How to practice perfect meditation

How to practice perfect meditation

How to practice perfect meditation

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 08:00 AM PST

Article by Neeta

It is said that through meditation, we come face to face with our soul. Self actualization dawns upon us and we sort of get rejuvenated. There are many ways through which one can go about meditation. One cannot learn or for that matter unlearn meditation in a day, a week or for that matter a month.To achieve perfect synchronization of mind, body and thoughts, one requires lots of patience, practice and purity of thoughts. Mere closing of eyes and letting your mind wander around is not mediation. A dishonest and perverted mind, selfish and immature individual can never achieve that perfect symphony which is prerequisite for meditation.

The theory goes other way round as well. If one is not trying even then one will never be able of have purity of mind and thoughts. So the important thing is to understand the benefits of meditation and seriously go about realizing the same. There are some basic steps which will help one in concentrating.

* Morning time is best but you can also choose the evening time when you get back from work. Choose one corner of your room with your face facing east. * Take out a white square cloth. White relates to serenity. If possible cross or fold your legs. If even that is not possible, sit on a chair which has white sheet of cloth spread over it. * Close your eyes and start concentrating on your breathing. Visualize air going through your nostrils, wind pipe, entering in to your lungs. Feel your diaphragm going up and down. * Try concentrating on breathing only. * Now as you inhale start counting from one to ten. * As you exhale now start counting from ten to one. * Repeat at least ten time to start with. * Enhance the time duration as you progress from days to weeks to months.

Benefits will be discernible, once you religiously practice it up for a month. You may find yourself more composed, balanced and better prepared for problems. You may also be able get over your anxieties and be in control of your feelings and emotions. Once you program yourself, y! ou can e ven meditate while you are traveling in an aircraft, bus or before going to sleep.

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Management consultant, environmentalist and avid writer contributing to many forums and websites. Qualified Civil Engineer with MBA in Marketing.Certified Energy Manager, Lead Assessor in OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001.

Beat The Blues With Yoga

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST

Article by Alex Smith

The kids are out of control, your job is a hassle and to top it all off, you have no time for yourself. If anyone told you that you could reach a state of physical and emotional bliss, you'd say they were nuts. But believe it or not, you can beat the blues with yoga!

Yoga is a great mood enhancer that requires no drugs or medications. Like all forms of exercise, yoga releases hormones that help ease feelings of stress that often lead to the blahs, blues, or outright depression. Being active keeps your mind away from negative thoughts, and allows you to gain a greater and clearer perspective on the problems you are facing. People who are depressed, or simply feeling "down", often lack the motivation to exercise. That's why yoga can be such a great option. It takes far less effort to complete yoga routine as it takes to out to a video or drive to the gym.

A word of warning; if you suffer from more than just the occasional bout of the blues, and feel down for more than two weeks at a time, you should seek professional advice. A doctor or therapist may feel that you need a combination of medication or therapy with exercise.

When you're feeling down, it's hard to think positively. People who are depressed often lack the concentration to detach themselves from their thoughts. Yoga is a "moving meditation", so it is easier to take your mind away from negative thoughts. Our essential inner nature can be blocked by negative thoughts. Apathy, despair, doubt, hopelessness and sleeping too much or too little are all signs of depression that must be addressed. Yoga is designed to bring you closer to your inner truth, naturally helping with some of the symptoms of depression. With a focus on balance, yoga can help to restore mental stability.

There is a definite connection between mind, body and spirit that indicates people can beat the blues with yoga. No other form of exercise alone can achieve these same benefits. Certain Asana yoga postures can influence your mood and help to rel! ieve dep ression, although Asana can cure depression altogether. Asana postures can help increase low energy levels and relieve lethargy. They are also helpful in opening lung capacity to allow more oxygen to reach all parts of your body, and even your mood. Ask your yoga instructor to help you learn the postures that will balance your moods.

It's also possible to beat the blues with yoga because of the calming effects yoga has on the nervous system. Proper breathing techniques are important elements to practicing yoga, as these can help curb your anxiety and quiet your thoughts, allowing you to concentrate on positive rather than negative energies. As you learn more about yoga, you'll come to understand the connection between your mind and your emotions, and you'll find that they can help each other.

