Learning About Chakra Healing

Learning About Chakra Healing

Learning About Chakra Healing

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST

Article by Amelia Traverne

Each person has what is called a life force energy and this is run by their chakra. It is said that the chakra is actually an axis point on the body that talks with that life force energy. Most people are not aware that the word chakra is actually a Sanskrit word. The meaning of the word is a sphere of mans aural energy or a constantly whirling wheel.

It is said and fit into traditional Hindu writings and, there is listed more than 88,000 chakra points on a person's entire body. Out of all of these chakra's, there are actually seven major energy acts as chakra's which will run from a persons had all the way to the base of their spine.

These seven points are the base chakra, the sex chakra, the solar plexus chakra, the chakrra of the heart, the chakra of the throat, the chakra of the brow, and lastly the crown chakra. These points on our body take in energy from the people in our environment and also transmit energy to the people in our environment. Therefore, they also influence us mentally, emotionally, and our daily activities including spiritual activities that we may do.

Whether one chooses the viewpoint of Hindu mythological thoughts for an individual's internal and external experience, or Chinese medicines, or even the modern explanation through psychology of human thought processes and consciousness, the chakras form the distinct and valuable thread in all explanations.

This happens specifically because each one of the major chakra glands works with a specific endocrine gland within our bodies. If there is an imbalance in the function of a chakra this will effect our physical and emotional state of well being. It will also create a disturbance in the endocrine gland that is associated with that specific chakra.

All this is due to the fact that the seven major chakras correspond to the endocrine system of our body. With the imbalances in the major functioning of the body system, the functioning of the chakras disrupts from the normal behaviour or activity.

Mainta ining equilibrium with the chakra from the above mentioned points in the introduction it can be safely said that our major diseases are an impact of malfunctioning of our chakras and imbalance or blockage in the energy flow. At times there may not be any illness but there may yet be emotional or psychological issues that would get affected.

There may be repressed memories or forgotten emotional baggage which comes form past traumatic experiences that can cause the chakras to be out of balance. We may actually be unaware of this, but the negative, emotional toxins have an effect at the cellular level.

Bad emotions release toxins all the way down to the cellular level. This is why it is important to eliminate bad emotions and being healing yourself with chakra.

Healing the Body Chakras Activities such as Reiki, color therapy, aromatherapy provides balance by using the healing properties of crystals, gemstones and pendulums.

Many people like taking yoga classes because it helps them to relax through controlled breathing as well as physical exercises. This can help to maintain the chakra balance within our bodies.

Some other methods of Chakra healing include meditation. Meditation is the process of keeping the mind focused and visualizing certain things to relax. Often at times CDs can help promote the natural healing process through relaxing music and can harness the power of the mind to relax.

Even though you can not see or touch a chakra, they still work independently to keep our body in check.

The human body has to be healthy and fed properly in order for us to have balanced chakras. There are foods that help maintain the balance of each of the seven primary chakras.

The root chakra is nourished with foods rich in protein, spices and root type vegetables. Nuts, vanilla, cinnamon, sweet fruits and seeds such as caraway and sesame nourishes the sacral chakra that of our sexual being and creativity. Breads, cereals, pasta, yogurt, dairy products and spicy mint! s nouris h our stomach or solar plexus chakra which enhances our sense of self love and self confidence.

Green leafy vegetables and green tea will nourish the heart chakra. The throat chakra benefits from the nourishment of consuming a lot of water and fruit juices as well as tangy fruits such as peaches and apples.

Eating grapes, blueberries, and drinking grape juice and wine helps to nourish the third eye chakra which is responsible for our psychic powers.

Our focal point of the spiritual awakening is the crown of the head which requires a good detoxification. This is done by regular inhalation of herbs and incense and rituals such as fasting.

By positively influencing our chakras we can increase our general health and well being. By doing this this leads to a better life where you are more in touch with your surroundings and other elements of the metaphysical world which we live in.

About the Author

For more details visit the http://www.chakra-balance.com website. To get more information about attunement. Get more information on reiki course. Why not visit here and get a 29 FREE Audios and Ebook Package?

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Aromatherapy Candle: The Basics

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 10:00 PM PST

Article by Ramone Stevenson

Meditational Chords - Piano Tutorial

Go To www.SmoothChords.com for the Full Tutorial on DVD or Digital Download. Join Today!! Benefits of Joining SmoothChords are as follows Full Access (Online Only ) To Every Lesson & Future Lessons On The Site. Discounts and Special Offers Membership Perks Area - Contains a Few Free...

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The art of healing using Reiki

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 09:00 PM PST

Article by Michael Miller

Reiki is a system of natural healing which was first developed in 1922 in Japan by a Buddhist Dr Mikao Usui, who used the process for stress reduction and providing relaxation. Reiki is actually a Japanese word, which means Universal Life Energy, a life giving power which is present everywhere around.

Reiki is a Japanese technique which if practiced properly induces calmness and promotes relaxation in the body which accelerates healing. It is generally administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the concept that a hidden "life giving energy" travels through us and is same which keep us alive. If this energy in us becomes low or unbalanced, we may feel low and stressed, and conversely if it remains balanced and on high side, we gain stamina to overcome hurdles and will be more happy and accomplished.

Reiki has developed into two branches, commonly referred to as Traditional Japnese Reiki and Western Reiki. In both types of Reiki there are three variations of degrees, which are First, Second and Master/ Teacher degree. As per Reiki Masters, at First Degree, the practitioner attains capability to heal himself and others, at Second Degree he attains capability healing irrespective of distance using specialized symbols, and at Master level person attains the ability to teach Reiki to others.

Reiki is a simple and harmless technique of spiritual attainment which can be practiced by any person. It is known to be effective in every ill or malady and always produces a good effect on a person. It works well in conjunction with other medical techniques and is believed to relieve any side effects and promotes well being and health. This is a very simple technique which is not taught in a usual classroom but its ways and procedures are passed on to learner in Reiki classes via "attunement" by Reiki Masters. This permits the Reiki student to feel the immense healing power of this energy and always helps him in enhancing quality of life for a better. This is currently being taught to tho! usands o f people of different age groups and countries around the Globe.

Reiki treatment is very simple to receive. The recipient relaxes his body and eases himself by lying on a cot or bed. If he, for any reason is unable to lie down, the healing can be administered in sitting position also, the main requirement being that the receiver should be comfortable. Since Reiki is believed to pass through anything, so there is need to remove clothing. The Reiki practitioner after gently placing his hands in some sequence of positions covers the entire body of patients. The entire session for this treatment may not last more than an hour.

Reiki treatment never requires any equipment and can be administered anywhere....anytime. In the treatment practitioner becomes the energy channel from which requisite energy is drawn to correct the imbalances in recipient.

Healing with Reiki is possible at any level: say emotional, spiritual or physical. With this process even severe injuries tend to heal fast, though chronic diseases may take some time.

About the Author

Michael has been writing articles online for 10 years. Not only does this author specialize in a variety of fields you can also check out his latest website which help people find more about kitchen waste bins especially a kitchen waste bin .

Reiki healing level 1 - Video 10 Client Treatment

Reiki healing level one techniques. Part of our accredited Reiki level 1 training course. Visit www.TherapyTrainingSchool.com for more info.

