Holistic Medicine - 5 main branches

Holistic Medicine - 5 main branches

Holistic Medicine - 5 main branches

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST

Article by George Kakaris

Definitely you have heard of Holistic Medicine. For certainty, a friend of yours has experienced an alternative treatment. Probably, you have tried to benefit from a complementary therapy too. Perhaps, you know few holistic treatments. But, I am convinced that you do not know all the branches of Holistic Medicine. According to web references there are over of 30 main types of Holistic Medicine. In this article we will introduce you to 5 main Holistic therapies.

Acupuncture. Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that is been practiced for thousands of years. Needles are inserted into human body (usually wrists, ankles, feet, back and abdomen) at more than 350 points. The procedure lasts for approximately 20 minutes while the patient rests and then the needles are removed. Practitioners manipulate and twirl the needles with special techniques, stimulating the energy flows and promoting healing and pain relief.

Aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use primarily of essential oils and secondary of other aromatic natural substances such as vegetable (base) oils and scented products such as candles and soaps, in order to complementarily heal various diseases and vitalize body, spirit and mind. Aromatherapy is an ancient therapeutic method. There is historical evidence that in all major cultures of antiquity (Egypt, Greece, Persia, Roman), physicians deal with herbs, aromatic plants and floral water in purpose to invigorate, cure, stimulate and relax contributing to a better health and well being.

Homeopathy. Homeopathy is a relatively new Holistic Medicine based on the idea, that a natural substance that can produce sick symptoms in a healthy person, can have therapeutic effect in a sick person who suffers from the same symptoms. The term Homeopathy derives from a Greek compound word which means similar-suffering and was introduced by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann. Nevertheless, the homeopathetic approach to health was first described by Hi! ppocrate s 2,500 years ago. Homeopathy treatment is safe for patients as long as the next 2 rules are followed: 1. Remedies should be given in infinitesimal doses, so that unwanted side-effects could not be dangerous. 2. Remedies should be specific to each patient, because illness is specific to the individual.

Meditation. There are many different, even opposing definition of Meditation. The most usual description says that "Meditation is a state of just being without any interference from the body or mind". Free of thoughts, feelings and actions, the meditator has the ability to concentrate on the present moment of quiescence, to understand human mind's nature and to help the awareness of every single aspect of life. Free from any distraction to the mind, the meditator, emphasizes mental activity and achieves personal development. There are many types of Meditation according to their focus and many of them are related to Eastern Religions.

Reflexology. Reflexology is a therapeutic method of healing and pain relieving by pressuring particular reflex areas in hands and feet. Thousands of nerves end in these areas and link to glands, parts and organs of human body. Therefore, reflexologists by pressing on the reflex areas, induced human body to self-correct, to prevent illness, and generally to reinforce itself reaching holistic health.

About the Author

George Kakaris is a freelance writer living in an island of Greece. He is very interested in natural health and alternative active life style and owner of an information site about Aromatherapy Essential Oils and Natural Healing.

Give the Gift of a Crystal Salt Lamp

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 10:00 PM PST

Article by Steve Thibeault

A crystal salt lamp can be the perfect gift item you can send out this Christmas. If you are looking for a new item and a fresh change in gift-giving, this just might be it for you. A crystal salt lamp is perfect for just about anybody. You can give it as a unisex gift item which can be a smart item to bring in for a Christmas party where you have no idea who will be the recipient of your gift. Even kids would be able to benefit from the said item, just make sure you choose one that is designed in such a way that kids will appreciate.

This crystal salt lamp is also a good Christmas gift because of its healing properties. There are so many health benefits attached with the said lamp because it is considered to be one of the ancient luxuries enjoyed by royalty. The salt itself is noted for being able to emit negative ions which help balance the atmosphere and the air within the environment where it was set. It helps reduce the toxins that we breathe through the air surrounding us. The crystal salt lamp is also perfect for distressing the environment which is why it would be a great thing to give to your office workmates as well.

Then of course, another reason to give a crystal salt lamp this Christmas is because it is pretty. It usually glows pinkish or an apricot color once lighted. It fits mostly any kind of room because of its color and can easily become the room's centerpiece once placed there. It can be a source of conversation and the best thing about the crystal salt lamp is that it is very easy to clean up. You only need to brush it. For more information, you may read up on this through http://www.rock-salt-lamp.com/

About the Author

Himalayan Rock Salt Lamps give off a natural warm glow while cleaning the air with its negative ion emissions. Many people attest to experiencing an increased exuberance after spending time around these crystal salt lamps. Try it today!

What to Look for In a Qualified Holistic Practitioner for Your Cat?

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 09:02 PM PST

Article by Albert Tang

Nowadays, more and more pet owners are turning to alternative pet treatments for their pets. They are looking for natural, safe, healthy treatment options that are free from the side effects often associated with conventional medications.

So if you are looking for a qualified holistic practitioner, before you make any decision, interview a few practitioners in your area.

Here's a practical shortlist you can ask them to assist you decide which one will best suit your cat's need:

1) Check out their qualifications in holistic medicine. You need to ask questions was it a short weekend course or a 100 hour continuing education course that required them to pass a practical test for certification.

2) The period of time they have been practicing holistic medicine. The longer the duration, it's also mean he or she is more experienced and able to deal with more varieties of problems.

3) What got them into this in the first place? If someone is in for the money, you may decide against using his or her services. Go for someone who' really there for the animals rather than someone who's in for the money.

4) Which holistic veterinary medicine professional group do they belong to and how active they are?

5) Ask them whether they are willing to provide references and contact details of their clients. 6) Show a willingness to cooperate and discuss your cat's case with the vet who provides the primary traditional care.

7) Able to explain holistic concepts and discuss any possible side effects or safety issues associated with the holistic medicine or technique that is recommended for your cat.

Finding a qualified and good holistic practitioner can be quite a task but since you are paying for good service and the care of your cat, it's prudent to invest more time upfront when choosing a practitioner.

About the Author

Albert recently developed a eCourse for looking after your cat's mental and physical needs. If you are interest in learning more about this free eCourse and taking good care of your cat, please go to http://catcentral.justastore.com or you can send an email to catcentral@getresponse.com to request for your free eCourse.

Swedish Massage - The Complete Body Experience - 3/6

Join Victoria Sprigg CIBTAC, MISPA, IIHHT, a holistic therapist who uses Swedish Massage to great effect in treating a variety of health problems.

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How Does Aromatherapy Work So Well?

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 08:00 PM PST

by Zero-X

Article by Jenny Plonker

If you are wondering how does aromatherapy work, you will be surprised at how much our senses play a part in our memories and emotions, particularly our sense of smell. When you ask the question 'how does aromatherapy work', you have to understand some facts about our brain.

Memories, Emotions And The Nose

The olfactory system involves the nose and the sense of smell. The olfactory system is connected to the limbic system, which is the portion of brain associated with emotions and memories. With the right scent, you can stimulate moods.

Our brain develops memories with the aid of our five senses. When you relive a memory, you are remembering the things that you have seen, touched, heard, tasted and smelled. In this way, memories can be triggered by scent.

