Discover The Relaxation and Health Benefits of Aromatherapy
Discover The Relaxation and Health Benefits of Aromatherapy |
- Discover The Relaxation and Health Benefits of Aromatherapy
- What Can You Expect From A Holistic Health Practitioner: Acupuncture, Chiropractic Care And More
- Aromatherapy Air Freshener
- Holistic Drug Rehab Looks At An Addict As A Whole
- Aromatherapy Oil Burner Diffuses Healthy Breath in the Aura
- Wholesale Aromatherapy
- Quick Repair Tips for Swarovski and Waterford Crystal Items
- Let's Go Japanese: Reiki on Track
- How Holistic Health Practices Can Help You Stay Healthy
- The Essence Of Aromatherapy
- The Healing Reiki Touch - What is it, anyway?
- What is Aromatherapy
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Discover The Relaxation and Health Benefits of Aromatherapy Posted: 22 Dec 2011 12:00 AM PST Article by Jon Arnold Using just the right sweet fragrance as your selected aromatherapy oil can change your whole mood and outlook to a positive note. This stimulates your body's senses, and studies have actually shown that this also goes a long ways towards lowering or eliminating negative feelings and emotions that might have plagued you throughout a stressful day. The pleasant fragrance of the aromatherapy oils reduce tension and stress, as well as paving the way towards an oasis of calm feelings, positive emotions, and also in many people, triggering a very creative thought process. These types of fragrances and sweet scents from flowers have been used for centuries to re-invigorate the body and mind. If you have a headache, a quick aromatherapy session can do wonders to eliminate the headache and refresh your perspective, especially since these days, many headaches have their root cause based in stress and tension. Aromatherapy can be used as just a scent or fragrance in a complimentary relaxing atmosphere, and can also be used as a massage, where the sweet scent of the aromatherapy oil is very conducive to the overall relaxation. But it is important that the oils be chosen with care by someone who understands aromatherapy techniques. Depending on how the oil is used, it must be diluted at different levels in order to achieve the results that will be the most effective for you. Some of the flowers that are used for typical aromatherapy include roses, jasmine, lotus blossoms, citrus flowers, and lavender. The beneficial effects of using these scents in an aromatherapy session have been well known for thousands of years. In fact, the ancient Egyptians as well as the Greeks and Romans used that culture's equivalent of aromatherapy to achieve the same mental and also physical results that are seen today. Even today, vast quantities of the flowers and blossoms used in aromatherapy that have been found to be most effective are grown in the areas in and around Egypt. What kinds of things can an ! aromathe rapy session help with? It can be a tremendous aid to reduce depression, easing anxiety, reducing stress and tension, and raising one's spirits in general. It can also help to stabilize mood swings, such as those sometimes found in cases of post-natal or post-partum depression. Since aromatherapy also helps to calm frazzled nerves, it has also been found to be a tremendous boon to those who suffer from chronic insomnia. The benefits of the different fragrances available for aromatherapy are continually finding new benefits and uses. For example, rose oil has historically symbolized purity and innocence, and has been found to be very effective in helping to eliminate feelings of disappointment and jealousy, and removing emotional blocks that stand between you and happiness. In fact, rose oil has been found to be a sensual and stimulating aphrodisiac, which promotes feelings of love, and may help to overcome impotence or frigidity. Learn what aromatherapy can do for you with the right oils, and make the time to experience all that a good aromatherapy session can do for you. The benefits are tremendous, but cannot be really appreciated until you have experienced them yourself. About the AuthorFor more information and tips about Aromatherapy Oils, Tips, Techniques please visit our web site at Lavroma Handmade Soaps and Body Care Products - CapitolaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
What Can You Expect From A Holistic Health Practitioner: Acupuncture, Chiropractic Care And More Posted: 21 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST Article by Chris Harmen Recently, holistic health practices have been gaining in popularity. More and more people are realizing that they want to take a more proactive approach to their healthcare instead of simply reacting to illnesses as they occur. If you're interested in learning more about how holistic health practices can help keep you healthy, consider these practices. Why Work With A Doctor Holistic health practices take advantage of natural remedies such as vitamins and herbal supplements. Because many of these substances are found in nature, many people naturally assume that they're safe to consume. This isn't always the case though, which is why it's important to have a medical professional to work alongside you as you reach your goal of being healthy. For instance, some supplements that are known to treat depression are known to cause negative results in people suffering from Parkinson's Disease. Because of this, it's important to be honest with your health care provider and make sure they're aware of all supplements, herbs and vitamins you're taking. Your holistic health practitioner can't help you if they're not kept up to date. How Acupuncture Can Help Acupuncture can help with a number of different maladies. From allergies, to headaches to even fertility issues, acupuncture can help. Your practitioner will locate different acupuncture points on the body and after that, he or she will insert between 5 and 20 different needles into your body. The practitioner should use pre-packaged, sterilized, single-use needles and they should not hurt as they're placed. However, you may feel a little discomfort when the needle reaches the correct depth. After all the needles are placed, the practitioner may gently move or twirl the needles, or apply heat or a mild electric pulse. The needles should remain in place for 15-30 minutes and should not hurt as they're removed. The frequency of treatment can vary greatly, depending on the type of problem you're trying to correct. Using A Chiropra! ctor A chiropractor is probably the most common type of holistic health practitioner. While many people think of a chiropractor as someone who treats back pain, a chiropractor can actually help with a number of different problems. From headaches, to ear infections, to arthritis, there are many different health problems that can benefit from chiropractic care. Some professionals use adjustments, while others use electric muscle stimulation. It's also not uncommon to find a chiropractor who asks about diet and suggests changes that can help in between chiropractic visits. Even if you don't have any specific physical ailments, a chiropractor can help keep your body healthy, which fits the proactive model of holistic health. If you're curious about adding more natural, holistic practices into your healthcare routine and want to proactively avoid sickness and other problems, consider focusing more on your whole body. Treatments such as acupuncture and chiropractic care aren't the only two things to use towards achieve whole body well-being, but they're a great start. About the AuthorPalos Chiropractic And Holistic Health is a practice that focuses on holistic health in Chicago. If you're looking for Palos Hills acupuncture or a Hickory Hills chiropractor, Palos Chiropractic can help. To see a list of services or to register for their electronic newsletter, please visit their site. My Raw Food Journey: How and why I became a Raw Foodist. Part IThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 21 Dec 2011 10:00 PM PST Article by Siz vaz How to make your Own Homemade Aromatherapy Air Freshener Making your own aromatherapy air freshener can be cool and easy, as anyone can use the specific