The Term "Reiki Massage" Somewhat Misleading
The Term "Reiki Massage" Somewhat Misleading |
- The Term "Reiki Massage" Somewhat Misleading
- Usui Reiki Instruction Available in Many Forms
- Holistic Treatments for Dogâs Bladder Infection
- Authentic Reiki Makes Use of Healing Life Force Energy
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- Reiki Treatment Classified As Complementary or Energy Medicine
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The Term "Reiki Massage" Somewhat Misleading Posted: 13 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST Article by Patsy Hamilton Reiki treatments are sometimes referred to as Reiki massage, although the original healing touch described by many was simply a light touch. In order for the technique to be effective, a special Reiki massage table is not necessary. Reiki can be performed anytime, anywhere. All that is required is concentration of the intent. In the United States, different state laws govern the practice of Reiki. In order to obtain a license or adhere to certain state codes, it is necessary for some therapists to refer to themselves as Reiki Massage Therapists. The therapists are considered practitioners of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Training for Reiki therapists or masters varies greatly. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine advises that patients should not substitute Reiki massage for conventional medical care, but the Center is funding research concerning the benefit of Reiki therapy in a number of diseases. In addition, Reiki therapy can be added to any treatment plan as a complementary therapy. There are no negative side effects of Reiki massage, although some patients may feel slightly nauseas afterwards. This is simply a response to toxins leaving the body. Healing with the hands or healing touch therapy has been practiced since the beginning of time. Many of us originally believed that only certain "gifted" people were able to perform this type of healing and while it is true that some may have more of an aptitude for the art than others, anyone can learn. A full body massage is not required, though some therapists may say otherwise. Some therapists may prefer a specific kind of Reiki massage table, just as some prefer to use crystals, while others use water. Symbols and specific hand positions are sometimes used, but not always. Some healers practice intuitive Reiki, locating the source of pain or illness without being told. This has been described as a type of scan. Early masters said that they felt pain in their hands! when th ey found the source of the patient's illness. Some describe a tingling sensation. Others prefer to keep their methods secret, unless one is being treated or paying for courses. The effectiveness of Reiki massage is met with some skepticism by many people. Those who are skeptical and cannot accept the existence of Reiki energy may not be healed, although distance healing can be performed without the patient's knowledge or approval and is sometimes effective. Fees for Reiki massage vary greatly, just as fees for other medical services vary. But, as I mentioned earlier, anyone can learn to use Reiki energy, without expensive courses or years of study. To learn more please visit About the AuthorPatsy Hamilton was a health care professional for over twenty years before becoming a health writer. Currently she is writing a series of articles about Reiki. Read more at Reiki Master TrainingThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Usui Reiki Instruction Available in Many Forms Posted: 13 Dec 2011 10:00 PM PST Article by Patsy Hamilton Reiki instruction can be simple or complex, lasting days or years. In English, the term "Usui Reiki" has come to mean the method of energy medicine originally practiced and taught by Mikao Usui in Japan in the 1920s. The word "Reiki" is derived from the pronunciation of two Japanese symbols. The first "Rei" (pronounced like "ray" in English) can mean either universal or spiritual. The second "ki" (pronounced "kee") is derived from the Chinese word Qi, which can be translated as "life force" or "energy flow". China greatly influenced the written Japanese language and many words are similar. Energy Medicine is a type of complementary or alternative medicine that deals with energy fields that are either measurable or have yet to be measured. Therapies involving measurable energy fields include the use of magnets, light, sound or vibrations to treat patients. Energy fields that have yet to be measured are referred to as "putative". Therapies involving putative energy fields include Usui Reiki, traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine and homeopathic medicine. In all of these forms of traditional medicines and many others, there is one common belief. There is a subtle, continuous and vital flow of energy surrounding and infusing the human body. Learning how to recognize and use this energy is a major part of Reiki instruction. Instructors usually share their version of the history or development of the Usui Reiki technique. Over the years, many different versions of the history have been taught. Different variations of the methodology have also been taught. Reiki instruction is no more standardized now than it ever was. Some practitioners make use of crystals, candles and other accessories. Some consider Usui Reiki a type of massage therapy. In fact, in some states, those who practice Reiki must also be licensed massage therapists. Finding factual material regarding the exact technique used by Mikao Usui is difficult. But, it is safe to say that he d! id write the five principles, although he may have been inspired by others. Reiki instruction also includes the use of symbols to focus one's intention to use the energy flow. Today, there are many different symbols in use. Usui Reiki symbols are those that were definitely used Mikao Usui, who is sometimes referred to as Dr. Usui, although he was not a medical doctor in the conventional sense. He is sometimes referred to as Usui-sensei. Sensei is a Japanese title used to show respect to teachers, doctors and other professionals. In a sense, Usui was both a teacher and a doctor. It is a fact that he owned and operated a dojo for Reiki instruction. Many people think of a dojo as a martial arts studio, but it literally means "place of the way" and in Japan the name may refer to a school of any type. The term Usui Reiki-do is sometimes used, with "do" meaning way. "Usui reiki ryoho" is another term that simply means the Usui method of Reiki healing. Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkei is a Japanese society established by Usui, which still exists to this day. No matter which type of Reiki instruction you choose to receive or the terms that the teachers use to refer to the practice, learning to accept and use the "life energy" can make a huge difference in your life. To learn more please visit Understanding About the AuthorPatsy Hamilton was a health care professional for over twenty years before becoming a health writer. Currently she is writing a series of articles about Reiki. Read more at |
