What Is Reiki Healing
What Is Reiki Healing |
- What Is Reiki Healing
- Holistic Remedies For Fibroids
- Aromatherapy Essential Oils: Different Uses
- Holistic Nutrition Your Gateway to Health.
- Holistic Yeast Infection Remedies Are Simple To Use
- Crystal Chandeliers: A Background
- The Health Benefits of Reiki Energy Healing
- Healing Tools
- Holistic Dog Food Benefits
- Holistic Spiritual Coaching: Three Crucial Principals
- Geobiology and Salt Crystal Lamps: Medicine For Our Home
- Aromatherapy: Revive Your Senses
- Aromatherapy: New Age Fad Or Age-Old Remedy?
- How Therapeutic Ultrasound Works For Pain Control and Healing
- The Wind: The Breath of the Universe
- More Than Just Packaging: Aromatherapy Bottles
- Crystal Chandeliers: Home Elegance At Its Best
- Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selection, December 29, 2011
- Dr. Rob’s 12 Minute Meditation, December 29, 2011
- Reiki Attunement the Natural Way to Get Physically
- Crystals Jewelry - A Brief History
- Dr. Rob’s 3G’s, December 29, 2011
- Aromatherapy and Its Uses
- Experience Life: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, December 29, 2011
Posted: 29 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST Article by Bjorn Lundberg Coping with stress can now be better taken care of with the principle of Reiki. As with many Asian forms of healing, Reiki uses the use of touch and massage in numerous areas of the body to induce circulation and to promote relaxation and calm. Massage is usually seen as the natural way to detoxify blood or oxygen passages in the body but Reiki is just starting off its course to receive the same award. Learning about Reiki may convince you that it has regenerative and sanative powers, and if nothing else, you may rest assured knowing that this sort of massage will help to loosen muscles and to ease tenseness and stress overall. Reiki's central idea is that people can use their palms to cure one another because it is the vessel of healing power This is an important part of learning about Reiki; the palm is used for the touch and massage and not the elbows as there typically is in standard massage. Lot of people yet does not know Reiki and its therapeutic ability. No one should get too excited on pushing this principle. The idea to heal someone by transferring energy through the palm sounds like magic, but it is proven by knead patrons that their body could be detoxified after an hour or so of human's therapeutic touch. Blood and oxygen carry vital nutrients that are needed for the body to heal itself, and these are increased when circulation is encouraged. It just needs a good orientation to encourage someone to try Reiki's healing powers. In addition, many believe that massaging the body can help a sick person feel better overall and to alleviate their bodily ache. In turn it can be deduced that massaging makes the body's healing functions go back to full ability. If you're interested in knowing more about Reiki it's good to consult with a Reiki expert. First, second, and Master or Teacher, are the three degrees of Reiki expertise. First or second level Reiki rank can answer those curiosity but if you can have a meeting with the Master, by all means do so. It i! s in the scope of being a Master to heal and to teach another person the methods, that is why their tag is likewise Reiki Teacher. Preparation for Reiki is gearing on learning the parts of the body that keeps the ultimate energy level as well as where to utilise pressure for healing. Transferring the remedial energy in suited parts of the body is the cardinal idea of Reiki schools. Healing is not instantly given by Reiki but it is very essential to get the body' functions back in action for regeneration. It can be helpful to give people the choice on improving the treatment or remedies that they are presently using. About the AuthorThe writer is the creator of Remedyfinder.net, an on-line tool that looks up signs and disease symptoms of complaints and displays holistic cures and treatments such healing remedies as herbal medicine and other natural remedies based on selected gender, age, risk factors, signs, illness symptoms and prevalence. Parkinson disease-My mother feels much better with Reiki whenever trembling increases.MP4This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Holistic Remedies For Fibroids Posted: 29 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST Article by G Atkinson If you are considering trying holistic remedies for fibroids, then you have made a wise decision. Many women believe that the only options available to them to deal with their fibroids are invasive surgical procedures or using hormone-blocking drugs and this means that they are possibly missing out on an option which has been used very successfully by thousands of women. There are many unanswered questions as far as fibroids are concerned. Doctors are unable to determine the exact cause in an individual although they do know of the range of factors which are likely to have contributed. We know enough to understand that fibroids are related to lifestyle, diets, hereditary factors and hormone levels and we also know that if the root causes are eliminated, then fibroids cannot grow. One way of eliminating the causes is to use holistic remedies for fibroids. This "whole body" approach ensures that each and every possible cause is eliminated. The downside is that although the protocols are easy to follow, some women find them restrictive and as you do not know which possible factors are relevant in your case, it is necessary to follow the whole set of protocols. However, many women actually find that they find that they enjoy playing such an active part in their own treatment and find holistic remedies satisfying to use as they begin to enjoy better health overall. The main protocols of holistic remedies for fibroids include:- * Significant dietary changes* Whole body cleansing* Taking exercise* Detoxification* Management of stress* Using alternative therapies such as acupressure and acupuncture* Using dietary supplements* Herbal treatments I always warn ladies that when holistic treatment is correctly undertaken, although the rewards can be tremendous, it is a "labor intensive" method and only suitable for those with motivation. It requires daily vigilance and determination and you can rely on nobody but yourself to see this through. However, for those who see it throug! h, many begin to get symptomatic relief within a couple of days and measurable shrinkage within weeks and if you can get through the first few days, the initial results are often all the inspiration you need to complete the program. If you would like further information on my recommended natural treatment for fibroids, please visit my website, Shrink Fibroids Naturally. Written by a nutritionalist, health writer and former fibroids sufferer herself, the system I recommend is groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will finally feel that you have found something that will work for you. Further information on holistic remedies for fibroids is available at The 3 Step Plan. About the AuthorGail advocates using natural treatments for fibroids rather than using conventional medication or surgery as this is a workable long term solution. Conventional medication only treats the symptoms and fibroids are likely to regrow, whereas natural treatments, when used properly can eliminate the root cause by rebalancing the body and restoring overall health. The Wounded HealerThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 29 Dec 2011 10:00 PM PST Article by LINDA PRESTON You will need: *Lavender oil *Camphor Oil *Rosemary Oil *Base Oil (Apricot Kernal, Jojoba, Grapeseed, or Olive Oil are good) *A Black Candle *A Red Candle *A Brown Candle *Several stones or crystals Mix some healing oil, using: *6 drops Lavender oil *6 drops Camphor oil *6 drops Rosemary oil *1/2 ounce base oil (apricot kernel, jojoba, grapeseed, even olive oil) Anoint a black candle, a red candle and a brown candle with this healing oil. The black is for absorption of the negativity (the illness), the red is for strength and health, and the brown is an "astral" or "significator" candle for the animal. Place the brown candle between the black and red candles, and make a ring of stones around the set-up, using stones or crystals that you associate with healing (amethyst, quartz, agate...you choose whichever type or combination of types). Place some of the oil in your hands, and begin to rub them together, generating heat and energy. When you feel that you've built a small "bundle" of healing energy, place your hands on your pet, stroking it and giving it the healing energy you've built, making sure to concentrate on any areas where you feel or sense the illness. Focus on the candles, continuing to maintain contact with your pet, and visualise the strength from the red candle pouring into the brown candle, and pushing all the sickness into the black candle. Attune with the Goddess, and when you've got a good grip on the visualizations above (and the animal!), say: "Goddess, with your healing touchBless this animal we love so much.God, with beasts as your domain,Remove the sickness, heal the pain.So mote it be!" Continue the stroking and energy flow until you feel that the spell is done, then allow the animal plenty of time to rest and heal. Obviously, if you wish to perform this spell in a cast circle, that's your choice. If you wish to continue the spell for a number of days (at least 3 days), and your pet has a special place where it rests or "lives" (such as a cage! , etc.), ring this area, if possible, with the stones, place a red candle on one side of the area and a black candle on the other (anointed with the healing oil); focus on the red candle and project its energy into area with your pet, visualizing the illness being pushed out the other side, since there's no room for it, and into the black candle. Rub the oil onto your hands and stroke it into/onto the animal's body as often as you feel necessary. Contact Linda for Online Tarot Readings About the AuthorLINDA PRESTON WORKS AS A Psychic AND WRITER OF PARANORMAL ARTICLES. SHE CAN BE CONTACTED VIA HER WEBSITE AT http://www.psychicreach.co.uk Understanding the Energy Bodies and CrystalsThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Aromatherapy Essential Oils: Different Uses Posted: 29 Dec 2011 09:00 PM PST Article by Mike Rosales The aromatherapy essential oils are fragrant plant elixirs used to facilitate good health and well-being that are usually extracted from a wide variety of plants where each plant is said to contain its own homeopathic uses in aromatherapy. The texture of these is typically not very oily and unlike most perfumes and fragrance oils, they are typically all-natural. Most are clear and are very highly concentrated where only a small amount is needed for a single use depending on the plant used. Aromatherapy essential oils are created through various methods where the oil can be extracted from a plant's bark, flowers, stems, roots, leaves or fruit and then distillation through steam or cold pressing that can be used to make the extraction. Prior to use, these oils are usually mixed up with some type of carrier oil such as olive, grape seed or almond oil in order to dilute them for safety means. These essential oils have the capacity to provide physical and psychological benefits when used correctly. Pure aromatherapy is a powerful practice that should be understood properly before usage and application. Eucalyptus extracts have the power to heal respiratory system ailments and are often recommended for muscle aches and pains. The Geranium oil can relieve nervous tension, pre-menstrual syndrome symptoms, repair broken capillaries, cuts, burns and certain types of eczema. Another is the wonders of peppermint which includes its ability to treat asthma, cramps, colds, fevers, headaches, mental fatigue and even vertigo. Sandalwood is also one of those Aromatherapy Essential Oils that is great for treating aphrodisiacs and is also valued in dermatology department for its skin healing properties. Tea tree is well known for its disinfecting, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. There are various extracts that have a multitude of different benefits depending on the application made. To find out which one is the best for you, consult an aromatherapy expert or conduct some research for some advice for there! is a wi de variety that are available and may surprise you. Using plant essences for healing is an ancient practice. Aromatherapy is derived from this concept like whole or partial plants that have been used by indigenous peoples for centuries. Aromatherapy Essential Oils are also used to relieve injuries, aches, pains and other health problems. Clinically, the chemical composition of these oils has shown to affect the central nervous system resulting in several health benefits both psychologically and physically. Aromatherapy is one of the best ways to get a relief from tension and stress for it helps the user avoid damaging toxic chemicals in personal care products. Effective solutions as alternatives to the toxic chemicals and they are extremely beneficial for health and well being of different individuals in all age groups. aromatherapy essential oils used in aromatherapy also render natural support to the hormonal systems in the body where everyone is exposed to toxic elements on a daily basis and toxic materials are extremely harmful for natural harmonic cycles. They can prevent such harm to the physique of the user and they not only support but also cleanse and oxygenate the person. Best part is that, aromatherapy essential oils are easy to use and aromatherapy is easy to administer. About the Authorhttp://mikerosales21.wordpress.com, http://www.aromapersona.com ACHS.edu Lavender Distillation Part 2This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Holistic Nutrition Your Gateway to Health. Posted: 29 Dec 2011 08:00 PM PST Article by David Chenault Watching what you eat and in what quantities you eat it is obviously very important to weight control and overall health. Holistic nutrition, which has its basis in natural health and wellbeing, is the most effective approach to both weight management and overall good health. After all, if you eat naturally good foods, you will find that it is easier to lose weight and keep it off while also maintaining good health. Holistic nutrition is 'natural nutriton', foods that keep you well and help to heal any current maladies you may be dealing with. If you have ever considered weight loss for example, you will find that when you eat naturally, you can maintain your weight much easier than trying to diet all the time. Natural and organic foods have far fewer calories, sugars, and carbohydrates and are therefore far less fattening. In fact, it is difficult to get overweight if you eat natural, wholesome foods exclusively. Natural foods and other natural substances like herbs, minerals, and all natural vitamins, have been used for thousands of years to treat diseases and keep people healthy. Many cultures have even experienced 'miracle cures' by using foods and all natural substances. There is much data in Europe and elsewhere, that backs up claims of natural and holistic healing that America, unfortunately, lags far behind in the knowledge of. In America, we have become accustomed to drive through foods, and processed and canned foods for convenience and time-saving. Is it any wonder our health has greatly suffered as a consequence? We want instant food. We are paying the price. The irony of all of this is, when you get used to eating holistic all natural foods, you find that fresh meats, cheeses, fruits, vegetables and nuts are not only better for you, but they taste better too! If you are interested in good health, and you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, then holistic nutrition is the best ticket for you. You will find that you not only feel better, but you are no lo! nger add icted to those high carb, health destroying junk foods. You will feel better and live better by switching to holistic nutrition and an all natural diet. About the Author David Chenault is a Freelance writer specializing in Alternative Health & Wellness. David writes for many other Health & Wellness sites and has several works published throughout the Internet in the Alternative Health & Wellness, Nutrition, and Disease Prevention Niches. You can read more of David's work or contact him directly at his website @ http://naturalhealingtherapies.com/subscribe-to-our-free-newsletter |
Holistic Yeast Infection Remedies Are Simple To Use Posted: 29 Dec 2011 07:00 PM PST Article by Lori Finney These days, when guidance is required people explore on the web. Regardless of whether mastering Arabic, building perpetual motion generators or else wanting to cure a yeast infection a lot of advice exists over the net. A number of people utilize internet based natural yeast infection treatment plans because of effectiveness, convenience, ease of use as well as price. Online based holistic programs to eliminate Candida are extremely practical. Nearly all programs provide software for downloading. Thus an individual has immediate access in order to start treating yeast infections. Furthermore, nearly all programs have assistance. This support tends to be extremely beneficial whenever people require guidance. One more reason web based holistic plans are practical is individuals are not required to visit a physician to get prescribed medicines. A yeast infection at times is hard to identify. Thus many visits may be necessary which is time consuming. Online home systems to eliminate Candida are extremely simple to utilize. An individual could treat Candida by using a step by step online based do it yourself instruction manual. These guides furnish full instructions so that any person can use this technique. People are very satisfied using online programs. Holistic treatments are typically a lot more effective compared to O.T.C. or physician treatments. Western medicine procedures typically just treat external