Meditation Books are Treasure Troves

Meditation Books are Treasure Troves

Meditation Books are Treasure Troves

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST

Article by Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation Books at Z Meditation in India

Books on meditation provide great sources of insights about life leading an individual towards enlightenment. The modern world is made up of diverse realities that are making the lives of several people miserable and painful. All these miseries revolve around a single fact- the meaning of life. Life's real meaning lies in the search of things like personal satisfaction, victory and happiness that is the actual quest to find life's quintessence. One might ask where to find all these things? But the answer lies in one's inner self, each of these facets are found within a person's mind. Equipped with books on meditation authored by enlightened gurus, you can truly analyze your inner strengths. Deep down somewhere in the recesses of a person's soul, every mystery unfolds and solace is finally achieved by an individual. As a person gets closer to all these realities of life, the solutions required to lift the world from misery is actually a huge accomplishment that calls for extreme determination and will. One can wish to unravel all these treasures within themselves through meditation books. In India, the practice meditation can be traced back some thousands of generations back. Several thinkers and philosophers are known to promote this activity along with its many benefits. Meditation still holds its place even today, in this fast paced, modern lifestyle where stress and tension are common features. Books on meditation, however, offers various forms of way of practicing this act, leading people to the right direction, to the path of righteousness and truth that they are looking for. Meditation books are available for all groups of people. Whether a person is a beginner or want to learn the advance stages of meditation, books on meditation offer different approaches that show the right way to reap full advantage of the activity. All meditation books are written with the sole purpose of giving enlightenment to its readers. Enlightenment lies within the untainted silence of the spirit. It can be only ! achieved when an individual establishes connection with their inner being. This is the moment when one can find out all the worldly truths, paving their way to live a healthier and happier life.Meditation books offers unlimited knowledge about the structure of a meditation session and how one should start working on it. All books on meditation provide detailed information about the entire process of meditation, ways to deal with the possible barriers along with solutions to counter such problems and finally successful application of the meditation practices into the mundane lifestyle. Although the concrete practices while contemplating is performed for a specific period of time by strictly following guidelines that should be observed well, real meditation is a way of leading life. Meditation books help individuals to turn all their activities, whatever they do, wherever they are, their previous and current experience, into contemplation. If this act of contemplation is achieved, one will find fulfillment in everything that will help enhance their quality of life. Books on meditation are valuable troves of knowledge. Only meditation books are able to bring in elusive concepts within the real and concrete world to bring the best out of one's life. Know the real meaning of life through the process of contemplation. Z meditation center is one such destination that helps individuals achieve nirvana through tailored meditation courses.

About the Author

Books on meditation provide great sources of insights about life leading an individual towards enlightenment

Connection of Meditation and emotions

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST

Article by We provide renewing your hope,meditation,new beginning,relaxationtechniques,relaxation meditation,meditation for beginners,spiritual meditation,relaxation techniques for anxiety,calming techniques,spi

Emotions play a vital role in human life and without them the human being is nothing but dead. But at the same time excess emotions and actions accompanying those emotions can create havoc in life.

However, some of these basic natural emotions are suppressed most of the time for various reasons. We suppress our emotions of joy, love, anger, tearful, lust, fear, etc. sometimes to hide our embarrassments in front of people or sometimes to stay within the norms of the society or sometimes suppress it because we were taught or believe that these emotions should not be expressed. This is absolutely fine unless these would not cause trouble for you. And the news is that they do cause trouble if they are not expressed more often.

It might be difficult to know this and suppress it all the time since it might not be possible everywhere and all the time. So best would be to release these pent up emotions for your well being during meditation. Many meditate or learn meditation to help release these emotions. Whether one likes it or not, one will find a lot of emotions surfacing up during meditation. Many get irritated with these, many try to suppress it further or get worried and most quit meditation. It is important to note that it is normal and natural for emotions to surface while meditating. Never suppress them or drive them away. In fact, since you are obviously going to be alone while meditating and undistracted, this is the best time for you to release the pent up emotions in the best way you can. Those thoughts that surface up are not distraction but actually your own emotions trying to find a way out. So release them. You may laugh it out, cry it out, fret it out, shout it out or express it in whichever way your soul is longing to do at that moment. This might look odd for those who have the habit of suppressing and hiding everything but then they will be surprised to see how they feel after they have released it.

Many people new to meditation will find these thoughts and emotion! s annoyi ng but knowing that they do not want to do anything to you but leave you will help you treat them with calmness. It is important not to react to them adversely or in a negative way for if done so, they spoil the very purpose of meditation. Reacting to them results in being caught in a web of thoughts that slowly becomes so overwhelming that one has to give up sitting there with closed eyes and shrunken forehead. Rather what can be done is allow these thoughts and emotions to come up and go with the flow required in those moments. When meditation is practiced in this manner, one will notice that the thoughts and emotions eventually go on decreasing thus improving your quality of meditation and also releasing a lot of unwanted stuff causing congestion in your mind, body and soul.

About the Author

For Balance emotions meditation is very useful and also meditation is also useful for many mental and physical disorders.

Yoga Has It All and Does It All

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 05:00 AM PST

Article by Kari Farmer

Yoga's benefits are becoming more and more known in the western world. A lot of people think of yoga as acrobatic poses. There's that pose that you're not sure if you're going to come out okay from. Or there's the one that just doesn't look humanly possible. How about the one that involves doing a push up which is hard enough just to do never mind hold.

Fortunately there's good news. Those poses are for when you become more flexible and stable and there's easier poses that you can begin with that anyone can do.

Yoga is not just for toning up and becoming more flexible though. Yoga is good for you physically, mentally, and spiritually. It's a tri-factor of health.

Increased energy and vitality, a calmer outlook on life, and a connection to the real you can all be expected from practicing yoga. It's really something you can't afford to not do if you are looking to be healthier and happier.

Yoga for the body

Yoga helps in many areas of physical fitness including flexibility, strength, muscle toning, and better breathing which means it creates a toned, flexible, and strong body. This obviously will help you to get up that extra flight of stairs or push yourself a little harder on the treadmill.

It improves respiration by learning how to breathe properly while doing the poses. Not a lot of people know how important breathing is but it can affect how you feel and look, your resistance to disease and even your life span.

There are poses that help your thyroid. That's right, there are several yoga postures that "massage" your thyroid and when you do these yoga postures the thyroid gland will feel relaxed, cleansed and cared-for. Your thyroid makes hormones that regulate your metabolism. So if your thyroid is not healthy, then your metabolism is not healthy. And since your metabolism is the rate at which you burn calories, when your metabolism is "off" you won't have the energy you need for a happy life and it will be almost impossible to lose weight.

