Tips to Get Healthy Every day: Yoga

Tips to Get Healthy Every day: Yoga

Tips to Get Healthy Every day: Yoga

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST

Article by Boris Roberts

This article will explain about yoga. Yoga is comes from Indian. This activity will lead you to have a balance between your mind and body. In this activity, it uses various movements, breath, meditation, and relaxation. In order to get the best result, you need to have guidelines. Here are some tips to help you achieve the best result in practicing yoga.

1. Morning is the most appropriate time to yoga. You can do it before breakfast. 2. You need to prepare yourself. Confidence and urge is main factor to get started. 3. Choose the most comfortable place. The place must be cleaned and free from dust. It would be better if you could provide a quiet, ventilated and calm place. 4. Drink lukewarm water and clean your nostrils. It will help you to have a good breath. 5. Wear the most comfortable clothes. You can wear Lycra pants and shirt since yoga custom must be loose. 6. You can sit for a few minutes and take a deep breath before practicing. 7. Do the practice systematically. You should start the practice from the easiest part. It will prevent injuries during the practice. 8. Find the tempo. If you feel fatigue, you can stop your practice. If you keep going on fatigue condition, you may not get the maximum result or get injured. 9. You need to make sure that you do the practice in relax condition. If you feel that the practice is difficult or makes you depressed, stop the practice. It means that you need to go to a professional trainer to have the proper practice. As long as you relax, you will achieve the best result. 10. You can take a pause between the practices. You should not feel tired during yoga practice. The pause will help you to remove and reduce the fatigue. After few minutes, you can continue the activity. 11. In order to achieve the best result, you can have a balance diet. Reduce meat consumption; you can eat fruits, nuts, grains, vegetables in large amount once in 4 hours. 12. Avoid extreme diet and over eating. 13. Take a deep breath when practicing yoga. 14. Find the most comf! ortable movement in doing yoga. Discomfort movement will not lead you to gain the best result. 15. Beginner should do the simplest and easiest movement. It would be better if you follow the graded step of yoga.

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How can yoga help in cerebral palsy treatment?

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST

Article by Melvin Kops

The need to create more awareness among people about cerebral palsy and the need to accept it has to grow amongst the people of this world. Most parents who have children who have cerebral palsy are often dejected and wonder how they are going to find the right kind of treatment for their child. Since there is no established cure for this disorder, there are different types of treatments, which are available.

While most people often resort to medications and various therapies to help reduce pain and muscular movement in the limbs, many parents prefer to look at alternative treatments for their children without having to use medications that have side effects. Parents can become more aware of alternative treatments that are available for treating cerebral palsy. These are found not only in journals but also on the internet.

Parents of children with cerebral palsy can consider teaching their kids yoga. Yoga postures help to reduce the high muscle tone, which is present in children with cerebral palsy. Yoga helps to stretch these muscles and tendons thus allowing them to become less rigid. This allows free movement in the joints over a period. Not only will this yoga postures when performed by patients of cerebral palsy find that areas, which have low muscle tone, also are exercised. Thus both low and high muscle tone parts get the exercise they need so much.

Yoga is a simple set of exercises, which most children would love to do. So it will certainly not be difficult to cultivate this system of exercises in children with cerebral palsy. Of course, a certain amount of care and patience is required before they can get some results. Yoga not only helps to tone their muscles but it also helps them become more relaxed.

The yoga postures, which help stretch and twist the spine, are extremely useful in increasing the distance between the vertebras in the spinal column. This helps to reduce the pressure on the spinal discs and this will result in the reduction in pressure on the ! nerves. Muscular tension becomes relieved and there is an overall enhancement in the neurological functions allowing the child with cerebral palsy to move their limbs with more flexibility. The affected child gets a greater range of movement and there is greater coordination in the muscles over a period. This allows the child to be more independent and take care of their own personal work like getting dressed for school, brushing and washing themselves etc.

If your child has ">cerebral palsy and you would like to enroll him or her in a yoga school, it is time you sat down and began looking for one that is close to your home. Many yoga teachers and instructors would be most willing to help your child get over with its disability. You can begin by searching the internet where you are sure to find a list of yoga schools in your area. Enroll your child immediately and watch your child flower. You will be surprised to see the big difference and the ease with which your child now moves around much more independently and that too with confidence.

About the Author

Melvin Kops, the author of many articles regarding health, nutrition and medicine is an expert in his field. Well qualified in medicine, Kops has been writing about various diseases like cerebral palsy, their causes and their possible cures. Having a keen interest in writing, Kops has coupled his knowledge of medicine with his flair of writing to dispense information about various

Shilpa Yoga - Vyaghrasana The Tiger Pose

In The Base Position On Your Stomach Slide Your Hands Under Your Thighs Palms Up. Inhale Slowly And Then Raise The Right Leg Off The Floor As High As Possible. Try And Keep The Leg Straight Without Bending The Knee Or Transferring Weight Onto The Other Leg Or By Lifting The Pelvic Region Off The Ground. Hold The Posture For As Long As You Can Hold The Inhaled Breath And Then Slowly Return The Leg To The Floor While Exhaling. Ardh Shalabhasana Helps In Developing The Quadriceps And Adds Tone To The Abdominal Muscles. It Stimulates The Stomach The Lower Back And The Intestines- Helping Strengthen The Bladder And Stretching The Spine.Remove Your Hands From Under Your Thighs And Place The Arms Alongside Your Body. Turn Your Head To The Side And Rest

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Simple Postures for Male Yoga Exercises for Abs

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 05:01 AM PST

Article by Brian Shelton

Many men believe that the only way to get the flat, six-pack that they are after is through intense anaerobic exercises and hundreds of crunches. While these methods certainly have been proven to work, there is a better solution to get your ideal abs.

Male yoga exercises for abs not only target the stomach region, but they increase flexibility as well. For centuries, people wanting to increase their posture, strength and overall physical condition have relied on yoga. Yoga will also help you balance your mind, body and spirit through a series of physical exercises.

All of these male yoga exercises for abs will elongate your abdominal muscles to create the lean, tight middle that you are after. Practicing these yoga poses regularly will sculpt your abs and increase your muscle tone all over your body. Talk about getting a package deal!

Crunches are definitely the most popular non-yoga method to sculpt abs. But this yoga take on the classic crunch will definitely increase your muscle tone. Lie on your back and bring your knees slowly to your chest. Then raise your legs with your feet flexed toward the ceiling. Concentrate on using your ab muscles to guide your legs down toward your chest again. Stop if you feel your back arching, and try to regain control of your legs. Build up to doing 10 repetitions in a row.

The following standing male yoga exercises for abs will lengthen your body and improve posture, in addition to defining your middle area.

Perform the Mountain Tilt from a standing position with both arms and your sides and your feet distanced hip-width apart. First, raise your left arm above your head and point your fingers upwards. Bend sideways at the waist and extend up and out toward your right. Hold this posture for a few seconds, return to your starting pose and repeat on the right side. Do both sides 3 to 5 times to begin with.

