Obtaining Reiki Certification Can Be Difficult
Obtaining Reiki Certification Can Be Difficult |
- Obtaining Reiki Certification Can Be Difficult
- What Every Holistic Health Practitioner Should Know
- Crystals
- Indigo, Crystal, Star Kids & Rainbow Children
- Treat Yourself Naturally with Holistic Therapy
- What Is Reiki, And How Can It Help You Heal?
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Obtaining Reiki Certification Can Be Difficult Posted: 16 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST Article by Patsy Hamilton Obtaining Reiki certification or finding local Reiki teachers can be difficult. For example, I live in Virginia and while I can study massage therapy, reflexology and even Shiatsu in at a nearby institute, I cannot study Reiki. There is no official Reiki certification. Training can take days or years to complete. No special background or credentials are needed to practice Reiki therapy and, in most states, it is not necessary to be a certified massage therapist. But, if you are planning on opening a practice, you should check state and local laws. In Florida, for example, it is required to be a certified massage therapist before you can perform Reiki. That is, if you plan on charging a fee. Becoming a certified massage therapist only takes about six or seven months, depending on which school you attend, but very few offer Reiki certification. In addition to dealing with state laws, many cities require licenses. In order to obtain a license to practice massage therapy, you may be required to show 500-750 hours of study. Then there is a National Certification exam. The more certifications a therapist has, the easier it is to find a job or procure clients, but Reiki certification may not be something that you can add to your resume. If you live in California, you could learn Tu Na, Seitai Shiatsu, Thailand Medical massage and Jin Shin Acutouch, but still no local Reiki teachers, at least ones that advertise. Colleges in Canada offer a kind of Reiki certification. A continuing education program is offered for those who already hold professional massage therapist certifications. You may find local Reiki teachers if you live in Minnesota, but you still will not be able to get an official Reiki certification. The practice is not well-regulated or government controlled, primarily because there are no detrimental side effects and as long as a therapist does not advise a patient to forgo conventional medical treatment, no harm can be done. An alternative to local! reiki t eachers is distance learning. Some say that the art cannot be self taught. Others say that anyone can learn Reiki and use the power to improve their own lives, as well as the lives of those they love. In general, no Reiki certification accompanies these courses, as the goal is to teach as many people as possible. To learn more about learning Reiki from the comfort of your own home and at your own pace please visit Understanding Reiki.com. About the AuthorPatsy Hamilton was a health care professional for over twenty years before becoming a health writer. Currently she is writing a series of articles about Reiki. Read more at http://understanding-reiki.com. The Reiki Rice Experiment: watch vital energy in action!This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
What Every Holistic Health Practitioner Should Know Posted: 16 Dec 2011 10:00 PM PST Article by Irina M If you're a holistic practitioner or you're thinking of being one, it's time for you to know that there can be a number of things that you won't be able to fully know about. Thinking you do will lead you into trouble. Being aware of what you don't know will help you in becoming more effective in what you do: 1. Holistic medicine is all about oneness. The ultimate difference between holistic medicine and other forms of treatment is that the former is all about synergy. You are not only treating the mind or the body, but both. Most of all, you are trying to cope with the spirit. It is a belief that different illnesses are drawn by the pain, suffering, and imbalance in your spirit. Because of such imbalance in your life, it creates stress and wrong flow of energy, which then produces the illness. Thus, a holistic practitioner should not just focus on how he will be able to treat the diseases but how he can change the flow of intentive energy, bringing the person to the highest state of harmony. It will also be about healing the soul thereby getting rid of any negative emotion such as anger, guilt, and anxiety, which may make someone depressed and even dependent on certain drugs. 2. You can specialize in one or two areas. Just like a doctor, a holistic practitioner can also specialize in his favorite or comfortable field. You have acupuncturists and massage therapists, for example. There are some people who practice shamanism, lomi lomi or sufi healing. The entire field of holistic medicine is so huge, so there's a great possibility that you will never master even a small percentage of all the techniques. Nevertheless, you can choose as many as you want as long as you can be truly good at them. 3. You must have extensive educational background. A holistic practitioner still needs to go to school and enrich his or her knowledge of the field that you want to specialize in. There are plenty of courses that are now being offered in colleges and universities. You can even ! obtain a certificate that will prove your professionalism. There are, after all, theories and principles to the practices in holistic healing. 4. One should learn to offer undivided attention to the patient. Practicing holistic healing is never easy. Keep in mind that it's not just the recovery of the body that you're after but also the mind and spirit. It also means that you should concentrate on the patient to make sure that you can find the right ways how to get his entire persona treated. Friendship with the patient is also an important aspect of the patient's recovery. While professional standards might preclude you from spending time with your clients out side of work you can do simple things like have your assistant send your client a virtual candle with a little note. Ones offered for free at The Center for Healing Arts on the web are perfect for this type of gesture. It's the type of little thing that will put your healing concern front and center in the clients eyes and heart. About the AuthorNeed an inspired break for a minute? Want to share your joy or sorrow? Light a virtual candle free for yourself, a friend, a birthday, anniversary, death, to say you care, healing or just to affirm life. Reflexology Foot Massage in PracticeThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 16 Dec 2011 09:00 PM PST Article by Rachel Ann The crystal ball is a very powerful divination tool used for scrying and is combined with kabalistic works to tap into higher consciousness. These two combine, and you are able to learn the essences for divination principles. Using a ball to define the tree of lifeEach level of the tree of life had a particular symbolism images and voices attached to it. Some aspects of the spirit resound with every level of the tree of life. When you determine the information that you would like to glean from the particular tree level, then all that is required is to align harmoniously with the aspect and focus there for scrying. For example, when you want to gain a greater understanding of your spiritual journey, then you would gaze into your ball and develop a timbre with binah. The messages relayed will be specific to your tree.Some balls work very well with a particular type of energy. It is not as expensive to have different balls running in all the ten levels. All crystal ball sizes work from the large marbles to the softball sizes. These can be quartz, clear citrine or rose, essentially any type of a ball will work as long as it is crystalline.Crystal balls and how they affect our livesFortune tellers, clairvoyants, psychics, sorcerers and magicians use balls in their trade. They have powers and abilities to see into the future the past and the present world of individuals. Religious clerics in Britain were the first to use crystal balls in divination hence; the British are believed to promote their use in divination. Nevertheless, today they are used all over the world in entertainment traditional medicine architecture psychology and interior design.Many designers have used crystal balls in interior design in the 21st century. They have been helpful in choosing chandeliers balustrade decors and lamp posts. Structures similar to crystal ball are placed in hotel rest rooms, counters lobbies counters and gardens. They are commonly used for more profound purposes than artistic. Magicians use crystal balls in! enterta inment as props for performance and help them in generating illusions. Their clear transparent and luminous nature gives the ability to see into the past present and the future. Within the Chinese community, crystal balls are used as elements that are symbolic of the earth's energies. They are used in enhancing feng shui in Chinese families and are also appreciated by non Chinese families for enhancing family bonds. They work depending on their color size and the strategic locations placed. Crystal balls