Holistic Treatments for Dogâs Bladder Infection Posted: 13 Dec 2011 09:00 PM PST Article by R.D. Hawkins Choosing to implement holistic treatments for a dog's bladder infection could prove to be a smart choice when it comes to eliminating bladder infection symptoms, boosting immune system function, eliminating bacterial which has chosen to make itself at home in your pet's urinary tract, and restoring harmony to the bladder and urinary system. When holistic treatments for dog's bladder infection are combined with other natural choices it is referred to as a full spectrum approach. Bladder Infection in Dogs Quick Facts Most estimates have one out of every 5 dogs requiring treatment for a bacterial infection of the bladder at some point in their lives. The numbers are higher for females (due to the length of the urethra) and pets over the age of 8. The go-to treatment for both holistic practitioners and those practicing conventional medicine are antibiotics; with Amoxicillin or Amoxicillin hybrids such as Clavamox (Amoxicillin and Clavulanate) being two of the most widely prescribed. The signs and symptoms that a bladder infection is present are pungent smelling urine, blood in the urine, straining or crying while attempting to urinate, wanting to go out more often than normal for bathroom breaks, and urinating in inappropriate places. Additionally, changes in behavior, increased water consumption, soreness in the hind quarter area, and fatigue are also common signs and symptoms. The Risk of Ignoring The Signs and Symptoms Certainly just trying to manage a dog with an infection of the bladder is challenging enough to make most pet owners seek help. That said, if left untreated this type of infection can spread upward to the kidneys, where the infection can turn deadly in a short period of time. Additionally, the longer you wait to address the problem the more embedded the bacteria becomes and the more difficult it will be to treat. Holistic Treatments for A Dog's Bladder Infection Whether you are entrusting your dogs health to a homeopa! thic or mainstream veterinarian there is a good chance antibiotics will be the first line of defense due to the importance of stopping the spread quickly. That said, holistic veterinarians will combine antibiotics with a variety of natural remedies to bolster immune system function and correct any stresses or imbalances that allow bacteria to flourish. Why don't we look at a few of the likely holistic possibilities. *Improve hydration through fluid intake - Increased hydration helps flush invading bacteria out of the bladder and urinary tract through increased urination. While you cannot force your dog to drink extra fluids what you can do is adopt a diet that is at least 60 percent wet food. If this is not a realistic possibility consider moistening their dry food with a small amount of water or chicken broth. *The cranberry difference. Cranberry is one of the holistic natural solutions bacteria hates to see coming. A compound found in cranberry or raspberry juice works to prevent bacteria from clinging to the walls of the bladder /urinary tract while acidifying the urine. My own experience tells me it is best given orally combined with a little liquid B12 rather than being added their food or water. *Make the switch to chemical free food. Commercial pet food is loaded with chemical additives, artificial colors, and preservatives that weaken immune system function thus making pets more susceptible to infection. *Keep your dogs backside clean and closely trimmed. Bacteria enters through the urethra. When bacteria is harbored in the surrounding area it greatly increases the chances of infection and re-infection. *Bathroom breaks. When urine pools in the bladder it creates a fertile breeding ground for bacteria growth. A good rule of thumb is consider taking your dog out every few hours until they get well. *Homeopathics. One of a number of homeopathic ingredients can help. Three which have proven to be effective in promoting bladder and urinary tract health are cantharis, berb! eris, an d staphysagris. Holistic treatment for dog's bladder infection - Additional Tips - Filter all chemical and impurities from water, consider a vitamin C supplement, reduce the amount of stress/anxiety your dog's life, treat any arthritic conditions with glucosamine and chondroitin supplements, and increase activity levels once the bacterial infection has been eradicated. In conclusion, implementing holistic treatments for a dog's bladder infection can be a safe and effective way to resolve this common condition. Nevertheless, if you fail to see results in 7 to 10 days or if you suspect urine flow is being blocked by a stone/uroliths lodged somewhere in the urinary tract it is time to call for help. Keep in mind that once total blockage occurs you only have 48 hours or less before the condition becomes life threatening. About the AuthorR.D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic consumer advocate for natural pet healing with over 10 years experience.To discover more about pet urinary tract health along with information about a highly rated homeopathic urinary tract tonic specially formulated to support bladder and urinary tracthealth in petsClick Here |
Authentic Reiki Makes Use of Healing Life Force Energy Posted: 13 Dec 2011 08:00 PM PST Article by Patsy Hamilton Authentic Reiki is a healing art that involves the use of the hands to transfer healing life force energy from the practitioner to the patient. A Reiki healing institute can be somewhat difficult to find, depending on where a person lives or if they are not sure what to look for. Authentic Reiki is not a form of massage, although in some areas of the United States, a practitioner is required to be a licensed massage therapist. So, if you were looking for a practitioner in the Yellow Pages, you might need to look under "massage". The use of crystals, candles and other accessories was not part of the original practice, but their use does not make the practice ineffective. The use of symbols was part of the original practice, although new symbols have been added by some therapists. Any kind of symbol, whether it is a drawing or a crystal, simply serves to help the practitioner focus their intent to use Reiki. For many years, learning authentic Reiki was an expensive and time consuming undertaking. Hawayo Takata, who opened the first Reiki healing institute in the United States, charged ,000 to train Reiki masters. At the time of her death, she had trained 22 Reiki masters. Takata maintained that she was a "Grandmaster", although that title was never used in Japan. She also maintained that no one in Japan practiced Reiki after World War II. We now know that the Reiki healing institute or society formed by Usui Maiko (Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai) in the 1920s still exists in Japan. Rather than appointing a "grandmaster", the society appoints a president. Takata also said that authentic Reiki could only be taught and be effective if a person was a "grandmaster" or was taught by a "grandmaster" that could trace their "lineage" back to Usui Maiko. Today, many of us believe that anyone can learn to use Reiki, whether they learn at a seminar or from a book, from a "grandmaster" or the current president. We all have the power to use authentic Reiki. We simply need to accep! t that t he power is real. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine classifies Reiki as a type of "energy medicine". Our current technology cannot detect the existence of the energy that infuses and surrounds us, but it was first described thousands of years ago. The existence of the energy is the basis for not only authentic Reiki, but for traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine and homeopathic medicine, which all developed in different parts of the world at different times. The fact that all of these therapies are still respected and used today supports their effectiveness. If a procedure has been ineffective for hundreds or thousands of years, there is no reason that it would still be used. Today, there is a Reiki healing institute in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada, as well as Japan. The spread of this therapy, even though training was expensive and the techniques were kept secret, further supports the thought that it must be effective. Several learned masters have written books designed to teach people to use authentic Reiki in their own lives and the lives of others. It is knowledge that everyone should have. To learn more please visit About the AuthorPatsy Hamilton was a health care professional for over twenty years before becoming a health writer. Currently she is writing a series of articles about Reiki. Read more at Reiki Stress ReliefThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 13 Dec 2011 07:00 PM PST Article by Winnie A basic piece of jewelry has the power to change a casual dress into one that is chic and classy. one such kind of jewelry is crystal jewelry. Crystal jewelry makes one look elegant and stylish and adds a new dimension to the personality. It really is recognized that because time immemorial crystals have already been utilized