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Aromatherapy Massage Makes You Feel Soothing Effect of Nature

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 08:00 PM PST

Article by Mia Bilkins

Aromatherapy massage is a natural way to tackle various physical and mental disorders by means of essential oils extracted from plants. It not only calms down your muscles but also prove to be extremely helpful in reducing stress. Some of the essential oils accelerate the healing process and alleviate pain. It serves different requirements differently. To talk in more general term, it has contributed a variety of benefits for different mental and physical troubles. In the ancient times, aromatherapy oils were used for sacramental purposes, in order to conduct spiritual endeavours. Let us find out, how an aromatherapy massage can help you to get away with various health issues. Aromatherapy Massage is of great significance in the field of science. It proves to be a great boon for alleviating the pain of cancer patients, pregnant women while going through labor pains. It has served the purpose of sports person for relaxing any sort of muscle pain or injury. Individuals who are suffering from mental disorders like stress, depression and so on have also benefited a lot from aromatherapy massage. It improves upon your blood circulation, soothes your senses, rejuvenates your mood and infuses new energy. You can improve your resistance power and stamina to fight any disease with the help of aromatherapy massage.

There is plethora of options to make use of aromatherapy massage products. Aromatherapy massage has done a commendable job for cosmetic purpose. These days, market is flooded with massage oils, conditioners, shampoos, lotions, baby massage products, laundry products and many more. Some other ways of implementing aromatherapy apart from massage are aromatherapy candles, ingestion and inhalation.

There are no side effects of aromatherapy massage. But, always remember to consult your doctor, if you are prone to allergies from any of the ingredients of aromatherapy. You have a wide range of fragrances to choose from. Each one of them will have different effect on your senses. So, be ve! ry caref ul, acquire complete knowledge before taking up any aromatherapy massage. In order to find the right kind of aromatherapy oil for massage, you can either visit some retailer's shop, spa or even some wholesaler. Purchasing aromatherapy oil from a wholesaler would be a cost effective deal, but only after you are confident of the kind of oil you want to buy.

Aromatherapy massage definitely has one or another benefit for everyone. All you need to do is just research well, practice it and see the difference.

About the Author

Mia Bilkins is working with the New Directions AU. He has also been involved in research on plants and oils for a long time. To find aromatherapy massage, botanical skin care products, floral water, raw materials, recipes products you need to visit http://www.newdirections.com.au

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Aromatherapy Bath Products: Spirited With Natural Benefits

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 07:00 PM PST

Article by mia bilkins

Bathing gives you a heavenly relief when you are utterly tired or you are in stress. And, if you add something extra, like something purely natural, it will be an added advantage of course. Aromatherapy Bath Products are these extra coatings and they use 100% natural ingredients. Aromatherapy bath products use essential oils that are extracted from herbs and plants. And, that's why they are exceptionally beneficial for your heath.

Aromatherapy bath products are soaked with natural benefits that keep you afresh and relieve the stress of frenzied daily life. They rejuvenate your spirit and curb your bodily stress better than most other synthetic bath products. Beware of the synthetic fragrances containing aromatherapy bath products. They claim to be perfect. But, the synthetic fragrances spoil their impact on human body and mind. You have to take the aromatherapy bath products which use pure essential oils. Essential oils are extracted from herbs or plants and truly bear essence of the nature itself. Use them and only then you can achieve your desired rejuvenation.

You can feel the real aroma of nature when you try pure fragrances of essential oils blended with aromatherapy bath products. The easiest way out is to put 5 to 10 drops of essential oils into the bath water. Just don't go by your nose for the perfect blend. There are recipes available in the market for this, form which you may better know as to which essential oil is better for what.

However, there are other aromatherapy bath products too. There are aromatherapy bath salts, baths beads, baths bombs and so on. You can use some other aromatherapy bath products also. There are aromatherapy soaps and shampoos too, which are perched with purely natural benefits.

Aromatherapy soaps are able to soothe and condition the skin and keep the glow of your skin perfect. Again, aromatherapy shampoo use essential oils not only to cleanse your hair, but also to keep the hair growth intact. They use essential oils to balance th! e sebum and keep the hair growth up.Aromatherapy uses natural ingredients taken from the herbs and plants. So, using aromatherapy bath products means to soak you into the nature itself. And nature is the best cure, everyone knows that. So, using aromatherapy bath products in bathing means a separate peaceful jaunt into the nature.

Finding aromatherapy bath products is also an easy matter. They are easily available in the stores. You can also compare and choose the best products through online. However, remain aware of the products with synthetic fragrances. Use the purely natural aromatherapy bath products and know the difference!

About the Author

Mia Bilkins is working with the New Directions AU. He has also been involved in research on plants and oils for a long time. To find aromatherapy bath products, botanical skin care products, floral water, raw materials, recipes you need to visit http://www.newdirections.com.au

Ancient Manicure Pedicure by Kona Botanicals

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How Karuna Reiki Assist the Globe?

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 06:00 PM PST

by inju

Article by Hellen

Karuna is a Sanskrit word and is employed in Hinduism, Buddhism and Zen. It means any motion that's taken to diminish the suffering of other people and could also be translated as "compassionate action." As we help others and help them in their recovery procedure, or as we seek to heal ourselves further, Karuna Reiki assists in opening several new doors.

It really is also the motivating quality of all enlightened beings who're working to end struggling on Earth. They continually send an unlimited quantity of therapeutic vitality and guidance to us, but not all are receptive to it. As you develop Karuna in yourself, not just are you helping others, but you also become much more receptive to the Karuna which is being sent by all enlightened beings. Thus your own recovery is quickened at the same time. Karuna Reiki opens you to work much more closely with all enlightened beings. This contains people enlightened ones already who are present in both bodily too as those inspirit. The most substantial energy component of it's when the Karuna Reiki Master begins to direct the greater energies in a more integrated, conscious dance with Spirit.

For people in a very recovery practice, Karuna Reiki Master is really a approach to enhance your healing practice. Designed for Energy Workers, it has two attunements and numerous new therapy symbols. Those that obtain the attunements report experiences with their guides along with a therapeutic presence. The Reiki attunement is nearly often a really unique spiritual encounter for the receiver and sometimes also for the Grasp.Reiki one - benefits bodily body

The Reiki one attunement seems to primarily benefit the bodily body in opening it up to channel a lot more Reiki power. Once someone is attuned it'll never lose the capacity to use Reiki. In Reiki one the history of Reiki as well as the hand positions are taught. There are typically 4 initiations for Reiki 1 (depending on method there might be less initiations). A Reiki attunement takes about! 20-30 m inutes and can be a extremely relaxing and advantageous encounter.

Reiki 2 - rewards subtile physique

The Reiki 2 attunement provides an even greater feasible level of energy vibrations inside the student. Here an individual also learns three Reiki symbols: The Power Image, The Mental Symbol and also the Distance Symbol these could be employed to help people to focus power for specific purposes. For Reiki 2 there is normally only 1 initiation. The Reiki 2 attunement appears to have the greatest impact on the sub tile entire body also recognized within the western world because the Aura.

About the Author

Want to know more info about Karuna Reiki? Visit our Karuna Reiki website at http://www.karunareiki.net

Reiki overview

What to expect during a Reiki Session

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Holistic Dentistry - A Whole New Way To Clean Your Teeth!