complications. Therefore, a person thinks she or he is healed whenever their symptoms go away. But, at some point the symptoms resurface. This situation occurs since conventional remedies do not concentrate on an individual's underlying problem. Another drawback of western medicine procedures will be when individuals continue to use the identical conventional product all the time, the body can develop an immunity to this antidote. Thus, the problem never is cured because those medications can no longer provide relief. Furthermore, an individual possibly will notice the a! ilment m ay in fact get worse. Holistic treatments treat the human body in its entirety. Therefore, natural yeast infection treatment remedies concentrate on the main cause. Home methods consider lifestyles in addition to food items eaten. Plus, holistic treatments use natural items so an individual's body cannot build up an immunity to those products. By following a step by step instruction guide a person saves a ton of cash. Physician visits and prescribed medications will not be needed. Both of these items are expensive. Since any items used are all natural an individual will locate all that is needed in any grocery store or even on the internet. Additionally, home solutions concentrate on the source of Candida, consequently odds for Candida reappearing will be decreased. A yeast infection is an unpleasant illness. Even though a lot of methods can be found for dealing with a yeast infection, one method stands out above the rest. Online holistic yeast infection treatment systems provide solutions to treat Candida long term. About the AuthorDiscover more tips at Candida treatment, treatment for yeast infection and yeast infection treatment. Self Hypnosis: Creativity Brainstorm Session - Listen With HeadphonesThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Crystal Chandeliers: A Background Posted: 29 Dec 2011 06:00 PM PST Article by Wyatt Fisk If you have tried visiting a lighting showroom, it is more likely that you have encountered a whole range of chandelier light designs and sizes that are on display. Most of the time, these showrooms only showcase a small percentage of what is actually available in their lighting, ranging from low ceiling chandeliers to chandeliers used for atrium. If you are a prospect buyer, by now you might be confused with what to choose from all of these selections. However, if you really want a light source that is durable, design- oriented and would provide you with health benefits, then a crystal chandelier is what you're looking for.Crystal chandeliers loomed during the French Renaissance and were widely utilized inside federal and empire style homes. Crystal chandelier use reached its zenith between the periods of 1820 to 1840. However, the crystal chandelier made a triumphant return during the close of 19th century, which is considered as the neoclassical revival period. Since then, such light source has been used both in residential and commercial areas.The crystal chandelier eventually gained a wide following due to its ability to complement the changing styles of decorating. As a result, chandeliers like this have also changed in terms of designs and structures. Thanks to the introduction of electricity, from the once plant-like candle-holding pieces with corroded surfaces and embedded crystals designs, modern chandelier pieces of today are simpler and are created out of crystals of different colors and cuts. Freed from the constraints of gaslight, manufacturers are now creating crystal chandelier pieces that are both ornamental and energy efficient.Perhaps it would be safe to say that almost everyone loves crystal. The Europeans love its heritage as seen from their consistent use of such gem, while Asians prize it for its magical prowess and its ability to anchor positive energy inside homes. For the latter reason, the crystal has long been used as an important fixture in the context of feng shui be! cause of its ability to disperse, pull, push as well as scatter energy or Chi. As such, crystal chandeliers are acknowledged as lucky charms that induce good health, luck, wealth and happiness.Based from the feng shui belief, the center of a house or a room is primarily devoted to health. As such, this sector of the house is extremely important because everything else in a person's life is dependent on his health including wealth, career and fame. Notably, many feng shui experts suggest that crystal chandeliers are needed to be placed at the center of the homes because a crystal has the capability to send the healing chi energy throughout a room. To simply put it, the combination of light and crystal can transform the negative energy called sha into a positive energy that can be used to improve health.With the perspectives given above, it cannot be denied that a modern chandelier light made out of crystal pieces is a brilliant ceiling fixture at home. Definitely, it will highlight any room where an owner will place it. In feng shui reference, if utilized and placed at the right area, a crystal chandelier can negate negative energy to promote good health. Overall, chandeliers constructed from chandelier pieces are furnishings that can make a home look beautiful and healthy. About the AuthorA chandelier light is an ideal ceiling fixture that has multiple purposes. It serves as a ceiling ornament, and of course an important source of light for many homes around the world. 1.5" Gem Pink Cap Green TOURMALINE Crystal on Smoky Quartz - AfghanistanThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
The Health Benefits of Reiki Energy Healing Posted: 29 Dec 2011 05:00 PM PST Article by Michelle Pysden Are you suffering from higher and higher levels of stress? Does your life lack harmony and balance? Do you feel the need for physical, emotional and/or spiritual healing? All these things can be achieved through Reiki Energy Healing.Anyone can benefit from reiki regardless of age, gender, or health issues. Reiki can help all llnesses and other problems. You can use Reiki for headaches or stomach aches, viruses, tension and anxiety an also more serious conditions such as cancer and heart disease. It can help with the side effects of mainstream medical intervention such as chemotherapy, recovery post-operatively and depression. It can be used to strengthen the immune system prior to surgery or chemotherapy and radiation treatments to improve recovery times. Reiki promotes and speeds up natural healing after a surgery or illness. Reiki will always bring on an improvement and some people credit Reiki with total healings and cures which can be confirmed through independent testing before Reiki and after Reiki treatment. While miracles cannot be guaranteed, nearly all patients report a better state of mind as well as an improvement in their physical symptoms.Reiki originated in Japan, and is a hands-on healing treatment. The healer channels Reiki energy through their hands either by lightly touching the body or a small distance above the skin. The word Reiki is usually translated from Japanese as "universal life energy". The Japanese idea is that all living beings are full of life energy. If your life energy is high, your body and mind is balanced and healthy, less prone to stress and anxiety and more resistant to illness and disease. Reiki can help restore your balance and well-being to its natural and optimal state. It is safe to use in conjunction mainstream medicine and all forms of alternative therapies.Everybody's Reiki experience will be different. Even the same person will have varying experiences from treatment to treatment. The patient may feel hot or cold, pins and needles or tingling, waves! of warm th or energy, or feel nothing. Most people report feeling increased energy levels, enhanced relaxation and an improved feeling of balance and rightness. Patients often experience physical, emotional and spiritual release during a treatment.You should be able to find a qualified practitioner in your area, or better yet why not learn to heal yourself and others. Reiki essentially comes from inside you, each and every one of us have the potential to tap this energy source for the benefit of ourselves and our loved ones. If this interests you, please visit our website for a further study of this exciting healing treatment at http://www.learnchikara-reiki-do.com About the AuthorI have a passion for all things in alternative therapy, always looking to pass on valuable health information. LE REIKIThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 29 Dec 2011 04:00 PM PST Article by Kriz Cruzado The alternative or organic healing has a broad array of therapeutic approaches, methodologies and healing utilized to make each therapy session efficient and productive. Every healing methodology is applied according to the need of a patient. Distinct from the western medical treatment methods, the all-natural treatment procedure facilitates not only physical recovery but also spiritual and mental. GemstonesThese are special stones integrated in various jewelry types and home decorations