You' ll feel and look stronger and eventually be able to do those poses you thought were out of reach.

Increased flexibility and strength can help prevent the causes of some types of back pain. Many people who suffer from back pain spend a lot of time sitting at a computer or driving a car. That can cause tightness and spinal compression, which you can begin to help with your yoga. It also will help with your alignment which will prevent many other types of pain.

Yoga for the mind

Yoga is excellent for stress relief. If you've ever done meditation then you know that concentrating on something whether it is listening to a sound or staring at an object focuses your mind and helps you let go of all the worries and problems that can plague it. So concentrating on your pose and most importantly your breath is an excellent form of calming yourself.

Yoga also gives you a heightened awareness of your body. Not the awareness of how much fat is hanging over your shorts but the movements your body makes or the muscles used to make those movements. The reason for this is the slow transition between poses. Knowing and appreciating what your body can do leads to greater self confidence and self esteem.

Yoga for the spirit

Just as the concentration of focusing on your breathing and pose helps with calming you down, it can also help get you to another level of spirituality or connection to that area of your life.

Yoga is a Sanskrit word. It means union with God. This union is a conscious union. We are all united with God but we are not aware of it. When we practice Yoga, we become conscious of our union with God through our stillness and awareness.

Once you feel that oneness, once you connect with yourself you will begin to understand your beliefs and what feels right to you. You'll recognize truth for what it is and I can attest that there's nothing better than that.

For an excellent book on the many ways yoga can help you go to gnani yoga and start fee! ling the benefits today.

About the Author

There are so many natural ways to improve our overall health. For some ideas check out my website at Manifest Connection and check out the health page.

Troublemakers in Life? How to Kill their Games with Meditation

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 04:00 AM PST

Article by Nelson Berry

Magic, Meditation and Reality

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 03:00 AM PST

by miheco

Article by Carlo Dorofatti

Talking in terms of magic and magical thought doesn't mean to reduce the importance of the rational and material aspect of things: the magical cycle of life doesn't deny the rational order of the events, but set itself as a precedent cause. Nowadays the human being is used to think in terms of cause-effect and explains the reality by using this logic and denying the possibility of a different possible order. The magical vision of life, that is the idea that the law of the sequence of events goes beyond the cause-effect principle, is just the heritage of ancient cultures, esoteric schools and initiatic societies. Magic, magical thought and magical vision are related with a way of understanding life not just as a casual fluctuation of events which are organised in a rigid scheme of causes and effects, but as a Whole which dynamically interacts with the individual and collective use of the mind. Nevertheless this way of thinking doesn't deny the evidence of the relation between cause and effect - at a more elementary and immediate level of observation -, but asserts the parallel existence of synchronised different agents which are simultaneously distributed on different plains of our reality.

Each one of us has got its own inner Grail to look for. It is that true and clean point inside of us representing our real essence. This essence keeps the power to solve all the contradictions the daily life puts in front of us and to achieve in having an authentic energetic exchange with this life. Often it seems that we and the reality are travelling on totally different plains: we are immerged in the vortex of things that occur around us but we are not capable to contact the real substance of these things and events. It is from the distance between us and the world that all those problems of frustration, adaptation and aggressiveness are born. However, there is a part of our soul from which the exchange and the communication between us and everything surrounding us proceeds and grows up. It is the dee! p matrix of our comprehension and real happiness.Socrates said: "Know yourself and you will know the world".This is our Quest.

Another example: what is the Meditation?Meditation is sitting.In appearance it is doing nothing. But in this "nothingness" there is intense action: you are cultivating tranquility and awareness.When you are fully aware and serene, even your action changes in nature: it's relaxed, free and satisfying.Even if for an instant you do "nothing", you will refind yourself in your centre - you are simply existing. You are meditating.Meditation does not clash with action. It is not a case of "running" away from life.In contrast, it's about learning to live.

About the Author

Carlo Dorofatti (1970, Milan). Spiritual Healer, Egyptologist, writer and founder of the Horus Centre, organisation for philosophical and esoteric studies.

Simple Yoga For Kids

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 02:00 AM PST

Article by Darvin J. Hooey

Yoga for kids? Certainly! A centuries old practice, yoga has earned the designation as an essential practice for physical and mental health. The benefits of yoga are numerous. Why not let your children share in these benefits as well? Your kids can adopt this practice immediately which leads to improved flexibility, coordination, increased strength, enhanced concentration and reduced stress, which would provide a lifetime of benefits for them! Contrary to generally held opinion children are NOT just small adults. They require a different strategy... a different environment.

Kid's Style of Yoga

Kids may have difficulty doing the traditional yoga poses exactly as they're supposed to, but they can still benefit from the practice of yoga. Yoga for kids has to be fun and entertaining simultaneously! Yes, the normal asanas are the foundation, but to keep the kids having fun the resulting postures are more interpretive in nature. There are classes starting up for kids across the nation. They deal with this entertainment requirement by building in music, storytelling, animal references, games, arts and crafts. There are yoga studios that offer classes to kids beginning as toddlers! Just be sure the instructor has the required certification to teach children.

Special Benefits To Kids

As I said before, the benefits of yoga for adults are well known, but the benefits of yoga for kids exceed even those that adults experience. Yes, it can help with weight loss, flexibility, concentration and strength, but yoga also assists with more kid specific issues. For example, research has shown that yoga can help with hyperactivity and attention deficit disorders in children. Yoga provides the sensory and motor stimulation that kids need. Practicing yoga at an early age allows kids to develop self-esteem and improved body awareness. Since yoga is not a competitive sport, it develops a sense of cooperation and compassion, instead of competition. This creates a! more gi ving and caring child.

At Home Yoga For Kids

The benefits of yoga can absolutely be brought home for your kids to enjoy, as with adults! The main obstacle, as with most child activities, is keeping their attention. However, as previously mentioned, if you incorporate animal movements and sounds, songs and games, they will stay engagedyou will keep their attention! After all, kids love to move and make sounds, and yoga lends itself to both. You should not be too critical as they wander their way through the different poses. Don't get mad, if they aren't performing them exactly right. Instead, allow this to be an experience in self discovery with your direction.

Yoga fro kids is in many ways superior to yoga for adults. Why not start your kids journey down this lifetime road of self-discovery and self-improvement now versus later, and the benefits they gain will increase exponentially!

About the Author

If you truly wish to succeed at being in the best shape of your life, then you must visit the world's best resource. Go to Next Level Yoga immediately, to see how easily it can be done with at home workouts!

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Meditation and Self-Improvement

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 02:00 AM PST

Article by Kevin Hensey

There are particular moments in life where you wish to depend on other people's advice. Some would readily give it to you with best intentions. Despite these intentions, you are always going to blame those persons if anything goes wrong.