are also beneficial in psychology, in promoting healing relaxation and tranquility. Regardless of the purpose for which they are place in our environments, they help humanity achieve a common goal. Modern science and technology has dominated our lives and minds. However, these traditional practices are still beneficial and being passed on from generation to generation. The power to transform business does not lie in your hands alone but a little help from guides like crystal balls cannot be ignored. About the Author Expert UK psychic readings sites psychics psychic reading great uk psychic reading brand psychics psychic readings Irish callers click here psychic readingphone psychic readingpsychic reading Psychic reading mediums psychic reading Expert UK psychic readings sites psychic reading And psychicspsychic reading spiritual readings site psychic reading psychic readinggreat uk psychic reading brand psychics psychic reading Rachel Saxon is a Reiki Master and writes for the psychic & metaphysical industry, promoting the discovery of the personal spiritual path, and recommends the following sites: Irish callers click here psychic reading great uk psychic reading brand psychic reading phone psychic readingphone psychic reading Programming Your CrystalsThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Indigo, Crystal, Star Kids & Rainbow Children Posted: 16 Dec 2011 08:00 PM PST Article by Karen Erickson Science is showing that there is a new evolution of the human species that is happening in the genetics of many of the children that have been born since the 1980's. These new children are referred to as the new spiritual children of today or as the Indigo, Crystal, Star Kids and Rainbow Children. These new children have new DNA communication patterns and posses one or two new genes that were discovered by the Univ. of Chicago in August 2005 and they use a higher percentage of their brain and have higher IQ's. As a whole, the new children can be very intuitive, sensitive, telepathic, highly intelligent, wise souls, musically or artistically gifted, empathic, healers, sense dishonesty and have sensitive immune systems. These children have come to help the human species evolve consciously, to become more aware of what we are doing to the planet and to each other. They are here to help break down the old systems that are not in alignment with our hearts and for the good of the people and planet as a whole and to help us reconnect to our spirit and remember who we really are…spiritual beings having a human experience. Indigos children are more free spirits, independent, have nervous energy, need to move and wiggle, are protectors, activists, rescuers, get bored easily, out of the box thinkers, and like to challenge the old systems and authority that is not in integrity and often get diagnosed with ADD & ADHD. Crystal children are easier to raise, very loving, highly empathic and sensitive, very clingy and want to be held a lot, late to speak, love to sing, musically inclined, artistic, extremely sensitive to chemicals, foods, vaccinations, drugs and have higher percentage of autism diagnosis. Star Kids are highly evolved, usually petite, love science and technology, extremely intelligent and intuitive, fascinated with the stars and constellations and have telekinesis abilities. Rainbow children are very advanced wise souls that teach wisdom at early age, avatars, very peaceful and loving,! complet ely fearless, all about service to others, highly telepathic & empathic, advanced healers, vegetarians and highly diagnosed with autism. The most important thing for raising these children to keep in mind is to give them a very healthy diet, one of organic and unprocessed foods without food dyes and preservatives and chemical free products and home. They need to learn in smaller class rooms and do best at schools that incorporate all the senses in learning that are more project based. They are very sensitive to vaccinations and can not handle the ridiculous amount of vaccinations that are being recommended for children by the time they are 18 months old. These children respond extremely well to natural ways of healing, using sound, color, herbs, homeopathy, natural foods and energy medicine to help them heal. Parents need to talk to their children honestly and explain why certain rules or things need to be done and parents need to be in integrity, walk the talk. Getting your children involved with music, the arts, and spiritual studies or organizations is highly recommended. ChicagoHealers.com mission is the education and advocacy of natural medicine and a holistic lifestyle. Please give credit to the original author when republishing all or part of any article. Also, kindly link back to http://www.ChicagoHealers.com About the AuthorKaren Erickson:http://www.chicagohealers.com/energy-healing-intuitive-spiritual-reiki/enlightened-healing/#practitioners Origianl Article: http://www.chicagohealers.com/articles-library/children#indigo How to choose stones and crystals?This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Treat Yourself Naturally with Holistic Therapy Posted: 16 Dec 2011 07:00 PM PST |
What Is Reiki, And How Can It Help You Heal? Posted: 16 Dec 2011 06:00 PM PST Article by Dr. Patrick V. Suglia In a nutshell, Reiki is a healing art that can help people with various types of physical and emotional healing needs. It involves the healer placing his or her hands on or over the client without actually manipulating any parts of the body. You may have seen similar healing modalities such as healing touch and therapeutic touch. But Reiki is not the same thing. Nor is Reiki the same thing between its practitioners. The oldest and most potent form of Reiki is formally known as The Usui System Of Natural Healing According To Hawayo Takata. It is called this because it was discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan and was developed by Mrs. Hawayo Takata. "Reiki" was the word Dr. Usui used to describe his discovery. Since being introduced by Takata to the United States in the 1970s, Reiki has become diluted and intertwined among other "healing" arts and modalities. Some people have even "invented" their own styles of Reiki. But what is Reiki, really? How does it work? That is summed up in the word itself. "Ki" is the word to describe the universal life force that keeps everything alive and in motion. Ki, or chi, is the force that gives your heart the energy to beat, your lungs to breathe, your brain to think, and for you to become inspired. "Rei" means "movement." Thus, we have the practice of moving the life force energy in order to create a healing effect. We all have the ability to do this to some degree. We always feel just a bit better when we hold our ankle for a while after tripping off a curb. A child feels more soothed and happy when we hold our hand over his or her cut finger. In effect, we are moving energy to create healing. The Reiki practitioner is specially attuned to do this in a much more magnified way, and the magnification of the moving force of energy has many implications. It can help a headache to go away. It can help a deep cut heal without scarring. It can help a person concentrate better while studying. And it can help a person overcome deep emotional hurts. It is a powerf! ul heali ng force that balances the energies within the body to bring a state of wellness to all of its parts and to the whole. A complete Reiki session is best performed in a relaxing environment, a quiet studio or office with soft music or sounds that are pleasing to the ear. The client lies on a massage table but is not unclothed at all. The practitioner then places his or her hands on or over different body areas, twelve on the front side of the body and five on the back. Even though no private areas are involved, the client has the right to let the practitioner know on which areas they do not feel comfortable being touched. In that case, the practitioner can hold his or her hands over the area, and the client receives the same healing benefit. A complete session lasts anywhere between sixty and seventy-five minutes, depending on one's specific needs. Personally, the longest session I ever performed was two hours in length. The practitioner will hold their hands over a certain area longer if they sense that more healing energy is needed in that area. During the session, both the client and the practitioner may feel different sensations in different areas of the body, such as extreme warmth, tingling, or a deep relaxation. These sensations are clues as to where the healing energy is needed and indicate that the energy is definitely working. If a person is receiving a session because of emotional or subconscious needs, they may experience feelings of emotional "release" and relief. After the session, one definitely feels that something has changed for the better. At the Sufletesc Center located in Saint Louis Park, Minnesota, I practice the original Usui System Of Natural Healing According To Hawayo Takata. Since I began practicing Reiki in June of 1998, I've taken care of many people who have said to me that they have been to other Reiki "practitioners" but somehow felt an enormously powerful difference between what I did and what they received from