ingredients and create their exclusive self made air freshener. However, particular attention needs to be given in selecting the right oils as they will come in contact with other things in the house. Aromatherapy has a centuries old history and along the way its vital procedures too have undergone some changes. The use of aromatherapy air freshener is one such change. Aromatherapy air freshener works in two ways simultaneously; first it neutralizes and expels the odors in the room instead of covering them up like some air freshening sprays do. Next, aromatherapy is induced with different types of essential oils that have a calming effect on the senses and help enhance the mood. In aromatherapy, only authentic and natural essential oils or floral waters or absolutes should be used. Essential oils should be regarded as warily as healing medicine and should not let to be misused by pets or children. While organic oils may work better than non-organic oils, for genuine aromatherapy there is no necessity to use aroma oils as well as synthetic compounds; one or the other could be used. However, thought should be applied in which ingredients are being used for making an aromatherapy air freshener. Before getting into the ingredients of an aromatherapy air freshener, you should have prepared a 4 ounce spray container with a subtle mist setting in which you can store your aromatherapy air freshener. You should keep in mind that bottles that may have contained cleaning products or hair products like hair sprays should be avoided. Once you have the bottle to hold the aromatherapy air freshener, use 30 to 40 drops of a desired essential oil or essential oil mixture and add one and a half ounce of distilled water along with one and a half ounce of alcohol such as vodka and add another three ounces of distilled water. There are plent! iful ess ential oil blends existing for use and anyone of these can be used depending on individual interests. Essential oils utilized in an aromatherapy air freshener are based on natural herbs, plants and trees which when activated at different times of the day can work in different ways giving a wide array of benefits. Another slightly varied method is to fill the spray bottle with one and a half ounce of distilled water and the same quantity of alcohol or three ounces of distilled water. To this blend, add thirty to forty drops of essential oil and shake the bottle before each usage and then leave the bottle for a day and determine whether it has the right fragrance or not. The aromatherapy air freshener will change its aroma once its had time to sit. A detail to note is to never allow the aromatherapy air freshener mist to drop on the furniture or into any open beverages as this can be considerably damaging, if not outright hazardous. About the AuthorSiz Vaz is a Norwegian researcher who specializes in the study of natural methods of health treatment. He is passionately involved in the process of ancient herbal healing through various ingredients. Be sure to check out for more aromatherapy related information. Hand and Foot Mask | Recipe | Video | Veria LivingThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Holistic Drug Rehab Looks At An Addict As A Whole Posted: 21 Dec 2011 09:00 PM PST Article by Holisticdrugrehab Drug addiction is the worst and the most dangerous type of addiction. It has the capability to ruin the life of a person completely. In addition to bringing about destruction in the personal life, it can also ruin the addict's professional life, as a whole. The negative consequences of drug addiction cannot be related in words. Therefore, it is very essential to seek help as early as possible. Often, it has been found that the addict is unable to seek help, though he makes desperate attempts to overcome his addiction. In such a case, the family members and the near ones of the addict can get him into holistic drug rehab. Today, large numbers of addicts and their family members are resorting to drug and alcohol intervention, and accordingly, they acquire knowledge on the different types of drug addiction, the need for treatment, and the different types of treatment programs available. A holistic drug rehab offers treatment in a different and very focused manner, and there are many addicts who have benefitted from the treatment offered by these rehabs. This is the reason for which there has been a rapid growth in these holistic rehabs, which also offer a variety of experts for counseling as well as treatment. The main function of a holistic drug rehab is to focus not only on the symptoms of addiction, but to consider the person as a whole. This is very essential to destroy the problem of drug addiction, right from its roots. When only the symptoms are addressed, it is highly likely that the addict to resumes substance abuse again. On the other hand, with proper drug rehabilitation programs, these rehabs try to address the problem from it, so that the possibility of the addict craving for the drug after the treatment is completely eliminated. This in turn, can certainly prove to be a great ray of hope for the addicts and their family members. A holistic drug rehab and the experts available here consider that when a person is addicted, his condition not only affects his physical st! ate, but also his psyche and spirits too. Therefore, only physical healing would not help the addict attain complete recovery. Along with addressing the problem physically, the psychological and spiritual problems of the addicts are also addressed. Therapy is the best holistic approach that can be adopted to understand the different facets of the problem, and consequently, address these them is in different ways. There are special counselors at the holistic drug rehab, and their main function is to conduct special counseling sessions at the rehabs. In fact, counseling is conducted at different stages of the treatment right from the entry point when intervention services are offered to detox, treatment and after care for the addicts. Communication between the addicts and their near ones gets greatly hampered during addiction, and the treatment is designed to build a bridge on this lack of communication. In addition, hypnotherapy and meditation, along with useful exercises, also form a part of the drug treatment in these rehabs. About the Author LDR Holistic Addiction Wellness Center offers professional alcohol and drug rehabilitation Canada services. Their holistic drug rehab treatment includes counselling, supportive coaching, mentoring, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and life skills development etc. In this rehab treatment centre, patients get best drug rehab facilities. |
Aromatherapy Oil Burner Diffuses Healthy Breath in the Aura Posted: 21 Dec 2011 08:00 PM PST Article by Mia Bilkins Everyone wants the aura around should give you some peace. And peace is there where relief is. That's why woods are our favorites because they give us oxygen, soft breeze and fill us with healthy breath. But, alas, we all don't live by woods and most us do not have time enough for a woodland-jaunt. So, the best alternative we can choose from aromatherapy and believe it or not aromatherapy provides the best feeling of being in the clasp of nature. Aromatherapy uses essential oil, the extracted oil form plants and herbs. Inhalation of this aromatherapy oil fills you with healthy aroma of nature, nourishes your health, and curbs your mental and bodily stress. Using aromatherapy essential oil is an effective healing practice since ages. One is able to get rid of all his mental and physical disorders through the use of it. You are only needed to put a few drops of essential oil in the water contained in the Aromatherapy Oil Burner. Once water gets heated, you can feel the aroma spread around to fill you with a different happiness. You can use aromatherapy oil burner anywhere, be it your drawing room, bathroom, bed room or in the office. Everywhere you need the stress-free aura and aromatherapy oil burner is an apt choice to fill mirth around. Aromatherapy oil burner is one of the most effective means to fill the joviality and healing aroma of the