The First Principle Of Reiki

The First Principle Of Reiki

The First Principle Of Reiki

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST

Article by Mary Brown

The first principle of Reiki states, namely today do not worry. This phrase is meaningful when practicing Reiki, or in day to day living. There are several purposes behind the origins of and using this phrase as the first principle for Reiki. This principle has expanded to be life a philosophy for people who practice Reiki. This principle can be said to have originated with the beginning of Reike, out of several different sources and ideas. It is the same philosophy behind several different proverbs and it is said that the ancient god of Avesta stated the same thing. They all believe that good words and good deeds originate from happy thoughts. In relation to these principles, Reiki has developed a method in which letting go of anxiety and worry allows one to see goodness.

This principle, relates to Reiki practices in several ways. Reiki is used to heal and alleviate of blocked energies. When one is worried, it creates extra blocked energy. Then, one who is either in a Reiki class or using a practitioner for healing is kept from being able to create a better flow of energy. By choosing not to worry, the universal energy is allowed to begin to move through you and unblock the energies that changing. In relation to this, is the idea of constantly refraining from worrying. After you have completed a Reiki class, it may be easy to allow the anxieties of every day life to build. However, it is stated that by doing this, it will also consistently block one from seeing the universal energies of the world.

After you have completed a session with a Reiki practitioner, or in a Reiki class, you should be able to feel the universal energies, as well as greater joy and contentment in your life. If this is blocked by worry and anxiety, you will continue to have problems receiving Reiki from the universe. It may also cause the blocking of other energies again.

When one makes the decision to let go of worry, they are open themselves to the universal energies that are surrounding them, both duri! ng the R eiki session or outside of it. By doing this, negative energies surrounding them will be unblocked. Those who follow this principle have found that it results in change in their world. They notice it in their mind set as well as in their reactions that they begin to develop to others.

The first principle of Reiki is based on letting in all that is good in the universe and for letting go of the negative energies that may be inside of you. Following the first principle of Reiki will allow you to live a more relaxed life. It will also allow the idea of Reiki to permeate your life. By choosing not to worry, it opens you up to the universe and to letting joy and goodness into your life.

About the Author

Mary Brown contributes articles to several well-known web sites, on wellness and health and fitness and health themes.

The Healing Project No.1 Paula Jan 1st 2008

This 1st video in "The Healing Project" is intended to offer a free, immediate Reiki healing session to an on-line viewer anywhere in the world. In order to get maximum benefit from the session, simply sit comfortably and relaxed, and play the video. That's it! This 6 minute session is offered by Paula Renshaw, utilising Reiki Tummo. "The Healing Project" was started by artist Kit Glaisyer on Jan 1st 2008, as an experiment to combine new media technology with spiritual healing practices. Visit

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Treating A Yeast Infection - Reliable and Effective Treatment following a Holistic Plan.

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 10:00 PM PST

Article by Jane Harling

So often people spend a fortune and waste lots of time buying ineffective Yeast Infection remedies. Maybe, they work for a little time but soon the infection is back and with symptoms worse than ever. It most definately is a wretched experience Treating A Yeast Infection the wrong way!

So, What Is The Effective Way?

The best proven way of Treating a Yeast Infection permanently (and that is the only true objective) is to follow a Holistic Plan. The Holistic way is to take into account your whole health and not merely isolated symptoms. To understand why, we need to first understand why a Yeast Infection happens.You see, in everyones digestive tract and a few other areas there exists a species of fungus - a yeast called Candida Albicans. Now, normally it causes no harm and in a healthy body with a good immune system the good bacteria present keep everything in an optimum natural balance. However, if, for many reasons, this balance is disturbed and the good bacteria are not present in sufficient numbers, then the Yeast can overgrow, multiply hugely and wreak havoc all over your body. That, unfortunately is a Yeast Infection, or Candida as it is also called.

What Are The Symptoms?

There can be many diverse symptoms ranging from severe itching, rashes, odorous discharges to joint pain. From headaches and brain fog to digestive disturbances and Leaky Gut Syndrome and from toe nail infections to white sores in the mouth. Quite an assortment! So it can be seen why it is not easy Treating A Yeast Infection. Just where would you start?

Three Reasons Why Following A Holistic Plan Works So Well.

* There is no point trying to relieve a particular symptom in isolation. Your irritating rash on your skin is still related to the disturbance in the natural bacteria and flora. Just applying a cream may soothe the itching temporarily but it won't help find the cause. Maybe, it's a problem to do with the personal hygiene products you use? Maybe it's a reaction to a remedy affecting! your sk ins natural PH balance. These are just some areas a Holistic Plan would look at to seek the cause.* Perhaps you feel out of sorts and lacking in energy. That is a common effect of Candida. This can be addressed by paying attention to diet - there are many things you can do to help here. Like reducing sugar intake, eating fresh fruit and veg to restore an alkaline balance when your body is too acidic. Taking a look at areas such as exercise, relaxation techniques, your general well being in order to rebuild your immune system to enable you to fight infection more effectively. A Yeast Infection is actually a warning from your body that all is not as it should be!* Preventing overuse of medication such as Antibiotics. Many medicines disrupt your bodies natural balance, killing the dangerous bad bacteria that cause illness but also at the same time, unfortunately, killing all the good bacteria too. A Holistic Plan takes into account helpful herbal solutions, beneficial and pleasant teas and would look to increase the good bacteria by the addition of pro and prebiotics.

A Holistic Plan has many angles and looks to eliminate, one by one, the causes of this infuriating infection. By using a methodical system that takes into account your whole body, you can then be certain that the Yeast Infection will not return. It really is the only true way of effectively Treating A Yeast Infection.

About the Author

If you would like to follow a Holistic Plan that makes Treating A Yeast Infection so simple you need to ensure it is a highly researched and proven plan. If you click now on you can read further about one I have found that has thousands of happy and satisfied followers and is also very easy and straight forward to follow. Why put up with Candida any longer?

Dahle 10683 Vantage Self Healing Cutting Mat - Crystal Clear Finally Released

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 09:00 PM PST

Article by Mono Machines

Protecting your cutting surface is the function of a cutting mat, but there's a lot more to Dahle North America's Vantage® Self-Healing Mats. These mats are self-healing and constructed using 5 layers of PVC plastics. It's this specialized formation of plastic that allows cuts to just disappear- which greatly prolongs the life of the mat. Each Vantage® mat contains inch and metric measurements on the top surface as well as 1⁄2" grid lines, making these mats the perfect work surface for cutting, drawing and sewing. They can be used on both sides and are available in black, blue, and the industry's only crystal clear which is virtually transparent.

Quick Overview * 10683 Vantage Cutting Mat - Crystal Clear * 1⁄8" (3mm) thickness protects work surfaces from being damaged * Self-healing properties allow for maximum durability * 5 layer construction provides maximum healing capabilities * PVC material protects blade from becoming dull * Preprinted 1⁄2" grid lines for easy sizing of paper * Available in blue, black and crystal clear

Additional Information UPC 076769106833 Manufactured In: U.S.A Manuf Part # 10683 Model 10683 Expected Ship Date 1-3 Days Weight 1.0000 Warranty 90 Day Limited Warranty Dimensions 24" x 36" Mat Thickness 1⁄8" (3mm) Type of Grid Inches Self-Healing Surface Yes

We strive to provide the best service at the lowest possible price. We have product specialists available for most products. Please call us with any questions or concerns that you may have. We are staffed with highly knowledgeable employees and look forward to meeting your needs.