others. I then explain to them that there are dif! ferent t ypes of Reiki out there, and what I do is the unadulterated version. This leads to the discussion of what is involved in the training of a Reiki practitioner. First of all, you CANNOT learn Reiki in an all-in-one weekend that costs only 0. I have had Reiki "Masters" (teachers) ask me about things that I do that they never learned. In the original Usui system, there are three degrees of practice. The First Degree practitioner works with physical conditions. The Second Degree practitioner can take care of emotional and subconscious healing matters and can even perform healing sessions in-absentia (from a distance). Then there is the Master level. While the practitioner is complete in his or her abilities at the second degree, the Master is the one who attunes and teaches others. The cost of training in the original method is 0 for First Degree, 0 for Second Degree (after a three month training period), and, after a three-year period of practice, one can become a Reiki Master for ,000, which entails a lengthy, detailed apprenticeship. The most important thing for you to know is that it can help you no matter what ails you, what bothers you, what pent up emotional disturbances you may suffer from, or what strange addictions you may have. It is also beneficial to the person who wants to maintain their state of wellness. Many hospitals offer Reiki to their patients to help them relax before a procedure and to heal faster afterwards. There has even been a study done several years ago at the Cleveland Clinic Heart Center in Cleveland, Ohio proving that people who receive Reiki healing do recover faster from open heart surgery. Several other studies have been conducted since that time. When I am caring for a chiropractic patient who is experiencing a tremendous amount of muscle tension and mental apprehension, I place my hands on them for several minutes, if they are willing to accept the treatment. This relaxes the patient, which allows the chiropractic adjustment to be delivered with greater ease and less! stress. Reiki has helped me to be a better chiropractor. It can certainly help you to be a healthier person! About the AuthorDr. Suglia is the owner of The Sufletesc Center in Minneapolis, MN, a wellness center that offers chiropractic care, energy medicine, physical examinations, and consultations & evaluations for people with chronic conditions. He is a member of the American Holistic Health Association, the American Pregnancy Association, and the Holistic Pediatric Association. For more information on The Sufletesc Center please see their website at <a href=http: Reiki Music Meditation Music + VideoThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
How to Choose a Holistic Dentist Posted: 16 Dec 2011 05:00 PM PST Article by Andrew Marshall A regular dentist will tell you how and a holistic dentist will find out why. Holistic dentistry will want to reach the cause of the dental dilemma using alternative treatments like homeopathy, kinesiology and even psychology. Holistic dentist will provide you with an overall solution to the problem. Now if you have decided in consulting on a holistic dentist lets help you choose the right one
* Ask around: You know the best publicity is word of mouth. Ask you friends, relatives, business associates. You are bound to find someone that comes highly recommended, that will be your first lead. * Find out more information on your holistic dentist and the group of doctors working with him. Ask him about his methodology, materials he uses and his methods of mercury detoxification. You will have a fair idea about him. o Make sure he uses biocompatible materials and is familiar with various metal detoxification processes like urine-mercury challenge tests, hair analysis, vitamin C, Chlorella, EDTA etc. o Regular dentists remove the infected teeth and replace it. Holistic dentistry believes that if the infection remains in the rest of the bone it will affect the rest of the body. o Check with your dentist how he treats cavitations o Treatments vary from person to person find out how he treats root canals. * Many regular dentists use mercury to carry out their fillings. If mercury leaks it can be very harmful to the body. * You now have holistic dentists that use metal free and mercury free fillings * Find out how he carries out his examinations. How does he find out the levels of bacteria in gum? Does he use micro analysis? And does he use low radiation, digital X-rays? * Since Holistic Dentists borrow from other medicine fields what other degrees does he hold? Is he familiar with nutrition, homeopathy, vitamins and neurology? * no * If you are still unsure why not ask him for referrals and speak to his other pati! ents. Th ey will give you a first had experience and that will give you immense clarity in the situation. Dr Ben Olstein is a practising Holistic Dentist in Australia. He has training in Craniomandibular disorders, Orthopaedics, Cosmetic dentistry, Restorative dentistry, transpersonal psychology, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Aromatherapy, Meditation and other alternative medicines. You can visit his website for any further information at www.benolstein.com.au. About the AuthorAndrew Marshall is one of those rare individuals who was not afraid of the dentist's chair even as a child. Although he did not become a dentist himself, preferring to use a pen instead of forceps, he likes to write about dentistry.www.benolstein.com.au Randall Baer - Inside the New Age Nightmare 1 of 10This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Holistic Medicine Brings Favourable Results For Dog Care Posted: 16 Dec 2011 04:02 PM PST Article by Wilhelmina Ford Dog health care means preventing disease before it starts. Dogs often seem to have limitless energy and robust constitutions, but don't let this fool you: they are susceptible to all sorts of maladies, ranging from mild to life threatening. Dogs have the same similar needs and health problems of humans. Holistic Care means that each part (body, mind and spirit) of an animal or human is treated as important as the whole, it means getting to the ROOT of the problem. This style of medicine and care focuses on stimulating the body's innate healing capabilities, but it does so by looking at -- and ultimately adjusting -- everything that is going onto or into your dog's body, such as diet, vaccinations and oral and topical pesticides, like heartworm and flea medications, plus the environment it lives in, i.e., stress, not enough exercise, noisy neighbours etc. Holistic medicine comes in the form of herbs, vitamins, and minerals can be used along with the advice and medicine from a local trusted vet. Holistic medicine can treat a variety of chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, kidney failure, liver failure, heart disease, digestive problems, skin problems, gingivitis, arthritis, allergies, and ear infections. These complementary therapies and medicines are used to reduce or preferably eliminate the need for chronic drug therapy, allowing relief from the sickness without the troubling side effects so often seen with conventional treatments. However, there are many circumstances that will call for both modern and holistic medicine to bring about the most favourable results, such as a broken leg that needs surgery to be repaired along with holistic methods used to decrease healing time. In addition to dealing with current illnesses and conditions already affecting the body, holistic treatment methods in veterinary medicine are also used to ward off disease and improve the dog's overall health, and hopefully lengthen life span as well. The holistic medicine for dogs sees the! dogs no t only as a physical entity, but as a whole, taking in consideration not only the moment or the momentary symptoms the dog may have but also its background and its living conditions (diet, lifestyle, etc). Conventional medicines treat the sickness or disease and not just the physical side and try to eradicate discharges and cure within the body. Holistic medicines oppose this and encourage discharges, because in doing so, the body cleanses itself of the toxins. Think about it simply, when a human has a cold he/she has a runny nose, mucus, coughing and he/she goes to the doctor to feel well, and is given antibiotics and pills to clear up the mucus, dry the nose and stop the cough. This is keeping the toxins within the body and not assisting the body's normal function of clearing the toxins out through snot and mucus. If toxins are suppressed, they will have to be cleared through internal organs, which then become toxic and eventually can manifest into disease. Holistic medicine encourages the normal bodily function of ridding toxins out of the body for good and cleansing inside instead of suppressing it. This is a slower and gentler treatment with the goal of achieving the highest level of health for your dog on a physical and emotional well-being level. Remember - an important aspect of your dogs' development is play and attention from you, the owner. Not only do human beings benefit from contact with their dog, dogs benefit from the care and interaction with their owners. Companionship and care given mutually will help the owner and the dog live happier and healthier lives. No matter how busy or hectic things seem to be, be sure to spend time with your pet. It is best to set aside play time. This can be part of the regular exercise period, but also make time to cuddle, hold and touch your dog. It is also good to "practice" manipulations which might be needed in times of injury or illness so that they will be less stressful should they be needed. Don't worry; your dog will welcome the attention.! 13; About the AuthorI own and run a dog daycare, dog boarding and dog grooming business. I have accreditation in dog first aid, animal care, dog grooming, dog behaviour, dog training, homeopathy and now I am writing articles and books to educate the people about dog care. If you would like more information on Holistic Dog Care check out: http://www.doggyebooks.com/holisticbook.html |