nature around you.And, it has been a scientific truth that atmosphere makes the mind. So, why hesitate to fill some extra air, good air around? There are a number of choices to inhale the best part of nature. You can have an electronic or an aromatherapy candle oil burner. Both have their respective benefits. Only the electronic aromatherapy oil burner is costlier than the candle one. However, you can opt for a ceramic oil burner also where you can have the ethnicity with it. And, all of these types of aromatherapy oil burner look dazzling. So, you can also use them as decorative pieces also. You can find the best of aromatherapy ! oil burn er around stores within your price range. And, if you have problems in going to physical markets, there is the option of virtual market too. Online, you can choose the aromatherapy oil burner that best suits your demand and pocket. For this, you don't have to go anywhere and can buy your easily with a few mouse clicks only. So, enjoying the aroma of nature with aromatherapy oil burner is indeed, easy enough! About the Author Mia Bilkins is working with the New Directions AU. He has also been involved in research on plants and oils for a long time. To find aromatherapy oil burner, botanical skin care products, floral water, raw materials, recipes you need to visit |
Posted: 21 Dec 2011 07:05 PM PST Article by Robert Watson Aromatherapy is becoming more and more popular as people look for natural ways to reduce stress and try to relax and unwind form their busy lives.Wholesale aromatherapy candle scents are a great investment if you plan on using aromatherapy in your daily life. Not only can you use wholesale aromatherapy candle scents for yourself, you can create a large number of personalized gifts for your friends and family.Better yet, buying wholesale aromatherapy candle scents saves you money, and is a great option if you're thinking of starting your own aromatherapy line of products to sell.The internet is a great way to source wholesale aromatherapy candle scents. You'll find a huge array of scents, along with other aromatherapy products and candle making supplies.The other good thing about wholesale aromatherapy candle scents is that their use is not limited to candle making. You can use in handmade soaps, bath and body lotions and potpourri, so if you want, you are able to make a customized set.Some of the better internet sites not only sell the wholesale aromatherapy candle scents, they give you tips and advice regarding what the fragrance can be used for, and its flashpoint, to help ensure no accidents occur when using the fragrance.Be sure that when you do purchase wholesale aromatherapy candle scents, the grade of the oil is listed. If you're going to be using the scent on any products that go directly on the skin, make sure the products are of therapeutic grade.By shopping for your wholesale aromatherapy candle scents on the internet, you normally are given the choice of paying by either credit card or paypal, allowing you to choose the option that is best for you.Another advantage to using the internet is that you save time, not having to drive, park or battle any shopping center crowds. Instead, sit back, relax, and search through a list of wholesale aromatherapy candle scents from the comfort of your home or office and have them delivered directly to your door.You can find a retailer that sells who! lesale a romatherapy candle scents in just about every country around the world, so geographical location is no inhibitor. You can find lists of trusted distributors of wholesale aromatherapy candles from just about any country in the world. All you have to then do is make your choice about which fantastic scents you want to buy. About the AuthorRobert Watson, noted hypnotist and owner of Aromatherapy Class has used aromatherapy practices in conjunction with Yoga Instruction Therapy for many years. Christopher Hitchens - Thomas Paine (1/3)This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Quick Repair Tips for Swarovski and Waterford Crystal Items Posted: 21 Dec 2011 06:00 PM PST Article by Jessica Thomson Healing Sounds Intensive 2008 - Didgeridoos & CrystalsThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Let's Go Japanese: Reiki on Track Posted: 21 Dec 2011 05:00 PM PST Article by Hector Milla Reiki is a Japanese term, which means divine life energy force. From the Westside people it is an expression understood to be the "Laying of the hands." Reiki is an olden innate phenomenon of energy shift, which bestows much service that embodies emotional and physical toxin discharge, relaxation, and healing. During the Reiki session, a patient should be relaxed and comfortable, honest and unleashed to healing in order to avail and benefit the most of it. The essence of Reiki healing is to deliver the feeling of loving beatitude, completeness, and pure well being. Often, it heals spontaneously. It gives the person holistic treatment and come to feel and look the warm brightness around you. Reiki healing treats 3 corporal states. The spiritual, physical, and mental state comprises these. Aside from being simple, Reiki healing can be practiced by anyone for its natural and safe method of treatment. Witnesses' declaration's show that Reiki has been tested and in effect virtual help to every known sickness cause beneficial result. Results not only in relieving side effects and aids a fast recovery too. Can anyone learn the treatment? Reiki is so simple that anyone can learn it. In fact it is not learnt. Experience is then passed through by the teacher or master to the student. This is done however, by the Master raising the vibratory stage, the student and then afterwards uplifting the awareness of the student to the boundless universal curing life energy. This does not depend upon on the educational achievement and academic level of the student but precisely to their own entire essence and therefore, anyone can study it. Contrary to the credence of a number of people, Reiki is not a spiritual faction or a prearranged religion. It is not true that one must be holy in character in order to attain the ability of healing. Preliminary experience is the major need to become a natural and one's own innate essence is automatically acquainted with it. Remember that heali! ng is he avenly, so therefore as it comes from the creator, the nearness to whomever one is comfortable with will develop your own potentials in Reiki. One can be healed and cured. One can boost up spiritual level of oneself, and elevate that of others. Reiki is beyond doubt holistic, the spirit, emotion, body, and the mind are positively affected. The unique valuable effects consisting of peaceful well-being and feeling, security, and relaxation are barely the natural effect. There are Various Reiki teachers and masters throughout the world that can teach anyone who has a great interest in learning Reiki. Instinct will let you feel the divergence. You will appreciate without explanation when the fit amid the student and the master is right. Take note that when you feel the harmony with the universal goodness the more likely Reiki will work for you and others. The Reiki treatment itself will assist the harmonizing effect of nature, your thoughts, attitude and your skill. Reiki originated in Japan, but it is comparatively atypical today. Instead it nurtures rapidly in the west and is common worldwide nowadays. Whereas Reiki healing has become more fashionable worldwide even in hospitals and to quite a lot uses Reiki as a harmonizing natural medicine for almost all day care classes and programs. About the AuthorArticle written by Hector Milla; editor of, become a Reiki Master Teacher, Visit to read secret reiki aspects. Llewellyn & Robin Butterfield Reiki 03 TranquilityThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