for healing purposes. The elite, to add an extra edge towards the home decor, have also used them as artifacts. Crystals have gained further recognition considering that the time men and women have started making use of them in jewelry. A crystal can be distinguished from other fake material by its lead content. Lead content gives the material weight and flexibility making it soft and pliable. This permits it to be cut and molded in desirable shapes and sizes and styles. It really is for this reason that crystal has grow to be so common for producing decorative items for the house. In the same time, this top quality of crystal also makes it a favorite option for jewelry. Apart from getting versatile, crystal jewelry is also sturdy and exquisite. Manufacturers cut crystals into special shapes to ensure that they reflect light. It enables variations in style. This top quality of crystals has made it inordinately well-known in jewelry. Affordability of crystal jewelry comes as the icing on the cake. Its affordability and sturdiness makes it treasured and it has the power to revolutionize a person's wardrobe and in the very same time allows an individual to infuse his/her own style and personality into all of his/her clothing selections. Crystal jewelry has the power to bewitch a person by its sheer dazzle. This excellent of the crystal has made it a hit amongst girls all over the world. Jewelry or accessory, crystals have located a place everywhere. Bags belts, broaches, shoes, you name it and crystals are bound to be there. Crystal jewelry reigns because the range of patterns and designs with which an individual can experiment is infinite. Crystal j! ewelry i s discovered in several forms like earrings, necklaces, pendants, bracelets and so on. Crystals are also created into beads so that they are able to be stringed into fine pieces of jewelry. Several shapes and sizes of crystal beads are offered inside the industry. They're employed to create different patterns and designs that lure a person by the charming glitter. Crystals applied as bracelets and anklets appear incredibly chic. They add loads of lot of sparkle to any outfit, and when worn in standard designs or as trend setting jewelry, crystals give a person an extra edge over the other people. Both traditionalists and trendsetters equally really like wearing crystal jewelry because of the exact same reality. No wonder Crystal jewelry is here to remain as long as folks enjoy generating and wearing jewelry. You can find a number of on the web and offline resources that give excellent crystal jewelry like Swarovski Crystal Pendant and Crystal Drop Pendant designs and enable you to pay via incredibly flexible payment options. The versatility of crystal is unmatched plus the jewelry is merely exquisite. About the Authorshe is so glad to help you with choose jewelry. Group Healing Session Using The Amega WandThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Reiki Treatment Classified As Complementary or Energy Medicine Posted: 13 Dec 2011 06:00 PM PST Article by Patsy Hamilton Reiki treatment is considered a type of complementary medicine. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) is currently sponsoring Reiki research in the areas of fibromyalgia, advanced AIDS, anxiety, prostate cancer and diabetes. Conducting Reiki research can be difficult. Normally when scientists are conducting clinical research, they use two groups; one to receive active treatment and one to receive an inactive treatment or placebo. They use methods to insure that neither the patient nor the practitioner knows which group is receiving the active substance and which is receiving the placebo. The reasoning behind this is simple. The power of suggestion is strong in people. About 35% of patients will respond to any form of treatment, whether active or inactive. This is known as the placebo effect. In order to scientifically study Reiki treatment, all of the practitioners would need to believe that they were using Reiki. Some practitioners would somehow need to be taught to use Reiki incorrectly. Some of us believe that simply teaching someone about the existence of Reiki, which is the universal life force or energy that lies within us all, allows them to use the energy positively in their own lives and the lives of others. In other words, no matter how the practitioners were taught to use Reiki, the treatment could still be effective. And also, a Reiki therapist can feel the flow of energy in their hands. Keeping practitioners "blinded" seems somewhat impossible to me. But, despite the problems, NCCAM sponsored Reiki research is going forward. Researchers are investigating how Reiki treatment might work. This may be difficult, because it might require proving that the life force energy exists and our current technology does not allow us to "see" it or "detect" it in other ways. Other Reiki research may be easier to conduct. Blood sugar levels, heart function and disease progression can be easily measured, so the research concerning d! iabetes and prostate cancer should be reasonably conclusive. But, there will still be the placebo effect to consider. Reiki research regarding AIDS, fibromyalgia and anxiety will require more patient input and the results may not be considered scientifically conclusive. Reiki treatment should be very effective for anxiety, because one of the most commonly reported effects is a sense of relaxation. In addition, if patients with anxiety and those who are dealing with advanced AIDS are taught the Reiki "way", they should experience a greater sense of well-being, a deep feeling of comfort and relaxation. In fact, anyone can benefit from Reiki treatment or learning the Reiki way. To learn more about bringing the power of Reiki into your own life please visit About the AuthorPatsy Hamilton was a health care professional for over twenty years before becoming a health writer. Currently she is writing a series of articles about Reiki. Read more at Reiki Symbols Used In Each Level Of Reiki HealingThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Reiki Healing Home Study Courses Available Posted: 13 Dec 2011 05:00 PM PST Article by Patsy Hamilton Thanks to Reiki healing home study courses, becoming a Reiki Master is easier now than it has ever been. For many years, in fact almost since its existence, information about Reiki was kept secret. But, there is no reason for this secrecy. The secrecy does not make the practice any more or less powerful. Why should an energy source that is infinite only be available for use by a select few? People who still insist on the idea that Reiki knowledge should be kept secret are probably misguided. But, it is their choice and Reiki has much to do with the power of personal choice. Hawayo Takata, the first person to teach Reiki in the United States, charged ,000 for the privilege of becoming a Reiki Master. Chujiro Hayashi, her teacher, cautioned his students about publicizing their knowledge, according to an early Japanese newspaper article. The same article indicates that the fees he charged were considered a "great deal of money" at that time. Today, Reiki healing home study courses are reasonably priced and much can be learned for free, thanks to the internet and masters who wish to share their knowledge with others. Charging a fee for training a master is understandable, but the high fees charged by Hawayo Takata were never part of Usui Reiki, that is the healing art practiced and taught by Mikao Usui in Japan in the early 1920s. The stories concerning the origins of charging for Reiki were part of Mrs. Takata's teachings and it is now known that the history of Reiki taught by Mrs. Takata was inaccurate, to say the least. Usui owned and operated a simple school or dojo and the fees he charged are unknown. Mrs. Takata maintained that Reiki had "died out" in Japan after World War II. We now know that the society established by Usui, the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkei or Usui Kai, exists in Japan to this day. Part of Mrs. Takata's tale was that Hayashi was the "Grand Master" of Reiki and that he passed the title onto her before his death. She maintained