Binaural Meditation - Zen Meditation for People Who Can't Meditate!

Binaural Meditation - Zen Meditation for People Who Can't Meditate!

Binaural Meditation - Zen Meditation for People Who Can't Meditate!

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST

Article by Asa Stevenson

This article is specifically for those of you who recognize and want to experience the benefits of meditation, but who can't seem to meditate properly! I'm going to tell you how I am finally able to enjoy the benefits of Zen meditation through a process called binaural meditation.

My Zen Meditation Journey

For most of my adult life, I've had an interest in Zen meditation. After I graduated high school, I developed a keen interest in Zen philosophy, an interest which eventually lead me to make a pilgrimage to Kyoto, Japan, where I visited Zen Buddhist temples and took part in Zen meditation retreats.

During these retreats, against the backdrop of ancient temples, precisely manicured Japanese gardens, and among devout Buddhist monks with orange robes and shaven heads, I finally experienced the levels of relaxation, spiritual awakening, heightened awareness I had been reading about for so many years.

Meditation Frustrations

Inspired by this unforgetable experience, I took my newfound insight and spiritual awakening back home, only to find that within a matter of weeks, my sense of clarity began to disolve, drowned out by the sights and sounds of the modern world and the distractions of my daily life. As much as I tried, I was unable to repeat the deep meditative experience I experienced during my travels in Japan.

In a sense, this is not surprising since I have always struggled with a short attention span bordering on ADD, and a restless mind and body whose most difficult challenge is to sit still! Perhaps it is these personality traits that have fueled my interest in Zen meditation over the years. I know it's good for me. I just have difficulty doing it!

The Benefits of Binaural Meditation

Several months ago, I learned about binaural meditation. This form of meditation uses binaural beats to quickly and painlessly achieve a level of relaxation, centeredness, and present-moment clarity that is the aim of Zen meditation practice.!

Binaural beats is the scientifically verified phenomenon of two slightly different audio tones heard separately by each ear, which casues the brain to tune into one of five specific frequencies. Successful Zen meditation results in the brain reaching the Alpha brainwave frequency, which is the state that results in a sensation of relaxation, centeredness, heightened awareness, and lack of stress.

Binaural meditation has changed my life. Now, instead of struggling, and usually failing!, to sit still and quiet my mind, I simply sit in a comfortable chair or lie down on the floor, put my headphones on, play a binaural beat audio that was created to tune into the Alpha frequency, and let the relaxing sounds take me into a deep state of relaxation.

Binaural meditation now unfailingly allows me to achieve the same sensation on a daily basis that I had to journey all the way to Japan to experience once in my life. I'm now definitely able to go through my day more relaxed and with greater clarity and awareness. And since I experience these states more often, I've gradually become able to achieve them more frequently even without listening to the binaural audios, even though I usually do so for a few minutes each day, simply because it is enjoyable and relaxing to do so.

If, like me, you want to experience the benefits of Zen meditation but have become frustrated by difficulty meditating, give binaural meditation a try. Follow this link to my favorite source where you can obtain sample binaural beats and experience how easy it actually is to achieve a meditative state without struggle! Visit

About the Author

I am a holisic health practicioner and yoga instructor with an interest in Eastern philosophy, Zen meditation, nutrition, and personal development. My many hobbies include surfing, music, travel, and writing.

Venus Lakshmi Shukra Mantra Invocation

This is a traditional, Puranic, mantra invocation to awaken the energies represented by the planet Venus--or Shukra, in the Vedic Astrological system. A Vedic astrologer would have you chant this planetary mantra to strengthen the good aspects of the force, and weaken any negative aspects preventing the blossoming of the planets full potential. The image of the male in front of the horse, and sitting in meditation, is Shukra, who represents the planet Venus; however, Goddess Lakshmi is the more universally accessible, all-encompassing Deity-Essence to contact while chanting or listening to this Mantra. The Goddess Lakshmi, embodies love, soul-mates, wealth, happy family, harmony, song, dance, poetry and beauty. Her images, including her Yantras (the geometrical meditation form of the deity) are also shown. Included as well are Western images of the Lakshmi-Essence: ie Venus and Aphrodite, to demonstrate the universality of Venus energy. I pray that this video will be a meditation to remove any negative karma that may be preventing you from enjoying the blessings of true love, beauty, wealth, happy family and home! This Mantra is available, along with many other mantra-invocations on the CD, "Mantra Darshan." Available here: This CD is not for easy listening, but a meditation tool to take one deeply into the essences of the causal plane and purify it from limiting samskaras (karmic patterns). Heema-kunda-mrinalabham daityanam paramam gurum sarva ...

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The law of karma in yoga

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST

Article by Kumar

The law of Karma in yoga is the central idea in the philosophy of yoga. In Bhagavad Gita, Shree Krishna had told his disciple Arjuna about some most important karma sutra required in a yogic life. According to Lord Krishna, yoga is the universal concept of reaping what you sow with your words and actions. Person gets credit of his own work; he must take responsibility of what he does. What is the karma quotes connected to a yogi, a spiritual performer? This question is often generated in people's mind. Let's reply this quest in simple intonation. Karma means thoughts; behaviors, actions as well as intentions created in the present time, which is under your control, whatever you create today either good or bad all are under Karma Yoga. Yoga is therefore a word with a broad meaning in this sense. Your deeds furnished with your willpower and concentration comes under karma of today. And the law of karma is that what you create today is seed for future life experiences. In this mean, fatalism is avoided, only karma is considered supreme in human life. The law of karma is always connected to the continuously changing physical world. This solely depends upon deeds rather than fate. We have full control upon our words what we spell, thoughts what we ruminate, and actions which we decide to do. A perfect Yogi who has brought his mind and emotions under the control of his wit can indeed do control of what is happening with him. So, our response and reactions with our environment can be managed in order to avoid future evil sufferings, this is true that we can reduce karma at present and accordingly minimize those sufferings in future. Life and death are within a cycle and this cosmic cycle is continuously spinning. This spinning wheel has 6 spokes: virtue, vice, aversion, attachment, pleasure and pain. These spokes are means of karma which bind us with the wheel of life and keep it spinning. At this point it is worthwhile to indicate that mental attachments connecting those spokes with wheel should be lib! erated f or renunciation of our life. Then, the life would be without credits of karma. In this way, a yogi lives with deeds but without credits of deeds. Bad karma gives us bad feeling, good karma gives us good feeling but the law of karma says that any kind of karma is undesirable. Through the constant practice of yoga, any further accumulation of karma should be reduced. This means do not produce karma with ego, selfishness and any desire of reward. Liberation from karma and this worldly pain and pleasure is a highly esteemed state called Nirvana. All above mentioned law of karma are not necessary in an individual life. Only you need to do is reducing your desire of karma and purifying you with yogic lifestyle.