Every time you find yourself at a crossroad, specialists strongly advise you to always make the decisions by yourself. The burning question is: how will you know how to make the best decision?

No matter how young or old you are, you must have reached a point in your life where you need to make a big decision. This major decision will probably affect your entire existence.

There is no doubt that there are certain moments in life when you feel helpless and disoriented. In such case, you could use some self-improvement advice in order to figure out how to proceed with your life.

The answer is never simple.

There is one self-improvement advice that can greatly help you have great results. This tool is popularly known as meditation.

Meditation has been used for centuries in certain rituals and by ancients civilizations. Old and famous books, like the Bible, discuss how people meditate in order to discover themselves and fight the evil forces. Upon gaining self-mastery, they develop self-control over their decisions and lives.

How do you do meditation?

First, you need to be away from sources of distraction. You cannot analyze your deepest feelings and thoughts and watch a movie at the same time.

Second, ask yourself a series of questions that will help you determine who you really are. The questions should relate to everyday aspects.

 What do you like doing?

 What made you most proud of yourself during your entire life?

 What is it that you always wanted to do and you never found the time?

 What role does money play in your life?

 What is it more important for you? Is it you family or career?

 How much do you depend on others?

If you are concerned ! about ce rtain decisions, let all the questions be related to that issue. Do not forget to write down the answers. Try to concentrate and be honest. After all, nobody will judge you. Write the first thing that comes into your mind.

All these questions will help determine exactly where you stand and what you want from life. All you have to do is to get the right interpretation of your own replies.

In order to do that, help yourself to a cup of tea or your favorite coffee and take the time to do a thorough analysis. Mark with a red pen answers that you are proud of and mark with a black one the things that do not make you proud.

Post the list in a place where you can see it more than once a day, or post it in more than one place.

You will notice that little by little, the black things on your list will start turning red. Do not forget to renew the list when most of it has turned red! It is best to be aware about your expectations from life.

Take this simple self-improvement advice and see the positive results for yourself! INVESTING IN YOU: BEYOND POSITIVE THINKING

About the Author

Kevin has written articles regarding health, self-motivation, meditation and today's environment. He speaks at business clubs regarding personal development.

The Law of Attraction and Meditation

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 01:00 AM PST

Article by Alan Johnson

It is very important to guide your thoughts and focus your mind towards your wants and desires while applying the law of attraction. This can be very difficult without sufficient practice. Usually negative thoughts about fear and worry continually ensure that your focus is disturbed. Such distractions can be avoided through meditation. Meditation will help you to quiet your mind of unwanted thoughts and day to day chaos. Meditation will additionally help you in increasing in combining the pulling power of your thoughts with the law of attraction.

It is very important to follow the below mentioned rules while meditating:

1.Find a spot that is devoid of all forms of distraction like phones, TV, pets, etc2.Tell yourself that you are free from all responsibilities for 15 minutes. Allow yourself to freeze the outside world and gather your inner self and your deeper thoughts.3.Take few deeper and slower breaths so that your body, mind and soul relaxes4.In this state of inner peace feel grateful for all the things that you have. The peace, love and positive emotions that the feeling of gratitude brings in you are the perfect setting for manifesting all that you want.5. Once you reach this state of ultimate relaxation, start to imagine about the things that you want in life. Do not start with dreaming big but build on your wants step by step.

It is of utmost importance for your thoughts to match up with your feelings as this will help push the law of attraction to the next level. If you do not experience how it feels to have the things that you long for such as dream job, relationship, house, spouse, etc then you will not be able to attract these into your life. Building on these thoughts step-by-step will ensure that you are slowly but steadily building your feelings towards the vibration of the things that you desire.

It is always easier to make your mind think about smaller happiness and match your feelings to such happiness and then to move to the next level of happiness. On t! he other hand, if you make your mind quantum leap to big aspirations and thoughts your feelings might not, and most likely will not match your thoughts.

This exercise produces much better results when you make the habit of practicing this either while going to bed or the first thing after waking up. This helps your mind to stay focused when you are the most relaxed and will make it easier for you to 'let go' and allow the law of attraction to weave its magic.

About the Author

When Alan isn't skiing or mountain biking, he's penning articles about his favorite subject - The Law of Attraction.

Tools of Personal Transformation: Meditation

Deepak Chopra about meditation on November 17, 2008

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The Law of Attraction and Meditation

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 01:00 AM PST

Article by Alan Johnson

It is very important to guide your thoughts and focus your mind towards your wants and desires while applying the law of attraction. This can be very difficult without sufficient practice. Usually negative thoughts about fear and worry continually ensure that your focus is disturbed. Such distractions can be avoided through meditation. Meditation will help you to quiet your mind of unwanted thoughts and day to day chaos. Meditation will additionally help you in increasing in combining the pulling power of your thoughts with the law of attraction.

It is very important to follow the below mentioned rules while meditating:

1.Find a spot that is devoid of all forms of distraction like phones, TV, pets, etc2.Tell yourself that you are free from all responsibilities for 15 minutes. Allow yourself to freeze the outside world and gather your inner self and your deeper thoughts.3.Take few deeper and slower breaths so that your body, mind and soul relaxes4.In this state of inner peace feel grateful for all the things that you have. The peace, love and positive emotions that the feeling of gratitude brings in you are the perfect setting for manifesting all that you want.5. Once you reach this state of ultimate relaxation, start to imagine about the things that you want in life. Do not start with dreaming big but build on your wants step by step.

It is of utmost importance for your thoughts to match up with your feelings as this will help push the law of attraction to the next level. If you do not experience how it feels to have the things that you long for such as dream job, relationship, house, spouse, etc then you will not be able to attract these into your life. Building on these thoughts step-by-step will ensure that you are slowly but steadily building your feelings towards the vibration of the things that you desire.

It is always easier to make your mind think about smaller happiness and match your feelings to such happiness and then to move to the next level of happiness. On t! he other hand, if you make your mind quantum leap to big aspirations and thoughts your feelings might not, and most likely will not match your thoughts.

This exercise produces much better results when you make the habit of practicing this either while going to bed or the first thing after waking up. This helps your mind to stay focused when you are the most relaxed and will make it easier for you to 'let go' and allow the law of attraction to weave its magic.

About the Author

When Alan isn't skiing or mountain biking, he's penning articles about his favorite subject - The Law of Attraction.

Tools of Personal Transformation: Meditation

Deepak Chopra about meditation on November 17, 2008

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Youth for meditation!

