Holistic Medicine for Pets
Holistic Medicine for Pets |
- Holistic Medicine for Pets
- How to Care for Your Dog Holistically
- Aromatherapy and Anointing Oils
- Holistic Health Care - Treating Your Beautiful Whole Self
- Aromatherapy Science: Does Aromatherapy Really Work
- Holistic Cat Care For Feline Urinary Tract Infections: Ten Benefits For Your Furry Friend
- Why Aren't You Using Holistic Skin Care Products?
- You can heal your Life
- Crystal Salt Lamp Helping Your Body Heal Itself
- Crystal Salt Lamp Combining Art and Health Benefits
- Aromatherapy - How Essential Oils Can Help You
- Holistic Therapies on the Rise - 5 Benefits of Holistic Therapies
- Holistic Treatment For Fibroids
- Crystal energy
- The Marvelous Crystal Rock Fountains
- New Reiki Master Home Study Courses Offer Factual Information
- Holistic Skin Care
- Can Anyone Try Chakra Healing?
- Brahma Satya Reiki Folkestone
- Holistic Pet Care Products. Are They Better Than Store Bought?
- Key Tips of Aromatherapy
- Chakra stones and healing crystals
- Aromatherapy: An Ancient Science of Healing
Posted: 25 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST Article by Alice Flowers Holistic medicine is a practice that involves all aspects of the patients life when diagnosing and treating a particular condition. It is not a method of treatment but rather an approach to how treatment should be applied. Just as holistic medicine applies to humans, it can also be a tool to treat animals and with so many people in the US using alternative medicine, the demand for products and information on holistic veterinarian medicine has increased. Holistic veterinarian medicine might include treatments such as, nutrition, herbal medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture and veterinarian chiropractic. Herbal Medicine Herbal medicine has been around since the dawn of mankind when early humans most likely learned to use healing plants from observing the animals around them. It is a known fact that wild animals heal themselves by eating plants that they find intuitively in their environment. Some holistic veterinarians who have chosen herbal medicine as part of their practice, are using traditional North American herbalism, Ayurvedic and Chinese herbal medicine. The Veterinary Botanical Medical Association VBMA was founded recently to encourage interaction among veterinarians, herbalists, botanists, and natural practitioners. They have recognized that herbs and plants have healing powers and are capable of balancing many physical and emotional conditions in animals and their goal is to increase the safety and effectiveness of herbal remedies used in animals. Acupuncture Acupuncture has been used in China for over 3000 years and it's still a major form of treatment for the majority of China's population. Although its main object has been to heal human patients, acupuncture has found a place in veterinarian practice. Traditional Chinese medicine states that there is an energy that flows through the body called the CHI and this vital force runs through channels called meridians and when this energy is blocked for any reason, pain congestion an! d diseas e can occur. The treatment uses the insertion of needles at specific points of the meridians to unblock the flow of the CHI. Through acupuncture the veterinarian can improve an animal's immune system, relieve pain and improve organ function. Chiropractic Chiropractic adjustments can also be used to treat household pets suffering from a number of conditions. Healing results can be achieved through chiropractic that would not respond to more conventional therapies. Through hands-on specific adjustments, fixated or subluxated vertebra can be adjusted causing the body to align itself back to health. Homeopathy Homeopathy was discovered and developed in the early 1800's by German physician Samuel Hannemann. The theory of homeopathy is based on the principles of the law of similars whereas like cures like. Homeopathic remedies are derived from plants, minerals or animal substances and are believed to stimulate the body's own healing process. Even though the homeopathic remedies are often extremely diluted, homeopaths maintain that some healing force is retained by these homeopathic preparations because they contain vibrational energy essence of the original substance. One of the biggest contributors to veterinary homeopathic practice is Richard Pitcairn DVM, Phd. Dr Pitcairn is the founder of the Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy and has written a book called "Natural Health for Dogs and Cats". Nutritional Therapies Last but not least, proper nutrition can be the answer to many a health problem, often curing the condition without the need for any other treatment. A natural diet rich in natural ingredients including vitamins and minerals have often proved to be extremely helpful to heal sick pets and all a cat or dog needs in order to regain its good health. In essence, holistic pet medicine is becoming mainstream among pet owners who seek a more natural way of living for themselves and their four legged family members. In many cas! es it ha s proven to be more effective, less toxic and less expensive than conventional medicine. Resources on holistic pet medicine can be found at http://www.naturaliving4dogs.com/holistic_medicine.html About the AuthorAlice Flowers is a free-lance writer. She is a foodie and loves to travel.She lives in Florida with her cat Chiqui. |
How to Care for Your Dog Holistically Posted: 25 Dec 2011 10:00 PM PST Article by Melinda Smith Holistic dog health care is becoming a natural means for dog owners to ensure that their pets are as healthy as possible, living long, happy lives to the fullest. Perhaps the most important aspect for a dog's health would be a unique blend of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to make sure the joints, organs, and digestive systems make work in harmony as well with the skin and coat being healthy. A diet of meat, vegetables, and whole grains without any processed foods or unnecessary fillers is usually recommended when following the holistic approach to dog care. Using a variety of essential oils, plant extracts, herbs and flowering essences, people have treated numerous ailments and conditions over the past thousands of years. As of recently, these ancient healing practices have found their way into pet care and are now becoming increasingly popular as more and more dog owners are looking for safer, healthier, and less invasive alternatives to treating their pets. Canine herbal remedies include calendula and chamomile for treating wounds, with chamomile used to give relief for respiratory compaints as well.To help your dog to recover from constipation or bowel disorders, you can try crushed flaxseed mixed with lot of water. For dry, itchy skin, oats are as soothing to a dog's skin as they are to a human's, and if your pup is having trouble sleeping, smelling some lavender may help them to relax and finally fall soundly asleep. Be sure to do your homework before using any herbal concoctions on your dog. Some herbs and flowers can be harmful or even toxic to animals or people.Also, ask your veterinarian for their input and recommendations when it comes to holistic dog health and using all-natural remedies for their care. Today there are an increasing number of veterinarians who are putting great stock in holistic dog health, making it a large part of their practice. A Vet who uses holistic dog strategies treats animals as a whole, rather than identifying a certain pro! blem and prescribing one type of treatment to treat that specific injury or illness. For instance, if your dog has suddenly come down with some sort of rash on his skin causing irritation, redness, itching, a possible infection, and some fur loss, a "regular" vet might send you away with an antibiotic to treat the skin infection as well as a topical ointment to deal with the itching. A holistic veterinarian will place more emphasis on determining the cause of the rash as the source of the infection before prescribing those two remedies.With holistic care, the dog's indoor and outdoor environment, his daily lifestyle, eating habits and nutritional intake are all taken into consideration before attempting to diagnose or treat the animal. About the Author Holistic dog health care is becoming more popular as an alternative to purely conventional veterinary care. It is thought that holistic pet health care encourages a healthier, longer life for pets. |
Aromatherapy and Anointing Oils Posted: 25 Dec 2011 09:00 PM PST Article by Lucy Diamond In our hectic society, many individuals are returning to natural, holistic remedies as a means of concurring anxiety, disease and depression. The next time you have a headache or feel extremely nervous, why not try The Power Of Aromatherapy. Instead of grabbing an aspirin or anti-anxiety pill, why not use aromatherapy and anointing oils? The term aromatherapy was not used until the 20th Century, however the use of essential anointing oils in particular date back nearly one thousand years. The Chinese may have been one of the first cultures to use aromatic plants by burning incense to help create harmony and balance. The Egyptians invented a distillation machine that allowed for the crude extraction of cedarwood oil, and also used infused oils and herbal preparations for spiritual, medicinal, fragrant and cosmetic use. The Greeks also recognized the medicinal and aromatic benefits of plants. Hippocrates, commonly called the "father of medicine" practiced fumigations for both aromatic and medicinal benefits. In the Roman Empire, Discorides wrote a book called De Materia Medica that described the properties of approximately 500 plants. Distillation focused on extracting aromatic floral waters. During the 14th century, the Black Death killed millions of people. Herbal preparations were used extensively to help fight this horrible disease. In the 16th century, one could purchase anointing oils at an apothecary. Modern aromatherapy and anointing oils was born when a chemist named Rene-Maurice Gattefosse became interested in healing with natural essential oils. As an