About the Author

I am a Yogi (shaping my mind for enlightenment) and I blog about Yoga practice, Meditation, Memory sharpening tricks and sometimes my personal struggle. Yoga and meditation-plus memory tricks

Workout Plan for Pilates and Yoga : Workout Plan for Pilates and Yoga: Pilates 100

Launch your workout with Pilates 100 exercises from the Tabletop position to get the blood pumping. Learn with a pro in this free video workout plan for Pilates and yoga.Expert: Michelle Tibbs Contact: Bio: Michelle Tibbs began her yoga practice in 2002, completed her 200-hour teacher training with YogaFit and has been teaching ever since. She completed her Pilates teacher training in 2007. Filmmaker: Max Cusimano Series Description: Now you can combine Pilates and yoga, two disciplines that naturally complement each other, to create a comprehensive workout plan for greater strength and flexibility. Learn a variety of Pilates and yoga exercises from a professional instructor in this free video series.

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Meditation Techniques for Beginners

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 05:00 AM PST

Article by Paula McLaughlin

It would be all to easy to become confused by meditation, especially if you feel the burden to be fantastic at meditation when you first begin the process. The aspiration of meditation isn't to win an award or discover how long you'll be able to meditate. Instead always be focused upon best ways to get going with meditation and then make the most out of your time and energy spent meditating.

In this post, we'll focus on meditation techniques for beginners and exactly how an individual can benefit from the ancient technique of meditation to elevate both one's mental and physical health.

The First Step Towards One's own Practice

The main step for any individual fresh to meditation is to find a relaxing area. You may be able to master each of the meditation techniques on the planet, however they won't support you unless you can truly get a moment of relaxation. Later on, you could be equipped to meditate while surrounded by distractions, other people or maybe even the busy noises from the town, for the time being you ought to use a restful spot for meditation. If you have a big family or perhaps you live with a lot of other individuals, it usually is important for you to meditate at specific times of the day if there are fewer potential distractions and disturbances.

An Important Meditation Technique for Beginners Is Deep Breathing

One of the best methods to develop your meditating is to pay attention to your inhalation. By taking deep breaths in and out in addition to focusing on your breathing, you're giving your mind some thing to concentrate on. With time, you will discover that you are able to attain much deeper and more regular meditation times.

Keep Your Body Relaxed

Keep in mind one of the important goals of meditation will be to loosen up both your body as well as your mind. Focusing upon deep breathing can help you clear your mind and relax your body, however , you also need to look for muscle stress within your body. Try an! d permit the tension from the day to drop from your body while you meditate.

Look for a Relaxed Place

A significant portion of being relaxed, and absolutely one of the most crucial meditation techniques for beginners, is finding a great place for your practice. With this in mind, just be sure you choose a calm space and set your body in a relaxed position before you begin meditation. You are always able to shift to a different posture if required, however , the more you move around, the more distracted you could end up being.

Work At Consistency

Just like learning how to play the piano, being sure that you put in the time every single day to meditate can be a quick way to improve. Besides as soon as you get the hang of it, you'll want to meditate often. Meditation will allow you to relax and feel significantly better!

About the Author

Meditation for beginners is not hard at all and in fact is useful for those that have been meditating for years! Check out Practical Meditation for Beginners for more tips and techniques on Meditation for Beginners

Stillness: Connecting to the Source of who you are...

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Walking Meditation: Some great tips and tactics for mastering how you can execute a walking meditation

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 04:00 AM PST

Article by Robbie Wilikes

Clearing Yourself Of Other Peoples Negative Energy For Healers Physicians Therapists

A short and sweet exercise with mantra and movement to clear yourself of other persons negative energy. For physicians, healers, therapists and contact with anyone who is carrying negative energy. Preparing yourself for a next client patient or person. Great lymphatic and nervous system cleanser and stimulator. Gaze is tip of nose. Mantra is the numbers 1-2-3-4 or Har Har Har Haree. From Kundalini Yoga teachings of Yogi Bhajan.

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Theta Meditation Transports You to the Realm of Divinity

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 03:00 AM PST

Article by Justin Woods

Meditation is an easy trick to curb the daily tension that you inevitably face in the various fronts of your life. With the fast-paced life, shoving off these worries completely is next to impossible. It is therefore prudent for you to learn to extract the best that you can draw out of this kind of fretful life. Meditation helps you to find the required relaxation that your mind deserves in order to maintain sanity within the trashy insanity surrounding you. Moreover, it allows the mind to thrive and think which is otherwise impossible, given the chaos that is all pervading. It thereby becomes mandatory to practice this art with dedication and concentration. The meditation cds help a lot in this context. Practicing theta meditation is also beneficial for individuals.The meditation cds provide you with the perfect atmosphere to practice and master the theta meditation. The various ways of practicing meditation however involve a lot of focus and perseverance. Nothing comes easy and the wonderful results that these options provide will obviously not be gained overnight. Meditation helps you to benefit both physically as well as mentally. The benefits are therefore all encompassing and leave you completely relaxed at the end of the process.The procedure of the theta meditation includes the following steps:

The first prerequisite for this type of meditation is the location of meditation. It requires a calm and quite ambiance in order to execute it successfully. The surrounding noise and chaos more often than not leaves you completely distracted and unable to pursue meditation. The bedlam that is all around you often leaves you so disoriented that concentration becomes a bleak possibility. Therefore to reap the benefits of this meditation you need to search out a tranquil location.The second prerequisite to ensure a successful and beneficial theta meditation is that of an easeful posture. Since the meditation seeks to relieve you from the bugging worries it is important that you sit in a posture th! at helps you to relax. There if no hard and fast rule as far as the sitting posture is concerned. The veterans sit in a cross legged posture with their back straight. You can begin with the posture that makes you comfortable and later on change to the other one.The art of breathing also counts as far as this meditation is concerned. Practice deep inhalation and exhalation. Breathe in a lungful of air, hold it for a couple of seconds and then slowly breathe out the air. Keep repeating this process for as long as you can meditate. Clear your mind of the nagging tensions and niggling worries. Just try to make your mind blank and then try to concentrate. It is difficult but not impossible. Regular practice will enable you to master this as well.Also try to bear positive ideas in your mind. This helps to infuse that positivity into your entire being.The meditation cds help a lot in case of freeing your mind and clearing up the trash that has collected in your mind. Listen to the soft and soothing music from the meditation cds, gradually wipe out those unwanted mind contents and get ready for the blissful experience.The advantages of the meditation cds and the theta meditation are therefore unarguably attested. Their success is phenomenal for any individual who have sincerely practiced it till date. Hence, if you are thinking of relaxation; think of meditation. About the Author

