The Time For Chakra Healing Is Today!

The Time For Chakra Healing Is Today!

The Time For Chakra Healing Is Today!

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST

Article by Sean McView

Chances are that you have heard the word chakra but you may be unclear as to what it is. This is actually the axis point in a person's body that can communicate life force energy. The word chakra is actually a Sanskrit word. The definition of this word is that of a constant spinning wheel.

Traditional Hindu scriptures show that there are more than 88,000 chakra points in the human body. But the most essential of them consists of the seven chakras that run from the base of the spinal column to the crown of the head.

These seven main chakra points are known as the root or base chakra, the sacral chakra, the solar plexus chakra, the heart chakra, the throat chakra, the third eye chakra and the crown chakra. These seven main chakras receive and transmit energy from the universe, as well as from other people. These influence all of the activities of the individuals, spiritual, emotional and physical.

Whether you believe in the Hindu philosophies and doctrines of human body function explanations or the Chinese medicinal beliefs or even the modern psychological research findings, the energy points or the chakras are the common thread that would bind all explanations and definitions.

All in all, the chakra moves constantly regardless of whether a person is sleeping or not, so it makes sense that, because of that, the chakras play an important roll in helping our bodies. Studies have shown that by keeping your chakra balanced you can help such things as physical disorders that you may be suffering with. It can also help the glandular processes and even the structure and appearance of our bodies. Some people even say that the way they talk and act are also affected. If you find that one of your main chakras is not working as it should, then you may find that you are having problems.

Each of the seven chakras associates with a specific endocrine gland of our body. Imbalance to the proper functioning of a chakra it will impact the emotional and physical processes of the body. Ev! entually , it will expose itself as a disorder of some type in the normal patterns of activity and or behavior in the associated endocrine gland.

Maintaining the Balance of Chakra Using the above as our point of beginning, we can assume safely that the majority of our ailments and illnesses are related to our chakras. Even though there may not be enough materialization of imbalance or illness, there may yet be concerns or emotions that come from our childhood that influence us spiritually, emotionally and physically.

There are many people that say that one of the biggest issues with an unbalanced chakra is when people carry around emotional issues. These are generally from their past and in order for them to fix things they will need to address these issues to move on.

This is why it is important for a person to get rid of their unwanted emotional baggage before it causes them problems with their body. A person can keep these issues buried in their subconscious mind and end up having emotional toxins which will affect their bodies in so many ways. By dealing with the issues from the past, you can then learn to heal yourself by way of a healthy chakra.

It is important that you understand that you can control your Chakras and also that you can directly influence each and everyone of your Chakras as well as their functions. You can do this by using an array of techniques such as Reiki healing, aromatherapy, color therapy, chakra balancing with the aid of a pendulum, crystals or gemstones.

There are many of people that get much relief from doing yoga as it will help them to breathe better. Yoga can help a person focus they attention somewhere else so that they can balance their chakra much easier.

Some other ways that we can heal our Chakras include mediation as well as guided visualization. These techniques can help to reduce stress and harness the power of the mind.

Chakras work without any help, though it cannot be felt with our touch or cannot be seen with our eyes.

In orde r to maintain balance, you need to eat right and stay healthy. There are even certain foods that will help with all seven chakras.

The root chakra takes nourishment from spices, protein rich food and root vegetables. Foods such as nuts, seeds, sweet fruits, cinnamon and vanilla nourish the sacral chakra. The solar plexus chakra that enhances out sense of personal self love and self confidence is nourished by consuming dairy products, pasta, breads, spicy mints and cereals.

The chakra of the heart functions the best when eating leafy vegetables like cabbage and also drinking green tea. The throat chakra desires that you drink lots of water and juices like apple juice, grape juice, and even orange juice!

Your third eye was such things as a grape juice, blueberries Grapes and even wine. This will help to make your eyes senses much more sharper and in sync.

The crown chakra, which is our spiritual and emotional center will benefit from being detoxified. This is achieved by fasting and the ritual inhalation of various herbs and incense.

When we nourish or stimulate our chakras, we can influence our health and well being. This has the effect of making us more responsive in our lives as we become totally in tune and aligned with the energies of our surroundings.

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Discover the amazing experience of reiki chakra balancing from the popular site. Find details of chakra healing for yourself and find out the real hidden secrets of balancing chakras when you visit here and get lots of FREE audios, ebooks and videos.

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Witches Finger Quartz Crystals from Zambia are a combination of Smoky Quartz , Rutile, Mica, Muscovite, Magnetite, Sphalerite, Hematite and/or Actinolite and other minerals . Very rare crystals

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Reiki Level Two Dangers and Deceptions

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 10:00 PM PST

Article by Jim Cassa

Reiki Energy

Here are some of the dangers to watch out for while doing reiki level two.You normally do reiki level two following the reiki level one course. It is also taught to the reiki practioner by a so called reiki master.Beware of anyone, reiki or even psychic reader who calls themselves a master. If you want to find out more about the dangers of reiki energy then read on!You does some form of spiritual healing to improve life and to assist in having a better lifestyle. This is a natural inner desire for self improvement. It is a good thing.But here are dangers with reiki level two that are not explained to the sincere follower. Here you learn about distant energy and using your guides. But here is the problem.These are not really guides but elementals who carry the reiki energy over distance to the one you wish to send the energy to far away. The danger with using elementals, who are unseen entities mistaken for guides, is that they steal your life force without telling the reiki sender.This means if you use the distant sending energy of reiki level two, your are absolutely going to be spending your life force, that is internal energy of the mind, body, and spirit connection in return to get the distant energy sent.This fact escapes the majority of users who engage in reiki two practices.It is a shame the reiki master does not explain this to the honest seeker and be straight, or on the level, as some of my American friends say.Here is the deal:In order to send the distant reiki energy the elementals, mistakenly called guides, do not have to tell you about the energy they steal from you. Since they are not actually stealing it, but you have in essence give them permission, because you have asked them to send reiki energy over distance.You have automatically engaged one of the metaphysical laws which allow the reiki being to take your energy. If you have plenty of energy to give this is fine, if you have not so much energy be careful!It is a bit like a witches sabbatical. Here ! demons a re summoned from the deep. They come forth and begin to feed on the aura of the witches present and pretty soon you have all sorts of problems. The witches during the secret ceremony begin to lose life force because the demon from the deep needs to feed on something and that something is human life force energy. Wicked indeed!Following spiritual methods are a sign of growth and inner expansion of spirit. But make sure you chose the right methods. Meditation, psychic readings, and listening to mantra are all safe and serene practices.Phone Australian psychic Jim Cassa for the best online reading please visit the value for money Melbourne medium in Australia.

About the Author

Jim Cassa is a psychic medium and writer well known for being a top Australia psychic and shows methods of empowerment available to anyone. Jim's passion is clarity, insight, and giving the best value for money medium readings .

All about Reiki

Dawn talks to her Reiki partner Andy about what Reiki is, what made him decide to learn Reiki, the benefits and what to look for in a Reiki teacher. For more information about Reiki see our website at

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Cleansing Crystals: What you need to know

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 09:00 PM PST

Article by Annabelle Wadsworth

What do you need to know about cleansing your crystals? Here's the scoop- your crystals need to be cleaned! Don't just buy them and leave them lying around the house to collect dust, because they have great potential if you treat them well.

Your crystals resonate with a certain energy frequency, which allows them to work in certain ways to heal, clear, and charge environments and people. However, the more you use them around the house, office or for healing sessions- the more they pick up negative vibrations which dull their ability. It's like trying to use a paintbrush to paint a bright new shade of red on a canvas after dipping it through black, blue and green first. It all just gets a bit brown in the end. So you have to clean that brush in between colours in order to paint your masterpiece. After a little while, where your crystals are working hard you may begin to feel that they don't feel the same when you hold them in your hand, or they don't look the same; perhaps they lack the lustre they had in the beginning. You may even feel that they are less effective during your healing work. These are all indications that your crystal needs to be cleaned. Its not hard, just a few basic rules to follow.

How often should I clean them? This really depends on how often you use them and how well they are kept. You will normally have a sense of when to do this by interacting with your crystal. Get a feel of its energy in your hand and you will know when the vibration begins to wane. The best method is to get into a routine and clean the crystals regularly. This way you won't forget to do it especially for those crystals that sit on a table in your lounge or bedroom and are constantly at work.

When should I clean them? If you are cleaning them once a month, its important you choose the right time of the moon or day depending on your method on cleansing. Dawn and moonlight, the waxing or growing moon represents new life and growth. The waning moo! n or dus k represents a time of rest and removing of evil. Depending on the purpose of the crystal you may choose one or the other.