A Psychological Healing Effect

To answer the question of how does aromatherapy work, the answer is aromatherapy works on a psychological level. Aromatherapy can distract a person from their stress, induce positive memories or emotions or treat an emotional state. When aromatherapy is used in conjunction with massage, a bath or other aromatherapy treatment, the positive response of well- being and relaxation is even stronger. Aromatherapy is able to affect conscious thought and emotional reactions.

Aromatherapy affects other systems such as the hormonal or endocrine system, which in turn stimulates the nervous system. Stimulation of the hormonal system can influence stress levels, digestive system, circulatory system, insulin production and appetite. These are all powerful systems in our body that are affected by aromatherapy.

Reduce The Ailments Caused By Stress

Since our body can be negatively affected by stress and negative emotions, it is possible to reduce stress caused conditions such as headaches, neck strain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, cardiovascular disease, weight gain or loss, hypertension, digestive complaints and many other physical changes brought about by stress. With the rig! ht essen tial oils, you can use these answers to the question of how does aromatherapy work to heal yourself.

You can choose essential oils that are for stimulating many moods including relaxation or peace. You can also choose essential oils that are known to reduce heart palpitations, anxiety, high blood pressure, debilitation and depression. These are only a few of the positive effects from aromatherapy.

How does aromatherapy work? It works by stimulating the olfactory system, limbic system, nervous system and the endocrine system. You can use these facts about how does aromatherapy work by incorporating the healing and relaxing effects of essential oils in your life for positive effects.

About the Author

For more information on this and information onhow does aromatherapy work visit the aromatherapy soy candles shop now.

How to make all natural/organic face/body creme/cream part 2

OMG is that You creme video part 2 www.thingsfromhomeinc.com Making all natural and organic face and body creme lotion with essential oils with aromatherapy and therapeutic benefits along with carrier oils with moisturizing qualities and plant derived distillates and more.

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The Benefits Of Aromatherapy Soap

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 07:16 PM PST

Article by Jenny Plonker

More and more people are beginning to become of aware of the many benefits of aromatherapy. It has a wide range of uses from massage oils to herbal teas. The oils used in aromatherapy are derived from various plants and herbs around the world. One way to experience the positive effects of these essential oils is with the use of aromatherapy soap. Many people think that the best thing about aromatherapy soap is the fact that is has a pleasant fragrance. The fact is, however, that the oils used to make these soaps have many more tangible health benefits than most people realize. Here's a look at just a few of them.

Physical Benefits

Again, for many people, the pleasurable scents that aromatherapy soaps provide is enough to convince them to buy it. However, they would be pleasantly surprised to find out the other ways that their bodies are improved by using it.

First of all, aromatherapy soaps are made from all natural ingredients, unlike the harsh cleansers in traditional soaps. This means there is less chance of drying out the skin. if you already have dry skin, many of the oils used to make these soaps are great for moisturizing. No matter what type of skin you have, there is an aromatherapy soap that can meet your needs. People with oily skin can also benefit from these soaps. They will cleanse and clear blocked pores that cause the skin to become oily.

Some aromatherapy soaps have a soothing effect that is great for treating insect bites and sunburns. Using these soaps for bathing will bring almost immediate relief to the symptoms of these conditions. Some forms of acne have also been effectively treated with aromatherapy soaps.

Mental Benefits

In addition to the numerous health benefits, this type of soap can also have a positive effect on a person's mind. Aromatherapy has long been used as a relaxant in various forms. As part of massage session, aromatherapy induces a state of calm that helps prepare the recipient for treatment. Aromatherapy can work in! much th e same way. Bathing with aromatherapy soap can relieve stress and put the user in a better frame of mind. It has been known to reduce anger and promote relaxation. Giving yourself some time to relax and temporarily escape the stresses of life will energize you and enable you to better deal with these things in the future.

When choosing aromatherapy soaps, make sure you purchase only the ones that are made from all natural ingredients. Some claim this, but are partly made up of the chemicals you are trying to avoid in the first place. You can also choose to make your own soaps. There is plenty of information about this online, and it's not as difficult as it may sound.

About the Author

For more information on this and other aromatherapy soap visit the aromatherapy soy candles shop now.

Valentines Day Gift Idea! Homemade Bath Salts Tutorial

Sit back and relax with these yummy homemade bath salts. If you don't have a bath or enjoy baths, sprinkle these on your shower floor and you will get the same benefits of aromatherapy . Here's what you need. 1. A clean empty jar 2. Small bowl and spoon for mixing 3. 1/2 cup natural sea salt or kosher salt 3. 1/4-1/2 teaspoon essential oil of your choice (available at any health food store) 4. A few drops gel food coloring (available at any grocery store) 5. Flower petals (optional)

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Mystery And Healing Powers Of Crystal

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 07:00 PM PST

Article by david lee

Throughout history people have attached a special importance to those things out of the ordinary. The rarer and more unique the item, the higher its value. That value is often more than just monetary, with many objects and substances bestowed with magical, superstitious or supernatural powers. Crystal jewelry, with their spellbinding ability to reflect and refract light of different colors, have long been viewed as being more than just beautiful objects; they are believed to have certain powers of healing and magic.

Types of Crystals and their Uses

While many people think of crystals as the normal colorless quartz crystals, actually most precious and semi-precious gemstones are crystals in their own right. Crystals can also been grown from salt and sugar - glass crystals being a prominent form of man-made crystal. Because of their beauty and powers, crystals have become very popular jewelry items. Crystal beads can be strung to form an attractive crystal necklace, Crystal pendants or set of crystal earrings. Many people collect crystal figurines, such as crystal angel figurines, crystal animal figurines and so on. Crystal is also a very popular material for interior decor and is often used for glasses, dishes, bowls, windows, chandeliers, candle holders other ornamental and functional household objects. Swarovski crystal jewelry are also widely used in industry.

Crystals and their Powers

The powers of crystals are believed to be linked to several areas. Most crystals are deemed to have positive influences, and crystals of different substances can be more beneficial to some people than others. Central to this is the idea that crystals and astrology are linked, so that some crystals will bestow a benefit to those born under a certain zodiac sign. Other crystal powers are more universal, such as their healing or purification qualities. Healing crystals, as they are known, are most commonly worn as jewelry or hung above windows or doorways in the house. They are also often fou! nd hangi ng from the rear view mirrors in vehicles. Because of their versatility, crystal jewelry makes the perfect gift, especially something like a Crystal bracelets or Crystal necklaces.

About the Author

David is an expert author who has been writing on diet, fitness, weight loss, and relationship for over 4 years. She is also a fashion addict, who is especially interested in jewelry. http://www.crystaljewelrysale.com/ is one of her favorite jewelry online shops, which provides fashionable Crystal jewelry.