that are naturally produced by Mother Nature. The stones have positive energies that are able to resist negativity and magnetize all good energies close by individuals who possess any specific gemstone will have a blissful existence. Every gemstone has its very own} positive properties intended to heal or support an individual in specific means. Crystal Energy ToolsThese are a number of tools produced out from crystal stones like the healing and chakra wands, chakra pendants, elemental towers and so on. When form into a special sort of object, the crystal is integrated with other vita l components like copper and other certain gemstones to boost the potential of these tools. The crystal tools various specific designs for various holistic purposes. The main characteristic of these tools is to obtain energy or give energy shield the ones owning a specific tool. Vibrational ToolsThese are musical instruments that make a type of sound that soothes and relaxes the mind. The standard instruments like piano, guitar, flute, and the like are already a component of the healing as long as that they will be put to use to produce sweet and cool melodies. There are other materials that create vibrational sound like the singing bowls and tingshaws - Himalayan sound instruments. When hit, they give a long vibrating sound that is sufficient to unclog the energy lines in the human body. Essential Oils and Aromatherapy SpraysThese are the most typical therapeutic tools as they are utilized in various massage centers and aromatherap! y sessio ns. The essential oils are produced from organic and all-natural herbal elements that help people relax; de-stress; and release the natural energy in the body. Any healing tool is essential in every single healing approach. Although these tools are proven efficient, a person should nevertheless have faith that he will be healed by the procedure he chooses to undergo with. About the AuthorNatural healing is the best and the healthiest healing remedy an individual may take. Kriz Cruzado shares her knowledge on natural healing. Get her FREE report in http://www.betterbynature.com Earth healing magicThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 29 Dec 2011 03:00 PM PST Article by Baline Ward There is a lot difference between holistic dog food and the pet food that you see in the grocery store. That includes a typical brand which is included in the recent recall and also that which is commonly used as meal. More often meals are the stuffs like chicken beaks and other unwanted parts. The cheap brand foods also contain wheat, soy and corn as fillers. These fillers are responsible for sickness and many other allergic reactions because it is fact that dogs are unable to digest these items. The main reason behind the cheap quality of diet is because the products are more cost efficient than quality efficient using filler in the food. Feeding grocery item to your dog will result in regular bouts of vomits along with huge stools that smell foul and they will often do it. The fact is that these products will only fill the stomach of the dog for a short time and must be passed away in order to get rid of the indigested food and once again your dog is hungry. In most cases, dog are over weighted because of requirement of more eating as to acquire more nutrition and protein. People are stunned with the price and cost of the Holistic Dog Food and become irritated to spend that huge amount of money to feed their dogs properly. But they do not realize that it is lot cheaper to spend on the food than to spend on the cost of check up for sickness. Larger holistic food will eventually last long as a two bag of cheaper product. Those dogs that are fed with this holistic brand food not only age slowly, but also have lower rate of allergies and intestinal troubles. Thus it will eventually lessen the chances to visit the vet that results in less expenditure. As the holistic food like Blue Buffalo Dog Food do not constitute by-products and fillers, it will requires 20-40% less amount of food to be fed to your dog than that of the cheap replacements. Allergies are the only cause for the visit to vet and this can be reduces be transiting to healthier diet. You can assume that the diet added! with fi ller and other harmful ingredients cause dog's itchy skin, inflamed ears, digestive disorder, gas and diarrhea, vomiting yellow foams, inflammation in toes and irritated rear end and many more. So as to reduce all these side effects of the food, you can wisely select the Holistic food for your dog. About the AuthorThe author is actively involved with Petflow Company that provides the different brands of pet food at possibly cheaper prices. Miracle Reframe with EFTThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Holistic Spiritual Coaching: Three Crucial Principals Posted: 29 Dec 2011 02:00 PM PST Article by Phillip And Jane Mountrose People typically start out in the healing and coaching arenas with the desire to helping others, and this is a perfect place to start. You can truly transform lives when you become a holistic and spiritual coach. And this is just the beginning. Are you contemplating the idea of becoming a holistic spiritual coach? Might this be your reason for being, the profession that will bring you the greatest possible joy and fulfillment? Then there is another fact that is absolutely essential for you to understand. Your life will be transformed by the things you will discover along the way. To help others to come to wholeness, you have to remain open to the same within yourself. Three Important Lessons On Holistic and Spiritual Coaching 1. You are the key: it all begins inside you. To teach others to open fully to living with the infinite possibilities of spirit, you need to learn to live more fully yourself. As you release imaginary limitations that have inhibited you, you discover ways that you can help others to achieve these same results. 2. Your understanding of infinite possibilities is your your greatest blessing to the world. As a holistic and spiritual coach, you walk along with others on their paths to wholeness and to experiencing life to the fullest. You elicit integration of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual realms. This encourages clients to advance in miraculous ways. Your understanding of their unique genius follows along with them until they can perceive it on their own. 3. The final goal is to teach clients to become fully independent and outgrow their need for you. This means you must know how to accomplish this yourself. With this ability, as you teach others to create and accomplish goals, you can also instruct them on how to accomplish these things independently. Then, when the time is right, they can set out confidently equipped with all the skills they have to have to create the most amazin! g result s they could ever imagine. Does becoming a Holistic Spiritual Coach sound interesting? It should. You are exploring one of the most amazing occupations. Imagine the rewards of helping others to create amazing lives and make a difference in the world. If this transformational profession sounds exciting, here is some more advice. Take steps now to realize your dream. If you decide that there is no time like the present and step bravely forward, any obstacles that seem to be blocking your way will melt before your eyes. The first critical key is simply getting started. Another key is to persevere. Keep going in the direction of your dreams. If becoming a holistic and /or spiritual coach is your reason for being, the only possibility is to go forward. And the rewards can surpass your wildest dreams! About the AuthorSearching for the right Holistic Spiritual Coaching Training and Certification Program for you? Don't wait another minute. Begin now with this article: What is a Spiritual Coach?. As veteran experts in the fields of Holistic coaching and healing, Drs. Phillip and Jane Mountrose have been offering transformational programs for close to twenty years. To find out more about training and certification, go to their Holistic Coaching and Healing Program page at http://www.gettingthru.org/yhypnos.htm. Find out how you can learn from these renowned experts in the area of spiritual development and energy healing without leaving your home. |