How long do they need to be cleansed for? It is generally believed that whatever method of cleansing you choose to use, crystals need a 12-24 hour period to be completely clean. It is always best to examine your crystal both physically and psychically after each cleansing to decide if a longer time is required.

What different ways can I use to clean them? There are many different ways to clean a crystal such as moonlight, crystal clusters, earth and pure water sources. Moonlight and earth cleaning required leaving the crystals buried in the earth or bathed in light for a certain period of time. Washing them in rain water or in local stream or ocean is also another option. However, whatever method you decide on, it should always be combined with washing it in warm water and soap to get off the physical as well as the metaphysical dust and grime.

How do I recharge them after they are clean? Recharging crystals is not always required, depending on the type of crystal you are using. However it's always nice to give your crystals a boost after cleaning them. Combining another cleaning method with some time in a quartz or amethyst crystal cluster is my preferred choice however another quick boost like a shot of espresso is placing the crystals on a drawing of the Reiki 'Choku Rei' power symbol.

It's not difficult to cleanse your crystals. It's definitely much harder work trying to use that citrine you found under the bed to catch the sunlight in your feng shiu room, or that green aventurine covered in dust to heal your heart chakra. Now you know the basics of cleansing your crystals. Treat those precious gems well and they will do the same for you.

About the Author

Annabelle Wadsworth has been a healer and energy worker for over 20 years. For more great information on cleansing crystals, visit

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Reiki Art Ancient Healing - In Lak-ech - WATCH IN HD. A Soothing Visit to Info about her Art, Healing Services, Crystal Pendants & Crystal & Reiki Classes. Paintings, Words & Photography by Tania Marie. Music & Video Production by Cyberkaz. Thank you for taking the time to explore. Enjoy! http

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A Few Holistic Remedies For High Blood Pressure

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 08:00 PM PST

Article by Christopher S. Norwood

Anyone who is suffering from high diastolic blood pressure has probably not heard a lot about holistic remedies for high blood pressure. This is because our family physicians are trained in conventional medicine which means that they are more likely to suggest that you take some prescription medication.

However, if you are one of those people who would rather avoid the usual medications and instead take a more natural route for your condition, then going with holistic remedies for high blood pressure may be one of the best things that you ever do.

There are actually quite a few holistic remedies for high blood pressure that you could try out and you want to learn a bit about these holistic remedies for high blood pressure before trying them out for yourself.Acupuncture

One of the most commonly tried holistic remedies for high blood pressure involves acupuncture. The intent of acupuncture is basically to promote health and alleviate pain, and it is great for conditions like high blood pressure. Even if you have been dealing with elevated blood pressure levels for all your life, you may be surprised at just how well acupuncture and other holistic remedies work for you.

An actupuncturist will insert needles into different areas of your body, into specified points along the meridian lines in order to influence the restore balance to the flow of qi.Hypnosis

This is another great option for holistic remedies for high blood pressure. You don't have to be scared, as long as you go with a trained and qualified hypnotist. Many people think that hypnotism can be dangerous but this is not true at all and it has actually proven to be incredibly effective not only for high blood pressure but a variety of other conditions as well.

These are all great options that you have available to you but keep in mind that if your blood pressure levels are especially high, you may have no other option but to take a prescription medication at least for a few months or so unt! il your blood pressure is more under control.

This is not a condition that you can play around with and leave untreated, because if so you are putting yourself at great risk. With high blood pressure levels there is the heightened possibility that you are going to develop any number of health conditions, even have a stroke or die.

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If you love this article, you will also love another article written by this article's author on umbilical cord stem cells and stem cell bank.

Aromatherapy Candles Come back in Different Waxes, Containers, and Scents

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 07:00 PM PST

Article by Sandy Cara

Aromatherapy has long been in observe as another healing technique, though the term itself is comparatively new. Practitioners use this treatment, involving the utilization of volatile plant oils conjointly known as "essential oils", to improve their moods and relieve stress. Some believe it assists in the healing method as well. Scented aromatherapy candles became terribly well-liked for these reasons and because of the selection available.Aromatherapy candles are a great gateway for those eager to experience the positive effects of aromatherapy but haven't developed an exacting data of different combos of essential oils and recipes that are available. Or merely do not care for the fuss and the main points and want a ready-made resolution combined with the ambiance that candle light delivers.Scented candles with aromatherapy properties are commonly used to boost one's surroundings during non secular ceremonies like prayers or to help with relaxation throughout meditation exercises. After all, romantic and intimate occasions are very well served by such candle-aided enhancements.Several different scents and aromas have been derived from different essential oils. And many times you will realize these oils integrated along in a shot to realize a synergistic effect.Common essential oil ingredients include eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender, lemongrass, grapefruit, vanilla, peppermint, ginger, citrus, clove, cinnamon, cardamom & ginger, chamomile, rosemary, tangerine, orange, cedar, spruce, eucalyptus and many more.Aromatherapeutic candles are also on the market in the various types of candle wax.Gel wax aromatherapy candles combine the stunning visual qualities of gel wax with the therapeutic and mood setting characteristics of aromatherapy. These look fantastic but do not typically burn as long therefore there is a trade off.Soy, bayberry, and palm and alternative natural wax varieties are usually used for aromatherapy candles, with blended versions of those out there as well. The completely natu! ral qual ities of those waxes lends themselves to the therapeutic, relaxation, and religious purposes of aromatherapy since these natural waxes are devoid of any artificial additives. These also tend to burn longer with a cleaner output and a extended scent throw therefore they're a superior selection for an aromatherapy candle.Aromatherapy candles are also available in the classic styles, as well as votive, pillar, and container therefore they will cater to those with ancient or contemporary sensibilities. Pillar aromatherapy candles can last upwards of a hundred hours therefore they are a nice alternative for thrifty minded candle enthusiasts. Votives are one amongst the foremost popular candle variations so this could build a great gift or introductory candle for somebody not yet familiar with aromatherapy and its benefits.No matter your choice, aromatherapy scented candles provide a nice deal of enjoyment, relaxation, and potential healing from your candle burning experience.

About the Author

Sandy Cara has been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in Aromatherapy, you can also check out her latest website about: Braun Electric Toothbrush Which reviews and lists the bestBraun Power Toothbrush

Fragrance & Oils : How to Make Oils

In order to make oils, combine the desired material with sweet almond oil or vegetable oil in a dark jar. Find out how sunlight breaks down oils with help from the creator of a line of aromatherapy products in this free video on making oils. Expert: Lauren Roy Contact: Bio: Lauren Roy has been in the natural living business for about 15 years. Filmmaker: Christian Munoz-Donoso

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Stones and Crystals: Amethyst Crystal

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 06:00 PM PST

Article by Denise Freeman

Quartz is the most abundant mineral on earth and quartz crystals are some of the most used healing stones and crystal. Amethyst is a purple variety of Quartz and grows in some nice points that are used in healings, jewelry, crystal elixirs and much more.

In ancient times, large amethyst crystals where carved into the shape of a goblet and used to drink wine from them because it was thought to prevent the user from getting drunk. Today, you would be surprised to find how many people in any given bar carry an amethyst in their pocket for the exact same reason.

If you forget your crystal or you are so determined to get drunk that no stone could possibly prevent it from happening, it can also be used after the fact to draw out of negative energy your night on the town has caused you. Sit quietly with an amethyst in your hand and visualize (if you can actually use your minds eye), all the pain and sensitivity being drawn into the stone. Don't forget to cleanse the crystal when you are through so you don't absorb those negative energies back at a later date.

If you have begun spending a few too many nights on the town or have become addicted to any other substance and you truly want to change, hold and amethyst in your hand and ask it to take away your desire for the substance. Then carry it in your pocket or purse from then on to remind you there is a friend helping you through the times when you need it the most.

If the crazy schedules so many of us have to keep in today's busy world starts to make you feel stressed out, take a break for a few minutes and hold an amethyst in your hand. Visualize a white light coming from the universe and flowing through the stone and into you. Allow the flow to continue and as your body is slowly filling with this energy, visualize all the stress being pushed out of your body by the light.

Business owners whose business involves a lot of stress that can leave employees and customers in a negative mood can help everyone by buying a few la! rge amet hyst clusters to display around the room. The energies coming from the stones will help keep everyone's tempers turned down a notch or two because it is a stone that helps to spread love and peace to all who come within its range.

If you need to purchase a gift for someone that has psychic abilities, try giving them an amethyst. It is perfect for anyone needing to increase their intuition whether they work as a profession psychic or just need a little insight into a situation. It helps to clear the channels and allow information to come through clearer. You can even use it if you are having a hard time deciding between two or more choices. It will help you to intuitively know the right choice to make.