that becom! ing a Re iki Master required that a person be instructed by a "grand master" or someone who had been instructed by a grand master. We now know that the title was something that she invented. The Usui Kai has a president, but that is the extent of the titles used by the society. Hayashi was a student of Usui and he did train Mrs. Takata, but he was never a "Grand Master". He was never even president of the Usui Reiki society. But, none of this is really important, except to say that anyone can learn to use Reiki. Training is sometimes included in massage or healing touch courses. You can learn by attending seminars or private classes. Or, you can learn in the privacy of your own home at your own pace with Reiki healing home study courses. Some of which are very good. To learn more, please visit Understanding About the AuthorPatsy Hamilton was a health care professional for over twenty years before becoming a health writer. Currently she is writing a series of articles about Reiki, which made a huge difference in her life. Read more at Reiki Session as seen by Aura Video cameraThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Learn Qigong Healing Exercises â Psychic Workshop Posted: 13 Dec 2011 04:00 PM PST Article by Alexander West A friend of mine noticed that I was not my usual self and was having problems manifesting prosperity. She told me she had a period of "stuckness" and had good results from an energy healer named Michael Roland and recommended me to go to his website. I'd tried other energy healings and treatments which helped considerably, but I had some doubts because so far nothing had made me feel like "the old me"--active, enthusiastic, intelligent, self-confident, helpful--I was in grief, missing the best parts of me. I even lost confidence in my mind-body exercises, meditation, and crystals. I felt like I couldn't clear myself and was on edge, unmotivated, and totally distracted with no sense of time. People either ignored me or acted angry around me. I was also angry from deferring and giving in to others. My brain was foggy, confused, and I wasn't able to trust my intuition. I'd "zone out" during meditation and while listening and kept replaying negative events that led up to my divorce and my leaving of spiritual groups. I had stinging skin sensations like I'd been slapped over most of my body. I withdrew from friends and holed up at home, but couldn't rest. An inordinate amount of problems at work and dwindling savings due to lack of work made me look haggard. I felt overwhelmed and kept thinking something was wrong with me. I finally went to Michael's website and read his articles about Emotional and Spiritual Renewal, energy blockages, and spiritual attachments. I liked the fact that Michael was trained in these skills in China and was also an Acupuncturist. His distance healing services are very affordable. After a few e-mails, I got to know Michael better and liked his warmth, sincerity, and kind concern. I made an appointment on his website and he called me at home on time. He put me at ease right away with his nice voice and humble confidence. He asked what I would like to accomplish in this session and then tuned in to my energy and began to read what was ! going on . Michael is very much in tune with psychic energies. He asked about people from a spiritual group I belonged to and determined who was in my energy and why they were there. He worked with me to send these people far away. In my mind's eye I could see them go. He also found that I needed to see myself far away from a different spiritual organization. As Michael told me about these people, I finally realized why I felt crushed by them and why I no longer wanted to do my spiritual practices. He also found that I still had attachments to and from my ex and cleared these. I felt optimistic and empowered because he found more than other healers and not only helped me to remove attachments, but told me what to do to keep them away this time. He gave me a meditation, hand mudra, and mantra to rely on myself more to rebuild my crushed Spiritual energy field. Michael's message to me was to empower myself without associations and to keep disassociating and clearing so I can rely on myself. Michael answered all my questions and even though there are still some things to be cleared, I feel I have clarity and understanding, an improved outlook, more compassion for myself, and feel more willing to take an active role in my own life. I felt lighter and freer after our session and felt my energy shifting in my head. My face looks more relaxed and for the past two days, I've felt my second and first chakras lit up with energy. I also have had increased opportunities for work and people have been more generous and friendly toward me. Thank you, Michael, for the gift of your compassionate spirit! Your work is just what people need to get their life back on track. I will definitely work with you for healing other areas of my life. About the AuthorQigong Healing Exercises - Are you fond of attending spiritual workshops? Attend our spiritual direction training, Qigong therapy and more. Visit us at Random Healing Crystal Vid: Inspection; Purifying/ Ceansing Citrine (w/ phantoms) & Lemurians etcThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 13 Dec 2011 03:00 PM PST Article by Michael Bustamante Distance Learning and Online Holistic School, college, and university programs provide for learning natural health skills and techniques in convenient home-study settings. Online programs allow for integrating holistic education into busy schedules without the hassles of commuting and meeting external schedules. The holistic health philosophy promotes the care of the entire person, with the inclusion of spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical factors. Online Holistic Schools and colleges adhere to this basic principle and teach accordingly, by providing natural health holistic programs for healing by teaching the necessary intake of the healthful natural elements of fresh air, sunlight, proper diet, and pure water, and the regulation of exercise and rest. Online Holistic School students can choose varying measures of study. Options include certificates, AS, BS, MS, PhD, and Post-Doctoral distance learning programs. Students can gain licensure as massage therapists, counselors, herbologists, nutritionists, acupuncturists, chiropractors, and more. Bachelor and master degrees offer additional options for licensed therapists or counselors, life coaches, teachers, healers, and mentors. Online Holistic School programs provide students with knowledge and skills for philosophical and practical applications of natural health and healing methods. Students in holistic schools can choose from several degree programs to satisfy gaining the skills and knowledge desired. Students can choose to concentrate in areas of herbology, nutrition, treatment, and lifestyle health. Courses can teach traditional naturopathy, natural health, and integration of natural health methods into an existing holistic or traditional healthcare practices. If you are interested in learning more about Online Holistic Schools and other types of schools, please search our site for more information and resources. DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERAL OVERVIEW and may or may not reflect specif! ic pract ices, courses and/or services associated with ANY ONE particular school(s) that is or is not advertised on Copyright 2006 - All Rights ReservedMichael Bustamante, in association with Media Positive Communications, Inc. for Notice to Publishers: Please feel free to use this article in your Ezine or on your Website; however, ALL links must remain intact and active. About the AuthorMichael Bustamante is a staff writer for Media Positive Communications, Inc. in association with Find Colleges, Universities, Vocational Schools, and Online Colleges at; your educational resource to locate schools. |
