Blue Crystals and Gemstones - Angelite Is the Stone of Awareness and Spiritual Expansion
Blue Crystals and Gemstones - Angelite Is the Stone of Awareness and Spiritual Expansion |
- Blue Crystals and Gemstones - Angelite Is the Stone of Awareness and Spiritual Expansion
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Blue Crystals and Gemstones - Angelite Is the Stone of Awareness and Spiritual Expansion Posted: 12 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST Article by Terrie Marie The Stone of Awareness is the stone of the Aquarian Age, the New Age of Spiritual Expansion, acceptance of the Self and others. It is a fairly "new" discovery, primarily in Peru; it is also found in Egypt, Mexico, Britain, Germany, Poland and Libya. The soft vibrational energy of this somewhat pastel colored stone is subtle yet powerful when worked with for an extended period of time. The colors of Angelite cover an interesting array from clear or colorless to white, gray, and varying shades of blue and violet. The color most associated with Angelite is a soft bluish-gray. It is most often found as a tumbled stone, it is can be found in its natural state. Angelite will soothe frayed emotions, instilling a sense of peaceful calm and tranquility. It will enable the healer to deepen Self-Attunement with Divine Source, expand intuitive perception, inner awareness, and augment out of body experiences. When worn on the physical body, it will intensify a sense of serenity, dispel fear of the unknown, and calm the senses. Gifted to all of us through the Harmonic Convergence in the late 1980', this stone enhances telepathic communication between two people who are deeply connected Spiritually and between people in intimate physical relationships. It will strengthen physical realm connections between people who are physically separated from one another. Angelite is associated and resonates with the Throat Chakra, Crown Chakra and the Third Eye. The soft, free-flowing energy frequency will lovingly clear any blockages in your Throat Charka due to unresolved anger, fear of speaking your truth. It encourages forgiveness of the Self and others, releasing all concerned from that which is now behind you. Place a piece of this special stone on your Third Eye and prepare yourself to be "transported" to the Angelic Realm, the Realm of Ethereal Oneness. Place or imagine Angelite on the top of your head which symbolizes the area of your Crown Chakra to expand your awareness of your direct! connect ion with the Creator of All That Is. It can be utilized to create a protective shield around your Auric Energy Field when placed on your desk, carried or worn. This precious stone may be placed in a glass of filtered water, left overnight to charge, re-aligning the water molecules and then drinking the water to instill inner balance, inner peace, a sense of inner bliss. *Angelic Realm Association: Archangel Haniel, whose name means, Inner Wisdom and Strength, will assist you in expressing yourself with loving kindness, compassion and sincerity. Archangel Gabriel, whose name means, Messenger of God, will assist you in speaking your truth, accepting who you are. *Healing Properties: balances physical body, calms emotions, dispels anger and disappointment, releases fear of the unknown *Vibrational Frequency: soft, subtle, free-flowing, tranquil, serene *Spiritual Properties: intuition, expanding Spiritual awareness, astral travel, increased inner awareness and guidance, Angelic and Etheric Realm connection, telepathic communication Angelite is a gift to be treasured, a gift from the Realm of Spirit to everyone who is open to reaching through the veil of leaden physical realm energy. About the AuthorConnect with Angels every day when you click this link from Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady and Desert Rose Healing Arts! Enter your name and email address to begin connecting with Angels! Copyright 2011 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide Amega Energy Wand?This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Reiki Master --- Learn to Become One Posted: 12 Dec 2011 09:00 PM PST Article by M Deskins Reiki has been becoming increasingly popular over the past decade or so, and for a good reason. Reiki, which represents "universal life force", is attainable by all of us. While it's always a good idea to become attuned to Reiki, it's still possible to harness the powers of this "universal life force" to some degree. Becoming attuned to Reiki by an experienced Reiki master will help you channel those healing energies in a more powerful manner. Reiki attunements will attune you to the healing frequencies that Reiki gives off. To begin learning Reiki, you'll need to at least be attuned to the first level. There are many forms of Reiki, but Usui Reiki is the original, and the one that beginners should always start out with. There are three levels to Usui Reiki, and you'll need to be attuned to all three of them separately by a Reiki Master in order to become a Master yourself. You can find a qualified Usui Reiki Master around your area and visit him or her in person, or you can become attuned distantly by an online Reiki Master. It's believed that Reiki is so powerful that it exists outside of "time" and "space", so it can therefore be sent distantly without actually being in close proximity of the Reiki Master. Either way you choose to receive your Usui Reiki attunements, you can practice healing your pets, friends, or yourself. You can even draw the symbols on your hands when you first start out so you can remember them better. Visualize a light coming from the symbol on your hand (work with each at a time) while you're healing someone or an animal. After you receive your final Usui Reiki attunement, you can be a Reiki Master yourself! You can share the Reiki attunements with others as well as heal. You can even go on to study other forms of Reiki to expand your knowledge. Good luck in your endeavors! About the AuthorI offer FREE Reiki attunements, FREE spiritual healing, teaching, magick, etc..Self Help Magic is a resource site for those interested in self improvement, law of attraction, magick, REIKI, spells, psychic readings, metaphysical, paranormal, and more. Energy exercises by a Reiki Master Practitioner #2This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
The Advantages Of Making A Choice On An Organic Aromatherapy Product Posted: 12 Dec 2011 08:00 PM PST Article by Clifford S. Magno Aromatherapy products are some of the most frequently used items in the home and are often used multiple times throughout the day. The aromatherapy products are often used for their calming or relaxing properties and will make the different areas of the home smell more pleasant. This is why it is very important to choose the right type of aromatherapy products for your home and the reason why many people choose to purchase an organic aromatherapy product. The Quality of the Products There are many benefits to choosing an organic aromatherapy product for your home and the quality of the aromatherapy product is high on the list. Many people find that they prefer organic products for their home because of the way that the products are made and the knowledge that no chemicals were used in the making of the product. An organic aromatherapy product is considered to be better for the health of the people inside the home and the ingredients that are used to create the aromatherapy product are often of the highest quality because there is no way to mask an inferior product with the use of chemical agents. An organic aromatherapy product is also considered to be some of the best when it comes to the cleanliness of the product. This ensures that the items that are used with the aromatherapy product are easy to clean and maintain and the product will not ruin any of the other items in the home. An organic aromatherapy product can be used in any area of the house, no matter how small, because the products will not harm the inhabitants of the house. What the Products are Used for In many cases, organic aromatherapy products are used to provide comfort for the people that are in the home. Some of the products are used to diffuse a scent that aids in relaxation throughout the home while some others are used to aid in different health issues that are present for the family members. An organic aromatherapy product can provide many different benefits to the pe! ople in the home and the use of an organic aromatherapy body product can help the people feel better and healthier while they are in the home. Even though an organic aromatherapy product can be significantly more expensive than average aromatherapy products, many people decide that the extra comfort is worth the price and purchase the aromatherapy products that they desire. About the AuthorIf you love this article, you will also love another article written by this article's author on breathalyzer keychain and alcomate breathalyzer. The Ancient History of Clinical AromatherapyThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Aromatherapy and Essential Oils Posted: 12 Dec 2011 07:00 PM PST Article by Terri Atwell The practice of aromatherapy has been used for hundreds of years to reduce stress, affect mood variations and calm. Aromatherapy is the act of using the sense of smell to energize your body, reduce daily stress and improve your mood through different scents and scented oils. Aromatherapy is also used in the treatment or prevention of a disease or symptoms of a disease. Scented oils and essential oils are the primary ingredients in the use of aromatherapy, and it is crucial to understand each oil's unique effect on your mood. Though scented oils are frequently used in body lotions, beauty products and scented candles, essential scented oils are regarded as specific holistic treatment involving aromatherapy. These essential scented oils are all-natural and very potent, and each individual aromatherapy scent can be used for remedy a specific problem. For example, one of the most popular scented oils used in aromatherapy is Lavender. Lavender is used to reduce stress in the body, maintain calm and induce a relaxing state that even helps you fall into slumber more easily. On the opposite end of the aromatherapy spectrum, Peppermint is an energizing essential oil which promotes mental stamina, concentration and focus. There are numerous other essential oils which you can use for aromatherapy, such as Sweet Orange for anxiety, disappointment and stress. Cedarwood is used to help fight respiratory symptoms such as bronchitis and cough, and also for acne and dermatitis. It makes an excellent natural insect repellant. Many essential oils have an added pharmacologic benefit, such as anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antispasmodic, antifungal and antiseptic. Be sure to research thoroughly before using any essential oil. This is especially true for women who are pregnant-some essential oils are considered emmenagogues (herbs which increase the flow of blood to the pelvic area). Safe use of these oils in pregnancy has not been demonstrated. There are several simple ways to use th! e art of Aromatherapy with essential oils to cure daily ailments. For example, the simplest way is by massaging diluted essential oils into your skin in order to spread the fragrance and reach your desired aromatherapy healing objective. Essential oils are very concentrated and strong; they must be mixed in a carrier oil or lotion before being put on the skin. Only a few drops (4-6) are to be used per cup of lotion or other oil. Another way to use aromatherapy is by diffusing these oils with an Aromatherapy Atomizer which is an electrical component that diffuses the essential oil smell throughout a select room. It works similar to a scented candle, but the essential oils are stronger which makes the Aromatherapy more efficient. It is not recommended that any essential oil be taken internally unless done under the direct supervision of trained licensed aromatherapy professionals. A common essential oil, eucalyptus, is extremely toxic when ingested. In addition, some essentials are hazardous to house pets, especially cats. Aromatherapy is an all-natural holistic approach which uses scented oils to energize the mind, improve mood and promote relaxation. Discover what it can do for you by experimenting with different essential oils, and researching the art of Aromatherapy. About the AuthorTerri is a registered nurse. Her interests include gardening, reading British murder mysteries and historical fiction. She also operates a web site called PeacefulBeing: the site is geared to natural and organic products for aromatherapy, bath and body products, soy candles, incense, potpourri and more. Visit her site @ How Can Aromatherapy Help You Get Better Sleep Guide!This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
The Anugraha Reiki System of Healing Posted: 12 Dec 2011 06:00 PM PST Article by Samantha Hall Anugraha Reiki is one of the many forms of the popular Reiki system of healing. Reiki has its origins traced back to Japan where the practice was developed by a Tendai Budhhist named Mikao Usui in 1922. He was said to have discovered the technique after a 21-day retreat on Mount Kurama. After undergoing meditation, fasting and prayer during the retreat, Usui claimed to have received some mystical revelation and was handed down the knowledge as well as the spiritual power for healing. Reiki has been known to be fairly easy and simple to use. Everyone is said to be able to employ the system to achieve spiritual healing of self as well as others. Teaching the system usually involves three parts which are better known as degrees. The first degree usually teaches the basic theories and procedures with using Reiki energy. This energy is said to pass through a channel in the body which can be opened by way of four "attunements" given by the Reiki master to a student. The first degree of training also involves the learning of certain hand placements that allow the Reiki energy to heal people. The second degree of the Reiki training involves the use of the Reiki symbols and how they can be used to enhance healing. Students are also taught how to provide distant healing. This will allow people to be able to heal others without being physically present. The third degree of the Reiki training involves making the student become a Reiki master. As a Reiki master, a person may now be able to attune others to Reiki and teach the system to others. Different forms of Reiki now exist and each one of them provides different ways of providing spiritual healing. One of them is the Anugraha Reiki which is a mystical healing art that originated in India. The word "Anugraha" means Grace, which is considered as one of the five functions of the Divine that ultimately leads to Liberation or "Mukti". Anugraha can also refer to the Power of Revelation. On another level, the word can also relate! to Merc y. Just like the Japanese form of Reiki, the first level of Anugraha Reiki focuses on self healing, self awareness, replenishment and perfecting relationship. A Diksha or attunement is given to help activate seldom used parts of the brain. A simple yet advanced spiritual practice is taught to help transform a person's consciousness and result to deep states of awareness within 30 days. The second level of the Anugraha Reiki focuses on healing others. During this period, sacred sounds are being taught that is said to help invoke positive consciousness. An advanced form of meditation is also taught. A type of special mantra used to invoke the presence is taught along with the techniques for doing healing work both through personal and long distance means. The third degree initiation of Anugraha Reiki involves the teaching of the esoteric use of important Reiki symbols that can be used for different means such as for astral projection, meditation, altering time or space, bridging the worlds of life and death, and easing the transition process. There are two additional master symbols are also revealed. For a student to succeed and qualify for the third degree of teaching, he or she should already be relatively clear of his or her own physical and psychological suffering. About the AuthorTrainingReiki.Com - learn Reiki with Reiki master books and classes. |
Posted: 12 Dec 2011 09:25 PM PST Part VIII A Meaning and Patanjali on Pratyahara Every second you spend looking for something outside yourself is another second you spend away from your true self. –Michael Jeffreys Sage Vasishtha instructs Sri Ram on "Mind" in the Yoga-Vasishtha: "You can drink the whole ocean, you can shake the root of the mountain, you can drink fire, but you cannot control the mind." Sri Swami Krishnananda from The Divine Life Society equates it to binding the air in a little bag is like the attempt to control the sense organs."1 Sage Vasishtha was the Guru of the legendary Spiritual Monarch cum Avataric redeemer, Lord Sri Ram in the ancient Indian epic Ramayan. The "Human Mind" is a most complicated instrument not easy to tame it and very difficult to comprehend. This makes the human being equally complex and the most unreliable creature. The section on Pratyahara is split in three parts. It is important to fully comprehend the importance of this bridging rung between Bahiranga and Antaranga because it forms the determining factor; if the students of Yoga practice will find interest in proceeding further or not. (1) Part A, Meaning and Patanjali on Pratyahara; (2) Part B, Indriyas and Koshas in Pratyahara; (3) Part C, Pragmatic and Practical Considerations in Pratyahara; Internet gives a medley of various versions which are sometimes it is so difficult to evaluate on their veracity and authenticity. I have tried to present a sufficient balanced view of this most interesting as well as the most intriguing aspect in Yoga as well as our ephemeral life. "Ego-Senses-Mind" forms an intricate complex that can determine our 'Bondage' or 'Liberation'. Understanding it can be very helpful even in our worldly life to bestow lasting happiness and ward off problems. After one has worked hard on the four limbs of Yoga, i.e. Yama, Niyama, Asana and Pranayama; we come to the fifth limb called Pratyahara that starts to deal with the mind directly. Put it simply it forms a hinge of union between the external seen worlds on one hand and the vast internal unseen worlds with its uncharted blissful beauty on the other hand. Pratyahara, as translated in English by different scholars has been defined as: Sense or indriya control; Sense withdrawal; Indriya pratyahara; Introversion of the senses; Withdrawal of prana or prana pratyahara; Removing the indriyas from material objects; Withdrawing the senses away from the external surroundings and distractions; Controlled withdrawing of the senses; Abstraction of senses; or Retraction of senses, and etc; like the tortoises shown here.2 Etymologically, Pratyahara is derived from two Sanskrit words: prati and ahara; ahara = food or anything taken into ourselves, and prati = away or against. Together they mean "weaning away from ahara". It is a Wikipedia version and David Frawley seems more to concur with it. 'Prati' has several meanings e.g. a throw, in, each or per, copy, for or print etc, but for our practical purpose, we shall like to select two meanings i.e. 'throw inside' meaning to turn in. Feeding the mind to turn the thoughts inwards is Pratyahara verily. Here the 'food' must be subtracted for mental (thought) processes including Indriyas. David Frawley who is said to be an expert in Indian scriptures and Yoga philosophy; reckons Pratyahara as the most important limb of Yoga even going as far as lamenting, "Pratyahara: the Forgotten Limb of Yoga". He himself quotes Swami Shivananda, "Pratyahara itself is termed as Yoga, as it is the most important limb in Yoga Sadhana."3 Sage Patanjali codified it into his Ashtanga Yoga Sutra for the lasting, divine pleasure of the posterity. It is a sincere attempt to present it in the simplest possible concise, pristine and transparent manner for the beneficial understanding of the global community in the fast day to day competitive stressful life. We are faced with a stressed individual on the one side versus the larger confused disoriented masses with highly stressful communities and the rapacious political leadership which is confronted with the most difficult era in the human history laced with the most destructive war machinery, corrupted mind and nuclear weapons on the other side of the spectrum. Ideology of love has become incarcerated and the hate reigns supreme. Religion has become another name for oppression, intolerance and its warring defence; the religion of hate has to be converted into a religion of love if the humanity as well as this globe has to survive. Under such a complex global socio-religious milieu, a correct understanding and practice of Pratyahara and Yoga Philosophy has become highly relevant and important. With this preamble, we shall begin to explore the inspiring core limb of Pratyahara, its meaning, its why, how and when questions in its three parts. First I shall try to detail the Sanskritic verses as told by the Sage Patanjali in this 'Part A' alongwith some theoretical discussion. I am sure the inquisitive readers will find them very useful with their translations and their esoteric meanings. Knowing these will facilitate to generate more interest and clarity to follow the advanced practices. I have split it in three sections with this very aim. Thought, indeed, is the basic product of the mind. The thought `I' is the first wave in the mind; that is egoism. It is from that 'I' whence egoism originates, the breath also originates. Therefore, when the mind becomes quiescent, the breath is controlled, and when the breath is controlled the mind becomes quiescent. But in deep sleep, although the mind may become quiescent, the breath does not stop since it is the very basic pranic energy controlled by the "Spirit" that keeps us alive. If the sleep is disturbed by the dream state, its turbulence or otherwise will affect the breath also pari passu. In the state of waking and in samadhi, when the mind becomes quiescent the breath is also controlled. Breath is a gross form of mind and subtle form of spirit. Till the time of death, the mind and breath stick to the body. When the body dies, mind and breath die with it but not the 'Spirit', just as the electric current doesn't stop if the gadget fails. Either a repair or renewal of the gadget will resume its functioning. Hence the 'Spirit' is like electric current; it needs a gadget to declare its existence. Therefore, the exercise of breath control is only an aid for rendering the mind quiescent (manonigraha); it will not destroy the mind (manonasa). 