Reduce ache and speed up healing along with ultrasound equipment Posted: 16 Dec 2011 03:01 PM PST Article by Curtis Robles A better and more convenient way of obtaining rehabilitation as well as treatment for inflammation and pain is now open to anyone with using an affordable along with safe house ultrasound equipment. Before now simply chiropractors, physiotherapists and the wealthy could afford to possess one of these forms of machines. With advanced technological innovation, ultrasound models for home use are now transportable and reasonably priced so they can be purchased by anybody who may need this form of treatment for treatment and accelerating the healing process.Ultrasound machines for your home kitchen utilize pulsed ultrasound, making them safe for open public use. They are proven to lessen inflammation along with swelling, enhance blood flow reducing pain. With the aid of a home ultrasound machine, tendonitis, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia syndrome, back pain, whiplash and several other conditions may be healed more quickly while minimizing pain and inflammation. This will allow shoppers who demand rehabilitation or even those who experience reoccurring conditions to lessen costs of professional therapies and prevent take a trip and wait times pertaining to appointments. To discover the perfect ultrasound machine for you check out ultrasound machines for sale.Sonography machines pertaining to home use produce sound surf to stimulate the tissue below the skin. Having a high consistency massage, seem waves are directed that vary from 800,000Hz to 2,000,000Hz for the injured body tissue. The particular sound surf is sent to your tissue with the use of a transducer as well as wand. Ultrasound gel can be first applied to the skin, which will help reduce the friction and functions as a conductor to the ultrasound waves. These waves become generated from a piezoelectric impact that is manufactured from crystals that will vibrate about the transducer. The waves are then passed through the surface of the skin and create a shake in the around tissues. The actual vibration ca! uses the flesh to become significantly heated although user experiences no discomfort of this high temperature. Let us fine the perfect ultrasound machines while using proper specification on the handset at ultrasound machines for sale.A home ultrasound appliance can relieve pain with no surgical procedures or medicines. With the use of serious heat, broken tissue is actually relieved of inflammation along with swelling. Blood circulation is increased, which provides greater nutrients to the tissue whilst relaxing the tissue, thus promoting more rapidly healing. They're able to also be used to assist with the assimilation of anti-inflammatory and also analgesics. Another advantage of a residence ultrasound machine is the capability to decrease trigger stage pain, which can cause migraines, backaches and other smooth tissue problems. Studies have shown that ultrasound remedy can relax cells, increase the flow of blood and malfunction adhesions and scar tissue formation. Some research shows that this form of therapy may actually promote therapeutic of bone tissue fractures. Simply by using a home ultrasound machine, natural healing process from the body is improved and neural root discomfort is diminished. Ultrasound models for your kitchen at home are available in different kinds. According to the situation the physician may suggest their patients make use of portable ultrasound machines for home use or possibly a wearable ultrasound machine for extended remedy times or for using outside the home. About the AuthorLocate Ultrasound Machines For Sale, Physicians and health clinic must own a minimum of one. To get more associated details look at Ultrasound Machines For Sale Crystal Healing with Sekhem Reiki Energy Animal Healing, my cat love it very much!!!This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 16 Dec 2011 02:00 PM PST Article by Franchis Adam Reiki is the Japanese word for "universal life energy" and pronounced "ray-kee." It is a form of healing based on tapping into the unseen flow of energy that permeates all living things. It is believed that reiki originally evolved as a branch of Tibetan Buddhism and that knowledge of its power and how to use it was transmitted from master to disciple. At some point in the intervening centuries, the secrets of reiki were lost. They were rediscovered in the late 19th century by a Japanese minister, Dr. Mikao Usui. He spent 14 years seeking the ability to heal, which he believed could be discovered thiough studying Buddhism, learning Chinese and Sanskrit to help his research. It is claimed that he eventually found the knowledge he sought in an Indian sutra, or sacred text. Then, after a three-week meditation on a mountain top, he had a vision of four symbols that could be used to enable healing energy to be passed to others. The ability to channel the healing power was achieved by attunement to each of these symbols. Before he died in the 1930s, Dr. Usui initiated 16 others into the secret of reiki, teaching them the master attunement. One of these reiki masters was Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, who undertook to preserve reiki and pass it on. He brought scientific training to bear on the method, noting down the results of healing sessions, codifying the sequence of hand movements in a reiki session, and establishing a reiki clinic in Tokyo. Treatment by a reiki practitioner is intended to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Clients lie fully clothed while the practitioner's hands are placed on specific parts of the body, starting with the head. Some reiki practitioners do not touch the physical body but transmit healing into the surrounding aura. Reiki can be used to heal the self or someone else, and reiki energy can be projected into the future or directed to a distant place. It can also be used on pets or plants. Anyone can learn reiki because it is not taught i! n the st rict sense of the word, but transferred from teacher to pupil. This transferral is made though a series of "degrees." The first degree usually takes a weekend and four initiations by a reiki master. It does not involve changing religious beliefs. These initiations impart the ability to transmit healing energy to oneself and others. The second degree deepens participants' experience and enables them to give distant healing. The third degree is taken by those wishing to become reiki masters, able to teach others. The results of treatment can be dramatic, or more gradual, showing themselves in general improvements in health and well-being. Reiki healing energies can have lasting results only if the recipient accepts his or her responsibility in the healing process and takes part in it. Daily self-treatment is regarded as preventive, supporting emotional and spiritual growth. There are more than 200,000 reiki practitioners and centers in North and South America, Europe, and Australasia. The word "reiki" is a generic term in Japanese and is not exclusive to Dr. Usui's healing method; this is more formally known as Usui Shiki Ryoho or the Usui system of natural healing, and is preserved by the international Reiki Alliance, which has agreed professional standards and a code of ethics. About the AuthorRead out for Massage therapy. Check out hoodia gordonii and constipation reiki & pirinThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 16 Dec 2011 01:00 PM PST |
