to free mind-stress and to relax the whole body. There are oils that have been extracted from herbs, fruits and flowers to get its essence and it is used in aromatherapy.

Now, how to use aromatherapy is quite easy once you know how to balance the mixture of essential oils and other components in making scents to relieve body and mind stress. Here are some of the aromatherapy tips that you can apply in your own home.

Tip 1 - Use natural products

This is the first in aromatherapy tips that you should remember. You have to choose and use natural products only. This is to prevent you from certain reactions on your skin or in your nose. You might end up having skin irritation or headache because of the strong perfume of non-natural aromatherapy products.

To make it easier for you, here are some of the natural products on how to use aromatherapy. Read on.

" Chamomile essence - can be used in body massage or can be combined in candles as an aromatic product. It relieves stress, calms your senses and alleviates insomnia.

" Lavender - also used as an antiseptic and to treat insomnia. The flower is extracted and oil is used.

" Peppermint - this kind of herb has a cooling effect on your senses. Also, its aroma alleviates stomach aches. One of the best properties of peppermint is a decongestant. A lot of pharmaceutical companies use peppermint as an ingredient in decongestants.

" Jasmine - native to Asian countries the flower is extracted and used to treat lethargy and it can also be used as an anti-depressant.These are just some of the natural products on how to use aromatherapy.

Tip 2 - Choose wisely

This means that even thoug! h you ha ve chosen an all natural product for your aromatherapy, you also have to consider its container. Aromatherapy tips: use an all glass container. This is because there are aromatherapy essences that are quite strong (these essences can turn rubber into a gummy state and it can destroy the essential oils).

Tip 3 - Pay attention

A lot of fake sellers are out there in the market. Always be vigilant in purchasing essences for your aromatherapy. Check the labels and the origin of the product you are about to purchase. This is to make sure that you are purchasing quality and original products.With these tips you can be sure that your therapy is at ease.

Take into account that this type of alternative medicine has been proven by many. You don't have to worry about the side effects. If you want to be sure on how to use aromatherapy, you can ask experts or even your doctor if there are aggravating factors once you use it.Take away the stress in your mind and body. Be relieved and use the power of aromatherapy. Be well my friend!

About the Author

Discover many useful articles and valuable information about aromatherapy tips at my blog today,

Relaxation Through Reiki

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 02:01 PM PST

Article by Melissa Marcy

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation. It is a great technique to use at the end of a tough day or as a relaxing way to start off your morning. Reiki is a form of energy work where the Reiki practitioner acts as a funnel for the Reiki energy, directing it down through their own crown chakra and out of their hands into the recipient. The energy that they are channeling is the divine, all knowing spiritual energy that exists around us everywhere. People refer to this energy by different names in various cultures (prana, chi, ki, life force), but it is essentially the energy of love. Reiki can be done either in person or by distance. The in person sessions can be either hands-on or hands off (a few inches above the body) where Reiki energy is directed to the chakra centers of the recipient's body. Distance sessions can be performed over any distance - it doesn't matter if the recipient and practitioner are across the room from each other, a mile away, or on opposite sides of the planet since spiritual energy has no bounds and distance in the spiritual realm does not exist. Reiki can be sent to the past, to the present and the future and is great for both people and animals. We can all benefit from love and giving the gift of Reiki - whether to yourself or someone you love - is a great way to show that you care.

In person sessions can last anywhere from a half hour to an hour and a half and can range in price from about /hr to around 0/hr depending on your location and the practitioner's experience. Distance sessions are usually slightly less expensive and are much more convenient as you can receive it from the comfort of your own home. Reiki can also be sent via distance to large groups of recipients at the same time, which is a much more economical way of receiving Reiki. Since Reiki is of an infinite and boundless energy source, recipients in a large group have the same benefits of an individual session... some would even claim it is stronger. Another way to rece! iver Rei ki energy is through Reiki charged objects, music and videos. Just about anything can be charged with Reiki by a practitioner so that you can receive Reiki while you are in contact with it. For more information on Reiki or to schedule a session or purchase a Reiki charged item, visit our website Virtuality Studio Reiki and Meditation.

Disclaimer: this article is intended for inspirational purposes only and the techniques and ideas described herein are not to be used as a substitute for professional medical or psychological treatment or without prior consultation with, approval of, and under the supervision of your physician or therapist. Application of the information, techniques and ideas in this article is at the sole risk and discretion of the reader.

About the Author

Melissa Marie Marcy is an author, artist and Reiki practitioner. She is the author of The Manifestation Guidebook and How To Be In Tune With The Infinite, and has produced a series of Reiki charged nature meditation videos and mp3's. For more information or to schedule a Reiki session, please visit her website at

Reiki Guides - Judith Of Chikara-Reiki-Do, Answers Your Reiki Questions

Everybody talks about Reiki guides, but what exactly are they, and do you have any yourself? Judith Conroy of Chikara-Reiki-Do gives you the answers... The Beautiful Energy Of Reiki Is Within You Right Now... And You Can Quickly, Easily and Very Inexpensively Become a Powerful Reiki Master by visiting here:

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Aromatherapy For Stress

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 01:04 PM PST

Article by Sandy Cara

Aromatherapy is that the therapeutic use of plant derived essential oils to push physical and psychological well-being. Essential oils or aromatherapy oils are around for thousands of years primarily based on accounts that place the primary uses of aromatherapy in 3,000 BC by the Egyptian people.Essential oils are the life force of plants. Aromatherapy may be a psychological system of healing, a holistic approach to health and well-being by means that of aromas which are scents derived from the plant kingdom. The oils are made from plants and herbs, fruit, flowers, bark and different varieties of organic materials.The facility of fragrance is used to influence and alter our emotional moods. Their aroma assists in balancing, stimulating, relaxing, invigorating and rejuvenating the body. These precious essential oils heal and enliven body, mind and spirit by enchanting your senses. Alternative effects of essential oils include speeding wound healing, reducing inflammation, and acting as analgesics.Essential oils act directly upon the brain centers, which have a regulating effect upon the pituitary gland called the hypophysis, through hormones with the rest of endocrine system. Aromatherapy can assist in assuaging several symptoms, and helps to relax and soothe the mind. Nowadays aromatherapy is sort of synonymous with the choice medicines definition of fine health.As a result of aromatherapy will be done by yourself, it makes it simple to try to to at home or at work. There are several ways in which that a person will implement aromatherapy. One person might select to use incense; another might select to use oils. Different folks have applied essential oils directly to the half of the body that they are having issues with, and some even use candles in aromatherapy.You can also use diffusers or vaporizers to put the scents into the air. Many people conjointly use the essential oils to create lotions that can be applied at any time or place. Though its name suggests that it is primarily a kind of aro! ma or sm ell therapy, the essential oils are, in fact, supposed mainly to be absorbed into the body via the skin, through massage, and the lungs, through inhalation.How you decide on to implement the aromatherapy is entirely up to you. With the use of the proper essential oils, you are certain to reap the advantages of aromatherapy, regardless of how you implement it.Because so several individuals use aromatherapy to alleviate stress and anxiety, I wished to talk about 2 essentials that employment extraordinarily well together to alleviate these. The primary of these is Bergamot. Bergamot oil is foremost thought of a miraculous neuro-tonic and a robust helper against depression caused by fatigue or unreleased tensions and frustrations. Bergamot stimulates the pancreas and therefore the liver in some individuals, has shown anti-microbial effects in some studies, particularly on the bronchies, and might supply support in cases of slow digestion and hypertension.The other is Lavender. Lavender is among the safest and most widely used of all aromatherapy oils. It relieves muscle pain, migraines and alternative headaches, and inflammation. It's conjointly one amongst the foremost antiseptic essential oils, treating several varieties of infection, as well as lung, sinus, vaginal, and particularly candida infections. Of several fragrances tested by aromatherapy researchers, lavender was most effective at relaxing brain waves and reducing stress.When these 2 oils are subtle together, you get one among the most potent natural stress relievers today. Again, you will opt for a totally different approach, such as a lotion or inhalant, to fully take advantage of their combined properties.The one issue that you really need to be concerned about when obtaining aromatherapy merchandise is to form sure that the essential oils are 100% oils, you don't need any additives.

About the Author

Sandy Cara has been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in Aromatherapy, you can also check out her latest website about: Instant Polaroid Camera Which reviews and lists the bestInstant Film Cameras

Robert Tisserand with Ron Guba on essential oils and cancer

Robert Tisserand, essential oils and aromatherapy expert, speaks with Ron Guba in Melbourne, Australia about using essential oils to treat injuries and illnesses such as cancer.

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Holistic Nutrition Therapy May Be Just What Your Doctor Should Order!

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 12:00 PM PST

Article by Karan Naidoo

Holistic medicine is fast taking hold in America. More than a third of Americans, queried in random surveys, say that they have used some form of alternative medicine to help what ails them. It seems that conventional allopathic physicians are starting to take notice of this trend.

Holistic nutrition therapy is at the forefront of many doctor's strategies in dealing with chronic ailments. While your doctor may not refer you to an acupuncturist, he or she may well be inclined to take a look at your nutritional needs as they may relate to a medical condition you suffer.

Every doctor knows that good nutrition is essential to good health. In fact, your doctor probably spends a good deal of time promoting your healthy eating habits! However, it's also likely that your doctor is aware of current commercial farming practices, and genetically engineered foods which may be robbing you of the nutrients you should be getting from the foods you buy.

While you may think you're eating healthful, nutritious food, with plenty of produce and good sources of protein, this may not truly be the case. For example, commercial farming practices tend to leach the soil of trace minerals and certain vitamins. As for genetically engineered foods, who knows? These are strong arguments in favor of holistic nutrition strategies.

Here's where the holistic approach to health care really comes into its own. Many degenerative diseases which are now epidemic in Western cultures, are exacerbated and sometimes even caused, by vitamin deficiencies, which often go unnoticed in mainstream medical practice. For example, people who suffer from chronic pain may be prescribed a pain medication to ease their suffering. However, the condition causing the pain does not get better, but instead usually gets worse. The pain medication simply masks the pain.

A doctor who sees the value of the holistic nutrition strategy may decide to address the possible root causes of the pain. There are a number of vitamin defici! encies w hich can result in muscle and joint pain. It's also known that as we age, we are less able to absorb certain nutrients.

Here's a case in point: a friend of mine suffers from osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, experiencing a considerable amount of pain on a daily basis. She got fed up with having to rely on pain medications to alleviate the pain as well as some of the side effects. After doing a little research on her own, she discovered that a holistic nutrition strategy might just be the answer she was looking for. She talked to her doctor about getting tested for blood levels of certain nutrients which might indicate deficiencies contributing to the pain.

Her doctor ordered lab work which showed rather substantial deficiencies in vitamins D, Folic acid and B-12. The doctor prescribed these vitamins to get her levels back to normal. After a few months of these supplements, her pain has dramatically decreased and she reports feeling more energetic.

Think of it this way: holistic nutrition is sort of like a more sophisticated and intelligent 'food pyramid'. Eating foods that should be good for you doesn't necessarily mean you're getting the nutrition you paid for!

If you suffer from a chronic condition, do yourself a favor by doing a little research into holistic nutrition. If you find information that may indicate a nutritional factor that affects your condition, talk to your doctor. The lab work will tell the real story.