About the Author

Denise Freeman is the owner of the Gemstone Dictionary, the top online source for everything mystical, magical or metaphysical dealing with gemstones. You'll find us at

Crystals and their Vibrational Numbers: a discussion?

Please feel free to discuss your opinions or unique insight on this topic. Agree, disagree? This video is not meant to be informational in any way and I do respect Melody and her book since its obvious that a lot of work went into organizing it, writing it and keeping it updated. It just was not what I was lead to think it was going to be. I've since removed the video link that I refer to in the video b/c many who watched this attacked the video author personally. She requested I take the link down. This is NOT what was intended. I simply wanted a clarification and an open, mature discussion. Those who understand the energy of crystals should certainly understand that we should be trying to spread positive energy whenever possible. :) Thank you & Crystal Blessings.

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Reiki New music Explained - What Is the Most effective New music to Accompany Reiki Sessions?

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 05:00 PM PST

by inju

Article by Arnulfo Potter

There are unique sorts of songs which are suitable for Reiki and these are broadly speaking as follows<u><em>Reiki Unique Music</em></u>This is music which is specifically recorded to accompany Reiki. Some of this new music may possibly incorporate Reiki symbols by chanting or singing them. Some albums are even timed to coincide with the hand placements throughout the Reiki session. This is attained by both recording passages of songs of specific lengths or by the addition of a bell or other identical reminder at sure factors. The intervals are usually somewhere among 3 to 6 minutes depending upon the choice of which album you opt for.<u><em>Meditation Specific New music</em></u>This form of music is suitable for Reiki and arrives in a large array of alternatives and can also be recorded by quite a few unique musical instruments. This new music is created particularly to assistance relaxation and consequently is quite ideal as Reiki new music.The assortment of meditation songs is too large to get started to try out to describe it all right here. Experiment and see what is finest for your individual particular demands.<u><em>Well-known New music But Not Reiki Certain</em></u>There are certain mainstream artists whose songs is also suitable to be used as Reiki new music. Artists this kind of as Enya, report music of these an enchantingly wonderful nature that it is previously completely ideal as Reiki songs. I know of various folk musicians who specialise in Celtic variety music whose albums incorporate superb haunting and mystic melodies.One who right away springs to brain is the Breton harpist Alan Stivell. He is such a superb musician and some of his music is excellent as Reiki new music. I am sure you will have your own names to add to the record because as already stated this is down to individual taste an yet again the preference is so huge.<u><em>Norm! ally Tak ing place Sounds Of Nature</em></u>What can be far more comforting than the sounds of the ocean gently lapping onto a seaside, a breeze blowing by way of bamboo stems or reeds, or mild rainfall, and even the sound of a stormy thundery night time is in some way reassuring and restful. I consider these kind of seems talk for themselves as great Reiki songs. In reality I sense peaceful just thinking of these things.<u><em>The Sound Of The Human Voice</em></u>Even so, Christianity has accepted Reiki new music as a healing instrument because the feature of laying hands is their embrace due to the fact Jesus Christ who utilized to heal by laying fingers. Reiki songs is meant to chill out ones thoughts and alleviate in a unique spiritual way that only masters comprehend.The word Reiki is Japanese meaning Universal healing. It is made up laying of hands engineering balancing energies in the body to harmony hence healing. It addresses physical, mental, emotional and spiritual imbalances. Essentially energies movement from the practitioner's body as a result of the palms of the hands to the recipient's entire body.When undergoing Reiki healing, 1 is anticipated to lie on a massage table, or a flat spot. The atmosphere will be a soothing a person. Setting the ambiance is dimmed lights, meditative new music or bubbling water fountains.Other practitioners want a silent atmosphere cost-free from distraction.

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Download some top quality unique reiki new music for reiki healing treatment options. Stress-free music to calm the head.Reiki Music Free Download


how to draw Reiki symbols. Cho Ku Rei Sei He Ki Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

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Essential Body Skin oils and also Aromatherapy Massage

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 04:00 PM PST

Article by Pat Jacalyn

Aromatherapy therapeutic massage actually boosts the consistency and show off of the skin Aromatherapy uses important oils which are thought to have therapeutic properties. Aromatherapeutic therapeutic massage makes use of the power of Important Skin oils to aid soothe the body as well as lift emotions. Aromatherapy can be the ancient science of recovery, soothing along with invigorating by the make use of of vegetation and parts. Aromatherapy additionally operates on the central nervous system, relieving major depression and also anxiety, lowering anxiety, soothing, positive, sedating which stimulates. Fragrance Observara Massage Natural oils are produced together with the highest quality components, and they are best for either expert or home employ. Aromatherapy aids to improve the healing techniques simply by oblique stimulation of the disease fighting capability. Aromatherapy along with the utilize of important natural skin oils have been in use for thousands of years for a wide range of causes, from spiritual events and yoga to therapeutic and also methods. Rub advantages the body by simply the excitement of touch receptors and the legislation of vitality stream by way of acupressure pathways. The combination of massage therapy and also essential oils can be an ideal method to mix the benefits of the two therapies. Aromatherapy can help ease a wide collection of health conditions; getting rid of pains, aches and pains, and also incidents, while relieving the complaints of numerous health difficulties. Room Diffusion way is used to soften a lovely fragrance by way of the house, sanitize the air if someone is sick and tired and to enhance defense through inhalation. Dependent on type of diffuser, include 10-15 drops of your chosen essential oil as well as essential oil mixture. Bath works for general ingestion in to the body, boosting defenses, skin problems as well as basic pleasure.Aroma Important Natural oils are usually stimulating, good smelling grow ingredients which can have an enjoyab! le influ ence on the express of mind and body. Aromas and the sense of smell affect recollection recall, emotions, along with actual physical reactions such as heart rate, respiratory, hormonal levels and anxiety side effects. Essential natural skin oils assist to create harmony in body, mind as well as nature and promote sensations of well-being, pleasure, self-confidence and also receptors. Important natural skin oils work by entering the body in two approaches, through the nasal area and through the skin. The nasal is actually an effective perception body organ, and also the perception of scent can be connected directly to the limbic method of the brain, which assists management feelings, recollection, and lots of characteristics in the body. Important skin oils using potent bouquets can supply to improve emotions, market rest, and increase energy levels. Vital Blend's therapeutic-grade important oils provide good advantages to the body via aroma & immediate ingestion directly into the skin. Massage therapy and/or Aromatherapy masssage is actually the methodical and also medical treatment of the smooth tissue of the body. Antiseptic, calming, exciting, calming, each of our essential natural oils bring stability to all systems of the body. Centering on the effective therapeutic abilities of crucial skin oils. Sunspirit Aromatherapy carries an substantial range of beneficial grade natural essential natural oils, while in addition enjoying their psychological as well as faith based effects. There are various approaches of applying the essential natural skin oils dependent on the result you need to attain. Inhalations are widely-used specifically in the situation of top respiratory problems, for example common colds, coughs and also painful throats.The "Matriarch" of skin oils, very mild, soothing along with relaxing to the mind and also body. Using aromatherapy for pregnancy and also birth can be an time tested process. Several variety of crucial natural oils was applied in almost every native lifestyle. Thes! e days, aromatherapy will be broadly employed in North America and Europe. Ft . and also Palm bathing pools are generally extremely valuable in circumstances where it is not practical to take pleasure in an entire aromatherapy bathtub - perhaps if you are aged or perhaps have a disability. The vital oils utilized in aromatherapy tend to be plant erratic oils from the flowers, leaves, stems, pals, divisions, as well as origins which were taken out employing steam distillation, water and base distillation or even cold-pressing. Aromatherapy can be utilized for a range of health conditions, for instance hypersensitivity, tension, bruises, can burn, looseness of, earache, prementrual syndrome (PMS), energy, termite bites, leisure, poor digestion of food, headache, the menopause, sleeping disorders, nausea, bronchitis, colds, flu virus, sinus problems, injuries, acute wounds, shingles (hsv simplex virus zoster), muscle mass along with combined pain, arthritis, nervousenss, restlessness, as well as marks. Crucial natural skin oils can be used at home through inhalation or perhaps relevant application. Water inhalation is usually used for respiratory circumstances. Water breathing involves adding 2-3 drops of essential oil of eucalyptus, roosemary, tea tree, or other gas to scorching water and keeping the confront around the container with a towel covered to type a tent.