The Triangle pose, a popular male yoga exercise for abs, begins with your feet distanced about 3-feet apart. Turn your lef! t foot o ut 90 degrees and keep your right foot pointing directly forward. Extend your arms out on either side of you at shoulder length. Then slowly bend to your right at your waist, and keep your chest facing forward. Place your right hand on your shin and point your left hand up to the sky. Hold this posture for 15 seconds and then return to your starting position. Switch feet and sides, and complete three poses on each side.

These are just a few of many male yoga exercises for abs that can build strong muscles in your midsection. Practicing these daily is beneficial for your body, as well as your abs.

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An Advancement with the Art of Meditation

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 04:00 AM PST

Article by Ralph Wilhelm

Meditation functions and their day by day technique will not be an innovative element as it also belongs to our ancestors. Most people of old times were actually cognizant of the art of meditation and its gains. Now-a-days, individuals like to include meditation as an key part of their lifestyle to bring an great distinction in their chosen lifestyle an approach. The procedure with mediation comes with numerous postures plus steps. Most commonly used of these postures are as under.

1. Cross Legged Position2. Sitting down position3. Kneeling posture4. Corpse posture5. Palm motion

These days, up to date tech enhancements are considered as the best ways of releasing procedures of the art of meditation to consumers globally. Frequently, a Meditation CD is viewed as the way in this sense.Meditation plays a critical factor in the everyday life of many with the goal of augmenting pleasure plus inner calmness. These are two most important portions of people's inborn mindset. Nonetheless, the upcoming hurdles in human nervous systems translates into starvation of buying such things.

Hence, it is needed to perform any of the meditation exercises on each day basis. It will help in the removal of these hindrances in your own nervous system. Yoga tactics additionally greatly enhance your potential to get over stressful cases of your life. Tranquility within your internal character can only be acquired using the right enlightenment and nutrients.

The meditation CD is a wonderful generator, which may offers good suggestions to carry out numerous meditation events. Orientation is a vey important plus very important ingredient of an array of meditations. In actual fact, if you know the philosophy behind the meditation you'll get thehighest possible added benefits from it.The art of meditation is really an easy process involved with conscious relaxation. It is a mixture of methods plus postures, that involves mental faculties to quickly attain state of fulfillment plus peace. Concentration ! is the c entral source of all meditation procedures. Free you mind of all thoughts and feelings and also strive to shed loads of noise level to fall ?nside the deep meditation stage.

A number of health professionnals revealed that affected individuals involved with stress and anxiety are through using drugs for alleviating purposes. They're able to without difficulty overcome such challenges by bringing into play any of the best proper meditation procedure. The meditation has been proved as successful cure from years to lower melancholy plus panic. It is also the perfect approach to prevent you from anxiety and panic attacks.

Meditation is nothing but an enjoyment of supply of positive energy in the body. Hence, you can do meditation by just feeling stress-free by lying on carpet. All you have is that your back really should be in comfortable setting. Classic forms of meditation like prayers are the most excellent ways to bring your mind in an ideally relaxed condition.

At present, you can get all comprehensive more knowledge about the art of meditation, its procedures and performing pieces of information in CD format. You can get all these CDs from your nearby market place. Having said that, Meditation CDs are now extensively available on the web. Just search out the most efficient website presenting CDs with definite more knowledge about meditation exercise routines.

About the Author

Ralph Wilhelm-dude17111 is an online researcher and marketer living on the net. To find out what I have been up to latelyClick Here You may be surprised!In the ever expanding world of information,see what else I have found Click Here


Posted: 22 Dec 2011 03:00 AM PST

Article by Marc Platters

Meditation offers a balance between understanding and transforming personal issues and awakening to universal truths. To meditate is to engulf ourselves towards the path of pure awareness. Meditation is also known to be asone of the proven alternative therapies.Hence meditation should be carried on everywhere and anywhere in so that you can live most of your time in a meditation retreat without disturbing your routine.You can incorporate the technique of meditation retreatat any hour of the day while carrying out your day-to-day activities, without restricting yourself to certain hour or place. Meditation being an inner activity can be enjoyed at any circumstance and one can be in a meditative state of mind for long. It is purely another way to grow spiritually and mentally.After the hectic pace and demands of modern life, many people feel stressed and overwhelmed. Do you often feel like not just the time during the day to do everything. Our stress and tiredness make us unhappy, impatient and frustrated. It can also affect human health. We are often so busy that I do not think that the time to stop and meditate! But meditation actually gives more time making your mind calmer and more focused. A simple ten or fifteen minutes meditating on the breath, as the following can help overcome stress and find inner peace and balance.Meditation can also help us understand our own mind. We can learn to transform our mind from negative to positive peace, abnormal and unhappy to happy. Overcoming negative minds and cultivating constructive thoughts is the purpose of transforming meditation in the Buddhist tradition. This is a profound spiritual practice you can enjoy all day, not only while sitting in meditation.On this site you can learn the basics of Buddhist meditation. Some books are listed to help deepen your understanding if you want to explore more. Everyone can benefit from meditation given here, Buddhist or not. We hope you find this site useful and learn to enjoy the peace of mind that comes from med! itation. To meditate while engaged in other activities you need to be trained in meditation and must be a daily practitioner. Meditation initially requires a quiet place inorder to gain the art of practicing it everywhere. Always practice in the space that has already been used for meditation as it has a high energy level . It also helps you to enter the state of meditation easily.Inmeditation retreat it is preferable that you do not draw any undue attention as it may hinder your process. While meditating it is important that you pay attention only to your consciousness and awareness inorder to experience the feeling and sensation of being alive, existing and uplifted. Ignore the thoughts of your mind and learn to be aware of what lies beyond them. Initially it may be difficult but a few moments are even enough.This kind of meditation is independent of the mind and body, which is why it does not interfere with any other activities. It creates a process of self-awareness that keeps you uplifted by accompanying you and becomes an integral part of your conscious hours.

About the Author

Marc Platters is expert in providing information related to Yoga Retreats and would guide in getting professional yoga teacher training.

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Benefits of Yoga for Sex

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 02:00 AM PST

Article by Rully Nugraha

Benefits of yoga beside to making you relaxed and calm, can also help you during sexual activity. According to Ellen Barrett, author of Sexy Yoga, yoga, forming the body to a strong and flexible so that makes you easy to make more variations of movement or positions in making love. Still not convinced? Here are four reasons why you have to consider yoga

Smooth Flow of Blood

Similarly, if you do sports in general, yoga can also smooths blood flow. In certain yoga positions, such as the eagle position, the movement directly train your pelvic floor muscles and blood flow in the pelvis. "The more often you train these muscles, your space will be more extensive," says Becky Jeffers, Director of the Berman Center for female sexual health and menopause Management in Chicago. According to Becky, pelvic muscles will help you make the contraction and relaxation more strongly that brought you to experience a longer orgasm.

Growing Confidence

When you do yoga movements, you train your concentration and focus your mind. This makes you more focused on what you do. "When you accept yourself, you'll know what it takes to enjoy sexual activity with a partner," said Becky again. You can communicate these feelings to your partner when you two are doing the activity.