About the Author

Karan has been involved with internet marketing for nearly 4 years and is an avid writer who writes on various subjects. Come visit his latest website that discusses Best Acne Cure and learn about Homemade Acne Remedies.

Speedy Acne Therapy - Effective Acne Treatment Tips to Get Crystal clear Skin

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 11:04 AM PST

Article by Jan Fulton

How quite a few occasions have you been hunting ahead to an upcoming occasion only to have a very critical breakout?&nbsp You could possibly select to skip the event or you can glimpse for a rapid acne therapy to enable crystal clear absent people nasty pimples.&nbsp Try out these acne treatment treatment masks to support end those blemishes.A fantastic speedy acne treatment method that I know is to use an aspirin mask.&nbsp Take two to assist with the headache that your encountering, then crush up two, combine them with h2o, and place the paste on your confront.&nbsp This acne cure remedy will promptly dispose of any unseemly blemishes in a brief volume of time.This mask is not only magnificent for lowering latest blemishes, but it's a wonderful at exfoliating your pores and skin.&nbsp It will obvious absent dead skin cells and it will also clean your pores out, supporting to protect against future breakouts.One more popular swift acne treatment is to use egg whites with a small bit of lemon juice squeezed in.&nbsp For heaven's sake, don't use fake lemon juice, use the serious stuff!&nbsp Just spread this on your experience right up until it dries and just rinse it off.The mix off egg yolks and lemon juice in the acne treatment treatment operate jointly pretty perfectly.&nbsp The lemon reduces the impact of blemishes equally outdated and new and the egg whites will make your pores and skin very sleek and it will search very healthy.The previous rapid acne treatment is to make an oatmeal mask.&nbsp Oatmeal masks are fantastic at reducing the physical appearance of any latest breakouts and they support apparent them up that substantially more quickly.&nbsp This will have you back again to usual in no time.An oatmeal mask can be prepared in both of two approaches.&nbsp You can possibly flip the oatmeal into a great powder in a blender and combine that powder with some lemon juice, or you can essentially cook the oatmeal and place that on your face after y! ou have authorized it to awesome.&nbsp Both equally make equivalent success so feel cost-free to consider both or the two.Don't worry to much above that significant occasion looming just through the horizon.&nbsp You won't ever before be ready to crystal clear an acne blemish is just a several hrs, but at minimum an individual acne heal remedy the following will assist you decrease the appearance of a breakout in just a handful of days.The key intent of birth management pills is to alter the hormonal balance which can normally lead to birth control acne. Like all humans, adult females are sensitive. When we commence producing adjustments to modify the normal behavior of the human body, there will effortlessly be results resulting from those improvements.The fact is that acne is but a person of the side results of producing these hormonal changes. Acne normally is normally targeted mainly because it is the most visible manifestation of the side results. Other aspect effects include:

Excess fat acquireNauseaMood changesLighter durationsSmall quantity of blood, or spotting, between periodsSore or swollen breastsIn addition, there is a group of facet results known as "ACHES" which do not take place as routinely as the record over, but are extra really serious in their impression. About the Author

On the net Marketer, Enjoys Everyday life, Loves to help people with widespread each day complications.Microdermabrasion - Acne Miracle Cure?, Microdermabrasion - Acne Miracle Remedy?, Treatment for Acne Now

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Simple Steps For Developing A Holistic Treatment For Depression

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 11:00 AM PST

Article by R.D. Hawkins

Holistic medicine is defined as a form of therapy aimed at treating the whole person, not just the part or parts in which the symptoms occur. Finding a holistic treatment for depression involves formulating a treatment plan to rule out underlying causes, make lifestyle changes, correct any nutritional deficiencies, implementing exercise and avoid inactivity, and possibly consider a natural herbal remedy.

Depression is quite often caused by an underlying cause. This is an important first step in creating a holistic treatment plan for depression. If there is an underlying cause such as hormones, thyroid problems, or stress related adrenal problems if will greatly impact the effectiveness of any treatment whether conventional or alternative.

Smart lifestyle choices are very important in establishing a holistic treatment for depression. There are a number of lifestyle choices which have been linked to depression including smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and caffeine intake. Eliminating one or all of these can be a difficult task due to their addictive nature but keep in mind that any addictive substance changes brain chemistry and some experts believe the key to overcoming depression is in rebalancing brain neurotransmitter chemistry. If a substance or substances are standing in the way of this pursuit changes are positive long lasting results will be hard achieve.

Research shows that a deficiency in only one nutrient can change brain function in a way that it brings on bouts of depression. In establishing a holistic treatment for depression taking a daily multivitamin is a good place to start. Studies show that depressed people tend to have low levels of folic acid, vitamin B12, and vitamin B6 so a B complex supplement should not be ruled out as well.

Sometimes when exercise is mentioned people just roll their eyes because they have heard it so many times. Nevertheless, exercise should be the cornerstone which your holistic depression treatment program is built upo! n. Numer ous studies have clearly indicated that exercise has profound anti-depressive effects. These studies show that increased participation in exercise, sports, and physical activities is strongly associated with decreased symptoms of anxiety and depression. Additionally, people who establish consist exercise programs have higher self esteem, feel better, and are in general much happier than those that do not. One of the best pieces of advice anyone can give you in establishing a sustainable exercise program is to start slow and make it fun. Examples would be taking a walk in a scenic natural park, listening to music, or finding a friend to converse with while walking. If you turn exercise into something you have to do rather than something you want to do you will not stick with it.

Natural remedies for depression are not essential for establishing a holistic treatment for depression program. Nevertheless, they might be that last piece of the puzzle that helps you succeed. Perhaps the most popular natural remedies for depression are herbal blends. Herbal blends for depression often contain the popular herb St. John's wort in combination with other herbs such as passionflower. Some studies suggest that when combined with a holistic treatment plan for depression as described above the benefits can rival those of anti-depressant medications without the side effects.