About the Author

To find out more, check out Body Oils and Fragrance Oils

Rodney Yee

Rodney Yee, Co-Director of Urban Zen Intergrative Therapists, describes his experiences with Young Living and aromatherapy. Learn more at

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4 Reasons to Take a Holistic Therapy Course

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 03:00 PM PST

Article by London Therapists

If you have ever had a massage, aromatherapy or reflexology session you will know how relaxing it is and just how beneficial it is to your mental and physical well-being. Holistic therapies are great for de-stressing after those hard days in the office, but what if you could give and receive massages every day by working as a holistic and beauty therapist. Whether you want a new challenge or something special to add to your list of therapy qualifications, holistic therapy courses like Indian Head Massage courses can be beneficial and financially rewarding. New Career Direction - You can develop the commercial skills and qualifications to leave you rat-race nine-to-five job and become a professional holistic therapist. Benefit from great rates of pay and find the job of your dreams with a holistic diploma.Learn New Skills - Add to your portfolio of holistic qualifications to attract more customers to your spa treatment rooms or beauty salon. Whether you want to learn about something more unique and unusual like Egyptian Healing Rod therapy or perfect you technique with classic Indian Head Massage courses you can do it all with a professional therapist tutor.Start Earning More Now - A reputable and well-established training provider will allow you to fast-track your qualifications and gain the experience you need quickly whilst ensuring you have learned all the skills thoroughly to help you earn more as soon as possible.De-stress for Less - Practice your newly-learned treatments on yourself for free and learn how to relax and unwind every day with stress-busting techniques and treatments designed to make you happier and healthier.If you are looking for professional holistic therapy courses to gain recognised qualifications in massage and beauty treatments like Indian head massage courses, you can find a range of courses and diploma training at London Therapists where all tutors are recognised by national organisations. Visit the London Therapists website for more information.

About the Author

London Therapists specialise in providing expert training for individuals wanting to take up holistic or beauty therapy treatments and gain recognisable qualifications.

Holistic Herbal Treatment

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 02:00 PM PST

Article by Sandra Graneau

What Are The Career Prospects In Holistic Medicine Courses?

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 01:00 PM PST

Article by Amit Kothiyal

Nowadays, there is a lot of hype about alternative healing techniques. Basically, the alternative or holistic healing processes aim at increasing the body's ability to heal intrinsically. This form of alternative medication aims at eradicating the cause of the diseases rather than working on the symptoms. It aims to heal people by treating the imbalances in a human body and approaching a more balanced system. Currently, holistic healing is very much in demand due to its different approach.Alternative healing ensures a drug-free remedy for any disease. The methods and treatments that are used in holistic healing are natural and have no side-effects. Moreover, these treatments aim at healing the body, mind, and soul of the person. Therefore, this form of medication is accepted, appreciated, and practiced by many people and is preferred over the conventional methods of healing. This increase in the number of people choosing alternative healing has led to the mushrooming of many colleges and institutions across the globe where holistic medicine courses are taught.In the institutions that deal with holistic medicine education, you get to learn about holistic philosophies and theories. People prefer natural health courses over conventional ways of healing due to zero side effects. These days there are many institutions that offer natural health degrees; however, you need to be sure of the subject that you want to choose as your area of study. For this purpose, you can visit the official websites of the institutions offering different natural health programs. This will help you to have a clear idea of the courses that are offered at these colleges. You can talk to the faculty and find out more information about the institute. Learning the holistic approach needs passion and dedication so make sure that you don't learn the course mechanically. It should come from within you.

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Enroll your self for Holistic Medicine Courses to become an alternative medicine practitioner. Indian Board of Alternative Medicines, a Government registered and internationally recognized alternative medicine Schools offers various career oriented alternative medicine programs through correspondence and distance learning mode.

Abundance Prosperity Reiki For Do-It-Yourself Attraction

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:00 PM PST

by inju

Article by Mary Washington

Abundance prosperity reiki will almost be said to be three redundant words strung together. When you employ abundance prosperity reiki, you are accessing the energy fields of your body to create what you wish in your life. In different words, you're using the abundance of your energy to make an abundance of prosperity (which in its purest type is additionally abundance). Hence the redundancy.Instead of seeing abundance prosperity reiki as redundant, however, I prefer to think about it as the power of three. Once you activate your own energetic abundance to bring to you an abundance of prosperity, you are amping up your inventive abilities.Your artistic skills, specifically, your LIFE creation skills, are what you wish bring to you the abundant and prosperous life you want.So what is abundance prosperity reiki and the way will you employ it?Abundance prosperity reiki is the employment of reiki to realize a selected goal--the goal of making what you want to own in your life.Reiki is a Japanese healing technique typically used for stress reduction and relaxation. It is a light type of "laying on hands," which is predicated managing the life energy that flows through the human body. Reiki enhances that energy flow and removes blockages from the flow therefore the body will achieve optimal health.Though Reiki is non secular in nature, it is not a faith, and anyone can learn to use reiki. You'll easily do reiki on yourself once you know the techniques. Although receiving training from a reiki instructor or getting a reiki book that teaches you to activate your own energetic healing abilities, you'll begin using abundance prosperity reiki today.Abundance prosperity reiki is particularly powerful because it combines thought with hand positions that encourage proper energy flow. Here could be a easy seven-step reiki exercise you'll be able to do currently to start getting your energy in tune with abundance and prosperity:1. Be certain you are in a very quiet place where you won't be disturbed for at least! some mi nutes. Get comfortable. Slow your breathing. Relax your body.2. Concentrate to your thoughts. Notice whether your thoughts are thoughts that serve you. Are they empowering thoughts that help you create what you want in life?3. Chances are your thoughts aren't as empowering as you would like. Most of us have habitual thoughts based on old limiting beliefs.4. Whereas you watch your thoughts, plans your hands on either facet of your nose together with your fingertips resting gently against your closed eyelids. Breathe deeply. This position covers the sinuses, eyes, and pituitary gland so it's useful for releasing the energy blocks that cause colds, allergies, fatigue and general malaise.5. As you hold your hands during this position, say silently to yourself, "Many thanks, thoughts." Mentally appreciate your mind for bringing you whatever thoughts it brings you. If the thoughts are not thoughts of abundance, when thanking the thoughts, unharness them. See them drifting away.6. Now shift your hands to the rear of the head. Place them as if you are gently cradling your head. Whereas during this position, invite in thoughts of abundance. Invite within the beliefs that will empower you to attract prosperity into your life.7. Imagine abundance and prosperity as brilliant, glowing yellow lightweight that you'll draw into your body. See that light-weight being pulled in by your finger tips, and then feel the light pulsing through your hand and into your mind.That light-weight is the light of abundance. When your mind is crammed with that light-weight, your thoughts will be thoughts that attract prosperity.When you are doing this simple exercise, you become a robust creator of joy. You'll be able to use your body's energy working collectively together with your mind to form magic in your life when you use abundance prosperity reiki.

About the Author

Mary Washington has been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in Abundance Prosperity ,you can also check out her latest website about: Used Vinyl Cutter Which reviews and lists the bestVinyl Printer Cutter

Contacting your Spirit Guides, Psychic Studies By Psychic & Reiki Master Sunshine Rose

I am a naturally born Psychic Medium, Clairaudient, and Telepathic. I made this video to help others learn to contact or fully contact their guides.

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What Are Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls?

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 11:00 AM PST

Article by Isis James

Facts and Information About Quartz Crystal Singing BowlsQuartz crystal singing bowls are a special type of instrument all on their own, and while they may share some things in common with their metal Tibetan bowl counterparts, they have their own separate history, properties, healing qualities, and uses. Read on to find out the way by which the quartz crystal bowls came into existence, how they are uniquely special, and what they are primarily used for.What Makes Them Special?Crystal singing bowls are made of pure quartz. The human body is said to have many crystalline structures, such as our bones, dna, blood and even certain parts of the brain, and these structures have a natural resonance with quartz. Even our cells contain silica, the same substance found in quartz. These natural affinities make these crystal singing bowls naturally healing to our bodies. Quartz bowls, unlike their Tibetan counterparts, can also be tuned to a specific note. This makes them perfect for sound healing and the targeted balancing of specific chakrasHistoryWhile Tibetan bowls have always been in use for spiritual and religious purposes, crystal singing bowls find their roots in a more modern and, some would say, completely unrelated origin. These quartz bowls came into production in the 1980's as a byproduct of the computer industry. They were used to hold computer chips that needed to be heated to incredibly high temperatures. Scientists would actually throw them away after using them! After a while, someone realized that these crystal bowls, being made of pure quartz, must have special healing qualities and began acquiring and selling these computer-industry byproducts on their own.How They Are MadeThe bowls are made through a special and fairly involved process. First the purest sources of silica sand is gathered for the manufacturing process. Then, this sand is dropped into a centrifugal mold heated to over 4000 degrees centigrade. This process melts the sand and fuses them particles! into on e solid crystal. After that, the crystal is tuned to a specific note, one so strong that it is perceptible even 2000 feet away. The sound qualities of crystal singing bowls rival the highest quality instruments ever produced.These are just a few facts on what crystal singing bowls are, and as you explore more, you will be sure to find many more fascinating pieces of information about these objects.

