How to Perform Yoga Meditation?

How to Perform Yoga Meditation?

How to Perform Yoga Meditation?

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST

Article by Elizabeth Halton

Yoga meditation is performed in basically the same way as other meditation exercises, but with minor differences. Basically, when performing Yoga meditation, you need to do it in a clean and quiet place, in order to ensure that you encounter very little interruptions during the exercise. You need to prepare your mind and your body by simply 'emptying' your thoughts in your mind and by warming up and stretching your body. You can do this by performing certain Yoga postures and positions. Finally, once you have already assumed a comfortable Yoga meditative body position, you simply focus your thoughts on one idea or object, and keep your focus there.

Performing Yoga Meditation

There are actually different ways that you can perform yoga meditation, all depending on which problem area you are hoping to address. However, the most basic method of performing this particular meditation technique is that you must actively participate in the yoga meditation process. When you perform a healing meditation, you will need some form of assistance to help guide you through the meditation process. It is important that during the entire meditation process that you visualize what you want to happen, and visualize the entire process as it happens. Positive visualization will help you through this process.

Types Of Healing Meditation

There are actually a lot of different types of healing meditation techniques, over ten different kinds, each depending on what health issues you choose to address. The ten known healing meditations are the insomnia obliterator, scar healing, flower balancing, energy protection, sacred breath, introduction to breath, theater protection bubble, regeneration journey, infection protection and pain healing matrix.

Benefits Of Yoga Meditation

There are actually a lot of different health-related benefits that yoga meditation can provide you. Some of the techniques of healing meditation are designed to help you drop your blood pressure and heart rate. Others p! ut you i n a deeper and more relaxed state. Some can even help you go to sleep faster, and remain asleep for longer. If you have a problem with negative people draining your positive energy, then healing meditation has some techniques that can provide some help for that issue as well. Pain, infection problems, and your body's regenerative properties can also be addressed through this type of meditation.

Should You Use Healing Meditation?

If you are experiencing certain health-related problems that you think are deeply rooted to your body's inability to cope with the mental, physical and spiritual stresses of your daily routine, then using healing meditation to help you cope with these problems could be just the thing for you.

How Do You Perform Meditation?

Meditation basically requires you to find a nice, quiet and soothing spot, take a relaxed posture, whether it is a sitting or lying position, think of a purpose or goal as to why you are meditating, focus on that particular goal, breathe properly, and continue on meditating until you reach a point wherein you will feel more relaxed and refreshed. It does not necessarily have to take very long, but just make sure that you provide enough time for the meditation to work.

About the Author

For more information about meditation and other yoga techniques, please visit Yoga For Everyone at:

Here's What Yoga Can Do For You...

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST

Article by Dave Klein

You want to have a full life. You want to feel well. You want lots of energy, vitality, power, and stamina. Am I right so far?

Well, the great news is that all these can be yours. Yoga applies age-old secrets to everyday life in a modern, fast-paced world. Its practical application can restore your lost youth, put new zest into your every step, and empower you to fully enjoy a sense of health, energy and creative living. All this will do wonders for your future happiness...

Sounds good, huh? Well let me tell you a little about yoga...

Yoga is an ancient health-art developed and perfected over the centuries by wise men in ancient India. Yoga is not a religion, a metaphysical doctrine, or a philosophy. It is not magic, although the amazing improvements it can make in your health, your appearance and your youthfulness may often seem magical, even miraculous...

There are many different types of yoga. Contrary to popular belief, not all types of yoga involve difficult positions and postures, uncomfortable exercises or strenuous diets...

Yoga can take years off your face and years from your body, and add years to your life. There are certain secret methods by which the Yogis keep the flexibility and "spring" of early youth in their joints and muscles and limbs well into the declining years...

It is a common sight to see, in the crowded, colorful streets of Bombay or New Delhi, Yogis well into their seventies and even their eighties, with the straight, graceful posture of a boy, walking with the elastic, springy step of youth... with firm, healthy bodies, their hair dark and glossy and un-streaked with grey. Firm, unlined faces... clear, un-dimmed eyes...

Not only does yoga make you look and feel years younger, and years healthier, but it lends your body superb health. It works like magic because it enables the body to realize its full potential of great health...

You know that Nature has built into your body certain certain "defense mechanisms" for self-r! epair, n atural safeguards against disease. Well, modern yoga helps the body's machinery function smoothly, efficiently, and at peak performance...

Yoga encourages your body to derive every last possible atom of nutritive value from the food you now eat (so different from the natural diet of your ancestors)... to get every second of refreshment and rest from your sleep... to attain regularity, relief from little aches and pains, the ability to sleep deep and wake refreshed that can make the difference from feeling "pretty good" to feeling "terrific"!

Yoga assists all your muscles and bones and organs to operate at their maximum potential. Yoga stimulates into peak performance the hidden abilities of your body to throw off the attacks of disease that affect so many people we know and love...

Do you suffer from insomnia and stress? Have you lost your appetite? Do you find it hard to relax? Do you smoke too much, feel "worn out" by the afternoon, find as you grow older that you cannot enjoy full life and day to day vitality?

Yoga has the amazing power to relax and refresh you, soothe your nerves, calm your mind, give you the serenity and strength and inner stamina that is part of the "Magic of the East".Yoga prevents the premature grey in your hair, the ugly wrinkles in your face....

Yoga tightens those sagging muscles that give you that "tired look." It puts new zest in your appetite, brings back the sparkle in your eyes, and gives that wonderful sensation of feeling "fit as a fiddle"...

If these benefits are important to you (and you'd be crazy if they weren't) then its time you learnt about yoga!

About the Author

Dave Klein is the author of a site completely dedicated to yoga. Visit to find out how you can start applying yoga to your life to achieve maximum health and energy.

Krishnamacharya in 1938 with Yoga Sutras, Part 1of 6

Tirumalai Krishnamacharya was 50 when this film was made and is arguably the most influential yogi in establishing what yoga has become today. His students include Pattabhi Jois the founder of Asthanga yoga, BKS Iyengar, Indra Devi, and his son Desikachar. Most of todays leading yogis have studied under one or more of Krishnamacharya students. Krishnamacharya was born in 1888 in a remote Indian village and lived to be over 100 years old until his death in 1989. He is known as not only as a most influential yoga teacher, but a scholar, and a healer. Krishnamacharya was known to be able to voluntarily stop his visible heart beat/ pulse for over two minutes, probably by drastically reducing venous return to the heart. The Yoga Sutras of Patanajali spoken In Sanskrit by Kausthub Desikachar. This CD can be purchased at the Krishnamachuraya Yoga Mandiram

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The Many Benefits of Yoga

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 05:00 AM PST

Article by Ron King

Many studies have been conducted to determine which areas will benefit from an extended practice of yoga. Yoga practitioners are most likely to see improvements in the areas of physiology, psychology, and biochemistry.

Furthermore, practitioners of yoga speak of a unification of the body, mind and spirit achieved through the practice of yoga exercises and breathing techniques. But, of course, that is a bit difficult to test scientifically.

Yoga Is An Ancient Way of Life

Yoga is not a recent development. It has been practiced for thousands of years, during which time people have greatly benefited from it. 1 of the fundamental beliefs shared by yogis is that the mind and the body are a unified system, which in a proper environment, can find harmony and self-healing.

Demonstrated Health Benefits

Many doctors consider yoga to have therapeutic results, and recommend it for several illnesses and conditions, mainly related to the nervous system.

From the physiological point of view, extended yoga practice can benefit:- pulse rate- respiratory problems- blood pressure dysfunctions - help stabilize the nervous system- gastrointestinal functions - endocrine function- the range of motion in joints- endurance- energy level - immunity to diseases- cardiovascular efficiency- improve eye-hand coordination- reaction time- dexterity- depth perception - sleep- etc.