In closing, if you are suffering with depression perhaps the most important thing is not to let depression get in the way of seeking help. It is easy to put off taking action believing things will get better, they may not. Don't let yourself fall into this depressive cycle. Take action now.

About the Author

R.D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate for the use of natural health products and natural living with over 10 years experience in the field of natural health and wellness.Learn more about natural remedies and natural health at Purchase

An Overview Of Holistic Treatments For Depression

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 10:00 AM PST

Article by Robert William Locke

Who can you trust to give you accurate, unbiased information about holistic treatments for depression? Nobody! I say that because there are so many lobbies looking after their own interests that it is really hard to find accurate information. The biggest lobby of all, the pharmaceutical companies making ant-depressants, have been known to hide and suppress clinical trials regarding their medications which have been subject of much controversy. Little wonder then that holistic treatments for depression even get a look in.

Let me tell you briefly about one of these trials which was conducted by the University of Hull (UK) recently. They actually did a study of 49 clinical trials to discover whether the anti-depressants such as Prozac, Zoloft and Lexapro were really effective in helping depressed people with their symptoms. The study concluded that these drugs had little or no effect and were only useful in cases of severe depression, which fortunately are rare. Even more shocking was the fact that the effects were no greater than that obtained by giving the patients a sweet 'dummy pill'. As you can imagine the drug companies poured scorn on the study which makes me all the more suspicious.

So what are the alternatives and what exactly do we mean by holistic treatments for depression? As the word holistic suggests, it means 'whole' and that includes body, mind and spirit. These work in tandem to reinforce the organism and restore the balance which has been upset by the depression. There is no need to mention how the state of our physical health can impact on our moods and mental state and vice versa. There is more than enough evidence out there to prove that.

Holistic treatments for depression will include homeopathic remedies, herbal remedies, chiropractic, acupuncture, psychotherapy or 'talk therapy' and even things like exercise, diet and relaxation techniques, including yoga and meditation. All these treatments have one thing in common and that is that they work to get the body! -mind ha rmonisation essential to good health, back on track and without forming any physical or chemical dependence. Just look at exercise alone. If you exercise for at least twenty five minutes, you will release the feel good endorphins into your brain and that will always lift your mood and feelings of well being. Perhaps one of the best examples of holistic depression treatment. The number of fit people who are depressed is very low.

It looks as if holistic depression treatment might well be the future but not yet! In the meantime, you can discover how effective these holistic treatments can be by clicking on the link below this article.

About the Author

Want to try a holistic treatments for depression ? Robert Locke has written extensively on Mental Health for many years.

Introduction to the focus of Jasmuheen & The Embassy of Peace various web channels

Welcome to this brief video with insights into the service focus of Jasmuheen and THE EMBASSY OF PEACE. In our websites, and also the CIA -- Cosmic Internet Academy -- plus our YouTube channel, you will find that we are dedicated to the fulfilment of the programs of the Embassy of Peace, so that our world and her people can enjoy health, happiness and harmony in mutually enhancing ways. To support this objective, and to provide personal fine-tuning, we offer over four decades of well researched, pragmatic data, and tools, in the form of free audio insights, CDs, e-books, over 300 free YouTube videos, plus our free Embassy of Peace manual with its personal, global and universal harmonization programs. We also offer more specific individualized fine-tuning via our retreats and seminars that we conduct globally over a few months each year. Like our books, these gatherings are offered in many languages and focus on health, happiness, harmony, self mastery, self knowledge and the co-creation of mutually beneficial realities. Via our retreats we also offer intense instruction in the highly specialized field of Pranic Living and we also offer this using darkroom technology. You will discover in all our channels, substantial free data that offers pragmatic solutions to many individual and global imbalances, such as: - Ways to access and utilize, alternative, internal, energy resource systems - how to utilize our existing resource systems more effectively; - Ways to ...

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As You Believe: Create Completeness

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 09:01 AM PST

When we affirm that we are fulfilled rather than deficient, we are asserting that contentment is a natural way of being.

The creative power of the universe is infinite. A single molecule's destiny is as important as the consequences of the largest supernova. Human potential is subject to this power, but because we are sentient beings, each of us is permitted to choose whether we will struggle against it or work in tandem with it. When we give voice to our desires through focused meditation or solicit the help of spirit guides, we draw upon the universe's creative power to achieve certain ends. However, because our words are not all the universe hears, the response we receive may surprise us. The discourse we establish through our appeals is a blend of speech, thought, intention, and subconscious reflection. When we ask the universe for something, the unspoken message is that what we want does not exist, and the universe accepts this as truth. Conversely, we manifest completeness through affirmations in which we declare our desires as if we have already obtained them.

When we affirm that we are fulfilled instead of articulating deficiencies, we are asserting that contentment is a natural and necessary element of human existence. Our essence is an expression of fulfillment—the universe wants to satisfy our needs and desires. When we describe our realities in positive terms, we are not denying the challenges inherent in existence. We choose not to focus on lack or dissatisfaction because we understand that the energy of our thoughts will determine the response we receive to our entreaties. Ask yourself how you would feel if your wishes were granted, and then allow yourself to internalize that emotional state. Try to create a picture of satisfaction so vivid that its reality is unquestionable and tell the universe that your vision is fact. At the close of your appeal, express your gratitude, as it is your acknowledgment of the truth of your fulfillment that will set the creative power of the universe into motion.

Working in perfect unison with the creative power of the universe will empower you to manifest spiritual realities in your material existence. As you affirm the beauty, peace, and goodness that already exist within in your life, your capacity to sense and understand their influence will become increasingly sophisticated. To meet your needs and achieve your desires, you need then only banish all thoughts of emptiness so that the energy of completeness can attract fullness into your being.