About the Author

Interested in delving deeper into spirituality and meditation practices to effortlessly make powerful transformations in your life? Visit my site to learn about spiritual tools such as tibetan buddhist singing bowls, quartz crystal singing bowls, and more powerful methods that can bring positivity into your inner and outer world.

Chakra Healing for Sacral Chakra Come by & take a fun online class on Chakra Balancing using Crystals. This chakra is located a few inches below the belly button and houses your emotions, creativity, feelings, needs and sexuality. The associated color is orange. Here is the YouTube vid to do it with

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How To Choose Between Crystal Singing Bowls and Metal Singing Bowls

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 10:00 AM PST

Article by Isis James

How To Choose Between Crystal Singing Bowls and Metal Singing BowlsSinging bowls are known for their beautiful sound and their usefulness in meditation, relaxation, spirituality, and healing. However, not all of them are created equal and they come in a wide variety of sounds, sizes, and types. When you are looking to buy a bowl for yourself, the material you choose is one of the first factors to keep in mind. The two main materials used are crystal and metal, and they both have their own unique and special characteristics.Metal Singing Bowls are the most common and popular form. They have been in use since ancient times in Tibet, Japan, and the Himalayas for spiritual purposes, so there are a large number of antiques available for collectors. They have the unique property of producing multiple harmonic overtones at one time, making their music warm, vibrant and complex. They can vary greatly in appearance - some are a plain bronze, while others have intricate carved patterns and designs. Being metal, they are also quite durable and can stand up to quite a lot of handling, making them perfect for being taken easily anywhere without worry of damage.Crystal Singing Bowls are a modern invention made of quartz. Unlike their metal counterparts, they are only capable of producing one loud and piercing note per bowl. This makes them perfect for users that prefer one specific tone, whether to target a specific chakra for healing or by simple personal preference. Appearance-wise, crystal bowls are usually either clear or frosted, although some retailers also have colored ones available. These bowls are delicate and fragile, making them perfect for decorative appeal but less suitable to frequent transportation.When choosing a bowl, let your personal preference as far as portability, sound, decorative appeal and usage guide your decision as far as choosing a singing bowls.

About the Author

Interested in delving deeper into spirituality and meditation practices to effortlessly make powerful transformations in your life? Visit my site to learn about spiritual tools such as tibetan buddhist singing bowls, quartz crystal singing bowls, and more powerful methods that can bring positivity into your inner and outer world.

Clear your Crystals by playing this video - Part 2

Part 3 is a piece on the piano that allows you to set your crystals in front of your stereo speakers and clear your crystals right now!

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Study more over Aromatherapy Gift Baskets

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST

Article by Shela Sladick

Aromatherapy present baskets signify an excellent concept for unique occasions such as birthdays anniversaries Christmas or other distinctive days in ones life. Which includes a range of objects helpful for the practice of aromatherapy such baskets also make a great possibility for producers to advertise or to have rid with the goods theyve got on stock. This doesnt mean that the objects incorporated inside the aromatherapy gift baskets are lower quality youll be able to see what you buy and you also are free of charge to produce the selection. Aromatherapy guides leaflets or publications all sorts of important oils therapeutic massage fragrances and entire body lotions would be the objects much more frequently found in such baskets.

The material of aromatherapy gift baskets differs from 1 seller to an additional but kinds do exist in the identical store also. Thus rather of naturally scented entire body lotions you are able to go to get a basket that includes aromatherapy bath salts for instance. The widespread component in all aromatherapy gift baskets is represented through the crucial oils. One particular can not apply aromatherapy without these crucial extracts that make the very basis of any treatment session. Then even though a lot more rarely aromatherapy gift baskets could also contain some form of diffusers however the cost of this kind of offers could be a little higher.

Typically talking the normal presence of aromatherapy gift baskets in retailers signifies peoples preoccupation with returning towards the organic. Reaching a state of well getting and feeling accomplished each and every day are becoming widespread targets for individuals across the world and aromatherapy serves this goal very properly. In more sensible terms aromatherapy present baskets have the neutrality one wants when picking a existing for any particular person she or he does not know extremely nicely. Such a gift basket only sends a pleasant message with out incorporating any touch of individual invol! vement i n the event the individual isnt going to imply to.

However when looking for aromatherapy present baskets for a individual youre extremely shut as well understanding of her or his preferences will make the option a whole lot simpler. Crucial oils that combat anxiety are one of the most popular products that often perform specifically given that many people have problems with nervousness due to a really active or dynamic lifestyle. The complexity of the aromatherapy present baskets could possibly be variable some these packages include much more goods than other folks. Their undeniable advantage for the matter is that they are already well organized for any unique goal and you no longer have to get any problems using the wrapping.

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I've been writing articles online for nearly 3 years now.

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Holistic Infertility Treatments Manual That Works - Lisa Olson's Pregnancy Miracle Ebook

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 08:00 AM PST

Article by Sarin Svensson F

Holistic Infertility Treatments Program That Works - Lisa Olson's Pregnancy Miracle E-book

If you have ever tried curing your infertility and failed, then this maybe because of this simple but true fact: you are trying to tackle just one of the possible causes of your condition. What you need to cure infertility is a complete Holistic Infertility Treatments System that Works. And that kind of system you could find in some of the many infertility cure guides you find on the net.

To successfully cure infertility, you have to be able to tackle the issue form all its possible causes, especially if your case is unexplained. which is where most women go wrong when they try getting pregnant. it isn't enough to get some dotted infertility cure tips from the internet, and hope to get cured. You have to try a combination of methods which have proven to be effective in the past. that is where a complete infertility cure system comes in.

There are such a lot of infertility cure guides on the internet today with holistic infertility treatments systems that work. However, if you want to become pregnant fast, then I recommend you get the pregnancy miracle guide, and try out the tips for treating infertility, recommended in it. Many women I know have used this system, and had real success with it, so there is actually no need to think that you will not be one of them.

Do you want to try out a proven to work holistic infertility treatment system to naturally cure your infertility and have the joy of conceiving and giving birth to your own healthy kid? If yes, then you need to get a copy of Lisa Olson's Pregnancy Miracle Guide.Follow this link: The Pregnancy Miracle Guide, to read more about this guide, and instantly download it!

Related reports: lisa olson's pregnancy miracle ebook, the pregnancy miracle, some few tips on how to conceive

Tags: How to Cure Feminine Infertility Naturally, Holistic Infertility Treatments Guide That Works, Efficient Infe! rtility Cure Tips In the Pregnancy Miracle Book, Natural Infertility Treatment Guides For Women Over forty

About the Author

Click on this link: The Pregnancy Miracle Guide, to read more about this guide, and instantly download it!

Merry Christmas to All from Dr. Rob Kiltz

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 08:00 AM PST

Dr. Rob shares a holiday message to remind us all of the true nature and blessings of the season. Click the arrow to listen and enjoy :)

Merry Christmas from Dr. Rob

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Posted: 24 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST

Article by Athena Zolis

'AROMATHERAPY' WHERE DOES IT STAND AS AN ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE?By Athena Zolis Founder/Managing Director, Essentials In-A-Box Melbourne AustraliaI have had many discussions with Aroma Therapists, Retailers, Consumers and Manufacturers both here and abroad on the subject of 'Aromatherapy' and I am constantly amazed at the 'confusion' surrounding the role of Aromatherapy. Confusing? Yes, confusing. Here in Australia only a minority realise the therapeutic benefits of Aromatherapy. In many instances oils are used purely for their scent in the home or the office. There has been some progress in recognising the therapeutic benefits of Aromatherapy - but the progress has been slow and I am not sure what it is going to take or should I say, how long it is going to take for this to change. There needs to be an evolution here in Australia. It has happened in the UK and the USA, Aromatherapy has become a huge industry in these countries, and I predict that this evolution is probably five to ten years away here in Australia. The 'evolution' will result in Consumers identifying and recognising the real benefits of Aromatherapy and using this form of therapy in everyday life.My mission is to be a part of the evolution process, educating consumers on the practical use and therapeutic qualities of Aromatherapy. How? By being creative in our product development, understanding the consumer and introducing themed ranges to attract attention from all age groups. Our product range is fun, attractive and our blends not only have a great scent but they all have a therapeutic side to them. Aromatherapy is the most understated form of therapy and yet its history dates back to 3,500 BC. The Egyptians used Essential Oils as a form of medicine for the healing of wounds, as part of the embalming and mummifying process and for the treatment of many ailments. It is one of the oldest forms of medicine, used extensively throughout the ages. Such is the intensity and versatility of essential oils.The massive resurgence of natura! l forms of treatment through Naturopaths and Herbalists in all western countries is growing considerably, yet aromatherapy is very rarely on offer as part of the therapy treatment. So there is still a lot of work to do in this industry. Somewhere in the current mix we need Aromatherapy, not as a mainstream form of healing but certainly as a recognised form of therapy working alongside all forms of treatment. Don't get me wrong, I recognise the increase in the education of Aromatherapy around Australia and the dedication and work of Aroma Therapists and Massage Therapists. I am coming from the Consumers perspective and their understanding of Aromatherapy. In my experience, those who do understand aromatherapy are in most cases Aroma Therapists, which is a minority of the community.We now understand the negative effects of heating our oils. We now have products on the market that don't use heating elements so that we experience our Essential Oils in their purest form. Heating the oils breaks down the components, leaving remnants of their therapeutic qualities, not to mention the added scent and inhalation of carcinogenic properties.The majority of essential oils have a therapeutic quality which consumers need to be aware of prior to use. Yes, the scent is superb, and many consumers use essential oils only for the scent, but pure oils can create an intense reaction as the therapy begins immediately simply by experiencing and inhaling the oils through diffusing, spraying, massaging and adding oils to warm water. In our busy lifestyles, we are constantly juggling so many different components of our lives, and as a result, experiencing so much stress and anxiety. Aromatherapy is one of the simplest forms of therapy.Essential oils can assist with insomnia, stress and anxiety, low energy levels, lack of concentration, building your confidence levels, hormonal imbalances and the list goes on and on and on.Go home and switch on the Diffuser to start the therapy process, or use a massage oil with your favourite oil for str! ess and anxiety or place a couple of drops in your bath to assist with sleep.Aromatherapy is simple to use, it needs to be a part of our daily routine, it is something that we can do for ourselves with a minimum of fuss and effort.Nurture your soul and live life to the fullest! AthenaWEBSITE and

About the Author

Athena Zolis is the Founder/Managing Director of Australia's First Boutique Range of Aromatherapy Products, Essentials In-A-Box. The brand is unique in that it introduces to the Australian Market unique products with the idea of educating the Australian public into understanding the concept of Aromatherapy as a natural therapy. All products are blended, ready to use with a therapuetic advantage Spending years in the corporate world as a Marketing Executive, Athena took her passion for natural therapies to the next level, undergoing months of qualitative research to understand consumer needs in the marketplace when it came to Aromatherapy. With many 'firsts' for Australia to boast about including the first company to introduce the technology and product that revolutionised the Aromatherapy industry with the Ultrasonic Aroma Diffuser, the first to introduce the Aroma Pendant, the first to introduce the exotic range of essential oil blends named after the Starsigns (Zodiac Signs). The objective is wellbeing, what else can we do in our lives to alleviate the level of stress we are experiencing daily.

How to Live a Holistic Life?

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST

Article by Kelly Price

20 Patient Testimonial: Tinnitus, gout, arthiritis, aching bones and muscles, painful shoulder

Client Feedback on treatment of: Tinnitus, gout, arthiritis, aching bones and muscles, painful shoulder. Holistic Tranquillity Acupuncture & Complementary Health Clinic. Tel: 02476 766371 Mobile: 07914 890 606

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How To Open the Solar Plexus Chakra With Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 05:00 AM PST

Article by Isis James

Learn How to Use Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls to Balance the Solar Plexus ChakraEach of the seven chakras in the body governs different areas of our lives, and quartz crystal singing bowls are a perfect tool to keep this system flowing and balanced. The solar plexus chakra rules certain things that are crucial to our emotional and spiritual health and it is important to keep it balanced. Read on to learn what this chakra is for and how to use quartz crystal singing bowls to balance this important energy center.What Is the Solar Plexus Chakra?The solar plexus chakra, located between the navel and the bottom of the sternum, is the third chakra in the chakra system. It governs the liver, gallbladder, spleen, kidneys and stomach. It is our center of personal power, and as such governs our self-esteem, self-image, gut instincts, self-love, and our sense of importance of life. An imbalance here would lead a person to be sensitive to rejection and criticism, indecisive, self-loathing or power-hungry. A balanced solar plexus chakra will lead to a healthy sense of self-respect, personal empowerment, self-esteem, self-assertion, and personal responsibility. This type of person will know how to stand up for themselves while still respecting the boundaries of other people.Balancing Your Solar Plexus Chakra With Crystal Singing Bowl MeditationThe note associated with the solar plexus chakra is E, and its color is yellow. Balancing this chakra can be accomplished easily with a simple meditation and your crystal singing bowl. Since crystal singing bowls are tuned to a specific note, make sure you have one tuned to the note of E.Set aside a special time and place for your meditation. Take some deep relaxing breaths until you feel calm and centered. You may light yellow candles to enhance the healing effect on the solar plexus of the singing bowl meditation. When you are ready, strike your singing bowl on its rim three times, and then begin playing it by running the striker around the rim. As! you pla y, inhale deeply and picture a vibrant, glowing sun in your solar plexus. Focus on this sun, feeling its warmth and energy growing brighter and stronger with each inhale. Know that this sun represents your inner strength, personal power, gut instincts, and your inner resources. You may also repeat affirmations to yourself.Some affirmations related to this chakra are:

I can achieve anything I desire.I am worthy of the best.I am the powerful creator of the life I want.I set healthy boundaries.I am the only one who had the power to approve me.Continue this process for as long as you feel necessary or when the specific amount of time you have allotted to this meditation is over. There is no wrong way to meditate balance your chakras with sound, so experiment with some of these ideas until you find something that works for you. By following these tips, the process of using quartz crystal chakra bowls becomes an easier process. About the Author

Interested in delving deeper into spirituality and meditation practices to effortlessly make powerful transformations in your life? Visit my site to learn about spiritual tools such as tibetan buddhist singing bowls, quartz crystal singing bowls, and more powerful methods that can bring positivity into your inner and outer world.

Dr Marcel Vogel - Therapeutic use of Crystals - Part 4

Marcel Joseph Vogel - (1917 - 1991) was a research scientist for IBM's San Jose facility for 27 years. He received over 100 patents for his inventions during this time. Among these was the magnetic coating for the hard disc drive systems still in use. His areas of expertise were phosphor technology, liquid crystal systems, luminescence, and magnetics. In the 1970's Marcel did pioneering work in man-plant communication experiments. This led him to the study of quartz crystals and the creation of a faceted crystal. Marcel's research into the therapeutic application of quartz crystals led him to the investigation of the relationship between crystals and water. He discovered that he could structure water by spinning it around a tuned crystal, altering many of the characteristics of the water and converting it into an information storage system.

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Holistic Health Care

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 04:00 AM PST

Article by Paul

A person's health is the most important aspect of their life. Holistic health care facilities recognize the importance of maintaining ones health and commit to helping their patients at any expense. Holistic health care is available to make sure those patients entering the building with health problems leave with a plan to take a hold of the issue. They are at your feet to target your problem with hopes to set you up with ways to prevent it from ever occurring again.

Holistic health care facilities specialize in areas such as chiropractic care and acupuncture. Many people seek chiropractic care when muscles are tight or restricting certain motion. The chiropractor massages out the areas that feel pain and adjusts the body back to its normal position. These doctors are trained to work out your kinks and discuss your health to help eliminate anything that may have contributed to the problem. Acupuncture is a different way to go about eliminating pain. This method of healing provides immediate pain relief and energy enhancement upon completion.

Holistic health care also includes the option to relieve pain and stress through massage therapy. Massage therapy can help relief pain from past injuries or even strain that is causing your muscles from performing to their maximum ability. Multiple massages are offered to choose from including therapeutic to deep tissue, each offering your body relief and complete relaxation.

Nutritional guidance is a common feature you will find at a holistic health care center, providing a patient with a structured guide to a diet fit for their individual body type. These guides provide a patient with a full list of nutrients or vitamins his or her body may be lacking. This same nutritional guidance is also offered to those who wish to lose weight. These health care facilities want your body to lose the weight efficiently; therefore, they strive to ensure that any faults in your body that are preventing weight loss are fixed. They then can begin to provide! you wit h a diet plan unique to your body type.