How Holistic Health Practices Can Help You Stay Healthy Posted: 21 Dec 2011 04:01 PM PST Article by Chris Harmen As more people become knowledgeable about holistic health practices, they're turning to things like acupuncture and visiting the chiropractor to help them stay healthy. But what ailments can these holistic health practices help with? Before visiting one of these practitioners, learn more so you can know what kind of relief you can expect. What Exactly Does Holistic Health Mean? Holistic health is a term that encompasses a great deal of medical practices. Although many people think of this as non-traditional, the truth is that these practices have deep roots in traditional medicine. A practitioner who focuses on holistic health will try to help patients focus on their whole well-being and want them to adopt healthy habits related to exercise, diet and emotional and spiritual well-being. Instead of simply treating the symptoms or a disease, practitioners want to fix the problem in the first place. It is a more pro-active form of medicine, instead of simply always reacting to concerns. Practitioners include a chiropractor, someone who can perform acupuncture, a massage therapist and more. Why Visit A Chiropractor? A chiropractor does more than just help after an injury. A qualified chiropractor can help eliminate assorted body pains. Although many people think of a chiropractor as someone who only assists with back pain, shoulder pain, hip pain, knee pain and neck pain can all be eliminated with a visit to the chiropractor. A chiropractor can also help with allergy symptoms, migraines, arthritis and more. A chiropractor helps restore normal motion to a body's joints. Proper movement is vital, as joints that can't move properly become stiff with misuse. If you've never been to one before, let them know. A good doctor will be happy to sit down with you and explain what they're going to do and why. They'll also be able to tell you why you're having the problem in the first place, which can help eliminate future pain. What Can Acupuncture Do For You? Acupunct! ure is a n ancient Chinese medical practice and people who have acupuncture use it for a number of reasons. Acupuncture has been known to help with women's issues, such as menopause, painful or heavy periods, infertility, fibroids and endometriosis, weight issues, anxiety and depression, pain and even smoking cessation. Why A Massage? A massage does more than just relax your muscles. A qualified massage therapist can help with muscle stiffness and pain related to an injury, relieve stress, manage anxiety and depression, control blood pressure, boost immunity. Some qualified therapists can even use massage as a part of cancer treatment. You should always let your doctor know that you're getting regular massages and make sure to let your therapist know about any changes, including pregnancy, severe osteoporosis, open wounds and more. If you're unsure about the different types of massage, talk with a massage therapist to see which type is best for you. A Swedish massage is probably the most common, but some people may benefit more from a deep tissue massage. Don't be afraid to speak up if the pressure is too strong or too soft. A therapist wants to help you relax and they know that what's right for one patient might not be right for another. Holistic health practices are more common than ever before and people everywhere are seeing the benefits. Even many insurance companies are understanding that these practices can help with a number of issues, which means it might be possible to have these therapies covered by insurance. If you're interested in learning more, contact a holistic health provider in your area. About the AuthorPalos Chiropractic And Holistic Health is a practice that focuses on Palos Hills holistic health. If you're looking for Palos Hills acupuncture or a Palos Hills chiropractor, Palos Chiropractic can help. To see a list of services or to register for their electronic newsletter, please visit their site. |
Posted: 21 Dec 2011 03:00 PM PST Article by Krystal Bennion Not a lot of people believe in aromatherapy. See, the truth is, a good number of people believe in science and in Western medicine. There is only a small amount of people who go for alternative medicine. And aromatherapy belongs to alternative medicine. For those who are not familiar with aromatherapy, this article is for you. So what exactly is aromatherapy? Experts say that aromatherapy is actually a kind of healing. It is a practice of helping people achieve healing by using oils from plants. The effect of aromatherapy can be both for the physical being of a person as well as for the psychological being. The effect of this kind of medical practice depends on the essential oils or plant oils that are used. According to research, the essential oils of some plants actually have effects on people. The research also continued to disclose that the effects could be on the psychology of a person or it could also be on the physical being of the person who is into aromatherapy. However, just like any branch of medicine, it is also important that when using essential oils in aromatherapy, such elements should be used properly and safely. Otherwise, the desired effects will not be achieved. At present, there is a huge range of essential oils that are used in aromatherapy. In fact, some lists have over 90 essential oils there. Aromatherapy is all about natural healing. That is the reason behind the use of natural ingredients like essential oils which is derived from plants. Though there are products in the market that have been concocted in a laboratory and are now synthetic ingredients, people who believe in aromatherapy go for the natural ingredients. What is important for them is that they use natural ingredients and that means no ingredients that have any chemicals in them. In the United States though, it is best that you know that the word 'aromatherapy' is not regulated. Now that means that such can be used in the packaging of various products. That also means that there may be products that claim to! be used for aromatherapy and are 100 % natural when they are not. BsaB natural candles are the perfect choice for those who do aromatherapy. They are used as aromatherapy candles and make use of 100% natural ingredients. You will not find any chemicals in them and come with 100% natural essential oils. About the AuthorKrystal loves writing and writes about anything. |
The Healing Reiki Touch - What is it, anyway? Posted: 21 Dec 2011 02:00 PM PST Article by Peggy Adamik Perhaps you've heard about the relatively new practice of Reiki. Maybe you've even experienced it, and would like to know more. Here are a few facts about the healing touch of Reiki. The word Reiki means "universal life force energy." This energy is in and around all of us, but it can sometimes get depleted or unbalanced if we don't take care of ourselves. That's why Reiki treatments can be helpful - they can balance as well as renew depleted energy. The word "Reiki" is also used to describe the practice of giving Reiki treatments. Reiki energy is passed through the practitioner's hands to the client. During a typical treatment the practitioner's hands will get very warm - even hot. That heat is the energy going through the hands. In fact, the practice of Reiki has been compared to faith healing, or the "laying on of hands" - probably because that's exactly how a Reiki practitioner treats a client. Reiki energy will go where it's most needed, even if that's not the place directly being treated. This is good because it may not always be possible for the practitioner to place their hands directly on the area that needs healing. And in some cases the person receiving the energy may have a problem they're not even aware of - but the energy will know, and will flow there automatically. It's possible to heal emotional as well as physical problems with Reiki. In fact, in some cases it may be easier to heal emotional issues, because they are more closely related to energy than physical ones (which are physical manifestations of energy imbalances). It's possible to send - and receive - Reiki energy over great distances. In other words, the person being healed doesn't always have to be present in the same place as the practitioner. Reiki practitioners who have level II or above attunements can do distance healing. Reiki healing can be very subtle. As a result, the person receiving the energy may not be conscious of th! e healin g taking place. They may only notice small signs that things are better - for example, they may not be as anxious in stressful situations as they've been in the past. How much the person notices their healing may depend on how sensitive they are to how they feel - physically or emotionally. The concept of Reiki healing can be hard to explain and understand, but the treatments themselves are easy - both to give and to receive. If you've been looking for a way to help yourself heal a physical or emotional issue, or would like to help others with this healing, Reiki is a very good choice. -------------------------------------------------------Reiki is a great way to help yourself and your friends feel better. If you're interested in practicing yourself, you may be able to find classes in your area. If there aren't any, or if the cost is too high, check out Radical Reiki - Radical Life. It's a unique downloadable course that allows you to train yourself all the way up to the Master level for one low price. About the AuthorPeggy Adamik is a former RN and massage therapist. She's been practicing Reiki for nine years, and has been a Reiki Master for more than five. |