Reduce Pain

For some active woman, who likes sports, especially running, hip and thigh muscles tense can sometimes inhibit sexual activity. Yoga helps to relax the muscles. "The pelvic floor muscles which can affect how tense it was contracted pelvis when you perform sexual activities," said Becky. One part of muscle tension may affect other muscle movements that can not orgasm maximum and your love of the game can not be enjoyed to the fullest.

So, relax, and let it all flow, and the orgasm will come

Giving Sensation "More Life"

Movement triangle sitting cross-legged in yoga to stimulate your chakras. According to Eastern philosophy, sex life is governed by several chakras. Chakras are energy! centers around your body. "When your chakras healthy and working well, your sex life will be healthy and satisfying," said Becky. The three most powerful chakra of your sexual activity is the root chakra (at the perineum, the area between the vagina and anus bone), the sacral chakra (the middle lower abdomen), and the heart chakra (the center of the chest). Yoga movements make blood flow smoothly into sensitive areas and open the prana (life spirit) you. This will make you more open and more to explore the sexual activity and you become a happier person.

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Rully Nugraha. Is ordinary man. Who always want to learn to be better person. Come to visit his blog Folding Lawn Chair which provide complete information about Folding Lawn Chair and Auto Battery Chargers which provide complete information about Auto Battery Chargers


Not only for beginners but good for intermediate and advanced too! YOGA FOR BEGINNERS Pt3 by Esther Ekhart Please subscribe to my channel here: Go to my channel: Follow me on facebook : Follow me on twitter: Look me up on Google+ :

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Boost Your Mind Power. Meditate

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 01:00 AM PST

Article by Willie Horton

Energy Boost Brainwave Entrainment.wmv

Energy Boost brainwave meditation is excellent to energize yourself and relieve the symptoms of chronic fatigue. Energy Boost helps clear out the brain fog and improve your focus and concentration. The main ingredients in this brainwave synchronization audio are different variations of beta brainwaves.

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Taking Yoga and fitness In Reducing Your Anxiety symptoms

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 12:04 AM PST

Article by James Mako

The number of people who suffer from anxiety or panic attacks is on the increase. The cause can be due to many factors that can be internal and external. People who have anxiety have found that taking regular exercise has helped them a lot to feel more relaxed, calm and able to cope better with their condition far more effectively.

This is not surprising because keeping fit by taking regular exercise can provide you with many physical and emotional benefits. For example, it can lower your high blood pressure which has links to stress and anxiety. It can also give you more energy, vitality and confidence. Many people who become anxious or experience panic attacks have many perceived fears. With regular exercise you can cope with these fears because it can help to improve your emotions and moods.

There are many exercises that you can do to help your anxiety and panic attacks. One in particular that many people have found beneficial is yoga. Most people have heard of yoga because it has become very popular over the last 20 years or so. However, yoga has been around for over 4000 years and it is believed to have been developed in India by the holy monks. There are many different types of yoga to choose. Certain types focus on the physical while others focus on the meditative side. Basically yoga combines stretching poses with deep breathing techniques.

People use it in either two ways. They either use it in a spiritual sense to become closer to their inner being. Other people use it to derive the physical benefits of it. You can also use both methods to experience the physical and spiritual benefits of yoga.

Yoga has many health benefits. It can help you to become calmer and relaxed in your mind and body. The philosophy of yoga is that the mind and body are connected. This means your mind must be calm and relaxed in order for the body to be calm and relaxed and vice versa.

One particular aspect of yoga that can benefit people with anxiety is the meditative practice of em! ptying t he mind of all your thoughts, worries and fears. Yoga also provides physical benefits that include improved agility, flexibility, balance and strength.

Always seek a doctor's advice if you have a medical condition before doing any form of new exercise.

About the Author

James Mako is writer who has been publishing articles for the last 4 years on issues he is passionate about. One of his greatest passions is exercise and fitness and you can visit his latest website that discusses the polar f11 and the .html">polar cs400 brands and exercise accessories.



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David Lynch Creates $1M Soldiers Meditation Fund

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 12:00 AM PST

Director David Lynch has created a $ 1 million (£625,000) fund for U.S. soldiers to undergo meditation courses to help them deal with the traumas of war.

The moviemaker revealed the donation at a gala in Los Angeles for his The David Lynch Foundation on Saturday (03Dec11).

Lynch, a longtime advocate of Transcendental Meditation, is hoping veterans who learn the technique can reduce the stress they suffer after returning from the battlefield.

The Operation Warrior Wellness grants will also cover sessions for soldiers' family members suffering from post-traumatic stress.

Guests at the L.A. gala included Katy Perry and Russell Brand, who hit the red carpet together for the first time since their marriage was rocked by split rumours last week. The couple was all smiles at they posed for photographers.

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Thich Nhat Hanh - The End of Suffering

From ´Graceful Passages `featuring a collection of various spiritual teacher from several religions, talking and giving advice to the dying.

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Yoga Causes Back Pain

Posted: 21 Dec 2011 11:01 PM PST

Article by Henry Moss

Ancient mystics did not develop the disciplines, practices, and spiritual blah-dee for the sake of studying the cute college coeds at the gym. In fact, if you would get off the weight machines and actually try yoga, you immediately would develop appreciation and admiration for its difficulty. In fact, if you would try yoga, you would discover that the soccer moms and coeds have strong, flexible muscles and cardiovascular fitness you barely can begin to imagine. Stress is usually a mental pressure exerted due to fatigue or excessive work. It is also caused from worrying about the work or happenings in the past, present or future. Suppose there is a businessmen exporting his products to several countries, his business is doing fine and growing but somehow a situation comes and he finds his business on decline though there might be some cause for this and it could be short lived making his business to bloom once again, but within this short span the person develops stress which may lead to severe mental hazards.In the modern world we face stress in every sphere and every step of our life, whether we are in schools, colleges, offices etc. Students face stress due to exams, serviceman face stress due to huge pile of pending work etc. As a result people often practice medications like taking sedatives, narcotics and tranquilizers (medicines to cure anxiety) which calm the mind but in future it creates serious other maladies.But still there is a therapy which is purely natural and is considered to be the best weapon against stress and that is "YOGA". Yoga is the ancient mantra for sound health and also to retain juvenility to a great extent. It has been practiced by several Rishi-Munis in ancient India and now has become a major concern among the modern genre too.So back to stress management, Yoga provides a unique way of managing stress through Prayanama (A breathing technique), in this technique an individual do slow and steady breathing - like inhaling through his one nostril and exhaling through oth! er. Besi des there are fast breathing movements like intake of air through nostrils and exhaling through mouth at fast pace, this way air is passed properly through blood capillaries and the person feels himself / herself in light mode i.e. he / she feels that there is no burden over their mind and soul.It is possible that you may have some minor muscle stiffness if you do not usually practice yoga, but it should not be anything more than this. Any pain or worsening of your back pain or any new pain means you should stop immediately. If yoga does not work for you then it doesn't work - it is as simple as that. Find something else like Pilates or swimming. I go caving and walking and riding too, but would not risk damaging my back again practicing yoga.Yoga, in my opinion, is for people without any back problems. It can prevent injury, but it will not cure it.he / she feels that there is no burden over their mind and soul.Dhyana (Meditation) is also a good method of controlling stress, in this part of Yoga a person sits in a posture (usually in relaxing mode) and concentrate his / her mind over one point with eyes closed.