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 12:00 AM PST

Article by Vaishnavi

Spirituality had been thought of to be an entity tagged to old age or boredom. 'Now is the time to enjoy! Meditation is for the older generation', was a remark heard quite often even by youngsters who showed only a faint interest in it.

"I used to think that spiritual people were very serious and vapid, but I have realized that I could not have been more wrong. Only after meditation do I feel energetic and enthusiastic enough to do anything dynamic! I would have been mired to my daily activity and been a slave to routine if it weren't for spirituality. It has definitely broadened my vision and given more meaning to my life" says Shwetha Srinivasan, a 20 years old management student. She is not a stray exception; the trend seems to be catching on quite virally.

Youngsters, now grappling with a slew of problems and issues, much more compared to the previous generations', are turning towards spirituality for peace of mind and clarity. Be it coping with peer pressure, generation gap between parents and children, increasing competitiveness in the society or relationship issues, spirituality has the solution to it all. The youngsters are clear that the ultimate aim of their spiritual practices is enlightenment/ moksha and that the other fringe benefits are just by-products. Moreover, youngsters these days taste material success much earlier in their life compared to their predecessors. Finding materialistic ways of life to be impermanent, their search for that true joy and peace leads them to meditation and spirituality. The much required sense of security and unconditional love steers them to the spiritual path.

"Youth are bored and it's their fortune. If they were satisfied, then growth would have stopped", says Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder of the Art of Living. "When they are bored, then the quest comes in them. They are not satisfied with the things available around. And this is the stage when they can take a step to look within, a leap in their inner journey, a step towards s! piritual ity. An interest in higher growth gets kindled, when you are bored with things around. When you find the source of joy within, then obviously everything around is also reflecting the same source of joy, then you find interest in everything. Continuous bombardment of senses by stimuli can cause inertia. Inertia is boredom; it is a form of boredom."

The fact that they are spiritual definitely does not mean that they ignore the material and worldly needs. Many of them have high dreams and ambitions and vouch that spirituality is what helps them achieve their goals. "When you are firmly established in knowledge, then treading the material world becomes like a game. When I approach life with this attitude, success is inevitable!" says Abhishek Bhuradia, a Software Engineer from Bangalore.

This changing trend is being welcomed by all as a way to secure 'Indian-ness.' After all, India's most unique and invaluable contribution to the world is its spiritual knowledge.

About the Author

The article is written by the web team Art of Living

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Meditation Can Beat Depression

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST

Article by S.E. Odom

Everyone has days when they are down, worn out and just not feeling all that happy.

That's OK, you need to have days like this, otherwise how would you know when you are happy. You need to have something to contrast your happiness with. What is black without white?

Even though you know that sadness is a part of life, let's try to make it a small part of life.

With that said, here are a few tips to help you feel better when you are feeling down in the dumps. They are easy to do, easy to practice every day and they work!

1. Stand up straight, sit up straight. When your body is in alignment your energy can flow and when your energy is flowing freely, you can flow.

2. Smile! Yes, just smile. Easy to do and effective.

3. Repeat positive affirmations. Things like "I feel good", "Positive energy flows through my body", "I see the good in all".

4. Listen to some music that you like. It doesn't have to be anything specific, just something you enjoy. Certain types of music work better than others, but experiment and see what works for you. Studies have shown that Classical music and new age music work best.

5. Take some time out for yourself, relax and read a book, do something for yourself.

6. Meditate. Meditation is an excellent habit to develop. It will serve you in all that you do. If you are one who has a hard time sitting still, then try some special meditation CDs that coax your brain into the meditative state. Just search for "Meditation music" on Google or Yahoo and explore.

Our outside work is simply a reflection of our inside world. Remember there is no reality just your perception of it. Use this truth to your advantage. Whenever you are sad, realize that it is all in your mind and you do have the power to change your perception.

These tips will lift you up when you are down, but don't just use them when you are sad. Try and practice them everyday, make them a habit. You will be surprised at how these simple exercises will keep t! he rainy days away.

On a final note, if you are in a deep depression that you can't seem to shake, please go see a doctor. This is your life and don't take any chances.

About the Author

The Samadhi Group Inc is dedicated to conscious and abundant living. Stop by today for your complimentary Scent of Samadhi sample.

How to Meditate to Manifest

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 10:00 PM PST

Article by Krzysztof Sroka

I guess that you already know something about Manifestation and the Law of Attraction. You know that you can manifest the life of your dreams and that you can attract whatever you want into your life.

Of course theoretical knowledge is not what we want. We want the results. Unfortunately we attract not only good things, but also bad things. That's why we must be careful about what we think. Positive thoughts bring good things into our lives and negative thoughts bring bad things into our lives.

Unfortunately positive thinking is not enough. Really important are good feelings. Positive thinking should lead to good feelings. When we feel good, then we will really attract the good things we want, like good health, wealth and happiness.

Now you might ask "how can I control my mind?", "how can I maintain positive thoughts?" or "how can I feel good when my life is so stressful?" etc. All of your questions are good and there are many answers to them. The main point is that there can't be a real success without mind control. All the successful and happy people are people who can control and discipline their minds and lives.

Of course you can now give me the examples of famous and wealthy people who lead anything but disciplined lives, but if you do I will ask you: "Are they also really happy people?" I don't know any.

Let's go back to the question "how to control the mind?" There are different methods, but the best and the easiest is meditation. Meditation is the key to Manifestation, to attracting success and happiness.

There are many different methods for meditation, but first you need to learn how to be still. First you need to discipline your body and mind to sit quietly for at least fifteen minutes, gradually extending the time to at least thirty minutes.

First you need to learn how to be still and quiet. Sit with your back straight. You can sit down on a chair or on the floor with crossed legs, whatever way is more comfortable for you. You can let your mind! wander at first, but do not let it to break your stillness and silence.

After a few times of such meditation you will see very positive changes in the way you think and feel. Then you can move to the next stages of meditation and learn how to control your mind even better, but first you need to learn how to be still and quiet for at least thirty minutes.

About the Author

To learn more about Meditation go to: Meditation Guide.

To learn more about Manifestation and the Law of Attraction go to Manifest Wealth Mentor.

Cope with Holiday Stress through Meditation

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 09:00 PM PST

Article by Nelson Berry

New Year and Christmas are just two of the most anticipated holidays of the year. It's the season where families and friends get together. The chilly evenings turn out to be fun times to ice-skate in the Rockefeller or shop at Macy's or simply head to the nearest parks where carolers and revelries are abundant.

However, unknown to many, these are also the times when you tend to experience holiday stress. It is called as such since the main triggers for your stressful feeling are the different preparations you're making for the holidays. If you're working, you will find yourself beating rush sales just to make sure you have gifts to your loved ones. Homemakers would spend countless days cleaning their homes and lawns for their upcoming visitors. Worse, some have to deal with emotional stress, such as meeting relatives they really don't want to be with on special occasions.