experiment he burned his hand and rubbed lavender oil onto the wound to observe the effect. The burning sensation dissipated and the burn healed quickly, and without scarring. Why not look into The Power Of Aromatherapy. Aromatherapy and anointing oils are a form of alternative medicine. It uses volatile plant materials known as essential oils, and aromatic compounds from plants, ! for the purpose of improving a person's mood, cognitive function or health. Aromatherapy is the process of diffusing scents into the air, and was developed from the ancient practice and consists of pure essential oils that have been distilled or cold-preserved from roots, bark, flowers, and fruit. It is more powerful then any synthetic drug store medication. There are many natural herbs that relax, stimulate and heal the body, and the use of these is known as aromatherapy health. Specific aromatherapy and anointing oils target various emotions, and due to body chemistry, may have different affects on different individuals. Therefore, the product you choose relates to the type of person you are. Why not try The Power Of Aromatherapy. Aromatherapy and anointing oils have a positive effect on the central nervous system, relieving depression and anxiety. Aromas signal the portion of the brain that controls emotions. Aromatic scents travel the sensory neural path to the actual brain cell. Essential anointing oils are absorbed into the skin's pores and are transferred to the blood stream via connective and lymphatic tissues.Many essential oils are potent anti-microbials, they can be useful in the treatment of infectious disease. They are used as medicines, often in combination with other herbal preparations in France. In nursing, aromatherapy and anointing oils are increasingly used in pain management, for calming effects with symptoms of anxiety, to alleviate depression and to help with Alzheimers Disease. Why deal with the side effects and expense of prescription medications, that may not alleviate your condition, when there is a safe and pleasant alternative? Why not try The Power Of Aromatherapy. Perhaps aromatherapy is an option you should try? About the AuthorLucy is interested in exercise, nutrition and natural healing. If you are interested in learning the healing powers of aromatherapy and anointing oils, check out the website. The Power Of Aromatherapy ACHS.edu Lavender Distillation Part 1This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Holistic Health Care - Treating Your Beautiful Whole Self Posted: 25 Dec 2011 08:00 PM PST Article by Amazinghealth4u Holistic health care is an ancient healing approach that emphasizes the connection between mind, body, and spirit. It focuses on responsibility for personal efforts to achieve balance and wellbeing, on how the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual elements of the body are interconnected to maintain wellness. Health and disease are approached from several angles and suggests that a person should not only treat the illness but his or her whole self to reach optimum wellbeing. Holistic health care can involve the use of conventional and alternative therapies but focuses mostly on lifestyle changes - healthy living and being in harmony with nature. It is actually an approach to life. It can also include natural supplements that cause the same changes as conventional drugs. The integrity of the human organism is respected. It is believed that the body's natural healing powers correct imbalances rapidly, gently and permanently. Holistic health care supports reaching higher levels of wellness as well as preventing illness. This healing system is particularly helpful in treating chronic illnesses and maintaining health through proper nutrition and stress management. Positive attitudes and regular exercise are also important. Various physical, psychological and emotional conditions have been treated effectively. Holistic medicine encompasses all safe and appropriate modalities of diagnosis and treatment. It is based on a concept of the whole person as one whose body, mind, spirit, and emotions are in balance with the environment. Holistic health care addresses not only the whole person, but also the person's environment and involves various healing and health-promoting practices. The patient is considered as an individual and unique person, not as a symptom-bearing organism. Health is viewed as a positive state, not as the absence of disease. Today, holistic medicine is known as an approach to life which brings together the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of a perso! n in ord er to create a total sense of wellbeing. Many people are now turning to holistic health care to improve their quality of life. About the AuthorAmazinghealth4u is a Natural/Alternative/Holistic Health enthusiast. Visit here for more information on Holistic Health Care. |
Aromatherapy Science: Does Aromatherapy Really Work Posted: 25 Dec 2011 07:00 PM PST Article by Fit Gizmos Do a quick search on PubMed, and you can find abstracts of over 600 published articles about aromatherapy science in the medical journals. These articles report results of clinical trials and laboratory experiments done by doctors and university-level research scientists at institutions in Japan, the USA, Korea, China, the European Union, and Australia, all subjected to the intense scrutiny of peer review, all designed to answer the question of does aromatherapy really work.And in 2010, it's safe to say, aromatherapy really does work. Here are two important findings that explain the astonishing, but credible potency of this ancient healing tool.1. The way aromatherapy works is through your brain, not through your nose.One of the key findings of aromatherapy science is that aromatherapy works because of what the brain does, not because of what the scent does. Our brains use scent as a way to remember vital experiences.For instance, most babies are fed formula, and most infant formula contains vanilla. For a huge part of the population, even in adult life the scent of vanilla lets them sleep like a baby.The downside of this principle is that it can be used in ways to manipulate us to do things that make food companies money but that are not good for our healthy Huge food corporations know how to use aroma to manipulate the human appetite. When certain chemical-based "food" ingredients are added to the food we eat, our brains notice everything about the food to help us find it later.Suppose as child you are treated to a McDonald's Happy Meal. The burger bun is a mixture of white flour and high-fructose corn syrup. White flour excites your brain. High-fructose corn syrup overrides the adiponectin hormone that tell your brain you are full and can stop eating.The French fries, the ketchup, and the ice cream you get later are all packed with this insidious form of sugar-and an ingredient you don't expect. They are scented with vanilla. Later in life, vanilla can trigger your appetite for happy meals!But! if you happen to know that lemon scent and grapefruit scent cancel out this effect, you can use aromatherapy to help control your appetite. Knowing aromatherapy empowers you to use your nose to help your health, not hurt it. If you know these principles, you can use them to reinforce good habits, not bad.2. Different scents work in different ways.The fact is, aromatherapists knew this principle a long time before scientists started publishing papers about it. But these findings hold up in scientific testing:- Lavender relieves pain.- Lemon increases concentration and recall of verbal information.- Clover, mint, peppermint (and, oddly enough, tempura batter) smells make it easier to concentrate through loud noise or stormy weather.- Orange scent is appealing in the morning, but not in the afternoon.- The odors of "comfort foods" become more appealing when you are mentally active but physically inactive-to kill you appetite for comfort food, just let your mind wander!Aromatherapy is compatible with science, and aromatherapy really does work. Learning the basics of aromatherapy can open up new avenues of reinforcing healthy habits every day of your life. About the AuthorRead more about aromatherapy machines that really work. Fragrance & Oils : How to Make Your Own OilsThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Holistic Cat Care For Feline Urinary Tract Infections: Ten Benefits For Your Furry Friend Posted: 25 Dec 2011 06:00 PM PST Article by Darlene Norris Let me ask you a simple question: do you know what holistic cat care is? And do you know why natural remedies for pets are the best way to treat feline bladder infections? Read on to discover the answers to these questions. What Is Holistic Cat Care? Holistic medicine is a different way of looking at illness. Conventional medicine treats the symptoms of cat urinary problems, but doesn't address why your pet is showing these symptoms. Holistic practitioners, on the other hand, look at the animal as a whole, not just as a urinary tract. Holistic pet care follows the principle that your cat's body is able to maintain a balance that protects her from disease and helps her to heal herself. If this balance is disturbed, your cat gets sick. The holistic approach is to restore this balance. Our pets are exposed to many toxins in their food, from the environment, and even in the grooming products you use on them. Choosing to use only natural food and pet supplies will go a long way toward keeping your kitty healthy and protecting her from a feline bladder infection. Ten Benefits Of Natural Cat Care Feeding your cat a natural diet reduces her exposure to artificial coloring agents and preservatives which can upset her system. Better nutrition will help her to resist feline urinary tract infections.A high-quality natural diet will prevent health problems like allergies, digestive problems, and cat urinary problems.Less stress in your cat's life will help her to stay healthy. Try to identify stressful situations she may be facing. Is she having territory issues with another cat? Is she lonely? Exercise can also help to lower her stress levels, too, as well as keeping her in shape.With excellent natural pet