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 05:00 PM PST

Article by Annie Bower

Unfold a Distinct Mode of Relaxation with Aromatherapy Benefits

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 04:02 PM PST

Article by Mercy Dorson

For thousand of years, people are well-aware of the innumerable benefits that aromatherapy can cater us with. As per aromatherapy technique, a number of essential oils are put to use to vitalize mind and body. Aromatherapy Benefits us by means of appealing to our sense of smell, as some fragrances are capable of altering moods, by evoking pleasant feelings and at the same time treats a number of physical ailments. Aromatherapy has its roots back in the ancient times, when it was used for sacramental purposes in performing various rites and rituals. With a shift in times, aromatherapy has redefined its benefits. Let us have a broader perspective on the benefits that aromatherapy can offer us.

Nowadays, stress has become a dominant force of our day to day lives and does affect it badly. In fact, it is the root cause, giving way to very many health problems. Making use of the right kind of fragrance of aromatherapy oil can really turn your negative thinking in a positive one. It is proven by a recent research that aromatherapy works wonderfully on stress and tension by eliminating depressing and negative emotions. Aromatherapy benefits include replenishing the individual with positive, enthusiastic outlook and trigger creative thinking.

You can re-invigorate your body, soul and mind with aromatherapy benefits. Here, some of the aromatherapy benefits are enlisted below for your clear understanding:

* Soothes your mind, as well as, body.

* Helps in reducing stress.

* Improves blood circulation.

* Boost metabolism of the body.

* Improves immunity to fight various allergies.

* Eliminates toxins

* Treats soreness of asthma, arthritis and allergy.

These days, aromatherapy is contributing a lot of benefits in the sphere of beauty. It moisturizes the skin, tone up and leaves it clearer. While enjoying the innumerable benefits of aromatherapy, you have to consult a physician in case; you have allergic tendencies towards certain oil. Otherwise, i! t may le ad to adverse effects.

Aromatherapy benefits greatly, only when you have chosen the right kind of essential oils. All these essential oils are used to produce a specific benefit. So, before opting for any sort of aromatherapy oil, you must be completely acquainted with its relevant benefits. For instance, lavender oil, tangerine, marjoram, when blended with chamomile oil makes you feel relaxed. Therefore, gather ample information on the particular kind of oil that you want to employ and add comfort to your life with aromatherapy benefits.

About the Author

Mercy Dorson is working with the Horticultural Research Station in Adelaide. He has also been involved with various researches on rare species plants. To find aromatherapy benefits, essential oils, aromatherapy, oils visit http://www.essentialoils-and-aromatherapy.com/

Making Handmade natural and organic soaps (goats milk and glycerin "soap" making)

www.thingsfromhomeinc.com Please enjoy this first of 5 videos that show you the process of "making soap" by hand in your kitchen out of the finest all natural and organic ingredients. The soap maker featured in this video is Mickey Dye-Ishikawa of Asheville "North Carolina". Mickey has been working in the "health food" industry for 12 years, and has been making artisan handmade soaps for the past 4 years or more! Her products are unique in a craft (soap making) where anyone can buy the basic raw material to make soap. While many of the well known "handmade soap" companies out there make good products, many of them also cut corners by using inferior ingredients in the name of cutting costs to mass produce their products. Mickey believes that everyone SHOULD be able to use soaps that are made only with the highest quality natural and organic ingredients available, so thats exactly what she uses to make her soaps! This video series about Mickey Dye-Ishikawa and her handmade soaps, and her company "Things From Home, inc" is a "joint venture" project between her and (Robert Bankston) of "The Method Reports, llc" where they are working together to "increase her sales" online using the techniques of the "Video Marketing" program written by Robert early this year, "The Youtube Marketing Course". Video Marketing is the fastest growing way for small and large businesses alike to increase their reach and boost sales and traffic to their websites for FREE. It takes alot more than ...

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A popular medical practice holistic health works treating the mind

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 03:00 PM PST

Article by Rob Colbourn

Conventional medical practice decrees that treating the body in its physical form is necessary to heal and eliminate health related problems faced by patients. However the practice of holistic health treatment, an ancient Eastern philosophy, has been around for centuries and is proven effective in many cases. Those who practice holistic healing say their methods work by way of treating the patients physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental aspects. In other words, they treat the overall body by way of the mind. Symptoms have a cause and that is what holistic medicine is used to learn, what brings about those symptoms so harmful to the patients overall health and well being.

Alternative medicine concentrates on the entire body and mind

Considered one of the "alternative" medical practices, holistic medicine has a well proven track record of effectively healing the body as well as the mind, emotions, and spiritual aspects. That spiritual core is about who we are and how we cope with our everyday lives through being mentally healthy and physically strong and well. Drugs and drug therapy need not apply when the overall body and mind are treated by holistic medicine. While medical doctors concentrate on healing the body, and psychologists and other mental health professionals treat the patients mind, neither work on helping the mental and spiritual aspects of those who need help in that area. And as the spirit and mind's wellness are intertwined, they both must be confronted as one in order for treatment to be effective.

Some examples showing how holistic treatments can help include:

Hypnotherapy uses include overcoming shyness (help for those having issues with public speaking or going out in public) Pain relief through alternative treatments such as acupressure or acupuncture. Relief from food allergies Hypnosis assistance for many problems and issues including natural childbirth, hypnobirthing, and dental treatment Aromatherapy effectively used for a wide assortment of ail! ments an d complaints including overeating and smoking. Biofeedback for treatment of headaches and migraines. Massage therapy (often called manipulative therapy) including techniques which are manual (massage) or vibration (machine) to manage pain, relieve stress, improve circulation, and relieve tension brought on by pain. Water therapy makes use of the soothing effect of warm water on the physical body while also encouraging a peaceful mental state. Foot baths, therapy pools, and jetted tubs may detoxify the body while bio energetic levels in the patient will be treated and relief reached. Meditation has a proven record of benefit reached through deep reflection and a focused mind that brings about total relaxation of both mind and body. It's a great stress reliever and has also been proven to enhance creativity.A Holistic therapy approach is empowering

The holistic approach to wellness is an overall approach to feeling as good as possible without interference from drugs. Mental, spiritual, as well as physical aspects of the person will each counter balance the other, making it possible to feel well even though there may be illness or disease present. The approach urges people to become active participants in their health care and healing treatment.

About the Author

There are many way in which natural health techniques can help us in our everyday lives. From Hypno Birthing, which facilitates a calm stress-free childbirth experience to a Speaking Circles public speaking course to take the fear out of speaking in public.

Become Doctor of Holistic Medicine With Online Naturopathy Courses

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 02:02 PM PST

Article by Linda Migues

The brand new approach of switching between mainstream medicinal treatments on the alternative medicinal world has engorged the career opportunities inside the field for aspirants everywhere accross the planet. The comprehensive methods of holistic medicine have lashed age long methodologies of medicinal healing approach and also have taken are highly inspiring career option and the best healing strategy to professionals. The demand in oriental medicine has substantially gained momentum, nonetheless it is famous on the globe since thousand years.

Alternative medicine furnishes varied variety of disciplines and specializations for the aspirers to choose from, as trained in the field on online medicine gives best possibility to commence career inside field. Varied Holistic medicine schools provide online complementary medicine degree programs to generate career prospects for potential students to realize high graphs inside the field. Based upon your choice and educational distinctiveness, the aspirer can earn certified reorganization from an internet alternative medicine school to gain brilliant career opportunities inside field.