If you think you may be suffering with severe depression, seek professional advice. Yoga is a drug-free alternative that can be safely practiced in conjunction with any medication or therapy your doctor orders. Some yoga routines are specifically designed to alleviate depression and taught by instructors who have been extensively trained to understand the most therapeutic positions.

Even performing the most basic yoga routines can help lift your spirits. While not physically demanding like other forms of exercise, yoga will make you feel much better at the end of a session. Try it and you'll find that you can beat the blues with yoga!

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Yoga Retreats - Fitness and Fun

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST

Article by James William

Yoga is an ancient time art of practicing of physical poses. A large number of people are passionate about yoga and its benefits. It increases body strength and flexibility, ability to relax and gives peace to the mind, body and soul. People can have more fun with yoga by attending yoga retreats and wellness programs.

Yoga Retreats are places which brings you the widest range of sojourns at one place. This is the only place which acts as a platform for the people to share their passion for yoga and its benefits. Companies, who organise retreats as well as wellness programs, also organise Yoga Holidays and accommodations as a package from all over the World. They attempt to categorize arrangements according to environmental preferences i.e. one can select Retreats or Retreat Centres based on her location choice, retreat theme such as yoga / spiritual / detox, opt for specific types of Yoga, etc. Plus, they give a person the opportunity to enjoy scenic surroundings, as many yoga retreats are located in beautiful locations around the world.

Yoga Holidays are the ideal way to relax and recharge. They help in widening the awareness and knowledge about yoga among people. Many showcases are being organised about these retreats to spread yoga throughout the world in an organized manner. As a result, people are waking up to the fitness and fun element of yoga. Yoga helps in reducing stress, boosting stamina, blood circulation and immunity, enhancing mental power, etc. Yoga can help on successfully recover from serious sicknesses and disabilities.

Another important benefit of taking Yoga Holidays is that people get a break from their daily routine as they go out in different, exotic locations and this makes them feel completely rejuvenated. The yoga trainers guide people in a proper system and make them feel comfortable in practicing yoga. They share and communicate the ancient knowledge of Western and Eastern traditions through the healing power of yoga and meditation with people. These! wellnes s programs further enhance the fun by offering other facilities like walking, cycling, excursions, etc. They may include instructions on breathing, chanting, and meditation. This results in huge benefits like correcting metabolic disorders, overcoming stress and mind behaviours that seem beyond your control, and changing firmly entrenched attitudes or personality disorders.

About the Author

James William is an expert author who mainly writes articles on yoga. He is providing useful information on Yoga Retreats and Yoga Holidays.

Swami Ramdev Yoga Tips for All Ailments and Common Illnesses

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 05:00 AM PST

Article by stee vaustin

Yoga is actual benign for your accomplished physique if it is done appropriately and regularly. Every one has the active agenda in this fast life. No one has the time to go for medicine, doctor and physique affliction centers. Therefore yoga now a day is demography acceptance to accumulate the physique anxiety and abroad from disease.

It is actual important to accept the able and appropriate advice afore traveling for yoga. Yoga is accustomed and has no ancillary furnishings on body. Yoga is age-old art of befitting physique fit and healthy. You will acquisition no charge to go to the doctor if you affiance for approved convenance of yoga. It will advance your mental, concrete and airy power.

Yoga for Hair Loss


Apart from practicing these yogas, one can try bulletin analysis for hair accident problems. You can yield 3-5 account of affable arch bulletin by application your fingertips, which will advance claret breeze to hair follicles and advice hair growth.

Divya Kesh Tail (Hair Oil for Hair Loss, Dandruff and Headache), which is produced by Swami Ramdev's Divya pharmacy, can be a abundant cure for hair accident problems. This oil has capacity like Bhringa-raja, Brahmi, Amalakl (Amala), Shweta Chandana & added constituents.

Yoga during Pregnancy

Cat Pose: Cat aspect is benign for the aback and lower back. Abundant mothers generally acquaintance acute affliction in these areas. This affectation increases adaptability of the aback and back.