Holistic health care facilities focus solely on taking control of the body. If you are unsure of your problem upon entering, the physician's goal is to test you until the answer is revealed. They specialize in natural remedies to ensure a safe and healthy approach to curing your problems. These physicians believe in using the most natural methods available when dealing with your body to be sure each patient will leave healthy and on the road to recovery.

Alternative Medicine Durham

Holistic Health Raleigh

About the Author

Gives input and advice on holistic health care.

17 ~ 3 Testimonials for successful outcome from Life Coaching sessions

3 Client Feedback on successful treatment from Personal life coaching sessions: Coping, Dealing and managing difficult and challenging situations. home and work stress, Financial Stress, Dealing with Relationship issues, Work and Career. Holistic Tranquillity Acupuncture & Complementary Health Clinic. Tel: 02476 766371 Mobile: 07914 890 606

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How to Open the Sacral Chakra With Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 03:00 AM PST

Article by Isis James

Learn How to Use Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls to Balance the Sacral ChakraThe sacral chakra is the second chakra in the chakra energy system and performs some essential functions, so it is important that it stays balanced, unblocked, and healthy.There are many ways to balance your chakras, but sound healing through crystal singing bowls is an especially simple and effective method. Read on to find out what the sacral chakra does and how it can be balanced through a combination of visualization, affirmations and using crystal singing bowls.What Is the Sacral Chakra?This chakra is located between the lower abdomen and the navel. It governs the lower back, hips, kidneys, stomach, liver and adrenal glands, and any imbalances in this energy center are believed to cause ailments in these regions. The sacral chakra rules issues of creativity, emotional connection, intimacy, and desire. An imbalance can lead to being out of touch with your feelings, poor boundaries, disconnection with your sense of pleasure, and excessive resistance to change. Well-balanced, this chakra produces feeling of emotional fulfillment, as well as open creative expression, passion for life, and a full enjoyment of the pleasures of life.Balancing Your Sacral Chakra With Crystal Singing Bowl MeditationThe note associated with the sacral chakra is D, and its color is orange. Balancing this chakra can be accomplished easily with a simple meditation and your crystal singing bowl. Since crystal singing bowls are tuned to a specific note, make sure you have one tuned to the note of D.Set aside a special time and place for your meditation. Take some deep relaxing breaths until you feel calm and centered. When you are ready, strike your singing bowl on its rim three times, and then begin playing it by running the striker around the rim. As you play, inhale deeply and visualize yourself breathing in peace of mind, joy, vitality, and confidence. As you exhale, visualize yourself exhaling fear, self-doubt, and stress. I! magine y ourself being freed from any obstacles that hold you back in your personal relationships, emotional life and creative expression. You may also repeat affirmations, aloud or in your head.Some affirmations related to the sacral chakra are:

I honor my body and treat myself respectfully.I receive pleasure and abundance with every breath I take.I allow pleasure, sweetness and sensuality into my life.Continue this process for as long as you feel necessary. Stop when you feel confident that the energy is open and flowing freely. You may also set a specific amount of time to meditate and then stop when the allotted time is over. This will conclude your crystal singing bowl meditation. About the Author

Interested in delving deeper into spirituality and meditation practices to effortlessly make powerful transformations in your life? Visit my site to learn about spiritual tools such as tibetan buddhist singing bowls, quartz crystal singing bowls, and more powerful methods that can bring positivity into your inner and outer world.

Charging Crystals with Rock Whisperer

This is a follow up video to Clearing Crystals with Rock Whisperer. It's important to clear your crystals and stones first, before charging. With some techniques, clearing goes along with the charging, as is explained in the video. Some great techniques for charging your crystals are in brown uncooked organic rice, in a potted plant, with sound vibration, in direct sun or moonlight, with rainwater, and/or your own energy, white light, or Reiki. Hope this is informative and helpful to you. Email with questions and/or suggestions for upcoming videos. Check out her beautiful collection at Who knows... You may find your new crystal guides and friends there. Have a blessed and beautiful day. Namaste. Starring-- Krista Mitchell, RMT, BFA Directed & Edited by Rachael Marie Shaffer Category:

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The Advantages of Fibromyalgia and Reiki Treatment

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 02:00 AM PST

by inju

Article by Jasmine

For people looking for pure Fibromyalgia ache aid that can be utilized along with any prescribed drugs may look no additional than fibromyalgia and Reiki. However what exactly are the healing advantages of Reiki and what can it do to help someone with fibromyalgia?"

Apparently the commonest advantages of Reiki for fibromyalgia victims is that it alleviates the major signs of the dysfunction, specifically since Reiki is a extremely effective method for treating the symptomatic conditions commonly found among fibromyalgia victims - pain and fatigue.

The follow of Reiki promotes holistic therapeutic among its patients and a Reiki therapist utilizing specific hand patterns and positions will usually carry out course of, though you might be taught to do that yourself. The therapist strikes his hands over a patient - just some inches above the body - over numerous physique elements to feel for vitality blockages.

Then they'll lay their arms on the patient in a set style, leaving them in place for between three - 20 minutes, depending on the blockages present. The areas they consider are the chest, back, abdomen, head and joints in a choreographed healing fashion channeling life-force energy over the patient. Then

For fibromyalgia patients, the process includes having the fully clothed affected person both sit on a reclined chair or lie right down to make them feel relaxed. Session last round 60 - ninety minutes and with persistent conditions akin to fibromyalgia long term remedy will in all probability be recommended.

Reiki originated from Asia, and simply means 'universal life drive power'. It was practiced by Buddhist monks for over a thousand years and was passed on through generations.

Reiki practitioners consider that it is a highly effective therapeutic process utilizing pure common power that retains us alive, and is the vitality liable for the physique's capability to heal itself. It is this vitality that flows by manner of the arms of what is referred to as ! the 'Rei ki channel' in a concentrated and powerful vitality type on to the physique to appropriate the vitality imbalance of the patient.

Though Reiki is a natural therapeutic kind - a therapeutic course of - and is not meant as a treatment for illnesses, it enhances and also can work as a assist mechanism to standard illness remedy in cases where medication is usually required.

Continue reading to find out if Reiki is for you and to learn about different natural cures that can help you overcome fibromyalgia join the free publication below.

Particularly, Reiki isn't a cure for any situation, even fibromyalgia, nonetheless, its healing advantages enhances over-all health and general effectively being and may relieve patients of fatigue and pain-associated symptoms.

Realistically Reiki isn't for everybody, nonetheless it might be value a try as for these who do discover it useful the results could be fairly significant.

Fibromyalgia affects tens of millions of people within the United States, largely women, no matter age or social standing, and no firm conclusions have been established pinpointing the trigger of the disorder.

Nevertheless, hundreds of fibromyalgia victims have benefited from Reiki and although it's not a proven cure-all for fibromyalgia, it can present fibromyalgia patients with the hope that there are different and holistic solutions to treating this disease. Be it fibromyalgia and Reiki or typical remedy, the final decision rests with the affected person, whichever they find appropriate and cozy for them.

Usui Reiki Healing Master Download Reiki

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Usui Reiki Healing Master Click here! Reiki

Crystals Aur Hum - Crystals Aur Hum - Healing with Reiki Vaastu and Crystals

Explore the magnificent science of crystals with Dr.Anoop Agarwal in Crystals aur hum and learn how crystals can change your life.Dr agarwal with the help of your horoscope will let you know what type of crystal is best suited for you and what kind of impact it will have in your life. These gemstones can help us discover our inner selves and spirit. Subscribe to get daily updates on useful tips and tricks at

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Using Tuning Forks for Sound Healing

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 01:00 AM PST

Article by Nicole Roberts

Heal Dental Caries Naturally - Part 2

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:00 AM PST

Article by Russell Symonds

Oral hygiene, remineralization toothpastes and alkaline nutrition can save your teeth. The following ten steps may not only save one's teeth and gums, but also one's life. Why? Because many underlying causes of disease are affected as well.

1) Save your teeth with raw greens: There might be other options besides the "Factor X" butter oil to help maintain healthy teeth and heal dental problems. My theory is that if "Factor X" comes only from those cows lucky enough to be grazing in green grasses all day long, then why not simply add more greens to one's diet? It has been assumed by raw foodists for a long time that raw greens (high in vitamin K, chlorophyll and magnesium) such as lettuce and wheat grass juice can rebuild damaged teeth. There are also plenty of chlorophyll potions and supplements available in every health food store that might be of some benefit to tooth enamel.