'Mano' = mind; 'nigraha' = to control or discipline; and 'nasa or naasa' = to destroy. Once the mind is rendered quiescent, practice of pratyahara becomes easy, spontaneous and automatic. It is an active process to be rendered passive by conscious withdrawal of the cravings for the things that are unnecessary for the requirements of living. However it should also be clearly understood that it is not a process to acquire by sitting on the mat with eyes closed to contemplate on something. It has been seen and observed on certain posts on the internet being shown with photos of a person in sitting pose with eyes closed. Its practice though, has to be a continued dynamic technique even through the sixth, seventh or eighth rungs of Ashtanga Yoga. And further beyond; lifelong for a Yogi. It is not just a technique but a way to live for a Yogi. Once one has become accomplished or established in the Sadhana or become an Enlightened Soul, one will be established into it. You become yourself the Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Jehovah, Zarathustra, Moses, Judas or Yehudah, Tao, or whatever else as an Apostle in your new identity; like so many more Saints who arose in their fields and communities or sects and will keep evolving incessantly. Pratyahara is the thought process that has to be cultivated before that sitting to contemplate. It must be clearly understood. Although this thought process can go hand in hand while the earlier four stages of Yama, Niyama, Asana and Pranayama are being practiced, exercised and developed; thus facilitating the limbs of Antarangas. At the same time, it has to be borne lifelong by the Yogi with a missionary zeal to maintain their competency and the spiritual prowess. Thus Pratyahara constitutes the most important concept for a Yogi but in turn it confers the unlimited boons of spiritual strength that compensates for this trivial apparent evanescent ephemeral loss in favour of greater collossal gains immeasurable, limitless in fiscal or sensual terms. Pratyahara in our everyday life: It is interesting that we live in Pratyahara every day. While doing the little things, we concentrate on it, i.e. we withdraw our senses from other things and concentrate on it, e.g. while writing a letter, studying a book, listening to a lecture, operate or design a machinery, carry out serious researches, drive a motor vehicle, cook a meal and so many more day to day chores one can go on adding to this list. The more one concentrate on the job at hand, stronger is the Pratyahara and better will be the ultimate outcome. Hence Pratyahara i.e. sense retraction or withdrawal is an important and dynamic daily affair. It should not be a cause for alarm to anyone to leave the worldly life of home and hearth to practice it. In fact this simply adds another dimension to our success in worldly life also. It is a universal, perennial and a constant companion in all weathers. I shall discus more in Part C about it. Since it involves the withdrawal of the complex negative traits and forces of Mind called "Indriyas" in Yogic language, a separate section has been devoted to it in 'Part B' for its better comprehension. Senses, Mind and Indriyas are not just quite synonymous, although loosely it has been the case. Withdrawing the senses: Pratyahara is thus withdrawal of the senses (indriyas) from both the external world and the images or impressions arising in the mind (2.54) internally de novo. The senses follow the mind in the same way the hive of bees follow the queen bee. Wherever she goes, they will follow her. Similarly, if the mind truly goes inward in the beehive, the senses will follow racing behind. Gaining mastery over the Indriyas: Our indriyas seem to drag us around in the external world, whether pursuing material objects, food, pleasing the fiancé/e or circumstances related to our daily professional, social, or economic life. Through the routine practice of pratyahara, we gradually gain positive control (2.55) over the mind which obsessively races towards all the mundane objects, sometimes needlessly. This is a further refinement of the objective desires of the mind (2.1-2.9). This should remind us of third aspect of Niyama that is 'Tapas' or penance; another name for the training of our crazy senses (2.43). Following are the verses described by Sage Patanjali: 2.54 When the mental organs of senses and actions (indriyas) cease to be engaged voluntarily with the corresponding objects in the mind, this forms the base for pratyahara. Senses are the gate-posts of mind; when the ego wants to contact the external world, it opens the gate-posts. Ego, notorious as it is, creates its own channels of cognition and operation; indriyas work as its slaves. (sva vishaya asamprayoge chittasya svarupe anukarah iva indriyanam pratyaharah) sva = their own vishaya = objects, region, spheres, realms, fields asamprayoge = not coming into contact with, non-conjunction, cessation of engagement chittasya = of the mind field svarupe = own form, own nature (sva = own; rupe = form, nature) anukarah = imitate, resemble, follow, be engaged with iva = like, as though, as it were indriyanam = mental organs of actions and senses (indriyas) pratyaharah = withdrawal of the indriyas (the senses), bringing inward Definition: When the mind is withdrawn from sense objects, the sense organs also withdraw themselves from their respective objects and thus are said to imitate the mind. This is known as Pratyahara. Defined in a bit different way, Pratyahara (retraction) is that by which the senses do not come into contact with the objects, and follow as it were, the nature of the mind in its unsullied state. 2.55 Through that turning inward of the organs of senses and actions (indriyas) also comes a supreme ability, controllability, or mastery over those senses inclined to go outward towards their sensual objects. (tatah parama vashyata indriyanam) tatah = then, thereby, thence, from that parama = highest, supreme, ultimate, perfected vashyata = mastery, control, being willed indriyanam = of the mental organs of actions and senses (indriyas) Definition: Thus it claims, "Thence arises complete mastery over the senses or as a result of Pratyahara there is complete mastery over the senses. It needs to be understood that Pratyahara works through the mind and the Pranayama works through the senses. Since controlling the senses through Pranayama will automatically leave mind in peace which can be further subdued by practicing Pratyahara. This also explains the necessity for their systematic practice to achieve their full control.4 Indriyas withdrawal is a dynamic mental function: Withdrawing the senses does not mean just regulating the "physical sense organs", such as closing the eyelids or sitting physically still. The Indriyas are a mental function, and whenever that mental function is drawn to the objects of the mind field, there is active engagement of the senses. It doesn't really matter whether that mental object is coming from the outside (such as through the eyes, ears and etc), or arising from the memory internally. It is this internal withdrawal of sensory attention to the mental objects that is the dynamic process of pratyahara. Let us get back to Yama at this stage to remind us "Aparigraha" or the abstention from the greed and hoarding. It doesn't mean that we should not have a house for our living; it simply states to avoid greed for another house. This will put a ceiling or limit on our desires; while living still in our one house comfortably, the longing for another house tortures the mind. This way the surface waves of disquiet ceases and eliminates the restlessness in mind field. This is Pratyahara. Indriyas are senses and actions: The objects that are withdrawn in pratyahara are called indriyas, and involve both cognition and expression. There are five means of cognition and five means of expression. It is extremely important point to understand that senses or indriyas mean both cognition and expression. There is an indwelling witness and an external world, and we ought to be willing to temporarily suspend all interaction (sensory and expression) with the external, so as to experience the depths of bliss of meditation. In addition to temporarily suspend all external contacts; we also want to temporarily suspend sensory contact with the images and impressions that arise in the mental field internally. This voluntary retraction of senses (indriyas) is the pratyahara that allows the depths of the last three rungs of Antaranga Yoga to come (3.1-3.3). Cessation of engagement, not suppression: Sense withdrawal means that the senses cease to arise or be connected to the objects traveling in the train of the mind. It does not mean their suppression, repression, or stopping of those thoughts. They would naturally slow down or decrease to some degree, but the method itself is to break the contact, to cease connecting with the thought patterns. This means allowing thoughts to flow without interruption, while the senses are simply not diverted into those thoughts. Once we stick ourselves to non-attachment or "Aparigraha Yama"; the mind field will become automatically vacant and ready for receiving the next limb of Dharana. Excuses to withdrawing and clinging to the senses: It is common for people to be resistant to withdraw the indriyas, even to the point of wrath at the very suggestion of it. We love to cling to our sensory objects and the senses themselves so steadfastly that we discover excuses to overcome our weakness e.g. might