~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM

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End of the World - Lahkota Medicine Man Prophecy Pt 2

Lahkota Medicine Man, talks about his visions of the end of the world. Man has lived on this earth for thousands of years, but in the last 100 years, man has been a parasite that takes and takes without giving back and finally the host, Mother Earth, fights back killing many. But those that survive become holistic and learn to live in balance and harmony with each other and Mother Earth and give back what they take. Soldiers are being trained to kill and not disaster recovery search and rescue. Our armies are in other countries and should be at home. Floyd Looks For Buffalo Hand, Medicine Man, Treaty Delegate, Author Russell Means Indian Activist Actor Author Lahkota Medicine Man Visions and Dreams Part 2 More info: RepublicOfLakotah (dot) com Filmed and edited by: Lance Brown Eyes Lucas Brown Eyes Lakota Brown Eyes Pine Ridge South Dakota 2008 apocalypse end of days end of time heidenberg secret society war profiteers hurricane flood earthquakes mountains storms wind riots oil uranium pollution green

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Holistic Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center - Pioneering Approach to the treatment of addiction and alcoholism

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST

Article by Taylor Reed

Holistic Drug Rehab - New York and CT - In an attempt to improve treatment outcomes for people suffering from drug addiction and alcoholism, drug rehabs across the country have incorporated holistic treatment methods into their treatment programming. However, the prevalence and use of this approach may not have occurred if it were not for a group of forward thinking individuals who launched the first treatment center built on a holistic philosophical core that focused on treating the entire individual and not just the symptoms. This approach is now widely known as the "Mind-Body and Spirit" approach. After introducing this holistic approach to the addiction treatment field more than a decade ago, Mountainside Treatment Center in Connecticut proudly looks back and reflects on the 11 years of progressive development of its treatment program from pioneers to leaders in the field of addiction.

Chief Operating Officer, Martin Fedor commented that, "Not many of the treatment centers we visited in the early days quite understood what it was that we were doing, and their eyes would glaze over when we would mention that we were incorporating Yoga, Meditation and other new techniques into our daily treatment program. At the time, it was way too new-age for most of them and lacked any credibility as far as they were concerned". Founder of Mountainside, and Chief Executive Officer, Terence Dougherty; "We remained focused and knew that we were onto something. 12 years ago when we studied the field it was very different than what we see today. Almost all treatment providers had a standardized approach that, by our assessment, was too narrow for many individuals and had invariably produced abysmal results. We observed that while many holistic disciplines were introduced and incorporated into the treatment of other illnesses and lifestyles, it had evaded addiction medicine, and that is where we came in."

Fast forward 12 years and Mountainside Treatment Center has developed the leading holistic d! rug and alcohol treatment program in the country, treated thousands of individuals throughout the United States and from around the world. Mountainside was invited to Washington by the White House to discuss with the Drug Czar, John Walters, and his staff, its effective and innovative treatment methods. Mountainside's Mind-Body- Spirit program, as it is called, has gained more traction than what was ever imagined and, in doing so, has served as the blue print for dozens of other addiction programs throughout the country and the world.Some of the innovations introduced into the drug rehab program include, among others, Yoga, Meditation and Qigong. As the name Mountainside implies, the facility is located at the base of a mountain complete with gardens, a massive labyrinth, streams, waterfalls and a Native American Stone People's Lodge. Mountainside combines a unique combination of setting, philosophy, compassion and professionalism that makes this drug rehab unlike any other. The constant development of its treatment program, in its relentless pursuit to provide the best treatment to its clients, has served as its advantage and fostered the continued growth of the organization.

To learn more of the Mountainside Holistic Drug Rehab Program please visit Mountainside

Additional Information:

Studies have shown that activities such as Meditation, Qigong, Yoga, Hypnosis and participation in our Native American Stone People's Lodge help to speed up and improve the recovery process. In many cases these activities also accelerate the detoxification process by speeding up the body's lymph system, releasing harmful toxins from the body. These practices also lessen anxiety levels and improve sleep patterns which in turn give balance back to the body and mind. In the last 10 years, these practices have become increasingly more popular in the United States for their many health benefits. In addition to the benefits listed above, there are many more including increased blood flow to the brain, increased oxyg! en metab olism, lower blood pressure and an overall improvement in longevity and health. All of this helps the individual in his/her goal of remaining alcohol and drug free.

About Mountainside Treatment Center

Mountainside Drug Rehab is a comprehensive and innovative provider of treatment for individuals suffering from drug addiction and alcoholism. Mountainside's licensed and certified counselors, social workes and clinical treatment team and staff are dedicated to providing an unsurpassed treatment experience to its clients. With diverse areas of expertise, the treatment team works collaboratively with each client and their family to ensure that an individualized treatment plan is designed that will treat not just the symptoms, but the whole individual. With professionalism and compassion, each client is guided through every stage of recovery and encouraged to participate in a wide variety of *evidence-based and cutting edge innovative treatment options.

In addition to its licensed and credentialed counselors, social workers and clinical staff, Mountainside's medical services include our Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Registered Nurse with specialization in drug addiction and alcoholism treatment. Psychiatric services are available when needed. Please contact us at the number below or visit it's website at ( If you or someone you love is in need of treatment or if you have questions please contact us at: 800-762-5433

About the Author

Taylor Reed is a freelance author who devotes his writing attention to mental health and services interests.