Heroine Pose: This is the lot of recommended aspect accouterment abatement during abhorrence and indigestion.Yoga has solutions for every blazon of physical, psychological, affecting and airy ailments. Yoga postures are primarily accession contest that accommodate backbone and access adaptability in muscles. They as well absolution astriction that has accumulated in amid base alternating the spine.

These postures as well accommodate alleviation to basic in rib cage, high chest, close and should! ers. Sin ce yoga postures crave able alignment of the body, they are not at all adverse to the mother and body.

Other allowances of yoga cover added claret apportionment to the uterus, easier movement of the diaphragm, abating able amount of respiration, abbreviation brainy accent and announcement abundance and calm in abundant women. Yoga teaches how to absolution astriction and binding in the uterus application breathe, an address that is badly benign during activity and delivery.

Yoga for Thyroid

Yoga for thyroid afflicted patents involves a accurate affectation as an exercise. This is as well anticipation to be an abundant account to accord acquittal from thyroid disease. The affectation is accepted as sarvangasan or accept stand.

To activate with assuming yoga accept stand, the accommodating lays collapsed on his back. With legs artificial together, he raises them till they anatomy an appropriate bend to his shoulder. Thereafter, with button tucked to chest, he rests his physique weight assimilates accept and elbows. Arms continued to abutment his hips. This yoga exercise goes for some time until the apparent becomes able to do accept bend for a abounding two minutes.

The thyroid gland is an arch allotment amenable to accumulate actual adjustment of concrete weight and active look. Yoga stimulates the thyroid gland to accredit its action at its abounding efficiency. Alternating with the thyroid gland, the pituitary gland as well gets angry appropriately consistent acceptable advance to physique function.

In accession to Sarvangasana, there are added Asanas accustomed for abating thyroid such as Naukasana, Uttanpadasana, Matsyasana and Yashtikasana. They are accepted to accompany alternating bigger achievement and quick alleviate to thyroid patients.

About the Author

Read more useful Yoga DVD . Also know effective Asanas and Ramdev Baba Medicines

Yoga Shakti - Yoga for Diabetic Patient - Diabetes Cure

Yoga can help a diabetic patient to recover fast and its good to hear as diabetes has become the major health concern of new age. Yoga expert explains in this episode the benefits of the combo of Ardhmatyasendrasan Shashankasan and Tratak Kriya. All these postures are taught with sufficient elaboration. This combo bring back the pancreas to the healthy mode increase flexibility calms down the mind and improves the vision.Subscribe NOW to get daily updates on many such useful videos and At-Home Tips

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Meditation Keeps You healthy and Happy and That's a Fact

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 04:00 AM PST

Article by Margaret Stockley

Meditation keeps you healthy and happy and that's a fact!

Simply put, how you think becomes how you feel.

Your thoughts impact your immune system whether you are conscious of this or not. Negative thinking is a trait that is learned. It is a habit.

Positive thinking is also a habit and can be learned and reinforced through meditation. Meditation brings the brain waves into alpha rhythm where you experience a feeling of well-being and calmness. The brain likes this feeling so each time you meditate you create a positive response within the mind. Gradually you look forward to and make time for your meditation sessions. In turn, you become happier for longer and longer until you retain a feeling of contentment within you.

Neuropeptides are chemicals that are produced by the brain in varying amounts depending on how you are feeling. When you are angry or sad, you inhibit your ability to fight infection or remain optimistic or in control of your life, resulting in poorer choices relating to finances and relationships. You are more likely to become sick for longer periods of time and stress increases to the point that it can become chronic.

When you are happy you increase specific cells in the body that fight infection demonstrating in a very simple way that the immune system responds to the way that you think. Relationships improve because you are someone that people want to be around. In turn, your happiness becomes infectious and people are happy in your company.

Meditation is clinically proven to maintain a positive mental state keeping you happy and healthy so that you can be a beacon of light to others.

Like all things in life you have a choice. Happy or sad?

Meditation is the Healthy, Wealthy and Really Smart way to live.