The net degree coursework add the natural forms of treatment that requires no artificial techniques and so are far from any unwanted side effects. The opportunity aspirants can choose their paths from varied online oriental medicine courses which offer specialization inside coursework, including herbal studies, holistic maintain animals, iridology, natural wellness, nutrition, reflexology, relaxation therapy, reiki, massage techniques, acupuncture and chiropractic medicine. As you choose your field from varied specializations, make sure you preview syllabi and teaching schedule to become offered by the web school.

Varied online programs are for sale for interested candidates, that include fulfilling certain fundamentals before applying for your courses. Because the fundamental principle of naturopathy depends on healing techniques its studies were origina! ted for the principal of mind, body and soul. Its courses give expertise in applying historic healing strategies, which require total dedication, education and nobility. One of the most vital step is to buy enrolled by having an accredited online college, that offers guaranteed career oriented programs to the students. A few of the specialties are mentioned below:




Reflexology Medicine



Since the field requires top quality educational qualification its coursework can differ in accordance with the specializations with hand-on training programs and supervised patient care training. The net medicine schools provide holistic medicine degree certificate and associate degree programs exclusively made to match the requirements from the students.

Holistic natural drugs are world -wide career option and it is benefits to the people are extremely helpful. Possibilities to make career inside the field are plenty. So make the best use of the coming chances as job outlooks are outshining.

Enroll by yourself for Holistic Medicine Courses being doctor of Holistic Medicine. Indian Board of Alternative Medicines, a Government registered and internationally recognized alternative treatment School provides several career oriented holistic medicine programs through correspondence and learning online mode.

About the Author

Linda is leading online editor for numerous e-magazines and journals. She is managing quite few blogs herself.

Julie has been in the field of Naturopath for a long time and maintains a website about Iridologist where you can get answers to the rest of your questions.

Enlighten Yourself with Aromatherapy Information

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 01:01 PM PST

Article by Mia Bilkins

Aromatherapy is the most beautiful gift of nature to mankind, but unfortunately due to lack of information a large number of individuals are deprived of its precious benefits. It is considered as most precious because only nature can create this. In the present times, people have started confiding in the healing power of nature. Aromatherapy is an art of healing with the help of volatile oils that are extracted from herbs and plants. It is obviously, not at all a new phenomenon. Aromatherapy information has been there since a long time, serving people in different ways. Its therapeutic benefits are almost undeniable. Let us have a closer look at the various significant aspects of aromatherapy information. Why is it necessary to have ample information about aromatherapy and how can you grab it for your purpose.

As per the evidence, aromatherapy was originated in China. It involved blazing incense in order to create harmony within. However, with a change in times science made some further addition in nature and thus made it beneficial. The aromatherapy benefits are widening day by day, all you need to do is gather adequate information and make optimum use of this mode of healing. The market is flooded with a variety of aromatherapy products.

An awesome benefit of aromatherapy message is when such oils are clubbed together with human touch. It has dual affect on your stress, as well as treat physical disorders. Through spa baths, you can make your whole body relaxed. But, you should always be cautious if you have a certain allergy from any of the oils. In that case, you better consult your physician before going through any such technique.

You can enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy, in a number of ways. It can be aromatherapy massage, ingestion, inhalation or even by pouring some aromatherapy oil in your bath tub. To attain all such benefits, you need to have thorough information about aromatherapy. This way, you can identify the specific benefit of particular oil and have most ! desirabl e effect. Therefore, before stepping in to a store to purchase oil, make sure you are well- equipped with all the required benefits of specific aromatherapy oil.

For any aromatherapy information, you can take up any source. These may include books, libraries, internet and above all nothing really can replace professional advice. So go for that source of aromatherapy information, which you find most suitable and enjoy mental and physical well-being.

About the Author

Mia Bilkins is working with the New Directions AU. He has also been involved in research on plants and oils for a long time. To find Aromatherapy information, botanical skin care products, floral water, raw materials, recipes you need to visit http://www.newdirections.com.au

Understanding Reiki Symbols and Meanings

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 12:00 PM PST

Article by Yvonne Handford

Creating a Successful Reiki Practice

William Lee Rand talks about creating a successful Reiki Practice. More information available at www.reiki.org

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If You Have Ever Wished To Learn Reiki We Are Examining The Usui Reiki Healing Master Program

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 11:00 AM PST

by eylon

Article by jan marie

For individuals that are unaware of just what Reiki is, I am going to clarify. In 1922 Usui formulated Reiki to be a spiritual way to help cleanse one's body of stress and it has additionally been utilized as a way to help our bodies heal itself. This is all spiritual, while using understanding that each and every living thing has a life force and by applying Reiki, people can become balanced and also the life force can be funneled. Reiki is a spiritual healing process that's been put to use for many years and has been employed very effectively.

There are numerous people who wish to become a Reiki Master, though the money and time involved to reach this specific level has always been out of reach for many individuals. The Usui Reiki Healing Master Program is far less pricey then those Reiki Masters courses and requires even less time.

If you have been trying to become a Reiki Master and have performed your research, I am certain you have discovered that no matter where you go or the way you learn, it will end up costing you thousands of dollars. Even so this does not really need to be the situation. 48 hours is all it will take with this particular system to be a Reiki Master. And by way of this program you'll learn how you can heal yourself and other people with Reiki techniques. You will also understand exactly how to blend your mind, body and spirit in the most effective ways possible.

As it will still only take 48 hours for you to turn into a Master, it can still however take you a little while possibly even a month in order to truly master every one of the techniques you will learn. You will discover 3 stages to Reiki, there exists level 1, 2 as well as the Masters level and with this program you will receive your Reiki certificates regarding each one of the levels. Another critical facet of Reiki is the music which is used when doing Reiki. This system gives you 2 hours of music which means you don't need to search around for it.

While you read through this website y! ou'll fi nd loads of testimonials from other people that have taken advantage of this program in order to receive their Reiki Masters certification. The point that this program offers an 8 week money back guarantee is perfect for men and women who want to give it a try but are somewhat gun shy. You will also receive 7 bonuses when you order, these additional bonuses are other publications that focus on natural healing.

The retail price for this specific course is 7, if however you opt to purchase this system through their site you'll be able to obtain it for just Something a large number of individuals like about the system is the fact that as the product is downloadable, they do not have to wait to be able to get started.

If you have been planning to learn Reiki but did not desire to spend the 1000s of dollars, this can be the perfect program for you. This program alone has been made use of by many people who desired a quicker, less costly method of getting their Reiki Masters Certification. If this is something you are also serious about, you really should check out their program. Plus you've got to remember about the money back guarantee. So if for almost any reason you aren't happy with the program you've got a full 8 weeks to request a refund.