Dr Marcel Vogel - Crystal technique using breath

An overview of the technique using a Vogel cut crystal and the breath

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Aromatherapy Products-Shape Your Body & Lose Your Weight

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 06:00 PM PST

Article by Kishore

Aromatherapy is an art of healing and maintaining health, which makes use of various plant, leaves, flowers, and fruits in the form of naturally extracted oil. And this naturally extracted oil is known as essential oils. Essential oils are extracted through distillation process which doesn't make use of any chemical compound.There are varieties of aromatherapy essential oil available in the market. Each type of oil has its own distinct feature of healing and curing one or the other problem. So, while buying aromatherapy oil, the person is suggested to ensure that he buys a right kind of aromatherapy essential oil. Aromatherapy also makes use of blend of various essential oil. Aromatherapy essential oil blend is always recommended as it enhances the overall health.Aromatherapy oil is a great way to achieve numerous therapeutic benefits in your life. While it may be intimidating at first to get started, using aromatherapy oil is actually quite easy and fun. There are a few guidelines you should keep in mind; however, particularly regarding safety. Read on for more tips to help you get started utilizing the benefits of aromatherapy oil.Inhalation is a good way to get started using aromatherapy oil. In order to utilize this technique you simply need to place one drop of the aromatherapy oil of your choice on a facial tissue. Inhale gently. Using only one drop at a time when you are first experimenting with aromatherapy oil is important to ensure you do not have a reaction to the oil. If there is no sensitivity, you may use 3 or 4 drops for future uses.Steam inhalation is another great way to utilize the benefits of aromatherapy oil. For this method, you will need to boil 2 cups of water, pour it into a bowl and add several drops of the oil of your choice to the water. Place the bowl about a foot away from your face and inhale gently.Aromatherapy oil can also be used to freshen your entire household. A few drops of the oil can be placed in numerous locations such as your vacuum bag filter, trash can, ! etc. To freshen laundry, place a few drops on a tissue and place it in your drawers.For more information visit this site: http://www.paaroma.co.uk

About the Author

Miles is a well-known author who writes on topics related to Aromatherapy Product Online, Aromatherapy Oils, Essential Oils Products, Blended Massage Oil, Massage Oil for the site http://www.paaroma.co.uk


Posted: 26 Dec 2011 05:00 PM PST

Article by Deandre Flowers

Healing CrystalIt is not necessary to cleanse our raw healing crystals. They are not utilized around the body but are placed withing the residence to provide therapeutic that way. In case you are purchasing polished crystals or gemstones which are used for the physique to heal I'd personally advise cleasing them. as i am convinced you will agree recovery crystals are beautiful to own, one thing we're asked quite a lot is how you can cleanse the crystals. healing crystals can absorb the energies of anybody that has handled them or a previous owner, in this instance you will need to cleanse them.if your crystal feels hot or indeed any it may need cleansing, a cleansed feeling crystal will have a certain wonderful feeling about. cleansing the healing crystals is simple when you know how, the following are a few simple methods Treat your healing crystals with great respect, pure rainwater is a wonderful thing to cleanse your crystals with. Simply dry on the Windows sill and leave them to absorb the sun's rays and energy. Make sure that the crystals do not get too hot from the direct sunlight as it may cause them to crack or the colours to fully. Healing Crystal Cleansing Method Five Simple Ways* Use sea salt to soak your healing crystals in overnight this is a great way to remove all the negative energies that previous owner may have had. Now you will have a very good reason to visit the seaside sometime soon. * A simple way to recharge your healing crystals and claims of negative energy is to place outside on the night of a full moon. Don't forget to play for rings and necklaces outside you can place them on the branches of trees or simply hang them from cotton. * You can bury your healing crystals in hopes such as Sage, frankincense and myrrh. This is a very gentle way of cleansing and is preferred by some people. Leave the crystals buried in the herbs overnight This is the gentlest of methods. * Light an incense stick to cleanse the negative energy of the crystals. Light the incense stick and mov! e it gen tly around the crystals. * Healing crystals can be buried allowing mother earth to remove all negative energy from the crystals over a seven-day period. Make sure that you place a marker where you have buried your crystals as they can quite easily get lost * using a plant pot to bury your crystals in some fresh soil is a gentle way to remove negative energyAll of the methods mentioned here are equally effective. Personal choice is a factor when deciding on which cleansing Method to use. Make sure you take your time and cleanse your healing crystals properly because they will be providing you with healing energy for the rest of your life. More Resource ArticlesSYSTEMS TO CLEANSE HEALING CRYSTALS

About the Author

Healing Crystals are wonderful things but you need to know how to use them. Vists our healing crystals website for more information

Crystal Singing Bowls

I attended the World Sound Healing Conference and learned how to play the crystal singing bowls.I gotta have some! There was a vibrational conduit going on.It started with the wand I was holding to play the bowls and rose up and surrounded the entire area.Try playing these bowls if you see them.

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The Health Benefits of Reiki

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 04:01 PM PST

by inju

Article by bedmondo

The human population continually struggles to deal with the stress of daily life, and modern diseases that are becoming ever more resistant to treatments. Serious illnesses seem to affect nearly everybody at some point in life. A weak immune system will make people even more susceptible to these illnesses, because the body will not have the proper tools to heal itself.

Our bodies harbor millions of bacteria and viruses both good and bad. Normally, the body can fight off the bad through its defensive immune system. However, once this healing energy leaves the body it becomes defenseless in warding off disease.

Reiki is made up of the words Rei and Ki. Rei means universal and Ki means life force or energy. So, Reiki is the energy that is flowing through the universe. The energy is in all living creatures and plants on earth. And, according to Mikao Usui (the creator or Usui Reiki) the Reiki energy is used to help the immune system ward off disease and assist the body's ability to heal. The Usui Reiki technique is now used around the world to both heal people and also purify them as a means of disease prevention.

Reiki works on the basic principle of energy balance. When your body's natural energy, (or Reiki) is balanced out, then it will have a greatly increased healing power. The natural energy balance is also able to help cure or reduce any diseases that are currently in the body. Thus, a Reiki treatment serves well to cleanse the body and the mind. After a Reiki session, all your negative thoughts and worries will be wiped clean. Both spiritually and physically, your body will be clean and energetically balanced.

Reiki treatment can be given using two techniques, direct and indirect. With direct treatment, the Reiki master uses his/her hands to touch the most important parts of the body and balance the energy inside. Indirect treatment occurs when the client is not present and the Reiki master will simply image that their hands are actually there. Both procedures seem to ! be equal ly effective, although direct treatment gives a better connection between the client and the Reiki master.

With Reiki treatment, it is possible to increase your energy, body, and spirit. These sessions will literally help you ward off nasty diseases and keep you feeling great. The best part of it all is that Reiki is a safe, natural, non-invasive method for curing diseases with great results. Take it from those who receive Reiki treatment all around the world, it works!

About the Author

My name is Brian and I am a college student at San Jose State University. I am studying Electrical Engineering and have a strong interest in the alternative energy market. I have a scholarship at a solar power company and I love being able to be a part of a needed solution to the global power problem. My hobbies are bowling, computers, cars, stereo systems, and website creation. I am a problem solver at heart, and hopefully this website will be able to help solve someone else's. I hope that you enjoy seeing what I have put on the site and I hope that the products you find on this site are beneficial to you as well.