Posted: 21 Dec 2011 01:00 PM PST Article by imran Aromatherapy is the practice of using volatile plant oils, including essential oils, for psychological and physical well being. Aromatherapy uses essential oils from plants to heal, alleviate pain and regulate mood. Aromatherapy can help ease a wide assortment of ailments; easing aches, pains, and injuries, while relieving the discomforts of many health problems. Aromatherapy works on our sense of smell and by absorption into the bloodstream. About 15 per cent of the air we inhale goes to the roof of the nose, where olfactory receptors transport odours straight to a part of the brain called the limbic system. Aromatherapy is one of the fastest growing fields in alternative medicine. Essential oils can affect the mood, alleviate fatigue, reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. When inhaled, they work on the brain and nervous system through stimulation of the olfactory nerves. Essential oils are also believed to be absorbed through the skin. There are around 150 essential oils used in aromatherapy, which are thought to have a number of benefits - including antiviral, anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and antidepressant properties.Essential oils are the highly concentrated, volatile, aromatic essences of plants. Essential oils may perform more than one function in living plants. In some cases they seem to be a part of the plant's immune system. In other cases they may simply be end products of metabolism. Essential oils can contain hundreds of organic constituents, including hormones, vitamins and other natural elements that work on many levels.Patients with cancer, particularly in the palliative care setting, are increasingly using aromatherapy and massage. The different types of Aromatherapy are cosmetic, massage and olfactory. Cosmetic Aromatherapy joined essential oils with facial, skin, body and hair care products containing all natural ingredients. Massage Aromatherapy combines the healing touch of massage therapy with the aromatic benefits of essential oils. Olfactory Aromatherapy releases es! sential oils into the environment around you either by inhaling or diffusion. Aromatherapy can be used for treatments from acne (Rosemary and Geranium) and other skin problems such as eczema (Chamomile), dry, chapped (Rose, Lavender, neroli), oily, insect bites, athletes' feet and other fungal infections. Grapefruit essential oil is a pleasant and refreshing scent with a lot of health benefits. It must be cold-pressed, but when it's been properly prepared, grapefruit essential oil has the same bright, clean perfume as the peels of a fresh grapefruit. People with certain chronic illnesses or conditions should not use aromatherapy. These illnesses and conditions include skin allergies, lung conditions such as asthma and pregnant women should not use aromatherapy. Some oils (such as juniper, rosemary, and sage) may cause uterine contractions. The effects of aromatherapy tend to vary from person to person, and no two people will be affected by the same essential oil in exactly the same way. Even the same person can be affected differently by the same oil depending on their surroundings, time of day or mood. Did you find this article useful? For more useful tips and hints, points to ponder and keep in mind, techniques, and insights pertaining to Internet Business, do please browse for more information at our websites. About the Authorimran ansari jazmin relaxThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Holistic Remedies For Acne - Methods To Try Now Posted: 21 Dec 2011 12:00 PM PST Article by Chris Howell Holistic remedies for acne vary far and wide. Some work, some work slightly, and some are just never going to work for you. It's hard to find the good ones, you just have to dig and keep trying until you hit the jackpot. First, you should understand a bit more about what acne is. Put simply, acne is plugged pores. It can affect just about anywhere on your body, but is most prevalent on the face, neck, back shoulders, arms and buttocks. It's most common in young adults and teenagers, but can occur in every age group. While acne won't kill you, due to it's propensity for scarring, it can leave a person with a very poor self image of themselves and do some major emotional damage. There are several contributing factors, including pregnancy and PMS which trigger hormonal changes, as well as poor diet, stress, and lack of proper hygiene. A few holistic remedies for acne include things like drinking apple cider vinegar. Be sure to dilute it with water though as the taste is extremely strong, and you may not like it. Apple cider vinegar works by alkalizing the body, which reduces acid and inflammation and kills of any Candida overgrowth. Other holistic remedies for acne include using tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is a natural astringent used for a variety of skin ailments, including acne. You can also try rinsing your face with calming herb teas like lavender and chamomile. There are tons of other holistic remedies you can try, including green tea extracts, oatmeal, and aloe vera. However, none are as effective as simple lifestyle changes that you can start making today to improve your acne and heal your skin. Holistic remedies for acne are most successful when they work on the health of your whole body, not just your skin. To that end, you should be trying to eat healthier foods, such as whole grains, and fresh fruits and veggies, as well as getting regular exercise each day. Avoid excessive use of antibiotics and over the counter medication, as these drugs tend t! o break down your natural immunity. This is very important when trying out holistic home remedies for acne, because if you natural immune system is low, then it's much more difficult to achieve success. So drink lots of water, eat your veggies, and start making your whole body healthy. That is one of the best holistic remedies for acne that you will ever find About the AuthorThere are a number of ways to take care of your acne problem. You will have to decide which are the better natural cures for you. If you need more information about how to take care of your acne problem naturally look here, |