Located in the hustle and bustle of New York City, Mono Machines LLC is an authorized reseller for many manufacturers. Through our unique contracts we are able to ship directly from the manufacturer warehouse, cutting costs and delivering the LOWEST PRICES around.

Highly trained customer service staff and state of the art technologies have made Mono Machines a preferred vendor for many federal and local ! governme nt agencies as well as schools, churches and fortune 500 companies. Mono Machines is classified as a disadvantaged minority owned business and holds a GSA contract with the federal government.

About the Author

Located in the hustle and bustle of New York City, Mono Machines LLC is an authorized reseller for many manufacturers. Click to find out more about theDahle 10683 Vantage Self Healing Cutting Mat - Crystal Clear

528hz sound with relaxing water crystal pics-10 Min extension

it's the same as the other but has a 10 minute extension so in other words it's ten minutes This should help those that need it but theses frequencies aren't effective at all because of youtubes sound compression but all you need to do in audacity is generate the 528hz tone using sine wave and save it as a wave file (*.wav) and then burn it to a CD and play it to feel better and fight the evilness attacking your body that the secret societies have input such as corrupt DNA and other stuff although it will not cure any diseases it will protect you from further harm in my opinion. Time to fight evil including the swine flu and resist those who made it aka Illuminati government

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Ponders With Aromatherapy Essential Oils And Genuine Aromatherapy

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 08:00 PM PST

Article by Luke Longley

For over a century, European researchers and doctors have been using the power of aroma to change an individual's disposition and well being. Many studies have had the oppertunity to combine that series between scent as well as our more inner mental psyche with a series of governed experiments. These scientists learned that scent affects emotions, while in a few rare instances, actually feelings influence the sense of smell. We all know far too well of exactly how scent has this specific, often times, mind-boggling, treatments for us.

The give an impression of freshly baked pie would bring a person back to your childhood and remind you of your parents delicious cooking. The whiff of your ex-boyfriends fragrance may give back into unmanageable fits of rage. Research from Rice University in Houston found that near couples are able to smell each others feelings both having the ability to smell each others sadness or contentment. Scent is able to control all of us in ways we have weren't aware of.

Type in aromatherapy, an alternative medicine that utilizes plant components to produce aromatherapy essential oils and modify an individuals disposition or well being. Pure aromatherapy is a treatment or even the prevention of sickness and illness by the usage of aromatherapy essential oils. Fragrance includes a particular relation to the mind, most importantly in the limbic and olfactory parts of the brain, which speeds up well being and therapeutic. Numerous individuals have applied the effectiveness of aromatherapy essential oils to deal with a variety of pains and diseases. Reflexologists use the strength of pure aromatherapy to carry out the most effective deep massages that provide the best results, and it is popularity keeps growing globally.

Aromatherapy essential oils hold the chance to supply physical and psychological advantages when applied properly. Pure aromatherapy is a effective train that needs to be recognized effectively before intake and application. Aromatherapy esse! ntial oi ls for example eucalyptus have the capacity to recover respiratory system conditions, and are often appropriate for muscle pains and aches. Geranium might relieve anxious tension, pre-menstrual affliction symptoms, repair damaged capillaries, slashes, burns, and certain kinds of eczema.

The miracles of peppermint contains its ability to handle asthma, cramping, common colds, fevers, head aches, mental fatigue, and even vertigo. Sandalwood is one of those aromatherapy essential oils which are great aphrodisiacs. It is appreciated within dermatology because of its skin recovery properties. Teas tree is well known because of its disinfecting, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.

There are many aromatherapy essential oils with a large number of different advantages. To discover what type is perfect for you, seek advice from an aromatherapy professional or perhaps carry out some investigation. All of the oils accessible might surprise you.

About the Author

Follow the link to find out more about essential oils by visiting us at

Tribal Distillation - Lemongrass Essential Oil

Niika Quistgard and David Crow lead an incredible immersion experience into Ayurvedic Aromatherapy in Kerala, India, based at Rasa Ayurveda Traditional Healing Centre for Women ~ David Crow and the staff of Rasa Ayurveda shot this footage of tribal natives of the mountains of Kerala, distilling lemongrass in the traditional way.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Dahle 10680 Vantage Self Healing Cutting Mat - Crystal Clear Finally Released

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 07:00 PM PST

Article by Mono Machines

Protecting your cutting surface is the function of a cutting mat, but there's a lot more to Dahle North America's Vantage® Self-Healing Mats. These mats are self-healing and constructed using 5 layers of PVC plastics. It's this specialized formation of plastic that allows cuts to just disappear- which greatly prolongs the life of the mat. Each Vantage® mat contains inch and metric measurements on the top surface as well as 1⁄2" grid lines, making these mats the perfect work surface for cutting, drawing and sewing. They can be used on both sides and are available in black, blue, and the industry's only crystal clear which is virtually transparent.

Quick Overview * 10680 Vantage Cutting Mat - Crystal Clear * 1⁄8" (3mm) thickness protects work surfaces from being damaged * Self-healing properties allow for maximum durability * 5 layer construction provides maximum healing capabilities * PVC material protects blade from becoming dull * Preprinted 1⁄2" grid lines for easy sizing of paper * Available in blue, black and crystal clear

Additional Information UPC 076769106802 Manufactured In: U.S.A Manuf Part # 10680 Model 10680 Expected Ship Date 1-3 Days Weight 1.0000 Warranty 90 Day Limited Warranty Mat Thickness 1⁄8" (3mm) Type of Grid Inches Self-Healing Surface Yes Color Blue

Located in the hustle and bustle of New York City, Mono Machines LLC is an authorized reseller for many manufacturers. Through our unique contracts we are able to ship directly from the manufacturer warehouse, cutting costs and delivering the LOWEST PRICES around.

We strive to provide the best service at the lowest possible price. We have product specialists available for most products. Please call us with any questions or concerns that you may have. We are staffed with highly knowledgeable employees and look forward to meeting your needs.

Highly trained customer service staff and state of the art technologies have made Mono Machines a preferred vendor for many federal and local government! agencie s as well as schools, churches and fortune 500 companies. Mono Machines is classified as a disadvantaged minority owned business and holds a GSA contract with the federal government.

About the Author

Located in the hustle and bustle of New York City, Mono Machines LLC is an authorized reseller for many manufacturers. Click to find out more about theDahle 10680 Vantage Self Healing Cutting Mat - Crystal Clear

The Fundamentals of Aromatherapy All Natural Therapeutic Remedy

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 06:00 PM PST

by Zero-X

Article by Johan Roszland

Aromatherapy can be described as herbal therapeutic treatment that enhances your overall health, decreases stress and offer revitalization and restoration of the body anatomy. Aromatherapy treatment applies essential oils; a liquid plant concentrate to elevate our mindset and state of overall health. These compounds have a wide variety of natural healing features.

When essential oils are used in bath tub or massage therapy, it gets immersed directly into the skin that starts off the actual herbal recovery therapy. When essence is breathed in, its molecules enter the nasal passages and circulate towards the olfactory receptors. These receptors quickly ascertain the scent and communicate the knowledge to the limbic system; a group of deep brain components that handle the nerve, respiratory, circulatory and immunological defenses.

When aromatherapy oil elements get into the lungs, they affix themselves to oxygen molecules and are carried into the blood stream and distributed to each cell within the body. Inside the tissues itself, essential oils could bring about your body's capability to fix itself and boost health.

Aromatherapy Utilization Method

Essential oils may be applied using a number of methods:

* These oils can be used topically by way of therapeutic massage, alcohol wipe, salt rub and compresses. Additionally, it can be placed into bath salts or included into a foot-bath or a bath

* Breathing consists of diffusion by using a Nebulizer to spray a fine mist into the surrounding, inhalation of steam vapors - from oils drop into hot water or by massaging two drops between the palms and cupping over the nose and mouth.