Yoga's psychological benefits include:- enhanced somatic and kinesthetic awareness- self-acceptance- self-actualization- social skills- well-being- concentration- memory- attention- mood- learning efficiency- and more

As for the biochemical benefits of yoga, tests have shown improvements in:- glucose- sodium - cholesterol- total white blood cell count- vitamin C- total serum protein- hemoglobin.

Deep Organ and Joint Stimulation

Various studies revealed that yoga exercises are extremely effective at increasing joint flexibility, and at lubricating and strengthening the joints, ligaments and! tendons . Another interesting finding is that yoga is one of the very few forms of exercise capable of massaging all the internal organs and glands. This includes organs that are rarely stimulated, such as the prostate. The stimulation and massaging of the internal organs proves to be extremely beneficial for health.

Elimination of Toxins

These ancient and efficient yoga techniques also provide a thorough detoxification of the body. Stretching the muscles and performing a complete yoga workout acts as a massage, thereby ensuring the optimal blood supply to every organ. Consequently, toxins are eliminated from the body and certain undesired processes, such as aging, are delayed.

All of these remarkable health benefits are available from yoga practice. What are you waiting for? Let's go find a yoga school!

About the Author

Ron King is a full-time researcher, writer, and web developer. Visit to learn more about this fascinating and healthful hobby.

Copyright 2005 Ron King. This article may be reprinted if the resource box is left intact.

Anaahat Yoga In Hindi - Markatasana

Watch Markatasana - The Monkey Pose - Anaahat Yoga For Acidity And Migraine. Get a flexible spine with this very effective Monkey Pose. Subscribe now to watch more great videos every week at . To watch more superhit bollywood videos dont forget to log onto

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Holistic Advantage of Learning How to Meditate

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 04:00 AM PST

Article by Lily Candice

For the individual to realize the importance of meditation is one thing. How to meditate becomes the next pertinent question. This question has deterred many would be adherents of the practice of meditation to stay away from this most valuable discipline. Many believe that all meditation consists of are the esoteric postures and chanting. Though postures and chanting are indeed part of meditation, they are not all that is involved and may not be necessary at all to the practice meditation. In the early stages of learning how to meditate, these postures may be essential to develop in the student the discipline needed to practice meditation properly. As well, the chanting helps in taking the mind to a level of the highest concentration possible, a necessity for the effectiveness of meditation. For the sincere student who wishes to learn how to meditate, there are several schools in the native country of meditation practice - India - where different approaches are employed in the teaching of how to meditate.he Z Meditation center is a place where the individual who has resolved to discard the baggage which is a drag on his functioning, and embrace the true knowledge which will free him to function at his full potential, can learn how to meditate. The teachers at the Z Meditation center have developed a technique known as the Deep Deconditioning Inquiry together with Radiant Mantras to enable the student clear the cobwebs of his mind and see things as they really are. The process of developing wrong notions towards issues and situations takes a lifetime to develop but can be dispelled within a few weeks of concentrated study at the beautifully appointed surroundings of the Z Meditation center located in a serene small town in the Himalayas, boasting breathtaking views of a luscious countryside.In teaching the student how to meditate, the experienced teachers at the Z Meditation center as well as other meditation centers need the complete cooperation of the individual. These people must come forth wit! h the si ncere desire and belief that the time has come to let go of false teachings and acquired knowledge and be ready to undergo the disciplined environment of the teaching centers. We are not speaking of Spartan conditions as most centers of meditation have very comfortable accommodations indeed and the student vacationer need not come with her comfort objects as these are well catered for. Rather, the discipline involved is with respect to the timing of classes and programs, as well as the diet involved with the entire program.If we examine ourselves in detail, we will come to see that the low points in our life are usually accompanied with some physical ailment or the other, even if it is just a migraine headache or a stubborn head cold. This is because our state of mind has a direct impact on our physical health, as well as our souls. When we have our minds in a turbulent state, it will not be easy to be in tune with our creator. Learning how to meditate and religiously practicing this knowledge on a daily basis will allow the mind to become clear, we will begin seeing issues and situations in the true light, our bodies will respond to the tasks at hand, and we will be able to commune with our creator. This is the holistic advantage of learning how to meditate - something you can learn in a short period at the Z Meditation center.

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation in India at Z Meditation in India

Meditation Books Are the Result of Personal Experiences

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 03:00 AM PST

Article by Lily Candice

For the mature individual to realize his shortcomings is a first step in correcting them. Having come to this realization, the next obvious step to take is to find alternative ways of correcting the anomaly; after which, having taken a decision on the best way out, to determinedly implement the chosen plan. A common problem we all face is how to deal with work and societal induced stress, relationship problems and other demands of living. One of the most practicable solutions to use to deal with these issues is to adopt the practice of meditation. This however, raises another issue - what is meditation all about and how do I learn the practice? Fortunately, we have several meditation books, written by established and experienced meditation teachers, which will enable the sincere individual to grasp what needs to be done to achieve a calm mind filled with peace, love and happiness. Meditation books are not manuals but the exposition of the findings of other individuals who have made the practice of meditation a part and parcel of their lives. These meditation books are the result of personal experiences and not some imagined theory, thus the same results achieved by the writers of meditation books can be attained by almost any one.We live in a constantly demanding world - demands we place on ourselves by our choices which are developed from desires, expectations and conditioned beliefs. All these create what we perceive to be as problems when our fulfillment of these expectations are delayed or not met at all. It then becomes obvious that it is not those objects or situations that are the problem, but our hopes for the fulfillment of the expectations. Reading meditation books, such as "The Art of DeConditioning" will teach you how to let go of these desiring and expecting, and live in the moment in a state of pure joy, peace and happiness. The Art of DeConditioning was written by Ajay Kapoor, the founder of the Z meditation Center; and its aim is not for the individual to learn to live without! goals, but to be able to detach from outcomes while pursuing her natural leanings in a manner which is of a higher nature. Meditation books are written so as to help the individual find serenity - the serenity which will allow for a clearer mind, enabling you to deal with the issues of life as they come.Meditation books are for those with a sincere belief in the efficacy of the practice of meditation. There is no point reading meditation books for entertainment purposes only, but to grasp the true meaning of freedom. The reading of Z Meditation's meditation books may lead you to want to participate in an advanced course in meditation, which is after realizing the benefits accruable from the practice of meditation. These meditation courses are in the form of meditation retreats and spiritual retreats held at the Z Meditation center in Dharamsala, a small town in the Himalayas of India, boasting a serene, hospitable and breathtaking environment.Meditation books are very affordable and easily available from online bookshops and other shopping websites, as well as from the Z Meditation website.

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation in India at Z Meditation in India

Trancesetters - The Secrets Of Meditation (Original Mix)

Trancesetters - The Secrets Of Meditation Label:Le Petit Prince Catalog#:Prince 96/44 Format:Vinyl, 12" Country:Germany Released:1996 Genre:Electronic Style:Trance, Techno Tracklist ------------- A The Secrets Of Meditation (Massimo Vivona Mix) B1 The Secrets Of Meditation (Original Mix) B2 The Secrets Of Meditation (Zoom Hallucinogenic Dub Mix)

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Practice of Meditation Using Proper Meditation Techniques