Holistic Therapy for Couples - Creating Balance in Your Life and Relationship Posted: 16 Dec 2011 12:05 PM PST Article by Stephen Daniels Many couples who experience a bump in the road in their relationship turn to counseling for help. Some people do not realize the differences between holistic counseling and traditional counseling when they are trying to work out relationship issues. Traditional counseling typically focuses primarily on the issues the couple brings to the session to discuss, whether they are subjects of frequent arguments, one partner's hurt feelings, or intimacy issues. Working on these surface issues can be helpful, but this approach acts more as a band-aid to cover only visible wounds while ignoring the imbalance between the partners that could be causing the wounds. A couple's individual disagreements and communication problems could be symptoms of a much greater issue - one that will never be addressed by traditional counseling. In most cases, when two people are in need of counseling, both the individuals and the couple as a unit are out of balance and need a more holistic approach to help them heal themselves and their relationship. Holistic Counseling is entirely focused on helping partners reclaim that balance and wellness for themselves and for their lives together. A balanced partnership is one founded upon feelings of love, trust, intimacy, and joy. As such, all holistic therapy will focus on enhancing these aspects of the bond. The holistic approach is best for two people who feel like their relationship is out of balance, particularly if they believe that their disagreements are a symptom of a larger issue. Relationships lacking in joy, intimacy, or positive communication can benefit from this method. Through holistic therapy, partners can explore these issues and learn new ways of thinking about their bond with one another. Holistic therapy may particularly appeal to people who find a traditional therapist's approach off-putting. Some participants in typical therapy sessions feel like they are being involved in a moderated debate; others even think their partner and! the the rapist are ganging up on them. Another benefit of holistic counseling is that it is far less likely than traditional counseling to result in psychiatric medication being prescribed for one or both parties. Antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs, and sleeping pills are often recommended for one or both people by traditional counselors. Sometimes, these drugs serve only to increase problems between two people. They can cause sexual issues or even change an individual's personality to some degree, creating another rift. That is not to say that drugs are inappropriate for every case, of course. Unfortunately, many modern practitioners use medication as a first line of defense rather than a last ditch resort. Swallowing a pill is easier than changing a couple's worldview or the way that they work with one another. Holistic therapy should not be viewed as a quick fix to relationship problems. However, it will reach down to the roots of the bond to improve the couple as a whole as well as both individuals. It is an approach designed for partners who desire true balance in their lives, both together and separately. About the AuthorHoagland Therapy utilizes an holistic approach to therapy to look at how mind and body influence each other in issues affecting overall health and well-being. This article powered by http://seo-search-engine-optimization.netbiz.com/ |
Medicine Reiki, a Perfect Union of East and West Posted: 16 Dec 2011 11:00 AM PST Article by Samantha Hall Relax And Energize To Reiki Music And The Wonders Of NatureThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 16 Dec 2011 10:00 AM PST Article by Duane P. Flowers, PhD In this article I would like to look at the innate connection between Reiki and Meditation as well as how these two disciples can be used together to support and enhance each other. Reiki and Meditation are both spiritual practices and as such a spiritual inclination is needed for their mastery. Without this key element there is no point in trying, as it is not something that can be picked up along the way. The main point to bear in mind when incorporating meditation into your Reiki practice is that, like Reiki itself, meditation is a discipline... and no discipline can ever be mastered without effort. Reiki Masters who receive Reiki training but never put the time into disciplining it are really not Reiki Masters at all. The original Reiki training involved months, if not years of dedication in order to master it, and so Reiki Master certificates being handed out over the Internet in return for a quick payment may be valid, but the practitioner still needs to put in the work in order to make it effective. This is where discipline comes in. There are many meditation training systems to choose from, and those endeavoring to learn meditation are encouraged to try several different styles until they find the one that resonates with them. All meditation systems are not created equally, some are rather severe while others are more lenient, so it is important to find the right one for you, otherwise the practice will be very difficult to maintain. Zen Meditation revolves around the ability to control your thoughts and the ultimate goal is to stop thinking all together. This state of non-thought opens your mind to a new dimension of reality and for some it comes quite easily while others have to work for it... some harder than others. Typical Japanese Zen Meditation centers around training the mind to focus on one thought at a time. Traditionally, Zen koans are often used which are quite abstract and basically unanswerable questions that allow the mind to expand. As you meditate ! on these paradoxes, your mind will wander... you just need to remember to bring it back to the puzzle at hand whenever your thoughts stray, and in this way you learn to discipline your mind. In a Reiki Mediation the same principle is followed. That is, you choose something to focus on (which is generally one of the Reiki Precepts (a discussion of which can be found here) one of the Reiki Symbols (a discussion of which can be found here) or some specific application of Reiki (such as an intended distance healing)). Again, just as in Zen Meditation, whenever your mind wanders... you just need to bring it back to the Reiki principle you are focusing on (or whatever the focus of the mediation is) in order to discipline your mind and deepen your Reiki practice at the same time. This may seem daunting at first and you might be thinking that it is all just too much... I know, I was there before and felt the same way and for many years that alone kept me from even attempting such an endeavor. Finally, I found the system that was right for me and it was all downhill after that. The rewards are substantial, and if you really want it you will get it... any obstacles you encounter along the way are just tests given by the universe in order to prove that this is something you really want. Once you convince the universe that you are sincere and that you are not going to give up... it will concede, but as mentioned above, a spiritual inclination is needed... and luckily... that is all you really do need to get started. About the AuthorDuane has been writing on various subjects for many years. Not only does he specialize in Reiki, you can also check out his latest website on Natural Acne Cures which reviews the best natural acne treatments available. Merlin's Magic - The Heart Of ReikiThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Crystals and Gemstones - Amethyst Healers Stone and Citrine Stone of Self-Empowerment Posted: 16 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST Article by Terrie Marie The Angel Lady CitrineCitrine Quartz resonates with the Solar Plexus Chakra or energy center located just above your navel. The color range for Citrine is light golden orange to deep orange, almost brown in some specimens. Citrine energy warms from the inside out. Citrine is found in clusters ranging in size with very small points to larger points. Citrine may also be available as double terminated (points at both ends of the crystal formation) and as single points. The frequency vibration of Citrine Quartz may assist you in focusing your thoughts, your energy on what you want to manifest into your life. When focusing your thoughts, focus on what you want rather than what you do not want. During your meditation practice, you may hold your Citrine cluster or set it in front of you and focus your gaze on the cluster. If you choose to use Citrine to release you from the past, clear your mind focusing on that which you desire to release. Allow the energy vibration of the Citrine to penetrate the memory, until it disappears into its comforting warmth. Clusters of Citrine Quartz may be used to energize the body when placed on the Solar Plexus (located just above the navel), the Heart Chakra (located in the center of your chest), and at the Crown Chakra (just above your head). Citrine is highly energized when charged in Sunlight for several hours once a week. If you place Citrine with other crystals for an overall energy boost, it may not need to be cleansed or re-charged every week. Use your intuition to guide you. *Angelic Realm Association: Archangel Uriel whose name means "Light of God" "Flame of God" is the Angel of creativity, manifestation and prophecy. State or write out your intentions with purity, integrity and from the heart for the highest and best good for all concerned.*Healing properties: relieves depression, boosts self-empowerment, encourages self-expression, creativity, balances the nervous system.*Vibrational Frequency: warm, comforting, energizing, penetrating.