About the Author

Margaret teaches TriYoga and Meditation and has a daily meditation blog She owns her own studio and publishes a free weekly meditation newsletter available at

Sleep Meditation 60 Minutes 1 Hour Ocean Hard Rain HD 5 gig Monsoon of 2010 Nature Sounds Relaxing

WATCH IN FULL HD STEREO 1080P This video took 1 Hour to Shoot, 3 Hours to Render in Full HD and almost 5 Hours to Upload because it's a 5 Gigabyte File. Please share and embed. I like Sleep and Meditation Videos. HiDef Video and Audio Stereo Audio and Full 1080P HD Video Relaxation Meditation Video 60 Minutes Video 60mins 1 Hour Ocean and Heavy Hard Rain HD Audio Video 5 gig Monsoon of 2010 Weather Report Los Angleles California Nature Sounds Relaxing Once video is porcessed watch in 1080P Full HD video and audio Stereo 60 Minutes one hour video 1 hr long 60mins meditation sleep video water water sounds waterfall sounds California highdef natural sounds peaceful sounds tranquil sleep sounds white noise insomnia insomnia video yt:quality=high YouTube Partners can upload unlimited length of videos basically. I have done even 2 hours videos before. Most people now can do 10 or 15 Minutes they expanded the time for all so it's great.

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The loose Yoga technique

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 03:00 AM PST

Article by Yonanda

Bed Time Yoga to Help you Sleep Do you have trouble relaxing at night? Try this sequence of yoga poses before you go to sleep, to calm your nerves and invoke relaxation. Remember to breath deeply and relax into each pose. Love, Light and Namaste, Dashama ERYT, CPT, BAC, CTYT Follow me on http Join me on Check out my photos on Subscribe to this channel on Author "Journey to Joyful" CEO Perfect 10 Lifestyle Creator Pranashama Yoga Institute Creator Global 30 Day Yoga Challenge http Creator Renew You ~ 30 Days to Fit and Fabulous Creator Yoga for Foster Children & Orphans http Join our Holistic Health Referral Network and Earn 10-50%! Spokesmodel for Om Shanti Clothing, Omgym & Junior Drake http "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit." Aristotle

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How to Become a Psychic through Meditation

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 02:00 AM PST

Article by Thom Sanders

Many psychics have a natural gift that allows them to see things the rest of us can't, yet some of their techniques and abilities can be learnt by anyone. Psychometry is a psychic ability that some may not have heard of yet many of us have seen performed either in real life or in the movies. Psychometry is the ability to gain information through touching or holding an object. Many people will be lucky enough to have a naturally affinity for this while others can learn to gain these psychic abilities through some simple techniques.

There are a number of different methods people use to develop psychic abilities, one of the most popular and beneficial ways is through meditation. Meditation helps you to clear your mind and allow yourself to reach a higher state on consciousness. While holding an object meditation allows you to clear your mind of all other thoughts and allow the information from the object to come through clearly.

While meditating with an object it is important to keep positive, believe in the process and keep your mind open. Think of this psychic ability as merely a hidden sense that you already possess and are simply unearthing, keep faith that you can do this and you can read this object.

To start the process, begin using a simple meditation technique to relax the mind and body. Keep your mind clear of all other thoughts. When you feel you are ready hold an object you are not familiar with and continue your meditation. Now anything that pops into your mind should be information coming from the object, try to concentrate on this information.

The information from the object may come in many forms such as images, thoughts or even emotions that may bring feelings of joy or feelings of sadness. Go with your first thoughts and gut feelings as the meditation has allowed you to enter a higher state of consciousness.

One of the best things about learning this psychic technique is that you can achieve an immediate validation of your findings as long as the own! er of th e object is there. Do not be too disheartened if at first you are not very successful, because like anything, practice makes perfect.

About the Author

This article was written by Thom Sanders on behalf of Psychic Light who provide Online Tarot Reading and Psychic Telephone Reading

David Lynch - Transcendental Meditation

David Lynch - Transcendental Meditation

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The Benefits Of Yoga

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 01:00 AM PST

Article by chris binnie

The Benefits Of Yoga

Yoga is sweeping the globe. Though it has been practiced for centuries in some cultures, it has only recently hit the world at full force, sweeping into the world's superpowers and taking hold of the exercise industry. And yet, you might be a skeptic. After all, what can this strange exercise strategy really do for you? Here are some of the benefits of yoga to help you fully understand hy so many people have accepted this as the best exercise form out there.