* Swallowing or consuming few of these oils safely can be an effective cure. However it really is crucial to note that it must only for people that have in-depth knowledge of aromatherapy oils or with the assistance of an Aromatherapist.

Aromatherapy Natural Restorative Healing Treatment and Benefits

Diabete! s

Aromatherapy all-natural healing treatment for diabetes is not merely seen to minimize diabetic indicators but also in improving the strain of going through the situation; the mental struggles faced by serious diabetes patients. The procedure probably won't treat diabetes as proven by few scientific studies. But it is capable to help lessen the indications of the condition, relieve uneasiness and hinder potential future illnesses.


A variety of essential oils are capable to provide remedy for insomnia issues particularly Lavender, Chamomile, and Jasmine. Most of these oils are generally suited to deal with strain and stress-related illnesses which are often an important factor in relieving sleeping dysfunction. In a research program on 42 insomnia victims, it had been found that 4 weeks of Lavender essential oil therapy helped in improving sleeping disorder. This makes aromatherapy healing remedy a terrific option to recover from sleeping dysfunction and their causes.


There are many effective and safe methods to minimize allergic reaction but using therapeutic grade essential oils therapy is probably the preferred. Aromatherapy healing treatment plan for your allergies includes the effective use of Lavender and Eucalyptus essential oils. You'll want to pick only pure healing quality essential oils as a low quality grade will not likely create the predetermined outcomes.

Investing in Aromatherapy Essential Oils

Selecting the right essential oils to purchase is often confusing and frustrating but it is essential to look for a trustworthy supplier that provides therapeutic quality oils. In contrast to synthesised oils, curative quality essential oils possess the therapeutic properties always intact thus in the position to offer the curative end results desired. Watch for these when purchasing:

* Latin or botanical name of the herb* Country where the plants were harvested* Statement concerning pureness

Dependable bus! inesses will provide these records to prove the aromatherapy oil is legitimate and to be sure you're getting the right oil.

Care and Safe Usage of Aromatherapy Oils

There are several safety issues which must be emphasized with regards to dealing with and using essential oils as some are greatly concentrated and strong. Having improper dilution, many of these oils can irritate the skin. The chemical parts it includes are sensitizers which cause reactions to the skin following frequent use. Basic safety procedures need to be adhered to guarantee effectual, free from harm and pleasurable aromatherapy natural healing treatment.

About the Author

Explore and read further on how aromatherapy healing treatments could provide the solutions or relieves for Sleeping Disorders, Allergies, Diabetes and other ailments symptoms which lessen unhappiness and most importantly prohibit future illnesses potentials at, which was founded by Johan Roszland.

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Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Holistic Internet Marketing Approach

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 05:00 PM PST

Article by Ewen Chia

The use of the fundamentals of marketing in creating a strategy or a process that involves the internet is called holistic internet marketing. A holistic marketing approach is one that involves looking through the importance of all the strategies as a whole and knowing how interdependent each of the parts is. By knowing the importance of the strategies as a whole, you can be assured that you can evaluate all the aspects that are essential to your business and that you could provide your clients with guaranteed satisfaction. In terms of holistic internet marketing, it is important to look at all the aspects of marketing. If you consider internet marketing, the aspects that you have to look out for are the products and services, the prices, the strategy used to reach a target market and the manner of distribution. If you are to use the holistic approach in internet marketing, being able to look through these aspects as a whole can be an advantage. However, holistic internet marketing can also refer to the effective and efficient use of internet marketing strategies such as search engine marketing, search engine optimization, and pay per click management. So how do you make sure that you are using these tools effectively and successfully for your business' success? One thing that you have to know for certain is if you are achieving the results that you wanted to attain by using these strategies. The results that you may be expecting will include having a larger traffic, the conversion of potential clients to paying customers, and the generation of income through these means. Once you have a general idea if these methods are working positively, you can know for sure if you are using them effectively. If you are not quite sure if your analysis is correct, you can employ the help of an internet marketing agency to do the analysis for you. Another thing that you have to do is to set a marker that can help you identify how these strategies are helping you reach your target. If the strategies don't seem ! to be wo rking the way you are expecting them to work, then you might be employing the wrong strategies. Holistic internet marketing can be advantageous because it basically combines all the strategies that you can possibly use in your internet marketing business. It can be beneficial for you in the sense that you can use the strategies all at the same time and gain the results that you wanted by considering all the strategies in one go. The only problem that this approach can possibly give you is that you will not be able to measure the individual performance of each strategy because you have to consider them as a whole and interdependent of each other, rather than as an individual strategy that works alone without the others. Having all the strategies working at the same time can make you gain optimum results and may target your potential clients successfully by maintaining them as connected as possible with each other. What you have to do is to make certain that the use of these strategies is relative to one another in order for them to work effectively and advantageously.

About the Author

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A Quick Guide to Stress Management with Reiki

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 04:00 PM PST

by inju

Article by Chris Robertson

Stress is overwhelmingly affecting people in our society today. Busy with work, home, family, and many other daily tasks - stress piles on without our realizing it. That's why so many people are turning to the stress-reducing techniques used in Reiki, a spiritual energy used with healing, meditation and spiritual growth.Introduction to ReikiWhen a person is introduced to Reiki, an initiation takes place called "Reiki Attunement." This brings the person into a relationship with Reiki energy, and is usually activated by a trained Reiki master-teacher. During a Reiki Attunement, the person's dense energy is cleared and released, and etheric and chakras fields are strengthened so the person will be able to receive and transmit high frequency healing light. The person can become familiar with Reiki healing and Reiki symbols as well.Learning to RelaxStress usually takes over when a person is fearful, doubtful, or full of worry about things that are happening around them. The person often lives in a constant tense state without realizing what is happening. The body naturally reacts with fatigue, moodiness and sometimes, disease. To relieve stress, one must learn to relax and overcome the fears and worries of everyday life. Reiki helps a person to relieve the emotional and physical strain of stress and to restore balance to the body, soul and mind. The person can return to a relaxed, peaceful state of being by clearing energy bodies and unblocking meridians, chakras and nadas.Methods of Stress Reduction and EliminationThere are several methods used in Reiki to reduce and eliminate stress. One method is crystal healing, where crystals or crystal bowls are used to create sounds of healing and relaxation. The crystalline sounds carry Reiki energy deep into the body to enhance the relaxation process. Tension is released and the body begins to relax and respond to the Reiki energy. The crystal sounds promote deep tension release in the very cells of the body to create stress reduction from within. Crystal bow! ls are a vailable in different sizes and can be tuned to any note desired - flats, sharps, or pure tones.Another method of Reiki stress management is through healing drumming. Healing drumming introduces Reiki energy to a person's body by the use of a drum beat. The drumming helps to create a deep, relaxing state as stress is relieved.There is a deep connection between the physical body, spiritual being, and the mind. Stress affects all three in a negative way. Using Reiki techniques for stress management is one way a person can lead a more relaxed, peaceful life.

About the Author

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies.For tips/information, click here: ReikiVisit Majon's Health and Beauty directory.

Aromatherapy, how to enhance from feeling overburdened and decrease stress.

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 03:02 PM PST

Article by Kurt Truskowski

We all experience times when we are feeling overwhelmed or stressed out. There are numerous factors we can do to help ourselves naturally such as exercise, grade A sleep, drinking plenty of water and eating healthy foods. But, did you understand that aromatherapy can also assist reduce stress and make you feel better? This article will show you how to incorporate plain aromatherapy techniques into your every day life to assist you feel nice.