Foods That Support Crystal clear Acne - Remedy Your Acne By way of Your Diet Posted: 21 Dec 2011 11:03 AM PST Article by Silas Bray Sound acquainted? I was in your identical precise sneakers not to lengthy back. I produced really light acne as a teen, as most individuals do and didn't genuinely be concerned to much about my pimples. I figured they would just go absent, that I'd grow out of them.But it wasn't to very long ahead of I realized that they weren't heading away. And by my mid twenties, I had really designed extremely undesirable cystic and nodular acne. You far better imagine I desired to discover a way to treatment acne blemishes fast.What I identified is that healthy cures around your residence are considerably better for you and your skin than any chemical compounds. No matter how gentle a chemical is, it's nevertheless unnatural and doesn't blend perfectly with your skin. Normal products and solutions are much gentler and much better for your skin, allowing it to heal and turn into superior around time. Right here are some of my favorites.Baking SodaBaking soda is my selection 1 preferred way to support cure acne blemishes. It really gently removes dead skin from your encounter and soaks up oil, supporting protect against pimples from forming in the to begin with position.HoneyWhilst baking soda is excellent for exfoliating, honey is wonderful at just the opposite. It's a wonderful moisturizer and its healthy anti-bacterial properties enable control the acne triggering bacteria on your skin.AspirinAspiring is a different great exfoliate for your skin. In point, it's primarily a further type of salicylic acid and will melt away dead skin and continue to keep your pores clear.Egg WhitesWhilst I don't use egg whites to normally, they have numerous valuable vitamins in them that are wonderful for helping your skin heal by itself and get rid of pimples speedier.Now though these are all great, healthy methods to heal acne blemishes, acne itself in the end has nothing to do with your skin. All the difficulties we see on our skin, from the dead skin and oil to the bacteria, all of people chal! lenges a re in turn caused by issues within just your system. If you ever want to be cures of your acne, you should get care of these genuine, internal troubles. Verify out my website link under to explore how.Previous to heading by way of how to get rid of acne pimples, lest see if we can master a very little bit about acne. There are various varieties of acne, but acne vulgaris is the most prevalent among teenagers. That doesn't signify that it can't materialize to grown ups, it does too.Acne is an irritation of the sebaceous glands, which are responsible for creating the sebum that the sin demands. When teenagers hit puberty, the sebum glands are stimulated to develop more sebum. In some cases an overproduction of sebum takes place, obstructing the pores. Sebum and bacteria are trapped on the pore's surface and this can lead to acne.When the pores are open, the surface turns black due to oxidation top to the apparition of blackheads and pimples. Acne can go from gentle to significant and dependent on the severity, acne can be existing in various types these kinds of as pimples, white heads, blackheads, pustules, nodules and cysts. About the AuthorSilas Bray, is know for his orthodox procedures for treating acne. He is not just an acne expert. But even now many people today have benefitted from his treatment methodologies.You can discover his work at how to stop acne normally, how to dry acne by natural means Singing Bowls & Sound Healing in Mt Shasta Pt 3This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Fibromyalgia And Reiki: An Alternative Approach Posted: 21 Dec 2011 10:13 AM PST Article by Jane Thompson Scientific studies have been established directly linking fibromyalgia as a source of arthritis or rheumatism with symptoms associated with prolonged and radiating pain centered in the soft tissues like tendons, joints and muscles, complicated further by the fact that it also causes, among others, insomnia, headaches, numbness in the hands - worse, anxiety and depression. There are a number of treatment options and one gaining in popularity is fibromyalgia and reiki. Fibromyalgia is a common chronic disease affecting millions of people worldwide - with women mostly targeted by this illness. In the United States alone, studies indicate that fibromyalgia affects 3 to 6 million Americans, afflicting women - on average - 8 times more than men. As pain is mainly associated with fibromyalgia, an age-long natural method for treating pain-related illness known as Reiki is rapidly gaining a popular following among many fibromyalgia patients due to its therapeutic and natural healing benefits. So, just what are the healing benefits of Reiki and how can they help someone with fibromyalgia? Reiki primarily endorses healing through natural 'touch' therapy and self-healing. This healing benefit also contributes to relieving stress and invokes a positive disposition in fibromyalgia patients, thereby relieving anxiety and depression. Reiki is a traditional Asian form of therapeutic treatment coined from two Japanese terms, 'rei' meaning 'a higher degree of power and universal force' and 'ki' for 'life force', through which healing is induced by 'light touch' patterns. Literally by the placement of the Reiki master's hands near or above the patient's body during the process. Reiki uses 'touch' therapy by using specific hand positions and patterns that corrects and improves energetic imbalances in the human body to restore energy levels, improve health conditions and relieve emotional stress. Reiki has actually been practiced for thousands of years in Asia, predominantly ! by Japan ese and Chinese spiritual monks, which over the course of time may have been disregarded due to medical and technological advancements, specifically with the introduction of chemical-based medicines to treat diseases, limiting the practice of Reiki. During ancient times, the healing benefits of Reiki ranged from the treatment of debilitating diseases like lupus, joint inflammations and even terminal illnesses, but as time progressed, the exact science of Reiki has never been exhaustively and comprehensively passed on to generations. It was only during the late 19th century that Reiki's natural healing benefits was resurrected by a Buddhist monk and teacher named Dr. Mikao Usui, who studied the ancient therapeutic practice and adopted the method to cure his patients. The natural healing benefits of Reiki so captivated Japanese-American Hawayo Takata, who trained under a Reiki master in Japan back in the 1930's, and introduced the practice to the West. Reiki was used to treat illnesses ranging from cardiovascular diseases, insomnia and impotence, however, Reiki took a backseat as an alternative treatment since only very few scientific studies have come out documenting its success stories during that time. To read about other natural remedies to help you overcome fibromyalgia sign up for the free newsletter below.Currently, Reiki is firmly taking a strong foothold as an alternative treatment for many diseases, including fibromyalgia treatment and its popularity is spawned by the many positive testimonials that it has generated. The healing benefits of Reiki are more than just a therapeutic method that helps in the treatment of pain and stress-related diseases. It is reminiscent of the time when conditions were not just treated by herbal remedies or alchemic concoctions, but the human body was regarded as a tool that has a mechanism to heal itself from ailments. About the AuthorSign up for Jane Thompson's free Fibromyalgia newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you discover more about Fibromyalgia and Reiki. sabrina reiki.MOVThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Miracle You: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, December 21, 2011 Posted: 21 Dec 2011 10:01 AM PST Hello and good morning The gift that I see, is all that you be |
Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selections, December 21, 2011 Posted: 21 Dec 2011 09:08 AM PST "Out of difficulties grow miracles." ~Jean de la Bruyere "Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense everything that comes from love is a miracle." ~Marie Lloyd "Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other's eyes for an instant?" ~Henry David Thoreau "I am the miracle." ~Buddha Read More @ SourceSpiritual NetworkingThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Energy Healing and Modern Medicine Posted: 21 Dec 2011 09:04 AM PST Article by Renay Foster What exactly is Energy Healing and in what ways can it be used to assist people? Energy healing uses the life-force energy that surrounds all life to heal and promote well-being. Healing energy helps by improving energy flow along, energizing depletions, and adjusting congested areas causing disruptions in an individual's energy filed or aura. Improving the movement of energy that flows through the body, helps one to begin the healing process. When a body's energy field is out of balance, illness and disease can occur. Both physical and mental issues arise due to a lack or having too much energy in one area. This type of healng allows an individual to heal and balance that energy allowing an individual's body to respond and heal as it should. The techniques used by healers today have been around for many years. The methods often have been passed down and shared with others. Those individuals have brought the techniques into the main stream to be used by healers world-wide. Even modern medicine is beginning to employ these various techniques. In the 1970's a group of nurses used various old healing techniques to develop their own form of alternative healing called Therapeutic Touch. They did this to provide a more holistic approach to healing offering compassion and comfort to patients. Energy healing, not only works on its own, it also enhances and aids other conventional methods of healing. When having surgery or being treated for an illness, using both modern medicine and energy healing can work wonders and is very effective. The human aura or energy field, surrounds and flows through the body. As antibiotics or the physical repair is occurring in the body, energy healing can help promote the healing by ensuring the flow of energy to those areas is optimal and the body's healing ability is not hampered by energy blockages. The aura that surrounds and flows through us has been described as being or appearing layered. Different sources, both ancient and modern, describe ! the aura having layers or levels. Other energy descriptions point out the energy centers known as Chakras. Chakras are essential in the flow of energy. The energy flow is derived from the chakra centers and the aura is the shielding energy that surrounds the body. Both areas can be affected by disruptions resulting in different issues or illness. Energy healing is not a standalone healing. It is part of a large energy healing group known as Energy Medicine. The use of crystals, herbal remedies, and vibrational therapies are some types of Energy Medicine. Energy healing can also be described as a unique part of Energy Medicine as it does not use sound, herbs or crystals, but instead involves another living being to engage in a healing session. Remember, these alternative healing methods are safe to use and can be used with conventional treatments, however is it not considered safe or even appropriate to only rely on energy healing to assist in life-threatening situations. An individual should also not disregard conventional medicine. Energy healing works with the conventional treatment, sometimes even shortening the amount of time treatment needed. Keep in mind there is no known risk to adding energy healing to an existing treatment plan, so an individual can benefit from both worlds and feel better in the process. About the AuthorResearcher and Author of Alternative Healing Techniques including Homeopathic Remedies. Contributor to Homeopathic Remedies Llewellyn - clear quartz meditation/ (HD) crystal therapy/ yoga-shiatsu-reikiThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Dr. Rob’s 12 Minute Meditation, December 21, 2011 Posted: 21 Dec 2011 08:03 AM PST With this breath I take, the miracle of you comes in |
Holistic Medicine For Panic And Anxiety Attacks Posted: 21 Dec 2011 08:02 AM PST Article by Giri Anantha There are many people who don't like using drugs for treating their problems. Some of them turn to holistic medicine for panic attacks and anxiety treatment. Using natural ways to treat panic and anxiety attacks may become an increasingly popular way to deal with these issues in the years ahead. With greater exposure and acceptance, people will have many healthier options before them. What is Holistic Medicine? Holistic medicine deals with the whole person, not just the part that is troubled. It uses natural ingredients to treat a patient. Instead of treating just the symptoms, it attempts to cure the actual cause. Holistic health looks at every aspect of a person, whether physical, mental or emotional. Thus, it can incorporate many forms of therapy such as diet, herbs, changes in lifestyle and even counseling. Holistic medicine also understands how amazing the human body is, especially in its ability to heal. Thus, holistic medicine facilitates this healing by helping to provide the right environment. Holistic Medicine Treats Many Ailments Numerous conditions can be treated using a holistic approach. These include: - anxiety - depression - dizziness - menstrual problems - panic attacks - stress - excessive sweating <h2>Always Consult Your Doctor Or Health Practitioner It's never a good idea to try anything on your own, especially if you're already on medication. You also need to be diagnosed with panic attacks. Don't just assume you have it. Though this approach may take longer to work, in the long run, it's a healthier way to approach panic attacks. This depends on your situation and attitude. For some, fast results and quick relief are important. That is totally understandable. When struck with severe panic, you want to feel better as soon as possible. However, if you can wait, and are open to this form of treatment, then this form of treatment is for yo! u. And s ince it treats the whole being, it's better, not just for panic but for your overall long-term health. About the AuthorGiri Anantha has extensive experience with panic attacks and agoraphobia. His website is called Panic And Agoraphobia and this article can be found in his site at this URL: |
Extensively Aromatherapy Product Posted: 21 Dec 2011 07:01 AM PST Article by jsolutions011 Aromatherapy has been extensively studied and is considered one of the fastest growing options in alternative medicine. Aromatherapy products are very popular, and have been used by people for a long period of time for the relief they provide along with the great fragrances that are associated with the treatments. Aromatherapy comes from the most natural source of life: plants. The basics of aromatherapy are essential oils, which can come from stems, leaves, barks, flowers, etc. Essential oils are highly concentrated, and are diluted for use with steam or water, and are used with other carrier oils to be used on the skin, or inhaled.An aromatherapy product can be found in many different forms. The most common product is the oil, which can be massaged into the skin for relief of pain, aches or stress. If you just need to relax mentally, then you can dab a little bit of oil under your nose and breathe in the fragrance of the aromatherapy oil. Other products include bath salts, facial creams, lotions, candles and incense. Aromatherapy products are mainly used for mental well being and to get rid of stress, tension, migraine and headaches. In comparison to other beauty products, aromatherapy products are natural as they are made using natural ingredients. The most commonly used aromatherapy products include soaps, diffusers, essential oils and aroma candles. Other products that are used include lotions, incense, bath salts and facial creams. Aromatherapy products are mainly used for mental well being and to get rid of stress is synonymous with being an adult, migraine and headaches. In comparison to other beauty products, aromatherapy products are natural as they are made using natural ingredients. The most commonly used aromatherapy products include soaps, diffusers, essential oils and aroma candles. Other products that are used include lotions, incense, bath salts and facial creams. There are literally thousands of aromatherapy products out on the market today. Many of them are used to scent a room! and cre ate certain types of moods. Using any kind of aromatherapy products and accessories, make sure that you are using the ones that suit you since some of these products may be harmful if they do not suit you. Aromatherapy products you want can be easily found at retail outlets, specialty stores, personal beauty stores, fairs and craft shows. Did you find this article useful? For more useful tips and hints, points to ponder and keep in mind, techniques, and insights pertaining to Internet Business, do please browse for more information at our websites. About the Authori am hemant |