Justin Woods is a Doctor who recommends meditation techniques for a stressful life or for a good physical and mental health. He also writes articles on theta meditation & meditation cds. For more information he always recommends to visit


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How To Reduce Your Asthma With Yoga

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 02:00 AM PST

Article by Norman Hurst

Yoga has been a revelation for many people. They have found that they can improve the quality of their life with the power of yoga. Yoga combines both physical and mental activities, so it engages your whole body rather than just part of it. Some of the benefits of yoga include better breathing, easier relaxation and relief from the symptoms of asthma.

The reason that yoga can help with your asthma is that by using yoga, you will get your body back to a more natural state. Both your body and your mind will be less stressed.

Relaxation and deep breathing were made for each other. Both of them help you to calm down, clear your mind and re-energize your body. By spending a few minutes taking slow, controlled breaths and paying attention to your breathing rather than taking it for granted, you will notice that your breathing automatically becomes calmer. Rather than it's "normal", hyper-active state. In turn, this will bring more energy into your body and calm you down.

Try out this simple breathing relaxation exercise. Read the instructions through a couple of times and then start.

1. Sit down, making sure that your posture is good and your spine is straight as possible.

Place your feet flat on the floor and check that your knees are directly over your feet. Place your hands on top of your legs.

2. Gently close your eyes.

3. Concentrate your thoughts on your ribs and your lungs. Inhale slowly and deeply. Notice your lungs filling up and your ribs expanding outwards and upwards. Then slowly exhale, again noticing your lungs slowly releasing the air you've just breathed in and your ribs gradually going back in and down.

4. Repeat this routine once a day for up to 3 minutes when you first start out. Over the coming days, gradually increase up to 5 and then 10 minutes throughout the day as necessary.

Yoga breathing exercises have been shown to help sufferers of mild asthma. You may still need your medication and any other health devices, although you! should notice that you need them less and less as you practice these techniques.

About the Author

Discover more about the natural treatment of asthma together with other ways that you can reduce or eliminate your asthma naturally.

How to Learn To Meditate and Calm Yourself

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 01:00 AM PST

Article by Jeremy Winters

If you are only getting involved with meditation, you are likely to find that there are lots of good places for meditating. A lot of individuals discover outdoors locations such as deserted beaches, or quiet, scenic places to be excellent for meditating. The true secret to discovering an ideal spot is to discover a spot that is quiet, clean, comfortable and peaceful.

There are numerous distinct types of meditation, however if you do not want to be confused by lots of different details and schools of thought, simply make sure to employ mindful meditation. You need your meditative process to be personal and unique just to you. You can actually create your very own oasis, by finding soft music that you like, and surrounding yourself with essential oils in your favorite blend. You could in addition learn to meditate in a hot, fragrant bath surrounded by lit candles.

While you are meditating, you need to make certain that you're breathing in deeply from the bottom of the stomach. Gradually as you take in deep breaths, you should attempt to make your mind blank and allow your conscious thoughts to go exactly where they want. Don't look at them, or be concerned that they're there or try and figure anything out.

Ensure that you decide on a meditation spot that's completely free of distraction. That may imply that you must let other people in your home know you have reserved time for meditation, and you do not wish to be disturbed. One particular thing you could do to help make meditation truly special is to schedule your every day meditation time every single day just like you would a critical meeting, or perhaps a much anticipated shopping trip.

It is usually very helpful when you learn to meditate during the very same time each day. For individuals who discover it difficult to completely clear their mind, meditation music is really important. Gentle, meditative music really assists to clear the mind and ready it for meditative focus. You want anything in your physical and mus! ical env ironment that will allow you to think of serenity. You can commonly locate free music that you could utilize for meditation all over the internet available for download.

Important Measures to Implement When you Learn to Meditate

Lots of individuals find closing their eyes ideal for meditation, but you may prefer to focus on one particular spot in the room with your eyes open, like a candle's flame or a picture on the wall. Become conscious of your deep breaths in and out.

Meditation could in addition be a part of your religious practice. Meditation is a recommended part of many major religions such as Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism and Zen Buddhism. There are various emotional advantages to meditation also. These added benefits involve a sense of inner peace, stress and anxiety relief, tension relief, improved concentration, greater self-awareness, and greater clarity of mind.

About the Author

Are you looking for the secrets that can transform your life? Learning to meditate can help you on your spiritual journey. Be sure to visit my site to clear your mind and learn to meditate.

Chakra Alignment

This meditation is for educational purposes only. No Copy-Write infringement intended, Relax and let yourself become centered. "The Illuminated Chakras: A Visionary Voyage into Your Inner World" by Anodea Judith

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Yoga and Astral Projection Classes

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 12:00 AM PST

Article by Dalai Lumer

Are you seeking astral projection classes? Are you trying to learn astral travel and projection techniques? It can seem daunting at first, but it's absolutely achievable. Taking a class is a great idea, if you can find one if your local area.

This sometimes can prove more challenging then you might imagine. Astrologers and astral projection practitioners that are willing to teach are not as readily available or as common as one might hope. However there are a few ways to find a good one.

Community College

The first step is to check your local community college. Local colleges often run courses on many different topics, not just strictly speaking academic subjects. Check with a local school and see what you can find. Most instructors do it for the love of the subject, no to make money, so this is a great place to start.

New Age or Astrological Retailer

If you can find a retailer that sells items related to new age topics, mysticism, astrology, reiki or other such topics then you may also find someone that is willing to mentor your or holds classes. Often times they may also be able to refer you. Reiki is an ancient Japanese practice that shares many of the same techniques that are required for Astral Travel, such as relaxation,meditation and stress reduction.


Of course, there are plenty of courses and e-books available on the internet. Many of these are quite helpful. It's best to find one that has a free email course first. This way, you can evaluate the information before buying.

Reiki or Yoga

If you need a mentor or a method to help you get started and you just can't find a good course or someone you trust to help you, then consider taking Yoga. Yoga teaches many of the related and necessary skills that you will need. For example, yoga teaches you how to get in touch with your inner being. Yoga teaches mediation and relaxation. Yoga teaches you to be in touch with the world around you that you can't necessarily see.