Let's start by explaining what is aromatherapy and how it works. The term aromatherapy was first used by French Chemist, Rene Maurice Gattefosse, who began his research into the healing powers of essential oils after burning his hand in his laboratory and immersing in it in lavender oil. He was amazed at how swiftly his burn healed and so he began his quest to understand more. But, the truth is that plants and plant essential oils have being used for medicinal, religious and cosmetic aims for thousands of decades by ancient civilizations like the Egyptians, Chinese and later the Greeks. A few of the techniques implemented by our ancestors are still implemented nowadays by aromatherapists such as the burning of plant incense and the implement of essential oils in massage and beauty items.

Aromatherapy diffusers as the title suggests are type of machines or items that aid in dispersing aromatherapy scents every around. These devices come in filling and refilling forms. The first one helps filling and in the second one refilling of non-liquid scents is done. As well existing are pre filled forms wherein the cotton soaked aroma oil scent is currently filled.

Aromatherapy diffuser is among the many latest fresheners for the room. In these products diffusion can occur out of a humidifier, a nebulizer or a vaporizer. It all depends upon the choice of the individual. It is believed that when these oils are inhaled these give soothing effect and thus assist in curing asthma or cold. These also assist in curing various respiratory disorders. These dif! fusers h ave a lot multiple oils as well as alternative techniques. One can opt for the one which is suitable to one's budget and the one which is necessary. A fan can in addition be used to diffuse the oils which are present in the air of the room. Diffusion by steam is additionally well known, and is most likely the easiest and the awesome way for diffusing the fragrance in room. Here as the steaming starts the oil added in the water starts to evaporate leaving fragrance in the room. In Aromatherapy diffuser can be even a candle or a tissue paper.

Aromatherapy works by stimulating the olfactory system, home to our sense of smell. The sensation of smell is a result of our brain interpreting the molecules of that which we are smelling which sends a message to the lymbic unit. The lymbic unit is the part of the brain that regulates memory, mood and emotions. Scientists have found that certain smells trigger certain emotions. There have been many studies by psychologists as to the emotional positives of smelling plant essential oils. In addition, studies have settled on that synthetic fragrances do not produce the same effects as natural plant extracts.

The else method which is utilised in Aromatherapy and is part of Aromatherapy diffuser is through lamp rings. Here the rings of the lamp are utilised as diffusers. Oil is applied to the rings, and as the bulb starts to heat the oil which is applied on the rings starts to evaporate and thus spreads and diffuses in the air. Other method is through the choose of pots manufactured of either clay or terra cotta. Here this pot may have a little opening out of which oil drips into the Aromatherapy diffuser. Later slowly this pot sucks the oil and disperses it into the air. Other method is to diffuse the scent or aroma using Electric heat. The additional way is over nebulizer, here the nebulizer sets above the essential oil into minute particulars and thus spreads and disperses them which ultimately spread fragrance.

It's vastly plain to incorporate aromat! herapy i n your every day life by using essential oils. Below are a number of tips on how to boost your life one breath at a time.

About the Author

If you require aromatherapy diffusers please visit the aromatherapy oil burner for amazing info.

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Is Reiki Safe?

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 02:00 PM PST

Article by Tyzarm KLard

Is Reiki Safe?That is a question that gets asked a lot.Yes, Reiki is safe!

Looking at it in its most basic form, Reiki is merely resting your hands upon another person, It is noninvasive. It is considered by some to be massage but you do not move your hands, you rest them on different parts of the body and let God's Energy flow through you. It is that Energy that massages the person you are resting your hands on not your hands.

When a Reiki Master uses Reiki on another, the energy flows only when it needs to and only where it needs to!Reiki is healing Energy coming from the Divine Source, from God.It can do no harm. You don't even have to believe in Reiki for Reiki to work!

Traditionally the Reiki Master will start a session by placing the hands on the crown of the head of the person they are working with.I do this and close my eyes, check to see if I can feel anything or see anything. Sometimes you will get what could be called visions. It could be of an imaginary place or scene, it could be of something that the person under your hands has experienced. Sometimes the image is vague other times very vivid.

You can tell the person you are working on what you see or you may choose to keep it to yourself.If it is a beautiful scene I share it, if not I patiently wait for the vision to fade.There will be times when the person you are working on will become overwhelmed with emotion as the Reiki Energy does its thing!They may start sobbing or fell giddy or anything in between, by all means let them know that they can express whatever they are feeling!

I tend to keep my hands in that position until my field of vision is filled with the corresponding color of the chakra I am resting my hands on.

You don't need to concern yourself with where the energy is flowing to, just let it flow!If you are working on the throat and the energy is needed in the knees, it will go there first and foremost!

Reiki helps to balance the body, to heal the body.

Some think that th! ey are h ealers when they become Reiki Masters.Please keep in mind, it is God's Energy flowing through you, you are just a conduit!Keep yourself humble. You are only laying on your hands and letting God do the work!Your hands are empty and your fingers closed. God is the surgeon and a most loving and kind one. When you channel God's Loving Reiki Energy through you, it can do no harm, it can only serve the greatest good!

You can learn more about The Essence of Reiki and more Reiki tips at my Blog.

My Blog

About the Author

Tyzarm Klard is a Usui Reiki Master, a Painter, Philosopher, Minister, and a firm believer that you can learn anything you put your mind to!You can learn more about The Essence of Reiki and more Reiki tips at my Blog.

My Blog

Holistic Natural Treatment For Fibroids - An Overview

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 01:00 PM PST

Article by Gail Atkinson

If you have already tried conventional methods to deal with your fibroids or simply do not like the thought of the treatments you have been offered, you may have decided to try using holistic natural treatment for fibroids. Firstly, you must be aware that this is not a "quick fix" approach, and you will be required to play an active part in the process and be in charge of your own healing program. Secondly, if you are the type of person who prefers to "take a pill and forget about it", then this type of approach is certainly not for you.

However, if you are keen to eliminate both the symptoms of fibroids and the root causes and, in the process, become healthier inside and out by using an holistic method, then natural treatment for fibroids will be ideal for you.

The main elements in a holistic natural treatment for fibroids will include:-

Internal cleansingLiver detoxificationDietary modificationExerciseStress ControlAcid-alkaline balancingThe yeast link

Holistic methods assume that the body is a unified whole and that each component must work effectively to ensure good overall health. Disease and illness is always a sign that that body is unhealthy in either a small of big way and the premise is that by cleansing and rebalancing the body internally, you will restore excellent overall health and your body will become unable to support fibroids, which rely on imbalance and incorrect functioning, in some shape or form.

You may have read various isolated pieces of information about holistic natural treatment for fibroids and there is no doubt that there is some very useful information out there and that there is much you can do to help your situation. However, to be really successful, you must follow a tried and tested, systematic approach which details step by step what you must do. Like many things, there is a specific protocol to follow and you will need to be committed to achieve good results.

If you would like to see further information on how a holistic na! tural tr eatment for fibroids could be your best option, please visit How To Get Rid Of Fibroids.

Written by a former fibroid sufferer, the system you are about to see is, quite simply, groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will feel relief that you have finally found something that will genuinely help you get rid of your fibroids.

One of the best features of this comprehensive system is the 3 months free one-to-one email support offered by the author.

About the Author

Gail advocates using natural treatments for fibroids rather than using conventional medication or surgery as this is a workable long term solution. Conventional medication only treats the symptoms and fibroids are likely to regrow, whereas natural treatments, when used properly can eliminate the root cause by rebalancing the body and restoring overall health.