Constructive Connections: Sharing with Your Neighbors Posted: 13 Dec 2011 03:00 PM PST If you are craving community look to your own neighbors to forge new relationships and build something new together. Many of our relationships can be fleeting or do not deepen past a superficial level, yet these connections, as trivial as they can seem, often have the potential to grow into something much more essential. When we crave community, we should focus our attention on these casual acquaintances. To forge a bond with neighbors, we need to work together with them so that we have a context from which to begin a more mature relationship. Sharing tasks that are part of living can be a wonderful way to become a part of a larger community, make new friends, and lighten the workloads of everyone involved. Creating a network of neighbors who agree to pool certain resources and share daily duties can be as easy as taking the initiative. If you are willing to take the first step by reaching out to the individuals and families who share your building or your street, you will likely find that others are receptive to the notion. Starting small, with just a few people, can help you orchestrate a smoothly running system. Together, you will need to decide what chores you want to do communally and what resources can be shared. Ideas for community sharing are child care, errands, housework, keeping a joint garden, cooking for the group, and carpooling. For instance, if you cook large meals for four neighbors once a week, you take off four nights after that. As you grow to trust one another, you can begin adding new members to your evolving network or introducing new tasks to your shared roster of duties. Actions speak louder than words, so working closely with neighbors to ensure the well-being of the group can be a wonderful way to build a sense of community in your locale. Not everyone you approach will be open to the idea of becoming a part of a network of sharing. As you connect with those who do appreciate the merits of such a system, you will discover that others are just as eager as you are to create interpersonal connections that are defined by substance. ~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM Read More @ Source |
Blue Crystals and Gemstones - Blue Lace Agate A Stone of Peaceful Contentment Posted: 13 Dec 2011 02:00 PM PST Article by Terrie Marie The energy frequency of blue is soothing, fluid, calming. The color blue is associated with the water element, signifying emotions, the ebb and flow of energy, peacefulness, serenity and harmony. While it is subtle and gentle it can, at times be quite stormy and turbulent. During times of emotional turbulence, honoring where you are, what you are experiencing is accepting and honoring the "current condition" or space in which you find yourself. To soothe frayed nerves, emotional wounds, light a blue candle, focus on the flame for a few moments allowing your entire Be-ing relax. Feel your shoulders release all they carry. Blue is the color of the Throat Chakra, communication, speaking your truth, with loving-kindness. It is possible to speak loving words. There are many ways to say what needs to be said without harshness, without anger. Yes, there may be moments when it is not possible. Should you experience situations where you are not speaking kindly to yourself or to others, forgive yourself and then move forward. Each one of us does the best in any given moment. We are all a "work in progress"….to include me. Blue Lace Agate - Stone of Peaceful Contentment Known as the Wishing Stone, Blue Lace Agate emits a soft, peaceful energy. It will when used during meditation or worn on the body, enhance a sense of happiness, calming the emotions, soothing frayed nerves. This stone is associated with the element of water as symbolized with its beautiful blue and white striations. Just as water flows from one place to another, allow your emotions, your words to flow effortlessly. Water is most often colorless, yet it manifests in many shades of blue adapting its shape to conform to its current vessel. Resonating with the Throat Chakra, this stone will assist you in speaking your truth, expressing yourself without causing harm to you or to another. Blue Lace Agate will enable to dissolve blockages in your Throat Chakra caused by stuffing your words, your emotions, or d! isconten t with yourself or with others. It will cleanse and stabilize your Auric Energy Field. Place several small tumbled stones into a glass of filtered water; leave it overnight; drink the energy charged water in the morning. The gemstone charged water will integrate with your inner Self, radiating the free flow of light and compassion throughout your entire physical body. The soft blue energy aids the user to move forward along the path before them, dissolving unwanted negative energy patterns. Consistently working with this stone will assist you in releasing negative behavior patterns. The subtle energy frequency may be used to expand intuitive gifts of inner sight and Clairvoyance. Be willing to allow yourself to flow with situations, with experiences as they unfold around you. Be willing to express compassion, empowering not only you, but those around you. *Angelic Realm Association: Archangel Gabriel, whose name means, Messenger of God, will assist you in speaking your truth, calmly, expressing yourself with clarity and compassion. *Healing Properties: soothes emotions, calms frayed nerves, dissolves blockages in the Throat Chakra *Vibrational Frequency: soft, gentle, subtle *Spiritual Properties: expand intuition, inner sight, Clairvoyance If you are willing, Blue Lace Agate will assist you in flowing along the path before you with grace and ease, radiating love and light with a sense of peaceful calmness. It may, when worked with consistently, expand your gifts of inner sight, clearing your physical sight enabling you to heighten perception. About the AuthorConnect with Angels every day when you click this link from Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady and Desert Rose Healing Arts! Enter your name and email address to begin connecting with Angels! Copyright 2011 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide Skeptic Receives The Amega Wand - Part 1This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 13 Dec 2011 02:00 PM PST ~Give the Gift of Spirit this Holiday Season~ ~Looking for some meaningful gift Ideas that will bring joy and transformation to the lives of your loved ones? I have some great Ideas~ The Enchanted Garden Cd is a guided meditation with music by Joanne Shenandoah. It won best New Age Album at the 2010 Native Music Awards. I listened to it the other day and I have to say it felt even more profound than when I recorded it a few years ago. The words and the music are directly inspired by Spirit. It will awaken both novice listeners and enlightened beings to new understanding on the path of remembrance. From now until Dec 22 ~ Buy one ENCHANTED GARDEN CD and get a second for free! Buy Now I also offer Gift Certificates toward Spiritual Readings and Healings, Enchanted One sessions, classes, downloads and Spiritual Life Coaching Programs. Enjoy 30% Off All Gift Certificates purchased before Dec 22, 2012! For a full list of services click here. Simply email with the gift certificate amount you would like to purchase. What better gift to offer your loved ones (and yourself) than the gift of Spirit? Enjoy this beautiful season~ may the peace continue to wrap you throughout the new year. In grace and gratitude~ Sheila Applegate Buy one Enchanted Garden CD and Get a Second FREE! Order Now~ Link here (Through Dec. 21, 2012) — CONTACT INFORMATION: Read More @ Source ABC News Ch 25 feature: Dr Ken Grey Acupuncture in Operating Room for Cancer Related SurgeryThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Cosmetic Procedures That Will Heal Your Uneven Skin Tones Posted: 13 Dec 2011 01:00 PM PST Article by Jay Pete Wyclef There exist a wide variety of cosmetic treatments available to manage uneven skin tone. Uneven skin tone may be a result of diet, breakouts, ultraviolet sunlight, age, and hormones. You can find topical creams and homemade remedies to cure the majority of these conditions. Nevertheless, lots of people who suffer from skin conditions choose to put the treatment in someone else's hands, like a dermatologist. There exist