These are ! all very valuable life skills, but are also the preliminary steps that you need to perform Astral Projection. You may find this is all you need. Once you master truly relaxing, astral travel often comes very easily.

Reiki similarly can teach you a lot of what you need to know to get started with Astral Projection. A class in reiki, if available, would also be very valuable to helping you achieve the state of mind you need to find to get started with Astral Travel.

There are several options that you can consider if you want to learn astral projection but can't find a class locally. Check a community college and look online. If you can't find something that feels right, consider a yoga or reiki class instead.

About the Author

Dalai Lumer enjoys Astral Travel and Projection. For more information on astral projection classes, visit

How to Gain Height Doing Yoga

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST

Article by Adam Marcowitch

The question that we are trying to answer in this article is can you gain height through yoga? Yoga can be used to strengthen the body and prepare your muscles for growth. It isn't just a celebrity fad that has taken off for no good reason - it is proven to work and improves your balance and your posture too. You don't need an elaborate gym to be built in your home or invest in lots of equipment. Some people perform their Yoga routine from the comfort of their own homes and if you are seriously thinking about ways in which you can gain height then this could be something for you too.

If you think about how difficult it is to stand straight and tall without slouching it is hard to imagine that anyone could maintain this stance permanently but yoga can teach you how. You can gain height instantly by working on your posture because when you stand straight you are at your tallest. Starting from this point will give some real results quickly and help you look as though you can gain height straight away.

Yoga is also about flexibility. You need to be flexible so that you can walk around and move with ease but the more flexible you are and the less compression there is in your spine the more chance it has of elongating and therefore growing..

Here we will look at some specific yoga movements you can try that will help you gain height over time and with perseverance and are very easy to start trying. You can improve your posture and release built up tension in your back so you feel able to stand up tall without slouching and keep that posture over time.

We will look at three yoga movements in turn and describe how to carry out each one Before you start though, you should speak to your doctor to check these are right for you.

The centered movement is very easy. You sit with your legs crossed on the floor and rest your hands gently on your knees. Sit so that your spine is straight and breathe in. As you breathe in lift your arms in the air above your head. As you breathe out s! lowly br ing them back down to their starting position.

The triangle movement is slightly different and is great for posture but also good for relieving built up tension in your back. Stand with your feet quite far about. You might want to start at three feet apart and make your way up to four. Your feet should start by both pointing forward but then turn your left foot out at a right angle and your right foot out at 45 degrees. As you inhale lift your arms in the air and as you exhale turn to look along the length of your left arm. As you inhale again stretch your upper body down to your left ankle and when you can go no further place your left hand on the back of your leg and point your right arm to the ceiling. Hold this pose for a few deep breaths and then as you inhale straighten up and come back to your upright normal position. Repeat this movement for the other side of your body.

The dog and cat can be done together and involve getting onto the floor on all fours. As you inhale you curve your spine downwards so your stomach points to the floor and your head is pointed upwards. As you reverse this position and curve your spine the other way you can enter into the cat pose.

These are some great techniques you can try when you are looking to gain height. But, what you could also try is HeightGrowth Plus Height Gaining Supplements. HG-PLUS Grow Taller Pills will help you get the maximum benefit from your exercise regime and any other changes you make to your lifestyle. HeightGrowth-Plus Height Increase Formulation is completely natural so you don't need to worry about nasty side effects, just enjoy the benefits!

About the Author

The author of this article is an expert in how to gain height naturally by doing yoga exercises and stretching your spine. He has spent over 13 years studying how the human body works and in particular how to grow taller.

BKS Iyengar 1938 newsreel Part 1 (SILENT)

To buy DVD This is a film made by McPetruk in 1938 showing and shows Iyengar demonstrating yoga. Here we see a young Iyengar (still alive, well, and doing yoga, BTW) doing advanced poses that constitute the advanced A & B astanga series. This is obviously well before Iyengar dropped the vinyasa aspect from his practice and rebranded it as "Iyengar Yoga", putting greater emphasis on alignment.

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Best Instructions on How to meditate properly

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST

Article by Sharen Scott

Wipe off Worries with Meditation Techniques for Anxiety

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 10:00 PM PST

Article by Jonsonmak

In this present world, we can't escape from being encountered by anxiety. In fact, this very unpleasant human behavior is considered to be one of the most common problems in today's society. Well, if you are one of them, there is nothing to get disheartened since you are not the only sufferer. There are ways of overcoming it. Meditation is one of the best solutions for ebbing off anxieties, fears and tensions. It's natural and assures to give you relief if maintained on a regular basis. There are certain meditation techniques for anxiety that can work wonders for you.Meditation completely relaxes your mind and helps you focus on your thoughts. Further, it lets you concentrate on your work and keeps all your worries miles away. Once you start meditating, you are sure to gain ample relief from unending worries. Now, let's take a look at some popular meditation techniques for anxiety.Breathing meditation is known to be one of the simple meditation techniques for anxiety. Here you simply need to concentrate on your breath. You just have to pay attention to your breath as it enters and leaves your body. You can even concentrate on your nostrils and feel the breath as it enters and leaves. It's one of the outstanding meditation techniques for anxiety and has benefitted thousands.The next effective technique is guided meditation. Here you are required to listen to a recording involving vocal cues that can actually help you pass through a series of visualizations. However, the imagery types vary in guided meditation. Here you will focus on scenarios and landscapes or imagine a mental trip to the mountains or rather a walk on the beach.It's also one of the efficacious meditation techniques for anxiety that relaxes your mind to a good extent. Music or any soothing instrumental is often used for this particular meditation technique for anxiety.The Brainwave Entrainment Recordings for Anxiety Reduction is another brilliant meditation technique that can reduce your worries and tensions. However, guided m! editatio n techniques for anxiety are simpler and easier in comparison to breathing meditation. Novices might find it difficult to cope up with this technique. There are also several meditation techniques for anxiety online where you can watch videos and follow postures.For every human being, sleep is highly essential. It's one of the mandatory requirements of a human body. Owing to our busy hectic lives, obtaining sufficient slumber is a big challenge for us and most of us often fail to get quality sleep. Sleeping pills and tablets are real blunders that can ruin the mechanism of a human body. Therefore, we should always think and opt for some natural means to remain safe and healthy. One such strategy is sleep meditation which is one of the most natural and effective methods to get good sleep.In these years, sleep meditation has emerged to be one of the best possible way-outs for those having problems related to sleep. Owing to the advancement of the audio technology, sleep meditation has proved to be highly effective.