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 03:00 AM PST

Article by Lily Candice

For those wishing to embrace meditation as a means of experiencing freedom of the mind, leading to overall healthy living and the ability to function optimally, practicing correct and appropriate meditation techniques is absolutely essential. To achieve inner peace within or selves and our environment will allow us to be freed from the tension and stress which characterizes living in the modern day world. The world is essentially not a peaceful place but we may be able to perform at high levels if we can bring about a transformation of our minds and allow the natural qualities we all have within to grow. This is done through the practice of meditation using proper meditation techniques. There are different meditation techniques ascribed to most cultures, meditation being basically a universal practice. However, in India, meditation techniques have taken a significant place in societal development such that the meditation techniques practiced their have been refined and documented, becoming a national heritage recognized all over the world.In India where there are several schools of meditation, Z Meditation stands out and apart in offering to the student of meditation, meditation techniques which are easily adopted and can be practiced on a daily basis without difficulty. These meditation techniques of Deep Deconditioning Inquiry an Radiant Mantras have been developed and refined by the experienced and established teachers at the Z Meditation center into a well documented program which can be learnt at the center through meditation retreats and courses as well as remotely through online courses and with the use of meditation books.An overall holistic health status is indeed possible, and it begins in the mind of the individual. We find that when the mind is free from clutter, unwanted baggage and other inhibitors to well being, the mind is able to function optimally to address and deal with the issues of life. When the mind is in such a state, it transcends to the body and soul as well. The body w! ill be f ree from common ailments, flexible and responsive; while the soul will be in tune with the Creator of all things. To achieve this state of mind through meditation, correct meditation techniques need to be applied on a consistent basis. Peace and serenity are achievable when the committed student applies herself to effective and proper meditation techniques.It is of the highest importance and also a basic requirement that the seeker of genuine freedom, peace and serenity - the individual who wishes to rise above the mundane cares of living, - needs to make the approach with an inner conviction that he has found the right path to reach his goals. Without this inner conviction, it is likely that the individual will merely be going through the motions and not correctly imbibing the fundamentals of correct meditation techniques. This should be avoided at all costs as it is a waste of the seekers' time and that of dedicated teachers whose aim it is to impart usable knowledge.Z Meditation offers short and long courses in meditation at their meditation center in the Himalayas of India at an affordable cost to just about anyone. Here you are assured that you will get to learn how to practice one of the best meditation techniques available.

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation in India at Z Meditation in India

Meditation: Clearing Negativity

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Meditation Theory and Practice through Meditation Books

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 02:00 AM PST

Article by Lily Candice

For anyone willing to learn about a subject that is new to him or her, books have always been an effective and affordable avenue of learning. Meditation books have been made available by the established and experienced teachers from several meditation centers, putting years of personal experiences in the practice of meditation and the countless feedback received from their students into easily digestible forms. The Z Meditation center, led by Ajay Kapoor, a meditation teacher and leader with two decades of teaching experience, has made available to the discerning public, two meditation books which seek to teach the sincere individual the path to complete freedom of the mind through the practice of meditation. Every one of us has the potential to be unconditionally happy and peaceful, but what we see is that most of us are living in a state which is somewhat far away from this possibility of awareness and peace. Learning about meditation and its theory and practice through meditation books is an ideal and cost effective method of releasing yourself from such bondages, which are mostly self inflicted.Meditation is a practice which has been with us for centuries, most forms of which were developed from religious practices. Over the years and decades, the practice of meditation has been refined up to the level which makes it very contemporary, but with the theory remaining essentially the same. Meditation as it is practiced today, in most cases, has no religious leanings whatsoever, and may be embraced from individuals from whatever religious or cultural background. Z Meditation is a non religious meditation center which bases its practice on systems which have been developed over many years. The Z Meditation center offers spiritual and meditation retreats several times a year, but for those who are unable to attend these, the essence of their teachings have been crystallized into two meditation books known as the "The Art of Deconditioning", and "If Freedom is Your Only Option". These medita! tion boo ks will take you carefully through the theory and practice of Z Meditation's approach to the art of meditation, allowing you to quickly develop the skills to thrive in an increasingly difficult social and economic environment.If you examine it carefully, your mind is actually the only possession you own that cannot be taken from you. It would then be wise to seek to balance the functioning of your mind so that other issues will be much easier dealt with. In a state of unconditioned love, peace and freedom, achievable by reading and understanding the material within meditation books, you will find that, though there will still be problems to solve, solving them will be done with equanimity. This allows for better decision making and ultimately, a more comfortable state of living.The cost of the meditation books from the Z Meditation center are very reasonable and are readily available from online bookstores such as Amazon. You would be doing yourself a great favor by acquiring meditation books, availing yourself of the opportunity to develop skills which make life and living a joyful experience.

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation in India at Z Meditation in India

Yoga and Meditation Wrong?

I discuss a conversation on Facebook and an article about Yoga written from the Christian perspective. Geez, are Christians allowed to do anything? Yoga Exercises and the Christian:

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Yoga - One Size Doesn't Need To Fit All

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 02:00 AM PST

Article by Donovan Baldwin

Copyright 2006 Donovan Baldwin

Although there are a lot of great reasons to try Yoga, most people won't even take a shot at it. I think I know why. Stay with me for a couple of minutes and I'll get there.

Years ago, I read one of the most truth filled statements I have ever encountered. Although I usually try to avoid generalities, I believe that most of them DO have a portion of truth to them. Unfortunately, many people either don't realize that these statements are not ultimate truths or they assume that since there are times that these old adages and generalities are NOT true, not only are they false, but completely without merit.

Most generalities, as I have stated, DO contain some truth, enough truth that we can often at least glean guiding principles from them even if we cannot live our lives exactly by them.

Now, the statement I made mention of was, "The only job where you start at the top is digging a hole!"

I normally would not actually say that to someone who expected to get to the top of the heap by tomorrow, but the idea behind the statement would be understood by most of us. Those people who have made it to the top of their profession, art, or even their hobby, usually put in a lot of practice time and made a lot of mistakes on their way to achieving the level of skill or competence that they have reached.

Which brings me (finally, you say) to Yoga.

Yoga has the potential to be one of the best physical fitness programs that anybody can practice, but many people won't even give it a chance.

Yoga requires no special clothing, no special skill, no special equipment. It doesn't need a gym, because it can be practiced on the floor beside your bed, in the living room, or even in a large enough bathroom. Once you learn a few basic poses (asanas), you can do your yoga routine at home or on the road. You can even do some of your Yoga while riding in a car or bus. It doesn't even require a personal trainer. You actually CAN learn Yoga from a book! !

So what stops a lot of people from trying Yoga?

To tell the truth, I think they are intimidated.

Obviously, Yoga is not something we read about or hear about every day, so there is already a lot of misunderstanding and uncertainty about the practice anyway. On top of that, take a look at the pictures in any Yoga book and what do you see? Pencil-thin people twisting their bodies into impossible (to you and me...and I DO Yoga) positions. No way!

Let's go back to the statement I mentioned. To get to the level where they are selected to pose for pictures for a book, they usually have had to practice for several years. When they started, some of them were as out-of-shape as you think you are now. You can bet they made a lot of mistakes along the way and some of them often thought of giving up because they weren't able to perform the asanas the way their teachers did...or the way it was done in a picture in some book. Nobody is going to begin Yoga today and be able to do the positions that way right away.

Also, not everyone is going to be able to achieve the level of skill that they have achieved. Some of us just aren't going to realize that potential for a long time and maybe never.

So why bother to learn Yoga?

After all, if you can't do what the books and instructors say to do, then you have failed, right?


First of all, simply moving into your best imitation of the perfect position can begin to produce the health benefits associated with Yoga. Second, learning yoga breathing techniques and practicing this as you perform the movements and asanas (not to mention you daily activities) can also produce benefits in both your mental and physical health. Finally, continued practice of the asanas, breathing, and movements will, over time, move you closer to being able to do what the person in the picture was doing.

Remember, nobody said you had to be able to touch your toes, you just have to reach for them, breathe properly, and do it again tomorrow.

Yoga is actually simple and easy to learn, and can produce some startling affects in both mental and physical health.

Why not give it a try?

About the Author

The author is retired from the military after 21 years on duty. A graduate of the University of West Florida, 1973, he now makes his living online with his own internet business. Read more articles on Yoga at

Yoga Shakti - Power Yoga - Cobra Pose

Watch Power Yoga - Cobra Pose - Yoga Shakti in HD. This episode of yoga lays emphasis on developing the chest strengthening the muscles and increasing the capacity of lungs with the help of baby cobra pose full cobra pose hastpadagusthasan followed by reachak pranayam which is a long exhalation technique. This combo brings rhythm confidence and self esteem good for backache and detoxification of the body.