*Spiritual ! Properti es: releases the Self from the past AmethystAmethyst is known as the Healer's Stone or the Soul Stone. Amethyst resonates with the Crown Chakra located just above your head. The color purple is also associated with the Third Eye chakra located in the center of the forehead, just above your eyebrows. The color range of Amethyst is very light lavender to deep purple, almost a dark violet-blue. Amethyst energy calms the mind and Spirit enhancing your meditation experience. Amethyst is found in clusters, points and wands. Large clusters of Amethyst may be used to cleanse and re-charge smaller crystals points. Remember to cleanse, balance and re-charge your Amethyst clusters at least once a week. Amethyst clusters may fade in direct sunlight when exposed for prolonged periods of time. Cleanse and re-charge Amethyst overnight in the moonlight, pass the cluster over incense or the flame of a candle (use caution as the flame of a candle can produce extremely high heat). The frequency vibration of Amethyst is soothing and calming; assisting you in expanding your conscious awareness, lifting the veil between the Realm of Spirit and the physical Realm. Amethyst may be place directly on the Third Eye and or the Crown during meditation. It is suggested you start by holding an Amethyst point or small cluster in your left hand, allowing your body to become attuned to Amethyst's vibration. When you are ready to expand your work with Amethyst, place Amethyst on directly on your Third Eye or Crown Chakra. You will know when it is time, if you so choose, to begin working with Amethyst on both your Third Eye and your Crown Chakra's. Do not be in a hurry, be patient when working with Amethyst, the soft soothing vibration is very powerful and may be overwhelming at first. Amethyst may be worn or held, place under your pillow or on your bed-side table to assist in calming a busy, overactive mind, promoting a more restful sleep. When holding Amethyst, the terminated end should always be facing or point! ing towa rds your arm, allowing Amethyst energy to flow into you and through you. Amethyst and Rose Quartz may be used together during self-healing of heart and mind. *Angelic Realm Association: Archangel Raphael whose name means "God heals" thee Angel of healing and harmony, assisting the Divine Healer within each of us, protector and guide of healers in all healing professions, patron of travelers and of journeys within*Healing properties: healing, reduces mental tension, may aid in healing migraine headaches, re-charge Etheric Energy Body*Vibrational Frequency: soothing, calming, cleansing, healing, awakening, transforming*Spiritual Properties: humility, Spiritual Awakening, enhance your connection with the Spiritual Realm Rainbows and Waterfall Blessings,Terrie Marie About the AuthorHello, my name is Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady. My life's purpose is to share thee Angels' messages, their energy with you. I am gifted with being able to communicate with Angels by sensing their energy, receiving messages and guidance intuitively. The way in which thee Angels' channel their loving healing energy through me for you is by conducting workshops and seminars, Angel Readings and Energy Healing. Thee Angels' have and continue to gift me with unique Essential Oil Blends enabling everyone to work directly with Angels.Connect with Angels every day when you click this link http://angelladytm.com/ from Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady and Desert Rose Healing Arts! Enter your name and email address to begin connecting with Angels!Copyright 2011 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide VirtualLight- DaEl Walker # 3 August 2008This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 16 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST Energy is energy. We are all made of energy. In fact, not only are we humans all made of energy but literally every thing is made of energy. Every single thing in the universe is energy. When you think about the implications there it is hard to deny that we are all connected. We humans can be forgetful, however, and we often forget that we are really all part of one and the same energy. Feeling good attracts more things to feel good about into our own lives. Having negative thoughts not only makes us feel bad it attracts more things into our lives to feel bad about. Our thoughts and our feelings not only influence our lives but the lives of those around as well, since we are all connected. When someone behaves in a negative way towards us and we act out in an equally negative we are really damaging the energy flow of everything around us by putting out so much negativity. The way to combat any negativity we encounter in life is with love and good feelings. We humans need to remember that we are all one and the only thing that makes us different is our perspective. We have all had our own individual experiences and therefore have come up with our own views and opinions on life. Feeling negative towards another human just because they don't share your exact perspective is ridiculous. No one else, in fact, will share your exact views because no one else has your exact perspective. We all bring something different to the table and that should be celebrated, not a source of negativity or ill will. We are all energy. Your energy is shared with everything you encounter in life. Make sure you are putting out positive energy to share with the world and to create a happy amazing life for yourself. –- Claire Affleck Training |
Posted: 16 Dec 2011 08:00 AM PST Article by Greg Li Reiki was founded by Dr. Mikao Usui from Japan. He was intrigued with the ability of Jesus Christ to heal by touching sick people with His hands. In his research, he found that the body is a field of energy and this energy flows according to certain paths through it. The word 'Reiki' means 'universal life energy' in Japanese. Thus, Reiki is the Japanese therapy of healing and stability which teaches that health (emotional, physical, mental and spiritual) depends on a flow of life energy in the body. When the flow of life energy is strong and unhindered, you enjoy good health. But sometimes, the flow of life energy in your body gets blocked in some way, resulting in sickness and various physical, mental, emotional or spiritual problems. This belief is also held by Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicinal practices like acupuncture.Learn Reiki In Reiki classes, you will be taught how to unblock the life flow and increase it to heal sicknesses and alleviate other problems. Reiki is likened to traditional massage and is used to reduce stress, relieve pain, increase energy, strengthen the immune system, bring calmness and heal sicknesses such as asthma and arthritis. Reiki training is divided into levels or degrees. In each level, you learn (or are attuned to) different skills according to a preset syllabus. To learn Reiki you need to enroll in a formal class, engage a personal tutor or learn it yourself. If you wish to enroll in a class, there are many schools or institutions to choose from; some are more conservative and stricter than others. Most would charge according to the level of training that you complete and each school has its own fee structure. For level one, the fees range from to 0 whereas for the Reiki Master (highest) level, it is between 0 and ,000. Reiki Masters Reiki schools vary in the lengths of their courses and the way they conduct them. Some may require you to live in and enforce strict conditions, especially for training at the highest level! . You ma y have to go through a period of apprenticeship or live an ascetic lifestyle or detoxify your body. All these are aimed at increasing the energy flow in the training. Engaging a personal Reiki tutor is the best way to learn Reiki because you get personal attention. The tutor has to be a qualified Reiki Master for only a Reiki Master is able to induct new Reiki practitioners. But this option tends to be the most expensive. The most inexpensive method is to learn Reiki yourself but this is generally not advisable because you might obviously get things wrong. But there are lots of information and self-learn courses available on the Internet you could refer to if you choose this path of learning Reiki. Reiki About the AuthorGreg Liwww.instantreikimaster.comA Reiki master, Healer and Reiki Teacher Experience a Reiki HealingThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Immersed in You: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, December 16, 2011 Posted: 16 Dec 2011 08:00 AM PST Hello and good morning to all Awaken to the day, blessed I say Swiss Reflex - 2/6This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Dr. Rob’s 3G’s, December 16, 2011 Posted: 16 Dec 2011 07:03 AM PST Gratitude: I am grateful for you and all that you given to me in my life Goals: to share the gift of life and the gift of immersing in your creation Game plan: to read and write of the creators greatness and how she uplifts our spirit every day with all of the shifts and changes Edgar Cayce : Legacy of EDGAR CAYCE PART 3 - AREThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Rose Quartz Crystals and Gemstones - Cleanse and Re-Charge Your Crystals and Gemstones Posted: 16 Dec 2011 07:02 AM PST Article by Terrie Marie The Angel Lady Crystals and Gemstones an IntroductionCrystals and gemstones correspond and resonate with specific color frequencies, tones, and rays of light; increasing or amplifying a particular energy vibration. Rose quartz resonates with pink or rose light, enhancing