About the Author

Jeremy Johnson - a talented writer who writes about curso yoga, formacion yoga, clases yoga, curso de yoga, formacion en yoga, clases de yoga. He is interested in sports.clases yogaclases yogacurso yoga


In this video Yoga vinyasa flow Esther demonstrates a dynamic flow of yoga poses, do my yoga for beginners series first if you are new to this.. Please subscribe to my channel here: Go to my channel: Follow me on facebook : Follow me on twitter: Look me up on Google+ :

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Your First Yoga Class

Posted: 21 Dec 2011 10:01 PM PST

Article by Sam Qam

Shilpa Yoga - Vakrasana

From Shavasana Bring Your Legs Together And Your Arms To Your Sides. Bend The Right Leg At The Knee. Bring The Thigh As Close To Your Abdomen As Possible. Bring Both Arms Around The Right Leg Locking Your Fingers Just Below The Knee Joint. The Other Leg Remains Straight Still On The Ground. Keep The Foot Relaxed. Press The Thigh Into The Abdomen. Slowly Release In The Reverse Order. Repeat With The Other Leg.This Asana Is Excellent For Indigestion. Its A Great Stretch For The Abdomen The Hips And The Thighs Leaving The Lower Body Toned And Supple. It Helps In Relieving Back Pain And Has A Substantial Impact On The Pelvic Joint.Youll Already Have Started To Notice That The Exercises Seem To Occur In Pairs. This Is Part Of The Genius Of Yoga. Most Exercises Are Complementary Reversing The Muscular Stretches Of The Previous Exercise Working On The Complete Set Of Muscles For Each Body Part

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Impressive Insight With regards to Pregnancy Yoga

Posted: 21 Dec 2011 09:00 PM PST

Article by Talamantes Dieckmann

If you happen to be currently pregnant, you may want to be sure to be extra sensible when it comes to doing exercises. Avert strenuous activities and also rather choose for exercises which are generally lighter on the body, but still give several benefit to your wellness. Before deciding to begin any kind of exercise to exercise course, check with your own doctor so you can make sure it's ok to do this. Depending about different circumstances, the doctor's orders varies from 1 patient to the next. 1 exercise that could be used by many pregnant women is yoga. Yoga is a popular exercise amongst expecting mothers interested in keeping their wellness and also well-being throughout their pregnancy. Most women know the value of eating best as well as getting a little exercise while they're expecting, but it's also important so you can reduce stressors and properly handle stress. Numerous attempt through yoga. Restorative exercise is a type of yoga practiced by numerous expecting mothers mainly because it's a form of restful yoga which uses blocks, pillows, blankets and also different props so you can put the body in certain meditation poses. Certain meditation poses can not be safe depending on the woman's trimester, when other folks could be recommended. Pregnancy yoga is good.

Certainly not only is exercise safe so you can do when pregnant-as prolonged as anyone follow a few guidelines-it can in fact be good. Anxiety as well as strain usually run rampant during pregnancy with so a lot brand-new information to take in. It is extreme as you're always being told brand new things and also given information by other people. It is best to discover any anyone can about your own being pregnant, but follow the advice of the doctor. Getting a method to relieve the strain which usually comes with being pregnant can be extremely good to the mother's wellness in addition of your child. What is more, exercise might assist females so you can breathe as well as relax, that in turn can be helpful whenever givin! g birth. Make sure to tell the yoga instructor which you are pregnant, especially if the class is certainly not catered especially so you can expecting mothers. As well let her or him understand exactly how far along you may be in your own being pregnant. Soon after the first trimester, avoid poses which place you about your back, as this may interrupt the blood flow so you can the womb. What is more, following the first trimester your own center of gravity can set out to move. It is best to avoid poses that require one so you can balance like putting the heel on the wall to making use of an mind help oneself, as this might cause a nasty fall to injury.

Do not stretch your muscle tissue too much, especially those in the stomach region. The hormone relaxin is just what enables the development of the uterus, and softens animal tissue putting anyone at better risk of muscle pulls to strains. In addition avoid hot exercise, also known as Bikram yoga, that is yoga performed in a hot area. Finally, hear so you can the body. Practice pregnancy yoga without danger. If something doesn't feel right, stop what you're doing as well as let the mentor know. In a few cases, he or she might offer suggestions for alternatives to the pose that could be more comfortable for we.

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Shilpa Yoga - Veerbhadrasana

Sitting In Vajrasana Join The Palms Together In Front Of The Chest. Raise The Joined Palms Above Your Head As Straight As Possible- Your Biceps Should Ideally Be Touching Your Ears. Now Following The Principles Of Tadasana Stretch Yourself As High As You Can Without Your Buttocks Ever Losing Contact With Your Heels. Hold. As You Relax Bring The Still Joined Palms Back In Front Of Your Chest Before Allowing Your Arms To Return To Your Sides Or Rest On Your Thighs.Parvatasana Means The Mountain Pose Because In The Final Position If You Manage To Do It Right You Will Resemble The Peak Of A Mountain. Another Simple Asana It Has Multiple Benefits. It Helps In Adding To The Spines Flexibility And Because Of The Sitting Position Aids The Lower Back Greatly. Its Great For The Thoracic Cavity The Neck And The Shoulders And The Cervical Vertebrae.

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Yoga For Children And Kids

Posted: 21 Dec 2011 08:00 PM PST

Article by Sheila Easton

Children are exposed to a lot of stress factors nowadays.

There is homework that they do daily... the competition with other children...TV and computer games...and even over-scheduling.

And just like adults these kids need something relaxing to turn into and that could be: Yoga.

Yoga for kids helps then develop better body awareness, it also delivers to them a total self control, flexibility and coordination.

All of these they could carry not just on their class but this exercises can help them with their daily routines.

Yoga for kids has shown to help children who are hyper active to tone down and to brighten up those attention deficit ones. Children today crave movement and sensory motor stimuli that can help then balance out their inner souls flow.

Yoga for kids helps them channel out this impulses in a positive way.

The main Yoga for kids poses that seem to work perfectly with kids are the warrior pose and the tree pose. These two yoga for kids poses helps instill in them calm, confidence and balance.

The trick to get them to do Yoga for kids is to go beyond just doing the proper poses, you should have to get them think about what the real posture means.

Let them think that they are really what the poses are symbolizing, let them be the postures - strong and confident like a warrior.

Yoga for kids with partners is also a good way to build up trust with you children. It develops their team skills and fosters a closer bonding.

Some kids when it comes to relaxation have a big trouble closing their eyes and having them focus on their exercises. One thing that encourages a child to relax is visualization. Let them think of something that they really like and let them imagine being like these things.

You may also have them focus out on belly breathing first and have them listen to soothing and relaxing music.

Then ask them to imagine their favorite spot in the house or let them think that they are in outer space floatin! g, or le t them visualize that they are at the beach, playing their favorite sport or doing the best activity that they like.