Geobiology and Salt Crystal Lamps: Medicine For Our Home Posted: 29 Dec 2011 01:00 PM PST Article by Alexandra Carr GEOBIOLOGY AND SALT CRYSTAL LAMPS: MEDICINE FOR OUR HOMEBy Alexandra CarrOur homes need healing, what sickens our homes?Today, people are continually bombarded by harmful positive ions, whether they realize it or not.These positive ions are generated by several factors, such as, the vast increase of electrical appliances within our homes, high tension power lines and subterranean sources of harmful telluric waves. These subterranean vibrations are also known as Hartmann networks, and although we may not be aware of it, these networks can alter our health and disturb our mental vitality.Since ancient times, obvious links were drawn between states of consciousness, conditions of health, and the places where people lived and prayed.Before building a home, ancient Romans typically let sheep graze on a terrain for a whole year. This would allow builders to see how the sheep reacted to the telluric vibrations (the vibrations coming from the earth) of the site. Many sacred buildings like temples, churches and cathedrals were purposely constructed on grounds that had high telluric energies.In the first half of the twentieth century, French doctor, Francois Peyre, pioneered a new field of study. His theory of Peyre radiation ascertains that we are constantly being bombarded with two types of waves; cosmic (coming from the sky) and telluric (from the depths of the earth). According to Peyre, these energy waves had the ability to harm or improve the condition of our health. He worked to understand the relationship between illness and the certain places people lived in and he attributed these cancerous houses to the presence of subterranean water streams.Several decades later, German doctor, Ernst Hartmann continued to work on Peyre's theory. During his lifetime, Hartmann further explored this new field of study, whose area of expertise was the relationship between a living environment and its inhabitants. He created many instruments, including the infamous Hartmann wand, for measuring lines of! energy, as well as stopgap measures for remedying the impact of harmful waves on human physiology and psychology.Hartmann built the foundation of what would become a science within itself: Geobiology, or medicine for the home.Geobiology is a science boundary between geology and biology which deals with anything that might affect the health and welfare of people in their environment and, more specifically, in their habitat.Much of this knowledge has already been integrated by researchers, architects, and builders. In the past several decades, his successors have expanded upon Hartmann's research and many important discoveries have been made.An example of this newer work includes discoveries of harmful energies which were never categorized by Hartmann. Such as the harmful electromagnetic waves emitted by most modern appliances. Even when they are not turned on, lamps, computers, television sets, microwaves, and other household appliances transmit and magnify this kind of wave.Many apparatuses such as televisions and computers often remain in sleep mode-meaning they are still on and transmitting waves, even when they are not in use.Wireless equipment like cell phones and modems continue to diffuse an electromagnetic field through the atmosphere even when they are turned off.Imagine the effect these electromagnetic fields may have on you, as they are constantly being emitted and, it's their number that makes them strong!Returning to the Stone Age is out of the question and so, it seems there is no place to hide.So, what is the solution?First, there is the principle of precaution. When possible you can disconnect your appliances when they aren't in use.Another simple precaution is to keep some distance away from the appliances when you use them. Microwaves, televisions, and CD players do not need close attention.A third precaution; Salt crystal lamps which offer a practical and genuine solution to these problems can easily be installed in every room in your home.What is a salt crystal lamp and how can they! help?It is a block of crystallized salt which is mined in the foothills of the Himalayas, a mountain range that was formed after the primeval sea dried up over 250 million years ago!They are carved out from the inside, leaving a hole into which a low-watt bulb has been inserted. All you have to do is plug it in just like a bedside lamp for it to give off its soft, calming light which aides in relaxation and meditation and also helps energize your whole body.Natural salt crystal has been credited with a range of curative powers, from air purification to migraine relief to protection against airborne germs.Salt crystal lamps release healing negative ions into the air when lit. Like the energizing negative ions released in the natural settings of mountains, waterfalls, or beaches, the negative ions emitted by these lamps increase oxygen flow to the brain, helping to alleviate depression, relieve stress, and boost daytime energy.These ions also naturally counteract the effects of the electromagnetic waves we are bombarded with from appliances like televisions, computers, and air conditioners. Salt crystal lamps have also proved to protect against airborne germs and can reduce the symptoms of allergies, sinus problems, brain fog and insomnia.Every lamp is unique due to the quantities of metals and mineral elements that they have absorbed which enrich them and give them their delicate tones. Their nature and color vary from one lamp to another but there is one invariable constant: the orange tone. (orange refers to the color range of the lamps when they are lit. Unlit, many appear as shades of pink)Orange appears in its entire range, going from the palest to the brightest, crossing from yellows to reds.In closing, it could be said that, that although there are some who will choose to argue against the curative powers of a salt crystal lamp, most will agree that when lit, this unique gift of nature adds beauty and divine harmony to any room.Did you enjoy this article?Alexandra Carr is the Website Manager an! d Publis her at www.ClayRemedies.comYour internet wellness source specializing in healing clays, salt crystal lamps and aromatherapySend your comments or questions to: acarr@clayremedies.com About the AuthorAlexandra Carr is the web site manager and publisher of http://www.clayremedies.com a web site dedicated to promoting Alternative Medicine Remedies, specializing in Healing Clays, Himalayan Ionic Salt and Aromatherapy. Send your comments or questions to: acarr@clayremedies.com Meditation and HealingThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Aromatherapy: Revive Your Senses Posted: 29 Dec 2011 12:00 PM PST Article by Robert Thatcher The art of aromatherapy had been practiced since the earliest times. Strong evidences were found to link aromatherapy to ancient traditions. Though aromatic oils had been used to treat and cure various ailments and conditions for who knows how long, the formal study on their properties only started in the year 1928. In it's simplest form, aromatherapy is the use of essential plant oils for therapeutic purposes. They are normally employed to relieve a person from stress and a variety of stress-related conditions. And also for promoting an individual's general well being and in invigorating the body and the psyche. Aromatherapy works by inducing the olfactory nerve cells with aromatic oils, which then carries out the message to the limbic system in the brain. Limbic system is the part of the brain that is responsible for controlling memory and emotions. Aromatherapy is concerned in both the workings of the physical and emotional aspects of the person under treatment. Physically, aromatherapy helps in relieving specific conditions trough the stimulation of the nervous, immune and circulatory system. In emotions however, they may evoke pleasant memories. Yet, the medical circles do not agree if aromatherapy in itself is instrumental to the complete healing of a certain condition. But the idea of recovery through aromatherapy is widely accepted. Essential Oils Essential oils are derived from the distillation of the elements of a plant like the leaves, roots, flowers, stems and bark. They hold the true essence of the plants from which they originally came in high concentration. Though termed as oil, essential oils normally do not have the real properties of oil. Some essential oils are yellow like that of the lemongrass and orange and many are clear. These oils are used in a variety of methods: through inhalation, by adding them in the bathwater and by the application of the diluted oil on the body. The use of oil in aromatherapy is only restricted to tho! se with unadulterated qualities. The purest of the essential oils alone have the therapeutic values. The following is a list of the most common essential oils used in aromatherapy. Some of which are used as carrier oils (also known as vegetable oils or base oils): - Almond, Sweet- Apricot Kernel- Avocado- Borage- Cocoa Butter- Evening Primrose- Grapeseed- Hazelnut- Jojoba- Kukui- Macadamia Nut- Olive- Peanut- Pecan- Rose Hip- Sesame- Shea Butter- Sunflower Below are listed essential oils that are not advisable to use in aromatherapy, especially if not supervised by a professional aromatherapy practitioner. - Ajowan- Almond, Bitter- Arnica- Birch, Sweet- Boldo Leaf- Broom, Spanish- Calamus- Camphor- Deertongue- Garlic- Horseradish- Jaborandi- Melilotus- Mugwort- Mustard- Onion- Pennyroyal- Rue- Sassafras- Thuja- Wintergreen- Wormseed- Wormwood Aromatherapists put into practice the workings of aromatherapy in a spectrum of work environments including: - private practice- mobile visiting practice- natural health clinics- beauty therapy clinics- health clubs- hospitals- hospices