care, your kitty will live a long happy life.If your pet doesn't feel well, her quality of life won't be as good. Natural cat care will improve your feline friend's quality of life by helping her to stay healthy.If your kitty should suffer an injury or illnes! s, she'l l heal faster. Ingredients in natural remedies for pets are absorbed better, which aids in the healing process.By using natural products for pets, you'll reduce your own exposure to toxins. You and your family are exposed to the ingredients in the products you use on your cat.Natural products are more earth-friendly than conventional remedies. They break down quickly, and don't leave harmful residues in the environment,You'll save time by not having to take your kitty to the vet as often. With natural cat care, you'll be treating the source of feline bladder infection, not just the symptoms, which will help prevent new feline urinary tract infections from developing.And, finally, you'll be saving money in the long run by avoiding expensive products that can lead to more health problems for your cat.The Best Natural Remedies For Pets It can be overwhelming to try to choose the best natural remedy for your pet from the many on the market. Look for a product that's specially formulated for pets, not people. Deal only with a company that has a great reputation for producing the highest-quality pet remedies. Read testimonials from other pet owners who have used the product, too. Believe me, once you've started to use holistic cat care, you'll see an amazing improvement in your cat's health, as well as preventing feline urinary tract infections. About the AuthorDarlene Norris has combined her long-time interest in natural healing with her experience working at a vet clinic to bring you her new website, Natural Pet Urinary Health. Learn how to avoid feline urinary tract infections, and find the best place to buy herbal pet remedies at http://naturalpeturinaryhealth.com Swedish Massage - The Complete Body Experience - 5/6This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Why Aren't You Using Holistic Skin Care Products? Posted: 25 Dec 2011 05:00 PM PST Article by Tom Woods Free Yoga Class 45 mins: Intermediate/Beginner: Lunch Time Yoga ClassThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 25 Dec 2011 04:00 PM PST Article by Victoria DO YOU KNOW .. 'What IS' is ONLY ever in that very moment, unless you prolong it! Do you know that every single feeling you have is first created by a thought you think? Every state of mind you have, whether happy, sad, depressed, angry or content begins on a thought level Thought is one of the most powerful forms of energy in the entire universe. Everything you see out there was formed from the invisible, inaudible and intangible. That which started as a thought then turned into an idea then eventually became part of the physical world through action. The present mind state will determine everything Do you know what this means? This means each and every day we create our own inner and outer world through the thoughts we think and attract more of what we are thinking just by thinking it. Imagine .. This means if you continue thinking about something and you don't want it, then you are just going to attract more of what you don't want. However if you feel something is missing in your life that you do want, starting to think about it as though you are already in possession of it and continuing to do so, will eventually bring it into your life Our inner world can create and eventually manifest anything we desire into the physical world. NOTHING can be created what isn't first thought of. You can never have something in your life that you don't first place into your thoughts to create the energy that is required in order for it to manifest into the physical The most amazing fact about universal energy which connects us all and we originate from is that when used to our advantage it cannot differentiate between what is real, or not real. Therefore through continued thought and focussed attention it has no choice but to turn it into reality because of the law of attraction. So you really must start to be aware of what you think about and if its not something you desire, then change that very thought into something you do desire. T! he only downside to this is that mankind seems to suffer from a condition that we live on our OWN conditioned programmed responses. Left to our own devices, we are like programmed robots continuing to do what we are experts at each and every day. Each and every day the same, perhaps in different order. Humans are very negative in nature. Spending most of their waking life dwelling on the past and those outcomes and the future and what may never even happen, while at the same time taking the emphasis away from the here and now and the only time any of us ever have. In this space we create our own tomorrows and next weeks. POSITIVE THOUGHTS=positive actions, outcomes and effects = happiness / higher vibration and balance NEGATIVE THOUGHTS=destructive actions, outcomes and effects = the body to become in a diseased state should those thoughts be continued, leading to illness / lower vibration and imbalance How many of us spend any of our precious life right here and right now? For the moment we have the opportunity to do this, the first thing we do is move the attention straight to mistakes we made in the past which will influence our present and future. Placing the attention on the future is great for a while, but one must return back to now in order to be truly living again and manifest the future we really want. For what happened yesterday is over, no matter how much we may wish to change it. Tomorrow and next week, for some of us never arrives. For others, it can only be how we perceive it to be, nothing more, nothing less. Your history is just that!!! How do you see your future? Is it going to be based on all the beliefs and belief systems that you have based on the past and never questioned to see if they serve any purpose anymore to us? Or are you going to start to question your beliefs to see if they really serve any purpose in your life and are the truth, or just a lie. Or are you going to go out there today starting a fresh with no history or past and live without any! judgeme nt from yourself or others? We create our own reality according to our beliefs. Your thoughts and perceptions are the only thing which has the power to change ANYTHING, nothing out there can ever do that You can create tomorrow, right here, right now. Once tomorrow arrives continue to affirm and re affirm the exact same as you would like it. Visualise, give more meaning and see yourself already in possession of what it is you want, see it, feel it, experience it and give it more power. It is ridiculous to think we need the things we don't have, the proof is already there that we don't need them and can survive without them because we don't have them Why do we worry about the things we have control over, when we have control over them? Why would we want to worry about the things we do not have control over, when we don't have control over them? If circumstances get tuff, don't make them a part of you. They are only experiences which we can always learn from There will always be surges forward followed by quiet times. it's the quiet times of contemplation which give us the answers. Nothing ever attacks us from outside. The battle always begins and ends within. Once we accept this as real, the unreal will diminish and the truth will be revealed All effects, whether in the physical body or circumstances in our life must first be changed in our thought systems in order to change anything or free us from disease or the past Resistance confirms we are not in control, when we are always the thinker being thought. Be the witness and observe this, don't participate. Then be the thoughts you wish to see the actions and events or circumstances create No one can ever teach us anything. We merely learn from the experience and interaction One who never makes mistakes can never make discoveries If you wish to feel happier, be healthier and live a life you can look back on and enjoy a second time around, then why not join the Healing Ci! rcle and receive 1 whole year healing for just £30 and allow me to help you create the life you want. You are only ever a thought away from changing your life Join the Healing circle for only £30 and receive healing for 1 whole year (as featured in New Woman Magazine and BBC Radio) The healing circle covers all preventative measures for your health and well-being and you will feel the difference and notice so many positive changes in your life which may be long over due. Try the Healing Circle TODAY for just £5.00. Receive distant Healing for 1 MONTH and feel the difference in your Health and Well-being. For more details visit http://www.simply-wholistic.com Learn Reiki TODAY. Reiki enables you to heal yourself and others, without effort or study. Reiki is one of the most powerful and effective forms of natural healing. Usui Reiki 1 attunement is life changing in so many positive ways. Reiki encourages many positive changes to occur in your life, which may be long over due. Usui level 1 Reiki attunement ONLY £35. This price includes detailed manual covering Reiki, Colour Therapy, Crystals, Chakras and how you can use them to improve your health & well-being and balance your Life and ongoing support. This is a recognised Diploma should you wish to practise reiki Problems cannot be solved by the same thoughts that created them You determine your own experiences in life, not your circumstances - they are only the result We all have the same intelligence and wisdom within. How can we ever be separate from our source and creation when we all came from, and will return to the same place? The difference isn't our appearance or labels, nor anything else physical for that matter. The ONLY difference that distinguishes our very being and magnificence is the way we THINK, nothing more Nothing out there can change what is being thought. You are the products of all those choices you've made up until now. You can live with those choices, or chose to