The Fundamentals of Reiki and Tarot


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Benefits of Reiki for Competitive Athletes and Sport Persons

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 03:00 PM PST

Article by Ruth Stuettgen

Benefits of Reiki for Competitive Athletes and Sport PersonsReiki has many beneficial aspects for professional athletes and sports persons. Reiki improves the stamina of athletes by restoring and re-balancing their body to increase the energy level. This wonderful therapy reduces the injuries such as muscle pulls and ligament inflammations or helps in prompt recovery through its natural healing abilities. The healing process is triggered by the human body. Reiki also plays a pivotal role in helping all sports person to deal with the stress, pressure and the emotional outbreaks caused by their hectic training schedule and competition.

How does Reiki help To Recover From Sports Injuries?When the Reiki practitioner holds his or her hands on the athlete's area of pain, the energy flows to the root cause of the injury and frees the body of any blockages or imbalances, thus helping the athlete's body to recover quickly. There is a tremendous reduction in the tension levels caused in the athlete's muscles and this can ease the inflammation in the injured area.

How Reiki Can Be Used To Calm Athletes During CompetitionWorrying about losing or performing poorly or pressure for setting a record can cause immense stress and anxiety that causes sleeping disorders in athletes. Reiki can help athletes to be calm and relaxed. This helps them to focus their energy on achieving their desired goals. Athletes gain a sense of inner harmony and a boost of positive Reiki energy to mind and body, enabling them to increase their performance.

Rieki has tremendous benefits for all competitive athletes. Through the help of an excellent Reiki therapist you too can enjoy these benefits.

How does Reiki help To Recover From Sports Injuries?When the Reiki practitioner holds his or her hands on the athlete's area of pain, the energy flows to the root cause of the injury and frees the body of any blockages or imbalances, thus helping the athlete's body to re! cover qu ickly. There is a tremendous reduction in the tension levels caused in the athlete's muscles and this can ease the inflammation in the injured area.

How Reiki Can Be Used To Calm Athletes During CompetitionWorrying about losing or performing poorly or pressure for setting a record can cause immense stress and anxiety that causes sleeping disorders in athletes. Reiki can help athletes to be calm and relaxed. This helps them to focus their energy on achieving their desired goals. Athletes gain a sense of inner harmony and a boost of positive Reiki energy to mind and body, enabling them to increase their performance.

Rieki has tremendous benefits for all competitive athletes. Through the help of an excellent Reiki therapist you too can enjoy these benefits.

About the Author

AuthorRuth E. Stuettgen is an expert Reiki practitioner who is well qualified and accredited by The Reiki Association of Australia Inc. Her practice is located in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. She attained her Reiki Grade 1 & 2 qualifications in the Usui Reiki Line in Germany in 2001 & 2003. You can visit her Benefits of Reiki blog for more information. Book your session for a wonderfully relaxing Reiki experience by contacting us through the Focus on Balance web site.

Reiki Poetry - The Reiki Breath

Welcome to this Video on Reiki Poetry, brought to you by www.ReikiPoetry.com We hope that you enjoy the Reiki Poetry we are about to share. Visit Our Reiki Poetry Blog for other videos www.reikipoetry.com

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Reiki Healing Now

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 02:01 PM PST

Article by shannon bish

Reiki descended from Japan. The words Rei implies "God's Wisdom" and Ki is short for "life drive energy". Incorporating these creates a very effective, spiritually instructed relaxation technique purposed to relieve the strains within the body system.

The Reiki method is implemented via the action connected with "laying on of hands". Doing it is extremely uncomplicated to do, and is convenient to almost any one. This particular action motivates every person's silent life strength vitality to boost and circulate throughout the physique to be able to promote intrinsic restorative healing. Earlier to which, it is actually believed that each time a particular person possesses poor life drive power, he / she becomes more vulnerable to health issues as well as emotional stress, hence, Reiki enables everybody to get logically pleasant and also healthy.

Unsurprisingly, individuals are really in this particular recovery process: many of them, believe it or not, have formerly undergone profound spiritual recovery and also self enhancement, generating their selves a powerful Reiki professional. Any one is proficient for turning into a Reiki pro, and all sorts of people today can gain wellness thru this organic spiritual course of action. By discovering Reiki, a man or woman can become equipped to provide out her or his intrinsic vigor, and then transform them straight into impressive therapeutic solutions which could fix each pore and fiber of their physique which includes misshapen emotions, worn out spirit as well as body, and shed spirituality.

Reiki is equipped for maintaining internal contentment, solace, and also comfort inside of the entire human system. Furthermore, as its method is now being employed through comprehensive mediation along with psychic enlightening, it is thought to be highly reliable and beneficial in comparison with various other healthcare therapeutic strategies. Numerous have attested that Reiki is actually effective for mending illnesses within desperate situ! ations. And then for individuals who are battling untreatable illnesses, Reiki have been able to make these folks feel extra mentally anchored as well as enlightened. Irrespective of any issues in your everyday living : could they be in relation to physical conditions, misplaced sensations, frustrating worries, or unbearable aches - Reiki, by its potential to be able to bring bodily calmness, will allow you to achieve an enjoyable not to mention tranquil existence. Reiki is going to educate you exactly how to be able to construct an absolute refuge inside your body applying your life drive vigor. It can help you fortify every single component of your individuality so that you can attain a much better wellness plus a far greater approach to life.

Seeking through the total Reiki treatment technique -- the application, tasks towards the body, plus benefits, one can express that Reiki can indeed grant health and wellness to all people. It does not necessarily pick any years of age or intellectual power instead; it brings to fruition long term results of tranquility and efficacy to each person. Reiki courses are being taught throughout the world, you may as well learn its procedure by using online curing web pages. If you are curious in becoming a Reiki Expert, and get organic treatment with harmony and convenience, check all of our various Reiki school plans immediately!

About the Author

This was just a style this innovative new healing engineering. I want to discover out a lot more about Reiki Healing

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a light-touch or no-touch therapy that can be used by anybody. AWE Therapies is located in Barrie, Ontario and provides Reiki classes, information and treatment. To learn more about AWE Therapies visit aw-etherapies.ca.

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Aromatherapy: Marketing lies or is it the truth?

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 01:00 PM PST

Article by Petronille Berlay

You must have come across this term in one form of advertisement or another. Indeed aromatherapy is promoted as being able to solve all your problems and make you live an agreeable life. Does aromatherapy really works or is it only a marketing initiative? The primary aim of this article is to provide some information on this subject and distinguish the truth from the fake.