some special cases also that demand being cared for by a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. For whatever reason you have for exploring cosmetic treatments listed below are a variety of options you may want to take into account. Chemical Peels Chemical peels have been around for centuries to assist in maintaining healthy beautiful skin. Although it is one of the oldest skin solutions, present daytechnology has been doing tons to improve it. A usual chemical peel uses an acid-based solution which is put on the afflicted or damaged skin. This then leads the outermost layers of skin to become dissolved, pushing natural skin growth. This treatment method will normally decrease or even erase uneven skin tones, as well as, scars and acne. Microdermabrasion Microdermabrasion commonly is mistaken for dermabrasion. But, microdermabrasion is not as aggressive a procedure nor does it infiltrate as many layers of skin. In microdermabrasion remedies the skin is blasted with small non allergenic crystals to remove the most top layers of skin. This therapy can clear off dry cracked skin, signs of aging, light scarring, and uneven skin tone. Intense Pulsed Light Intense pulsed light (IPL) remedies are much like laser treatments, because a high intensity light is employed. With IPL the procedure is applied to the skin by use of a special wand. The pulsed light is transmitted into the uppermost layers of the involved skin. This in turn destroys the bonding cells so the skin will flake off. This solution promotes new skin growth. When considering this therapy, you nee! d to be informed that a sedative and/or local anesthesia is taken just before the solution. Laser Skin Rejuvenation Laser skin rejuvenation is commonly employed to eliminate the damaged skin or discolored skin by laser. The laser, breaks apart the molecules that tie the skin cells together layer by layer until you what's left is toned, more beautiful skin. This procedure also involves a sedative or local anesthesia ahead of the procedure. Cosmetic Acupuncture Most people have heard of acupuncture therapy, but not many are familiar with it as a cosmetic solution for uneven skin tones, rosacea, liver spots, and other forms of undesired skin pigmentation. Acupuncture is a natural cosmetic solution. In acupuncture solution, needles are punctured in specific areas on the body and face to create an inner balance and strengthen your skin's elasticity and help you attain a more healthy natural skin tone. After the needles are taken out, you will likely be offered a facial massage using a specialized mixture of natural oils. The massage supplements the effects of the acupuncture, not to mention increases blood circulation and good complexion. Be certain to talk with a dermatologist or plastic surgeon if you have any questions or concerns about your condition or are considering one of the previous solutions. While many of these treatment options have virtually no side effects for a few they may leave the skin red or swollen (this ordinarily goes away within a day or two), oversensitive, and in rare cases can scar and cause further discoloration of the skin. About the AuthorFor more about uneven skin tone please visit The Uneven Skin Tones Information Center. Creating a Crystal ElixirThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 13 Dec 2011 01:00 PM PST |
Reiki; Las Vegas, Nevada Options for Attunements and Training Posted: 13 Dec 2011 12:00 PM PST Article by Patsy Hamilton If you are looking for practitioners who offer Reiki, Las Vegas Nevada has several. Other areas of the country have few or none, but in many cities with higher populations (like Las Vegas) more and more Reiki practitioners are opening shop. Reiki is both a healing touch therapy and a form of energy medicine. Research has shown that healing touch is an effective form of complementary medicine. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) is currently sponsoring research into how and if Reiki works in various health conditions. All of this research has led to the increased popularity of a healing art that was once only available for high fees from a select few practitioners. Beginning in the United States, with Hawaii, the practice has spread throughout the country, but slowly and gradually. Sometimes it is an additional therapy offered to complement or augment other therapies. For example, one Reiki Las Vegas Nevada practitioner offers reflexology as well as Reiki therapy. Reflexology is classified by the NCCAM as a form of "Manipulative and Body-Based Practices", along with chiropractic care and massage therapy. In some states, Florida for example, Reiki practitioners are also required to be licensed massage therapists, even though traditional Reiki treatments require only a light touch or no physical touch at all. Massage therapy, of course, requires physical manipulation and contact. It is therefore contraindicated in some medical conditions, such as advanced osteoporosis. There are no contraindications for Reiki treatment, although some practitioners do not recommend treatment for those with existing mental health issues. Personally, I became aware of Reiki after I had studied the healing chakras and was able through meditation and further study of Reiki to "cure" my own anxiety and depression. Critics often refer to Reiki as a form of "faith healing", but it is not related to a specific religion and works with all religions or ! no relig ion at all. The only requirement is that the practitioner is aware of and able to access the universal life energy that surrounds and permeates our bodies. When it comes to studying Reiki, Las Vegas Nevada schools are not listed in the Natural Healers Guide, but schools must pay for and request a listing, so there may be some schools in the city that offer Reiki classes. Some practitioners who advertise under "Reiki Las Vegas Nevada" in the yellow pages are licensed by the state to offer treatment, but currently none advertise that they offer seminars or Reiki initiation. New e-books are available on-line that are inexpensive and allow people to become initiated and learn in the privacy of their own homes. If you would like to learn more about the healing art, please visit Understanding, an informational site for those interested in Reiki. About the AuthorPatsy Hamilton was a health care professional for over twenty years before becoming a health writer. Currently she is writing a series of articles about Reiki, a healing art that originated in Japan. Read more at Solar Plexus Chakra - Reiki MusicThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Dr. Rob’s OM2, December 13, 2011 Posted: 13 Dec 2011 12:00 PM PST Dr. Rob shares that when we love, the creative power of life unfolds.
A little on my mind and on my mind is the infinite creative power of love and when we can love unconditionally; when we can love the heart will open up. The universe will open up, and the creative power of life unfolds. Yes, love—no strings, no attachments. Love as you give in life creates the power of the infinite. It's within all of us; each and every one of us has it. We are one energy, one being, one creative experience.
As we think of the past and think of the future, we are thinking in the now. We are in the "be living". Simply believe in the perfect power of love, no matter what. Remember to look in that mirror and say Thank you, I love you. Thank you God for this day. Every bump and ripple is perfect, and be patient. Change is the nature of all things—just think Thank you God I love you. Thank you God for this day. Remember to love those that you may feel you don't love you or you may think do not love you. Think love. Every day practice sharing. Yes, you may get fired from something, but think of it as an opportunity for growth and creativity. It is the creative, infinite power of the universe. We are always moving and flowing with the gift and perfect energy of God. BELIEVE is to be living in the moment. If the moment is the thoughts of what someone did to you were bad, it creates the negative energy within. Yes, I love you and I am learning too. We are all hitting the bumps of life and growing every day.