About the Author

jonsonmak is a Doctor who recommends meditation techniques for a stressful life or for a good physical and mental health. He also writes articles on meditation techniques for anxiety & sleep meditation. For more information he always recommends to visit

Meditation CDs Replacing Manual Instructions in A Better Way

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 09:00 PM PST

Article by Jonsonmak

"Rain" 30min Rainstorm Natural Sounds Sleep Video

MP3 Downloads of many of my videos at Austin Texas

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How to Keep Mind at Rest with Meditation Techniques

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 08:00 PM PST

Article by Jonsonmak

Why Yoga is Good for You as You Get Older

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 07:00 PM PST

Article by Mike Bunata

As you begin to age, you begin to notice that your skin does not have the same vibrant look that it did when you were in your teens. As you approach your forty's if you haven't been a gym rat for 20 years, you begin to lose that youthful vitality. I believe it is probably the body's way of telling us that if we do not do something about it, we will quickly begin to feel much older than we look. You could choose plastic surgery. It is a great option for many. If you have that kind of money, and want to suffer through that kind of pain. Another really great alternative though, one really great choice for the aging, is yoga. Yoga is easy on the body, but the results are amazing. Not only are the results amazing on the body, but on the mind as well, helping you feel as young as you look.

Why Yoga? Why not running or jogging, or aerobics? Well those are good choices too, but sometimes as you get older; your body does not function as well. You may have bone or muscle problems, knee problems that make it hard to run, aching hip joints, or just no money for a gym membership. You want to look great, and yoga is on video, it is the same thing over and over again. A series of poses that once learned you can do on your own. The exercises consist of breathing; controlled breathing, stretching, strengthening, and endurance building exercises that help completely tone the body.

The benefits of yoga are endless. From stress relief, to muscles relation, the list goes on and on. It can be used as a a stand alone exercise, or as a cross training tool for other sports. It can also be used as a deeply meditative tool for completely relaxing and distressing the body. One thing you will see is results. Those who practice yoga have reported looking and feeling younger on a continuous basis. Yoga is easy to become addicted to and that is what you want in an exercise program. You want something that you know you can succeed at, but that still challenges you when the time is right.

If you have not trie! d yoga, give it a shot. It might be the best life altering experience you have made in decades!

About the Author

Mike Bunata has been writing articles for nearly a year. Come visit his latest website over at which helps people find the best Liquid Health Vitamins and information they are looking when doing home remodeling.

Relieves low back pain through yoga

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 06:00 PM PST

Article by Keely

Low back pain can affect the back anywhere below the ribs and above the legs. The lower back is the connection between the upper and lower body, and supports most of the body weight. Because of these functions, it is easily injured when you lift, reach, or money. Nearly everyone has low back pain at one time or another. The good news is that lower back pain will disappear in a few weeks with some basic self-care. But if the pain is severe or lasts more than a couple of weeks, consult your doctor.

Only a few people with low need for back surgery pain. Surgery may help if you have a herniated disc or back pain along with symptoms of nerve damage, such as numbness in the legs. Even in these cases, most people get better without surgery. Having surgery does not guarantee that all your pain will disappear. Before having surgery, is a good idea to get a second opinion.

There are some ways that can relieve low back pain through yoga. Yoga is one of the nondrugs, non-surgical therapy has been shown to benefit from back pain. In 2005 a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that a yoga program was more effective in the treatment of low back pain than other exercise regimen or educated about proper aftercare. In October 2007, the American College of Physicians and the American Pain Society published guidelines recommending therapies including massage, Viniyoga (a smooth, yoga therapy), acupuncture and spinal manipulation for persistent back pain.

According to Timothy McCall, MD, the medical editor of Yoga Journal, yoga can enable patients to strengthen weak muscles, increase flexibility, improve oxygenation to body tissue and shift the balance of the autonomic nervous system from the sympathetic "fight or flight" response to the parasympathetic "rest and digest" state. All of those changes can help support the musculoskeletal system and bring pain relief, but beyond those physical improvements, Dr. McCall believes that the greatest benefit yoga can provide to patients i! s in the ir mind.

"In yoga there is a difference between pain and suffering. Pain is often caused by physical things, but the mind fuels the fires of suffering by thinking about it and coming to negative conclusions, which activates your stress response system," says Dr. McCall. "When you do meditation or breathing practices, you start to see the role that the mind plays. Advanced mediators can modulate their pain. They know the pain is there, but they don't react to it the same way."

Up to 20% of Americans suffer an attack a month of back pain every year. That's a lot of wailing on the couch and lost in the fun or even work. It is important to come to understand some simple ways to relieve pain.

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Coach purses outlet is one of the best places to find information and great deals on coach purses and accessories of coach purse.

Yoga For Kids - Interactive session with Audience

On 1st Oct'10 Shemaroo Entertainment in association with Shraddha Setalvad --founder And director of Yoga Kids and Vision Partner High Street Phoenix, Mumbai had launched Yoga Kids DVDs Vol 1 And 2, 'Discover Your Sally' and 'Rainbow of Hope' at the Palladium in High Street Phoenix. On the eve of Gandhi Jayanti, the occasion was graced by Madhoo Shah, Juhi Chawla, Sammir Dattani, Tara Sharma, Suchitra Pillai and Shaina Nc in support of nationally promoting 'yoga for children' To watch more entertaining & educating videos on animation stories, nursery rhymes, learning series & school poems, SUBSCRIBE NOW at . To watch more kids animation videos in high quality log onto

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Does Yoga Help in Breast Enlargement?

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 05:00 PM PST

Article by Online Doc

Yoga involves the use of mental, physical and spiritual energies to enhance the size of breasts. This is an exercise that involves a lot of breathing, body movements, and posture hence giving the body organs chance to rejuvenate. One of those parts that is given this opportunity is the breasts.

There are many health benefits of Yoga. It is a good way of incorporating many physical and mental aspects that will see your body at a good health. By applying Yoga you will be stress fully on top of being psychologically health. Many people who have taken part in this exercise have come to realize that is enhances the balancing of blood pressure in the body. It is also used as an anti-aging agent. To some extent, if yoga is applied in the right way it can lead to breast enhancement.

Yoga for Breast EnlargementDoing surgery to enhance breast size can be costly. It needs one to invest well. Despite the cost, there are also health effects that accompany it. It may have bad effects on your health. Apart from surgery, there are other ways of enhancing breast size that are safer and cheaper.