Holistic Fibroid Treatment

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 12:00 PM PST

Article by G Atkinson

Holistic fibroid treatment is based around the belief that disease or conditions within the body are caused by internal imbalances and that illness simply cannot exist within a perfectly healthy body. Holistic medicine sees the body as a unified whole and the perception is that everything you take into the body (food, chemicals, attitudes and beliefs) will have some effect on it, either positive or negative.

Holistic fibroid treatment avoids the use of invasive treatments, such as surgery, and the use of hormonal drug or chemical treatment but rather aims to build a strong immune system and enhancing mental strength. In addition, it aims to rid the body of any toxins or chemicals which have accumulated in the organs as it is believed that these can contribute to fibroid growth.

Holistic practitioners believe that fibroids grow in response to a number of factors, including inadequate nutrition, excessive toxicity, inadequate exercise and stress and that it is a combination of both primary and secondary factors which are responsible. Indeed, this is not out of sync with the thinking by many conventional practitioners, but the difference is the approach in dealing with fibroids.

Conventional medicine deals with the symptoms of the condition, but this means that it does not eliminate the root cause. This means that even though the fibroids many be removed, they are very likely to regrow as the causal factors are still present.

Proponents of holistic fibroid treatment believe that once internal toxins are removed from the body and a proper diet is restored, this, along with adequate exercise and stress level techniques will help to shrink fibroids and prevent the formation of further growths.

There is much evidence to suggest that women who are prepared to take charge of their own treatment and follow a comprehensive program which includes dietary and lifestyle adjustments, stress management techniques and an exercise plan can have amazing success in managing both the ! symptoms of their fibroids and achieving measurable shrinkage.

If you would like to see further information on how a natural holistic fibroid treatment could be your best option, please visit How To Get Rid Of Fibroids.

Written by a former fibroid sufferer, the system you are about to see is, quite simply, groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will feel relief that you have finally found something that will genuinely help you get rid of your fibroids.

One of the outstanding features of this comprehensive system is the 3 months free one-to-one email support offered by the author.

About the Author

Gail advocates using natural treatments for fibroids rather than using conventional medication or surgery as this is a workable long term solution. Conventional medication only treats the symptoms and fibroids are likely to regrow, whereas natural treatments, when used properly can eliminate the root cause by rebalancing the body and restoring overall health.

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How to choose the Reiki Master for you

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 11:00 AM PST

by Kurrs

Article by Mark Rogers

Reiki is a Japanese word, it has two syllables:-Rei - "God-guided and Universal"Ki - "Life Force Energy"Reiki is a way of channelling this energy to address mental and emotional problems as well as physical disorders. It is a holistic system for balancing, healing and harmonising all aspects of a person and it can be used to encourage personal and spiritual awareness and growth.It is a safe, gentle non-intrusive hands-on healing technique which uses spiritual energy to treat physical, mental and emotional aliments without using pressure manipulation and massage.Reiki only does good. It goes where it is needed. The client will only take the amount of energy that they need at that time. Reiki is not pushed by the therapist. It is pulled by the client. The client does not take the therapist's energy, only the pure clean Reiki energy. Therefore therapist and client do not take on each other's karma.When looking for a Reiki master, you will be drawn to the Reiki Master who is right for you at that time. It will be a person who makes you feel comfortable and who's teaching and guidance resonate with how you feel and what you need. Ring them up, have a chat, ask what is included in their course. Ask them to send you a course profile. If possible go and have a Reiki treatment with them.That said, a First Degree Reiki course should include the following:-1 An explanation of What is Reiki and what it can be used for.2 A brief History of Reiki3 An explanation of the Three levels of Reiki4 The tutor's Reiki Lineage5 A description of a person's energy body and how Chakras work6 An explanation of the Attunement process7 The first degree Attunement8 An explanation of the 21 day cleansing9 An explanation of Reiki Intent10 The Hand positions used a for Self Treatment 11 A guided self treatment12 Reiki Ideals and how they can be used to bring calmness and harmony to your life13 How to use Reiki for Protection of yourself, others, property etc14 How to perform self cleansing13 How Treating Other people, consulation! forms, contra indications, hand positions14 A guided treatment of an other person15 How to do a grounding meditationIt is a very practical subject and thus should content plenty of guided demonstations.

About the Author

Mark is a holistic therapist and teacher at Harmony House, a VTCT and CMA accredited training centre, based in Glossop Derbyshire and within easy reach of Manchester, Stockport, Macclesfield, Huddersfield, Sheffield, Barnesly and Buxton

Full Spectrum Healing Attunement

Full Spectrum Healing consists of all frequencies and is able to heal on all levels. Usui Reiki will only reach the Green Ray. The Green area is Usui Reiki and the whole rainbow is Full Spectrum Healing. Full Spectrum Healing will raise your energy levels in your body and is a powerful energy for self-healing. To activate the energy, place your hands on the place needing healing and say "Full Spectrum Healing On" 3 times. The energy will flow and go where it is needed. When finished give thanks. Lineage Ole Gabrielsen- Stephen Lovering- Chris Comish- You 22 more attunements in "The Living Light" available at: Please Donate via if you benefited from this Free Attunement

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Using Aromatherapy Essential Oils To Relax: Find Out The Basics of Aromatherapy

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 10:00 AM PST

Article by Sarah Grover

Aromatherapy and essential oils are nothing new. In fact , the idea of aromatherapy has been used for centuries. It may not have been called this explicit name, but the concept of using smells to change the body and spirit is something that has been done through history. This idea is something that may not be rooted in deep science, but the evidence is in all of the folk who have benefited from the process.

Aromatherapy products must contain essential oils. Oils are all natural. They don't contain anything synthetic. When employed in products the level of oils used has to be acceptable to use the way that it is intended. Products used for this reason include soaps, candles, lotions, body oils and oils that are used with an infuser that puts them into the air. Products might be used for the home or for the body. It is important to notice that aromatherapy products are not regulated, so fundamentally any company can put the word aromatherapy on their products even though they don't seem to be a real product. You have to read labels and learn what the ingredients are before buying products for this use.

Important oils in any form can be used for many things. You can use them to create a calmer home environment. You can use them to make a room or area of your house more relaxing. You may use them in body care products so you have the lasting effects throughout the day.

Aromatherapy is mainly used to help treat mental and physical conditions. The essential oils can be employed to help relieve stress and induce relaxation. They may be employed to help to lessen the consequences of conditions like asthma. You may also use them to help ease body discomforts.

When you're using essential oils it is important to use them in the right way. You have to be cautious about using oils that you are not familiar with. Always train yourself about an oil before it's used by you. You may do research on your own or talk to a pro. You would like to make sure that the oils won't cause a side e! ffect, l ike an allergic reaction or the oil isn't damaging.

Some oils may not work for people with certain medical conditions or allergies. Some aromatherapy oils are also annoying when used without delay on the skin. Simply because you have seen an oil utilized in an aromatherapy product does not always mean you can safely use it on yourself. It is generally best to be cautious and do your prep first.

Aromatherapy can do wonders for your body and mind. After you begin to do it you'll spot the changes. You may use aromatherapy products and essential oils everyday if you want. You can make them a part of your day. The advantages from aromatherapy have permitted many folks to relax, be happier and to conquer some health and psychological issues they have wrestled with. You might be just as fortunate if you make a decision to start trying aromatherapy in your life.

About the Author

We all lead busy, stressful lives - and the stress leads to feeling rundown, exhausted, catching each cough and sniffle that is's going round. Aromatherapy is an easy way to unwind, de-stress, and help you body shake off those coughs, colds, pains. I'm hoping you like reading, and find some handy information to help select and use the right aromatherapy oils for you.