Aromatherapy unlike traditional medicine is more concern about the wholeness of the whole body and not just the symptoms. Traditionally aromatherapy relies on the therapeutic properties of essential oils to help people. It is also generally claimed that aromatherapy can bring healing to the emotions of people that have suffered from these problems. This is why this practice has become popular among many people.Aromatherapy treatment is most of the time based on the application and use of essential oils. This is either in the form of massage, inhalation or application on the skin. Thus the healing power of the essential oil is imparted fully to the body. This is usually done by a qualified aromatherapist that has good knowledge of this treatment. You should be however aware that there are some unscrupulous people that are claiming some fake products as being aromatherapy treatment. You should not get confused with these products as this is only a form of marketing. At best, these products may contain some essential oil but very rarely at the therapeutic dosage. This is why many people are also having a false view of aromatherapy and thinking that this treatment does not have any positive effect. French readers can visit the following url for more information on aromatherapy:bienfaits du pamplemousse

If you are serious about trying aromatherapy then you should take your time to find a qualified aromatherapist. For example you can use the Internet to find what other people are saying about the personnel to know whether it is a reputed place or not. There are also some hotels that provide aromatherapy treatments withi! n their spa or saunas. This can guarantee you a good level of quality for your aromatherapy treatments.

Aromatherapy is a kind of alternative medicines that has attracted some attention during recent years. The advantage of aromatherapy is that it can be used as a complement for traditional medicines thus making the healing process more rapid. It is however important that this treatment is carried out by a qualified person if you want it to be totally effective in your cases.

About the Author

Writen by Petronille Berlay for http://www.diffuseurhuileessentielle.com/" > diffuseurhuileessentielle.com. Aromatherapy relies on using essential oils to relax and cure minor health problems. Follow this link for more articles on aromatherapy.

Holistic Lifestyles For Better Sleep

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 12:00 PM PST

Article by Virgie Jennings

About holistic living:The approaches to a holistic living may be many but there is one very interesting fact about it that it is quite related to the spiritual side of life. It can also be said that this lifestyle basically centered on the way of living which nature has intended us to. The result of this can be a deep insight that is effective in creating health, happiness, clarity and sensitivity. Some of the basic steps that comprises an intimate part of a holistic approach to a healthy living includes intake of natural and herbal nutritional supplements, meditating, drinking a lot of pure water at room temperature and praying etc. Other phases of holistic lifestyles also includes diet, nutritional supplements, regular exercise and positive environmental factors. What are ways to achieve a holistic lifestyle?If we consider the fact inside out it can easily be felt that a holistic approach consists of different aspects that includes physical, mental, emotional and spiritual state of an individual. However one of the basic important ways that comes first to attain a healthy and holistic living includes a special emphasis on diet and food. Eating should only be done upon feeling hungry. Food that is fresh, mainly in the raw form is said to be the best. It is also advised to avoid food that has preservatives, permitted colors and those, which has been over cooked, burnt, and seasoned with lot of spices and salt. Negative qualities such as anger, jealousy, greed, unbridled lust and passion, coveting the wealth and property of others and dishonesty should always be controlled as a positive step towards a better health. Another very effective method is the use of herbs that are found equally important in comparison to a proper diet and a positive state of mind. The reason so many herbs are beneficial in the treatment of sleep disorders is that herbs are synergetic. They work on one problem, for instance a digestive disorder or nervous tension - and by relieving that problem they improve the ent! ire func tioning of the body and lead to other improvements, such as better sleep.

For a more comprehensive look at this topic, just click SLEEP DISORDERS

About the Author

Hi I am Virgie Jennings. I used to have trouble getting a good night's sleep. I did some research and found out there were solutions to my problem. I wrote some articles that might be of help to insomniacs out there. I hope they help.

Understanding Reiki Healings - Part 2 of 3

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 11:02 AM PST

by inju

Article by Taylore Vance

Reiki healing treatments give many benefits. A total healing can occur and at times...there are amazing miracle recoveries. But traditionally, Reiki removes the old negative energy-layer by layer.

Reiki Benefits Those In Hospitals

1. It can be used as a complementary therapy 2. It enhances the healthcare the patient receives in the hospital or from other healthcare providers 3. Many nurses are becoming Reiki practitioners 4. Treatment reduces some of the side effects of drugs and helps the body's recovery after surgery and chemotherapy. 5. Some hospitals invite Reiki healing into client care because it will provide the added energy needed to recover from illness.

The Reiki energy is a natural energy from the Universe. It's unlimited and it seems to know what to do without any effort on the part of the practitioner except for them to start the flow by drawing the Reiki symbols in the air or just thinking... Reiki heal.

The client always feels refreshed after a treatment. When the healing treatment is combined with the sincere desire of the healee to do whatever it takes to get better, the results are very beneficial. Some times there is a healing crisis (a release of toxins causing some discomfort) because of the cleansing within their physical, emotional and spiritual body. When this happens, toxins are released within the body, and the client should drink plenty of spring water and take it easy for a few days. Further Reiki applications assist the body in cleaning itself and dissipating the released toxins.

Reiki healing is beneficial to the health of men, woman (even pregnant women), children, babies, pets, farm animals, plants, garden flowers and you can even bless your water and your automobile with this energy.

There is great respect among those in the Reiki (healing arts) community. Reiki people know and feel there is a common bond between them. They know that they are helping the world become a better and more peaceful place.

It's wonderful tha! t almost all practitioners feel the harmony and joy that flowing The healing Light brings to each one of us. It is a natural high without drugs.

When you are Reiki you are taught not to take on the problems of others and not to use your own energy for healing.

Reiki healing energy is an energy tool you take with you everywhere you go. It's built into your body and hands for use at any moment, any time, anywhere for on-the-spot treatment for your automobile's stuck starter, a dead battery, your friend's stress release, pain relief from injury, and/or even to give yourself a quick burst of energy while driving on long trips.

Reiki Helps People With Negative Or Blocked Energy

Most people suffer a little bit from blocked energy flow. When your "Life Force Energy" is disrupted, weakened, or blocked the physical body can no longer do its maintenance work to keep the body going. Because the body is weakened... mental, emotional and physical problems tend to occur.

When the flow of good energy is blocked the person has a low vibrational frequency. They are often found in destructive relationships and lifestyles. They appear to be on a self-sabotage or self-destruct path by continually making the wrong choices. They neglect themselves in many ways. Plus they don't (or can't) love themselves or others. That causes a real strain on relationships. They push away and hurt the people who love them. This emotional turmoil can be helped by Reiki treatments.

Reiki raises the vibrational frequency of the client and the healer. It promotes, health, joy, and well-being for all.

About the Author

Taylore Vance, writer, healer, shares "Make money in work-at-home business" -a href="http://www.prosperity-tips.com"> Triple Your Income Without Extra Work , Make money at Online Opportunities, Reiki Ranch Photos


CancerKi® es un sistema contemporáneo de manejo de energía que fusiona los conocimientos milenarios de manejo de energía en el tratamiento de cáncer. Desde tiempos inmemoriales, el ser humano ha tenido conocimiento sobre el funcionamiento de su cuerpo entendiendo cabalmente que la armonía interna equivale a un perfecto estado de salud. CancerKi® CancerKi® es un sistema contemporáneo de manejo de energía que une los conocimientos milenarios de manejo de energía en el tratamiento de cáncer. Este sistema ha sido desarrollado por Mayra Rodriguez G... Nos dedicamos a educar y orientar a las personas sobre los beneficios de la Medicina Complementaria/Integrativa. Nuestro lema, "Medicina Complementaria al alcance de todos" refleja el compromiso inquebrantable que tenemos de diseminar la información de manera seria y responsable, haciéndola lo más accesible posible a aquellos que buscan complementos saludables para sus tratamientos médicos convencionales. Our mission is to educate and disseminate information about the benefits of Complementary/Integrative Medicine. Our motto, "Complementary Medicine within Everyone's Reach" reflects our unfailing compromise to disseminate this information in a serious and responsible fashion, while make it accessible to those who are searching for healthy complements to their conventional medical treatments. Our mission is to reach out to the medical and scientific communities worldwide. Our long term vision is to bridge the gap that divides ...