Dr. Rob’s 3G’s, December 21, 2011 Posted: 21 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST Gratitude: for the miracles found each day in all things Goals: to continue to see the miracles that surround you in life Game plan: read and write of the amazing miracle that is you and I Read More @ Source |
Holistic Cat Food For the Healthiest Cat Posted: 21 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST Article by Madeleine Innocent Once you've started looking around for holistic treatment for your cat, it's a natural sequel to think about holistic cat food. There's a saying that currently people have never been so well fed, but so under nourished. As this is a direct result of poor farming methods as well as bad dietary advice, it's no less true for your cat as it is for you. Changing over the diet of your cat to a more natural one, will not only benefit him, but your pocket too. Because your cat is healthier on this diet, you'll have fewer visits to your preferred cat health professional. But what exactly am I talking about? Well, an holistic cat food is one which so closely resembles a wild cat's diet, as to be in the same league as far as health is concerned. You'll probably be relieved to know, I'm not suggesting you go out and catch mice. What I'm asking you to do is to consider the diet of a wild cat and then be mindful in duplicating it as closely as you can, within the framework of readily available food and the constraints on your time. Actually, I've already done that for you, so you don't have to do all the hard work. I just want you to know the reasons behind feeding your cat an holistic diet to ensure better health and longevity. It's worth remembering that cats have evolved on a wild diet over millions of years, and are extremely healthy on it. Otherwise they would have died out. So trying to duplicate nature's bounty for your cat is the best way to ensure his good health and longevity. Providing an holistic cat food isn't difficult once you've opened up your mind to the idea of it. Isn't that always the biggest hurdle? Once you're open to the idea the rest, as they say, is easy. With a bit of guidance from someone who has made all the mistakes possible. A quality, balanced holistic cat food: will provide your cat with all his nutritional requirements.will make your cat content and much less interested in hunting - hunting domes! tic cats usually means they are lacking nutrients in their current diet and they're trying to redress thatis free from chemical residue, such as preservatives and colour, which cats are so sensitive tocontains no synthetic vitamins or minerals - which are difficult to absorb and utilise so tend to be excretedis raw and so contain all the enzymes and other nutrients lost in cooking Holistic cat food contains only naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, in a balanced and whole food form. You know, you shouldn't need to supplement your cat's food. All the necessary nutrients should come from the food, and in the wild, they do. But, because modern farming methods cut corners in quality to boost quantity (and so profit), the resulting foods are often poor in nutrients. So supplementing becomes necessary. Most supplements on the market today are isolated nutrients. In nature, nutrients are always found with other nutrients that they co-depend on. For example, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium must be in the natural balanced ratio and need vitamin A and D to be properly utilised. Iron, copper and cobalt co-depend on each other. And so on. In addition to the isolation, most modern supplements are synthetic. Synthetic nutrients aren't easily absorbed or utilised by the body. And you can overdose on synthetic nutrients more easily than on natural ones, which the body knows how to deal with. Holistic cat food, on the other hand, is easily absorbed and utilised by your cat. The supplements are a whole food, and are nutrient dense. This means all that is needed is readily absorbed. It is not time consuming to provide this diet, if you follow my easy feline dietary advice, It's simply a question of being aware of certain pitfalls. It may take you and your cat a while to work things out, but it's well worth it for the huge benefits which follow. About the AuthorMadeleine Innocent is a practicing homeopath, a specialised modality of natural health care. She treats both people and animals in her busy West Australian practice. Madeleine loves to spread the good work of homeopathy and other areas of natural health care and writes extensively on the subject. For a complimentary ebook on how to have a healthy cat, starting today, visit or |
Posted: 21 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST Greetings! Wrapping you in Grace and Joy on this Winter Solstice. Please Join me today (Wed 21) at 2:30 EST ( 1:30 CTR, 11:30 PST, 7:30 GMT) for a special Edition of Enchanted One Radio on Co-Creator Radio Network. Simply Link to this website and listen live at the time of the show. If you are not able to listen today be sure to listen to the Archive tomorrow – Click here to listen to Archive Sheila ~~~~~~ Sarah Applegate is Teaming up with a new co-host Andy Belle to discuss The Law of Attraction. Tell all the teens in your life to check out this new show format at a new time! Click here to listen to Generation Now Radio — CONTACT INFORMATION:
Read More @ Source Introduction to EMDR Therapy with Marie LachneyThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Healing Past Hurt: Our Evolving Language Posted: 21 Dec 2011 05:01 AM PST We can create positive change by choosing not to use these words and phrases as we come across them in our vocabulary. There are many troubling phrases in our language that we use without considering their full meaning simply because they have been accepted into common knowledge. Even as our ideals progress, our language maintains some phrases from our past that no longer serve us, for example: Boys don't cry; good child; boys will be boys; problem child; illegitimate child; and many more. While these phrases may be used without harmful intent, they are inherently negative. Children can be especially sensitive to such phrases, which may stay with them their whole lives, adversely affecting their self-image and wounding their self-esteem. We can create positive change by choosing not to use these words and phrases as we come across them in our vocabulary. It is challenging to examine our habits in terms of the words we use to express ourselves, but it is also exciting. Language is an area where we can exercise our free will, creating positive change in the world around us by simply choosing carefully the words we use. It may seem like a small thing, but our words have a rippling effect, like a stone thrown in a pond. People naturally pick up on the way other people speak, consciously or unconsciously changing the way they speak in response. We don't need to actively try to influence people; it happens without our even thinking about it. All we have to do is choose to be more conscious ourselves, putting to rest words and phrases that are outmoded, insensitive, or harmful. We can also exercise our creativity by creating new phrases that carry positive and loving energy to replace the old ones. You may already have some ideas about phrases you'd like to transition out of your language, and now that you're thinking about it you may come across many more. As you consciously decide not to use these phrases, you may feel lighter and more joyful, knowing that you have chosen to drop baggage that was handed down to you from a less conscious time. As you do so, you elevate the language for future generations who would no doubt thank you if they could. ~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM Read More @ Source |
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