insist that being in nature is natural and a part of meditation, such as listening to music, or that having reveries. This is mere self deception and distorted concept, not abstraction or the retraction. Most of the times, such people have a difficult time in their worldly life also. Since these people find hard to adjust to their inhospitable circumstances that are normal to all of us. They easily get in trouble as these situations are not handled aptly. Clinging to indriyas have to do with the attachment to the process of sensing itself, and withdrawal of the senses literally means the cessation of seeking or craving for sensing the experiences through those senses, in relation to both external physical objects and internal mental objects or images viz suspending the use of all the sensual inner instruments of smelling, tasting, seeing, touching and hearing, whether directed to the outer or the inner sensual milieu; in fact they automatically seize. Dividing line between true meditation and mere relaxation: The willingness or unwillingness to be open to the Pratyahara is a significant dividing line between those who experience the depths of meditation and those who merely achieve some degree of physical and mental relaxation. Very few will opt for the depths of meditation, which comes after sense withdrawal or pratyahara. The larger masses are too engrossed in the "worldly engagements"; they will find it of little worth and dismiss it surreptitiously valueless and useless. Others will pretend, even writing books about meditation, while actually experiencing only superficial physical relaxation after a good round of Asana practice and having read some Yoga Books. Practice reduces sensory inclinations: The repeated practice of pratyahara at meditation time brings a generalized lessening of the inclination of the senses being drawn towards and into the objects of the mind field. As the tendency towards the mental objects decreases with practice, the degree of mastery (vashyata) increases to its highest (parama) level. How desires spoil mind and pratyahara: Always remember that desire, anger, greed and hatred can never co-exist with Divinity; like the two banks of a river can never meet. A tasty dish will become inedible, if a drop of kerosene falls on it. One bad thought or action is sufficient to spoil the spiritual discipline, built painstakingly over time. Have the Divine Name ever in your thoughts and you can brave any calamity. (Least of it will be an exercise to draw the mind away from mischief and draw towards a harmless engagement). - Sathya Sai Speaks, Jan 29, 1965, slightly edited. Thus I conclude this section here and in the next section, I shall explore on the Indriyas and Koshas as it relates to Pratyahara. That should facilitate the understanding of this very interesting as well as the most important rung in the practice of Yoga Science as a whole. References: (1) (2) (3) (4) (Dr. O. P. Sudrania is a senior retired teacher in surgery and a medico-legal counsellor; now also engaged in research of spiritual and socio-political analytical science as a part of service to humanity.) |
Posted: 12 Dec 2011 04:00 PM PST Article by Yvonne Handford Today many peoples energy field is unbalanced and blocked, which results in the manifestation of many diseases, pain and discomfort, depression, stress, anxiety, addictions or behavioural problems. Adults and children alike. Physical illness is an outward sign that the inner body is unbalanced and needs healing. More and more people are now realizing the key to a happy healthy life is through preventative medicine and not waiting until one becomes seriously ill before making personal changes in their lives. Holistic and Alternate therapies such as Reiki, is becoming increasingly popular as it gives each individual the power, to take control over their own destiny in life. Reiki is a self help healing technique designed to assist and maintaining sound health, balance and complete wholeness physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Reiki is also a safe, gentle and natural form of "hands on healing" system that heals the mind, body and spirit using pure energy. Reiki energy is Universal Life Force Energy. The word Reiki is made up of two Japanese words. Rei which means life force energy or spirit, and Ki which means energy. When combined means Universal Life Force Energy. A Reiki practitioner aims to improve the Life Force Energy within the recipient to clear any negative blockages and toxins from the body, which leads to ill health. Universal Life Force Energy is present in everything - people, buildings, animals, trees and nature. Reiki is the oldest form of natural "hands on healing energy" known to man and the process of healing is a very individual one which happens at the given time. The energy of the Universe has healed many situations for millions of people all over the world, and is now regarded very highly by medical doctors. Today Reiki is now widely accepted in hospitals all over the world. The benefits of Reiki are well documented and include reduced stress and anxiety levels, relief of pain and discomfort from chronic illness, assists lowering heart ra! te, impr ovement of the immune system, promoting recovery after surgery and anaesthesia, increased confidence, promotes relaxation, greater tolerance to others, improved mental clarity, revitalises energy, increases the therapeutic benefits of medication, herbs, flower essences and homoeopathic remedies. Reiki is also a wonderful aid for many common everyday illness like colds, insomnia, flu, stomach upsets, bites and stings, burns, sprains, sinusitis and headaches. Reiki can be used to heal people, animals and also objects like cars and computers etc. Reiki is also well know to reduce the side effects of Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy used to treat cancer. Reiki has been used very successfully to enhance the sense of peace in people who are dying. Some Reiki practitioners believe it is necessary to exercise caution when treating a person with a mental illness. The skill of Reiki is passed down from teacher to student, which everyone can learn - no special skills are required. All that is required is desire and willingness to learn. The Reiki Practitioner channels healing energy through their hands and into the recipient either directly or from a distance. Reiki is never harmful and always heals the recipients for his or her highest good. The wonderful thing about Reiki energy it is of supreme intelligence and knows exactly where and what the body requires for a healing. To learn more about Reiki visit About the AuthorYvonne Handford is an Author, Speaker, Soul Healing Coach, Psychic and Healing Master trained in Reiki and many other healing modalities and alternate therapies. Yvonne is a Healer who specializes in promoting the "Golden Keys" to Healing Within and assisting others to live the life of their dreams. Part 01 of 16-Pleiadian Alaje - German SubThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 12 Dec 2011 03:00 PM PST Article by Jeff Clark Alternative methods of ensuring wellness have been around for thousands of years and they have been enjoying a resurgence in recent decades. Holistic meditation, for example, is becoming a favorite among fitness enthusiasts, thanks in part to the increasing popularity of yoga, tai chi and qigong. But what exactly is holistic meditation and what are its benefits? Here are things you need to know: Holistic meditationMeditation is an important component of many of the world's religions and other spiritual disciplines, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Dervish and Asceticism. It is also practiced by followers of the New Age Movement. The term 'holistic' is derived from the Greek word 'holos', meaning whole, total or entire. It is the belief that everything involved in a system are part of a whole and that understanding any one part or component requires understanding its relationship to the rest of the components. Holistic meditation is part of a philosophy that focuses on the view that physical, spiritual and mental aspects should be considered in order to achieve healing and optimum well-being. Only when a balance exists among these three aspects will a person experience 'wholeness' and achieve healing through meditation. Meditation is believed to encourage a strong body-mind connection. By meditating, people become more attuned to their bodies and develop a good understanding of what makes them healthy physically and mentally. Uses of holistic meditationHolistic meditation is one of the top approaches recommended by practitioners to people who wish to use it to address a medical, emotional or mental problem. It is a common component of a system of healing used for patient care, particularly because meditation helps reduce stress, increase calmness and encourage people to view things from a different perspective. As a result, they do not easily give in to anger, frustration, jealousy and other negative emotions. Holistic meditation is also often reco! mmended for people who are physically ill. It is believed that a calm, relaxed mind helps facilitate proper healing. Meditation is also believed to encourage a better mental state, allowing people to relax more and focus less on the negative issues. Holistic meditation is not a method to treat diseases or conditions of the body or mind. The approach is to take care of all interconnected components involved in the mental, physical and spiritual aspects of a person so as to achieve and maintain good overall health. With holistic meditation, the process of healing does not only focus on the disease or condition but also on the overall wellness of the person. About the AuthorHolistic meditation has grown in popularity in recent years. Find out what it is and why it works. |