The use of some mode of exercises has proved to show better results when it comes to breast reduction and enhancement. One of these exercises is yoga. Yoga has slow but sure results as compared to the use of pills. This doesn't have any bad effects on the body. Yoga is a combination of various postures which affect breast enhancement. Some of the postures are:

Vrikshasana (Tree posture)1. Start by breathing in and out before raising your joined arms above the head.2. The next step is to step on your toes and feel the weight of your left leg while breathing in and out.3. Using your right hand lift your left foot and place it's sole on the inner side of your right thigh.4. The next step is to stretch your arms as far as possible and look straight in front.5. Breathe out as you connect your hands.6. The last step is to step on the floor in a normal position and be in this pose for a minimal time of 2 ! minutes.

Suryanamaskara1. With this exercise, you will be required to stand up in a relaxed posture in such a way that your feet are spread.2. The arms should be stretched towards the back of your head.3. Steadily bend your waist backwards as the arms go separate.4. While breathing out steadily bend your waist forward until your fingers touch your toes.

These are some of the best exercises that will see your breast enlarge. It is good to use the right exercises as using incorrect exercises can worsen the situation. Do these exercises under supervision of an expert.

About the Author

Article speaks about the natural breast enhancement. Yes, it is proven that Yoga is best breast enhancer.

Effective Meditation Techniques for Stress

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 04:00 PM PST

Article by Jonsonmak

Yoga Helps With Meditation | Video

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 04:00 PM PST

Yoga Helps Meditation

Yoga and Meditation

From the point of view of meditation, Hatha Yoga or any other physical yoga practice, is a supplemental science that facilitates the practice of meditation and moves you further along the road to Self Realization.  In fact, one of the primary reasons I took up yoga initially was to enhance my sitting during meditation and I am glad I did.  Yoga has helped me a great deal in sitting for long periods of time and in deepening my meditation practice.

One of the most common complaints during meditation is with the legs falling sleep or the back getting tired and sore, and the solution to these issues is often the flexibility that come with yoga.  Yoga poses and exercises bestow all kinds of benefits, which you are read about here – Benefits of Yoga, but with regard to meditation, one of the most important is the flexibility with allows you to sit for extended periods of time and the calmness that yoga breathing exercises promote.

To avoid the problems of the legs falling asleep or your back hurting, your meditation posture is very important.  In the following article I illustrate various postures for meditation, How to Meditate with Illustrations, and in all these postures you will notice I am sitting Burmese Style (see picture below).  This style is excellent for meditation and along with full lotus, it is the best posture to place your legs in for prolonged meditation.  This posture helps alleviate the blood flow issues to the legs and, when used with a good Zafu, it also alleviates back pain (see Tips and Tools for Meditation).  But, as you might have realized, it requires a bit of flexibility to come into this posture.  Thankfully there is a Yoga pose which really helps you with sitting Burmese Style and that is Yoga Butterfly Pose.


Meditation Posture with Gyan Mudra

Meditation Posture Burmese Style

As you might imagine, being a meditator at heart, I am an avid practitioner of Yoga Butterfly Pose and I can tell you from personal experience that it has helped me a great deal with sitting more comfortably.  

You will find full details of Butterfly Pose in the following article Best Yoga Asana for Meditation, and in this article you will find a video of the pose below.  In the video I also demonstrate how to do Root Lock with Butterfly Pose and that is a great way to end this pose and direct your energy upwards.

I also want to point you to other yoga set, poses and exercises which are very helpful to meditation and here is that list for you.  In a future post I will publish a complete list of how Yoga can assist you with your meditation practice, but the list below has some great techniques to get you started.

Yoga Techniques that Help with Meditation

B est Yoga Sets for Meditation:

Yoga for Meditation Set

Surya Namaskar – Best Morning Yoga Stretching Poses

Spinal Warm-up Yoga Exercises

Yoga Poses for Meditation:

Yoga Forward Bend for Healing and More

Neck Yoga Exercises

Yoga Breathing Exercises for Meditation:

Anuloma Viloma Pranayama

One Minute Yogic Breath for Meditation

For Yoga and Meditation Certification Students and Teachers:

Butterfly Yoga Pos! e is one of the best poses to begin your yoga or meditation classes with.  As you have to often sit in yoga classes, starting your classes with this pose will make the entire session easier for your students, so be sure to include this pose in your programs.  I also include Breath of Fire when doing this pose, and the combination is really excellent for getting everyone's energy going.

This pose is a part of both the Yoga Teacher's Training and Certification Program and Meditation Certification Program programs and you will find it in your e-manuals.

Butterfly Yoga Pose Video:

  • The video gives a full demonstration of Yoga Butterfly Pose.
  • It explains how this pose helps with meditation and how to do it using Breath of Fire.
  • It teaches various variations to the pose, including how to do Root Lock at the end of the pose.
  • It discusses the benefits of this pose, along with other details about the technique.
  • Please note if you have trouble viewing the video from here, I have provided the YouTube link as well which you can use.

Free Online Yoga for Meditation Butterfly Pose


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Learn more around Guided Imagery Meditation

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 03:00 PM PST

Article by Halina Kelii

Guided imagery meditation can be a potent form of meditation thats most generally utilized to advertise a feeling of wellness in these meditating also assist help from the healing method. By harnessing the power from the brain and forcing the physique to enter a calm calm state your system can start the healing method. Even though it is not a treatment for ailments by becoming capable to relaxation the body it might rejuvenate which assists in healing.

If you are taking into consideration guided imagery meditation there are many points that you simply ought to maintain in brain. To be able to be the best youll need to become able to loosen up and let yourself focus around the meditation. Before you start any meditation session you have to be from the correct mindset. In case you are angry or lack interest from the meditation itll not be successful for you personally. End up a peaceful comfy location to meditate in which you wont be disturbed. As many people use guided imagery meditation to reduce pressure levels and support their entire body in healing you need to become receptive towards the meditations.

There are several issues that you can do to generate oneself receptive to guided imagery meditation. 1st youll be able to use possibly a meditation bench chair or cushion to guarantee bodily comfort. Should you be only comfortable lying down whether or not it really is due to injury or other troubles lie down as easily as you can. As meditation is often mind more than body you will want to put oneself in a position exactly where you are able to ignore the pains and aches of the body and permit it to relax and relaxation.