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Aromatherapy Products To Lift Your Mood

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 10:01 AM PST

Article by Anne Harvester

It is well-known by actors that the sense of smell can be used to help actors tie into memories of places and events in their pasts. It might be that the smell of buttered popcorn takes you mentally to a visit to a favorite movie theatre, or freshly cut lawn smell reminds you of happy summertime memories at a favorite vacation spot. Aromatherapy products may be useful to you in a similar fashion. Having the air around you infiltrated with pleasing aromas may help to improve your mood, and there are several ways to achieve this effect. There are several aromatherapy products that you can try, including an aromatherapy diffuser as well as several aromatherapy oils and massage oils.

The two basic items that you can use to get started with aromatherapy are an aromatherapy diffuser and aromatherapy oils. An aromatherapy diffuser can be a vessel as small as one that you would wear around your neck to one large enough to add scent to an entire room. Into the diffuser you place a few drops of aromatherapy oils. These oils are typically herb essential oils, and thus are very potent so that only a few drops are needed to add their fragrance to the air around you. One aspect of the aromatherapy diffuser that will help to make the experience more successful is the application of heat to the oil inside the diffuser. When the aromatherapy oils are heated, they are more able to release their fragrances into the air. If the vessel used is small such as one worn as a necklace, your body heat is sufficient to heat the oil. Other diffusers come with a candle that can be lit under the vessel, or other vessels are designed to sit atop an electric light bulb on a lamp, so that when you turn the lamp on, the heat from the light bulb gently warms the oil. Larger diffusers may also come with small fans built into them, so that the scent of the oils are dispersed more easily throughout an entire room.

Other aromatherapy products include massage oils. Because essential oils need to be blended into a carrier oil! for the best results when used on the skin, massage oils came into existence. They may use almond oil as the carrier oil, and can be scented with any variety of essential oil that you enjoy. You could choose from lavender, lemon, allspice berry, anise oils or any that you prefer.

All of these aromatherapy products are available from fine herbal product merchants online for your convenience.

About the Author

Anne Harvester writes about-- aromatherapy products.

Fragrance & Oils : How to Make Mint Oil

A mint oil can be made by combining mint leaves with a carrier oil in a dark jar that can be stored for awhile. Discover how corn starch can be used to help oil to pick up a with help from the creator of a line of aromatherapy products in this free video on making mint oil. Expert: Lauren Roy Contact: www.sugarhollowfarm.org Bio: Lauren Roy has been in the natural living business for about 15 years. Filmmaker: Christian Munoz-Donoso

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Crystal For Healing: How to boost confidence and get rid of stress

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST

Article by Annabelle Wadsworth

Crystals are pretty rocks right? They come in all different colours- pinks, blues, greens; and they make for great paperweights, but what can that dusty hunk of rock you once bought on a whim from a store that smelt a little too strongly of incense do for you? Well for one, you can use a crystal for healing.

Crystals, like Aladdin's lamp are more than what they seem. Their hidden aspects have been carved in stone by ancient Egyptians and written in parchment by the Babylonians. Even today the windows of Tiffany's and Cartier are a testament to our obsession with crystals and gemstones. Perhaps the reason we prize them has more to do with how they make us feel than we think.

Any true scientist will tell you that all crystals have an energy or charge that is not so different from the human body. So imagine what you can do with all this free energy! Studies show that when placed in water it changes the molecular structure or the liquid, it emits vibrations and new technology can even take photos of a crystals energy field. So instead of using crystals to transduce and transmit energy in computers, TV's, and watches as they are used today- you can use them to heal, attune, calm and create.

When the energy body, aura or chakras of you or I, is disturbed or out of balance it has a direct effect on our physical body- muscle aches, acne, arthritis- you name it! A crystals individual properties can be used to work in harmony with the human body to transmute or even amplify certain aspects in your energy body using 3 simple steps:

1. Choosing your crystalCrystals are not all the same and when picking one for a specific purpose it helps to be informed. Like diamonds, cut, colour, clarity and size all make a difference. But keep in mind, a raw and cloudy crystal has as much power as a polished one, just in different ways. Do a little reading and find what you are looking for. If you feel a little overwhelmed, don't forget the power of intuiti! on!!

2. Cleansing and charging your crystalThere are a number of ways to cleanse your crystal so that it is cleared of any previous vibrations or negative charges and it's up to you to decide which one you feel is best. My favourite method is to place the crystal in a bowl of water and leave it outside during a waxing moon night. Another popular way is to place it in a cluster of amethyst or clear quartz crystals for 12 hours. Remember that your crystal is constantly absorbing outside energy so it requires frequent cleansing for optimal use.

3. Getting to know your crystalYour crystal can do a lot for you but you need to find out its strength and why this stone that was formed in the earth miles from your doorstep has come into your life. Sure, you went out and bought it- but it has a certain vibration and energy that is one of a kind, just like you. Get to know its energy flow and your healing will work much better.


Confidence: carry or meditate with Green jasper. This stone stimulates the blood circulation and the heart chakra giving strength and courage.

Rejuvenation: Red garnet is a powerful energizing stone. Place a garnet in a glass of water for a minute and then drink to give you a kick start to your day!

Relaxation: A great method to achieve general healing is by placing 8 amethyst crystals around you when sleeping. These crystals calm emotions and aid meditation and sleep. Try different layout patterns to fins what works best for you.

So dust off your crystalline paperweight and have a little fun with your crystals- put them in your water, carry them in your pocket; and perhaps the Crystal Age of Atlantis wont feel like such a myth after all.

About the Author

Annabelle Wadsworth has been a healer and energy worker for over 20 years. For more great information on crystal for healing, visit http://theadventuresofmrstwinkle.wordpress.com/

1984 TV show about working with Crystals with Dr. Marcel Vogel

A TV show in 1984 with Dr. Colette Fields and Daniel Willis talking about the therapeutic use of crystals and the lab work with Dr. Marcel Vogel

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Onondaga County Parks News – December 2011

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST

The Lights Continue to Shine…

Still plenty of time left to catch CNY's top holiday attraction, Wegmans Lights on the Lake. Don't miss the all-new displays including a multi-piece animated lacrosse scene, dynamic aquarium video and more. Learn more

And Parks has several options to "Ring in the New Year"

Noon Year's Eve at the Rosamond Gifford Zoo. Learn more…

New Year's Eve Prime Rib Buffet at Highland Forest. Learn more…

Americu's First Night CNY, a family-friendly New Year's Eve extravaganza, complete with live music, activities for the kids, walk thru Lights on the Lake and the orange ball drop at midnight followed by fireworks over Onondaga Lake. Learn more…
Take a Break at County Parks…

Planning some vacation time during the holidays or just looking to entertain the kids while they are on break? Why not head out to your favorite county park for some fun, relaxation or maybe get a head start working off those holiday pounds!