change them anytime. ! No one e lse has the power to do that, only you. Doubts and regrets are the only things which lie between who we are, and what we want to be About the AuthorSpa Trainer. Lifestyle Consultant. Alternative Therapy / Holistic Treatments - Nutrition, Colour Therapy, Chakra Balancing, Crystal Healing, Kinesiology, Hypnotherapy, EFT, NLP & Thai Massage. Life Coaching, Counselling, Meridian Psychotherapy, Iridology, Reiki Master, Reiki Healing, Attunements, Workshops. http://www.simply-wholistic.com -Lifes all about finding the right Balancehttp://www.wholistic-therapy-consultant.com information, suggestions to improve your health & free healing NOW Satin Crystals: "The Secret" of PyramidsThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Crystal Salt Lamp Helping Your Body Heal Itself Posted: 25 Dec 2011 03:00 PM PST Article by Steve Thibeault Modern science and technology have provided us with a lot of means to make our lives easier and more bearable. We have developed gadgets and what's not for just about any aspect of our lives where technology can be applied, from heart implants to brain scanners and from deep sea to space explorations. However, even as technology is a life saver or preserver, some technology byproducts have prejudiced our health. Many people have made a choice to look for things that nature has provided us and use them to maintain their healthy lifestyle. A crystal salt lamp is by no means a high tech gadget but it does what modern electronic ionizers do. Crystal salt is a natural product that has been formed in salt deposits millions of years ago and brought to us in the form of a crystal salt lamp. Science tells us that negative ions purify the air by removing harmful suspended impurities that cause the body to malfunction. In fact, there are electronic ionizers for this purpose. Science also tells us that salt crystals produce negative ions and thus have the same effect on the surrounding air. A crystal salt lamp is not only a beautiful decorative piece but more importantly, it is a natural healthy alternative to electronic ionizers. Crystal salt produces negative ions that help purify the surrounding air giving you huge health benefits. Negative ions counteract the harmful effects of the modern electric appliances we have at home such as microwaves, air conditioners, heaters and computers. These high tech gadgets have a way of depleting our energy reserves, making us feel depressed and anxious all the time. The fill the air with positively charged ions that reduces our body's capacity to cope with stress and thus makes us susceptible to illnesses and allergic reactions. A salt crystal lamp in the place where you usually work can help you feel relaxed and calm when working so you become more efficient and productive. Another one in your bedroom can help you sleep better. You can just imagine what it can! do for someone with asthma or other respiratory illness! So go ahead and put a crystal salt lamp in all the rooms in your home and begin to feel better, relaxed and with more energy than ever. About the AuthorSteve Thibeault, author of this article is also interested about emergency preparedness survival kits and recommends you to please check out this link for Survival Gear if you liked reading this information. Vogel Crystals at Points Of LightThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Crystal Salt Lamp Combining Art and Health Benefits Posted: 25 Dec 2011 02:00 PM PST Article by Steve Thibeault Nature lovers will love having a crystal salt lamp around in their own homes. This is because a crystal salt lamp produces abundant negative ions that science has proven to be effective in cleaning and purifying the surrounding air. Having a crystal salt lamp in your room is like being in the midst of a forest where you breathe fresh air or like being in the ocean being enveloped by cooling salt breeze. There is no doubt that fresh air is good for the body and so having your own crystal salt lamp is doing your body a favor. But there are other reasons too for most people to love their own crystal salt lamp. It is beautiful and any room where you place it will have a warm, enchanting and relaxing glow, with colors ranging from orange, yellow to red. Each crystal salt lamp is usually hand-carved from a solid piece of crystal salt, making your lamp a one of a kind treasure. The most prized ones come from the pristine salt caverns from the foothills of the Himalayas, or from salt caves in Poland. Many people report the health benefits they got after getting their own crystal salt lamp. They experienced healing of their asthma, sinus and other breathing related problems. This should not surprise you because the negative ions produced by the salt crystal helps in oxygenating and purifying the air they breathe. This health benefit is an extension of the same experience reported by those who have entered crystal salt caves. A crystal salt lamp is both an object of beauty and art, and a temple of health benefits. Having one in your own room will allow you to enjoy it as a wonderful addition to your room décor but as a source of physical wellness and healing. You deserve to have one too. About the AuthorSteve Thibeault, author of this article is also interested about emergency preparedness survival kits and recommends you to please check out this link for Survival Gear if you liked reading this information. 2.2" 370ct Blood Red RUBY Record Keeper Double-Terminated Crystal-India for saleThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Aromatherapy - How Essential Oils Can Help You Posted: 25 Dec 2011 01:00 PM PST Article by Melanie Carter Aromatherapy has its foundations in an ancient holistic healing practice of the mind body and spirit. It is something that has been known about way before it was given a name whereby people used plants, herbal preparations and berries as remedies for the sick, embalming and warding off evil spirits. It was widely used during the First World War to treat wounded soldiers and a French Researcher called Rene-Maurice Gattefosse was the first to use the term 'aromatherapie'. The natural qualities of barks, plants, flowers are still of benefit in our modern age, but the distillation techniques for extraction of aromatherapy oils are far more sophisticated. An Aromatherapist can undertake an aromatherapy course and are trained to impart their knowledge of essential oils to balance the mental, physical and spiritual health of their client. The key therapeutic benefits of essential oils are as an anti-bacterial, antispasmodic, decongestant, astringent, anti-inflammatory, stimulant, sedative, diuretic, analgesic, deodorant, anti-viral, immunostimulant and aphrodisiac. This range of applications in addition to the aromatherapy scent is what makes essential oils so well-liked. Where is aromatherapy used? Essential oils are easily absorbed through the skin based on their molecular structure therefore an aromatherapy blend mixed with a carrier oil such as grapeseed oil or almond oil for massage is the premium choice of application. Not only do you get the benefit of touch and easing your pains away on a physical level, but you get mental relaxation and spiritual awareness too. Second to massage therapy is having a bath containing essential oils, which is recommended as a between therapy visit top up as the hot water relaxes you physically and the vapours from the oils stimulate your mind as well. This is a true aromatherapy spa treat at home. One of the most popular oils is lavender oil as it has antibacterial, relaxing and balancing effect so it is useful as an end of the day relaxation ! treat. A nother effective essential oil is Tea tree oil, which is useful at targeting the symptoms of a cold virus and will also attempt to fight off the infection.Natural aromatherapy is not the only area that uses essential oils as they are also used in skincare with oils such as geranium, lavender, frankincense oil and neroli. How is it applied? Massage Oils specially blended massage oils depending on the therapeutic use Aromatherapy oil burner ceramic or glass burner which uses a tea light (flame) to disperse the oils. Essential oil diffuser this can be in the form of a vaporizer, aromatherapy ring or aromastone (no flames). Aromatherapy lotion & cream applied topically to the skin. Aromatherapy soap natural soap contains natural blends of essential oils and are quite often natural and handmade, which has the added benefit of not containing SLS and parabens. Aromatherapy perfume normally in a roller ball for easy application. In the next few weeks we will be adding more articles to discuss the benefits of select essential oils, so please bookmark us. ***Please take care when using essential oils as there are some that are highly toxic if not used under professional supervision or even banned. The information on this site is intended for informational purposes only and is not an alternative to professional medical advice*** About the AuthorMelanie Carter is the Editor in Chief of the Natural Health and Beauty Hub http://www.naturalhealthandbeautyhub.com the site that brings you the best in natural beauty, natural health, natural skincare, natural products and ways to live a healthy life. Take a closer look on our site for tips and advice for eco friendly ways to green clean your home. Our site is updated regularly ensuring you are always up to date with what is new. |