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The Meditation Courses Made Available the Z Meditation

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 01:00 AM PST

Article by Lily Candice

A course can be described as a series of lessons on a particular subject aimed at allowing the student to imbibe practicable knowledge of the said subject. When the individual has decided that he or she needs to gain a freedom of the mind through the practice of meditation, meditation courses are a convenient way of going about achieving her goals. Most meditation courses have been structured such that you need not go out of your normal daily routing by taking the course. The measure of success in meditation courses is the ability to discipline yourself to religiously follow the program, borne out of a sincere conviction that meditation, learnt through meditation courses, are a realistic means of achieving personal freedom of the mind from self inflicted, and societal, peer group and culturally inflicted bondage. This bondage of the mind which meditation courses will help you free yourself from are merely mental formations which many of us take to be true and therefore do not question in any way. Z Meditation's meditation courses will teach you a systematic way through which you will be able to free your mind of false preconceived notions and begin to live in a state of high awareness.Meditation is an age old practice which has roots in most religious practices that has been employed for the attainment of an inner state of peace, love and happiness within the individual. Meditation courses as are available today mostly have no religious affiliations and may be embraced by people from diverse religious and cultural backgrounds, such as are the case with the Z Meditation online meditation courses. The Z Meditation online meditation courses are structured in a way that you will need only about three hours of study a day for two weeks to complete the course. If these meditation courses are followed through properly, the student will be amazed at the profound differences she will observe in her way of thinking and furthermore, of reacting to situations, adverse and otherwise.The meditation courses m! ade avai lable by the Z Meditation center are based on what is known as Deep DeConditioning Inquiry, and Radiant Mantras. These techniques have proved their efficacy for the over fifteen years of being propounded, with countless testimonies available to that effect. The Deep DeConditioning Inquiry takes you through a systematic process of removing the clutter that exists within most of our minds, doing away with an unstable state of mind which makes it difficult for us to cope with the exigencies of life and living.Online meditation courses like those available from the Z Meditation center can be obtained via the internet and paid for using safe and easy online payment options for a trifling amount which will not be missed. What you will benefit from this little expense however has the potential to change your entire life – and this is not being said lightly at all. The power to transform your life is within your reach. Taking advantage of online meditation courses puts this opportunity within your grasp – you will be pleasantly surprised at the possibilities that life has for one who is living in awareness, love, peace and happiness.

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation in India at Z Meditation in India

Meditation Books Will Help You to Clean Up the Mess Which Is In Your Mind

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 12:00 AM PST

Article by Lily Candice

Books have for long been known as the repository of knowledge. This knowledge which has been acquired over many years of study and practice by professionals and experts in their various fields of endeavor is put into easily digestible form for the seeker of knowledge to read and learn from. The same is true for meditation books: established and experienced meditation teachers have put a crystallization of their knowledge into meditation books in easy to follow format for the genuine seeker of freedom of the mind to be able to learn from their many years of study and living the art and practice of meditation. Most meditation schools have published meditation books which detail their approach to the art of meditation, and prescribing ways in which the student may make the practice of meditation part of her own life. Z Meditation is a meditation center based in Dharamsala in India where meditation is taught to willing and sincere individuals with the approaches known as Deep Deconditioning Inquiry and Radiant Mantras. These techniques have been put into writing in meditation books which are available to anyone wishing to take to meditation as a way of life.Meditation can be described as a way of life in which the individual seeks to live within a state of calmness of the mind, characterized by feelings of love, peace and happiness. This state of mind enables you to live in a state of complete awareness and thus be able to face the challenges of life and living with a clear mind, and to handle difficulties with a sense of equanimity. The technique of Deep Deconditioning Inquiry as propounded by the Z Meditation center in their meditation books seek to assist you to dig up and root out the conditionings and false beliefs which most of us have collected over many years, starting from childhood; which makes us to react in a robot-like manner to issues and situations. The individual who can reap the benefits from the knowledge within meditation books made available to the public by Z Meditation will be a! ble to l ive in awareness and approach situations and circumstances with a much clearer vision, much like the difference between trying in vain to look through to the bottom of a churning body of water, where all the muck from below is swirling around; and seeing to the bottom of a calm, still lake, where the beauty and clearness of the lake will allow you to see the beauty of all within.Meditation books are not at all costly, an almost negligible expense compared with your normal routine purchases of shoes, bags, clothing and drinks, which add almost nil lasting value to you. Meditation books will help you to clean up the mess which is in your mind, dispose of all unnecessary baggage and garbage, resulting in a crystal clear mind with which to operate and deal with any issue with a calm and relaxed approach.Meditation books are however only meant for the sincere seeker who believes in the possibilities available to her through the practice of meditation; and the disciplined among us who are ready to take the path less traveled.

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation in India at Z Meditation in India

RaMaDaSa - Snatam Kaur - Love Vibration

Translation - Raa- Sun Maa- Moon Daa- Earth Saa- Impersonal infinity Saa Say- Totally of infinity So- Personal sense of merger and identity Hung- The infinite vibrating and real This song is one of my favorite of all times. I believe it is actually effect time, and when I listen to it, it makes time go slower. It is highly recommended to meditate while listening to it. It has Sun, Moon and Earth energies of healing in it. Thank you Snatam, you are divine that show others the divine in them. I highly recommend on going to Snatam Kaur's site, it is beautiful and special place to visit. Also, if you have a chance to see Snatam Kaur live, don't miss it (look in her site for dates and locations). It doesn't matter what or how do you believe, it's an amazing event that get many hearts together in universal prayer. JUST GO! ***This is song is not mine I have no rights on it what so ever (the original song is the work of Snatam Kaur and she and Spirit Voyage Records have all copy rights in it) , the pictures are all from Google image. ***The song is 13:31 min length, but I had him shorten it for YouTube upload. Blessings of Peace, Light and Love to all. Namaste`.

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Getting Healthy With Yoga

Posted: 17 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST

by ejmc

Article by Kim Black

Pain-Free Yoga

Posted: 17 Dec 2011 10:00 PM PST

by wovox

Article by James Williams

Physical activity is supposed to strengthen and heal the body. But, should doing something so good really feel so bad? If you don't subscribe to the "no pain, no gain" exercise philosophy, pain-free yoga is a great choice for you.

Practicing yoga offers many benefits. It can heal the body while it increases your strength, flexibility and breathing capacity. Yoga is widely recommended as part of regular physical therapy to condition the physical body, calm the mind and bring peace to your spirit.

One thing to remember while practicing yoga is that there is no competition. Unlike working out in a crowded gym, you are not meant to be better, or faster, or stronger than anyone else. This can be a tough obstacle for the average North American to overcome. If you're looking at what other students are doing, you're not concentrating on your own body and spirit. Don't fret over the good posture of the person next to you, or be envious of how far they can stretch and how fluidly they breathe. It doesn't matter if you can or cannot do that pose a little bit better; so don't force your body into discomfort.

Pain-free yoga is never meant to hurt you. It's not about trying to outdo the guy next to you, or making your Asana pose better than the girl in the front row. You are not competing with anyone when practicing yoga, not even yourself. Ideally, group yoga sessions will be different every time you meet, and it isn't a big deal if you aren't as flexible today as you were yesterday or if that pose you practiced for hours just won't fall into place. Your body changes from day to day. Often you'll gain a few steps, and sometimes you'll feel as though you've fallen back a step or two. It's all right. Don't let it become a personal tragedy or keep you from carrying on with your yoga program.

Your focus should always be on how your body feels right now. Yesterday is over and tomorrow hasn't come. How you feel at the very moment you're practicing is what makes a successful and pain-free yog! a sessio n. If you listen to your body, it will tell you how much it wants to do today and how far it wants to go.

By trying to outdo another person in your group, or show off your magnificent yoga postures, you are defeating the very purpose of yoga. Yoga is meant to take you away from the competitive nature of today's world. It's supposed to allow you to feel your inner strength, and appreciate what your body is experiencing right now. Don't try to be a hero in yoga, or hurry through your poses just so you can check your email or get on with your busy day. If you find yourself impatient or uninspired, try actively working on your posture. You'll find that time goes by faster and that your sessions are more enjoyable.