Mom Refuses Ritalin and Heals Her ADHD Autism Kids With Natural Medicine - (Video by Larry Cook) Deborah Merlin raised prematurely born twin sons diagnosed with a host of medical problems and neurological challenges. She refused to put her children on Ritalin or other stimulant medications while at the same time the other conventional medicine treatments and therapies she tried resulted in multiple failures. After seven years of determined research she finally found success with dietary change, supplements and natural medicine therapies prescribed by an integrative medical doctor. Her integrative medical doctor ordered an amino acid panel and found that one of her sons was deficient in several amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of neurotransmitters in the brain. Shortly after her son started on the amino acid supplements, his facial tics stopped, his violent behavior went away, his seizures disappeared, he became happier, and remarkably, he went from failing in school to getting A's and B's in school. Watch the video to hear the whole story, and then order her book, "VICTORY OVER ADHD a holistic approach for helping children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder" from or her website http Video Interview of: Deborah Reinauer Merlin Produced by Larry Cook Author of The Beginner's Guide to Natural Living

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Employing vaporizers for the purpose of Aromatherapy

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 08:06 AM PST

Article by Igor Bubis

Incense is actually well-liked and straightforward to work with however has several disadvantages, in contrast aromatherapy can be uneasy to prepare and yet is a lot more healthy and beneficial. Many will have an interest to learn the fact that Aromatherapy can be done effortlessly using a vaporizer for instance the volcano vaporizer. Aromatherapy's other problem is that standard aromatherapy makes use of costly beneficial natural oils; herbal oils will be heated and thus diffuse, this takes place in a short time and with some essential oils coming in at exceedingly substantial amounts aromatherapy isn't practical for most or turns into a luxury. Using a vaporizer for aromatherapy the herbal treatments by themselves can be employed and so are applied a lot more effectively so you can take advantage of herbs and spices bought at the shop as well as grow your own herbs in your gardening giving you a practically inexhaustible resource so you can benefit from aromatherapy the whole day long if you would like. Many herbal products possess overall health benefits that can be experienced by means of aromatherapy: the most common are usually mint or eucalyptus that help for obstruction. Lavender though is calming as well as chamomile which could assist sleep; other herbal remedies take care of particular medical problems and also to get the most advantage they must be used consistently. Some herbal products may also assist with relief of pain and so you may wish to use these for the purpose of aromatherapy during an practically regular schedule.

Having said that not necessarily making use of essential oils is less expensive, for several aromas you really can't use a plant as a result sometimes as it is rare or utilizing a product like lemon you won't have the ability to make use of it in a vaporizer in the same manner like a herb but still can probably put it on for aromatherapy, luckily a dish which will holds essential oils can be obtained and additionally combined with the particular volcano va! porizer.

Using a Volcano Vaporizer to get aromatherapy is among the most relaxing as well as safest ways to take pleasure in aromatherapy. For a start a new volcano vaporizer is significantly healthier when compared with incense or maybe smoking herbs and far safer as opposed to all kinds of other vaporizers. The volcano vaporizer incorporates a heat setting up measure that allows you to heat herbal products around the perfect temperature so that you can release smells along with their healing attributes with no delivering any toxins or even harmful gases out of burning up. The problem with incense or even burning up natural herbs is always that by way of burning off the herbs the particular health benefits may also be destroyed and erased, this fumes itself is without a doubt dangerous and can be also very toxic. Materials in some vaporizers may be threatening too when warmed up and will taint ones aromatherapy, the actual Volcano Vaporizer includes a porcelain ceramic biomass container as well as being largely created from surgical grade metal. When using the Volcano Vaporizer and also other vaporizer that's got a reliable thermostat that you could setup you could make absolutely sure your aromatherapy is safe and also you increase the advantage of the herbal remedies; however you can also switch the heat down, this means your herbal products will likely be consumed more slowly and less fragrance would be discharged: you are able to therefore work with a volcano vaporizer to decide precisely how potent you would like the aromatherapy to become.

This Volcano Vaporizer features an important heat control and also provides an independent fan option, it is possible to therefore sometimes release any aromatherapy using the fan in a good burst or perhaps don't utilize the fan hence the bouquet is normally released less quickly.

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Vapor Outlet ( offers a healthier, more economical solution to smoking. Burning herbs is easily the most primitive form of therapeutic inhalation, but thankfully for us the days of ancient man have passed. Vaporizing herbs eliminates harmful carcinogens, smoke and tar known to cause disease while still producing unbeatable potency and flavor. sells volcano vaporizer digital and analog herbal vaporizers manufactured by Volcano, Iolite, Da Buddha, herbal grinders and herbal vaporizer accessories.

How to use Biosun Ear Candle?

BIOSUN ear candles are regularly tested by independent institutes and are certified medical products according to EC guidelines 93/42 (EEC). BIOSUN has been researching the use of ear candles since 1985 and ensures the high quality and safety standards. The 11 different types of ear candles are all made by pure beeswax, honey extract, traditional herbs such as Sage, St. John's wort, Chamomile and pure essential oils entrapped in pesticide-free untreated cotton. The specially designed safety filter inside prevents the earwax from dripping back down into the ear. DK Aromatherapy G/F 16A Staunton Street, Cemtral, Hong Kong Tel: 852 - 2771 2847 Fax: 2367 2376

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Dr. Rob’s 3G’s, December 20, 2011

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 08:00 AM PST

Gratitude: I am grateful for nature at work in me every day

Goals: my goal is to share the beauty of nature at work, creating through change and disruption

Game plan: to read and write of nature's creativity, through birth life and death, and the storms of the universe, God creates

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Aromatherapy Gift: Gift Ideas