Your Body And Yoga

Yoga does so many things for your body. You might think that you are too old or lack flexibility and therefore cannot practice yoga. Do not be misled! Though the poses seem difficult and sometimes even excruciatingly painful, you get to these poses in time. Beginners yoga is much easier. When you start yoga and do it regularly, you will actually be increasing your flexibility over time. There are certain positions in yoga that acts upon certain joints in your body, some that you never even knew you had! It is like the old saying, "my body aches everywhere, even in muscles I did not even know existed!"

In addition to increased flexibility, yoga also helps increase the lubrication of your joints, tendons, and ligaments. Just like certain yoga poses work to make unknown joints flexible, one of the benefits of yoga is that it also works the unknown and infrequently used tendons and ligaments.

Massaging You Inside And Out

Another great benefit of yoga is that it massages all of your body, both inside and out. While this may seem strange, the benefits of yoga are second to none in this department. This is probably the only exercise that can effectively massage all of your internal glands and organs. Yoga will stimulate certain parts of your body that almost never in a lifetime get externally stimulated, including places like your prostate gland! One of the benefits of yoga is that it works in a beneficial way on all of these parts of your body. Stimulating and massaging y! our glan ds and organs is a great mechanism of defense against diseases. In addition, one key benefit to yoga is that it gives people a keen awareness of what is going on with their bodies. This stimulation and massaging process is what helps people to have a forewarning of the first possible onset of a problem.

The benefits of yoga are real and quite far reaching. So go ahead and give yoga a try!

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The wonders of meditation CD

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 12:00 AM PST

Article by Jonathan Finch


Posted: 10 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST

Article by Dr. Robert Puff,

Stress is probably one of the biggest problems working individuals face today. Most people are always on the go and always under a lot of pressure. While technology has made most jobs easier, it has allowed employers to expect more and more productivity from their employees. And with these, people have less and less time to unwind and relax.

While a lot of us can get away with unwinding and going on vacation every few months, a lot of people need to relax a little bit almost everyday to be able to properly function the next day. And people have searched for alternate ways to unwind on a daily basis. A lot of people can settle for a couple of drinks at the bar down the block. Some can relax by spending an hour to a couple of hours at the gym working out. While a lot of people need to settle with prime time TV while eating dinner.

Stress has become such an issue that there are even treatments for it. Even multivitamins have been labeled as anti stress tablets and capsules. But any effective stress relief options will usually require time and energy. And sometimes, you start asking if you really get relaxed with what you do or do you spend time stressing yourself out more.

Now one sure way of getting relaxed is by meditation. Meditation is the process of training one's mind to self induce a mode of consciousness that can be beneficial to the person involved. This usually means finding a quiet place where the person can relax and focus his or her mind into one thing. You can also totally empty your mind and allow it to wander and totally relax the rest of your body.

While most spas will provide you relaxing options like Jacuzzis and body massages and saunas, it is also one of the best places to learn meditation. Most spas will have meditation classes that you can enroll in and learn meditation from an expert. Spa massage rooms are also great places to practice meditation because of its ambience, ambient lighting and relaxing piped in music.

Meditation may not be! for eve ryone but it can be very beneficial for people who really like to either get their minds off things or get their minds to focus on one thing. This can help you come up with solutions for problems or be the first step in finding a suitable solution to any problematic situation. About the Author

Dr. Robert Puff, Ph.D. has been studying and practicing meditation for over 30 years. He has a free weekly podcast where you can learn everything you need to know about meditation, whether you are looking to start your own personal meditation practice, have been meditating a long time, or are simply exploring the topic. To learn more, go to

OSHO: Meditation - a Dancing Silence

Osho, a contemporary mystic has spoken on virtually every aspect of human consciousness. In these talks, the human mind is put under the microscope as never before, analyzed down to the smallest wrinkle. -- In this talk Osho responds to the question: Why Is it that, I only find myself meditating when I am down or confused? Why is it that I rarely meditate out of my joyousness? -- "We have forgotten completely that to be joyous in fact is the basic condition of meditation. When you are joyous, that is the right moment to meditate. Then you can ride on the wave of joy into higher realms." -- This video is available for translation as part of the 'OSHO TALKS Video Translation Project'. Join the project as a translator at: -- OSHO International Foundation -- http

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Meditation Myths: Here's What People Are Missing

Posted: 10 Dec 2011 10:00 PM PST

Article by Matthew Cleary

Once you've read this article, you'll have the secret... the secret of real meditation.