Holistic Therapies on the Rise - 5 Benefits of Holistic Therapies Posted: 25 Dec 2011 12:00 PM PST Article by Yvonne Handford More and more people are now looking to take control and responsibility for the own health and happiness instead of relying on traditional medicine once a medical concern presents itself. Holistic Therapies are a natural way to heal allowing one to treat and heal themselves, without expensive and often toxic medication which can oten be found in conventional medications and treatments. Today in America it is estimated people are spending a billion dollars annually on alternative health products such as vitamins, herbs and alternate healing. Studies have also shown that Alternative Therapies and Complementary Therapies have been used by 72 million people in America alone which shows people are becoming more and more open to holistic healing therapies. There are many different types of Healing available which included Hands on Healing, Reiki, Faith Healing, Herbs, Emotional Freedom Therapy, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Massage, Reflexology, Crystal Healing, Acupuncture and Chiropractic. The choice of therapy a person prefers is individual and people are guided by what they feel most comfortable with. 5 Benefits of Holistic Therapies 1. These types of therapies can be used to heal medical problems but also are a very powerful form of preventative medicine as well, using only natural ingredients and healing methods, with no toxic effects on the body. 2. They are excellent for stress relief which is believed to be one of the major causes of disease and illness world wide today. 3. They are also excellent in controlling pain relief for many people on a daily basis i.e. Reiki or any form of hands on healing. 4. Generally these therapies are inexpensive especially compared with traditional medical treatments and consultations. 5. Holistic therapies heal a person on all levels including physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually which traditional medicine often overlooks when treating a patient. Naturally at times you will need to consult your docto! r for tr eatment although when incorporating healing therapies into your lifestyle many people have found this to be greatly reduced. Holistic Therapies treats the whole person on all levels which promotes a healthier way of living whilst allowing the individual to maintain control of their own health and happiness. To learn more about holistic healing and the benefits visit http://www.Universalhealingcentre.com/holistichealing.php for further information. About the AuthorYvonne Handford is an Author, Speaker, Soul Healing Coach, Psychic and Healing Master Teacher trained in Usui Reiki and many other healing modalities and alternate therapies. Yvonne is a Healer who specializes in promoting the "Golden Keys" to Healing Within and assisting others to live the life of their dreams. |
Holistic Treatment For Fibroids Posted: 25 Dec 2011 11:00 AM PST Article by Bernadette Hopkins With conventional medication having very little to offer for women with fibroids, you may be seriously considering your alternatives. Holistic treatment for fibroids is certainly worth of serious consideration and may be your best option if you are wanting to not only shrink your fibroids but keep them away for good. Many doctors advocate leaving fibroids well alone as they will naturally shrink during the menopause and the very nature of how and why fibroids form means that conventional medication can only treat the symptoms and not the causes. So, although you could consider surgery to remove or shrink fibroids, they will regrow in time as the root cause has not been addressed. Doing nothing is all very well if your symptoms are mild or you are close to the menopause. However, this is not an option for an otherwise healthy woman who may have unbearable fibroid symptoms or be years away from the menopause. Why Does Holistic Treatment For Fibroids Work? Holistic treatment addresses every part of the individual, not just the physical aspects of a condition. It is not intended to be a "quick-fix", but takes into account lifestyle, diet, emotional health and mental and physical wellness. It is well known that fibroids form due to the subtle interaction of a number of factors within the body and lifestyle and emotional well-being (or lack of it) can also play a part. It is never possible to isolate the exact causes of fibroids in an individual and because of this, the only surefire way to ensure that fibroids are successfully treated it to use an all-encompassing approach which systematically deals with every possible cause of fibroids-ie a holistic approach. Put simply, it works because it leaves "no stone unturned". Nothing is left to chance, and if followed correctly, with the right attitude a holistic treatment for fibroids will work for over 85% of women. What Types Of Treatment Might Be Involved? With general holistic treatment, the fol! lowing e lements might be included: * Diet* Exercise* Massage* Herbal remedies* Naturopathic medicine* Chinese medicine* Relaxation techniques* Chinese medicine* Acupuncture* Bodywork With regard to fibroids, one of the most important element is your diet. It is known that certain foods contain or produce toxins which accumulate in the liver and mimic the action of estrogen, which, in turn, can fuel fibroid growth. Avoiding processed meats and non-organic produce is a good start. In addition, drinking plenty of water can help flush out toxins. Maintaining a healthy weight is also important. Herbal remedies can also be very useful, and herbs such as Milk Thistle, Dandelion Root and Chamomile often featuring. If you decide to try this type of treatment, you must be prepared to make the necessary lifestyle and dietary changes as just using individual elements in isolation will have very limited benefit. Fibroids are a condition which respond very well to natural remedies and they are an ideal condition to treat because as they are so rarely life-threatening. It makes complete sense to try out a natural treatment for fibroids before resorting to surgery or any of the hormonal drugs which can cause their own side effects. If you would like to see details of a simple 7 Step Treatment which is based around using holistic treatment for fibroids, please visit my site, Shrink Fibroids Naturally. About the AuthorA writer on women's health conditions, Bernadette suffered from very large fibroids for some years before seeking treatment. Although a hysterectomy was recommended, she delayed treatment to try a natural method of shrinking fibroids. This "last ditch" attempt worked very well indeed and she now includes articles on fibroids in her writing. |
Posted: 25 Dec 2011 10:00 AM PST Article by Jim Crabb The energy relationship between stones and living beings is very real. Most people take little notice of rocks, though, unless it is twinkling on a finger or earlobe. Even the energy of a diamond earring will affect your energy and physical bodies in a positive or negative manner without you ever realizing!Do you own diamonds or semi-precious stone jewelry? Perhaps a jade or soapstone carving sits on your mantel or shelf. What about those cool stone coasters you received as a wedding gift? All of these stone or crystal items carry healing energy unique to each variety of crystal and mineral. These energies have been influencing your life in varied subtle ways.But before you can understand how crystals and minerals affect and work with our energy, you need to understand how healing crystal and mineral energy is created.Universal energy (scientifically known as 'quantum energy') flows in, around, and through everything, including you and me. You can't feel it or see it, but it is happening every second.Let us say you pick a piece of common white quartz off the ground. You know, the white rocks used in garden beds. You have probably seen it before. Its official name is 'Milk Quartz'. (By the way, quartz is the second most abundant mineral in the Earth's crust. Feldspar is first).Universal energy is flowing into, around, and through the quartz, which is composed of silicon dioxide. The energy blends with the minerals of the stone, which causes the energy to change into a weak electrical energy resonance unique to that variety of quartz.The quartz's man made and natural history also affects the universal energy that enters the stone.History is energy in action. Rocks, trees, houses, everything absorbs the energy produced by historical events and retains it. Energy produced by the man made and natural history that has happened around and to your piece of white quartz has been absorbed by the stone, which has altered the energy emitted by that particular piece of quartz.Speaking of the influence of natu! ral hist ory, the quartz's location also influences the energy the stone emits. A chunk of white quartz in a desert garden in the Southwest of the United States may emit a similar energy to another piece of white quartz in England, but the two energies will vary in slightly different ways, and affect people differently, because of the natural mineral, plant, and animal energies each stone has absorbed.As another example, the energy of a Brazilian clear quartz crystal is bright and uplifting, like Carnival in Rio, while the energy of Tibetan clear quartz is more intense, deep and reflective. Each type of quartz can be used for the same intention, but each crystal's absorbed man made and natural history and location where it was mined will affect the intended result in different ways.How do I know this? How do you know I am not uttering rubbish?I am sensitive to crystal and mineral energy. You may not feel anything from a crystal or mineral, but trust me when I say the energy is there. It first enters the energy field around my body and then my physical body. I can then track the crystal's energy and how it affects me mentally, physically, and spiritually.This feels similar to-and I do not mean to offend-how most women feel at the onset of their monthly period. We can sense and track the emotional and physical changes in our bodies right to the moment when the "flood gates" open.Think about this: The radio may never have been invented if someone hadn't discovered how to use the weak electrical current produced by quartz. That might have led to no computers. No PDAs. No cell phones. Well, I could live without cell phones.The healing energy of crystals and minerals is real and it can help improve your life in countless ways. But take the time to learn all you can about a specific type of crystal or mineral so you can reap the most benefit from it. About the AuthorJimmy has been a mineral and crystal dealer since 1995. His website is at http://www.absolutequartzcrystals.com where you can buy thousands of minerals and crystals. Crystal Singing Bowls with Beverly Wilson (Mt Shasta) Part 1-PLEASE READ NOTICE IN DESCRIPTION BELOWThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