Pink Crystals and Gemstones - Kunzite the Stone of the Inner Self and Self-Awareness Posted: 12 Dec 2011 02:00 PM PST Article by Terrie Marie Self-discipline, self-awareness, self-expansion are among the many gifts given the unique vibration of Kunzite. It is soft, it is powerful it is self-regulating in intensity, corresponding to the user for maximum benefit. It is a stone of Unconditional Love, healing deep emotional wounds from days long since past. It is usually soft lilac-pink or pastel-pink in color, whose crystalline form appears to have many tiny, vertical ridge-like lines which act as conduits, or channels of energy. Kunzite is a powerful healing stone, calming the heart, softening emotional pain of heartbreak and rejection. It will cause you to expand your connection to the Infinite Source of Love and Light, Diving Source Energy; clearing your connection with your inner-Self, your core essence, the seat of your emotional existence. This gemstone integrates, if you are open and willing to undergo such an emotional transformation, the Throat, Heart and Third Eye Chakra energy centers. Be willing to release blockages in your Throat Chakra, enabling you to speak more lovingly to yourself and to others, encouraging Heart Chakra healing at its very core, empowering you to see beyond pain and sorrow through your Third Eye. Be compassionate first with yourself as you work with Kunzite. It will, in time empower you to focus on loving thoughts, communicating with softer words and tone of voice, which in turn increases self-love, self acceptance. Love is an incredibly purifying energy, penetrating deep into your physical and emotional body at the cellular level. It is possible to begin experiencing peacefulness within a very short time. When used during mediation, Kunzite will center the physical body, assisting alignment of the Heart and Throat Chakras one with the other, in seamless unison. It will amplify a sense of emotional equilibrium. *Angelic Realm Association: Archangel Jophiel, whose name means, Beauty of God, when asked, will assist you in radiating compassion, giving and receiving love! without expectations, without condition. *Healing Properties: deep emotional healing, nurturing, compassion, relieves depression, *Vibrational Frequency: rapid, strong, powerful self-regulating energy integrating inner and outer Self *Spiritual Properties: clears connection with Divine Source Energy, activates higher consciousness Allow Kunzite to protect your Aura from unwanted negative energy, from psychic attack as it stimulates positive self-talk, self-love and healing. Be prepared to heal at an accelerated rate. Be prepared to connect with your higher consciousness. Be prepared to release all you have thought or believed about love relationships whether it is family, friend, or an intimate love relationship. Be prepared to allow all lower negative, painful memories dissolving no longer needed patterns of behavior, opening the pathway before you. About the AuthorConnect with Angels every day when you click this link from Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady and Desert Rose Healing Arts! Enter your name and email address to begin connecting with Angels! Copyright 2011 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide Crystal Grid for HealingThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Crystals and Gemstones - Amethyst Healers Stone and Citrine Stone of Self-Empowerment Posted: 12 Dec 2011 01:00 PM PST Article by Earl Hansen Amethyst clusters may fade in direct sunlight when uncovered for prolonged intervals of time. Cleanse and re-cost Amethyst overnight in the moonlight, pass the cluster above incense or the flame of a candle (use caution as the flame of a candle can produce extremely substantial heat). For further information on cleansing and re-charging crystals and gemstones, remember to refer to "Crystals and Gemstones an Introduction."The frequency vibration of Amethyst is soothing and calming assisting you in growing your conscious awareness, lifting the veil among the Realm of Spirit and the bodily Realm. Amethyst may possibly be location directly on the Third Eye and or the Crown during meditation. It is recommended you start off by keeping an Amethyst position or tiny cluster in your left hand, allowing your human body to become attuned to Amethyst's vibration. When you are ready to expand your work with Amethyst, spot Amethyst on directly on your 3rd Eye or Crown Chakra. You will know when it is time, if you so select, to start working with Amethyst on each your Third Eye and your Crown Chakra's. Do not be in a hurry, be patient when operating with Amethyst, the comfortable soothing vibration is extremely potent and may be mind-boggling at initial.Amethyst may possibly be worn or held, area under your pillow or on your bed-facet table to assist in calming a occupied, overactive mind, advertising a much more restful sleep. When holding Amethyst, the terminated finish ought to constantly be dealing with or pointing in direction of your arm, making it possible for Amethyst electricity to circulation into you and through you. Amethyst and Rose Quartz might be utilised jointly for the duration of self-healing of heart and brain.Angelic Realm Association: Archangel Raphael whose identify indicates "God heals" thee Angel of therapeutic and harmony, assisting the Divine Healer in each and every of us, protector and manual of healers in all therapeutic professions, patron of vacationers and of journeys insideThera! peutic p roperties: healing, minimizes psychological tension, may help in healing migraine head aches, re-charge Etheric Electricity BodyVibrational Frequency: soothing, calming, cleansing, healing, awakening, transformingSpiritual Attributes: humility, Spiritual Awakening, improve your connection with the Spiritual RealmCitrine rings occur in a selection of colours, designs, dimensions, and styles. They can are produced with a single citrine stone or several. Citrine is characterized by its spectacular appearance. At 1st look, these stones look just like topaz gemstones.Citrine is a kind of quartz and can be cut into cushion, square, or round excellent shapes. It can be mixed with other gemstones in the creation of rings. There are primarily a few types of ring designs: chunky, solitaire, and eternity.The chunky citrine rings are set with irregularly shaped stones. These varieties of rings are likely to have a large, distinctive form. The stone can be set in sterling silver, gold, or even platinum. In some styles, the chunky citrine is complemented by one more gemstone, such as amethyst.The solitaire type is made up of a single, solitary citrine stone. It can be set in any metal, which includes white gold and platinum, and have the potential to cut into various shapes. Big giant huge citrine crystal, Big giant huge citrine crystal, Big giant huge citrine crystal About the AuthorCrystal Miracles specializes in massive, normal rock quartz crystal clusters, details, spheres, distinctive and sophisticated sculptures and carvings, mineral and gemstone rarities from all about the world for the discerning collector and fanatic. Isochronic Crystal Activation Technology in Healing CrystalThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 12 Dec 2011 12:00 PM PST Article by Sabrina Rocca Nowadays, Reiki Christian treatments are a definite healing and cleansing option for those who might want them - even for those who belong to churches or institutions that are strict regarding their members' other affiliations, and who are thus wary of any possible conflicts that may arise between Reiki and the Christian faith. With the increase in popularity of Reiki around the world, and with people rapidly becoming convinced of its many benefits, many people across different cultures and from different parts of the world are beginning to consider Reiki as a real option - either as an add-on program to augment ongoing health programs or as an actual substitute or replacement for existing medical programs. Christians are among those groups that are discovering that Reiki is not at all incompatible with their own set of beliefs. This is because Reiki has some characteristics that may be viewed as in support of Christian faith, or at least which may be seen as points of congruence or agreement with Christian faith. Reiki is well within alignment of the proscriptions and strictures of the Holy Bible. For one, at its most basic, Reiki is a healing technique that makes use of a laying on of hands, not dissimilar to the techniques Jesus practiced, as mentioned in Scripture, when he laid his hands on the sick and healed them of their illnesses and conditions. Secondly, Reiki gives its practitioners a practical, easy outlet to express their compassion for others and through which they can work to minimize the suffering of others, if not end it altogether. This of course dovetails very well with the Christian exhortation to be merciful, charitable and generous, and to follow in Christ's footsteps when he healed the sick. Third, healing in Christianity is seen as a spiritual gift from God, and this is quite similar to how Reiki practitioners view what they do - Reiki practitioners seek to open themselves up to divine life-force energy in order to channel this energy to heal themselves or! other p eople. So Reiki Christian healing is not at all a contradiction in terms. And lastly, Reiki is not at all a religion; it is a technique that is designed to combat stress and disease in order to improve one's life. Dr. Usui, the founder of Reiki, fully intended it to be a simple, easy to learn healing technique that just about anyone from any faith whatsoever could use. Reiki is completely neutral in the religious sense. It is not magic in any sense at all. Nor is Reiki a cult, as it does not have any religious bearing whatsoever. These and other such points reduce Reiki's potential incompatiblies with the Christian faith and make it practicable for many Christians. So those in search of Reiki Christian healing can elect to go with Reiki without fear. But not only Christians - people of many other faiths may also be able to use Reiki without fear. About the AuthorSabrina RoccaFor more information about detoxing, health, fitness and nutrition, visit Sign up for a FREE course on detoxing and weight loss. |