In some cases guided imagery meditation is incredibly comparable to hypnosis. Many teachers of guided meditation will use several of the same techniques to induce a state of relaxed and receptiveness. Not like hypnosis even so the individual who does the function behind the meditation may be the listener not the teacher. Guided imagery meditation is only as pow! erful as the man or woman whos employing that method of meditation. Whilst the guides are there to assist you through the method it can be your mind and electricity that does the perform. In many forms of hypnosis the instructor or hypnotist implants the suggestion into the mind. On this situation its the individual meditating who decides precisely what it is which is required.

Choosing your manual for guided imagery meditation is nearly as important as taking the effort to complete the meditations every day. Choose a guidebook you might be at ease with. In the event the person talking annoys you or in any way causes you discomfort the meditations is not going to be powerful.

About the Author

Hi, Im an article writer whose mission is to help people how to improve quality life, teaching different topics but always without wasting their time and money on expensive daily tips.

In addition do you wish to study more about 5 mindfulness training ? Look at our basic tips for meditation web site.

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How to Gain Height Doing Yoga

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 02:01 PM PST

Article by Ninja7087

The question that we are trying to answer in this article is can you gain height through yoga? Yoga can be used to strengthen the body and prepare your muscles for growth. It isn't just a celebrity fad that has taken off for no good reason - it is proven to work and improves your balance and your posture too. You don't need an elaborate gym to be built in your home or invest in lots of equipment. Some people perform their Yoga routine from the comfort of their own homes and if you are seriously thinking about ways in which you can gain height then this could be something for you too.

If you think about how difficult it is to stand straight and tall without slouching it is hard to imagine that anyone could maintain this stance permanently but yoga can teach you how. You can gain height instantly by working on your posture because when you stand straight you are at your tallest. Starting from this point will give some real results quickly and help you look as though you can gain height straight away.

Yoga is also about flexibility. You need to be flexible so that you can walk around and move with ease but the more flexible you are and the less compression there is in your spine the more chance it has of elongating and therefore growing.

Here we will look at some specific yoga movements you can try that will help you gain height over time and with perseverance and are very easy to start trying. You can improve your posture and release built up tension in your back so you feel able to stand up tall without slouching and keep that posture over time.

We will look at three yoga movements in turn and describe how to carry out each one Before you start though, you should speak to your doctor to check these are right for you.

The centered movement is very easy. You sit with your legs crossed on the floor and rest your hands gently on your knees. Sit so that your spine is straight and breathe in. As you breathe in lift your arms in the air above your head. As you breathe out sl! owly bri ng them back down to their starting position.

The triangle movement is slightly different and is great for posture but also good for relieving built up tension in your back. Stand with your feet quite far about. You might want to start at three feet apart and make your way up to four. Your feet should start by both pointing forward but then turn your left foot out at a right angle and your right foot out at 45 degrees. As you inhale lift your arms in the air and as you exhale turn to look along the length of your left arm. As you inhale again stretch your upper body down to your left ankle and when you can go no further place your left hand on the back of your leg and point your right arm to the ceiling. Hold this pose for a few deep breaths and then as you inhale straighten up and come back to your upright normal position. Repeat this movement for the other side of your body.

The dog and cat can be done together and involve getting onto the floor on all fours. As you inhale you curve your spine downwards so your stomach points to the floor and your head is pointed upwards. As you reverse this position and curve your spine the other way you can enter into the cat pose.

These are some great techniques you can try when you are looking to gain height. But, what you could also try is HeightGrowthPlus Height Gaining Supplements. HG-PLUS Grow Taller Pills will help you get the maximum benefit from your exercise regime and any other changes you make to your lifestyle. HeightGrowth-Plus Height Increase Formulation is completely natural so you don't need to worry about nasty side effects, just enjoy the benefits!

The author of this article is an expert in how to gain height naturally by doing yoga exercises and stretching your spine. He has spent over 13 years studying how the human body works and in particular how to grow taller.

About the Author

Grow Taller | gain height

How to Gain Height Doing Yoga

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 01:00 PM PST

Article by Heather Cleveland

The question that we are trying to answer in this article is can you gain height through yoga? Yoga can be used to strengthen the body and prepare your muscles for growth. It isn't just a celebrity fad that has taken off for no good reason - it is proven to work and improves your balance and your posture too. You don't need an elaborate gym to be built in your home or invest in lots of equipment. Some people perform their Yoga routine from the comfort of their own homes and if you are seriously thinking about ways in which you can gain height then this could be something for you too.

If you think about how difficult it is to stand straight and tall without slouching it is hard to imagine that anyone could maintain this stance permanently but yoga can teach you how. You can gain height instantly by working on your posture because when you stand straight you are at your tallest. Starting from this point will give some real results quickly and help you look as though you can gain height straight away.

Yoga is also about flexibility. You need to be flexible so that you can walk around and move with ease but the more flexible you are and the less compression there is in your spine the more chance it has of elongating and therefore growing..

Here we will look at some specific yoga movements you can try that will help you gain height over time and with perseverance and are very easy to start trying. You can improve your posture and release built up tension in your back so you feel able to stand up tall without slouching and keep that posture over time.

We will look at three yoga movements in turn and describe how to carry out each one Before you start though, you should speak to your doctor to check these are right for you.

The centered movement is very easy. You sit with your legs crossed on the floor and rest your hands gently on your knees. Sit so that your spine is straight and breathe in. As you breathe in lift your arms in the air above your head. As you breathe out s! lowly br ing them back down to their starting position.

The triangle movement is slightly different and is great for posture but also good for relieving built up tension in your back. Stand with your feet quite far about. You might want to start at three feet apart and make your way up to four. Your feet should start by both pointing forward but then turn your left foot out at a right angle and your right foot out at 45 degrees. As you inhale lift your arms in the air and as you exhale turn to look along the length of your left arm. As you inhale again stretch your upper body down to your left ankle and when you can go no further place your left hand on the back of your leg and point your right arm to the ceiling. Hold this pose for a few deep breaths and then as you inhale straighten up and come back to your upright normal position. Repeat this movement for the other side of your body.

The dog and cat can be done together and involve getting onto the floor on all fours. As you inhale you curve your spine downwards so your stomach points to the floor and your head is pointed upwards. As you reverse this position and curve your spine the other way you can enter into the cat pose.

These are some great techniques you can try when you are looking to gain height. But, what you could also try is HeightGrowth Plus Height Gaining Supplements. HG-PLUS Grow Taller Pills will help you get the maximum benefit from your exercise regime and any other changes you make to your lifestyle. HeightGrowth-Plus Height Increase Formulation is completely natural so you don't need to worry about nasty side effects, just enjoy the benefits!

The author of this article is an expert in how to gain height naturally by doing yoga exercises and stretching your spine. He has spent over 13 years studying how the human body works and in particular how to grow taller.