A competitive spirit is closely related to impatience. If you feel that you are too competitive to appreciate the practice of yoga, your instructor may suggest that you stay in a pose for an extra few minutes. This is to enable you to examine your breathing, explore the pose and try to perfect it. Yoga is meant to be an active exercise for your body and mind. If you find the pose to be uncomfortable, just stop for a minute; analyze the reasons why you just want to get it over with. Even the subtlest changes in your position can help you be more relaxed and more focused on the posture. Pay attention to your breathing. Are you actively taking deep breaths and exhaling fully to rid your body of toxins? Proper breathing and posture can affect your mind in many ways.

If you want to be the fastest, or biggest, or strongest, buy a membership at a fitness centre. If, however, you want to experience a rich and fulfilling experience that leads to a healthy mind, body and spirit, try pain-free yoga.

About the Author

James Williams contributes to several web sites, on recreation and sports and hobbies topics.

What is Yoga?

Posted: 17 Dec 2011 09:00 PM PST

Article by Matt Morrison

Yoga began during the Indus Valley civilization in South Asia. The original system was an eightfold path named Asthangayoga. First written records of yoga date back to 200 BC in Yogasutra of Patanjali. Yoga itself is really not a religion, however, it is connected to the Hindu tradition and is based on many of their beliefs such as karma and reincarnation.

Yoga originally meant "union" in ancient India where yoga was first started. Many believe that this union occurs between the mind, body and spirit. There are 8 types of yoga and asana deals with the physical side of postures or poses rather than spiritual matters that most of the other types deal with. Modern language has brought the terms asana and yoga to mean almost the same thing.

Yoga is an all encompassing system of exercise that creates a healthy mind, body and spirit. Breathing, meditation, healthy eating, and positive thinking are just some of the activities that have a beneficial effect on people that perform yoga. Yoga brings emotional and physical health together that causes a very powerful response. Yoga is practiced to balance an individuals life so they can enjoy good health and overall well-being. We will be discussing in more detail on this site poses, practice and classes.

Yoga is definitely more than just stretching. It involves a balance that is created through building flexibility and strength. Practice is a term often used to describe your personal experience with yoga, which is always changing and improving. The great thing about yoga is you can start anywhere with your practice. Even the least "talented" or most out of shape can start and improve from where they are currently.

Those wondering where to begin should definitely get started by joining a yoga class. If you are looking for a good physical workout, then joining a class at the gym is best. If you are looking to develop your spiritual life, then you may want to find classes at a yoga center. Whatever your preference is, there are classes! that wi ll suit your needs.

About the Author

Matt Morrison wrote this article for a Yoga site that discusses items like positions de yoga. Visit their site for more yoga information.

Yoga with Reiko - Purvottanasana - Upward Plank Pose for strong legs, back , core and shoulders!

go to for more videos! visit my bio Purvottanasana is great pose to open your shoulders and chest. It also build strengths in your legs, core and back. Enjoy!

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Meditation May Be Simple, But To Become Grounded In the Practice

Posted: 17 Dec 2011 08:00 PM PST

Article by Lily Candice

With the developments of medical science over the past few decades, it may be surprising to some that such a simple and practical way of life such as meditation may be recommended by medical practitioners for the relief and cure of several maladies that afflict us as human beings. Meditation is a personal way of life in which the individual seeks to achieve a balanced state of mind characterized with feelings of love, peace and happiness. It has been scientifically proven that meditation is well able to provide relief and cure for several illnesses; but the main point is that when meditation is practiced sincerely and correctly, it allows the mind to be at peace, avoiding feelings of stress and worry which are responsible for the release of dangerous chemicals into the body - the source of a great number of the sickness prevalent nowadays.Meditation may be simple, but to become grounded in the practice, it would be wise to seek the help of experienced and established meditation teachers who have made the teaching of meditation their lifelong vocation. Such meditation teachers may be found at the Z Meditation Center in Dharamsala, within the Himalayas of India. Z Meditation teaches its own unique form of meditation employing the techniques they refer to as Deep Deconditioning Inquiry, and Radiant Mantras; methods which have proved efficacious over many years, to a wide variety of people from diverse backgrounds. Deep Deconditioning Inquiry, when practiced diligently, will enable you to root out the conditionings and false beliefs which are holding your mind in bondage, causing you to respond to difficult situations and circumstances in a pre-programmed manner. With your mind free from conditionings which you have been stuck with since childhood, and others gathered along the way to adulthood, your reactions to any kind of situation will not be automated but approached from a state of awareness which allows a proper assessment of the problem.Most meditation centers are aware of the difficulties tha! t you ma y face in having to make a trip from wherever you are to attend a meditation course in India. This is why most meditation schools, including Z Meditation, have developed meditation courses which may be taken online in an interactive form over the internet. These meditation courses have also been crystallized into meditation books which may be used to learn the art and practice of meditation at your own pace. This being said, to however achieve the highest state of awareness and be well grounded in meditation, it would be necessary for you to take a few weeks out to attend a spiritual retreat.There are no basics requirements for taking to meditation, that is except for a sincere desire to embrace meditation as a way out of the bondage and shackles of the mind; and a minimum level of discipline to enable you follow through with the program. Meditation as it is practiced today is not religiously affiliated in any way, though the roots of the practice are from ancient religious practice. These age old truths have however been developed into a more cosmopolitan leaning, taking into mind the evolution of the human being and her society.

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation in India at Z Meditation in India

Open Heart Meditation: Simple Meditation Steps Any Can Follow

Posted: 17 Dec 2011 07:01 PM PST

Article by Jim Casa

Heart Chakra Meditation

Do you secretly wish you had more time to meditate and devote to your spiritual growth while at the same time maintaining your current lifestyle? Do you ever think of how some people manage to fit the century old practice of meditation into their busy lives? I have been meditating for years and find time to meditate two plus hours per day. Want to know how I do it? Please read the rest!1. Meditate a little everyday without fail. It is not how long your meditation lasts but the frequency of how often you do your practice that counts. Regular meditation is best. Put aside some dedicated time to meditate. Begin by taking it easy. Say 10 minutes in the morning and another ten minutes at night before going to sleep. This is a powerful approach. You start small and then can build upon this.2. Employ your free time in finding out all you can about meditation. Talk to friends who use it as a self development tool. Visit libraries to scan books on this subject. Do a weekly meditation course. Begin to build your information and experience about it.The more you think about it, the greater your knowledge about meditation becomes. You practice it and your real life experience begins to build.3. Keep a meditation journal. Jot down your thoughts, experiences, the date and style of meditation you use and observations and out of the box experiences, if any. You will be surprised at how much you will experience of the inner worlds you did not expect. Visions, dreams interpretation, and premonitions work well with journaling. It gives the logical left brain time to process the inner worlds which are beyond space and time, giving you a more complete understanding of it all.4. Create a home sanctuary for meditation. This is a room in your home that you design and make space for inner growth and to give you a positive lift every time you enter. Here you can meditate and focus on your spiritual side in a safe and clean environment.Feeling good about inner work, like meditation, crea! tes a po sitive energy that flows into your life. You then have this energy with you and you automatically make others feel good by your expanded energy. You do it simply by your presence. Not only do you do yourself a favor when you meditate, you are lifting the entire collective world consciousness.5. Maintain an attitude of continuous self improvement on meditation. The more your learn, the more you earn in the spiritual and personal development sense. You can share your experience with others if the timing is right. By empowering others you, without fail, become empowered.6. Use meditation CDs and DVDs. This current age is not 500 years ago with Buddha sitting under a tree free from noise, TV, microwave and mobile phone tower transmissions plus the pollution that exists on many different levels. Today we are faced with all kinds of noise pollution and energy draining stress our forefathers could not dream of. So begin to use the best of meditation technology, to overcome the bad use of modern technology.Meditation CDs that use guided voice, imagery, and binaural beats are popular and have been tried and tested to work for many others. Investigate other forms of meditation technology and then use it. Apply any positive modern methods in your own life.7. If possible find someone who is passionate about using meditation as a self improvement tool and chat with them if you can. They might have two or three years experience ahead of you that you can benefit from and assist to overcome your own meditation challenges.Phone Australian psychic Jim Cassa for the best online reading please visit the value for money Melbourne medium in Australia.