The Marvelous Crystal Rock Fountains Posted: 25 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST Article by Kira I. Meisenburg For centuries, the crystal has held so a lot of mysteries regarding its amazing healing powers. The word crystal is taken from the early Greek word "krustallos". This word taken from the meaning of its root means "anything set in ice". Accurate to its form, most crystals appear like frozen forms of ice. Most forms of crystals you see today are used to embellish women's bodies in the form of jewelry. They are set into earrings, bracelets and pendants. They come in a numerous of colors and shapes. How these gorgeous pieces of mineral formations where fashioned from the bosoms of Mother Earth is one of the mysteries that science is still trying to unlock. In science, crystals are looked upon as a masterpiece of atoms, molecules and ions arranged together in a repeating pattern. This definition explains its opaque shine which is also why its form is so appealing enough to be cherished as a form of embellishment. In ancient Geometry however, crystals were used to calculate measurements especially those dealing with distances caused by light. However, in the Chinese art of geomancy, otherwise known as Feng Shui, crystals have strange healing powers depending on its color and its kind. A lot of innovative businessmen bank on people's demand for good health and good fortune in their hopes for a better life. Therefore, crystals have become well-liked not only in its jewelry form but in other forms of art that you can exhibit around the house. One of the most intriguing representations of this most sought after mineral is the Crystal Rock fountain. This home accessory is created by Traditional Fountains, a famous name in the manufacture of quality fountains. This water fountain is designed to look like an irregularly shaped slab of crystal that seems to glow with the iridescent colors of the rainbow. Water cascades down its ridges as it spills into the square base below. The gentle sound of water flowing is truly relaxing and brings you the calmic powers crystals are known for. The Cr ystal Rock Fountain measures 3 " in diameter and 6 " high. It is made of polyresin and ABS plastic with battery operated LED lights. It is a magnificent complement to any home interior. Its size makes it so suitable to be placed on any flat plane may it be on the middle of a table, a stand or a countertop. It is a magnificent gift for any occasion and will truly please anyone of any age.About the Author A Crystal Rock Fountain is a delightful gift to give to anyone you love and know. It is a wonderful addition to anyone's home. |
New Reiki Master Home Study Courses Offer Factual Information Posted: 25 Dec 2011 08:00 AM PST Article by Patsy Hamilton New Reiki Master home study courses have made it easier for anyone to bring the power of the universal life force energy into their lives. Whether you are interested in being a Reiki Master, teacher, trainer or healer, these home study courses are a good place to start. In fact, anyone who is interested in improving their own health and happiness could benefit from a Reiki Master home study course. Even if you have already had some experience with Reiki, some of these courses can help you advance more quickly and learn the truth about Reiki history. Even though new information concerning Usui (the original Reiki Master, teacher, trainer and healer) has come to light, some of the old myths concerning the development of the healing energy are still prevalent. For example, a leading website that supplies information on numerous topics makes many errors concerning Mikao Usui. First of all, they say he was known as Usui Sensei in Japan. Sensei is a Japanese title used to address a teacher or other professional. It was not his name, though his students may have addressed him as such. Second, the website claims that there is no direct knowledge of Master Usui's life, when in fact there is a monument outside of Tokyo, erected by Usui's students, that tells the story of his life. The inscriptions have been translated into English and other languages, a long and difficult process. Until recently, students and helpers at the original dojo were still alive and able to explain how Master Usui taught. The old stories about Usui traveling the world to learn how Christ healed with his hands may be appealing to some people, but others prefer the facts. Knowledge is power, so they say, and having more knowledge may improve your ability to use the "power". There are critics of the Reiki Master home study courses, and that is a shame, because there are enough critics of Reiki as a healing art. For people who understand the power of Reiki to be critical of others who teach the techniqu! e just s eems wrong. It is understandable that those who offer seminars would like to keep fees high, but some people are simply unable to attend the seminars, either because of the cost of the courses or because of the cost and time to travel to the courses. Not all people have classes available in their town. A Reiki Master home study course is a way to truly make Reiki available to everyone. There is not a single Reiki Master, teacher, trainer or healer who would not tell you that anyone can learn Reiki. But, in order for anyone and everyone to learn, then the courses must be available and easily accessible. Reiki Master home study courses fill a need; that is the need to make Reiki available to everyone. About the AuthorPatsy Hamilton was a health care professional for over twenty years before becoming a health writer. Currently she is writing a series of articles about Reiki, a subject of personal interest. Read more at http://understanding-reiki.com. Zen Garden / 17 minutes deep relaxation/ (HD) tai chi/ yoga/ shiatsu / reikiThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 25 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST Article by JMyersNHP Any skin problems rather it be on the face or underarms can be associated with poor circulation, infection, allergies, hormonal imbalance, and even stress. Holistic medicine focuses on healing the person and not just the symptoms. In Chinese theory skin problems are associated with "external evils" such as heat and wind causing red, dry, irritant rashes. In the ayurveda theory hormonal imbalance is the cause of skin problems. The Basic AnalysesIn any case with a rash under your arm you should clean the area well. If you are a woman try not shaving a few days. If you have changed odorants in the last few days you may want to go back to the other brand. Keep this area as dry as you can. May be wearing shirts that lay close to the skin if you're one to not sweat a lot. Those are just some of the basic thing that you may try before moving on to the holistic treatment. External Holistic TreatmentsFor skin rashes you may want to try using lavender essential oil to the affected area. This will help with any discomfort. You may want to try a well-known remedy such as aloe Vera, which is greatly known for its help in skin care. For fungal and skin infections five drops of Tea Tree, Clove, Marigold, and Thyme essential oils mixed with a teaspoon of marigold ointment. Apply one to two times a day. Other external treatments may include Burdock is an anti- inflammatory and a cleansing herb. Chickweed has been used in soothing creams for irritant skin. Evening- primrose has been known to treat skin disorders. Internal Holistic TreatmentsSome of these may be just as simple as drinking more water. Water is known to increaseSkin improvements. You may even want to find a good skin, hair, and nail supplement as prevention. Also adding vitamin E to your diet will be helpful, as well as a good multi- vitamin. Why Holistic MedicineHolistic medicine has been around and in use for hundreds of years. It has been used all around the world from culture to culture. There are many herbali! sts that you may talk with that can guide in these natural treatments. Though most of these treatments I focused on are safe and well documented you want to speak with your herbalist to see what your options are. A Word of CautionBefore using any holistic or herbal treatment consult with a doctor and get proper diagnoses. Be sure that any medication that you may be on will not interfere with your treatment. I would also suggest getting a drug- herb interaction book for your own reference. I also believe you should do your own research and become well informed in natural treatments. Taking control of your health is your responsibility. About the AuthorDr. Juanita Myers, CNHP. Is a Natural Health Professional, She has a diploma in Herbal Medicine and is certified in Homeopathy, Natural Health, Nutrition and Herbalism. Dr. Myers has been studying Natural Therapies for more than 15 years.www.naturalalternatives.co.cchttp://www.wiziq.com/JMyersNHP CIA Officer Explains New World Order's DemiseThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Can Anyone Try Chakra Healing? Posted: 25 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST Article by Riki Duport A chakra is an alignment point of the body and it can receive and relay the life force energy. The word Chakra comes from the Sanskrit, it describes the continual spinning of a wheel or the aural energy sphere within the body of mankind. Traditional Hindu writings have often said that there are nearly 90,000 points of Chakra throughout every human body, but there are truly only seven extrmely important points of Chakra. These seven vital points of Chakra can be found from the bottom of the spinal cord all the way up to the top of the head. The root or base chakra, the sex or navel chakra, the stomach or solar plexus chakra, the heart chakra, the throat chakra, the brow or third eye chakra and the crown chakra are the seven major chakras of the body. These main chakra points of the body can receive and transmit energy to and from its universal surroundings including various elements and the individuals around it. They are able to influence the spiritual, mystical, emotional, intellectual, corporeal