Continue the growth, continue the perfection of love. It's within all of us. It's simple and easy, just practice the first thing in the morning, Thank you God for this day. Sometimes those other negative thoughts will come in, let them go. Think Thank you God for this day and I love you. God Bless, enjoy this day. Another awesome and amazing day in the universe. This is Dr. Rob just sharing some thoughts and ideas of love. God Bless. Read More @ Source |
Why Selecting The Proper Type Of Aromatherapy Oil Burner Is Important Posted: 13 Dec 2011 11:00 AM PST Article by Floyd P. Dietz For people that love aromatherapy products, nothing would make them happier than having the right type of aromatherapy oil burner to improve the scents that waft around them in their home or office. Having the right aromatherapy oil burner can make or break the scents that are purchased for the home, with the wrong burner causing frustration as the difficultly of diffusing the scent through a larger area becomes apparent. There are many reasons why choosing the right type of aromatherapy oil burner can make creating scents for your home a success so the choice of what type of burner to purchase should be carefully considered before making a final decision. Controlling the Amount of Scent in the Home Choosing the right type of aromatherapy oil burner for your aromatherapy needs is very important because the right items can control the amount of the scent in the home. With aromatherapy products, controlling the scents at an acceptable level is very important to the quality of the aromatherapy products. Being able to control the amount of scent that is diffused through the home allows the person to make sure that the scents will not become overpowering or interfere with other scents that may be present in the home. Some types of aromatherapy oil burner have been found to consistently create a scent that can overpower the smell of virtually anything in the home and will linger for a significant period of time after the burner has been turned off. Some of the less expensive aromatherapy oil burners are made from inferior metal products that do not have the strength to be very effective at controlling the amount of scent that is released from the burner. Once the person has upgraded to a better quality aromatherapy oil burner, they find that controlling the amount of scent released by the burner much easier to manage. For additional relaxation, the person may decide to purchase other aromatherapy products in the same scent, such as aromatherapy bath oil or body loti! ons. Many of the more expensive aromatherapy oil burners come with a warranty where the burner will be replaced if it becomes damaged within the specified time period. Each of these warranties comes with conditions that could void the warranty if the aromatherapy oil burner is considered to have been misused. This typically includes placing inappropriate objects into the aromatherapy oil burner, leaving it on for a significant period of time without having the proper amount of oil in it, and damaging the item through dropping or beating on it. The people that examine the aromatherapy oil burner to determine eligibility for a warranty are trained to look for these things and will void the warranty if any of these damaging actions have occurred. About the AuthorIf you love this article, you will also love another article written by this article's author on room air cleaners and air duct cleaner. |
Dr. Rob’s 3G’s, December 13, 2011 Posted: 13 Dec 2011 11:00 AM PST Gratitude: I am grateful for the infinite, creative power of love Goals: my goal this day is to share the infinite, creative power of love Game plan: to read and write of the power that loving begins the creative power of the universe and keeps it moving and always changing Read More @ Source |
Resources For Berkshire Reiki Training Posted: 13 Dec 2011 10:00 AM PST Article by Patsy Hamilton If you live in Berkshire, Reiki training is readily available. Masters offer Berkshire Usui Reiki healing courses at their studios and home study programs are available for those who prefer them. Not that long ago, studying Reiki was difficult, expensive and time consuming. There were only a few masters outside of Japan. The cost for master training or "level III" could be very expensive. Today, the fees are lower and people can learn at their own pace. One Berkshire Reiki training school offers a course that covers the basics, as well as a Master training program. First level and second level courses are taught in a one day, seven hour workshop. Third level or master training consists of a two day residential weekend. First and second level courses must be completed before students can enroll in Master training. The primary prerequisite for any Berkshire Usui Reiki healing courses is an open mind. The same is true no matter where you live. A person must accept that Reiki energy exists, before he or she can learn how it affects the body, mind and spirit. Usually, once a person "feels" the energy, there is no question about its existence. Home study courses are typically less expensive than the courses offered by Berkshire Reiki training schools, particularly if a person lives far away from the school. Travel is more expensive than downloading an e-book from the internet. Are home study programs equivalent to Berkshire Usui Reiki healing courses? That's a matter of opinion. After comparing the materials covered and provided in one e-book to that of a conventional classroom seminar, we found them to be very similar. Both begin by defining Reiki. Both offer the history of Reiki. Both cover the principles, the hand positions and the uses of Reiki. The e-book covered all of the symbols, including the Master symbols, which are not usually taught in Berkshire Reiki training classes until level three. The main difference between e-courses and Berkshire! Usui Re iki healing courses is the requirement that students complete a 21 day "clearing" before progressing from level one to level two. Counselors also advise that students should practice for three months between level one and level two training. Before entering Reiki master training, a student must have one year experience as a Reiki healer. The e-book gives the student all of the information that he or she needs to become a Reiki Master in one complete package. The e-mail addresses of the masters who created the program are provided for students with questions or who need continuing support. For someone who is planning to open a clinic or who currently provides massage therapy or other types of healing touch, the Berkshire Reiki training classes may be more appealing because Certificates of Completion, appropriate for display, are provided. For those who are interested in learning Reiki for their own use or to satisfy their own curiosity, the e-book that we downloaded provides more than enough information. To learn more, please visit Understanding About the AuthorPatsy Hamilton was a health care professional for over twenty years before becoming a health writer. Currently she is writing a series of articles about Reiki energy, which she has used to improve her own health and the health of her family members. To learn more about Reiki, please visit Understanding Reiki Healing - Relaxing Music by Shastro & NadamaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
The Infinite Observer – Dr. Rob Kiltz Posted: 13 Dec 2011 10:00 AM PST Hello, good morning, Dr. Rob Step back and see and play with thee |
Pink Crystals and Gemstones - Rhodocrosite Is the Stone of Love and Emotional Healing Posted: 13 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST Article by Terrie Marie Pink is often associated with Roses, love and emotional healing. February symbolizes love and emotional love. Emotional healing is an integral part of the journey in all Realms. There is only love or fear. Love is stronger than fear based thoughts of lack, doubt, despair. Love heals, fear increases fear. Love is a gift, fear drains positive energy. *Love based thoughts or emotions: happiness, unconditional love, love of the Self, love for others, total acceptance, judgment free, joy, bliss, abundance, serenity. *Fear based thoughts or emotions: lack, doubt, anger, disappointment, disapproval, judgment, conditional love, loss, hate, envy, jealousy. There is nothing greater than love. There is nothing greater than unconditional love, total acceptance of you and others with all our flaws, all our nicks, dings and dents. The key is to surrender the fear of being un-loved, un-lovable. You are whole complete and perfect now this moment. You are loved beyond measure. Join me as we journey through the Realm of Unconditional Love and emotional healing discovering healing and metaphysical properties of Rhodocrosite, Kunzite, Pink tourmaline and Cobalto-Calcite. Rhodocrosite Stone of Love and Harmony This many layered stone of pink and white symbolizes the many facets of our inner emotions, the center of our Emotional Energy Body. White and pink striations integrate and balance heart and mind, healing wounds past and present, calming the Soul. Rhodocrosite is prized for its outer and inner beauty, enabling each of us to bring into harmony our inner desire for love, giving and receiving, loving without condition. The beautiful layers of white throughout this stone have the power to assist you in channeling or accessing Divine White Light infused with Divine Healing Love. The Solar Plexus and the Heart Chakra both resonate with a different, yet powerful vibrational frequency attuning each Chakra bridging the lower physical realm needs and wants! with th at of the higher Spiritual Self. Rhodocrosite and Malachite work in tandem, hand in hand, releasing energy blockages in the Solar Plexus, dissolving emotional blockages in the Heart Chakra. When worn