These are supposed to be the best times, and you should not allow stress to completely take over? But how do you exactly do that? You can do so by meditation.

Meditation has been extremely helpful, especially to people who have been living stressful lives. Using the technique during the holidays will still provide you the same powerful benefits.

Meditation has the ability to calm your nerves or the different stressful areas in the body such as your shoulders and gut. When you slowly take in air, you will feel the lungs and abdomen expand, which normally feel contracted when you're under stress. Moreover, as you let out the air, you somehow develop the notion that you're also expelling the bad energies that go along with stress.

It can also boost your immune system. A lot of people do get sick when they are under stress because their defenses are completely down. Thanks to the oxygen you supply to your body, you keep the body cells well nourished. You also reduce the secretion of cortisol, which is found to be associated with high cholesterol level. Instead, you secrete more of serotonin,! which y ou can attribute to your happier and more peaceful moods.

Most of all, meditation helps you deal with the emotional baggage you may be carrying during the season. You can enhance its effects in this area through the use of subliminal messages.

Subliminal messages, in this case, may be in terms of positive statements or affirmations. For example if you're not too confident facing a lot of relatives, you may perhaps consider the following affirmations:

I am confident about myself. I have the power to overcome shyness or insecurities. I can forgive those relatives who have hurt me.I am settled with my past.

These subliminal messages, if repeated many times, can eventually change your thought patterns, helping you transform any negative emotion to a positive one.

During the holidays, every day seems to be a busy one. Finding a good time to meditate can be pretty difficult. Nevertheless, all it needs is finding the right time. You can do it before you go to sleep or before the rest of the family members are up.

About the Author

Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages online. Valued at 0, click for 4 Free Subliminal Messages Video!

Some Facts About Yoga

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 08:00 PM PST

Article by Brian Howard

All about Yoga

Yoga is among the most ancient cultural heritage of India. The word yoga is derived from Sanskrit language and it means "to unite". Yoga can be said to imply the unity discipline. Actually I want you to tell that this meaning of word has a deep meaning and it can be said that yoga is the exercise in the moral and mental cultivation of good health and contribute for the longer age and peace and happiness.

Yoga is therefore said to be an ultimate achievement in one's life. It doesn't only affect the conscious life of one but can also affect the subconscious. Yoga is more than the physical exercise to keep oneself fit. It can do a lot to the spiritual and philosophical matters of life. There are many yoga related types which if you come across to know. Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga and Astanga Yoga is among the most common types and they can provide you relaxation, relieve and strength. There are also many other types of yoga which can provide one with a lot of benefits.

When we talk about the benefits of the yoga, the pages will be filled only on the introduction of those benefits. The modern science which enable to observe the yoga benefits in these days are very behind to those people who discovered the ancient yoga techniques and those people were actually called yogis.

By doing yoga, one can keep the blood circulation on the amount of healthy and they decrease carbon dioxide content from the body which is healthful for one. One can keep all his/her body parts like bladders, lung, heart, kidneys, intestines and sexual organs ( called vajroli in Sanskrit) maintained by exercising yoga.

By some of the following techniques one can keep the physical, mental and spiritual functionalities of the body perfect;

1)For the physical functions, one can relax, stretch, stress the cardio-vascular, nerve, digestive, glandular systems. 2)For the mental functionality, one can keep his self in peaceful environment and can cultivate peace for alertness and concen! tration. 3)For the spiritual functionality, one can go for consideration.

Look for the online books, videos, audios of yoga to find out more about yoga. You can even illustrate through many expert yogis online for your health and problems.

About the Author

Brian has writes articles about lots of different subjects. Check out his latest website about Genie garage door opener parts and the Genie garaged door opener manual.

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Spa Therapies And Meditation

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 07:00 PM PST

Article by Rohan Mistry

Getting Into Yoga

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 06:00 PM PST

Article by Roberto Sedycias

Yoga is a form of fitness that has been practiced over the years. It is used to give therapy to the mind and body by practicing long poses that are held and perfected. Yoga takes lots of patience and time and practice. It can strengthen your mind and body while keeping you healthy. Yoga has been used to treat many ailments and seems to help the body and mind overcome some of these troubles. With all of the benefits of using yoga it is no wonder that it is widely popular and used by pregnant women, seniors and physically fit athletic women.

Many people try yoga to distress. It has been marketed toward not only fitness but distressing. In this world where stress can surround us it is important to know that something like yoga is available to take advantage of. The poses in yoga have been proven to unclog the mind, and elevate regular day to day stresses caused by work, commuting, money and family.

Not only is yoga excellent to become stress-free or at least manage it better, it is also a fun form of exercise. Many people get bored with the gym, aerobic and spinning classes, especially when years go by and the same form of exercises is always used. For those who do get bored they may seek something else to do, some try different classes or join sport programs but many turn to yoga.

Yoga can seem intimidating at first. It is a different kind of exercise and you can`t hide on a machine. The poses look awkward and hard and not to mention it seems like you have to be really flexible. And you can`t just show up to a class unprepared, you have to have the yoga mat and a yoga outfit, it leaves many wondering what all the fuss is about. And when you do show up to a class, you are expected to do the poses in front of everyone which can be humiliating for some.

Although yoga might seem hard to get into at first, many people will agree that once they try it they love it. The yoga poses get easier with practice and the body even becomes more flexible as your muscles get used to the poses! . The ma t and clothes are only used to keep you comfortable, when your hands and feet are pressed against the floor or when you`re holding yourself in poses where you don`t want your top swinging around your face while hanging upside down.

There are many ways you can fit yoga into your life. You can buy DVD`s individually or in packages and sets. You can also attend a yoga class at a gym, where they might have beginner classes and intermediate ones held separately. You can also check out special yoga only gyms that specialize in that type of exercise only.

Yoga teachers have to be certified and are professionals who can help you develop your poses and work you to your full potential. The exercise benefits and long term distressing will only leave you with mountains of positivity. If you can get over your fear of it and just indulge in the art that has many worldwide using it every day, then you too will be a yoga follower. Yoga is recommended for twenty minutes a day or if that is too much then even a few classes a week is a great start.

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You can have access to articles about health in portuguese language from page

Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for

Mindset Through Meditation

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 05:00 PM PST

Article by Didar Khalsa

Mindset through Meditation

A positive mindset is within your reach â€" all you need to do is take action. So much of our brain is unused, so let's make the best of what we do use!

I recently went through a major life change that required a new mindset. I lost my job, my fancy car, and thus I had to re-evaluate what my goals and focus were. My mindset was more material and I needed to open up to the experiences in life instead.