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 07:01 AM PST

Article by Mike Rosales

Aromatherapy has become so popular today because the sense of smell has such impact on the human brain and how a person feels making them a unique gift idea. Aromatherapy gift can be great to give for all types of occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries or any holidays will be the fantastic reasons to share the benefits of aromatherapy with a family, friend or your loved one. The gifts are available in different varieties and positive effects like for relaxing assortments, spa treatment collection, anti stress and also in detoxifying the body. It can also be in the forms of candles, dream pillows, beauty wreaths or spa gifts or anything that the recipient's personal taste is actually the most priority. They can be simple or elegant that is made in a single or a set of aromatherapy candles for the living area or bedroom décor. These Aromatherapy gift in the form of scented candles are identified as to which mood they are intended to give on and choosing the scents that your recipient will surely love to enjoy. They can be wrapped in a bright wrapping paper or placed in an attractive gift bags, aromatherapy candles make a great packaging idea. Bath salts, bubble bath, candles, moisturizing lotion and also bath beads can be packaged along with a facial brush and other personal care items. It is best to select a theme of your gift if you are creating your own of aromatherapy bath products. The great way of having your living room with a candle or candle set that will definitely increase the romance, peace or serenity ambience of the room. Most of the readymade sets containing aromatherapy items will be created along with a theme as well and the reason is that, the scents should complement one another rather than conflict causing unwanted scents. To add a more unique touch, wrap it along with a rubber ducky and if the recipient doesn't have children, the whimsy of the rubber ducky will get a smile. Most people appreciate a little pampering along and with this it allows an individual to do so witho! ut any e xtra expense. You've done all of the hard work and spent the money, they just need to enjoy the experience. If the person that you are buying this Aromatherapy gift is already familiar with aromatherapy then you may want to try to purchase something one's that they haven't tried before or perhaps with their favorite scents maybe. If you have absolutely no idea of what scents they might like and you don't want to change it, consider purchasing gift in form of certificates to an online retail store or even a book that has different types of aromatherapy products. Essential oil, burners and candles all make fantastic gift and moreover, you now able to get this gift in quite beneficial seeking offers which you tend not to ought to gift wrap them. The quality of the gift must be beautiful and neat and it will be a bit tricky to endure the temptation not purchase a thing just for you. The fantastic thing with regards to the Aromatherapy gift is that, you may now look on different store and also on the net. This means that, you can spot an order straight online and obtain the product or service without the need of getting to move an inch out of the property or workplace you are in.

If all said does not convince you, then you can also make your own gift more personalized for someone special that will be uniquely blended in the form of oils can create one of a kind bath product that cannot be duplicated exactly. Aromatherapy gift blended with someone in mind takes on a resonance of that person and gives out appropriate gifts. Aromatherapy scents are woody or floral, sweet or citrus. Whatever types of oils are blended together, creating your own Aromatherapy gift to give to someone is a gift they will long remember.

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Menstrual Cramp Relief | Recipe | Video | Veria Living In this Recipe Video from Veria Living Noelle Katai's 5-oil Cramp Relief Blend is designed specifically to ease those cramps in the lower back and abdominals that seem to strike women once a month. The first ingredient is geranium, a universal hormone balancer. Then there's lavender, which is both relaxing and anti-inflammatory. Ginger is warming, rose adds fragrance, and marjoram is one of the strongest sedatives in aromatherapy. You may start using it all month long! Menstrual Cramp Relief Ingredients Essential Oils: 10 drops geranium 8 drops lavender 6 drops marjoram 6 drops ginger 2 drops rose or chamomile Base Oils: 1/4 ounce arnica infusion oil 1/4 ounce evening primrose oil 1 ounce castor or sesame oil

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Video: Nature at Work

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST

Dr. Rob shares his daily video…

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How To Sleep With A Disc Bulge Neuromuscular Therapist Sam Visnic teaches you how to sleep properly when you have a disc bulge or disc herniation.

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soccer jerseys nfl jerseys sale It is impossible not to find a lovely crystal vase that will fit one’s budget.

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 06:01 AM PST

Article by Susunhuang

cheap soccer jerseys nfl jerseys sale I know what you're thinking . When you spread your meals in 5 meals a day, your body has to work less hard.How do you create this calorie deficit?? It is a combination of watching your intake along with the right types of exercise, which burn calories during and after activity, as long as 36 hours after completion!?Besides eating every 3-4 hours,?your diet needs to be rich in 4 components known to make you feel "fuller" but also contribute to fat burning - protein, fats, fiber and water.The best forms of vitamin supplements are the ones labeled "chelated".Learn to eat until satiated. If you simply strip away the booze and the drugs then an alcoholic is left with a hollow shell of a life; they cannot elicit any passion or excitement about themselves without returning to the bottle. The reason this is so important if you have dry skin is because collagen and elastin help improve your skins ability to retain moisture. If you've noticed (or are noticing now for the first time!) that your toes bend up right where they connect to the rest of your foot and the tips of the toes curl down, then more likely then not, you have the foot I am talking about! This is a foot with hammertoes! These types of toes put pressure on the balls of the foot.websYou can contact the author: pyramid. Start with a heart-to-heart talk.While celebrities and other high profile personalities in the United States turn to spas for inner cleansing, almost anyone can adopt a detoxification plan right at home.. If it's something truly hideous, give yourself an achievable time limit, say, 20 minutes. Failure to consider all these things will make your plan incomplete. It involves getting free of the present disease and then eradicating every factor that causes it to exist. Avoid tight elastic bands (they reduce circulation).For instant, complimentary fat loss help that is customized to you, visit . It is my experience that the reason that this happens is that commonly people simply do not have en! ough of an understanding of what needs to go into a product in order to make that particular product effective. Pull Ups with Knee Ups.Reiki accelerates the body's natural ability to heal itself and brings a wonderful feeling of peace and well-being. You just need to figure out what you like best and go with it. Suzanne Gudakunst's subjects were told by their doctors that either they only have years or months left to live. Carbohydrates (6-8 serves daily)One serving should contain about 0.While we can't practically start every day with a blank slate, it is advisable to forget the past day with the morning of a new one.What are the symptoms of Genital Warts?The early genital warts symptoms include genital itch, painful burning, redness, soreness and dampness on and around the affected parts. I've done the reviews of other programs, and given you one that I think is top shelf. For example, if we have long hair, we can easily go in for a short hair style that can make us look chic and cool and even change the way we Each hypoallergenic facial cleanser should guarantee completion of both a primary and a secondary function. The doctor will also explain some factors that can influence the procedure and results.This can be very serious and dangerous because it happens with no prior warning.Balanced diet: To supply all the nutrients needed by the body, have a general idea of what constitutes a balanced diet. (Cell Metab. If you already have sustained a terrible knee injury then you do not have to do much to make the knee pain flare up. A lot of us have the good intentions of that only to find that at the end of the week we throw away about 40% of what we brought home because it is all brown and no one will eat any of it if it doesn't look good anymore. DepilatoriesDepilatories are convenient and inexpensive.What exactly is the calorie shifting diet?Calorie shifting diets have been the hottest debates in the weight loss industry lately. (Portion control is a big part of a healthy diet. More and more women are r! ealizing the importance of taking care of their heart health and are looking to alternative medicines to help them to do this. I mean, how much water can one drink and how many fruits can one eat in a single day? It is not really possible and therefore we have brought this soup as another alternative way to lose weight.The success rate of this rehabilitation curing method is not satisfactory. You'll also get your workout over with much quicker, thus giving you more free time to spend with your family, friends or whatever you'd like to do when you're not working. Endothelial damage, from a poor diet, obesity and lack of exercise, results in deficient Nitric-Oxide production and, therefore, increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