and psychological activities of an individual all by themselves. There are many explanations about Chakras but there is one main definition that is tied in with all of the explanations. It is not known if it comes form the point of view from Chinese medicine, an individuals point of view, the study of psychology's take on it all, where the conscious and unconscious though process is concerned or the Hindus mystical explanation. No matter if we are sleeping or awake the chakras are continually in motion. Our actions, deeds, glandular processes, structure, appearance and any physical disorders are influenced by this constant activity. An imbalance develops and then makes it known in other areas of our life or body when one or more of these chakras malfunctions for various reasons. This is due to the seven major chakra's being connected to the in endocrine gland that is found in our bodies. Even the smallest imbalance of can take it's toll on our emotional state as well as our! physica l state. When an imbalance occurs it can create a disturbance in the way a person behaves and that is directly linked up to the endocrine gland. It is important to make sure that you keep a good balance and with your chakra's keeping in mind what is listed above. You can use that as your starting point of. Many people believe that a great deal of major illnesses as well as ailments, are related to a person's Chakra. Even though a person may not show physical manifestations of an illness right away, they may notice a change in their emotions. Things from a person's childhood can stick with them and affect them in such ways as spiritual, physically and even emotionally as they get older. One of the major causes of chakra imbalance is associated with repressed emotional baggage that develops from past trauma. These habitually buried emotional toxins of the subconscious influence the cellular level of our body. This is why we need to deal with any emotional baggage as it can help us maintain the necessary balance of the chakras. This will influence the healing of the physical being. Thus, it ca be said that the human body deserves Chakra Healing. By making use of techniques such as colour therapy, aromatherapy, Reiki healing and balancing the chakras while using crystals, gemstones or a pendulum we can influence our chakras directly. Many health conscious individuals enjoy performing the physical and breathing exercises of yoga as doing so is most beneficial for chakra balance maintenance. There are other methods of chakra healing, they are meditation to keep the mind focused on a thought, awareness or object for a specific amount of time, a guided visualization which can be done while using CDs or audio tapes in order to encourage relaxation techniques and natural healing in order to reduce stress while promoting relaxation and harnessing mind power. It is true that we cannot physically see our chakras, but they are constantly working to maintain the human body. !For t here to be chakra balance the body must be nourished in order to enjoy optimal health. The seven major chakras benefit from specific foods that help to maintain balance. The root chakra works best with foods rich in protein, spices and root type vegetables. For the sacral chakra, nuts, vanilla, cinnamon, sweet fruits and seeds such as caraway and sesame are the best which enriches creativity. Breads, cereals, pasta, yogurt, dairy products and spicy mints nourish our stomach or solar plexus chakra enriching our sense of self esteem and self confidence. Green tea and green leafy vegetables are good for the heart chakra while having a lot of water, fruit juices and tangy fruits such as peaches and apples nourish the throat chakra. Eating blueberries along with wines and grape juice are responsible for keeping our third eye chakra hydrated. The third eye is extremely important because it is entirely responsible for making our senses and physical abilities much sharper. The crown chakra is the highest chakra - the chakra of spirituality is all about detoxification. Hence, traditional inhalation of herbs and incense and activities such as fasting works best towards that. When we influence our chakras by stimulation, we do influence our health. When we do so we become more responsive in our everyday and spiritual life, while we are more able to tune in completely to our surroundings and various other elements of the metaphysical and physical environment in which we live our lives. About the AuthorExplore the phenomena of reiki chakra balancing by visiting the popular http://www.chakra-balance.com website. Discover reiki therapy techniques for yourself. Visit here and get 29 FREE audios, ebooks and videos. The worlds most POWERFUL healing mineral cureThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 25 Dec 2011 05:00 AM PST Article by David Powell Le Jamel Le Jamel Le Brahma Satya Reiki Folkestone is a progress of Reiki Folkestone which comes from India as a consequence of descent of Shiva-Shakti as Brahma Satya. This descent was recounted to occur sometime in August of 1997. Along with this revelation came the existence of the system now known as Brahma Satya Reiki. In further explaining Brahna Satya Reiki, one must be in a position to learn and understand its name. "Reiki" is a Japanese expression that is the results of joining together of two expressions. One of the words is "Rei" meaning Universal and "Ki" suggesting the Life Force Energy. As for the Indian origin of the name, "Brahma" means Brahmaan or the Universe and "Satya" stands for the Truth. It is thru that primal power from that the life forms exist in the entire universe. Brahma Satya Reiki Folkestone thus can be further illustrated as the Universal Truth of the Universal Life Force Energy. Through this new sort of Reiki methodology, it is claimed that Reiki exists in the shape of Shakti, Shiva-Shakti and Shiva. These are regarded as the 3 primal energies which are radiated out of the very foundation of universal existence. Through this, practitioners believe Reiki as also to refer to the Divine energy. The first original energy, Shakti, is believed to provide inner strength necessary for the realization of any kind of task. Shiva is claimed to be the primal energy that is in charge of the completion or dissolution of any chore. Shiva-Shakti is said to be that primal energy which mixes the 2 other primal energies of Shiva and Shakti. Through Shiva-Shakti the two can be considered either as independently functioning energies or also a joint form of these two primal energies. Shiva-Shakti is a really rare kind of primal energy that needs inner force and an inbuilt awareness of the inner hub information required for the accomplishment and completion of any task. In general, Brahma Satya Reiki Folkestone, just like different kinds of Reiki which has been developed thru the years, is commonly accept! ed as a holistic natural healing system. It is a system that provides individual contentment. The Brahma Satya Reiki is also considered as a stress relieving relaxation methodology. Practice of the related system can effectively help dissolve existing pains and other struggles experienced by individuals. The practice of Brahma Satya Reiki focuses attention towards the conscious awareness of all factors that basically cause the pains and struggles that people experience. This system of reiki also tensions on the long distance technique of healing, which is considered as a definite shift from all of the other existing types of reiki. This side of the Brahma Satya Reiki is a distinct advantage in eventualities where the touch healing facet of reiki is too tough to be practically adopted. About the AuthorThe Brahma Satya Reiki Folkestone is a recent evolution of Reiki. If you wish to find out more about reiki and practice it with the best therapists visit www.halcyondays.org.uk/reiki.asp ReikiThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
REIKI DISTANCE ATTUNEMENTS AND HEALING Posted: 25 Dec 2011 04:00 AM PST Article by Michelle Pysden There are some Reiki Practitioners who say Reiki Long Distance Attunement does not work. These practitioners usually have a vested interest in performing attunements in person, as they can charge large fees for the privilege. This is hypocritical as most of the Masters that profess this belief know it's false. The basic truth is that Reiki Long Distance Attunement does work just as well as it does in person. The reasons behind this are as follows. Reiki Attunements are not physical and work with energies alone. The only requirement for the Reiki Attunement to be successful over long distance is the performance of the established ritual which includes the Master's intent to bestow the attunement and the recipient's desire to receive the attunement.The Reiki Attunement ritual is necessary to become a Reiki Healer. It will give you the ability to access the Reiki energy, or Universal Life Force, to use in healing. Only a Certified Reiki Master can bestow Reiki Attunements. When an attunement is given, the Reiki Symbols are placed into your Crown, Heart, and Palm Chakras. During an attunement, the Chakras are opened and cleared. The Reiki symbols are activated, and reiki energy is transferred. The end result of this is an established connection to reiki energy. Every person experiences their attunement differently. It may also vary each time you receive an attunement. Some people report an out-of-body experience or visions, others simply a relaxed, warm meditative feeling. During the ritual you experience tingling, see unusual visions, colours, and/or symbols. You may hear voices or even perhaps scents, and feel warmth. You might feel full of energy or you may feel nothing at all, but your will still be attuned. It is an individual experience. Sometimes it may seem more powerful than previous times. There is no right or wrong experience, there is only the experience. It is also recommended that, once attuned, if you do not use your reiki regularly to get re-attuned pe! riodical ly. A cost effective and easy way to learn about Reiki and receive your attunement is through the comprehensive courses offered at http://LearnChikaraReiki-Do.com. Please visit our site for a comparison of the best courses available and choose the one that's right for you. "Follow the great principles, and be clean and quiet. Work on your heart and do things from the quiet space inside of you. Anyone can access Reiki, because it begins within yourself!".... Dr Usui About the AuthorMichelle is a thirty-something mother of three with an interest in alternative therapies and general health and wellbeing. |