Meditation... now a common term all around the Western world. 100 years ago this would have seemed unlikely... 99% of the culture used to have no regard for it at all, totally skeptical.

Needless to say, although now a common conversation over most dinner tables, Western understanding is very much in it's adolescent stage.

Now you'll know what most people are missing...

The average meditation practitioner of today will be of the understanding that meditation is about settling down thoughts. Some in fact are still misconstruing that it's about forcing thoughts to stop... this is probably one of the most anti-meditation things you could do...

However, the real truth is, settling down thought is only half of the equation. The first part being going beyond thought processes, to awaken clarity. The second part... using the concentration to see the truth of literally everything.


This essential step is the sole reason so many dedicated meditation practitioners are only despite 1000's of hours of practice, only feeling a little nicer than they used too! Enlightenment... really just another way of saying... awake and clear about what is going on, is only possible through a structureless observation of reality. One free of pre-judgement. The result that makes it worthwhile? A far more wonderful world for all of us.

When you get a full clear lookat the root of hatred, greed, in fact all forms of wrong-doing, is simply that people are semi-asleep, and don't truly know what they're doing. They are seeing things through the tinted spectacles they've been handed by theor [arents; teachers, favourite magazines and even news channels.

Isn't it time you got back your personal power to see things for yourself?

As you read, you may be one of the brave, bold ones, ready to go beyond pre-conceptions and find out the truth, and will have only one thing holding! you bac k, and that is the ability to fit meditation in to a busy schedule... but now you don't have to let that stop you anymore.

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You should know many charge you for the information on the other side of this link, but I'm feeling generous. I recommend you go there before I start charging for this

Top 5 myths about Yoga

Posted: 10 Dec 2011 09:00 PM PST

Article by Arun Rajkumar

From time immemorial, man has had to deal with challenges in the body, mind and spirit. So the sages of ancient India came up with a discipline called Yoga to deal with this skilfully. Interestingly, it is as relevant to the modern day man as it was to the people of those days.

The amazing thing about yoga is that it considers man, not as a sum total of billions of cells but, as a consciousness that is connected with the universal consciousness. Yoga does not aim at curing any disease. It works on uplifting the spirit in you. As a by-product of this, one gets relief from a host of ailments like backache, headache, stress, ulcer, migraine, dullness, depression, anxiety, obesity etc.

Let us now look at the popular myths about Yoga.1)"Yoga is only for those with flexible bodies."Many watch videos and photos of yoga classes and compare their flexibility with that of the instructor and decide that they can't do it.Yoga is for all, irrespective of your age, sex or flexibility. With sustained practice, you will only get better and will be able to do what all those cover-page models on Yoga books do and much more.Because of our habit of sitting for long hours in front of the computer or TV, our muscles get stiffened and thereby reduce flexibility. By paying a little attention to this phenomenon, we can overcome it.

2)"Yoga is a religious practice."Yoga is an ancient Indian art and Patanjali's Yoga Sutras is perhaps the most scientific piece of literature that man has ever produced. It is a path that leads to the ultimate: enlightenment.Yes, Yoga can be practiced religiously. But it is not a religion. It is a way of life that is life-supportive. Honouring the body is Asana.Honouring the breath is Pranayama.Honouring the spirit is meditation.

3)"You need to be a vegetarian to do yoga."A vegetarian diet, no doubt, has tremendous advantages over a non-vegetarian diet and is also consistent with the non-violence that Yoga advocates. Though it is highly recommended to lead a vegetarian ! life, it is not a necessity, to learn Yoga.There are three types of food: a)One that causes activity (Rajasik).b)One that causes sleep or lethargy (Tamasik). c)One that keeps the mind calm and centred (Satvik). Non-vegetarian diet comes under the second category. How you would like your day to be: tired, lethargic and sleepy or active, alert and brisk? The foods that enhance the latter are called Satvik foods. And they include green leafy vegetables, sprouts, grains, milk and curd.