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Rainbow Crystals: What They Are and How to Use Them

CLICK THIS BUTTON FOR NOTES & LINKS ----▶▶ Find out about my fun online crystal classes here: In this video I explain a bit about Rainbow Crystals. These are crystals which had some sort of internal fracture or a veil form (such as this crystal) while growming and this fracture or veil catches white light and diffuses it, separating it into all the colors in the rainbow, producing a rainbow. These crystals bring the gift of joy and optimism. Stop by and say "hi" to TinaDenali if you like: Pacifica Candles:

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Nature at Work: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, December 20, 2011

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST

Hello and good morning to life
Another awesome and amazing day in the Universe
Nature at Work, my intention of the day

What we see and feel in life
Is but nature at work, creating from thy might
You feel the hard, and easy in the day
And desire does push and push your way
But what you feel and think is thee
The power to create and change what it be
For life is the gift and change thy nature
All at work for life to be, growing with you, dark to see
Thy light will come as you strive for fun
Now take the step and share thy way
For you and I are here to play
Now smile this day of thy very way
For you and I are nature at work
In the push and shove, caress and love
Now close thy eyes and see thy beauty
In what you see as destruction is thee
Nature at work to change the day
And create from love of that you be
Now you see that nature is thee
Blessings and love, Dr. Rob

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The Super-Conscious Mind (Pt 1)

For a higher life perspective visit

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What is Holistic Financial Planning?

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 05:00 AM PST

Article by Chris tyreel

One of the newer phrases to find its way into the vocabulary of today's more progressive financial planners is "holistic financial planning". So what does it mean and why now? Also is this newer type of all inclusive financial planning something that you can benefit by?

In broader terms, holistic financial planning identifies and takes into consideration the entirety of a clients financial situation both present and on into the future. When the client receives completely inclusive or complete holistic advice, they are far better able to make decisions that insure that their total objectives are more realistically obtained.

In the past far too many financial planners and their clients took a far more narrowly focused approach to Financial Planning. Each consideration was held out and dealt with separately. One by one increments or facets of a person's finances would be analyzed and dealt with as a singular unit. In the end it was felt that all the pieces would fall together correctly and they often did.

How Holistic Financial Planning Works

With holistic financial planning however, all aspects of client's finances, goals, lifestyle and ideals are brought together at once and analyzed as a whole. A much "bigger picture" is viewed, if you will and also other peripheral aspects and factors such as client's principles are entered into the equation as well. Something that was rarely done in the past.

Holistic financial planning begins with a preliminary financial advisory process that includes an initial fact finding stage. This initial stage of the process is geared towards assessing a clients likes and dislikes, general opinions, goals both short and long term. Also during this initial fact finding stage, information such as a clients risk tolerance is also gathered and filed for analysis. Then after the necessary preliminary information has been gathered, it's on to the next phase.

This secondary stage would be the strategy recommendation stage, where all of the! data ga thered is used to formulate an inclusive and objective strategy that takes all into account. In this stage the clients objectives and goals are prepared and laid out with a focus on creating wealth, debt management, taxation plans, estate planning and of course risk.

While this process may sound simple on the surface, it's not. In fact in some cases the entire preliminary review can involve several meetings and in the end what is arrived at must also be approved by the client. As these meetings and review sessions unfold, often times a client will be given several options to choose from, such that in the end the final plan meshes seamlessly with their principles and values.

The final phase of the holistic financial planning process involves the monitoring/review process. As previously indicated, this a continuous and ongoing function in which benchmarks the applied overall plans outcomes and performance levels, factored against the clients perceived goals and objectives.

This ongoing process includes periodic portfolio value assessment reports, workshops and seminars, portfolio review meetings and strategy sessions and of course the end of year pre-taxation strategy and planning sessions. So hopefully now you can see that it's a system that provides holistic advice for clients geared towards growth, security and peace of mind.

About the Author

Chesterton House Financial Planning Ltd is one of the leading independent planning firms in the UK. Visit the website for more details. Holistic financial planning

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