Healing for dealing with the very severe as well as less severe diseases Posted: 12 Dec 2011 11:00 AM PST Article by Abe Sharma Perhaps you are suffering from a very severe disease for which you haven't found a cure yet. When many of the medical treatments you tried didn't solve your problems, then you can turn to healing for relief. There are various types of healing for dealing with various diseases. Any severe disease can be treated by healing and its cause, which is to be found in the subconscious mind, can be removed down to the root. More information about this kind of healing can be found on the internet. Effective healing is performed by expert healers. Nowadays, there are lots of forms of healing available. For example, spiritual healing is based on prayer and laying on hands. This type of healing is the combination of intention, healing presence, anointing with essential oils etc. Spiritual healers coordinate the process of healing. This is a natural type of healing. The transfer of the energy goes very smoothly in this type of healing. It is a wonderful, uplifting activity but professional guidance is required. It may be very rewarding. The aim of the energy healing is to correct any kind of dissonance in the subconscious mind. It enables the body to heal naturally. Apart from dealing with the existing health problem, it is also used to prevent them. Various physical activities are used in this technique, such as breathing techniques, body movement, chanting, light frequencies, creative expression and affirmations. This type of healing addresses the sprit, mind and body as an integrated unit. It directly addresses the core of the problem and deals with it. More information on how this works can be found on the internet. There you can find information about centers who that offer this technique. A form of healing in which energy is transferred from a distance is called distance healing. It works very effectively for pain. It works for pain, diseases, allergies, digestive problems, depression and breathing difficulties. Some healers use crystals and stones for sending the energy from a di! stance. This distance healing can be performed very effectively from a distance and might be of interest to people looking for a holistic approach to healing. During the session, the cause of the disease is tackled and can therefore be effectively cured. There are many misconceptions about distance healing. However, just as with the other healing techniques, this tech technique also assures a hundred percent result in a minimum of time. The results, however, may vary depending on the level of the therapist. About the AuthorHi friends… If you want to get more information about Spiritual healers and energy healing. Lapis Lazuli CrystalsThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Crystals and Gemstones - Amethyst Healers Stone and Citrine Stone of Self-Empowerment Posted: 12 Dec 2011 10:00 AM PST Article by Earl Hansen The shade variety of Amethyst is very light lavender to deep purple, nearly a darkish violet-blue. Amethyst energy calms the brain and Spirit improving your meditation experience. Amethyst is identified in clusters, details and wands.Large clusters of Amethyst could be used to cleanse and re-cost more compact crystals details. Keep in mind to cleanse, stability and re-cost your Amethyst clusters at minimum the moment a week. Amethyst clusters may fade in immediate sunlight when exposed for extended intervals of time. Cleanse and re-charge Amethyst overnight in the moonlight, move the cluster in excess of incense or the flame of a candle (use caution as the flame of a candle can create really large heat). For extra data on cleansing and re-charging crystals and gemstones, please refer to "Crystals and Gemstones an Introduction."The frequency vibration of Amethyst is soothing and calming helping you in growing your conscious consciousness, lifting the veil in between the Realm of Spirit and the physical Realm. Amethyst may possibly be place immediately on the 3rd Eye and or the Crown throughout meditation. It is proposed you start by keeping an Amethyst stage or small cluster in your left hand, enabling your body to grow to be attuned to Amethyst's vibration. When you are prepared to broaden your perform with Amethyst, area Amethyst on directly on your 3rd Eye or Crown Chakra. You will know when it is time, if you so select, to commence doing work with Amethyst on equally your Third Eye and your Crown Chakra's. Do not be in a hurry, be affected person when working with Amethyst, the gentle soothing vibration is really effective and may possibly be overwhelming at initial.Amethyst might be worn or held, location below your pillow or on your bed-facet table to support in calming a busy, overactive brain, selling a far more restful sleep. When holding Amethyst, the terminated finish should often be struggling with or pointing in direction of your arm, enabling Amethyst energy to flow into you and by m! eans of you. Amethyst and Rose Quartz may be used with each other throughout self-healing of heart and head.Angelic Realm Association: Archangel Raphael whose identify indicates "God heals" thee Angel of therapeutic and harmony, helping the Divine Healer inside each and every of us, protector and manual of healers in all therapeutic professions, patron of travelers and of journeys inside ofHealing qualities: healing, decreases mental pressure, might assist in therapeutic migraine head aches, re-cost Etheric Energy PhysiqueVibrational Frequency: soothing, calming, cleansing, therapeutic, awakening, transformingSpiritual Qualities: humility, Spiritual Awakening, increase your connection with the Spiritual RealmCitrine rings come in a assortment of hues, types, measurements, and models. They can are made with a solitary citrine stone or a number of. Citrine is characterized by its beautiful look. At initial glance, these stones look just like topaz gemstones.Citrine is a type of quartz and can be reduce into cushion, square, or spherical amazing shapes. It can be mixed with other gemstones in the creation of rings. There are basically three sorts of ring types: chunky, solitaire, and eternity.The chunky citrine rings are set with irregularly formed stones. These varieties of rings have a tendency to have a big, special shape. Big giant huge citrine crystal, Big giant huge citrine crystal About the AuthorCrystal Miracles specializes in huge, organic rock quartz crystal clusters, points, spheres, unique and tasteful sculptures and carvings, mineral and gemstone rarities from all over the earth for the discerning collector and enthusiast. Crystals Aur Hum - Crystal Therapy and Healing Demonstration - Crystal Aur HumThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Types of Metaphysical Healing Crystals Posted: 12 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST Article by Johnny Lawton This metaphysical healing relies on the actual innate powers associated with different types of healing crystals. For example, rose quartz is great for psychological healing, amethyst deposits with regard to headaches, malachite for the stomach, lapis for anxiety, and jade massage beds for the heart....simply to name some. The majority of crystalline supplies have a wide range of crystallographic flaws. The types as well as structures of these defects may have a profound effect on the qualities of the kinds of deposits. These types of, as well, are likely to be cloudy at the end, as well as obvious at the top, sometimes highlighting rainbows or even prisms inside, along with inclusions. Occasionally the actual very will be completely clear throughout, reflecting its advanced condition of growth toward perfection and finish understanding. The entire process of forming various kinds of deposits from the fluid or even through materials mixed within the liquid is usually referred to as the crystallization procedure. Yet another unique form of quartz crystal is the Herkimer Diamond. This can be a greater vibrations or octave type of very. These deposits are only found in one place in the world: Ny. Within clear quartz crystals are usually discovered inclusions, or even cloudy areas. Sometimes these look like universe as well as in a feeling they're, with regard to "As above, therefore below." In the aged instance recommended through the root meaning of the word very, drinking water becoming cooled goes through the stage change from fluid in order to strong beginning with little ice crystals which grow till these people blend, forming the polycrystalline framework. Through as far back as the era of the legendary misplaced city of Atlantis, through the ancient Mayan and Hebrew cultures, as well as including Far Eastern and Indigenous United states cultures, crystals as well as gemstones have been utilized both in religious rituals and as aids to bodily reco! very. How can crystals function? Nobody seems to know for sure. Tales inform that they were very first utilized in Atlantis. Crystals grew to become important to the people of this civilization who believed in their own capacity to shop as well as amplify any energy source given into all of them -- physical, psychological, emotional, or spiritual. Practitioners of modern-day crystal therapy believe that the stones' capability to are conductors allows them to focus energy using a person's ideas in order to promote healing - each bodily as well as nonphysical. About the AuthorTypes of crystals know absolutely no limits or even limitations, and also have grown in order to conclusion on both ends. The actual dual ended crystals teach that it's feasible to be well balanced in the twin expression associated with nature as well as matter. Check out more info about the various metaphysical crystal types here: Metaphysical Types of Healing Crystals Vogel Crystals and Apollo Crystals HOW TO the BASICS and Science of Crystal DNA HealingThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Dr. Rob’s 3G’s, December 12, 2011 Posted: 12 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST Gratitude: I am grateful for the life I live and basking in what is Goals: my goal today is to share the perfection of what is Game plan: to read and write of those that have basked in what is Read More @ Source |
Reiki Attunement - Receiving Reiki Energy Posted: 12 Dec 2011 08:00 AM PST Article by JPG This article will help you understand and learn more about a Reiki attunement, which is closely related to a Reiki certification... Firstly, a Reiki Attunement is like an introduction to the Reiki energy. Because Reiki is all about energy, it is really important that some one who is new to Reiki is first "Attuned" to the Reiki energy. The main purpose of new Reiki students being attuned is for them to be enabled to give that energy to another person. A Reiki attunement can be given in person or over a distance and is usually the main part of a Reiki certification... it is something like a right of passage. The experience of a Reiki attunement is really quite amazing. It can be sensational, emotional, and always quite powerful; something you will always remember. After the attunement, you will find that your body and mind feel balanced, and that you may have more insight into parts of your life that you didn't feel before. A Reiki attunement has a powerful affect on your whole self, improving your physical, emotional, and spiritual health. I can remember when I received a Reiki Attunment. It was quite an experience; something that was very cleansing for me. I felt very tangible tingling sensations, almost like very light electricity. Then the feelings intensified and felt like they moved through my whole body until I felt myself crying out of total peace and purity. There was not an ounce of sadness in me, it was pure joy, love, and tranquility - a peace that I could really feel. If you are looking for a Reiki Attunment, then you are also likely looking for a Reiki certification (they are like two peas in a pod). To become a reiki master and be attuned to the Reiki energy is truly a worthy step to take for everyone who wants to heal this broken world. Our society needs more healers. Here is a Reiki Course that is really quite affordable (considering some prices) and has a good reputation, I found it on Mental Wellness Resources (follow the link for more info). Or you can go right! to thei r homepage, the website is called Don't wait if you feel it in your intuition to become a Reiki healer. The attunement process is not something you will regret because of the peace and wholeness that you will feel forever after. About the AuthorRead more here about how you can Become a Reiki Master. |
Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selections, December 12, 2011 Posted: 12 Dec 2011 08:00 AM PST ~From Wayne Dyer: "A mind at peace, a mind centered and not focused on harming others, is stronger than any physical force in the universe." "Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into." "Anything you really want, you can attain, if you really go after it." Read More @ Source Sudbury, MA Shoulder Pain Relief with Network ChiropracticThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 12 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST Article by Lynn Green Reiki Training is quite different to training in the traditional sense of the word. Although there are parts of the training which are studied or learned, stuff like the Hand Positions and the meanings of the symbols, but at the end of the day Reiki is an intuitive form of healing. And that is why the actual book learning is not the major part of the training. In reading about this subject you will have heard about the reiki attunements and you will have heard that it is these attunements which make reiki vastly different from other forms of training. The reiki attunements open you up or tune you in to Reiki. There is an attunement associated with each training level and there are 3 levels of training. The usual reiki training has a small amount of study, the attunement for that level and then practice. When you have been attuned and as you practice Self Healing, giving Healing to others and meditating upon Reiki you will come to understand Reiki much better. You understanding and ability to use reiki will deepen as you continue with the further attunements, and soon you will be using it intuitively. Intuition is not something which can be taught but most people find that it resides at the other end of much practice and personal investment. So you can see from that that training is quite different to others forms of training. Because this is a spiritual practice it is best learned on an intuitive basis. What you will learn in your training is only the beginning. Although the completion of the third level of reiki is called reiki master the completion of the level is actually the beginning of mastery. How training is carried out. The are many words written about reiki and the various aspects of it. The point is that while it is a good idea to see what others have written, there is a possibility of overload. The small amount of actual written study material in the courses gives the student the opportunity to look de! eply for themselves. As with any subject you might study you will find many differing opinions and different stresses and importance's placed upon those opinions. New branches of reiki have been created by some masters. Others have taken levels out and added other things. So we can see that it is easy to go off the tracks. We can look and see where they all stem from and that place is Dr. Usui. All I am saying here is that if you are going to study the subject it is a good idea to start at the beginning. Then if you feel the need to branch out further I'm sure that you will find many avenues to explore. The Core Of Reiki Training. Because there is not a lot of basic information, learning the basics is rather simple and the basics consist of. 1. The actual definition Of the word Reiki2. The Four Reiki Symbols3. 12 Hand positions4. The attunements5. The reiki principles. Once you have learned those five things you can heal other, heal yourself, the world around you and any other living thing. The 6th element is practice as this is where your intuitive understanding of reiki comes from. At this point you will notice that you are not thinking about what you are doing. You will find that you are simply doing it. As I say much can be added and taken away from reiki training but the above are the basics which should be included in every training course. About the AuthorHere is a great resource for <href=>reiki training. And for detailed information you can visit <href=>Reiki. Tibetan Reiki attunement - The Violet BreathThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 12 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST Dr. Rob shares his daily video… Sudbury, MA Chiropractor for Sciatica & Hip Pain Relief - DThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Dr. Rob’s 12 Minute Meditation, December 12, 2011 Posted: 12 Dec 2011 06:02 AM PST I live in contentment, breathe love in the day Dovid's Kabbalistic TarotThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
What is a Holistic Health Care Provider Posted: 12 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST Article by Ezra Drissman Holistic Medicine refers to the system of health care that fosters a cooperative relationship among those involved and leads toward optimal attainment of physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual aspect of health. The career outlook for a holistic health care provider is good. They make on average - thousand a year. Holistic care is a growing field in the green market. Some other terms associated with Holistic medicine are alternative medicine which is widely used by the public and many health care practitioners, complementary medicine which refers to the non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical techniques by conventional medical practitioners to complement conventional medical treatments like surgery, and natural healing which refers to the use of non-invasive and non-pharmaceutical techniques to help the patient heal. Alternative medicine is usually applied to the medical techniques that are not considered traditional forms of healing and medicine. This also includes the practice of herbalism, acupuncture, and massage therapy. Professional and Personal Qualities Individuals interested in an alternative medicine career should be compassionate and willing to provide the necessary assistance to their patients. Since massage therapist usually work in health clubs, hospitals, corporate setting or in the field of education, a knowledge on basic holistic medical approach must also be considered and studied. Holistic health care providers should be able to look at the whole person, and analyze their physical, nutritional, environmental, emotional, social, and spiritual and lifestyle values. Educational Requirements and Training Certifications To be accepted into a program for holistic studies or alternative healing, schools usually require at least a two-year degree or bachelor's degree. Many other schools offer professional certification and licensing in different areas such as acupuncture, massage therapy, and herbal medicine. Most holistic healers how! ever are self-employed. Their salaries vary depending on the field they have chosen. Holistic healers in the public sector such as hospitals, clinics, and universities make more than those who are self-employed. Holistic health care providers includes herbalists, acupuncturists, and massage therapists. People interested in the field of herbal medicine may start their education by taking correspondence courses at their local community college. Professional groups provide certification to members who have attained a certain level of training as herbalist. A person interested in acupuncture may find many accredited schools in the US. On the average, an acupuncture program lasts for 2-4 years. There are also master's degrees available for students and doctoral programs are being considered at many acupuncture schools. About the is the #1 green careers website on Google. We have the most comprehensive database of articles on green jobs. Whatever your stage of life, we have you covered. Green careers, green training, and green entrepreneurship articles are only a small part of our exhaustive green career site. There are tremendous upsides to having a green career. |
Holistic Healing and Holistic Alternative Medicine Posted: 12 Dec 2011 05:00 AM PST Article by James Cruise Holistic Wellness is thoroughly grounded upon the complete wellbeing of the entire person, mind, body and spirit. Unlike Traditional Medicine, Holistic Wellness follows and integrates both ancient (time-tested) common health and healing wisdom with the recent discoveries in modern biology, genetics and quantum physics. This is accomplished by bring out bodies into a state of balance and wholeness using mind (positive psychology), body (food, drink and herbs) and spirit (beliefs, creativity and connection). This began with the "fathers" of modern medicine, which are Hippocrates and Paracelsus. Hippocrates (4th century B.C.E) practiced holistic wellness by discovering the source of any imbalances in a person and then gently influencing them back their natural state of homeostasis (wholeness or holistic state) using both positive psychology, as we call it today, and natural holistic herbal remedies. Like his predecessor Hippocrates, Paracelsus (15th century C.E.) was the originator of modern chemistry, viewed the universe and everything in it as one coherent whole. He taught the necessity of human beings (microcosm) being in harmony with their environment (macrocosm) and that all of life is pervaded by a life giving spirit. He also recommended natural foods, herbs and mental states that were conducive to healing and bring back the harmony between the person and their environment. Modern biology has demonstrated that although we are influnced by our genetic traits and familial tendencies (Bruce Lipton, Dawson Church, et. al.), we can consciously choose to override our "genetic programming" to arrive at the state that we truly desire to be in. In fact, modern genetic research has clearly shown that our environment, and more importantly, what we believe about our environment controls what genes unlock or express themselves in our experience. This is called gene transcription, and it can be largely be controlled by clearing unquestioned inherited beliefs, or those that are no longer se! rving ou r best interests. The ancient physicians somehow knew about this at an intuitive level, as they did not have the technology as we know it to actually peer into our cellular biology.Modern science also shows that our hearts, as well as our entire body has inherent intelligence "a non-local brain" that gives off energetic waves that can be measured