The mind is a beautiful farm. The mindset is the crop you sow.

There will always be outside influences trying to damage your crop, yet weeding them out before they take root is detrimental to the quality of the outcome.

And like a farm, your mindset spreads out to all you come in contact with. The energy your mindset exudes is what others will pick up on when they meet you.

Make sure you pick the right mindset â€" it's as simple as that. You know in your heart what you want. Once you achieve it, your energy and positive mindset will emanate to all those around you, and they will be inspired by your happiness.

To help in the cultivation of positive energy and mindset, use meditation. Meditation focuses the mind and controls the body.

I have taught yoga for decades. It is the peace and tranquility that I have learned from meditation that enabled me to achieve the mindset and success that I have.

Opening my mind to everything in life has changed my mindset from narrow and misguided, to wide and accepting. Each and every day my motivation stems from my mindset. A positive mindset can go a long way in determining how you spend your time.

When I was forced back into the job market a few years ago, I was humbled by the lack of viable employment options available. My mindset was forced to change from proud to accepting, or else I would get bitter and jaded.

I discovered a way to make a living through the Internet and, though I didn't see much profit at first, my positive mindset compelled me to jump into th! e new ro le with two feet.

As my new job developed, so did my personal yoga meditation. My mindset was brighter once money started to flow in again. However, I had to make sure I kept my mindset in check. I could not let my mindset go back to the material aspirations it had once dwelled upon.

My new mindset was to positively look forward to what I could do to better my standing, all the while enjoying what I was doing now.

If you don't enjoy the here and now, the future will be but a shadow of the true enjoyment it could have been. Your mindset and outlook today set the stage for your future.

A bright outlook and positive mindset can take you further than you even know. Your energy spreads like wildfire, be it bad or good. A positive mindset will enable you to overcome obstacles and embrace opportunities.

Don't ever forget that you determine your own mindset. You have the power to be positive or negative, the ability to change your mindset is always waiting and ready whenever you are.

Berkana yoga and meditation has a quote about setting yourself in the right mindset: "Action is something that the vast majority will never take". You don't need to be that majority. Choose action over passivity now.

Change your mindset and take action toward motivating yourself to improve your future. You'll never look back.

About the Author

Didar Khalsa is a top internet marketer from Miami, FL.Do you want to learn how to prosper during the recession, make a CEO income from home, and live the lifestyle you have always dreamed about.Click here: To learn how I can help you escape the rat race forever click here:

Yoga Footwear

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 04:00 PM PST

Article by Jane Hill

Yoga originated in India over 3000 years ago and the term yoga is derived from the meaning to unite the mind, body and spirit. Although it has been practiced for many years it has only become popular fairly recently due to celebrities such as Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow becoming avid followers. The physical elements of yoga includes holding poses some of which can be quite strenuous s, as with all forms of exercise, it is important to choose the right footwear be it yoga socks, sandals or shoes to wear when practising.

Yoga socks are worn by many people as they are most like a second skin so they don't interfere with any movements. Unlike regular socks, yoga socks have individual toe sleeves which gives the toes more freedom and increases the dexterity of the toes, this is a neccessity in yoga as the toes have to be free to move and spread to support the different poses.

There are a wide range of yoga sandals available for those who want the added protection while exercising. Beech Originals are great yoga sandals as they were originally designed around the main principles of yoga; one of the basic things that yoga students are taught is to spread their toes to ground themselves and improve their balance, Beech yoga sandals have individual toe separators which helps to train the feet to spread and realign the toes.

As the popularity of yoga continues to grow so does the amount of yoga shoes available to buy. Barefoot styles such as Vibram Fivefingers are arguably the best yoga shoes as they allow the foot to flex and move as it you were barefoot without causing any resistance. This is an important feature for yoga shoes as it is essential that the feet can splay and move to increase the balance for each pose.

When choosing your footwear it is important to think about where you will be practising yoga. Yoga socks are great for indoors as they provide extra warmth without affecting your movements. When outside it may be necessary to opt for added protection. yoga shoes such! as Vibr am Fivefingers or yoga sandals such as the Beech Originals both give you added protection without prohibiting the foot's movement so you can still perform even the most difficult of poses with ease.

About the Author

I've been practising yoga for the past 7 years and think it's an excellent form of exercise.

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Tips For Making Yoga Poses

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 03:00 PM PST

Article by Emily Taggart

The purpose of yoga is to attain a balance of healthy mind and body. Taking it a step further, yoga can be the route to self-enlightenment. Yoga poses focus on a variety of things - meditation and relaxation, a good posture, your breathing and flexibility. All of the elements within the practice of yoga can enhance ones physical and mental approach to life. When done properly, yoga can benefit your life in nearly every aspect and it is no wonder why this ancient Indian discipline is still practiced all around the world. If you are just beginning, then you will probably find the following tips for yoga and yoga poses can help to set you off on the right foot.Your Essential Guide To Yoga

Yoga poses are assessed for their level of difficulty. As a beginner you should pay close attention to the grades on different yoga poses and never rush into doing a pose that looks difficult to perform or beyond your current level. Poses such as the downward facing dog and the child's pose are typical positions for yoga beginners.

If you feel any pains or discomfort whilst doing a pose you should stop immediately and reassess how the pose should be done. Yoga is not about pushing the boundaries and working through pain.

Throughout your yoga practice you should use a yoga specific mat. This is particularly essential for poses where you are lying down or on your knees. A woolen mat is great for any level of yoga, giving optimum comfort, stability and support.

Breathing is a major component to yoga fundamentals. You will need to have control over your breathing during all yoga poses. One never breathes the mouth, instead using the nose to take long, deep breaths and learning to use the full capacity of your lungs.

Yoga poses will move your body through a variety of postures and will stretch the muscles. One tip for any budding yogis - don't overeat before a practice as this can upset the stomach and cause discomfort. You should also give a little time after your session before you eat so! mething. The general rule is not to after two hours before you plan to practice and only a light meal such as a soup or salad. After, you should wait a minimum of half an hour, again making it a light meal.

If you become tired or uncomfortable whilst doing poses, don't hesitate to give yourself a break - taking a moment to concentrate on your breathing before proceeding with the next stance.It is in common agreement that the best time for you o do yoga poses is in the morning, a little after you have awoken and before breakfast. This is because your mind is clearer and at its most calm, making the task of poses far easier to carry out.Your choice of clothing will also have an impact on how well you maneuver into different poses. Choose lightweight clothing that fits snug to the body but not too tight that it restricts movement. Cotton is a good material as it allows the body to breathe.