love, emotional healing, seeing through eyes of love. Lapis resonates with deep blue light, clearing channels of communication with others or the ethereal Realm of Spirit; encouraging truth and integrity. There are several ways crystals and gemstones can be cleansed and charged or energized by being placed in Sun light; in Moon light; rinsing them with cool running water; placing them in sea salt; burying crystals in the ground for 24 to 48 hours placing crystals with points facing upward toward the sky; pass crystals over and through incense or the flame of a white candle; visualize white or violet light in and around the crystals; place smaller crystals or stones on larger clusters of clear quartz or amethyst quartz for 24 to 48 hours, be sure to cleanse the cluster and re-charge or energize the crystal cluster in the sun or moon light. Before cleansing and re-charging your crystals and gemstones, consider rinsing each crystal or gemstone under cool running water. If you are near the ocean, a lake or a stream be sure to have a firm grip on your crystals or they might "jump" out of your fingers into the water! The intensity of the Sun's rays cleanses crystals and gemstones within just a few hours. Placing crystals and gemstones in the Moon light, especially during a full Moon, removes all lower negative or dirty energies with a soft, yet very powerful energy. Should you choose to cleanse your crystals or gemstones using sea salt, be advised sea salt may remove more than stored negative energy; the sea salt may also alter a crystals subtle, inner vibration, causing an unwanted frequency re-alignment. Earth Mother's healing energy regenerates crystals by re-cycling or transmuting negative energy, restoring your cr! ystals u nique vibrational frequency. Larger Clear quartz or Amethyst quartz clusters have the ability to cleanse and restore balance to smaller crystals and gemstones by absorbing negative energy. I personally place my crystal pendants on larger crystal clusters re-charging them overnight. My clusters are re-charged by the Sun each day and by moonlight each night as it streams in through the windows. Rose QuartzRose Quartz usually referred to as the "love crystal" is part of the Quartz family of crystals and gemstones. When tumbled, Rose Quartz ranges from very soft pink to a deeper pink. In its natural form, it appears to sparkle and can be somewhat translucent when held in Sun light. There are often veins or striations of lighter Rose Quartz which appear almost white. When held, it is possible to begin experiencing a sense of harmony within your Heart Chakra, located in the center of your chest. The soft, subtle energy of Rose Quartz soothes emotions, enabling emotional wounds to heal more easily. Rose Quartz will enhance your meditation experience, calming you from within. Place Rose Quartz under your pillow or on your bedside table to assist in calming your thoughts. A piece of Rose Quartz placed directly on the Heart Chakra will gently draw out emotional hurt, allowing healing to begin. It is possible to release emotional sorrow and pain through forgiveness. Love is soft, gentle, and nurturing allowing you to heal at your own pace. As the soft vibration of Rose Quartz resonates with your Heart Center, it begins to lovingly re-create sacred space within, re-connecting you with Divine Source Energy. In healing, you will be able to give and receive love first, to you. As you continue to heal, a vacuum will be created where pain and sorrow were once experienced, giving way to an increased level of self-love, enabling you to give and receive love, if you so choose. As soft, nurturing Rose Quartz energy begins to circulate throughout your entire Be-ing, a sense of inner p! eace and harmony enhances comfort and healing at the Soul level. Healing when sought with an open heart, releasing all that has come before, clears the path to new adventures, new experiences with a renewed sense of self-confidence.Are you willing to release pain and sorrow, resentment real or perceived, forgiving you and anyone else involved? To forgive is to release you from self-imprisonment. Forgiveness is releasing you from reliving, re-playing that which caused you pain and suffering. The intention of forgiveness does not require you to place yourself in the same path or in similar circumstances. Remember to cleanse and re-charge your crystals often, especially if you are working with your crystals during meditation and healing work. Angelic Realm Association: Archangel Jophiel whose name means "Beauty of God" gifting each of us with the choice of seeing through eyes of love, accepting what is before you without judgment. Healing properties: emotional wounds, love, self-love, reduces tensions, increases self-confidence and promotes a sense of inner-peace.Vibrational Frequency: soft, gentle, nurturing, peaceful, soothing, subtleSpiritual Properties: assist you in aligning your inner-self with your Higher -Self; brings into balance your Heart Chakra with emotional healing About the AuthorHello, my name is Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady. My life's purpose is to share thee Angels' messages, their energy with you. I am gifted with being able to communicate with Angels by sensing their energy, receiving messages and guidance intuitively. The way in which thee Angels' channel their loving healing energy through me for you is by conducting workshops and seminars, Angel Readings and Energy Healing. Thee Angels' have and continue to gift me with unique Essential Oil Blends enabling everyone to work directly with Angels. Connect with Angels every day when you click this link http://angelladytm.com/ from Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady and Desert Rose Healing Arts! Enter your name and email address to begin connecting with Angels!Copyright 2011 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide Chakra Healing for Throat ChakraThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selections, December 16, 2011 Posted: 16 Dec 2011 06:01 AM PST "When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile." ~Unknown "Never tell your problems to anyone…20% don't care and the other 80% are glad you have them." ~Lou Holtz "Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go, be what you want to be. Because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do." ~Unknown Read More @ SourceApple Cider Vinegar helped cure my acne! my storyThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Pet Wellness - DIY Holistic Flea Shampoo Posted: 16 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST Article by M Jayne I rarely use anything other than a holistic approach when it comes to my pet's health needs. Its natural remedies and holistic approaches as much as possible for my pets and my family. Pet wellness isn't just making sure they get regular exercise and healthy food to eat, it also means keeping them on as much of natures path as possible and this means using natural remedies and holistic medicine for their happiness and well being. Pet owners really do not need to use the harsh chemicals found in flea shampoos, to get rid of fleas and in fact, as powerful as those chemicals are, often times a dog needs to be flea dipped more than once for the treatment to be effective. Ouch! Not only do these harsh chemicals damage your dog's skin, causing itchiness and often hot spots, but it is unhealthy for you, your dog, and your children to inhale the fumes, even if it's not directly from the bottle. And, yes, these chemicals are known to seep through your dog's skin and into his blood stream, which is one of the reasons these harsh flea shampoos cannot be used on dogs under one year, and that is really cutting it close. Pet wellness observers have high hopes that the world will come to its senses and begin using holistic approaches to their pet's health and well being. One good place to start is with at home recipes whether it is flea shampoo, dry skin splashes, or homemade dog food and treats. Of course holistic pet medicine projects into many more areas than just these. Here is a Do It Yourself Holistic Flea Shampoo that will do the job gently, naturally, healthfully, and successfully. Ingredients - 2 cups distilled water - boiled It is important to use distilled water for its better ability to clean over filtered water. - 1 1/2 Tbls dried Soapwort root If using a whole soapwort then chopping it up is preferably for the release of necessary compounds. - 20 drops organic essential oil of the following: cedar, citronella, citrus, eucalyptus, l! avender, lemongrass, mint or rosemary. These particular scents have natural flea fighting qualities so these are the ones you want to use. You can use just one or combine them all into 20 drops. - Muslin Cloth Directions 1. Bring the 2 cups of water to a boil. 2. Add the soapwort. 3. Turn down the heat to a simmer and cover the pot. Continue to simmer for 20 minutes. 4. Remove pot from the stove and allow to cool completely. About one hour in a cool place. 5. Once cooled place muslin over a jar or bowl and slowly pour the soapwort mixture into the jar or bowl. Discard the soapwort. You want to use a jar that has a tight fitting lid for storage and no spilling. 