Using Essential Oils To Make Bath Salts

Video from HerbFest,, showing how to use eucalyptus, grapefruit and lavender essential oil to make bath salts. Medicinal benefits are relaxation, dry skin problems, and safe organic herb oils provide aromatherapy.

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Count it Up: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, December 30, 2011

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 09:02 AM PST

Hello and good morning to all
Another awesome and amazing day in the Universe
Count it Up, my intention of the day

You are the master of your life
What you think creates all… why do you think it strife
A simple count of life… to the end, not good sight
And so often we think with worry
Of what we don't want for life
Imagination is strength, the brain creates thy life
So strong, the only thing in life, you are the center of thee
10-9-8-7-6-5… to where I go, 4-3-2-1- zero… is this the end?
Nothing to defend… yes, I thought it was the end
For now I see, I blast off to be
Each and every day I love, me and thee
Now I see thee in all of me
A simple start in life again
I blast off in my up, up life
I count it up and see all
Yes, all a beginning again
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10… to infinity is all again
For this is in all… again, and again, in all of thee and me
To move forward and see nothing as an end
I count it up and live to all, a start not an end
As I count it up in life, I see the move and flip again
To see the wonders of ALL in life
As we count it down, I change it all around
And count it up, up, up, to all a start
Now the blast off life, I thought it was the end
For now I know it is the beginning, as you count it up
Again and again, again and again, all good again
Namaste, Dr. Rob

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Give Thanks To Allah...Late Michael Jackson - Mehboob's

Give Thanks To Allah...the Song Composed and Sung by Late Michael Jackson. This Video is My Own Creation in which I had tried to give a Holistic Shape and Sacred Image to the Singing of Late Michael Jackson by arranging some Pictures of the Holy Mecca Sharif - the Most Sacred Space in the World and the Holy Madina Manuwara along with some Ayaats (verses) of the Holy Quran translated in English and inscribed on some wonderful Natural Creations of the Almighty Allah. This Video is a Tribute to the Greatest Pop Star - the Great Orchestral Virtuoso - Late Michael Jackson who himself composed and sung in his Own Voice as a Great Love and Worship for the Almighty Allah. I admire the Audio Version for its thought-provoking lyrics with the use of Verses in Arabic & Holy Quran and the theme of the song is the desire to offer our Gratitude and Thanksgiving for every Creation that Almighty Allah has bestowed in this world...may Almighty Allah bless each and everyone...Ameen !

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Holistic Cure For Yeast Infections

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST

Article by Lori Finney

Nearly every gal has encountered Candida Albicans during their life span. You realize how unwelcoming in addition to how painful many predicaments may be. The burning, irritation and itching that take place are anything but easy to keep secret. You question if you should continue to utilize your western medicine course of action or else possibly look into a natural cure for yeast infections approach.

There tend to be so many separate procedures to treat yeast infections but which is perfect for you long-term? Clearly, you have your over-the-counter antidotes which you may use although what about holistic cure for Candida methods that have been used for a great number of years which is evidence in regards to how well a thing performs.

OTC solutions possibly will be relatively costly when you might be somebody who frequently gets the condition and has to always go to the pharmacy to acquire a treatment. There comprise various to pick out that have been furnishing relief on behalf of folks for numerous years. One type is a ointment that you can insert into the vagina to remove the bacteria which tends to be creating the condition. Several remedies might produce results instantly where several could take several hours or even 24 hours to kick in before you will become aware of the inflammation and soreness reducing.

Should you create a bad case of the quandary and head to your doctor then you may be placed on oral medication with a stronger dosage. This course of action will clear up the fungus as well but might not work as quick as the ointments because they are placed directly on the infected section. So are natural cure for yeast infections products simple for someone to utilize as well as not as embarrassing?

Several individuals believe that holistic treatment for Candida will be a great deal safer and entirely original to utilize other than putting a chemical within your system. You in addition have numerous which feel embarrassed when entering a pharmacy and having to pu! rchase a Candida Albicans remedy. Consequently what non-traditional treatment should you undertake?

One natural solution is taking a bath in apple cider vinegar. The vinegar can make your burning and itchiness lessen without having to place chemicals in your vagina.

A different natural cure for yeast infections you may want to do would be eating cranberries or drinking cranberry juice. This procedure can lower the pH in regards to your urine that then will make the ailment pass through the system more easily. If you do by no means like the flavor of cranberries you could visit your neighborhood food store and obtain cranberry pills.

Always keep in mind if your Candida Albicans lasts more than three days utilizing whichever of the medicines or natural ideas then you should visit the medical doctor. Your predicament might be worse than you thought and now you can have more threatening consequences that should be fixed. To finish at all times bear in mind "natural tends to be ideal", thus look into a holistic remedy for Candida.

About the Author

Enjoy more natural treatments at Cure Acne, Yeast Infection Treatment and Cure Yeast Infection websites.

# 1 weight loss tip

*CLICK HERE FOR A FREE WEIGHT LOSS WORKBOOK* Healthy lifestyle coach Erin Huggins shares her number one weight loss tip. Hey there, I am so inspired to help people reach their weight loss goal. I have lost over 20 pounds and I want to help you do the same. Helping people lose weight naturally is one of my biggest mission in life. I know how frustrating weight loss is because I've been there. My weight loss approach is completely holistic. I teach what I did to lose 20 pounds and keep it off for 13 years. I want to show you that weight loss is not a mystery. Weight loss is simply a matter of the right conditions coming together. Your weight loss goal is EASY if you have all the right ingredients. You have to think about what you will gain from losing. Stop thinking about your weight loss goal and start thinking about the benefits from your goal. This is VERY important. To many people only focus on the big picture weight loss goal and they dont focus on the steps or the conditions that will make weight loss inevitable. This is crucial to your success. I can not stress this enough! Ok, so I went off on a little tangent there. Natural nutrition is so important. Whole foods, and natural foods from the earth will get you to your goal. You have to start to care for yourself by eating and preparing whole, organic and natural foods whenever possible. When you do this weight-loss is inevitable. And this is what you want. Good luck and success ...

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Holistic Treatment for Haemorrhoids - The 4 Important Steps in a Holistic Approach

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 08:00 AM PST

Article by Alvin Hopkinson

A holistic approach to treat a certain disorder will not center in a single aspect alone but the whole balance of every element that works together to promote good health. This is actually the case if one is seeking for a holistic treatment for haemorrhoids. Here are the four important steps:

1. Treat the Haemorrhoids and the Constipation with Natural Oils

The sufferer's first concern is to find fast acting relief for his piles, particularly if it has reached the bleeding stage. Natural or essential oils can provide quick and simple relief both for internal and external symptoms.

You can apply essential oils to provide soothing relief that will lessen the swelling as well as re-build tissues that were damaged. You can also ingest mixed solutions to soften the hardened bowels you find hard to move out of your excretory system.

However, make sure that all these are supervised by a certified naturopath to avoid possible food poisoning since essential oils are potent concentrations of medicinal substances.

2. Change you Choices of Food or Diet

The kind of diet you usually take as your regular meal influence your susceptibility to haemorrhoids. Factors such as food that are too starchy, sugar-based, oily, spicy and processed should be lessened.

In fact the most recommended are the Mediterranean style of cooking wherein fruits and vegetables are the main items. As part of your holistic treatment for haemorrhoids, your diet should not disregard the importance of nutrients derived from other food sources like animal meat, its by-products and seafood.