About the Author

This article was brought to you by Emily Taggart and, an online retail company specializing in fitness equipment. We offer products like the Omgym and thumper massager. To learn more about fitness visit our site or call 1-800-746-1191.

4 Yoga Poses to Reduce Belly Fat

Here are 4 Yoga Postures to Help Reduce Belly Fat, which is caused by lack of exercise and over eating. Twitter - http Facebook - Sun Salutations - Are great in the morning after many hours of lack of movement during sleep (the lymphatic system eliminates toxins through movement). This helps to detoxify your body. It tones up the internal abdominal organs by alternate stretching, and compression cycles that results in better digestion and bowel movement. It discourages fat build up and helps with weightloss. It increases spine and waist flexibility. Regular practice of Sun Salutations benefits your body in many ways. Try to do at least 2 rounds to notice and feel a difference. Cobra Pose- Practice cobra pose. Start by lying on the ground on your stomach. Place your forehead on the floor as you bring your hands underneath your shoulders, with your fingers splayed and palms pressing firmly into the ground. Gradually lift up your head, neck, shoulders and chest as high as possible. Make sure to keep your elbows close to your torso as you hold the position. Keep your hips and thighs on the ground as well. The weight of your body on the navel area massages the digestive organs. This helps improve digestion and elimination. Cobra Pose strengthens the muscles of the back, abdomen and entire upper body. It also Makes the spine flexible. Hold the cobra pose for 30 seconds. Bow Pose - Bow Pose is great for strengthening the abdominal core. To reach ...

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Using Meditation to Reduce Stress

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 02:00 PM PST

Article by Corey Lindsay

Stress is a normal occurrence in everyones life and its an internal reaction to external circumstances and this can affect your mental, emotional and biological health, that's why certain you should apply different tactics to get involved with it. This situation can cause different setbacks and in case you're experiencing tensions and similar cases, below you'll find different suggestions that may help you.Meditation Can Bring You Multiple Benefits.An practical and safe non pharmaceutical way to manage pressure is by the practice of meditation. Meditation has been proved scientifically to combat stress and lots of people have found out it a highly useful type of therapy to deal with many circumstances and feel better. This method has become popular because it promotes optimal health, gives the body a profound rest, dissipates pressure and more.Recommended Material.There are different relaxation formulas and courses accesible online that will help you to settle down, reduce blood stress, and maintain a healthy body but real meditation is by no means just a state of relaxation. It is a state every time you are completely awake and with peace of mind, feeling surely god.A suggest meditation course is the Silva Ultramind technique. This is a two days seminar developed by Jose Silva (founder of the generalized Silva Method), that can train somebody to reach healthier levels of mind truly fast.This is a absolutely tested technique with mllns. of graduates from all around the globe. what is best, the Silva Training is one step ahed of a passive meditation method. You'll learn how to work with your mind to cultivate your god given intuition (to make better decisions) and you'll also find out how to project to solve problems, and more. truly recommended.Live/Downloadable Seminars.There are different possibilities to get this. One is to attend to a seminar ( You can also download the complete seminar (lectures and guided conditionings) from! m, which is the only site that covers the complete Silva Ultramind Training (.mp3, etc).

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Download the Complete Silva Ultramind:

Subliminal Messages Meditation - What to Do in Times of Stress and Weight Gain

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 01:00 PM PST

Article by Nelson Berry

How Meditation Can Help You Get Over Fear Of The Dentists

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 12:00 PM PST

Article by A Aaronson

Fear of dentists is a serious problem for a significant percentage of the population. As this fear becomes more recognized, there are new techniques used to deal with it. The important thing is to defeat it so that you can get into the chair and get your teeth taken care of. One great method that works easily is meditation.

Meditation is something that is seen in a strange light in western cultures. However, it has great benefits for all areas of your life, including stress reduction, clearer and more focused thinking, health benefits and beating phobias like the one that keeps you from seeing the dentist. Here is how you can use meditation to get over your fear of visiting your dentist.

Step One - Where Do You Feel It?

When you think of visiting the dentist, you get a physical reaction somewhere in your body. Just this simple thought causes a butterfly in your stomach or an anxious feeling in your back. Picture going to the dentist and visualize yourself getting into the chair. When you do this, where do you feel your anxiety? Locate the part of your body that reacts.

Step Two - Put It In Its Place

Once you've identified the location of your fear of dentists, visualize it. Imagine that it's a person and give it a name. Tell it that you're going to control it and it's not going to control you. It doesn't matter how you visualize your fear of dentists, but what does matter is that you isolate it from the rest of your being. This separation is really important, because once you can separate it, you can successfully put it away.

The key to why meditation works is that it allows the mind to focus on one thing. All day long, your mind is bombarded with stimuli and this creates a disordered state. By focusing on one single thing, meditation teaches you how to control your mind. We're going to focus on your fear of dentists so that we can learn how to control it. Fear owns you; instead, you're going to own it. Tell it that it's not going to bother you today.

Ste! p Three - Practice

Finally, you're going to practice. Bring up that fear just like you did at the beginning of the exercise, and focus on it. Give it an image or a name so that it's easy to visualize, and separate it from yourself. If you do this repeatedly, it will become easier to do and easier to control. Keep doing it until you can instantly take that feeling of fear out of your stomach or back, and push it out of you entirely.

Meditation isn't magic and it's not going to get you completely comfortable with a dentist instantly. However, it gives you a tool that you can use to take that anxiety and put it in the back of your mind so that you can go through with your visit. It may still be there, but it will be a small thing that won't stop you from making your appointment. For most people, just overcoming this anxiety one time and getting through an appointment makes them realize that there is no reason to fear dentists at all.

About the Author

If you live in Philadelphia, dentists in the area can make your visit as pain-free as possible. To find a dentist in your area in particular, please visit

Greetings E-Card - Valentines Day - Relaxing Music - Meditation Music by J. Michele Bodine

In honor of Valentine's Day from Hawaii. Happy Valentine's Day 2011 Subscribe to my videos on facebook Relax and feel the connection of Beautiful Music and Calming Nature Song : A Meditative Journey Album : Evolution Artist : J. Michele (Bodine) Behleem Poem : Hina Kehkashan Behleem Join me on Facebook : See all of my videos - Playlist Buy my msuic from iTunes Buy my music from my personal website Beautiful and inspiring relaxing ambient music can help create inner peace. It can support personal growth, healing and alleviate pain, stress, anxiety, fears and insomnia. Since 1980, I have been channeling relaxing keyboard music. Through the years I have tuned into individuals, groups of people, those in transition, events, lyrics, video productions, and have brought through melodies that have had powerful effects. My relaxing music has inspired artists and writers, increasing their creativity. Psychotherapists, Reiki and massage therapists find that is takes their work to deeper levels. I have discovered that autistic children are able to interact with these melodies. The passages of this new age music supports deep relaxation, and if used during meditation, it can take one on a spiritual journey. Hospitals and clinics are using my relaxing music to comfort patients undergoing medical procedures. Words are inadequate to describe the experiences my relaxing music offers. You must listen to ...