About the Author

Jim Cassa is a psychic medium and writer well known for being a top Australia psychic and shows methods of empowerment available to anyone. Jim's passion is clarity, insight, and giving the best value for money medium readings .

Archangel Michael- Japan Meditation- Part 1 Explination

Meditation Channelled through Natalie Glasson to aid the healing of Japan and Mother Earth.

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Yoga Classes How To Find Your Yoga Classes

Posted: 17 Dec 2011 06:00 PM PST

Article by Carmel Baird

One of the most well known and popular form of exercise is yoga, and its popularity has increased the most dramatically recently, in particular over the last decade or so. It matters not what age, fitness level or health situation that applies to you, yoga will have advantages and benefits.

Where To Find a Yoga Class?

If you are looking to sign up for a yoga class but don't know where to go or where to start first, the best idea is to go to your local gym and ask the instructors or the manager of the gym if they know or have any information that you could use to get you started. Odds are that you will find your answers here, and you will be able to get as much information as you need helpfully and friendly.

However, if you do not find the answers that you are looking for, in regards to your yoga class questions or, if you simply want more information, why not do a search on the Internet.

The Internet can be incredibly useful mainly because it allows you so many search options and does it all with speed that allows you to quickly and easily browse through a multitude of options, allowing for a quick response to all of your questions.

Due to the popularity of yoga, you should be able to find a yoga class near you, in fact you should be able to find an entire location, such as a yoga school for instance, where all they do is teach and practice yoga.

In fact, if possible, you will want to take your yoga class at this type of school, because they are specifically designed around the art of yoga, and so you will feel confident they will have fully qualified instructors. You may find at your local gym, they have yoga classes but the instructor may not be as qualified as the instructors at the special yoga studios.

Regardless of what you end up doing, the most important thing to remember is that of the health benefits and advantages you will be receiving from participating in yoga.

Yoga is quite easily one of the most beneficial forms of activity tha! t you ca n participate in, as the rewards you will reap, are more life-long and fulfilling than practically any other exercise.

About the Author

Please visit our site YogaInfo-Online for great resources, information, hints and tips for all things Yoga and catch up on the Yoga Learning Center

Shilpa Yoga - Parvatasana Mountain Pose

Sitting In Padmasana- The Lotus Pose Or In A Simple Cross Legged Posture Or In Vajrasana Lock Your Fingers Together Behind Your Back So That They Form A Single Unit. Slowly Bend Forward Starting From The Waist Then The Back And Finally The Neck Until Your Forehead Touches The Ground. Hold. And Then Slowly Sit Up Again.This Is An Excellent Workout For The Abdominal Muscles. And Aids In Increased Overall Flexibility.

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Most Successful Meditation Techniques and How to Choose Your Style: Learn to Meditate

Posted: 17 Dec 2011 05:11 PM PST

Article by Scott Dinsmore


MODERN TRUE SHIA SPIRITUAL YOGA ASHURA MEDITATION Mahatma Gandhi ― "I learned from Hussain how to be wronged and be a winner, I learnt from Hussain how to attain victory while being oppressed." 1st Law: It is, & it was never allowed to hit your chests, whip your backs, or make your foreheads bleed, this is sadistic evil ways to a human being, now, enjoy the true way of Modern Ashura Yoga Shia Meditation into peace. Teaching you to strive and work hard in life, even if you couldnt afford water to drink, or food to eat, teaching positivity and countering negativity. Enjoy ;) Meditation Yoga spirit spiritual deep-thoughtful music buddha bar shia modern ashura ashoura usa europe asia middle east iran china russia lebanon dubai united arab emirates oman kuwait bahrain qatar eu africa latin Heritage lebanon shia iran nuclear super power yoga meditation peace on earth evolution technology dubai saudi israel syria islam europe france britain uk usa america brazil argentina russia ukraine china nepal singapore indonesia buddha bar yoga america union modern shia truth true positive negative well 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2011 whenever All 9/11 perpetrators were Sunni Extremists, NONE of them was a Shia, Shias are against all forms of terrorism. Fighting terrorism is Ashura. latmiya modern peaceful ashura why never future past present in the world planet modernity islam judaism jew christian christ christianity hindu sikh sikhism bassem al karbalaei sound guru project plan lebanon israel ...

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What Is Yoga And Is It Different From Pilates

Posted: 17 Dec 2011 04:02 PM PST

Article by millie

YogaYoga is about feeling good about yourself and Pilates is about toning the body

So many people think Pilates and Yoga are the same but they are not. Pilates is about physical conditioning of the body using a Pilates machine.It focuses on core strength and lengthening of the body.

Yoga is about meditation and breathing techniques. You do find a lot of people combine both of these exercises and both are very popular.

Yoga is focused on breathing, meditation and how you feel about yourself and calming your mind and body at the same time. Yoga helps with many things and creates a sense of well being and calm. Meditation means to slow down and focus on the mind and that is what yoga concentrates on.

Emotionally, it allows you to work with the energy centres of your body to improve your emotional well-being. When you do Yoga you learn breathing control to improve your health and function of both body and mind. Breath is the main source of nourishment for all the cells of our bodies and is a technique we learn to do right in Yoga classes. When doing Yoga you hold the movements of your body with breathing control, Pilates you do not.

You do not burn any calories with yoga which is why this exercise is combined with Pilates and the benefits of both are amazing if you have time to do both.

Research has shown yoga can help with problems like anxiety, asthma, headaches and stress which many of us suffer from now and why Yoga has become very popular for stressed out individuals and is wonderful for stress management.

Yoga has so many benefits and until you try it you will not know how you feel about this exercise and I recommend trying it at home first. Yoga can take some time to learn and there are a lot of books and dvds out here so you can get an idea of the different movements involved before you join a class.

Yoga and Pilates are a great combination exercise routine.

About the Author

Alternative health abd beautyMany of us are turning to health alternative products now and this is the future as we all benefit from drug free health products with no side effects

Stress Relief Via Yoga Relaxation Techniques

Posted: 17 Dec 2011 03:01 PM PST

Article by Dan Vervondel

The stress is interconnected to health and many people find instantaneous stress reduction by laughing or going on some leisure action or practising some hobby. Yoga relaxation techniques considers anxiety as discrepancy and this is misery as the physical and mental levels are at disproportionate pace. The prolonged state of pressure turns to become alarming and they become very restless. The activities of man have gained so much force that the system is incapable to cope with it and is making the person emotionally hypersensitive. The modern man attempts to resolve and reduce his tension by resorting to drinking, smoking, drugs or sex. He tries to hold on to such ways of resolving strain. To a great extent this is often leading to disasters and the amount of break ups is frequently cumulative. In fact, it is proven that great personalities who have high expectations face more anxiety.

A lot of people prefer doing yoga to maintain a good and healthy life.Fitness is important in doing yoga. Yoga techniques are helpful in maintaining good organs and other parts of the body such as the muscles, joints, glands, tissues and vital organs. These are the main focus of setting yoga techniques.Here are some yoga techniques that you can practice during your yoga session. Despite your busy schedule or the crowed place you stay at, keeping up with these yoga techniques will help you go through it.The five yoga techniques include: posture, relaxation, meditation, deep breathing and movement of joints. Each technique has its own role and function. The movement of joints is called the 'sandhichalana'. This is one of the yoga techniques that focus on the joints. The joints undergo full movements which include the movement of the hands, movement of the neck and the movement of the lower limb.In relaxation, there are some yoga techniques that will deepen your concentration and prevent your attention to be drawn easily.