with electronic equipment. This is called the "Wisdom of our Body." Ancient cultures knew this and sought to provide our bodies with a balanced approach to wellness. Kirlian photography has been around for over 100 years now, and clearly shows that all living life forms have an energetic field surrounding that envelops the life form in its entirety. This energy field even shows the complete blueprint of the body or life form (plant, leaf, animal, etc.) even if a part of the physical body or plant leaf is cut completely off and thrown away! Acupuncture meridians have also been recently scientifically verified (thanks to NASA equipment) to exist exactly as the Traditional Chinese and Indian Ayurvedic physicians have stated MILLENIA ago! Hippocrates, commonly referred to as the "Father of Medicine," and all modern physicians take the oath to "Do no harm." He taught the holistic model of medicine, and even used astrology to see beyond the physical to the actual source of the imbalance, and educate the client of potential challenging energies that may affect the patient's future health. His foundation was based upon nature (sunlight, exercise, and wholesome foods) as well as fresh air and clean water. Paracelsus also used metaphysics and alchemy in his successful healing practice. These foundation of holistic wellness are still very relevant today (as can be seen by few people truly experiencing complete healing of anything), but no longer being followed by the majority of Allopathic (Modern) medicine's physicians. They do take the Hippocratic Oath to first do no harm; unfortunately much harm is done, although usually unintentionally, I sincerely hope. P! aracelsu s, the great physician, was also a metaphysician like Hippocrates and Galen before him. Naturopathic (pertaining to nature) and Holistic (pertaining to wholeness and balance) medicine should be the cornerstone of any intelligent physician's practice as it is, and has always been, the beginning or origin of optimum health and wellness.Naturopathic and Holistic medical physicians and practitioners seek to find the source of imbalance in the whole person and recommend changes that bring the person back to a state of optimum health, on all levels. That is they treat the person, not the illness. This is a very important distinction as we will show you as we go along in this website. This is accomplished first through a state of being (we are human Beings, not human Doings) finding the source of dis-ease (the absence of a state of ease, our natural state) and coming into alignment with our body's wisdom. As Albert Einstein stated, we must solve the dis-ease or disturbance (problem) at a higher level than its manifestation. Modern medicine keeps focused on treating the "effect" and rarely ever arrives at the "cause" of the effect. If you treat the illness but not the cause - your condition will surely return. That's why most cancers return because we keep killing the effect but not even touching the cause. The spiritual, mental, emotional and environmental levels must be been brought back to wellness and balance first. That's exactly why we are here. So, join us on a journey that will bring health and happiness back into your own control, you can do it, and we can help! About the AuthorJames is a lifelong student and advocate of holistic health, fitness, nutrition and spirituality and fully embraces the unity of all life. Let James help you plot the course you choose and learn to "smell" and "reap" the roses (whatever kind they may be) along your path. You can check out his new Optimum Wellness website here. |
Bask In What Is: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, December 12, 2011 Posted: 12 Dec 2011 05:00 AM PST Hello and good morning to all The perfection of life, in all that is life Read More @ Source Gabriel's Soundhealing is Awakening the BayThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Rhythmic Rest: Natural Cycles Of Sleep Posted: 12 Dec 2011 04:00 AM PST Our bodies are naturally encoded to respond to light and dark and sleeping with the rhythms of Mother Nature. The human body evolved to fall asleep soon after the descent of night's curtain and to wake with the appearance of the dawn. Sleep cycles were governed by patterns of light and darkness for thousands of years, meaning that for much of history, humanity has enjoyed nine of more hours of sleep each night. Our bodies are naturally encoded to respond to light and dark and sleeping with the rhythms of Mother Nature. In the present, artificial light has changed the way we schedule our day-to-day lives, and most of us slumber for less than seven hours at a stretch. It is possible, however, to come back to natural sleeping cycles by making a few small changes. When our bodies and minds are attuned to the world's natural rhythms, we feel calmer, more centered, and more energetic while awake. Sleep is more satisfying because we afford ourselves more than enough time for restoration and rejuvenation. Our reliance on indoor lighting further compounds our disassociation from the natural cycles of light and darkness that would otherwise preside over our sleep. You can mimic the passage of the day by changing the quality of the light. Sleeping without heavy drapery or shades is best so you can wake up with the sun. If sleeping by a window without a curtain is not an option, a dawn simulator lamp imitates the sun by growing steadily brighter with the coming of the height of morning. You will likely discover that changing your sleep patterns to be in sync with the daily cycle of light and darkness is easy and that you feel more alive when your sleeping and waking rhythms are in alignment to those of the earth. Nature's own phases will be your guide to wellness, granting you more waking hours in the summertime when you will benefit greatly from spending time outside and ensuring you get plenty of sleep in the winter when you likely need it most. ~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM Read More @ SourceLeija on Emotional EatingThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Your Energy System Revitalized With Reiki Healing Posted: 12 Dec 2011 04:00 AM PST Article by Zara Makiva With the initiation of Reiki into a person's life, one is going to face several changes in his life; like the world once hell for him can change to heaven free from stress and full of relaxing air. The world which has been stressful for them might change to a world of peace to relax and put forth it in a much easier way. This allows the body for equilibrating with the surroundings. Reiki healing energy is non-invasive. It deals with focusing on the higher self as a means of promoting good health and general well-being. Bringing complete balance to your life can benefit the whole body, mind and spirit. Under the reiki healing the Reiki guru touches the subject undergoing Reiki with his subtle touch of hands; this allows the person to receive the warm and gentle energy called the "God Force". This is often transferred to the ailing individual through simple intention and will. Reiki energy is pure and loving and has only the desire to help by healing. It works by promoting wellness on a conscious and emotional level. Many people often claim Reiki's wonder that when they have certain incurable ailments, Reiki's the one which may cure him or her to the healthy state. The events of life may sometime block certain healthy happenings to our life. These may be due to instances like negative energy, improper food habits, depressing relationship and even the lack of self confidence to cure up from those ailments. Instant health benefits can be realized, when Reiki is introduced during these times. Reiki healing can make physical benefits become more apparent, when it is used for a remedial cure. The reasons for this can be tied to the relief of stress and tension, making it easier to relax and a good night's sleep is easier to obtain. These healing benefits contribute to better overall healing, as blood pressure is lowered and pain subsides. It is not unusual to become full of energy and health problems can quickly be eliminated. The therapy works more effectively ! when the re applies a direct source of energy between the therapist and the subject with a relaxing atmosphere. When the body gets fully stressed out of monotonous objectives and awareness, it gets impossible for it to work for Reiki. Often this pessimistic thoughts and objectives associated with life bring out complication in bringing Reiki under control. The advantage that it reduces stress is not only the thing that people rely upon, but there are several other reasons why people gets to heal out from long day incurable disease within few days through Reiki. This claim may be associated with the full cascade of energy that Reiki brings along with it for contributing to the healing process. It has extreme capabilities to turn pessimistic thoughts into optimistic. It's a guarantee from the Reiki therapists that the patient in no time gets to notice the signs of changes from negative to positive. During a regular Reiki healing experience, the individual is placed into a low lit and relaxing setting. In some cases scents and soft music might be playing to help the individual achieve a greater level, of relaxation. The process tends to work best when there is an increase in relaxation. Fearing of modern medicine is very common among traditional people; so for them Reiki's a good option. This helps in natural healing. When accompanied with modern medicine gives maximum results. This creates a peaceful approach as there remains no relying on lack of treatment from mentally trusted source. The remarkable fact of this theory is that humans are not only its patients but other living creations too can recover under its Midas touch. It is proved that every other creation is bound to get the maximum level of healing undertaking the process of Reiki. The importance is to recognize the process's traditionalism for this is going on for centuries. It's not a new age concept. So if you are looking for Reiki healing embrace it with open arms and mind. Remove away the negative distractions that can a! ctually inhibit the process from obtaining successful results. So before you start to look for a Reiki therapist, go for someone who is an expert in it, make sure he is an experienced and a skilled because its depth of understanding is very compact and easier than most other processes; leaving most of people pursuing it. So search for the right one to ensure good results. About the AuthorLook at the exciting world of reiki chakra balancing with the popular website. Learn about reiki attunement. Visit here and get 29 FREE audios, ebooks and videos. |
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