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Judith Conroy, Founder Of Chikara-Reiki-Do, Answers Your Reiki Questions - What To Do With Reiki 1

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Video Rating: 5 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Why Holistic Detoxification is Effective to Rid Your Body of Toxins

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 10:00 AM PST

Article by Sandy Cara

Some individuals might marvel why precisely a holistic detoxification is needed. Well, 1st visualize your body as a magnet which attracts all types of chemical toxins within the environment. Conjointly, the pollution in air with water is such that your body actually acts as a dumping ground of various toxic and toxic substances. In addition to this the human body also manufactures its own toxins throughout the physiological functions. However, there are systems in your body that eliminate these toxins from your body. However generally it excess amount of poisons are accumulated in the body these systems could be overloaded and are unable to get rid of the toxins. This is where holistic detoxification come into the work and helps in obtaining rid of the waste properly.The first facet effect of excess accumulation of toxins in the body could be a weak digestive system. The height levels of chemicals and pesticides in the atmosphere tend to result in respiratory issues, skin issues and alternative health disorders. Thus, for not worsening the condition of your body any additional, of complete holistic detoxification program ought to be employed by you that will flush out all extra toxins from your body. So, it is a fact that non-vegetarians are said to have a high toxins levels in their body as their diet is getting difficult to digest as it's treated with artificial chemicals and hormones as well. The toxins have a harmful result on your body and then to interfere with not functioning of your body.Most of the times if a lethargic feeling tends to take over and you are feeling bored with everything around you, it may be as a result of of the excess toxins in your body. Also, abdomen issues and an acne breakout are manifestations of high toxicity in your body. If you've got not been drinking more water the bottom products tend to accumulate in the digestive tract that are quite confident for the body. A number of the toxins are also capable of fixing the traditional cells in your body will inflicting! cancer. It's a fact that metallic toxins cause many serious diseases within the body. This is often the explanation why you would like to use the holistic detoxification program on an everyday basis which can utterly cleanse your body of all the toxins.The holistic detoxification is absolutely natural that is why you will not experience any reasonably side effects by employing the same. Holistic programs embrace yoga, Reiki sessions, minerals and herbs that utterly clean your system. Also, the simplest holistic detoxification strategies you'll be able to employ alternative based mostly on organic and fresh vegetables and fruits. I hope you have now understood why many people are trying for strategies in that they'll get rid of the accumulated toxins in their body through natural programs. A holistic detoxification program which includes yoga, meditation, acupuncture and herbs that help in restoring the natural equilibrium and balance in the body is very beneficial within the long run.

About the Author

Sandy Cara has been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in Detoxification, you can also check out her latest website about: Custody Laws Which reviews and lists the bestTrullinger & Wenk, PLLC

Special Facilities Available At A Holistic Drug Rehab

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 09:03 AM PST

Article by Holisticdrugrehab

Drug addiction is a dangerous and dependable disease that can bring about several negative consequences in the life of a person. In a recent survey, it was found that majority of the adult residents in Canada are addicted to different kinds of substances. Moreover, irrespective of the desperate attempts to break free from the shackles of drug addiction, many are unable to do it. These sometimes lose all hopes of recovery. Holistic drug rehab centers come as a great ray of hope. These rehabs, in fact, are designed in such a manner that they not only offer adequate treatment ideal for the condition of the addict, but also offer hope of recovery without any relapse.

With the increasing rate of drug addiction in Canada, there has been a growth of the number of drug rehab in Canada. It has been found that different rehabs offer various types of treatment, and there are many rehabs that specialize in offering a particular type of service. A holistic drug rehab is an example of such a rehab. Drug addiction can be best treated in these types of rehabs.

These rehabs are slightly different from the traditional rehabs found all over Canada. Like any other rehab centers, these rehabs offer some common stages of treatment, including addiction interventions, detoxification and treatment. However, there is a slight variation in the mode of treatment adopted by a holistic drug rehab. As the name indicates, these rehabs are exclusively designed to offer treatment at a holistic level. There are many people who are not aware of the concept of holistic treatment, irrespective of the fact that it is very beneficial and helps to attain complete recovery.Once the process of detox is over, the addict shows various symptoms, especially of withdrawal. These symptoms are both physical and psychological in nature. In most traditional rehabs, the experts only analyze the physical symptoms of withdrawal, and consequently, address only the physical problems. The psychological problems largely remain unaddressed at! some re habs like the drug rehabilitation Canada. However, this is not the case with holistic drug rehab. The experts at these holistic rehabs mainly deal with the psychological problems of addiction. They try to assess the psychological and emotional symptoms of withdrawal from the drug dependency. Based on these assessments, they design and offer different programs.

There are different ways in which treatment is offered in a holistic drug rehab. However, one of the most one is counseling. There are expert counselors at the rehabs and these counselors conduct individual and group counseling at different stages. These sessions help to bridge the gap of communication that is usually develops between the addicts and his family, allowing the addict to feel confident enough to build his life up once again. In addition to this, addicts here are also taught different procedures of meditation that can help in improving the level of concentration of the addict and thereby attain speedy recovery. The chances of a relapse are also reduced.

About the Author

LDR Holistic Addiction Wellness Center offers professional alcohol and drug rehab in Canada services. Their holistic drug rehab treatment includes counselling, supportive coaching, mentoring, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and life skills development etc. In this rehab treatment centre, patients get best drug rehab facilities.

Best Treatment Options Offered In A Holistic Drug Rehab

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 08:01 AM PST

by jikatu

Article by Holisticdrugrehab

In Canada, the problem of drug addiction has worsened of late One of the cardinal reason is the free flow of drugs from across the US - Canadian border. In Canada, Apart from the location of the country, the abundant availability of drugs here, leads the residents here to get highly influenced by drugs and other substances of abuse. There are many people here who are desperately struggling to battle addiction. In fact, in a recent survey, it was found that more than 40% of the adult population is badly affected with drug addiction. It not affects their economic status but also causes deleterious effects on their social status and affects their self-esteem. With the increasing growth of the issues of addiction, there also has been an increase in the number of rehabs. There are large numbers of several rehabs and several drug rehabilitation programs that are offered in a rehab. However, of late, it has been found that it is the holistic drug rehab that offers the best treatment options to the addict in any stage of addiction.

However, it is very essential to bring the addicts to the rehab treatment centers first. The experts here thoroughly assess the condition of the addict, and accordingly, offer them the right treatment structure. However, detox is the most important initial procedure that is performed on an addict. Detox helps get rid of the accumulated drug-induced toxins in the body. The experts at these centers try to reduce the pain and the discomfort associated with detox treatment, to a great extent.

There are many holistic rehabs that make use of traditional Chinese medicines as part of a healing procedure. These medicines are largely known to improve the health and promote the overall wellbeing of a person. The key to success in a holistic drug rehab is to offer treatment not only to the body, but also cater to the emotions and heal the spirit. It is for this reason that large numbers of addicts are brought to such a rehab center. This is because it is generally believed th! at when a person is addicted, his emotional state of mind also gets imbalanced. Consequently, the experts at these rehabs try to conduct different therapies in juxtaposition with therapeutic exercises by means of which the addict can be treated holistically relating to his body-mind-spirit aspects , and therefore shown the path to complete recovery and successful living.

Thus, the main aim of a holistic drug rehab is not only to treat addiction, but at the same time, to treat the person, as a whole. Different hypnotic therapies are conducted on the person, based on the level of addiction. In addition, they are taught to meditate and exercise, and to concentrate on their dietary patterns. This ensures that the addict is getting physical and psychological treatment simultaneously. When such kind of treatment programs are adapted at a drug rehab in Canada, the addicts and their family members can be assured of the fact that they would not only be healed completely, but at the same time, there would not be any further craving for the drug in the future. Hence, such a holistic approach, effectively helps in preventing a relapse.

It is this mode of treatment that is adapted at holistic drug rehab centers that has brought about immense success in these rehabs. This is the reason that traditional rehabs are being replaced with these holistic rehabs. More and more interventionists are offered training in this field, so that they can offer the right treatment and help the addict to recover faster.

About the Author

LDR Holistic Addiction Wellness Center offers professional alcohol and drug rehabilitation Canada services. Their holistic drug rehab treatment includes counselling, supportive coaching, mentoring, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and life skills development etc. In this rehab treatment centre, patients get best drug rehab facilities.