Sometimes for boys letting them think of a favorite girlfriend helps them relax, but this is sometimes hard to do because they become shy and intolerable when this kind of issues are discussed. Just stick to the visualization thing if this technique is quite complicated for you.

Every day at the end of each relaxation exercises, encourage the children to share their own experiences. Ask them to tell to the group what it was like to be in their visualized surroundings. Ask them also to share what place have they imagined they where in.

Another approach is to create a guided imagination by telling them a story with a calming theme of some sort.

As you know children have the most active imagination, they imagine all sorts of things. And at this point of imagination it makes them feel calm. So when doing yoga for kids let them think that they are walking on a green pasture.

You can even let them think that they are butterflies in a beautiful garden. The main idea in here is to instill a sense of peace and feeling of oneness with nature.

Yoga for kids should be taught more often and in different places. It is important to teach children the meaning of union of mind, body and spirit.

There is such a wealth of knowledge we can offer our children with the practice of Yoga.

About the Author

It doesn't matter if you've never exercised a day in your life, or if you are the most fit person in the world... Free information online - on every "style" of Yoga - is pretty hard to come across. The author got tired of looking and searching all over the place, so he decided to create a free Yoga Information Portal at:

Shilpa Yoga - Vrikshasana

While On The Stomach Place Your Chin On The Floor. Exhale Raise Your Legs And Bend Your Knees Bringing The Legs Closer To You And Reach Back. Grasp The Right Ankle With The Right Hand And The Left Ankle With The Left Hand. Inhale Slowly Rise Up Pulling Your Ankles Up And Raising The Thighs Off The Floor While Simultaneously Lifting Your Chest Off The Floor. Hold The Breath. The Weight Of Your Body Should Be Resting Solely On Your Abdomen. Tilt Your Head As Far Back As Possible. Hold The Posture As Long As You Can Comfortably Hold Your Breath. Slowly Exhale Bringing The Knees To The Floor Release The Ankles And Slowly Bring Your Legs And Your Arms Back On To The Ground.The Dhanurasana Or The Bow Pose Because That Is What You Resemble In The Final Position Is Considered To Be One Of The Best Postures In All Of Yoga. It Helps Keep An Individual In Great Shape. It Restores Flexibility To The Spine. Regular Practice Will Relieve Lower Back Pain And Release Tension And Strain In The Upper Back And Neck Area. The Alternating Stretching And Releasing Of The Abdominal Muscles Increases Blood Flow To This Area. Its Great For Menstrual Problems. And Its Great For Toning The Thighs And The Buttocks. Extended Practice Will Help Develop Upper-Body

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What is the difference between yoga and Pilates?

Posted: 21 Dec 2011 07:00 PM PST

Article by Jess Harley

Copyright (c) 2007 Jess Harley

Let's face it, being a woman is stressful. Most of us have to hold down careers, raise a family, keep a clean house and have dinner on the table by 6pm. Our physical health and fitness can be greatly affected by too much stress. As women we also have to deal with hormonal changes once a month and when we are pregnant our hormones are even more out of wacked. Yoga and Pilates are two excellent forms of stress management and are also helpful in keeping our hormones and body in check. What is the difference between the two and which one is better for you?

Let's start by talking about Pilates. Pilates was created early in the 20th century. The point of Pilates is to concentrate on the development of the core of the body or as you will hear in Pilates classes the Powerhouse. For years dancers used Pilates to obtain the lean and sculpted bodies that they needed. Benefits of Pilates included strong abs and a strong back muscles.

Now on to Yoga. Yoga has been around for centuries and has been shown to be a powerful tool to reduce stress, and lower blood pressure. Yoga poses are also designed to tone and exercise the muscles of your body which will help eliminate any excess fat. There are also breathing techniques, and meditation that is included.

Both Yoga and Pilates are what is known as 'mind body' programs. This means it requires its users to be mentally focused as they perform all the exercises. Both are slower than normal calisthenics and use have you use your breath with movement. The biggest difference in Yoga and Pilates is structure. Yoga can be loosely structured while Pilates has more of a stricter routine and is done in sets and reps. Each move of Pilates should be done in a very order and precise way. Technique is key with Pilates. Yoga tends to be a little more free form.

If you need order and want to follow things a specific way, then Pilates might be a better choice for you because of how displicne it has to be. Most of the time! people who are considered a "Type A" personality tend to lean more toward Pilates. People who are more mellow might want to try Yoga since it is not as structure. No matter what one you choose there are some things you need to look for. First make sure there is a qualified instructor. Yoga and Pilates require their instructors to have completed in depth training to fully understand the subject and the techniques. The instructors should have a good knowledge of anatomy and human movement. There are many schools and training courses that a instructor can get their certification, some can last for a weekend while other can last month. A good instructor though will usually be certified in one of the two. In order to ensure that you find a good instructor you might want to enlist the help of either Yoga Alliance which provides you with a searchable database where you can find a qualified instructor, or you can check out the Pilates Method Alliance which provides you not only with a database of qualified instructors, it also gives you a list of questions to ask your instructor.

Regardless of what one you decide to go with, you will not be disappointed in the results that you will soon see.

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We have released the official site for more details go to:

5 Min Yoga Back Stretching Workout Fitness Training, Exercise w/ Emmy

5 Min Yoga Back Stretching Workout Fitness Training, Exercise w/ Emmy Five Minute workout for your arms and lower back. MySpace Friend Me RelatedVideos 5 Minute Tone Body, Butt Workout, Fitness Training w/ Tammy 5 Minute Tone Body, Abs Workout, Fitness Training w/ Tammy 5 Minute Tone Body Legs Workout, Fitness Training w/ Tammy 5 Minute Tone Body Shoulders Workout, Fitness Training 5 Minute Tone Body Arms Workout, Fitness Training w/ Tammy 5 Minute Tone Body, Chest & Back Workout, Fitness Training 5 Min Tone Butt Workout 2, Fitness Training w/ Tammy Music By Jimmy Gelhaar This video was produced by psychetruth © Copyright 2010 Target Public Media LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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Can Yoga Help Cure Insomnia?

Posted: 21 Dec 2011 06:00 PM PST

Article by Terry Roberts

Many people suffering from insomnia are looking for ways to overcome their problem, or at least get some relief from it. While a visit to your doctor is an absolute must, there are some everyday activities and habits that can also help. In most cases you'll want to look for some kind of natural treatment. On hearing the words "natural treatment for insomnia", most people immediately think of herbs, but there is another, very useful, natural treatment - yoga.

Yoga is a great way to relieve stress and lessen the effects of insomnia, or not being able to get to sleep or stay asleep at night. Getting regular exercise and following a regime of vigorous yoga, such as power yoga or Ashtanga, at least three times a week, can help to allow the body to relax and to drift off to sleep more easily.

However, you must be careful when to do your yoga exercises. Exercising within the three hours before bedtime can cause overactive blood flow and increased brain activity that can stimulate the body to stay awake, so plan your exercise early in the day.