3. Live a More Active Lifestyle

People who are naturally active tend to seek exercise during their spare time because their bodies have been accustomed to an up-beat pace. Although some may also overdo this by not giving themselves time to rest and relax which are also important for the body.

These are necessary in order to regain strength and vitality through self-repair. In contrast, some people s! tore a l ot of reserves in their body, which can also be detrimental because they tend to store excesses that can cause hormonal imbalances.

Again, a holistic treatment for haemorrhoids means their daily activities, exercises and rest periods should also be balanced.

4. Water and Liquid Intakes

Make it a point to have more water intakes in case you wish to drink other forms of liquids like sodas, soft drinks, coffee, tea or even alcohol. Most of them have diuretic effects which can make you urinate more often.

This is one instance where balance is not required because water can be taken in excess over its other liquid counterparts. Basically, our body composition is made up of 70 % water and this is the only way to distribute all nutrients, enzymes, vitamins, minerals and other important substances throughout our body.

It is also important to make the quality of our blood less viscose to allow free flowing circulation in the blood stream. These are now the four steps to take in a holistic treatment for haemorrhoids.

About the Author

Alvin Hopkinson is a natural health educator in the area of natural remedies and hemorrhoids cures. Discover the best hemorrhoid treatment available using proven natural home remedies, all without using harmful medications or drugs. Visit his site now at

WHOLLISTIC HEALING ! Bruce Lipton [part 1/3]

Bruce discusses healing info on coastam radio. Rate comment share.. (thank you )

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Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selections, December 30, 2011

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 08:00 AM PST

~from Michael Heppell

"The first characteristic of being a brilliant person is they take positive action. With the words they choose, the questions they ask of themselves and the internal language they use."

"You should love complaints as they provide an opportunity to save the day, learn from mistakes and become better."

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Reiki, a Tough Tool for Mind, Body and Spirit.

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 07:01 AM PST

Article by Tom Rollins

Today, the interest in alternative drugs is growing quickly. Among the massive number of healing modalities available, we find that Reiki has become more preferred around the globe, particularly since science has confirmed the existence of the universal life energy that Reiki is based fully on. Reiki is a hard holistic healing system, it heals on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and non secular. So what's Reiki? The term Reiki is the Japanese word for Universal Life Force Energy. It's a simple and simply bought healing plan that uses universal life energy, the energy which permeates our entire universe and all living things.This universal life energy is named qi or chi in China, prana in India, and ki in Japan and this is where the Reiki name derives. It circulates across the body and in an energy field surrounding the body. This energy field, long been known to healers and mystics, is now set by scientists. Latest methodical experiments have confirmed the existence of this life force energy. So this complex energy is in charge of the techniques in our body on all levels: physical, emotional and psychological. Reiki channels universal life energy through the hands of the expert into the body of the receiver and balances the energy flow in the body.The body isn't made from isolated parts to be fixed, like a machine, there are no separate parts, but an extraordinary net of energy, and to truly return to health, all of the levels of our being must be addressed. Reiki works on four different levels: The physical level: Reiki reinforces the protection mechanism. It balances and harmonizes the function of glands and organs. It heals by opening the blocked energy channels, the meridians, and balances the chakras.When performed ceaselessly, poisons are removed from the body and good health and happiness is maintained. Folk who are depressed or don't feel emotionally balanced begin to feel more steady and relaxed because Reiki clears energy blockages and suppressed emotions. The mental level: Throu! gh givin g yourself Reiki, you get more clearness and find it simpler to beat obstacles and achieve goals. You become more positive and reach a different outlook on life. You are feeling more empowered.The non secular level: Reiki allows you go deeper within and feel more hooked up to your higher self. It assists meditation, increases intuition and provides limitless advantages of non secular expansion. Reiki is simple yet so powerful, and this is what makes it a singular healing system that any one can learn, because it doesn't require any previous experience or special capability.The benefits of Reiki are infinite. It allows you take an active part in your own wellness, and accelerates your enlargement on all levels.Learn more about Reiki and how to become a reiki master here.

About the Author

Tom Rollins writes regularly about health related topics. I hope you enjoy this article.

A Whole New World: Reading for Pleasure

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST

Each time we read for enjoyment, the empathy awakened within us creates entire landscapes in our mind's eye.

Every book has the potential to touch the human soul deeply, arousing patterns of thought that might otherwise have lain dormant. The pleasure we derive from the written word is unique in that we must labor for it. Other forms of art provide us with stimulus and ask nothing more than our emotional response. Reading is an active pastime that requires an investment of emotion as well as our concentration and imagination. The words we read are merely a starting point for a process that takes place largely within our minds and hearts.

There are few activities as comforting, relaxing, and healthy as perusing the pages of a good piece of fiction or nonfiction. Curling up with a book and a cup of tea is one of the simplest ways we can remove ourselves from the confines of reality in order to immerse ourselves in the drama and intrigue of the unfamiliar. The pleasure of transcending reality is only one aspect of the reading experience, however. Each time we read for enjoyment, whether we prefer the fantastic nature of fiction, the empathy awakened within us by memoir, or the instructive passion of nonfiction, we create entire landscapes in our mind's eye. The books we choose provide us with the inspiration we need to accomplish such a feat, but it is our own creative reserves that empower us to use our imaginations for this unique and beautiful purpose.

The tales you lose yourself in can lead you on paths of discovery that take you out of your own life and help you see that existence can unfold in an infinite number of ways. You can learn so much from the characters and mentors who guide you from page to page. Your emotions are awakened each time you read, allowing you to become vessels of the passion that pours forth from line after line of print. Ultimately, the books you absorb—those that touch you deeply—will become a part of who you are, providing you with a rich and thrilling world within that you can revisit anytime you wish by simply closing your eyes. If you haven't read a book for pleasure lately, try and allow yourself the time—you deserve it.

~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM

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Dr. Rob’s 12 Minute Meditation, December 30, 2011

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 06:01 AM PST

I take a breath and count it up
To see the gift of breath in thee
Breath one, in again
Breath two, in again
Breath three, in again
The light comes in again
As I walk the garden life
I take a breath and count again
One, two, three… up again
The energy of life touches all again
In one, in two, in three, all up again
With the breath I take in thee
For you and me are the gift I see
In one and now I be
Always up, up, up
The garden of life is all in me
Now with the breath I see thee
The light touches all, for me to be
In one, in two, in three
A simple thought is me
In one, in two, in three
Breath, mantra, vibration, motion
All in me, from the light of thee
Breath one, in again
Breath two, in again
Breath three, in again
The light comes in again
As I walk the garden life
I take a breath and count again
Love of life is the key in thee
Simply count it up, there you be
Namaste and with love
Dr. Rob


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5 FAKE "Health" Foods To Boycott !