Here are a few ideas:

Horsedrawn Sleigh or Hay Rides at Highland Forest
Nine miles of trails await you at Beaver Lake Nature Center
Open year-round, the Rosamond Gifford Zoo residents puts on their best show in the winter…just for you.
The East Shore Trail at Onondaga Lake Park is open all year as well (it's plowed when needed!)

And when it does snow… Be ready!

Try out those new cross country skis or snowshoes at Highland Forest or Beaver Lake. Didn't get any, don't worry… ski & snowshoe rentals are available at Highland with snowshoe rentals at Beaver Lake.

Get your sled and head to Long Branch Park and/or the Skyline Hill at Highland.

Click here for winter activity info and condition reports.
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Holiday Openings/Closings…

All parks, except Onondaga Lake Park/Long Branch Park, will be closed on Christmas Day. Wegmans Lights on the Lake is open every night through Sunday, January 8 (Closed to vehicles on Dec. 31 for First Night CNY.)

On New Year's Day Beaver Lake Nature Center, Highland Forest, Oneida Shores and Onondaga Lake Park will be open, while Carpenter's Brook and the Zoo will be closed.


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Aromatherapy Organic essential oils

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 08:00 AM PST

Article by Alfred Patrick

Aromatherapy oils are essential oils generally steam distilled or water distilled from many natural ingredients that generates aroma to regularize health and mind of a human. These natural ingredients may involve leaves, stems, roots, or any elements of the plants that are therapeutic.

When infused with natural oils such as olive oil, the aromatic plants were used to heal, for cosmetics, religious rites, as well as embalming. Perfumed oils are actually used in modern day religious practices. One reference by Shen Nung goes back to 2700BC, listing three hundred plants and their uses.

Organic essential oils are wonderful when used in massage and bath preparations. Because the aromatherapy oils are the pure essence of the plant and so concentrated, they must be used with a carrier oil when the product is to be applied to the skin. A popular one used in massage therapy as well as for bathing is sweet almond oil, although grapeseed oil and many others are also used.

There are several herbs and plants that give off an aroma that is used in perfumery such as basil and bergamot. Basil helps an individual improve concentration by making them more sharp as well as relieving migraines, depression and headaches - an amazing set of benefits.

Aromatherapy oils reinstate the belief that nature has the best storehouse of tools for a healthy living. Aromatherapy oils can heal the body by strengthening it and giving the body the nutrients to replenish the immune system that help combat disease, relieve stress and regenerate the system.

Essential oils used in aromatherapy are different in chemical mix from other herbal products. Aromatherapy uses pure, natural, unmodified aromatic essences, (essential oils) and hydrosols (colloidal suspensions) that come from botanical material. These substances can have a broad range of therapeutic effects and actions on the body.

Inhaling aromatherapy oils is where the vapor given off by the oil is inhaled into the lungs. This is thought to inc! ite the brain and cause it to trigger a reaction to the oil. It is also thought that there is a physical well being by breathing the vapors directly into the lungs. Remember that safety is of the utmost importance and always follow the manufacturer's instructions as otherwise a reaction, possibly very severe can take place.

The bath tub is a common place where women go to get a way from it all for a short period of time. Add several drops of aromatherapy oil and soak for at least 20 minutes. Rosemary and Lavender are great aromatherapy oils to help you relax.

There are varieties of aromatherapy essential oil available in the market. Each type of oil has its own distinct feature of healing and curing one or the other problem. So, while buying aromatherapy oil, the person is suggested to ensure that he buys a right kind of aromatherapy essential oil.

After the initial excitement over synthetic chemicals calmed down and science advanced, we have discovered that what they first thought to be identical reproductions of natural substances are, in fact, much inferior and not structurally or functionally the same. Not only do they lack the therapeutic action of the natural substance, they could have potentially harmful side effect like headaches, skin irritations, and allergic reactions.

Read about aromatherapy oils.Also read about hotel safety and fashion schools

About the Author

Read about ayushveda blogs.

Full Healing Crafting Part 1 (Candle Magic/Herbal Teas/Incense)

This is part 1 of the full healing crafting by Helen Demetriou. In this video you will find a whole practice of healing someone using the magical and holistic arts. Included in this 2 part video you will find Candle Magic, Incence making, Aromatherapy, Herbal Tea making and moon phase information. Please visit Helen's website at www.angeltouchcyprus.com and follow her on Twitter at http Additional information on Candle Magic video by edster1973 PART 1 www.youtube.com PART 2 www.youtube.com

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Mentors Mention: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, December 26, 2011

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 08:00 AM PST

Hello and good morning to all
Another awesome and amazing day in the Universe
Mentors Mention, my intention of the day

This is how I always wanted to be
Always to learn, to mirror thy journey
Thy journey I see, that is right from thee
For I see all of thy light, this gives me thy might
Thy image is life, that life that I wish it to be
And thy mentor reflects what I wanted to see
I watch and I watch, learning from thee
Oh now I know how to be, love that I see
I pick some of me and now I practice from thee
All within what I want it to be, as I follow thy good
And thy good is thy God, all loving I see
Thank God for thee, my mentor of me
A mention I see of thy guide that makes me
My mentor I choose, as he chooses of me
For we are simply of one, thy mind within thee
Blessings this day, practice of thy way
Namaste and love,
Dr. Rob

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What Is Reiki

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST

Article by Jonathon Hardcastle

Reiki is the practice of using one's hands to direct and channel the energies, or Ki, of the body, thereby healing the patient. Most schools of Reiki teach that energy has an intelligence of its own and that once it is channeled will automatically work on the part of the body that needs it most.

Reiki was founded in the early 1900s by a Buddhist, Mikao Usui, who, after a long period of fasting and meditation, claimed to hear voices revealing "the keys to healing." Usui then trained several disciples and the practice spread throughout Japan. Heightened interest among Americans in alternative health practices led to the spread of Reiki in the United States in the latter part of the twentieth century.

A typical Reiki session involves the patient lying down on a table or bed and the Reiki practitioner moving his or her hands over or on the body. The patient may feel sensations such as cold, heat or tingling, or they may feel nothing. Reiki practitioners attribute any sensations to the movement of energy through the body. Some practitioners charge for their services and others don't.

Reiki is controversial because there is no governing body that standardizes training and practice and licenses practitioners. There are several different "schools" of Reiki, each teaching slightly different methods and practices. There are Wiccan, Celtic and Tibetan flavors of Reiki, and even one that was developed in the American Southwest. In the most traditional school of Reiki, students must complete three courses before they can become Masters and initiate and train other students. This has led to the rise of internet-based distance courses in Reiki, some of which claim they can train a student in just three days.