Following the three part breathing technique, commonly used in yoga, helps to clear the mind of the day's stresses and thus help with sleep and relaxation. The alternating nostril breathing technique called Nadi Sodhana is a great way to alleviate stress. It allows the body to absorb oxygen to promote positive energy and relaxation to relieve nervous tension, depression and other stressful mental and physical situations.

Some Yoga positions have been reported as very effective for helping people affected by insomnia. One of these, called Happy Baby, can be done in bed; it will relieve tension from the lower back and hips as you hug your knees or feet while lying on your back.

Another very useful position is the Corpse Pose, where the person lies flat on their back gently breathing - this is one of the final poses during a Yoga class to instil relaxation. Yet another is the Supported Forward Bend, where one inhales, exhales and then be! nds from the hip without arching the back, moving one's head from side to side, slowly raising one's knees to one's chest to support muscle release and give a calm feeling through the body.

For experienced yoga participants - or adventurous first timers - posing in the Shoulderstand and following through with the Plow also increases blood flow to encourage a restful feeling in the person by stretching the muscles out.

Lying on the floor, crossing your leg over your body and gently pulling it across to the other side of the body while breathing out is referred to as the Opposite Side Twist.

All these positions encourage and train the muscles and body to react to daily stresses and to encourage a healthy rested body. Yoga promotes circulation, and the removal of toxins, body chemicals and stress, which can help with relaxation and ultimately with sleep. With the release provided by yoga, the body is allowed to rest, which in turn will provide a more soporific feeling and the possibility of a cure for the problem of insomnia.

About the Author

Terry Roberts is a professional linguist and translator with a variety of interests. To read more about insomnia, its causes, symptoms and treatments, visit his website at Facts About Insomnia.


Just playin' around...

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Yoga, A Way Of Life

Posted: 21 Dec 2011 06:00 PM PST

Article by Noel Halpin

Yoga as a way of life! For most people yoga conjures up thoughts of people in tangled body bending shapes. The most famous position of these is most likely to be the image of a person sitting in the lotus position emanating a total peace with themselves and the world.

The word yoga can actually be translated as "union" or more defined as " joining strands of the mind together". So this image of the person practicing yoga in any body shape is most likely to be true, that they are at peace and exploring their inner self.

The ultimate goal of any yoga practitioner is to gain the ability to focus the mind on one single point or thought without allowing any distraction interfere with their transcendence into their innermost peace.

Yoga is a total physical discipline because it uses the body and breathing to develop self awareness. This self awareness brings great self confidence because every movement is a step nearer the ultimate goal of perfect well being and peace.

In the modern western world people are obsessed with beauty and body perfection. There are millions of dollars and pounds spent on every type of known cream and tonic that promise a more youthful skin, a vibrant complexion, a wrinkle free face, and so on, and on the list goes. Anyway you know what I mean, I could go on, but I will stop now and leave the rest to your imagination.

You also know none of these treatments work in the way they are portrayed to do what they say. True beauty and perfection comes from within the person, not from creams and the like. If one achieves inner peace with themselves then everything else in the world is beautiful, including oneself. This is the only true way to achieve a, better complexion, a wrinkle free body, a love of yourself. This is what one achieves from practicing yoga. Yoga delivers on it's promise.

Yoga is not just for pop stars, super models, film stars, yoga is for everyone, young old, male or female, Healthy or sick, there are no boundaries to who can part! ake in i t.

Yoga can always be adapted to suit one's individual needs, regardless of ones circumstances. If you are facing major or small challenges in your life, you will find instant relief from stress and depression. Furthermore once you begin the practice and continue doing it regularly it will help you to live your life with more enthusiasm and confidence. Start your new path now.

About the Author

As a black belt third degree master of Kenpo Karate, I would like to say that Yoga has been my inspiration and guide through all my active sports life. I am now getting on in years, but I would not go one day without practicing my yoga combined with my karate katas.It is never too late to change your way of life. Do it now. Find your real self, CLICK BELOW NOW.

Power Yoga - Back Bending with Grace In this advanced vinyasa yoga practice, Nico Luce flows through long, flowing yoga pose sequences and a series of blissful, heart opening back bends. Distributed by Tubemogul.

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Yoga Health Benefits

Posted: 21 Dec 2011 05:01 PM PST

Article by R. Mayer

A very important technique that helps us in relaxing our mind and body, and to function properly is none other than Yoga. In our everyday life we are faced with confusions and conflicts which result in poor performance of our activities.

The root cause of all this poor performance is Stress. It is the main evil that affects our body systems and results in disorders of the body. The simple solution to get you out of this situation is Yoga. Yoga has much more benefits than regular exercise. Some of them are listed below.

* In our daily exercise many joints remain untouched while the yoga posture not only acts on these joints but also improves the flexibility of the body.

* For the proper functioning of joints, ligaments and tendons, yoga provides lubrication making them more flexible.

* The third benefit retrieved from yoga is the massage. The body parts that never get stimulated during the whole life are acted upon by yoga.

* Yoga acts on our body parts so effectively that the chances of getting a disease or disorder are reduced to a minimum. Hence we can say that it keeps disease away from us. And if the body is not functioning properly it gives us a forewarning.

* During yoga, our body parts are stretched resulting in full circulation of blood and detoxification of harmful toxins. In this way all the toxins are removed from each and every corner of the body. It nourishes the body parts and we are benefited with long age, vigor and enthusiasm for life.

* Most of our body muscles remain inactive during our life yoga helps them in providing proper tenor.

The above mentioned benefits prove that yoga gives us extraordinary abilities to strengthen our mind and body. It also helps in releasing stress. All these factors contribute in making us healthy and giving us a positive attitude towards life.

About the Author

R. Mayer enjoys writing articles on many topics. Please visit her website about remanufactured ink cartridges or about the benefits of using cheap inkjet cartridges.

How Meditation Retreats Can Transform Your Life

Posted: 21 Dec 2011 05:00 PM PST

Article by Marc Platters

Jon Kabat-Zinn: Coming to Our Senses

Renowned mindfulness meditation teacher and best-selling author Jon Kabat-Zinn speaks at UCSD Medical Center on the topic of "Coming to Our Senses", which is also the name of his new book, subtitled "Healing Ourselves and the World Through Mindfulness". A pioneer in the application of ancient Buddhist practices to healing in modern medical settings, Kabat-Zinn expounds upon the value of "resting in awareness" not only to facilitate clarity in ourselves, but also as a means of relating to and healing the "dis-ease" in politics, society and the world. Series: "Health Sciences Journal" [11/1999] [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 9375]

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Vishnu Yoga in Hindu Astrology

Posted: 21 Dec 2011 04:00 PM PST

Article by Dr. Shanker Adawal

Constituents: Vishnu yoga is caused if the lords of Navamsa's which the 9th Lord is placed and the 10th lord joins the 2nd house in conjunction with the 9th lord.

Fruits: The native subject to other combinations in the horoscope is likely to lead and enjoyable life and reap the following fruits:

i) Acquire fortunes from various countries,ii) Earn in crores (reasonably large turnover and profits). iii) Will be strong physically and mentally,iv) Witty in conversations, v) Worshipper of Lord Vishnu, vi) Capable of getting awards from the Government and also praised from the Government,vii) Long life up to 100 years-mostly free from disease.