About the Author Is One of the best ways to grow taller naturally without dangerous surgery or unnecessary exercises.

Anaahat Yoga - Sithil Dandasana

Watch Exclusive Video Of Anaahat Yoga - Sithil Dandasana Brought To You By Shemaroo And Conducted By Preeti.To Watch More Of This Kindly Click By

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Posted: 22 Dec 2011 12:00 PM PST

Article by Charley Gordon

Pilates: Is There A Connection To Yoga

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 11:07 AM PST

Article by Jones Wright

There are many similarities and differences between Pilates and Yoga, the decision as to which exercise is best must come from personal preference.

With the emphasis on health and obesity in the world there is an ever increasing need for exercise. Most people want a type of exercise that lasts a short amount of time, does not tire them too much and has the most benefit. Is there such a thing? To answer that question many are evaluating the difference between the Pilates system and Yoga. Yoga became very popular years ago because of the concentration and low impact strain on the body. When Pilates hit the scene many of those that were taken with Yoga found themselves trying the Pilates system and never looking back. Others partake of both exercises because not only do they show great results, but they also make the person happier and healthier.

Similarities & Differences

Both Pilates and Yoga give great attention to concentration, balance and the controlled movements of the muscles. With either exercise you will never see an individual that is performing vigorous or jerky type movements. This is one of the leading reasons that people get hurt in the exercise arena in the first place. Both of the exercises make use of a floor mat, with Yoga being primarily on the mat and Pilates uses the mat quite a bit. The goal of both of the exercises is definitely the same, relieve stress and provide the person with peacefulness while strengthening the muscles. The mere concentration from both, create a feeling of well being. The person exercises knowing that they are working on their fitness, therefore restoring health to their lives.

Though there are several similarities there are a few differences between the two exercises as well. Most that compare the two reports that one makes them feel about as good as the other, but many feel that they get a better workout by using the Pilates system. Everyone is different and requires a different type of workout, but Pilates makes people fe! el like they are in control and shaping their body! This may be because Pilates uses a variety of tools that enhance the exercise session. Sometimes when people are using a tool or weight they feel like they are accomplishing more and that is because they are! It is common for a person exercising with the Pilates system to use a Wunda chair, stability ball, and resistance bands.

Another difference between Yoga and Pilates is the theory behind the exercise. Yoga works more on the internal body, the controlling of the spiritual nature allowing for the movement, whereas Pilates focuses more on concentration to allow for a strengthening of the muscles. Comparing the two exercise types is almost like comparing your two favorite candies. It really depends on what you are most comfortable with and makes you feel the best. Pilates and Yoga both are excellent exercises systems that you should try out before making a final decision.

About the Author

Jones Wright owns and operates Pilates

Get Rid Of Your Back Pain With Yoga Once And For All

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 10:01 AM PST

Article by David W Richards

Do you know that four out of five adults have at least one bout of back pain sometime during life?

There are many things that might cause back pain. It most often occurs from tense back muscles and ligaments, from improper or heavy lifting, or after a sudden awkward movement.

It can be prevented by building your muscle strength and flexibility. Also watch your move and be smart while lifting heavy stuff.

But, what if you've got it? Is there anything you can do?

Other than some prescribed medications from your doctor, why don't you try yoga? Yes, yoga.

Yoga can help ease lower back pain by gently stretching and strengthening the muscles of the lower back and legs.

Check out these poses of yoga that can help you get rid of back pain:

• Bow or Dhanurasana

This pose is effective in straightening upper spine hunches. Yet, this pose is meant only for those having light back pain and it is better for anyone with a history of chronic back pain or acute back pain to avoid it.

• Cobra Bhujangasana

This pose is a healing posture for the low back but this posture may have a negative effect if done incorrectly or too deep. This posture decreases stiffness in the lower back, enlarges the chest, and strengthens the arms and shoulders.

• Corpse or Savasana

The Corpse Yoga Pose is considered as classic relaxation yoga pose. hysiological changes include the lowering of your respiration and heart beat. It will also reduce your body's energy loss, remove your stress and rest your whole system.

• Plough Halasana

If practiced slowly and smoothly, the entire spine becomes flexible and the spinal nerves, muscles and ligaments are toned up and fed with extra supply of arterial blood..

Those are only some of the poses that can help you get rid of back pain. Take a yoga class to know more poses. However, it is best to check out with your doctor as well before trying any yoga poses and consult with your yoga trainer.

About the Author

David W Richards is a husband and father. He has been doing yoga for years with his beloved wife.

He also has interests on other stuff such as stock and finance, and trading that he shares on his sites.

Anaahat Yoga - Shavasana

Watch Exclusive Video Of Anaahat Yoga - Shavasana Brought To You By Shemaroo And Conducted By Preeti.To Watch More Of This Kindly Click By

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Premature Ejaculation Yoga

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST

Article by Torben Schuster

One of the last things people think of when it comes to a cure for premature ejaculation is yoga. Yoga is seen as just some kind of weird movements targeted mainly at women that want to recover from their pregnancies. The quiet and gently approach of yoga seems to have little in common with the sweaty, loud, passionate and long lasting sex that premature ejaculators dream about.

Yoga is just not manly. If you look at a yoga class the age average is indeed above forty and the heterosexual men in a group usually stand out just as ballet dancers in a group of drunken hooligans. It is only natural that this is not the surrounding young men feel themselves getting attracted to. By this they miss a huge opportunity however to forever cure their premature ejaculation.

Yoga or even better tantric yoga can help men tremendously to increase their stamina. It does this through two ways. First the movement will improve your blood circulation. This way fresh blood has it easier to get to your muscles - especially those pelvic muscles that drive you during the act. Due to the stretching exercises that are an integral part of the yoga program you will soon be able to try out new positions that might look exotic but can help you to last longer as well.

The second component that makes yoga so effective as a treatment for premature ejaculation is the focus on breathing. If you are able to control your breathing during intercourse you have the key to almost unlimited sexual stamina. Yogis know how breathing influences their level of physical arousal. If you breath slow, deeply and regularly it is almost impossible to reach the point of no return fast. The breathing will pace your arousal. As a premature ejaculation exercise try to focus on your breathing the next time you and your partner come together for love making and experience it for yourself.

About the Author

Torben has been happily married for over 2 years. Prior however he used to suffer from premature ejaculation. He build a site to help men to achieve the same. Visit is here htt://www.longersexnow.comOr learn more about premature ejaculation exercises

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