The Evidence Against Soy: ... Search "The Great Con-ola" @ ... This clip has been rebroadcast with permission from Sean @ http Ensure Slimfast Yoplait Vitamin Water zone sears atkins scooby1961 psychetruth

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Aromatherapy Product Bring Fragrance to Your Home Or Office

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST

Article by Sandy Cara

In many instances, by merely smelling a bound smell our brains call to mind a memory we have. The scent of a favourite perfume may remember the night that you simply wore it to travel watch an gap night performance at the theatre or concert. Bound cooking scents might remind you of cherished family gatherings and celebrations. Now you can use aromatherapy merchandise in your home or workplace to bring pleasant memories to the forefront.There are a few aromatherapy supplies that you will want to consider to assist you get started in adding fragrance to your surroundings. You may want some essential aromatherapy oil and an aromatherapy diffuser. You'll additionally want a approach to heat the oil and a way to disburse the scent.It is fun to pick aromatherapy supplies such as the essential aromatherapy oil. These aromatherapy product come back during a vast array of scents, and you may need to pick up several so that you have got options when using your aromatherapy diffuser. Also, if you select to use aromatherapy products at work, you may want to remember that folks have totally different sensitivities to scent, so you would possibly choose a lighter fragrance than one you may use in your a lot of personal areas such as the home.Once you've got selected an aromatherapy oil, the following step is to find the proper aromatherapy diffuser. Diffusers return in terribly compact sizes suitable for scenting the air nearby you to larger models designed to add fragrance to an entire room. Many diffusers provide some type of little basin, into that the essential oil is added. It's important to notice that only some drops of oil are required to sweetly scent your air space. When the oil is in place, the scent is healthier released when the oil is heated.There are aromatherapy merchandise like lamp rings that you would possibly need to try. These are round hollow metal or ceramic rings that match over the prime of a lightweight bulb. The warmth from the lamp warms the drops of oil within the ring, and its del! icate fr agrance can waft regarding the area. Different aromatherapy provides might be in order, relying on how much house you wish to scent. Tiny vials contain essential oil and, when worn around your neck as a necklace, use body heat to unharness their aroma. There are versions for use in cars as well. Larger units are battery or electricity operated, and these could contain a small fan, thus that the scent of the oil engulfs the entire room.

About the Author

Sandy Cara has been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in Aromatherapy, you can also check out her latest website about: Which reviews and lists the bestDating Services

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Dr. Rob’s 3G’s, December 30, 2011

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 05:00 AM PST

Gratitude: to give blessings for the things that are in my life right now

Goals: to remember that each moment is a beginning again and to keep moving forward by counting it up

Game plan: to read and write of the wonders of life

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Hurricane Stainless Steel Manual Wheatgrass Juicer Video Demonstration

Hurricane stainless steel manual wheatgrass juicer video demonstration and review at will show you the different parts of this best manual juicer, how to assemble the wheatgrass juicer and how simply it juices wheatgrass and barley grass. With this durable, tiny, and easy to clean Hurricane manual juice extractor, you will easily be pulling in this nutritious wheatgrass juice into your diet.

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Dahle 10681 Vantage Self Healing Cutting Mat - Crystal Clear Finally Released

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 05:00 AM PST

Article by Mono Machines

Protecting your cutting surface is the function of a cutting mat, but there's a lot more to Dahle North America's Vantage® Self-Healing Mats. These mats are self-healing and constructed using 5 layers of PVC plastics. It's this specialized formation of plastic that allows cuts to just disappear- which greatly prolongs the life of the mat. Each Vantage® mat contains inch and metric measurements on the top surface as well as 1⁄2" grid lines, making these mats the perfect work surface for cutting, drawing and sewing. They can be used on both sides and are available in black, blue, and the industry's only crystal clear which is virtually transparent.

Quick Overview * 10681 Vantage Cutting Mat - Crystal Clear * 1⁄8" (3mm) thickness protects work surfaces from being damaged * Self-healing properties allow for maximum durability * 5 layer construction provides maximum healing capabilities * PVC material protects blade from becoming dull * Preprinted 1⁄2" grid lines for easy sizing of paper * Available in blue, black and crystal clear

Highly trained customer service staff and state of the art technologies have made Mono Machines a preferred vendor for many federal and local government agencies as well as schools, churches and fortune 500 companies. Mono Machines is classified as a disadvantaged minority owned business and holds a GSA contract with the federal government.

Additional Information UPC 076769106819 Manufactured In: U.S.A Manuf Part # 10681 Model 10681 Expected Ship Date 1-3 Days Weight 1.0000 Warranty 90 Day Limited Warranty Dimensions 12" x 18" Mat Thickness 1⁄8" (3mm) Type of Grid Inches Self-Healing Surface Yes Color Blue

We strive to provide the best service at the lowest possible price. We have product specialists available for most products. Please call us with any questions or concerns that you may have. We are staffed with highly knowledgeable employees and look forward to meeting your needs.

Located in the hustle and bustle of New York City, Mo! no Machi nes LLC is an authorized reseller for many manufacturers. Through our unique contracts we are able to ship directly from the manufacturer warehouse, cutting costs and delivering the LOWEST PRICES around.

About the Author

Located in the hustle and bustle of New York City, Mono Machines LLC is an authorized reseller for many manufacturers. Click to find out more about theDahle 10681 Vantage Self Healing Cutting Mat - Crystal Clear

Learn more all around Aromatherapy Gifts

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 04:00 AM PST

Article by Shela Sladick

Aromatherapy presents represent fantastic remedies for folks in want of the nice unique existing because they genuinely make 1 feel pampered. Aromatherapy presents could be purchased in readymade packages otherwise you could pick the objects oneself. A huge selection of fantastic refreshing distinctive scents tempt the buyer within a selection of items that covers not merely candles incense sticks and bath salts but therapeutic massage oils entire body lotions and sprays along with physique scrubs. Flexibility and variety would be the two principal features to look for whenever you intend to buy aromatherapy gifts the objects need to be utilized on as many events as you possibly can and also to cover over one necessity only.

Shops often sell huge collections of aromatherapy presents with plenty of sets and baskets to choose from. The buyer can shop online or visit normal aromatherapy shops to combine and match products in oder to add a private touch for the basket. The advantage of readypacked aromatherapy gifts is their convenient value plus they typically abound in shops throughout the holiday period. The choice of the aromatherapy gifts a great deal depends on the individual you make the buy for. As a result if she or he is a veteran in the aromatherapy area you then need to show your self knowledgeable and locate something new that she or he has however to try out.

Online the retail websites make the greatest locations to store for aromatherapy gifts and equipment like burners diffusers bath and SPA remedies candle holders as well as the like. The data for the items is normally organized throughout the different properties with the herbs and their applications for that remedy of one particular well being problem or another. Tension reduction energy boosting insomnia cures or mood enhancers are only a few from the most popular searches on the internet. They certainly signify a obvious picture of what folks have arrive to be thinking about and what they now feel to be the perfect ar! omathera py gifts.

Aromatherapy gifts signify a good style solution for any person who really wants to offer a unique present to a dear person. They make an invitation to intensive selfcare and they show preoccupation for ones well being. Although labeled as neutral on the basic basis aromatherapy presents could possibly be customized by combining individual choice with all the recipients preferences for a certain sort of product. You are able to easily uncover what one particular likes after which make use of the information for your selection of best aromatherapy gifts.

About the Author

I've been writing articles online for nearly 3 years now.

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Haul: Vacation Haul!

=) All the goodies I bought while on vacation! I was quite good this time and only bought things that I needed, really wanted, or were deeply discounted. Yay! NASSAU - Caribbean Rum Tea - Caribbean Guava Jam and Tamarind Spice Spread US - Kenneth Cole Heels x 2 - Puma Pace Cat - L'Occitane Nourishing Hand Cream in Honey and Shea - BBW Aromatherapy Headache Relief Roll-ons - BBW Aromatherapy Sleep Pillow Mist - Cole Haan Village Medium Work Tote in Camel - Cole Haan Croco Patent Bugatti in Chocolate WALGREENS - CoverGirl Fantastic Lash - Revlon Beyond Natural Concealer / Highlighter - Revlon ColorStay Lipsticks in Smooth Nude and Ripened Red BORDER SHOPPING - Clinique Perfectly Real Makeup Side Note: Americans are so lucky, your drugstores always have great deals! =) I think I'd go broke surfing the drugstore aisles if I lived in the States.

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