4)"Yoga is difficult to practice."The law of the body is, "When there's no pain, there's no gain." If you want to learn to play the guitar, you have to spend time everyday to practice the techniques taught. Only then you will be able to reap the benefits of your efforts. Similarly, in order to reap the benefits of Yoga, you need to come out of your comfort zone and actually do something. However, some of the benefits, like feeling light and calm, can be felt almost within minutes of your practice.

5)"I'm young and I don't need to do Yoga now. It's for people above 60."A friend of mine once very aptly said, "If you begin to practice Yoga when you're 20, you'll lead a peaceful life. If you begin when you're 60, you'll have a peaceful death."

Now, the choice is yours.

About the Author

The article is written by the web team Art of Living

Anaahat Yoga - Mantra

Watch Exclusive Video Of Anaahat Yoga - Mantra Brought To You By Shemaroo And Conducted By Preeti.To Watch More Of This Kindly Click By

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Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in Chennai

Posted: 10 Dec 2011 08:00 PM PST

Article by Radek Isner

Anaahat Yoga In Hindi - Kapalbhati Left Nostril

Watch Kapalbhati Left Nostril - Anaahat Yoga For Acidity And Migraine. Learn to perform Kapalbhati Left Nostril and reap all the benefits of breathing exercises. Subscribe now to watch more great videos every week at . To watch more superhit bollywood videos dont forget to log onto

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Self Help For Eyesight – How Subliminal Messages and Meditation Can Help Reverse Poor Eyesight Naturally

Posted: 10 Dec 2011 08:00 PM PST

Article by Nelson Berry

Have you heard of the unlimited power of the mind that can be harnessed through subliminal programming? Whether you believe it or not, the concept of subliminal programming is continuously proving its worth and effectiveness in almost any field or undertaking. In fact, it has recently been discovered that this technique can actually help improve bad eyesight.

Vision problems are now very common; people with perfect vision are becoming harder and harder to come by these days. Even young kids surprisingly suffer from really poor eyesight, making the problem a common one that does not choose by age. Experts also blame the growing prevalence of vision problems on the computer-based lifestyle that's so common these days.

So what are your main weapons against poor eyesight? Here are some self help for eyesight tips worth following:

Subliminal Programming. Subliminal programming relies on the power of your subconscious mind to change circumstances in your life and remove damaging habits from your system. If you are having difficulty seeing far away things clearly or if your eyes easily get tired, a simple subliminal programming session can do wonders for you. A lot of experts believe that vision problems are not completely physical problems that cannot be reversed using natural methods. With the use of subliminals, you can actually nurse your eyesight back to optimum health without having to undergo surgery.

For eyesight correction, this method is banked on the idea that many of your activities can cause problems with your eyesight. Some of these activities include being out in the sun for a prolonged time, staying up late at night, watching too much TV, working in front of the computer all day long, and so on. Subconscious re-programming can clean your system of any habits and activities that cause your eyesight to weaken. This way, you will avoid activities that can further weaken your eyes.

Subliminal programming is also said to be effective in improving peri! pheral v ision and reducing your risk of developing degenerative eye diseases. All you need to do to access these benefits is to keep a positive mindset about your eyesight. Think clearly so you will also see clearly. One effective way of instilling a positive mindset is sending subliminal messages to your subconscious state.

Meditation and Focus. Another effective way of relieving the strain your eyes get to prevent eyesight problems is meditation. Meditation is the art of concentration, focus, and relaxation. In meditation, you are to focus all your concentration on a single thought or object; by doing so, you let go of your conscious self and just exist. This makes you feel relaxed, not just in the mind, but also in all parts of your body.

Meditation can help ease the burden felt by your eyes because it relaxes the entire body, which includes the eyes. Since you spend time every day meditating with your eyes closed and releasing all tension that causes those furrowed brows, your eyes also achieve maximum relaxation when you meditate. This is said to have a positive physical effect on your eyesight.

About the Author

Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages online. Valued at 0, click for 4 Free Subliminal messages!