and- nursing homes. In spite of the lack of formal research on aromatherapy therapists and European physicians are often prescribing certain aromatic oils for a range of complaints including colds and flu, insomnia, sinusitis, migraines, digestive problems and muscle pains. It must be understood though that aromatic oils must never be taken orally and should be first tested to determine the degree of skin's sensitivity to some oils. About the AuthorRobert Thatcher is a freelance publisher based in Cupertino, California. He publishes articles and reports in various ezines and provides aromatherapy resources on www.about-aromatherapy.info. PBR: Shaymin´s rescue operation! (E)This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Aromatherapy: New Age Fad Or Age-Old Remedy? Posted: 29 Dec 2011 11:00 AM PST Article by Art Turner Aromatherapy refers to the use of essential oils that have been extracted from plants, shrubs and trees. These essential oils can be used for a wide variety of purposes. They can be used to treat medical conditions or alleviate psychological ailments. Aromatherapy oils are used as cosmetics. Finally, aromatherapy can be used simply for pleasure, to help improve your mood or to reduce your stress. The essential oils of aromatherapy have the power to affect both your physical and mental state. Aromatherapy has recently been labeled a New Age fad, but the practice of aromatherapy has a long history. The often negative use of the New Age label causes an unfortunate prejudice against a practice that has many potential benefits. The effective use of aromatherapy requires considerable knowledge and expertise. The essential oils of aromatherapy can be applied in a wide variety of situations. They have been proven effective in treating both serious and minor ailments. Even when aromatherapy cannot provide a cure, it can improve an individual's mood. We often practice aromatherapy on an everyday basis without realizing it. When we choose aromas, bath oils, and air fresheners, we usually choose based on what we like, or on how the fragrance makes us feel. The refreshing scent of a pine forest, the pleasurable aromas of herbs, or the many other daily experiences we have with the scents of plant-derived substances indicate that we are actually practicing and experiencing aromatherapy in many ways. The practice of aromatherapy for treating ailments actually predates chemical-based medicine. The essential oils of aromatherapy have been used for hundreds of years in herbal medicine, disease prevention, and in religious and public ceremonies. The proven benefits of plant-based therapies are being overlooked in favor of artificial substitutes. It's easy to forget that many commonly used pharmaceuticals were originally derived from plants. Many also doubt that something applied externa! lly coul d possibly have an internal effect. But the answer to many of today's diseases has been with us from the beginning, stored in the plant life around us. Aromatherapy unlocks the power of these essential oils and applies it for our benefit. About the AuthorClick here to Learn the Power of Aromatherapy. To learn more about relaxation techniques, including aromatherapy, visit http://www.relaxationemporium.com Men's Facial TechniquesThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
How Therapeutic Ultrasound Works For Pain Control and Healing Posted: 29 Dec 2011 10:00 AM PST Article by Bob Johnson Many patients receive ultrasound therapy in the clinic, outpatient ER, or doctor's office yet do not know how or why it works, or doesn't work. This is a general discussion of what is ultrasound and how does ultrasound work. Ultrasound units operate on production of sound waves that can produce heat in one mode yet in another mode create physiological change on a cellular level. Sounds good but what does that mean? If you take your hands and rub them together very rapidly you will create friction which produces heat. When ultrasound is used on the patient in the clinic on "continuous" mode the same type physiological occurrence is happening, except on a deeper level within the structure being treated such as elbow, low back, leg etc. The ultrasonic energy is moving the cells back and forth deeper inside the tissue and creating heat. From heat flows other therapeutic benefits such as increased blood flow which often reduces pain during the treatment and for some residual or carryover pain relief post treatment. Most ultrasound machines can also be set on "pulsed" mode which is when the unit is turning off and on automatically. As an example on continuous the ultrasound machine is constantly on and moving molecules, but on pulsed it may be on for short periods of time such as on 20% of the time the continuous treatment is. The ultrasound is administered to the treatment area for short time period, then turns off and comes back on later for short bursts of ultrasonic energy. The "pulsed" mode does not produce heat. Generally speaking most treatments are applied on "continuous" mode simply because ultrasound treatments are initiated with the desired effects of producing heat within the damaged tissues. Continuous mode is not indicated in acute injury that may have occurred within the past 24 - 48 hours. At that point in time the body is in an inflammatory process and additional heat is not beneficial to healing, and can actually irritate. During the acute stage "pulsed" mode ! may be u sed to increase the physiological responses occurring due to the injury. After the initial injury, when heat is beneficial, continuous mode is indicated for pain relief. Generally speaking the patient does not "feel the ultrasound" and this is always true on pulsed mode. The ultrasound head needs to be moving at all times on continuous mode as there is a danger of harming the patient if the head, with the crystal inside, is not constantly moving to avoid heat build up in the underlying tissues. About the AuthorBob Johnson is owner/founder of MedFaxx, Inc. and has multiple patents for non pharmacological treatment of chronic pain, decubitus ulcers, using electrotherapy and ultraviolet F.D.A. approved medical devices. MedFaxx is an ACHC accredited and Medicare approved provider. More information on renting, buying ultrasound units for home or clinical use at: http://www.painreductiontherapy.com/ult.php?cat=20 San Francisco Crystal Fair at Fort MasonThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
The Wind: The Breath of the Universe Posted: 29 Dec 2011 09:10 AM PST We remember that nature's power is as close as our breath, and we breathe deeply once again. We can connect ourselves with a basic force of nature by focusing on the essential element of air during a wind meditation. We begin by centering ourselves on our breath. We inhale the life-giving force, feeling it fill us, and then releasing it into the world to let our breath mingle with the breath of nature. If we cannot feel the wind right now, we can recall times when the wind has sent us gifts of caresses on bare skin, ruffling our clothes and playing with our hair. We can evoke sounds carried on the wind, maybe laughter or song, or perhaps just the wind's own whispers through the trees or across the landscape of our ears. We may summon up an image of falling flowers or leaves from above, vivid colors set free with the wind's encouragement. We may envision birds drifting on unseen currents with wings unbent, or flags and banners unfurled in the breeze. The scent of a sea breeze may come to mind, or the aromas of freshly baked treats or fragrant blooms that reach us from a distance. As these memories enliven our senses, we are feeling the vital force that surrounds and animates us. We can look to the trees to sway in time with nature's rhythm. Just as we can be soothed by the wind, we know that nature has great power. In a rush it can block out all sound, leaving us with only the beating of our hearts. Wind can even make the inanimate dance and whirl gracefully. With a gentle sigh, the wind has carried sailors to faraway lands and balloons to great heights above. We can entrust the wind to carry our voices and best wishes out into the world, knowing it will be carried to its perfect destination. Releasing these precious offerings to its care, we remember that nature's power is as close as our breath, and we breathe deeply once again before returning to the world around us. ~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM Read More @ Source |