Yoga relaxation is the best way to reduce stress and being the oldest ! ways of reducing pressure, it is widely accepted. Yoga and strain reduction work good in association.Regular training of Yoga teaches you to stay calm and to look things in a different angle. As your mind becomes calm, the muscles, joints and bones are tranquil. This relaxed state of mind helps in accomplishing you work without problems. People doing Yoga are good in work implementation and produce improved quality. Each human being who undergoes stress has to concentrate and has to assign some time for repose so that he is able to reduce tension and function normally.

About the Author

Stress relief and relaxation meditation as key to a happy lifestyle via happythoughtlifestyles.comThis resource of useful tips and articles from Dan Brussels assists you in achieving a better healthier lifestyle for you and your family.Another fitness oriented blog of Dan Brussesl to

Yoga Shakti - Power Yoga for Strong and Healthy Liver

Watch Power Yoga - for Strong and Healthy Liver - Yoga Shakti in HD.Liver and kidney are very important organs of human body. They may have many problems due to wrong food habits malnutrition or insufficient intake of water. In this episode the expert elaborates the techniques of pashchimottanasan ardhamatsyendrasasn and ushtrasan which improve the functioning of liver and kidney make them healthy and strong.

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Buddhist Meditation Retreats

Posted: 17 Dec 2011 02:00 PM PST

Article by Rasmus Lindgren

The perfect place to meditate.If you're in search of the ultimate meditative experience, thenBuddhist meditation retreats may be the answer.Buddhist meditation retreats are comprehensive centers for the time-honored meditative practice. This is a place where you can immerse yourself in the art of meditation, learning and practicing the rules and techniques that define this art. You literally breathe, eat, talk and live meditation at these centers, affording yourself the rare opportunity to visit a place of peace, tranquility and ultimate enlightenment.Indeed, a Buddhist meditation center may be the ideal place to learn about and practice meditation. Sure, you could always meditate at home; but you'll face constant intrusions from your family, from visitors, and from wonderful but loud modern conveniences such as the television, the telephone, the radio, etc. Home may indeed be where the heart is, but it seldom offers a guarantee of absolute quiet and privacy; or the pure, orderly atmosphere needed to facilitate successful meditation.And while a yoga studio or organized meditation class may offer these idyllic conditions, it can not do so on a long-term basis. Many yoga and meditation classes have a duration of only one or two hours per week; not much time to learn all of the techniques and positions associated with meditation, ease yourself into the practice, enjoy a fulfilling meditative session, and draw yourself from the dreamlike state required for its full completion.Particularly for the beginning meditator, the Buddhist meditation retreat is sort of a one-stop shop for all things meditative. You can read books, watch DVDs and-most importantly-speak to trained instructors to learn more about your art. You can practice this art in a quiet, clean, serene environment, one that is in all likelihood naturemade; indeed, many meditation retreats take place in wooded areas or on farms. So as you meditate, you will be immersed in a setting of flowers, plants, green grasses, light breezes, and even sw! eeter bi rdsong; the sun will christen your meditative efforts as the flowers sway in their own gentle rhythm.In addition, attendance at a Buddhist meditation retreat is in essence a form of insurance. You will be surrounded by a group of teachers and practitioners who share your commitment to the meditative process. These are dedicated, disciplined people who inspire you to stay the course. They will not allow you to stray from the precepts that are so very vital to the cause of successful meditation. They will be there for you at all times, just as you are there for them.Buddhist meditation retreats offer the ideal atmosphere for the pursuit of full and ultimate enlightenment. Check your local phonebook or the Internet for the location of Buddhist meditation retreats near you.

About the Author

Rasmus Lindgren has practiced meditation for several years. You can read more about Buddhist Meditation Retreats on his website. He has also created a free course in Buddhist Meditation targetted at beginners.

'Lemurian Healing' Guided Meditation - with Natalie Dekel (Live stream no. 9)

To book your Reading, click: . Lemurian Beings give healing of physical and emotional nature. Led by Natalie Dekel, Friday, 26 Nov 2010, 9.30pm GMT (Live stream Guided Meditation 9)

Video Rating: 3 / 5

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5 Ways To Make the Best Out of Your Yoga Session With Superfoods

Posted: 17 Dec 2011 01:00 PM PST

Article by Paul Fitzgerald

Want to be fit and healthy? Then why not try doing Yoga. Yoga according to Wikipedia, is a healing system that has been practiced for more than 5,000 years. Yoga is a combination of breathing exercises, physical posture and meditation. It is a mind-body intervention that reduces the health effects of generalized stress. Though Yoga is a spiritual practice that evolved in Hinduism, the Western world has created a purely physical exercise known as Asana.

From a survey that was released in May 2004 by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Yoga is the 5th most commonly used complementary and alternative medicine therapy in the united States during 2002. In the Yoga Journal magazine in February 2005, they have revealed that there are already 16.5 million Americans who spend as nearly as billion yearly on classes and Yoga related products.

So if you want to join those 16.5 million Americans then here are some tips on how to prepare for Yoga. First we talk abut your attire. In Yoga it is advisable that you wear discreet clothing which you can move easily in. Examples of these would be bike shorts, footless tights, T-shirts and importantly, a clean bare feet.

Before that though, you need to inform your teacher if you are pregnant, menstruating, have other physical problems and medical conditions so that the type of Yoga given to you would be adjusted.

In Yoga sessions, you can bring your own Yoga mat which needs to have your name on it. Other equipment though is already provided by the instructors. You should also arrive at classes 10 minutes before. Then to avoid any disruptions during the sessions, you are supposed to turn off mobile phones since a simple ring or vibration can distract your concentration and others. You are also to keep casual conversations during class into a minimum.

It is also advised that you are not to eat a meal any closer than the three hours before classes but a light snack one hour before is okay. A good light snack wou! ld be th e raw organic superfoods Raw Cacao Powder. This raw organic superfood helps the body give fuel and is perfect for Yoga, Tai Chi and other competitive sports. Raw Cacao Powder can be blended with shakes, coffee, tea and fruits.

What makes Raw Cacao Powder perfect for Yoga practitioners is that it contains rare key nutrients that enhance the physical and mental well-being. This raw organic superfood also contains more antioxidant flavanoids than Red wine, Green Tea and Blueberries. It also has essential minerals such as Calcium, Zinc, Iron, Copper, Sulfur and Potassium.

Hope the information here has helped you prepare for your Yoga classes. Good Luck and stay fit and healthy!

About the Author

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Anaahat Yoga In Hindi - Bhramari Pranayama

Watch Bhramari Pranayama For Anxiety - Anaahat Yoga For Acidity And Migraine. Cure diseases like anxiety and hypertension with the very useful Bhramari Pranayama. Subscribe now to watch more great videos every week at . To watch more superhit bollywood videos dont forget to log onto

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Buddhist Meditation Guides

Posted: 17 Dec 2011 12:00 PM PST

Article by Rasmus Lindgren

As you're in the process of learning the practice of true Buddhist meditation, you might seek the help of a sound and reliable Buddhist meditation guide.This guide could take the form of a book, a DVD or CD, a trained yoga or meditation teacher, or perhaps even a poem, novel or song that conveys inspirational themes. Regardless of its individual form, you need to discover a Buddhist meditation guide that will teach you the tricks of the trade, and in a thorough and totally effective manner. The individual guide that you choose will depend on your needs and goals; still, a few general guidelines apply.A good Buddhist meditation guide will teach you the common positions of this time-honored art; demonstrating the possible ways that you can position your limbs, one by one, in order to meditate with success. What it can't do, however, is pick your position for you. Only you can determine the meditative position that is best and most comfortable for you, and that best suits all of your meditative goals.Breathing techniques are another common fixture of many Buddhist meditation guides. That's right; you even have to breathe differently and more intensively when you meditate. Ah, but no fear; the guide will show you how.:)These guides also will serve to relate the common side and after effects of meditation of the Buddha. The guide will tell you what to expect and exactly when to expect it; detailing the meditative practice for your benefit. The text will relate the history of Buddhist meditation, detailing the faith and religion that first produced this time-honored art. And it will educate you on the finer points of meditation, including the clothes, foods, atmospheres, and even the belief system that will facilitate your meditative journey.Basically and essentially, a good meditation guide takes the guess work out of meditation. You will know in full how, when, where and most importantly why you meditate. You will know what to expect along the path to spiritual enlightenment. And you will learn about! the man y benefits that come as part of the meditative experience, including truth, purity, peace and love; both for yourself and for others in your life.With all that said, even the best meditation of the Buddha guide can't tell you exactly why or even how to meditate. You must draw the meditative experience from deep within your soul; you must meditate for your own reasons, in search of your own personal Nirvana.Even so, a good meditation guide can help even seasoned practitioners find that all-important path to true and full enlightenment. Find a good Buddhist meditation guide today, in pursuit of a more enlightened tomorrow.