Our View: But, it is possible that all the results may not happen but the native may enjoy most of the blessings of Vishnu Yoga. Astrologically, Navamasha in which the 9th Lord is place plays an important part in the formation of this yoga. Yoga is expected to operate through out life if the Navamsa Lord happens to be the strongest planet (having the need quantity of shadbala). Where the lord of Navamsa occupied by the 9th Lord happens to be Saturn not having much strength (debilitated Saturn), the yoga would operate with certain restrictions.

It is for the Astrologer to judge the strength of the planet forming Vishnu Yoga. Be that as it may, combination of the 9th lord and 10th lord itself constitutes a powerful Raj Yoga. If this occurs in the 2nd house, combined with the Namamas Lord would indeed amount powerful Dhan Yoga and Raj-yoga.

In this horoscope, the horoscope belonging to high ranking influential man, Vishnu Yoga did not work well because of Rahu in the 2nd house though Lord of 9th Venus in Taurus Amsa and Lord of this Amsa is again Venus. He is the 2nd house along with the 10th Lord and he himself happens to be the 9th Lord.

However, Vishnu Yog is more pronounced in the following chart. Venus happens not only be the lord of 10th house but also lord of Navamsa occupied by 9th Lord Mercury. Both Mercury and Ve! nus are in the 2nd. With huge earnings, the native almost enjoyed all the blessings of Vishnu Yoga.

About the Author

Dr. Shanker Adawal, Jyotishacharya in Astrology is a professional and Astrology is his passion and an urge. His predictive technique is based on Bhrigu Technique whose principles and doctrines have been deciphered from research of above two decades.

Anaahat Yoga - Bhujangasana

Watch Exclusive Video Of Anaahat Yoga - Bhujangasana Brought To You By Shemaroo And Conducted By Preeti.To Watch More Of This Kindly Click By

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Be Creative with Theta Meditation

Posted: 21 Dec 2011 03:05 PM PST

Article by Jonsonmak

Attaining peace of mind is the most vital aim of the yogis who practice meditation regularly. Having a cool and calm mental status is a necessity in current times when every individual is stressed out. The reason for being under tension can be anything, starting from personal affairs to professional worries, but with the help of meditation, an individual gets a chance to be out of such stress and lead a fret free life. Studying about meditation minutely will let you come across the concept of theta meditation, which is the most advanced form of meditation. To facilitate its practice properly, meditation CDs are also available.Regular practice of theta meditation will assure a practitioner of getting complete relaxation with enhanced creativity. You might have heard some people talking about their strong intuitions, which make them realise whatever is going to happen. Practicing this meditation enables the yogi to strengthen this quality of intuitiveness in him.With regular practice of theta meditation, an individual gets a chance to enhance his capabilities as far as distinguishing between the right and the wrong is concerned. This, in turn, helps a person to build up his relationships with closed relatives and even with office colleagues by making correct and appropriate decisions.If you think you are not expressive enough, practice theta meditation and see the difference. This is the type of meditation that produces brainwaves of about 4-8 Hz, which is quite a low frequency, the smoothness of which can make one sleep and start dreaming. Like other forms of meditation, however, this meditation also enables an individual to reduce his anxiety, relief from stress and attain a peaceful mental status. However, theta meditation is found to be predominant in children, artists, extroverts as well as psychics as all of these categories do need to have some kind of creativity in them.Theta meditation can be practiced well in the form of Yoga, meditation and brainwave entrainment. Wirth Pranayama and vari! ous Yoga Asanas, an individual gets a chance to introduce his mind to different frequencies, including theta brainwaves. This makes the practice effective, thereby showing best results. In meditation, the second form of making the process effective, an individual devotes a lot of time, the prolonged session might lead to the production of theta brainwaves. Last but not the least, in case of brain entrainment, listening to meditation CDs, MP3s and other audio products introduced by hemi sync would surely be a great help.

The benefits of the theta meditation are summarised below:Enhanced creativityEstablishment of a connection with the subconscious mindImproved problem solving skillsReduces the level of stress and anxietyImproved ability to learnEnhances your immune functioningIncreases your healing capacityWith theta meditation, you can ensure to be associated with relevant creative field and flourish like anything. If you want to enjoy the benefits offered by this process, you can also utilise the meditation CDs available in the market to facilitate effective meditation for instant positive results. About the Author

jonsonmak is a Doctor who recommends meditation techniques for a stressful life or for a good physical and mental health. He also writes articles on theta meditation & meditation CDs. For more information he always recommends to visit

How To Grow Taller With Yoga

Posted: 21 Dec 2011 02:10 PM PST

Article by daebenz

Yoga is a prevalent form of human artwork and endurance. If you feel your height is hopeless and are wondering how to build up height, you ought to consider practicing yoga. Yoga involves the practice of brute yet comfortable poses to stretch and strengthen the body. Many of these yogic stretches are centered carefully around the spine. If you are wondering how to build up height, remember having a healthy spine is an essential requirement on behalf of this. Good posture is mandatory with today's demand's a good number of people sit in a way to makes their backs stiff and stoop down this brings all sorts of discomfort to the body. This in itself will account for poor height and posture. Simple lifestyle changes and certain yogic exercises will teach you how to build up height and physical stamina. Remember to a person's height depends on the duration of one's bones. Yoga cannot make your bones grow however. Yoga builds up height the exercises help to stretch and lengthen your spine. The bones meet up the spine are commonly compressed, yoga helps to decompress the spine. The discs stuck between the vertebrae in the spine are soft and compress due to gravity, causing the spine to grow shorter. Yoga postures help to gel the discs and alleviate the decompression. The spine therefore grows longer and you appear taller. Yoga postures help to strengthen and stretch your body. Apart from this, yoga makes you more aware of your body - how you tread, survive, sit survive throughout your day to day activities. This helps you to become more aware of your own posture and physical stature. You will start to walk and stand straighter and this will in conclusion make you look taller. Some individuals see height increases of up to 3 to 5 inches after months of yogic practice. It is necessary to practice yoga on a day after day basis if you want to see real results.Try yoga for yourself

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I love to do yoga.


In this video "yoga, an evening practice" Esther shows us a bedtime exercise to unwind and sleep well. Subscribe to my channel here: Go to my channel: Follow me on facebook : Follow me on twitter: Look me up on Google+ :

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Should You Listen to Meditation Music When You Meditate?

Posted: 21 Dec 2011 01:00 PM PST

Article by Kip Mazuy

Change your Mind Change your Brain: The Inner Conditions...

Google Tech Talks March 15, 2007 ABSTRACT If happiness is an inner state, influenced by external conditions but not dependent on them, how can we achieve it? Ricard will examine the inner and outer factors that increase or diminish our sense of well-being, dissect the underlying mechanisms of happiness, and lead us to a way of looking at the mind itself based on his book, Happiness: A Guide to Life's Most Important Skill and from the research in neuroscience on the effect of mind-training on the brain. Speaker Bio: Matthieu Ricard, a gifted scientist turned Buddhist monk, is a best selling author, translator, and photographer. He has lived and studied in the Himalayas for the last 35 years...