Most conventional health practitioners question the efficacy of Reiki. They point out that research does not indicate that it is beneficial and fear that patients with serious diseases will seek Reiki treatment over other, more proven, treatments. However, some have seen some benefit! in incl uding Reiki treatments along with more conventional medicine.

Reiki has often been compared to the faith healing or laying on of hands practiced in some Christian churches. Some Reiki practitioners prefer the term "spiritual healing" because the patient does not have to believe in any doctrine for the treatment to work. In fact, they claim that the patient does not have to believe the treatment itself will work in order for it to be effective.

About the Author

Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles on many topics including Alternative Health, Relationships, and Health


producer - Desiree Thompson copyright 2010

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Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selections, December 26, 2011

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST

"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give." ~Winston Churchill

"One thing I know; the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve. " ~Albert Schweitzer

"You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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The BioMat and Amethyst Crystals

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST

Article by Kari Roland

Bridging Heaven & Earth Show # 161 with DaEl Walker and Alana Sweetwater Music Videos

DaEl is the Director of the Crystal Awareness Institute. For over 25 years he has focused research on subtle energy, crystals, healing, and sensitivity training. He has taught in 9 countries on 4 continents. He was the first western healer to teach healing to Japan. In February 1996, he was the only international speaker at the first New Age Expo in Asia, in Hong Kong. November 1996 he was the only American among 28 presenters at the first "Conference of Alternative Therapies" held in Eastern Europe, in Romania. His presentation was officially voted Best of Conference by the attendees. In 1998 he received the Martin De La Cruz Prize from the Academia Mexicana de Medicina Tradicional, at the 12th International Conference on Traditional Medicine, cosponsored by the University of New Mexico. This prize is given each year to the individual or organization that has contributed the most to alternative healing. He has been involved in Crystal Skull Research since 1986 when he was part of a team of researchers who went to Canada and worked with the Mitchell-Hedges Skull. He has since worked on 27 crystal skulls and is the guardian of Rainbow, an ancient crystal skull. He is now travelling with the skull and bringing it to the attention of the world. DaEl is part Native American, descended from the Cherokee tribe. He is an elder in the Spirit Horse Medicine Society. He is the author of The Crystal Book, The Crystal Healing Book, co-author of the Crystal Sourcebook, has just ...

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Dr. Rob’s 12 Minute Meditation, December 26, 2011

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST

With this breath do I take, and learn all from thee
From thee that you be, now do I see
My mirror is in me, life is the key
A moment a breath, now all comes to be
As I walk in thy garden now do I see
For thy breath builds of me and now do I see
My mentor of life, you give and I be
With the breath comes thy life
Good do I see as thy breath fills me
You are my guide, my director of life
I learn and I grow, to then share what I know
This is of life, good do I sight
As thy breath comes in to me
Out I share all with thee
In with thy light and now I see me
All best that you be is what I want it to be
Love and Namaste as you walk in thy garden
Dr. Rob

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Dr. Rob’s 3G’s, December 26, 2011

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 05:00 AM PST

Gratitude: I am grateful for all of the mentors in my life and those who guide me

Goals: to take what I have learned from my mentors and apply it to my life to inspire positive growth and change

Game plan:  to read and write of those who have positively influenced me and share my thoughts and ideas with others

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How To Instantly Strengthen Your Abs

Neuromuscular therapist Sam Visnic shows you a quick technique to instantly strengthen your abs and correct anterior pelvic tilt.

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Aromatherapy Needs A New Name! Science Continues To Affirm Medicinal Properties of Essential Oils

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 05:00 AM PST

Article by Eric Allen

Aromatherapy as Therapeutic Medicine

Aromatherapy, or more fittingly named "aroma-medicine", seeks to treat or prevent diseases using potent, aromatic essential oils. Since ancient times, aromatherapy has been used for prevention as well as cure. Hippocrates himself thought that aromatic baths and massage were a way to remain healthy. Today, aromatherapy and its holistic approach is one of the fastest growing therapies in the world.

Application of Aromatherapy

The application of aromatherapy is most widely known through inhalation, yet topical applications as well as ingestion are also part of this practice. When inhaled, the various aromatic molecules pass through the olfactory centers, infiltrating the bloodstream via the lungs causing physiologic changes. Molecules of essential oils also stimulate nerve centers that in turn affect the limbic system, which controls our emotions and memories. It is known that aromatic compounds can influence mood, perceived health, and states of alertness.

Confirmation in Modern Science

In western culture, validation of medical therapies comes through empirical research. Rising popularity of aromatherapy with main-stream society has prompted researchers to take a closer look at this ancient therapy. Although still largely unproven by a wide breadth of research, preliminary studies, both in vitro and clinical, show positive effects using this medicinal therapy.

Depression: At the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2009), researchers published a review of the effectiveness of aromatherapy to decrease depression and symptoms of depression arising from various types of chronic medical conditions. Continued use of aromatherapy for depression was supported with further controlled studies recommended.

Immune Booster: At the Institute of Neurobiology and Molecular Medicine, Italy (2008), researchers looked at the influence of eucalyptus essential oil on the monocytic/macrophagic system - one o! f the pr imary defenses of the immune system against pathogen attacks. Results indicated that eucalyptus is able to stimulate a cell-mediated immune response, prompting the possibility of developing a new group of immuno-regulatory agents.

Anxiety: Laboratory results (using animals) indicate statistically significant differences when aromatherapy was applied. Clinical trials are few. Yet, one joint review by the University of Newcastle and Northumbria, United Kingdom (2006), looked at the pharmacology of essential oils and found evidence that essential oils exert measurable psychological effects in humans. Researchers concluded that aromatherapy provides a potentially effective treatment for a range of psychiatric disorders, especially since the side effects are minimal (if non-existent) compared to conventional psychotropic drugs.

Travel Excitement in Pets: Response to therapeutic treatments administered to animals is often much quicker than in humans. At the Queen's University of Belfast Canine Behavior Center (2006), researchers looked at the effects of aromatherapy (diffused lavender essential oil) to manage travel excitement in dogs. Researchers found that dogs spent significantly more time at rest than moving around and recommended the use of aromatherapy as a practical alternative to expensive and sometimes adverse responses of traditional treatments.


Recent science studies indicate that aromatherapy is effective for conditions such as anxiety, depression and boosting cellular immune functions. In many of the studies reviewed, scientists are suggesting further research (rather than dismissing) for possible uses of essential oils as an alternative or complement to conventional medical practices. What has been used for centuries might soon find its place amongst hospitals and medical offices world-wide. The evolution of plant phytochemicals over millennia has served in the preservation of their species. It is likely that such chemicals will be soon sou! ght afte r on a larger scale for human survival as well.

About the Author

The author is a researcher for The Ananda Apothecary at aromatherapy using essential oils.

Essential Guide to Massage Techniques - 31-35 - Neck & Scalp Massage

Introduction to the techniques of massage. Aspects covered include: 'Basic Massage', 'Swedish Massage', 'Reflexology', 'Acupressure', 'Aromatherapy', 'Indian Head Massage', 'Facial Massage' and 'After Treatment Advice'.

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