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Get Taller with Yoga

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 11:00 AM PST

by ejmc

Article by Hayden Carter

It may shock you to learn that yoga class isn't just for flexibility and health. In fact, some people even claim to grow taller after using yoga. Yoga is actually one of the most positive things that one can do because of its effects on the body's flexibility, posture, and overall health that will help the body how to get taller.

Yoga was borne out of India and concentrates on developing both physical and mental aspects of the body. Yoga has several major branches of discipline and it is important to note that not all not even most types of yoga will help you grow taller.

Another fitness discipline, called pilates, has also been at the center of controversy surrounding its possible effects on height. But also like pilates, there is so much misinformation on what yoga can and cannot accomplish that it would be hysterical if it wasn't so downright sad. Yoga can help you get more flexible, more toned, and stronger than you were previously. But in spite of all its benefits, yoga - in and of itself - cannot make you grow taller all by itself.

But yoga can help increase your height tremendously by properly aligning the position of your spine. Not only that, but yoga makes your back stronger, which also makes your core stronger and further helps align your entire body to make you stand taller.

Yoga's popularity comes with good reason, including its positive effects for the total body but there is no doubt that yoga's positive effects on height make it an essential tool in your height-increasing arsenal.

Yoga is also good for:

Insomnia is the enemy of natural height increase. Yoga trains the body in a holistic way so that sleep comes naturally, further contributing to height growth.

In addition to actual height, your appearance can make a large difference as well. Your confidence from your improved stature will swell along with your height from using yoga. You will stand taller and straighter from the spinal column optimization that yoga helps incur on your body,! leaving you with the impression that you are taller from your improved posture.

When growing taller, you should keep in mind that you must become more flexible to take advantage of the grow taller exercises as well. You will feel sore when first starting out, but this is completely normal as long as its not a sharp pain. Yoga can be instrumental in easing your body through this transition due to increasing your body's resilience and natural recuperative properties.

Yoga is just one of several disciplines that you should be concentrating on when learning grow taller, you should never discount its beneficial effects that it can have on your height as well as your overall health and fitness.

About the Author

Learn How to Grow Taller in 4 Easy Steps at the only internet resource dedicated to true height science: the Grow Taller Blog.

Enjoy the outstanding benefits of Yoga

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 10:00 AM PST

Article by Patresia Adams

The physical activity to bring the body, mind and spirit together is known as Yoga. No one can deny the therapeutic benefits of yoga. Yoga is quite famous for creating awareness among people about their body's alignment, posture, and movement. This good old form of exercise is in use since ages. People are now becoming closer to the activity of gaining flexibility and relaxing mind. It's the best possible thing to remove stress and anxiety.

Yoga has been practiced in India from thousands of years and its now getting the acceptance of the western people as well. The health benefits of yoga are truly remarkable. Several yoga postures including breathing, and meditation were proven to be helpful in several categories: psychological, physiological and biochemical.

Add on to it, Yoga increases a person's endurance and grip strength and helps in improving sleeping habits. It also enriches the amount of Vitamin C and hemoglobin in the body. More over it improves mood, sharpen memory, and even increase learning efficiency.

If we talk about best benefits of yoga, then nothing is more fruitful then it. It boosts up immune system, reduces stress, and helps in detoxification of the body. Yoga has the capability to stimulate the tissues, organs, and the muscles, which is very beneficial in reducing stress.

Yoga's healing power and benefits have totally captured the world of health. Even doctors and practitioners suggest practicing Yoga for curing different illnesses. Yoga is a gift to the women, as it decreases the chance of acquiring breast cancer. A research has shown that even a terminal illness, such as cancer, also benefit from the practice of yoga.The weight losing thirst is also satisfied by practicing the good old form of yoga. If you are suffering from emotional crises, then yoga is a good remedy for you.

Divine Wellness is an interactive health portal which provides useful encyclopedia on Ayurvedic history and the ultimate benefits of yoga. Here you will get ample of ! informat ion on natural health remedies.

Visit our website for more information on Benefits of yoga and Ayurveda history.

About the Author

Patresia Adams is a healthcare consultant working with Divine Wellness. This interactive health and wellness portal offers Live online yoga classes through high-definition video conferencing.

Choco Yoga Hip Opening Sequence

Welcome to Choco Yoga! My name is Chloe Hallock and I am a yoga teacher, model and clothing designer. Choco Yoga provides yoga tutorials geared specifically towards models. I lead them while wearing yoga clothing from my own company, Choco Designs. Follow along with my sequences here on Utube and check out my websites to purchase Choco items: and Try out this hip opening sequence to find more movement through your hips and lower spine. Open up whatever tightness is holding you back!

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What To Know About Yoga Mats

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST

Article by Christoffer X Altesino

When you are a beginner in yoga, you will do anything just to make sure you have everything right but as you go along and become an expert you begin to wonder whether they are important at all. Well, they are if only you know what to look out for when buying them in order not to waste your money. Yoga is very different from the other stretching exercises that we have in our lives because; no matter where you find yourself, you can practice yoga. It is not restricted to only one kind of place. Yoga gives you so much peace of mind and puts your soul and all nerves to rest because it relaxes them.

When practicing yoga, yoga mats are one great material that always needs to be present because they are used to practice it. Yoga is an ancient way of exercising our ancestors used to relax and keep their bodies in shape. There are so many routines in practicing yoga and with the mat involved you will enjoy every minute of your yoga experience. When practicing yoga, energy is produced from your body which is a good thing but can become dangerous when you do not use a yoga mat because; all the energy that is produced from your body will be transported to the surface on which you are practicing the yoga on. You can also fall mistakenly when practicing the yoga routines if you are not using a mat and the floor you are practicing on is smooth.

You falling can cause many inconveniences and damages to the body which won't auger well for you individually. When you want to stay healthy and strong, yoga is just one way to do that but please always have it in mind that yoga mats are also a part of the whole yoga process. You gain mental, spiritual, physical and emotional energy when you practice yoga; it also relieves you off stress and makes you feel so free and pure. In practicing yoga, concentration is very essential when doing some routines because, you might end up falling and hurting yourself very badly if you do not concentrate.

Yoga mats like all other material and equipments have various t! ypes and sizes you can choose from. Depending on what you can afford or your budget it is always advisable to go for the best.

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