About the Author

Rasmus Lindgren has practiced meditation for several years. You can read more about a Buddhist Meditation Guide on his website. He has also created a free course in Buddhist Meditation targeted at beginners.

Meditation Moods - Music for Meditation, Relaxation, De-stress,

Buy this audio cd at: The mantra rings in the ambience of meditation and music sustains the mood in this special album meant to guide you to realms of eloquent silence. Om Satyam, Gnaanam, Anantham [Om Truth, Knowledge and Infinity] chants the Guru from whom the fragrant bamboo takes over with whispering cadences of mellow Madhuvanti Raaga. The vibraphones build up the atmosphere of peace. The onset of meditational ecstacy is echoed by the Guru's mantra "Om Brahmanandam Paramasukhadam" [Om, the rapture of Brahman, the ultimate Bliss], which the bamboo weaves into magical webs captivating chandrakauns. The sweet strains of innocent happiness culminate the meditation. An album you will cherish. Flute: Kypa Sudhakar. Keyboard: S. Sathish. Mantra and Concept: Vamanan.

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Enumerating the 5 Ways that Yoga is Practiced & How it Helps Deal with Anxiety & Stress

Posted: 17 Dec 2011 11:00 AM PST

Article by Thomas B. Chuong

Panic attacks, stress and anxiety problems – if these three are common problems that you have, then you are probably seeking help. Naturally, these issues can be resolved with the help of medication – but the problem is that there are potentially harmful side effects of putting too much chemicals on your body when the reason for the anxiety attacks may be psychological.

When dealing with panic attacks, stress and anxiety problems, it is high time for you to consider the ancient discipline of yoga. Yoga is a series of exercises, breathing techniques and principles which aim to create a balance between the mind, body and spirit. Can you imagine how much your anxiety will be lessened if only you can manage to create that balance between your mind, body and spirit simply by doing yogic exercises?

The 5 Ways that Yoga is Practiced

To give you a deeper look at what yoga is all about, here are the five ways that this ancient Indian discipline is practiced.

1. Yoga as a spiritual practice.

2. Yoga as a lifestyle choice.

3. Yoga as a primary means for physical therapy.

4. Yoga as a sport.

5. Yoga as physical fitness and health management activity.

No matter which of these ways of practicing yoga it is that you choose, what is important is that it can be used to treat any anxiety, stress or panic-related problems that you have. Exactly how can yoga do that?

Let's say that you are suffering from a panic attack. When you do the yogic breathing techniques or exercises, their goal is to help relax both your mind and your body. Whatever physiological factors are causing the stress, anxiety or panic attack that you are suffering from, the meditation techniques involved with yoga will 'heal' them.

As you get to practice yoga more, you will learn that discipline of being able to calm your mind, relax your body and essentially relax your spirit as well. Over time, you will discover that the way that yoga techniques and breathing exercises! are pra cticed will lessen the frequency of your panic attacks, ease away your anxieties and relieve the stress that you are feeling.

All in all, yoga is beneficial for anybody who is dealing with a certain amount of stress in their lives. It is even more crucial to practice if you have panic attack episodes – so try out yoga now and ease away any anxieties that you still have.

About the Author

Thomas B. Chuong is currently writing about topics related to home improvement & decor, personal fitness, and home & garden. Find out more by visiting these sites Massage Table, and Curio Cabinet.

Buddhist meditation guide

Posted: 17 Dec 2011 10:02 AM PST

Article by Rasmus Lindgren

When you're learning the refined art of Buddhist meditation, a goodBuddhist meditation guide can take a multitude of forms.A Buddhist meditation guide could be a book; an informative, multi-layered text that relates-through words, illustrations and examples-the best meditative techniques to suit your needs. The right Buddhist meditation book will provide both information and inspiration, guiding your way through the meditative experience; and along the path to spiritual enlightenment.A Buddhist meditation guide could be a person; a trained instructor who can lead and inspire you as you study and master the meditative art. And again, this skilled instructor can assume many forms. He or she could be a yoga instructor, a monk, a meditation teacher and practitioner, or simply a trusted friend who has the knowledge you need to learn the true and full art of Buddhist meditation. A good Buddhist meditation guide can represent a combination of any or all of these elements; just make sure that the person you choose as your guide is experienced and reliable.A Buddhist meditation guide could be a CD or DVD that offers recorded demonstrations of meditative sessions. These sessions could be recorded at a live class, or staged for the purposes of filming the production. The DVD or CD could be hosted by a Buddhist monk, by a celebrity meditation instructor, or by a yoga teacher; but again, check the credentials of the people and the company behind the production.A Buddhist meditation guide could be a place; a location that evokes the feelings, inspiration and atmosphere needed to meditate successfully. This could be a yoga studio, a nature camp, a meditation center, or (with certain adjustments and modifications) the privacy of your home. Just make sure that you pick a place that is reputable, convenient, and inexpensive.The ultimate Buddhist meditation guide comes from your heart. It may sound trite, but the fact is that you must meditation for your own reasons, and according to the wishes and desire of your s! oul. Don 't meditate because it's the fashionable thing to do, or because many of your friends are doing it. Meditate because you feel the need to do so; because you feel the need for spiritual enlightenment, and because that you genuinely feel that Buddhist meditation is the path to this enlightenment.Sure, you can seek help from a variety of sources when learning and practicing the refined art of Buddhist meditation. Ultimately, though, you must reach deep within your heart and mind to find the inspiration you need to meditate successfully.The ultimate Buddhist meditation guide is you. Discover the power of Buddhist meditation today!

About the Author

Rasmus Lindgren has practiced meditation for several years and has created a free course in Buddhist meditation guide targeted at beginners. He is also author of the ebook Buddhist Meditation targetted at beginners.

Kundalini Meditation Feedback

Kundalini is an invisible force, but in the human body it is clothed in a nest of hollow concentric spheres of astral and etheric matter, one within the other. There are seven (7) concentric spheres resting within the Root Chakra. In the ordinary human, the only force active is the outermost sphere; the other spheres are asleep. In order to bring your Root Chakra into full activity is to awaken these inner spheres, and it is this force that arouses or activates the rest of the chakras. Think of Kundalini as a LIQUID FIRE that rushes through the body when it has been aroused by the will - emphasized, your WILL. When it has been aroused, it spirals up your spine like the coils of a snake. Acharya Bhatiaji, Kandivali, Mumbai. Mobile 09302098202

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Meditation and Earnestness

Posted: 17 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST

Article by Dr. Robert Puff

Nature's Cry - Native American Flute Jonathan C. Ward

I must add that this video was made only 3 months after me picking up a Native American Flute... Looking back at how I have grown over the past year and 4 months of playing has really touched me and inspired me to keep on letting whats on the inside to express itself. Thanks... 12/12/09 (Merry Christmas) oh btw... if interested in purchasing a high quality Native American Flute contact me. Thx! :) Jonathan Ward playing the NAF. Song composed on NAF by Jonathan Ward. Thanks for Listening Relax and Enjoy Sorry for low quality. Had to reduce quality to get it to upload. Photos courtesy of To Purchase CD Please Contact me at one of the following sites below... WWW.FACEBOOK.COM WWW.JONATHANCWARD.COM

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

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