2) Live mainly on a raw food, alkaline diet: Live mainly on a raw organic diet of fresh alkaline forming fruits, vegetables and greens high in chlorophyll (spring greens, lettuce, wheat grass juice, kale, collards, etc.) in the diet as well. It would make a lot of sense to learn all one can about how to identify and remove most acid-forming food from one's diet and learn how to live on a more alkaline-forming diet. One does not need to remove all acidic food from one's diet, as some are essential in small amounts. One needs to however be able to distinguish which are which so one can always benefit mainly from an alkaline forming diet which profoundly affects every aspect of the body, not just bones, teeth, saliva, and gums.

3) Supplement with extra calcium, minerals, A, D, E, K, antioxidants, etc: Supplementing the diet with coral calcium, one teaspoon of dolomite per 1.5 liters of ionized water (also add to juice, and make sure to have at least four grams calcium, two grams magnesium per day which is provided by 6 grams dolomite), liquid or granular lecithin(contains phosphorous in the form of phospholip! ids), ra w greens (high in magnesium and vitamin K), kelp, a complete mineral supplement, and vitamin antioxidants such as vitamin A, C, bioflavonoids, vitamin D, E, the herb turmeric, circulation enhancing herbs such as cayenne and ginger, and especially large quantities of CQ10 and green tea will help maintain heathy teeth and protect the gums. Large amounts (more than 300 mg. a day) of the CQ10 might even help reverse gum loss. Gum disease can increase the presence of CRP (C-reactive protein) in the blood which is known to increase blood clotting, heart attacks and strokes. So for one's health, well being and longevity, one needs to have as little to do with gum disease as possible.

4) Avoid sodas, colas, beer and other acidic drinks: Of course avoid all beverages such as sodas, colas, beer, coffee, alcoholic/sugary beverages, and "foods" such as sweets, dried fruit, refined carbohydrates, cakes, cookies, and all other such nutritional catastrophes widely and sadly mistaken for nourishment or food. If one has to have something, it would be far better to enjoy a refreshing non-sweetened herbal tea such as green tea. Avoid the modern American diet (MAD) as much as possible! The common American habit of eating pizzas, hamburgers, and chips, while drinking beer, colas and pasteurized milk is spiritually, morally and physically disastrous. Instead please follow the nutritional guidelines discussed on this page and on other articles I have written on nutrition. Please also be aware that even the most healthy food and substances such as citrus fruit, lemons, lemon juice, sauerkraut, apple cider vinegar, acidophilus (essential for healthy digestion), vit. C crystals, and kombucha (recommended on other parts of my website) contain concentrated acidic substances that can remove tooth enamel if too much is consumed, too often. Never have snacks containing these substances, and never snack anyway, period. Have the kombucha, sauerkraut, etc. only as a small, but essential part of a main meal for flavor and better hea! lth, whi ch should only be of benefit when part of a complete meal.

5) Use toothpastes containing only simple, healthy ingredients: After every meal, brush and soak teeth in a toothpaste containing CQ10, grapefruit seed extract, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), green tea, and calcium powder. "Periobrite" by "Nature's Answer" contains most of the above ingredients. This one and similar brands of toothpaste should be available in any health food store. However, avoid those products which contain fluoride which is a highly controversial substance. Fluoride only temporarily hardens enamel yet makes it even more susceptible to tooth decay later on and can be very toxic/fatal in large doses. Carefully brushing teeth, gums (and maybe tongue as well) after every meal is extremely important because brushing is essential for oral hygiene, brushing helps keep breath fresh, brushing prevents the build-up of unsightly stains, brushing helps to keep saliva more alkaline, and brushing removes particles of food that would otherwise quickly leave damaging acidic residue on teeth.

6) Remineralize your teeth with "NovaMin" (calcium sodium phosphosilicate): Thank God for calcium phosphate remineralization - For those who are seriously interested in rebuilding damaged and/or painful tooth surfaces there is a product called "Dr. Collins Restore Remineralizing Toothpaste" (contains NO fluoride) helps to rebuild tooth enamel by an ionic release of minerals essential for healthy teeth such as calcium, phosphorous, sodium and silica. NovaMin (Calcium Sodium Phosphosilicate) releases fully active calcium and phosphorus ions when in contact with water. NovaMin provides a higher concentration of the same ions that are naturally found in saliva. After brushing, NovaMin particles adhere to the tooth surface and continues to release ions for hours afterward. This process ensures and enhances the natural self-repair of your tooth surface. It works for me and I am very happy with it. It is a surprisingly inexpensive product for what ! it claim s to do, so no reason not to give it a try.

7) Take a nap to brush your teeth: Lying down on one's back while brushing after every meal allows one to spend much more time and causes one to be much more thorough. While brushing always brush away from the gums (never toward them!) and also try "vibrating" the toothbrush while directly pointing it at the teeth (especially tops of molars) to loosen the tartar that often builds up on teeth and to go deeper into the cracks between molars. After brushing (hopefully for several minutes) remove the toothbrush (which should always be soft, fine bristled, and as new as possible) and if you have some spare time, allow the remineralizing product to soak in the mouth for 15 to 30 minutes. Brush after every meal and not only that, brush thoroughly to remove all acidic forming residue, tartar and ugly looking stains.

8) Drink alkalizing water ("mineral milk") instead of snacking: In addition to carefully brushing with the above remineralizing toothpaste(s), drinking a mixture of one teaspoon of dolomite for every 1.5 liters of alkaline (negatively ionized) water between every meal instead of snacking should also be a great help because its high pH (power of hydrogen) balance of alkaline minerals and negatively ionized water temporarily neutralizes the acidic residues and byproducts from acidic foods and acid producing bacteria on teeth which are the main cause of dental caries. The habit of snacking between meals is the worse thing for teeth, especially when it is the usual sugary junk food and phosphoric/citric/carbonic acid sodas so often consumed. However if one "snacked" instead on alkaline water and minerals between meals, one's saliva is bound to become more alkaline. Also one may not tend to feel as hungry because of the neutralizing effect alkaline minerals and ionized water has on hunger.

9) Keep your saliva alkaline: I would like to mention one most important factor for keeping one's teeth healthy is always having alkaline saliva. The alkalin! ity of o ne's saliva can vary greatly from individual to individual and from time to time depending on one's diet, source of drinking water, and genetic background. The continuing existence of teeth in the mouth depends largely on the chemical composition and pH of one's saliva, which if too low (acidic) allows much more tooth decay to occur. Alkaline saliva helps to protect the tooth enamel from acidic residues and is always essential to have if one is serious about keeping one's teeth for life! The best way to make sure one has high pH (alkaline) saliva is to always take some good mineral supplements high in calcium such as the ocean product called coral calcium which contains not only an excellent source of calcium but also all the trace minerals essential for health.

10) Make sure protein intake is high: Ramiel Nagel makes it very clear that the best results happen with high complete (usually of animal origin) protein diet, especially after using protein from raw food animal sources. Vegetarians should at least eat more legumes, sesame seed, sunflower and pumpkin seed, raw eggs and more protein powder. This information may sound contradictory to having an alkaline diet, but not all protein is acid forming, some protein is needed to regulate acid/alkaline balance and is essential in the rebuilding of any injury including damaged teeth.

11) A serious and permanent commitment is essential: Natural dental health and the successful healing of and prevention of dental caries requires a life-long commitment. Results may vary and never expect overnight miracles. Teeth need months under the right conditions to regenerate and these conditions sometimes can be tricky tomaintain even with the information I am presenting here. This information is in NO way whatsoever a substitute for emergency dental and/or medical treatment. It is sincerely hoped that the reader is intelligent enough to assume all responsibility for his or her decisions especially when trying a new approach. One must also commi! t to thi s program in its entirety without ever skipping any of it.

About the Author

Russell Symonds (Shaktivirya) has dedicated his life to finding wholeness and is living the "wholeness" lifestyle. His website, Science of Wholeness is a spiritual and nutritional information and research center dedicated to helping you find your keys to wholeness (everlasting joy, love, bliss, rejuvenation, and much, much more). Wholeness can be many things and his website not only discusses all the different aspects of wholeness but also all the different ways toward wholeness. There is no greater thing of beauty, value and joy as wholeness! I am a spiritual truth seeker looking for the perfect inner joy and abundant health that we all long for. I have found much of that wholeness through ionized water fasting, afterlife research, advanced dieting/nutritional supplementation, meditation, and transmutation of the lower chakra energies into a higher expression of joy and love.

Up-to-date information and videos related to the above article can be found here:

The rest of his original articles and his free online book, Science of Wholeness I & II can be found here:

Third Eye - Sugilite

All about this unique stone. Here's the link to the article I wrote that I refer to: This piece is available in my shop here:

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