Aromatherapy for Men

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST

Article by Russell Delbridge

As we are all aware Aromatherapy is nothing new to civilization. However it is unlikely that you will find the word man and aromatherapy in the same sentence. In fact if you ask most guys what they know of Aromatherapy for men you would receive a vacant stare in return as they draw blanks in the mental index. The truth of the matter is many properties of Aromatherapy for men will benefit in today's society. We are not living in the days of hunter gathers so the types of stress a man faces today are different compared to tribal days. Not to say that the amount of stress is not similar to hunting or being hunted. I guess it can be summed up that today's stress is a battle of the mind. When I think of how Aromatherapy has changed my life I reflect on three major benefits that have taken place in my life. This article will address the benefits of Aromatherapy for men in today's modern culture. I think it would be appropriate to start from the beginning and briefly go over what Aromatherapy actually is, in case any of you guys don't know. Believe it or not modern Aromatherapy was actually identified in France by a man named Rene Maurice Gattefosse in the 1920's. Mr. Gattefosse was a chemist and apparently so prone to getting burned in his lab he became somewhat of a authority on burns from his own personal experience. One day as Mr. Gattefosse lit his arm on fire in a panic he doused the flames in a vat of lavender oil. Gattefosse experienced immediate relief from the pain and additionally in the days to come the recovery process was extremely short with minimal scarring. Compared to the previous burns he had experienced he could not deny he was on to something. After the incident Gattefosse dedicated his life to the study of Aromatherapy. So guys there you go nothing to be shy about Aromatherapy for men is totally natural. The number one benefit that I have seen happen in my life is the ability to deal with the stress in modern life. Previously to my experiments with Basil Oil my depression what at ! a all ti me high. It's difficult to describe the properties of Basil Oil without smelling them in person. It is important to note that you should never use the exotic variety of basil it could possibly be a source of cancer. However Basil oil is amazing at giving me a second wind at the end of the day. I have more quality time with my daughter and strangely am able to let go of the stress I have had during the day. My focus is sharper so I can think clearly about positive aspects in life and bring my self to a place that is pleasant. I have also used Lemon oil but I tend to favor Basil but you should try both. When thinking about Aromatherapy for men think about what it can do for us when we are sick. Let's face it most men turn to kittens when a cold strikes. Believe it or not Aromatherapy can get you back to the testosterone injected beefcake you once believed yourself to be. Let me introduce you to my little friend.....Eucalyptus oil and mint. During a cold or flu this little combo delivers a knockout in clearing the nasal passages. Give it a shot the next time you a feeling sick. Also another amazing essential oil is Yarrow oil it can get rid of most cold and flu symptoms. Obviously again this is treating the symptoms and not the cause but again it should be enough to get yourself positive enough to fight back mentally. Aromatherapy for men is also important in the area of skin burns. Lets face it guys are prone to skin burns. A nasty header burn on the leg can be a real bummer for the weekend. Skin burns are no bueno and as previously mentioned lavender oil is a great way to get some relief. You may also want to try Bergamot for cold sores combined with Eucalyptus oil provides amazing relief. Aromatherapy for men in the future will more than likely be more commonplace than it is today. I know from personal experience that it has had a tremendous effect on my relationship at home after a stressful day. I get through sickness with less misery and if by chance when I'm out playing I should get some sort of skin! damage well I'm covered there as well. Aromatherapy for men in all has many uses. Just remember it's making your life easier if you are having trouble getting over the stereotype. You are facing some risks with aromatherapy and in turn you will need to become informed with the techniques involved in producing the results you are looking for. If you are interested I have link to my website below full of information on Aromatherapy and yes I'm a man.

About the Author

Russ Delbridge is a expert in the field of Aromatherapy and runs a website called Aroma-therapy-research.info

Adding Twinkle To Your Life with Crystal Jewellery

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST

Article by Dew Lake

The Deadly Doctor Gambit

How to respond when confronted by an alternative medicine proponent with statistics about medical mistakes, drug interaction, and iatrogenic deaths. Remember that risk is not the only factor in determining the best course of treatment. I've left a lot of my figures and statistics unsourced. Most figures come from CDC or WHO reports. Traffic morbidity and mortality come from the NTSB, and the NYC Department of Transportation. There are a couple of bugs I've spotted already. I will do my best to annotate with corrections, but feel free to point them out if you catch them.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

reiki attunement - what happens during a attunement class

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 05:00 AM PST

by inju

Article by Solomon Clemons

What happens when you have your reiki attunements?When men and women approach me to get reiki training they typically ask "what occurs whenever you have your reiki attunements", afterall it really is something new and something that for lots of people is out of their comfort zone. What I mean by this is that men and women might have heard about healing, might have heard about reiki but are nervous or anxious about receiving a reiki attunement.So what does happen after you have a reiki attuentment?To be honest it's really an amazing experience. For every single person it is different. For some it really is a extremely calming experience, for others it really is really spiritual and for other people it feels extremely relaxing. The honest truth is what ever you feel in the course of an attunement is your feeling. If you feel really not much which is ok too. It's not about feeling one way or another. It is about relaxing and enjoying and feeling what ever you really feel.When you go into a reiki attunement and try and assess the what happens when it is happening you have fundamentally misunderstood the procedure. Receiving a reiki attunement is about just being in the here and now and permitting the reiki to flow.What occurs throughout a reiki attunement?The procedure will vary slightly between reiki masters nevertheless the following is really a common outline:You'll begin having a meditation to clear your mind and to relax youThe reiki master will then come over to you and may possibly blow 3 time and place their hands on a variety of chakras (depending on the level of attunement) to open them up and connect or amplify the existing connectionYou may do one more meditiation afterwardsAnd that is more or less it.As I said it is a really relaxing time. You have to don't forget that immediately after the attunement you'll go through a 21 day healing and cleansing procedure.Is there any danger in having a reiki attunement?There has been a great deal of debate over this. People with deep religious vi! ews will typically say that you are letting in spirits and that you could could get possessed and so on. Nevertheless there isn't any evidence that I can discover concerning this. On the other hand in case you are worried about this I would consult together with your reiki practitioner who will explain to you that reiki can be a pure and divine power that comes from the universal source (some will call it God, The 1 etc) It doesn't matter what you call it. Reiki energy is pure and can in no way be applied for negative purposes.Never be anxious to get in touch with a reiki healer and ask them concerns you may have. A credible reiki healer will have no issues telling you the answers to your questions. Remember many more people are seeking out different methods of curing illness and will be be looking out for your services

About the Author

Reikihq.com presents suggestions about reiki attunements. Discover additional by clicking on reikihq.comreiki hand positions, reiki healing, reiki level 1

Crystals - Good Luck Charms That Really Work - Love Spells - Win Money

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 04:00 AM PST

Article by Jennifer

Whatever it is that you would like to accomplish, you just might be able to get some help by using a magical, mystical lucky crystal or perhaps a crystal point. There are all types of good luck charms and amulets, and even though they are always described as being for entertainment purposes, we all know that they can sometimes help us in enormous ways. Besides...for the amount of money that you might spend on a couple of movie tickets (which is also entertainment) you can grab a good luck amulet, and it might help, but even if it did not give you immediate results, who is going to lose sleep over that? Sometimes you see a movie that stinks, and you don't lose sleep over it.