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3 Minute Meditations for Fast Relaxation

Posted: 10 Dec 2011 08:00 PM PST

Fast Meditations

Meditations for Quick Relaxation

Research has shown that in just 3 minutes meditation can help reduce stress and change the inner chemistry of the body to a healthier, more relaxed state.  So all those excuses regarding how busy you are and how little time you have can now be thrown out the window :-).  All you need in order to dissolve physical, emotional and mental tension is just 3 minutes of meditation.

Normally, I always suggest to meditate early in the morning, when the mind is fresh, or before going to sleep, after the day's hustle and bustle is done, but in this case I suggest doing the 3 minute meditation right in the middle of the day or if you are facing a stressful situation.  This is so  the meditation can help immediately neutralize the harmful stress hormones and put you back in a relaxed, peaceful state of mind.

The 2 kinds of meditation I would suggest for this quick fix are below.  Try either one and see which suits you best.  They come from different schools of thought, and use different approaches, but are both pretty handy.

Be sure to check out the rest of the articles in this series below, which are also clever yoga, meditation and pranayama tips and techniques for busy people.

Each title is a link.  Click that title to visit the article for all the details about the technique.

Kundalini Yoga Meditation for Relaxation:

For this meditation.  Sit up straight and bring your hands into namaste pose, keeping a small gap between the thumbs and keep the palms slightly cupped.  Then inhale deeply and blow out gently aiming at the gap between your thumbs, thus allowing the cool air to fill the region between your palms and circulate there.  Keep your eyes 1/10th open looking down during this meditation and keep you mind on your breath and the cool sensation when blowing into your palms.

This meditation is sure to relax you rapidly.  Continue to do it for 3 minutes.  Here is a video demonstration of this technique as well…



Breath Awareness Meditation for Relaxation:

This is probably the most used technique for generating quick relaxation and this was the technique used in the studies which measured the reduction of stress hormones as well.  

For this meditation, simply sit up straight, close your eyes and bring your attention to your breathing.  If thoughts arise, just see them as thoughts only and let them go without getting involved, and return your attention to your breath.  Continue this simple method for 3  minutes.  It will greatly calm your mind and relax all your energies.

Here is a video of this technique, including a count, which is very helpful if you plan to do the technique for longer periods.


Yoga Chair Pose Video

(You will find more videos here – Free Online Yoga Exercise Videos)

 Instructions for Yoga Chair Pose:

  1. Have your feet about shoulder width apart and toes pointing outward.
  2. Then reach down as I have shown in Illustration #2 and grasp your ankles.  You torso should be parallel to the ground and have your head up looking ! forward.   Please pay careful attention to how the arms are brought from inside out for this pose.
  3. Do Long Deep Breathing or Breath of Fire as you hold the position from 15 seconds to 3 minutes.
  4. If you are a beginner or have bad knees, do the Modified Chair Pose I have shown in Illustration #1 above.
  5. Be sure to take a break if your legs start to burn too much and after taking some rest come into the pose again and continue.
  6. If you need motivation to push yourself as you feel the burn, just remember how happy you are going to make your partner once you increase your virility and enhance your sexual fitness :-).  

This pose is excellent for strengthening your thighs and buttocks, in addition to increasing sexual energy and virility.

More Yoga Poses for Sexual Stamina:

The 2 places where you will find many excellent techniques regarding male and female sexual health and sexual fitness are below.

Tantra Yoga | Balancing Sex Chakra Program

Yoga Exercise for Male Sexual Health

Learn Yoga Asana Series:

If you have been doing the monthly learn yoga series with us, you would have built up quite a repertoire of very useful yoga exercises, meditations and! breathi ng techniques.  You will find these techniques in the article series below, in case you have missed any of them.

If you enjoy this or any of the articles on Mastery of Meditation and Yoga, please so share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, E-mail, etc.  I appreciate your support.

Related posts:

  1. Kundalini Yoga Chair Pose for Sexual Health
  2. Yoga Exercises for Men's Sexual Health
  3. Yoga for Full Body Fitness
  4. Yoga Exercise to Tone Thighs and Buttocks
  5. Yoga Practice Pose for September | Yoga for Thighs
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