or placed next to the Heart Chakra, it will softly and gently begin the healing process from heartache, loneliness, depression, encouraging self-love, opening the heart to love again. Forgiveness is the key to healing on all levels in all directions of time and space. Be willing to release you from no longer is, freeing you to all that awaits you along your journey. Are you among the gifted who receive messages from thee Angels or your Spirit Guides in your dreams? Slip a few pieces of Rhodocrosite under your pillow or on the night table next to your bed. Place this stone in a glass of filtered water, allowing the water to absorb the loving energy for at least 12 hours before drinking. This precious pink and white stone is gifted with enhancing dream recall! *Angelic Realm Association: Archangel Jophiel, whose name means, Beauty of God, is thee Archangel of Unconditional Love, seeing through eyes of love, releasing heartache gently and profoundly. *Healing Properties: heartache, feelings of being unloved, being unlovable, love relationships *Vibrational Frequency: high energy vibration yet soft, powerful, loving, healing *Spiritual Properties: align emotional, physical, mental and Spiritual bodies, increased intuition Being willing to heal trust issues, feelings of insecurity, will enable you to release past heartache, opening the way before you to experience a life filled with love and compassion. Yes, you may encounter unpleasant experiences as you travel the path along your journey. Know you have the tools to overcome and dissolve blockages, self-limiting beliefs of not having all you desire to receive and to give to another in the name of love. About the AuthorConnect with Angels every day when you click this link from Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady and Desert Rose Healing Arts! Enter your name and email address to begin connecting with Angels! Copyright 2011 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide |
The Creative Journey – Dr. Rob Kiltz Posted: 13 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST
Living creatively. Tap into that infinite field of life! When you live creatively, you open up the adventure of life. You see God within all things, all people, and all the universe. That creative life, it's within you! All you need to do is take that step and move forward. If you're thoughts are: I can't paint, I can't draw, I can't sing, I have no talent—yes, you create that. Talent is through practice, life is through practice, love is through practice and acceptance. The creative journey is within you! You are capable of all of that. Begin to do the thing you think you can't do. As you do it poorly, you begin to tap into the infinite, creative nature of life. Your true creative exploration and art will blossom, and all great things come from that. Doing something that you think you can't do gives you the confidence and the creative power to know you can do everything and anything! Simply do move forward in life. Easy, easy! Dr. Rob Read More @ Source Ayurvedic CookingThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Get Rid of Acne Quickly - Have Crystal clear Skin Permanently Posted: 13 Dec 2011 08:00 AM PST Article by Daniel Brown Have you tired nearly every thing to get rid of acne but only to suffer from recurring pimples outbreak at random durations? Most so-referred to as remedies out there that guarantee rapidly results are not long lasting, because of that, you need to have to recognize what it requires to help you get rid of acne the moment and for all. Numerous acne victims have horrible pimple outbreaks for years without having realizing that it can be gotten rid of for lifestyle, this is specially genuine during the early phases of this sort of occurrences wherever corrective actions need to be taken. If you think in the conspiracy idea, you may even feel the pimples treatment method market has been keeping it as a key so that more than-the-counter goods will carry on to sell. What if there is not one, but several normal ways to forever get rid of acne and pimples for existence? Initial of all, the title of this post may be unbelievable at 1st glance. Not only are there techniques to get rid of acne in as small as a few days, they are natural procedures and can be verified scientifically. Overlook what you know or have been told about your acne problem due to the fact some of these details are what dermatologist will not even notify you! Nevertheless, a little schooling on how acne comes about and how our pores and skin, especially these about the deal with, response to chemical compounds and the environment modifications is vital. This is the essential to unlock the top secret to everlasting acne handle eternally. The following are some of the most significant myths that you might have been told: Pimples can be taken care of effortlessly with lotions, but recurrences numerous days or weeks later are unavoidable.Every person has pimples difficulty at some levels of their daily life, there is no way to prevent acne from appearing one morning more than your snooze.It is "OK" to mask the signs of an pimples outbreak with cosmetics and powder....and perhaps a lot more that co! uld misl ead you into considering that pimples problems can both be solved simply granted some outdated-folk's recipe and straightforward recommendations. The reality is that obtaining rid of pimples is an situation much a lot more than "skin deep". For correct permanent remedy to acne difficulty, you want to tackle it from a few aspects: Inner diet, Outer safety and last but not least, physiological well-getting. Certainly, it could sound more tough than applying lotions and lotions! The question to ask by yourself then is whether or not you might be hunting for the only established, holistic way to heal, restore and have stunning apparent skin completely, all without any side results. About the Authorhow to get rid of acne |
Keep Traveling – Dr. Rob Kiltz Posted: 13 Dec 2011 08:00 AM PST Sitting reading The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck, M.D. It comes to me that it is the road traveled that we're all talking about. We're all traveling the road of life. Bumps, ripples, detours, major construction, major traffic jams, major times of free speeding, and free sailing. Times in the fast lanes, and other times in the slow lanes. Times in the exit lane and the on-ramp. Time to fill up, time to stop and rest. The road we travel is that of life. Being oneself, determining where one wishes to be; not based on anyone else, but based on the one-thee-who you are and who you wish to be. Choose the lane, choose the road, choose the speed. Your choice is life. Keep enjoying, keep moving forward, and keep living every day. Keep traveling! God Bless, Dr. Rob Read More @ Source Swedish Massage - The Complete Body Experience - 2/6This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Holistic Medicine For Treatment Of Arthritis Posted: 13 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST Article by Jeff Foster Holistic medicine for treatment of arthritis is becoming more and more popular. Arthritis is a disease which causes inflammation of the joints. If left untreated joint damage, joint limitations and deformities can occur. Holistic medicine for treatment of arthritis offers arthritis suffers lasting relief from pain and inflammation. The holistic medicine approach states that arthritis is a disease that results from multiple causes. Contributing to all forms of arthritis is a number of underlying imbalances with physical, mental and environmental factors. Holistic medicine believes that the cause of arthritis develops from a combination of several causes. It is important to understand the factors that went into creating arthritis in each person to properly treat the disease. Holistic medicine employs a battery of diagnostic tools such as physical examination, dietary assessment, emotional evaluation, and test for immune/digestive function to help build an individual picture of the patient's condition. Holistic medicine physicians take the time to find the root cause of arthritis and the patient is actively involved with their treatment. Holistic medicine for the treatment of arthritis draws upon a wide range of therapies to help treat and possibly prevent arthritis. The primary factors to this treatment is through Chinese herbal medicine, proper diet and nutrition, stress reduction, detoxification and the repair of nerves and muscles with the use of acupuncture, chiropractic care, massage and exercise. The belief of the Chinese medicine is that disease occurs when obstructions impede the flow of energy to the organs. Chinese herbs are used to restore energy and function to the system so that balance and health can be achieved. With holistic medicine it is also believed that diet and nutrition has a significant impact on pain and inflammation. A vegetarian diet is believed to greatly reduce arthritis symptoms. Herbs, minerals, vitamins and othe! r natura l supplements can provide effective relief without the side effects of conventional drugs. Mind and body techniques such as meditation can also help to reduce stress. The removal of toxins in the body has also shown to be remarkably therapeutic for arthritis patients. Holistic medicine for treatment of arthritis helps to restore health to the whole patient, rather than simply providing superficial symptom relief. With holistic medicine the tests to detect any imbalance will focus on a physical and emotional evaluation, dietary assessment, immune response, and digestive and detoxification function. About the AuthorFor more important information on arthritis resources visit where you'll find information on arthritis topics such as arthritis symptoms, arthritis relief & more |
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