There are crystals such as Rose Quartz, which are great for Love, Sex, Romance, Affection, and Relationships...Rose Quartz Crystals can supposedly "heal" a broken heart, balance the heart chakra, and attract love and romance into your life.

There are gamblers who believe they have a lucky hat, or a lucky cap, or they have lucky rituals, such as placing their bets at the horse track, and then buying a cup of coffee from the same lady at the concession stand each time, and then throwing a dollar in her tip jar.

Some gamblers carry a good luck charm or amulet in their pocket or purse to help them have better luck, whether they are in a casino, Bingo parlor, horse track, or anywhere else where they have gambling available. We have all heard a story about someone who had a good luck charm and got a "big score." You never know when the fickle finger of fate will point at you, and why not try to tempt "Lady Luck" when you will be gambling.

Some folks like a lucky charm that can help them with love matters and money matters. A popular "all-around" good luck charm, is the Indian Medicine Bag Good Luck Amulet, and these are a huge seller from what I understand! These have been around for many centuries and have come to us from the Native Americans, who may have got them from the Mayans who had litt! le bags of Worry Dolls!

Then there are good luck charms that are more specifically for money attracting or money drawing, which can help with jobs, careers, and gambling winnings. The Highly SuperCharged Money Magnet is great for that, as are several crystals.

When people want to meet the Love of Their Life, they would be well-advised to obtain a Love Inducing Rose Quartz Miracle Bag! This just might do the trick!

So, when you want to have good luck or better luck, or maybe to find a job, a lover, or more money in your life, you should try a magical crystal or a good luck charm or amulet. When you find yourself saying "I need a gift for someone," you should try my iNeedaGiftForSomeone.com where we carry a huge variety and we save you money!

Choose Happiness & Success!

About the Author

Jennifer helps people in many ways, either by offering a mentoring service via e-mail to those who want to start their own home based business, or by selling merchandise at wholesale, but in smaller quantities, even to those without a business of their own! Maybe they want to resell those items for CASH profits, either online or in their own neighborhood!You can learn more by visiting her iNeedaGiftForSomeone.com and if you need a Free PayPal Account, Please Click Here!

New Large Crop Circle 26th July 2011 at Windmill Hill, UK !!

The latest Crop Circle is a big one and appeared at Windmill Hill in Wiltshire UK the 26th July 2011.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

La Spa Holistic Healing Massage Therapy Dublin

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 03:00 AM PST

Article by Michael Tucker

Signs. We rely on them to help us through every day. From telling us what speed to drive to telling us how long to cook a chicken, signs tell us when we need to pay attention to something important.

Did you ever notice your body also gives out signals? It tells you when you need food, rest or stimulation. And, most of the time, you do pay attention. You eat, you sleep, you go for a walk.

But sometimes your body needs more. What it really needs is a holistic healing massage.

So what are the signs you need a thorough top-to-toe intensive massage to soothe, nourish and restore mind, body and soul?

Take this quick survey of tell-tale signs your body is in need of a complete therapeutic massage and see for yourself. Do you suffer from:

Stress and anxiety?Low energy levels?Lack of mental clarity?Muscular tension or stiffness?Decreased mobility or flexibility?Poor circulation?Shallow, inefficient breathing?Poor skin elasticity?Low immune system?Imbalance in your digestive system?Trouble sleeping?

If you answered Yes to any of these questions your body is clearly showing signs that it's in need of Holistic Healing Therapy!

Holistic therapy combines Swedish oil based massage, a technique encouraging circulation within the blood stream and stimulation within the muscles, with Reflexology, where specific pressure points in your hands and feet are massaged to stimulate the organs and nervous systems of your body.

Highly trained therapists at La Spa Therapie, Malahide tailor each Holistic Healing massage for you personally, taking the time to understand your specific ailments, the causes of your tensions, and working to heal your whole body from top-to-toe.This blissful treatment restores and repairs the body as well as the mind, healing the individual as a whole, restoring balance and natural harmony.

So are you in need of Holistic Healing Therapy?

Just one session at La Spa Therapie, Malahide with a La Spa Holistic massage therapist will giv! e you an instant boost, promote long-term improvement of any ailments you may have, and greatly improve your general sense of well-being.

Try it for yourself and see! Contact us today to make an appointment.

Or book your holistic healing message therapy session in Malahide now at http://www.laspatherapiemalahide.ie

Please note: Holistic Massage is a totally safe complementary treatment but does not replace medical treatment. You should always consult your GP if in need of medical advice.

About the Author

Michael TuckerTags : holistic healing massage at malahide  la spa holistic massage at dublin reflexology

History of Aromatherapy

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 02:00 AM PST

Article by Duncan Bain

Put simply aromatherapy is the use of essential oils which have been extracted from plants for their therapeutic properties. Aromatherapy works on a holistic level, treating the body, mind and soul. The positive modern attitude towards a holistic medical approach is one of the main reasons for the recent resurgence of aromatherapy. People commonly believe that aromatherapy is a relatively modern phenomenon as the term 'aromatherapy' was only coined in the twentieth century, but the roots of aromatherapy go back many centuries.It is thought that the Chinese were the first civilisation to use aromatic plants for health related reasons, such as burning incense for harmony. However it was the Egyptians who invented the first distillation techniques, thus allowing the extraction of essential oils. Their distillation methods were crude, but allowed them to use the oils of cedarwood, clove, cinnamon, nutmeg and myrrh to embalm their dead. Tombs opened by archaeologists in the early twentieth century revealed traces of herbs and a faint herbal scent.The Egyptians also used essential oils and infused oils for spiritual, medicinal and cosmetic purposes. They started creating aromatic infusions over 5,000 years ago. Many believe they developed the term perfume, originating from the Latin 'per fumum', meaning through the smoke. Perfumery was closely linked to ancient Greek religion, and each deity was allotted a fragrance.Aromatic scents were the focus of Greek aromatherapy, used medically, in food preservation, cosmetics, cooking as well as religion. Aromatherapeutic ideas also played a part in the design and layout of towns, with large spaces allocated to the burning of herbs to keep the air germ free.Ancient Egyptian rulers imported exotic scents from countries they had conquered as a symbol of their power, both economically and politically.The Greeks learnt a lot from the Egyptians. After visiting the Nile Valley in 500 B.C. they set up a medical school on the Island of Cos, of which the most famous grad! uate was Hippocrates, 'the father of medicine'. He recommended a daily bath and massage with essential oils for a healthy life.The Romans furthered the knowledge they obtained from the Egyptians and Greeks. Discordes wrote a treatus called De Materia Medica, which referenced more than 500 medicinal plants. Roman herbalist Galen was influenced by this treatus and wrote what became the world's medical reference for over 1,500 years.The Romans really took the use of aromatic scents to a new level. Spice filled pipes perfumed Nero's guests in his palace, perfumed cups were very popular, and there were fragrant watering spots around the city. Aromatic perfumes remained popular when the focus of learning moved from Rome to Constantinople (now known as Istanbul).The Arabs were the first to distil alcohol from fermented sugar. This discovery created a solvent other than oils and waxes for infusions, leading to popular luxuries such as floral waters. With this distillation the scents and powerful therapeutic abilities of essential oils were brought to light and explored.Distilling Essential Oils Distillation techniques were furthered in the eleventh century by a Persian physician, Avicenna who invented a coiled pipe allowing more efficient and effective cooling of plant vapour and steam. This more effective technique created more focus on essential oils and their benefits.In the thirteenth century the pharmaceutical industry commenced encouraging great distillation of essential oils. This created a sound basis of knowledge regarding the use of essential oils for the Black Death of the fourteenth century, which killed 80 million people across Europe. Aromatherapy was used to allieve the situation. Aromatic herbs and scented candles were burned to combat the stench and help disinfect the air. It is thought that some perfumers avoided the plague due to their constant contact with the natural aromatics.Aromatic herbs were similarly used during the Bubonic Plague in the sixteenth century when doctors wore big hats with huge b! eaks fil led with aromatic herbs to disinfect the air. At this stage a concrete link between aromatics and health was established, as perfumed air was recognised as antiseptic as well as pleasant. By 1700, essential oils were used in mainstream medicine. However, the development of chemistry at this time weakened the use of essential oils for medicinal purposes.Popular Aromatherapy Uses It wasn't until the beginning of the twentieth century that essential oils and aromatics regained their popularity. A French chemist called Renee Maurice Gattefosse studied essential oils for their aromatic use. However, his focus changed to their medicinal properties after an accident at work. He badly burnt his arm and in reflex plunged it into the closest liquid which happened to be lavender essential oil. His arm healed very quickly and did not scar, which prompted his study of the medicinal uses of essential oils. Gattefosse coined the term 'aromatherapy' in 1928, and in 1937 he wrote a book called 'Gattefosse's Aromatherapy', which is still in print and widely read.In the late 1950's Madam Marguerite Maury studied how essential oils could be used to penetrate the skin for health and beauty reasons. She developed massage methods that are still used by aromatherapists today. In her book 'The Secret of Life and Youth' she develops the concept of individual prescription, a blend specific to the individual patient.Dr Jean Valnet, a French doctor who treated soldiers in World War Two with essential oils, documented the antimicrobial action of oils in his 1964 book 'The Practice of Aromatherapy'. As a result of his work, France developed a successful medical aromatherapy, in which essential oils are used by the medical profession.For the majority of the past century, aromatherapy has been restricted to the beauty industry and largely unaccepted in the medical profession. It is a combination of Maury's development of the concept of individual prescription and the success of medical aromatherapy in France that has lead to a more medi! cal appr oach and acceptance of aromatherapy in Britain and the United States over the past few years. Aromatherapy has now split into two key areas; beauty and medical, both of which are equally important and are increasingly being recognised as areas and techniques which complement each other.