6. Add the essential oil to the soapwort liquid, close the jar tightly and shake to combine the ingredients. 7. Store in the fridge until ready to use. This shampoo will last up to 2 weeks in the fridge. It is important for pet owners and pet wellness observers to note that if your dog is heavily infested with fleas it may require more than one flea dip. The same remains true if you use the chemical approach. However, it is massively safer and more protective to your dog's skin to use a holistic flea dip as opposed to a chemical one. The other plus point of using a holistic flea dip is that you can leave it on your pet longer than you can a chemical dip, which gives you very clear instructions to leave the dip on no more than a certain time frame and to be sure to rinse it completely off your dog. Another important point is that many dogs will have a bad reaction to chemical flea dip, in turn causing you much discomfort and a vet bill and your pet a lot of discomfort and illness. If you have a dog or cat with dry, irritated skin or hot spots try this homemade herbal rinse to help cool the skin and help with itching. I have a Saluki and they are very prone to dry skin. My poor puppy was itching terribly when I brought him home from the sanctuary and the above herbal! rinse w as a real light at the end of puppy's itching tunnel. Not to mention he seemed to really enjoy the cool rinse being poured over him. When it comes to an all around healthy, happy pet - pet wellness is the way to go, using natural holistic ingredients for cures, illnesses and help with getting pests on your pet. About the AuthorMichel carries out her mother's tradition of human and pet wellness, utilizing natural pet and human care for her family and their animals. Including holistic care, natural remedies, and home grown meals for people and pets. Human and ">pet wellness is life's passion for Michel, who also shows you how you can heal your pet without your vet. The Brooklyn Waldorf SchoolThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
The brilliant and effective polymer crystals for various commercial uses Posted: 16 Dec 2011 05:00 AM PST Article by loyan tim Polymer crystals are the most awesome things that are quite magical. Polymer gel crystals are quite same to that of a gelatin desserts. The most common and main uses are manufacturers of disposable diapers,which are called super-absorbent polymers. The polymer allows sleeker and light disposable diapers. One pound of crystals holds nearly 50 gallons water capacity! The gel, which forms the swells through absorptions of 30 grams water per gram of crystals. Construction workers, cyclists and motorcyclists is visible wearing a cloth strips or wearing a collar around the neck stuff. Urates tend to be stitched into cloth bags. Cloth items are then immersed under water for long time. A little handful of swelling often its size give a wet evaporative cooler for the user. Florists even apply polymer crystals for storing clear water and for keeping cut flowers fine and fresh for several hours. Healing Artisan Because the polymer crystals are capable of absorbing more water, so they are ideal for wrapping fresh ice packs or cool the neck. Sew a light cotton bag to maintain water crystal. the other should hydrate crystals before sewing the pocket to find out the way they would swell in their sizes. Rehydrate the completed item well if required. Polymer crystals is also put on water the plants. The crystals ought to be put in a glass jar and colored with food colorings for any piece of unusual statement. You ought to viewed a brand new take a look at masterpieces by using these crystals. Fun Crafts Create smelly jelly crystals using polymers, water and perfume. An oily fragrance should be taken for getting a long lasting perfume, but a drop of dishwashing liquid fragrance should be added to the water just before blending with polymer crystals in addition to oil. Several droplets of food colors should be mixed. Polymer crystals can also be used similarly to make the room fresheners. But, the polymer crystals in water are used a lot more both at home and industry. Water crystals are! very po pular within the hand and craft home decorations, holiday decorations such as candles and floating candles designs which are generally used in models of the marriage table. They are able to easily be any colour of the rainbow spectrum. Some potting soils contain them being an ingredient of good quality. Water crystals are accessed in huge varities of proprietary goods in a number of sectors, for example humidifiers, commercially produced packs hot cold drink coolers. Polymers are also accessed to battle fire and work as fire retardants. In small vessels, they are able to soak water in the bottom of the contaminated fuel tanks. They're accessed in feedlots for assisting the cleaning up of the mess and spills. They are even used as absorbents of water in the flood emergency. About the AuthorReduce watering requirements with Polymer Crystals. Click here to read more about Polymer Crystals. WWW.ETSY/SHOP/LIVINLUXURIOUSLY is Now Selling: High Vibe Healing Crystals & JewelryThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Cookies Cookies Everywhere!!! Posted: 16 Dec 2011 05:00 AM PST "'Tis The Season" can apply to many different things. But today at my house 'Tis The Season for Cookies, Cookies and More Cookies!!!! A few weeks ago I baked 5 different kinds of cookies and loaded up my freezer. I was pretty proud of myself that I had all of my holiday baking done and I could sit back and relax! So last night I was scheduled to go to a cookie exchange. Now if you have never been to a cookie exchange it's fairly simple. Usually you bake a certain amount- say 4 dozen- of one kind of cookie. You go to someones house and meet up with a few friend you each swap out your cookies and you go home with four dozen different kinds of cookies. It's a pretty good deal. So last night I headed over to my girlfriends house with four dozen gingerbread men ready to swap out! I was completely unprepared for this cookie exchange. There were over 20 people there I honestly have never seen so many cookies!!! We each put out our cookies on a platter and loaded up the table. Once everyone got there we grabbed our Tupperware containers and formed a line. We went around the table taking 1 cookie off of each plate until the cookies were gone. I arrived home with a huge box full of cookies. As I placed the box on the kitchen table I looked over at the counter that already had 3 containers of cookies on it and almost cried. Here I am 4 weeks into a diet that is finally working. I am down 10lbs!! My weight is lower now than it has been in 5 years and I am starring at my Kryptonite!!!! COOKIES!!!!!!!!
— Aubry Panek |
Spider Energy: Weaving Your Life Posted: 16 Dec 2011 04:01 AM PST The feminine energy of spiders reminds us that we have the ability to weave our lives into strong beautiful works of art. We may not realize that the sight of a spider's web glistening in the sun, the beads of morning dew catching the light to shine like diamonds on an intricate necklace, may carry a message for us. Their beauty belies their strength because though they are spun from thin strands of silk, they can hold the weight of the dew and capture nourishment in their nets as well. This paints an accurate picture of the traits of the weaver, the spider. Their feminine energy reminds us that we have the ability to weave our lives into strong, useful, and beautiful works of art. Though people may have an instinctive fear response to spiders, we can look beyond the physical instinct to understand the spiritual message they may be bringing us. Among the various Native American traditions, spider medicine has been known to represent creativity. Her eight legs represent the four winds of change and the four directions on the medicine wheel, while her body is in the shape of the infinity symbol, which represents infinite possibilities. Spider was said to have woven the alphabet, creating the means for people to communicate and record their history through language. Just like the Greek myth of the Fates, three women who weave the tapestry of life, spiders are said to weave the creative forces that bring forth the intricately symmetrical patterns of our lives. So if a spider has wandered into your line of sight, she may be bringing you one of several messages. She could be reminding you of the infinite possibilities you can draw from to create your life. Perhaps her message is to check your email or "the Web" to see if communication you sent has captured something. You might even want to refer to old journals to look for patterns recorded in your personal history. As spider weaves her web, you too can weave your reality and your future. Her medicine could be reminding you that as the creator of your life you need to have the courage to reach out and create your own intricately beautiful and strong tomorrows. If you don't pay attention, spider may feel the need to bite you to get your attention. If this happens, investigate what that part of the body represents to gain further information about your message from spider medicine. ~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM Read More @ Source |
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