More Than Just Packaging: Aromatherapy Bottles Posted: 29 Dec 2011 09:03 AM PST Article by Bryan Josling By aromatherapy bottles, most of us will construe the packaging for aromatherapy products. Is packaging as important to be written about? Nevertheless, the aromatherapy bottles are different and are more than just packaging. By going through the following section, you too will agree that aromatherapy bottles have a role to play. The bottles serve two purposes. Firstly, they ensure protection of the oil or absolute. Secondly, they add a style element to the simple looking oils. First, let's discuss the protection that bottles provide to aromatherapy products. Aromatherapy products are largely made of essential oils. Essential oils become adulterated when exposed to sun or exposed to direct air for a longer time. Therefore, choose the bottles for storing the aromatherapy products and essential oils with care. Not any bottle will do. Particularly, clear glass bottles must be avoided when storing the oils. Clear glass bottles allow sun rays to come in and thus accelerate the process of adulteration. This makes it important to use the aromatherapy bottles, which are cobalt blue or amber green bottles. These allow very little sun to come inside through diffusion. Therefore, one can store his/her essential oils for longer. Are plastic bottles appropriate to keep ones aromatherapy products like essential oils, hydrosols, carrier oils, etc? This is a question that one most often comes through when purchasing aromatherapy bottles. There are two schools of thought on this. The first believes that essential oils are concentrated liquids. Hence, they can easily dissolve the plastic container. Once the plastic dissolves in the oil, it is no longer pure. The other school of thought is of the view that plastic containers do not do any damage to the aromatherapy products. Besides, they are available cheap. Plastic jars are available in two versions in the market- single walled and double walled design. Single walled is the conventional plastic jar. The double walled plastic jar looks! more st ylish and protects the content from extreme temperature changes. Another advantage of this is that the cream or any other aromatherapy product can be taken out up to the last pint. Style as we mentioned is an important part played by the aromatherapy bottles. Customers request their oils to be packed in exquisitely designed bottles. Remains of elegantly carved bottles have been unearthed from the ancient Egyptian and roman civilizations. These were used to store the precious essential oils and other products. The discussion about aromatherapy bottles will be incomplete without talking about rubber droppers and dispensers. Do not use rubber droppers while storing essential oils. Because of the reaction with the oil, the dropper will turn into gum. There are risks of contamination of the oils through dispensers too. Use airless dispensers for best results. About the AuthorBryan Josling is working with the Horticultural Research Station in Adelaide. He has also been involved with research on plants. To find Aromatherapy essential oils,Aromatherapy Bottels,essential oils wholesale visit http://www.ndaroma.com Introducting Apivita Natural ProductsThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Crystal Chandeliers: Home Elegance At Its Best Posted: 29 Dec 2011 08:01 AM PST Article by Wyatt Fisk Chandeliers have distinct qualities that could make rooms appear vibrant and classy. As they are usually suspended from the ceiling, they could easily capture the attention of visitors coming in your house. Currently, chandeliers can be made from variety of materials ranging from common items like plastic and metals like brass and wrought iron chandeliers, to rare ones like antlers and gemstones. But, chandeliers accented with crystal pieces are probably the most popular ceiling decorations among many homeowners.A crystal is a transparent mineral that looks like ice and is acknowledged for its extreme brilliance and optical purity. The brilliant characteristic of such gemstone comes from the refraction of light that passes through a prism--the same phenomenon that causes rainbow formation. Because of its aesthetic appeal, crystal pieces have long been used since ancient times until today as decorative items like jewelries and contemporary chandeliers. It is also acknowledged for its healing properties.The earliest known crystal chandeliers were used during 16th century and were accented with rock crystal pieces that are irregular in shape. During Baroque period of 17th century, crystal artisans perfected cutting rock crystal pieces for chandeliers, and it was during the later parts of that same period that the first crystal glass chandeliers were made in France. It was in the small island of Murano that the first chandeliers made entirely from crystal glasses were manufactured, and the process eventually spread in nearby countries like Bohemia, England, Spain and Ireland. From here, the designs of crystal pieces used for chandeliers have evolved significantly, allowing them to befit any types of room.Crystal pieces used for contemporary chandeliers could either be hand-cut, machine-cut or hand-molded depending on the type of crystal being used. If you are going to purchase chandeliers made from crystal, it is important for you to know the crystal options you have. This way you won't have trouble ! shopping for chandeliers, since you already have an idea what would best suit your rooms. Below are the types of crystal stones often used for chandeliers along with their descriptions. First in line is the Strass Swarovski crystal from the Austrian Alps which is regarded as the most finest form of crystal and is known for its flawless quality. Crystal chandeliers made from these pieces could either be plain or in fashion colors and are a bit pricey compared to other chandeliers. On the other hand, heritage hand cut crystal pieces, as their name implies, are laboriously hand crafted by artisans through two cutting stages""iron and sandstone wheeling. After the said processes, the crystal is then hand-polished using a wood-wheel sprinkled with marble dust, leaving faint traces of wood wheeling which serves as a mark of authenticity of such crystal.Rock crystal pieces are natural quarts used since times, and usually takes millions of years to form, which gives them their irregular forms. These raw pieces are all cut, grind and polished by hand; hence, a piece would take about a week to be finished. Meanwhile, legacy crystal pieces are manufactured in Venice and instead of cutting they are fire-polished making them more brilliant and luminous, while vintage crystal pieces are just like estate jewelries that goes along with fanciful beading. Generally, crystal chandeliers are truly remarkable as the light they emit are bright and their aesthetic are easy to the eye. About the AuthorContemporary chandeliers are certainly good decorative pieces due to their ability to draw visual interest. Today, chandeliers may come in a whole range of styles and finishes that could complement any space. 3.8ct Silver PLATINUM Crystals - SiberiaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selection, December 29, 2011 Posted: 29 Dec 2011 08:01 AM PST "The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson." ~Tom Bodett Read More @ SourceThai Massage Video 1, Krausespa.comThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Dr. Rob’s 12 Minute Meditation, December 29, 2011 Posted: 29 Dec 2011 07:04 AM PST I take the breath and feel the experience, thy life Dr. Mercola Interviews David Wolfe on Healthy Habits (Part 1 of 8)This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Reiki Attunement the Natural Way to Get Physically Posted: 29 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST Article by shawnclerk It is true that the successful healing of Reiki can only be accomplished by someone who is spiritually unblocked, it is not reserved for Saints who come along every some thousand years. There are a number of altruistic and medical healers alike who have taken up the practice of Reiki. Even though the practice originated in the Eastern culture, Western medicine has begun to accept the practice as a valid form of healing. Reiki attunement is the best option to empower yourself towards the force power of universal life and it leads to respect and protect others. Thus it is said that reiki is used only for the health and respect. You have to be aware that now you are in contact with the natural divine power and you cannot think to do harm to anyone. Positive thinking has great contribution to improve reiki healing energy. When you think negative you can get nothing in fact your energy decreases. Medical scientist is still doing research on reiki energy to enhance their knowledge. Practice can be helpful to give spiritual calm to patient and heal problems with fast rate. Reiki hands are responsible for the proper flow of life force energy. The movements of hands of practitioner in reiki method must be light in order to give the best comfort and ease to the client. Every human being in this planet has energy in their body, but they don't know how to use it in best possible way and this can be made possible with the beneficial effects of reiki method. The steps of an expert which is used during the exercise of the reiki are explained in this article. Firstly step is when the expert lies down and concentrates by centering himself, and then gives instructions to the pupils to do the same as he is doing. The scholars are asked to think about something after the completion of the reiki attunements. Shamanism