About the Author

Duncan Bain is the founder and owner of Natural Touch Aromatherapy specialising in the supply of high quality pure essential oils, carrier oils, hydrolats and a wide range of Aromatherapy products.

Crystal Singing Bowls: A Better Life All Through Sound

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 01:00 AM PST

Article by Marie Malacaman

Crystalized Ahava528 Water

raising the frequency through the 528 hz played on crystal bowls in water..

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Do I Need to Think About Chakra Healing

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 12:00 AM PST

Article by Beth Huliz

A chakra relates to and broadcasts the energy of life force; it is a point of alignment in the body. Charka comes from the Sanskrit word that describes a constantly spinning wheel or the sphere aural energy we each have.

Many traditional Hindu writings suggest that there are nearly 90,000 points of Chakra throughout a person's body. Although, there are seven Chakras that are more important than all of the rest. These Chakras exist from the bottom of the spine all the way up to the top of the head.

The originating point of these chakras is from the root or base chakra, and then moving up the spinal column we have the sex or navel chakra, the stomach or solar plexus chakra, the heart chakra, the throat chakra, the brow or third eye chakra and the crown chakra. These seven major chakras receive and transmit signals to and fro from the universal surroundings or the infinite cosmos. It influences the spiritual, mystical, emotional, intellectual, corporeal and psychological condition of an individual.

Chakras have been described in several different ways, but all of these descriptions have one common characteristic. Whether it be from the Chinese medicinal point of view or the Hindu point of view these descriptions are all similar. It is the understanding of the experiences of people and the way that the human mind thinks and goes through different emotions.

Whether or not we are awake the chakras are in constant motion. This constant activity will influence the structure, appearance, physical disorders, glandular processes as well as our thoughts and deeds. However, if there is a chakra malfunction in one or more points that can be brought on by various reasons an imbalance will develop which will make itself known in other areas of our being.

It is believed that this is due to the chakras being connected to the endocrine glad that is found in our body. If a chakra gets off balance at all then we can have what is called a disturbance in the normal behavior of the endocrin! e gland and all that is attached or linked to it.

You can safely say any major ailments or illnesses that your body may be suffering with can be related to an unbalanced chakra. It is important to maintain the proper chakra balance in order to keep your body functioning properly. Even though you may not see any physical attributes of an illness or an imbalance, you may see a difference in your emotions.

One of the biggest causes of chakra imbalance is the repressed or forgotten emotional baggage we carry due to those past traumatic experiences. Many individuals habitually bury their bad memories into their subconscious, unaware that these emotional toxins that are buried inside them will influence their bodies on a cellular level.

Thus it is essential to remove the emotional baggage from our minds in order to properly balance the chakras.

The human body requires chakra healing. By utilization of several techniques like therapy, aromatherapy, Reiki healing or using crystals, gemstones or a pendulum can affect chakras effectively.

The physical and breathing exercises that are performed in yoga is beneficial in maintaining the balance of the charkas of the body, many individuals enjoy attending yoga exercise classes.

Other methods include meditation to keep the thoughts focused and gain awareness in a specific amount of time. This can be obtained in a guidance CD or audio tape for enjoying the relaxation sessions and natural healings for reducing stress and manifesting mind power.

The chakras work constantly to maintain the body, even though we cannot see or touch them.

In order for the chakras to be in balance the body must be fed properly and enjoy good health. Each of the seven major chakras has specific foods that aid in maintaining balance.

Your root chakra thrives on fruits that are sweet as well as various nuts, seeds and cinnamon. You will want to go with root-type vegetables that are high in protein for your root chakra. If you want to feed your solar p! lexus ch akra then you will want to go with such things as starches like bread, cereal, pastas and even dairy products. Minty spices are also good for the solar plexus.

Take care of your heart chakra with green leafy vegetables. You can also go with a green tea which can help flush things out. For your throat chakra, you'll need to push fluids. Fruit juices and water are very good for this, especially juices that have apples or peaches.

The brow or third eye chakra which enhances our sharpness of third eye sight and an in-depth sense of our own psychical gifts is nourished by consuming grapes, blueberries, grape juice and wine.

The crown chakra which is our emotional and spiritual center often requires a good detoxification. This can be done by fasting or by the ritual inhalation of certain herbs.

We can develop our health through the stimulation of the chakras. Through this stimulation process one can inspire to be more responsive in their life as they get tuned up with the surroundings and with the side elements of the physical and metaphysical environment we live in.

About the Author

Visit the http://www.chakra-balance.com website. Find out more details about chakras. Discover more details about chakra. 29 Free Chakra Balancing and Reiki products when you visit here.

SOS Crystal Bowl Choir - Dolphin Song of Love

Kathy Parra contributes articles regularly to www.Ocean Magazine.org and it's sister, www.Dolphin Magazine.org. She and SOS director, Candace Keach collaborated on this project. Kathy was given an exact series of notes from the Dolphins with which Candace composed music for crystal bowls and flute. SOS learned it, rehearsed it and recorded it in one night - a work in progress! More to follow! www.SonicAngelMusic.com

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