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How To Get Fit At Home Using Yoga, Pilates and Full Body Stretches

Posted: 21 Dec 2011 12:03 PM PST

Article by Susan Casey

If you're interested in getting fit, but don't want to spend time trying to schedule exercise classes or making it to your local gym, there are many great options of how to get fit at home.

If you have a busy schedule or a busy lifestyle, finding time to leave the house and go work out is very difficult and sometimes frustrating, but staying home and working out is a much better option.

Yoga, pilates, and full body stretches are all great ways you can get fit while staying in the comfort of your own home.


Yoga is a very popular type of exercise, and many people enjoy taking lessons. However, it's also popular to do yoga without even leaving the house. There are many types of instructional DVDs that can provide yoga workouts, for the beginner to the expert.

There are also instructions online for doing yoga at home. Both of these options provide opportunities to work out doing yoga while in your house. Yoga is a great way to get a good workout, and provides exercise to every part of your body.

You can do yoga poses that focus on the areas that you really want to improve on, and can customize your workout to meet your needs. Yoga is also a great way to relax and reflect on the day, and can be beneficial beyond just being a way to get fit.


Pilates is another great exercise to do at home. Pilates is a type of exercise that focuses on improving the strength and flexibility of the body, along with focusing on control. Pilates focuses on very precise movements and controlling your movements so you do each movement correctly and get the most out of it.

Like yoga, you can find instructional guides on DVDs or online, and can use them to improve your workout routine at your own pace. Pilates is a great how to get fit at home program that gives you a lot of freedom to define the fitness routine that works for you.

Full Body Stretches

Full body stretches are another at home way to get fit. These stretches can help you improve your f! lexibili ty and fitness level. Full body stretches give you a good workout, and are easy to do in the comforts of your own home. You just need an area with a great deal of space to do your stretches.

About the Author

Yoga, pilates, and full body stretches are all great examples of how to get fit at home. However there are many other ways to get fit. To learn more visit

Anaahat Yoga - Dandasana

Watch Exclusive Video Of Anaahat Yoga - Dandasana Brought To You By Shemaroo And Conducted By Preeti.To Watch More Of This Kindly Click By

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Traditional yoga clothing

Posted: 21 Dec 2011 11:00 AM PST

Article by Eric Mayars

Staying fit is not only a dream but a necessity of life. Each one of us must resort to healthy practices to stay fit and healthy. We usually see actors, models or even our friends who look extremely fit and healthy. We sometimes envy such people and sometimes we wish to get that perfect body and figure an For this on opts for various exercises, sports, aerobics or yoga. Yoga is preferred more these days because it not only strengthens the body but relaxes the mind which releives you from the daily stress. This form of exercise can be practiced individually at your home, or in a group at a park or open place or in a yoga retreat. The place does not matter but two things are very important- your mat and your yoga clothes or apparel. The main requirements for this exercise is your mat and your clothes. You cannot practice this exercise without these two things. Your mat is very necessary because this exercise has many poses. The poses need you to balance your body and make some tough movements. While doing all these poses, your mat will help you to be avoid any injuries while practicing these poses. The mat provides you a support. Many poses require you to balance your body on your head, back, hands, etc. All these poses need this mat. Similarly one more important element which is essential for practicing yoga is yoga clothes. You need to be very flexible while practicing the poses of this exercise. The exercise aims at bringing in flexibility in you. While practicing these poses the kind of clothes you wear make a huge difference. Preferably white organic cotton clothes are opted for. Even the instructors recommend this type of clothing. This exercise also has meditation. White colored cotton fabric is very soothing. It helps in relaxing you and helps you improve your concentration and relieves you. Everyday when at work or otherwise you need to dress well and wear allsorts of clothes. But while practicing this exercise opt for white simple cotton fabric. White also symbolizes peace. The yoga pants! should be most comfortable. They should allow free movement of body such that you can stretch completely with utmost flexibility. Many online stores deal in yoga apparel. They provide you with different sizes and designs. You can buy it online as well as from many stores that sell yoga clothes or specialize in yoga clothes. Get the right outfit so that you can practice yoga freely.

About the Author

Eric mayars is profetional expart of Yoga Retreats.he is providing information about Yoga Teacher Training like Seva and Meditation Retreats.

Five Reasons Why You Should Take Up Daily Meditation

Posted: 21 Dec 2011 10:09 AM PST

Article by Belinda Daly, B.D.

The present-day world tenets, successes and results, which is why, maybe, that more and more individuals are turning to meditation. In our noisy contemporary world, many people feel an ultimate need for quiet and reflection.

Below are Five Reasons why daily meditation can benefit your hectic life:

Stress Reduction

Practicing meditation aids in lowering our stress levels by training us to shift from the fears that can pester us through-out our lives. Meditating 15-30 minutes a day helps calm the psyche and concentrating on the present-day ensures we gain inner tranquility.

Daily Meditation benefits your health

Frequent studies on meditation have shown that it benefits your health. Though, this does not mean that meditation will promise you decent health. What I mean is, if your mind is in constant stress and anxiety it will lower you body's resistance to illness. For example if you mind is always in inner chaos it will likely cause heart disease and other ailments. With frequent meditation it can give you inner peace which can aid in eluding numerous stress linked disorders. It has also been said that meditation has also been shown to stop pain connected with many ailments.

Meditation helps to Control Your Thoughts

Mankind is a remarkable animal. Science had done so much to help us rid the world of dangerous diseases, explored the world and universe, and made the world a much better place for the ordinary individual to live in. Though, the world is a better place now for the majority of us, the question is how do we master our own psyche? What I mean is do you often find yourself thinking negative thoughts? How do you deal with it? Meditation instills that it is possible to govern you thoughts. With the help of meditation you can bring your disorderly psyche under control. Controlling your negative thoughts through meditation will help produce a tranquil mind which permits you to accomplish what you want to in your existence.

Bliss a nd Harmony of Awareness

With the help of meditation it can takes us to the foundation of contentment. When we have no harmony of awareness we are continually confronted by negative thoughts, bliss will continue to be intangible. If we can meditate with a tranquil awareness, it will help us to discover an unanticipated source of bliss inside our own ego. Daily meditation demonstrates to us that bliss is not reliant on just our external surroundings, but also on our internal approach as well.

Learning About The Reason For Our Existence.

Many people take up meditation because they feel that there is something missing from their life at this point in time. They feel empty inside and hunger for the reason of their existence on this planet. We look for significance in our existence through exterior procedures and other individuals. By meditating we can gain a fresh perception of being, without interference from our egotistical outlook. Remember, by meditating on a daily basis will benefit the individual, but it must also be realized that it also necessitates willpower. Do not think that you will gain all the aforementioned benefits from meditating if you only practice it on and off. Basically, to fully understand the benefits of meditation it is vital to meditate yourself. So don't procrastinate, start meditating now-and feel its full benefits.

About the Author

Belinda Daly a master practitioner in NLP, hypnosis, and TLT. She also has a degree in metaphysics.

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