becomes more interesting when it is combined with Japanese Reiki. It has invented several new facts which can easily assist any practitioner to heal several types of diseases spiritually i! n a very effective manner. Shamanism is typically based on the seven chakras that are present in the human body. You might be thinking of where to find these reiki massage tables. There are number of places and stores, which deal with these tables. You can also take help of internet and various websites with which you can purchase your reiki table. The samples and demo of the tables can be easily seen in on internet.A Reiki massage starts from the head and reaches to the bottom, including the back of the body. The total massage is completed in seven different chakras. In this method, the position of hands is made in such a way that it coincide with the parts of body that are rich in life force energy. The main aim of reiki massage is to remove your stress and to make you feel relax and comfort. Read About natural treatment Also About tennis elbow remedies and throat obstruction home remedies About the AuthorIt is true that the successful healing of Reiki can only be accomplished by someone who is spiritually unblocked, Reiki Energy Healing - StudyThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Crystals Jewelry - A Brief History Posted: 29 Dec 2011 06:05 AM PST Article by karla navarro Looking at history we find that although cut glass was around for 2000 years, it was only in the second half of the 17th century that pure lead crystal came into existence. George Ravensrcoft an English glassmaker was experimenting with ways to improve the luster and clarity of his glassware found that by adding lead oxide to his molten mixture changed the properties of glass very dramatically. It increased the clarity of glass and also increased the weight and the refractive index of the glass. The glass also became very soft and it was very easy to cut this glass without fracturing it. The popularity of this cut crystal spread so much that it led to a boom in the markets in Britain. Eventually it spread all over Europe and America. Moving through the pages of history we find crystals were in use for other purposes than jewelry. Crystals have been in use since ages for healing. When you hold a crystal or meditate with them, place them in special areas of your home, or wear crystal jewelry, you continue practices which are as old as humankind. History of crystal dates back thousands of years to the Mesopotamian times. Lead oxide was used to enhance the brilliance of glass as used today, but applied in different way. This was an alternate to the popular rock crystal which was more expensive, harder to cut and less refractive. Swarovski crystal jewelry is the highest quality crystal stone manufacturer in the world today. Stones are made in many other countries other than Austria as well, most notably Czechoslovakia, Germany, China, Israel and others. Swarovski was founded in 1895 by a Bohemian, Daniel Swarovski, who established a crystal cutting factory in Wattens (near Innsbruck, Tyrol, Austria) where he could take advantage of local hydroelectricity for the energy-intensive grinding processes he had patented. George Ravensrcoft in the year 1676 revolutionized the methods of adding the lead oxide, which brought lead crystal a major step closer to its mass production as of t! oday. Da niel Swarovski, in 1892 invented a machine to cut jewelry stones perfectly. In 1895, he moved his company, known as Swarovski,Crystal bracelets, from Bohemia to the Wattens, Austria where he used the Rhine River as a source of energy to run the company's machinery. From here the name Rhinestone was born. Today the word rhinestone is used for leaded crystal coming from any country though. Archaeologists have discovered prehistoric use of crystals both as jewelry and for spiritual reasons. A striking example of prehistoric reverence for crystals is the solar temple, Newgrange. This ancient passage grave in the Boyne Valley of Ireland is older than the pyramids and was built in a fashion so as to allow the sun to stream through the 70-foot-long entrance tunnel on the Winter Solstice. Its roof was originally covered with white quartz, to symbolize the White Goddess. Crystal pendants skulls have also been found. The Egyptian civilization also used crystals. The original settlers of North, Central, and South America used crystals widely for spiritual, ceremonial, and healing purposes, and served practical purposes, as well. Quartz was traditionally revered in the Far East, especially in carved form. Quartz crystal balls were considered to represent the heart or essence of the dragon. Dragons were thought to have great power, and a deeper meaning for "dragon" is that of a very wise and evolved individual. The culture of ancient India is a rich source of information about Crystal necklace. The system of chakras (energy centers), which helps us to place crystals on the body for healing and meditation originated there. Astrological documents written as early as 400 B.C. contain detailed observations about the power of various stones to counteract the negative effects of planetary positions. About the AuthorIf you want to know more about crystal jewelry,such as Crystal bracelets,Crystal necklace and so on. The Rice Crystal Experiment Part1This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Dr. Rob’s 3G’s, December 29, 2011 Posted: 29 Dec 2011 06:01 AM PST Gratitude: I am thankful for the chance to express myself every day Goals: To share the gifts that I have been given with others Game plan: to create and do the things I want to experience with passion each day Read More @ Source |
Posted: 29 Dec 2011 05:00 AM PST Article by Dustin Cannon Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils with the intention of improving one's physical and mental well-being. An essential oil is essentially a liquid that is distilled from a certain plant. Since the oil is obtained from the roots, stems, and leaves of the plant, it basically contains the essence of the plant. By inhaling and/or applying the essential the oils of aromatic plants, one can help enhance physical and mental functions. What are the different types of Aromatherapy? Olfactory aromatherapy is the most widely known form of aromatherapy. In this aromatherapy form, you release the essential oils involved into your environment, for the purpose of inhaling their particles. You can either spray the oils into the air, or you can use specialized aromatherapy equipment to diffuse its components. In massage aromatherapy, you combine the benefits of essential oils with the inherent goodness of a massage. In this form of aromatherapy, the essential oils is diluted with a carrier oil and applied directly to a person's skin. The nutrients of the oil are then absorbed into the body. In cosmetic aromatherapy, essential oils are used as skin, body, and hair care products. Why You Want an Aroma The reason why you want to get into aromatherapy is because of the health benefits it offers. Essential oils, because of their concentrated forms, contain a large portion of a plant's health benefits. The aroma produced by the use of the oil is believed to relax both body and mind, triggering a whole host of beneficial processes. A basic principle of aromatherapy is that it stimulates the immune system. Here are some of the uses of aromatherapy: As an antiseptic. Antiseptics are substances that prevent microorganisms like bacteria and viruses from growing and reproducing. Some essential oils are capable of killing bacteria; others simply impede their growth. As anesthesia. Anesthetics are substances that block the perception of pain and other sensation. ! Anesthet ics, as you probably know, are often necessary in major medical procedures - it allows people to undergo surgery without undue stress. Be aware, however, that many anesthetics are so strong that they can knock you unconscious. Since some essential oils can be that powerful, you should definitely careful about the amount of oils that you use. As an immunostimulator. Immunostimulators are substances that enhance and increase the activity of our immune system. Some essential oils can actually improve the capacity of the body to defend itself against various illnesses. As a stimulant. In much the same way that music can stimulate our brain through the faculty of hearing, so can aromatherapy stimulate our minds through the olfactory sense. Aromatherapy relaxes the brain, allowing for a better flow of ideas and clarity of thought. About the AuthorDustin Cannon is owner of JustArticles.com and writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more about Aromatherapy Dustin recommends you visit: World Wide Shopping Mall |
Experience Life: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, December 29, 2011 Posted: 29 Dec 2011 05:00 AM PST Hello and good morning to all To get up and do Read More @ Source Swimming Dragon qigongThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
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