Holistic Pet Care Products. Are They Better Than Store Bought? Posted: 25 Dec 2011 03:00 AM PST Article by Kevin Runic If your dogs vomiting frequently, you might find yourself wondering whether holistic pet care products are better for your dog. Certainly it's reasonable to ponder whether these products or store bought products are better for your dog. There are some facts that must be considered when you are deciding on the products to feed your dog. Holistic pet products provide many strong advantages for your dog. It is very important to comprehend what they involve. Unlike store bought dog food, you will not find any chemicals or synthetics in holistic pet care food. Holistic pet food contains only natural elements, including herbs. This is a huge benefit because it means that your dog should not be at risk for suffering from negative side effects, which is a normal concern when store bought pet food is fed to your dog. The best part is, they are also advantageous because they are highly effective in providing pain relief. Holistic products, dog food and methods have been used throughout time to treat several different medical and health problems in both humans as well as animals. They are still currently used today because they are highly effective. When you are looking for a natural remedy or a treatment for a problem that your pet is suffering from, holistic pet products and dog food can provide you with the effective solution that you seek. In closing, they are better for your dog because they are often more readily available than store bought products. When your pet has a problem in the middle of the night, your local pet supply store may not be open or you may not be able to reach your veterinarian. In such instances, it is essential that you understand how to provide a safe and effective pain relief for your pet. Holistic pet products can provide you with that opportunity. For Pet Health Questions, to join our blog discussions, or to Ask a Vet Questions Online and save an expensive trip to the Veterinarian, visit http://www.DogsVomiting.com About the AuthorI have a pug that used to vomit all the time. I have since changed him to natural pet products and he has stopped vomiting. Golden hive, straw versionThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 25 Dec 2011 02:00 AM PST Article by Keith Richard Conwell Costa Rica SwissJust 2010This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Chakra stones and healing crystals Posted: 25 Dec 2011 01:00 AM PST Article by Jim Crabb The unique association between chakra stones or crystals and peoples healthiness has been studied for many hundreds of years.As you may or may not know all stones, minerals, gems, etc. that come from the earth are subject to its vibrations and forceful magnetic fields in addition to energy imparted on them from other planets, stars and heavenly bodies.What Are Chakras - Putting it simply chakras are considered to be central points in your body for receiving and transmitting energies and are mainly located within the spinal column. The term "chakra" by itself translates to "wheel or disc" and refers to a revolving sphere. Each chakra is thought to have some bearing on bodily functions in its region of the spine.Many individuals think that chakras are merely the work of someones imagination but their existence is well documented in Far East traditions and are believed to be the key to life and source of energy.Chakra stones possess the ability to renew and rejuvenate the body through the subtle energy vibrations in the stones. A persons chakra can become unbalanced when the energy flow through their body is disrupted. The specific circumstances of your situation will determine which chakra stones to use. To use chakra crystals effectively for therapeutic purposes all those energies need to be removed from the stones before they can be tuned for their most effective performance.How To Use Chakra Stones - Place the stones loosely in the palm of your hand and close your eyes. Lay on your back and position the stones over the area of the chakra which is affected. In a few minutes you should start to feel a slight vibration telling you that the stones are working. This procedure can be done on a daily basis but not more than just the once per day because the energy from the chakra stones requires time to work.The Unexplainable Store has developed the worlds first "Isochronic Crystal Activation Technology" for cleansing and charging chakra crystals giving the user the capability to regulate the frequenci! es that are imbedded into the stones so that they can be activated for precise uses.The standard methods of charging chakra stones has proven to produce inconsistent results. This latest technology differs in that it concentrates focused energy onto the stones to precisely imprint the new frequency. Through the use of isochronic tones you can now merge a number of different frequencies collectively in harmony and imprint them on the stones. Chakra stones or crystals can be cleaned and activated separately or in bunches and for particular uses. About the Authorhttp://www.absolutequartzcrystals.com is a leading online supplier of chakra stones and crystals. Rare Lemurian Dream Phantom Quartz CrystalThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Aromatherapy: An Ancient Science of Healing Posted: 25 Dec 2011 12:00 AM PST Article by Terro White In aromatherapy plants and its parts are used healing, energizing and relaxing. It is also well known as ancient science of healing. In this science the parts of plants such as roots, flowers, barks, fruits, nuts and seeds play a vital role. Among alternative medicines it is a popular branch. The word Aromatherapy means 'aroma' meaning fragrance and 'therapy' stands for healing. Undoubtedly, aromatherapy is a complementary therapy that uses essential oils extracted from bark of plants, flowers, roots and resin. The holistic approach is taken to treat physical and emotional well-beings. There are no adverse effects, so one can easily go for the therapy. Studies have proved that the thousands of years old therapy miraculously eases symptoms both psychologically and physiologically. Today, aromatherapy is considered one of the best alternatives after allopathic treatment to treat stress, insomnia, headaches, muscular aches, digestive and menstrual/menopausal problems. Essential oils are highly concentrated therefore should never be used directly. To reduce the concentration of these oils it is necessary to dilute. You can do dilution by mixing the concentrated oils with carrier oils. These oils help increase positive energy and rejuvenate body by entering through the olfactory system of your body. Applying a hair massage essential oil helps fight stress. Usually these oils are blended together and it is known as synergy. The synergy is more powerful compared to the combination of individual oils. There are about 400 essential oils available in. Among the most popular today are bergamot with an uplifting oil helps fight exhaustion and stress, peppermint to refresh mood, grapefruit to distill stress and anger. Rosemary and calming rose are considered superb for relaxing muscles cramp. Before applying any essential oil, it's good to consult your GP or a registered aroma therapist as they have minor side effects like headache and allergic reaction. People with sensitive sk! in, asth ma, hay fever or a type of allergy should try to avoid essential oils or apply under the guidance of a registered aromatherapist. Frankly, the fairly inexpensive aromatherapy is simply using candles or diffuses to sooth stress and any other types of health problems. No equipment requires in order to cure patients. The only equipment is diffuser which can be electric heat or clay pots. There are many ways to use these oils like you can inhale, massage onto your body, add to the bath or shower or spray in the room. As these oils have good fragrance they can get you a good mood. You can avail these oils from any store but an easy option to go is buy fragrances online. What is aromatherapy good for? Aromatherapy has a wide range of usage like they are used in health spas and also hospitals for treating several conditions. Generally it has good impact on mood, it relieve pain and promote relaxation. Essential oils when used for massage therapy can be beneficial for depressive people. Other conditions for which aromatherapy can be beneficial includes: • Use to reduce hair loss• One of the most fruitful medicines to treat agitation, which is related to dementia• Essential massages are beneficial to treat anxiety• Abdominal massage of aromatherapy helps relieve abdominal cramps and constipation• People fighting insomnia can take help• One of the best medicines for people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis• Use to treat itching for patients receiving dialysis• Psoriasis Aromatherapy is known as ancient science of healing. The essential oil used in aromatherapy has several benefits. They are extracted from plants and their parts. But these oils cannot be used directly as these are highly concentrated. Aromatherapy is a popular branch of alternative medicine. So you can take the advantage of aromatherapy to relax your body and to create positive impact on mood. About the AuthorAromatherapy is a good way to relax your body and mind. In this therapy essential oils are used which are extracted from plants and their parts. Several clinical studies reveal that if essential oils are used by qualified midwives then it helps the pregnant women less anxiety and fear. Perfume and Blending Basics.m4vThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
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