Depression & Meditation

Depression & Meditation

Depression & Meditation

Posted: 08 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST

Article by Robert Carleton

One of the more interesting ways of relaxing the mind is through a process that is known as meditation. Meditation has been used for thousands of years in natural medicine in order to help individuals to overcome a variety of different problems that they are experiencing. One thing that meditation may be most effective in treating, however, is a condition that is known as clinical depression. This is good news for those of us that have had to suffer with it for many years and by meditating properly, we may actually be able to deal successfully with the depression that most people said we would never be able to get rid of.

The first thing that we need to discuss, however, is the fact that not all meditation is beneficial for use in overcoming depression. Some people consider meditation to be the emptying of one's mind of all thought when in actuality, it is simply a way of relaxing the mind in order to calm an individual effectively. If you allow your mind to simply wander whenever you're meditating, it will no doubt go to something that will end up triggering a more depressive response. That is why it is necessary for you to make sure that you're meditating properly whenever you're dealing with depression.

One of the best things that you can possibly do in order to use meditation to overcome depression is to focus on something positive. This can either be something that is very relaxing in your mind, such as a favorite place or perhaps an enjoyable activity but it may also be something that stimulates amusement on our part. Being able to effectively hold your mind on one of these thoughts can really do a lot to lift your mood and to push it in the proper direction.

Overcoming depression with meditation does take a little bit of practice but most people find that they are able to feel a little bit better even after their first session. Even if you are dealing with a busy life, you can still take a little bit of time every day and schedule it so that you will be able to meditate i! n this w ay. By doing so, you will find that you are able to cope with the depression that you have or perhaps even to remove it to a certain extent. Hopefully, this atricle has helped you.

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Learn What Psychotherapy Does Not Teach You and What Medication Can't Possibly Give You --> CLICK HERE <--

Learn Various Yoga Moves Online

Posted: 08 Dec 2011 05:10 AM PST

Article by Patresia Adams

With the increasing work complexity and life schedule, people are more prone to various ailments such as spondylosis, anemia, back pain, headache, diabetes, obesity and many more issues. It is not possible for them to take different medicines for different diseases. Here, comes the need for yoga. Yoga is one of most effective system to achieve complete health and wellness. There is also another side of the system. Due to hectic work schedule and busy life, people find themselves unable to join a yoga class. But today the advent of internet has changed the mindset of many people. They are now moving towards learning yoga moves online.

The major benefit of practicing yoga moves online is that one can choose his own time depending on his daily work schedule. Whenever he gets time, he can start doing practice yoga positions online. Another major factors leads to the popularity of online yoga classes is that internet is a huge source of information, so, people can visit different sites to gather new and effective information on various yoga moves. They can share their own views and learn new yoga techniques online.

Since ancient time, our ancestors were following the yoga poses to achieve complete health and wellness and they were successful to much extent. The essence of yoga is to bring harmony among our body, mind and the divine entity. Yoga poses consist of several standing positions and meditation techniques that not only provide various health benefits but also keep our body and mind healthy and strong enough to avoid various ailments.

Nowadays many yoga centres are become available online and providing their yoga classes online through high-definition audio. People can join yoga classes depending upon their time availability. A simple set of yoga exercises can provide you a healthy life for future. A healthy body, active mind, relaxation and improvement of your inner power, all these can be achieved through yoga.

Divine Wellness is a leading name in online health port! als. Div ine Wellness provides a platform where users and practitioners can meet and discuss about various yoga positions online. To know more about their online yoga positions and online yoga moves program visit

Visit our website for more information on Yoga Moves online, Yoga positions online and Ayurvedic medicine.

About the Author

Patresia Adams is a healthcare consultant working with Divine Wellness. This interactive health and wellness portal offers Live online yoga classes through high-definition video conferencing.

Ashtanga Yoga - Intermediate Series

Anne Nuotio`s Ashtanga Yoga practice video.

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No More Blues: Postnatal Yoga for Anxiety Free New Moms

Posted: 08 Dec 2011 04:00 AM PST

Article by RateND

Being a mom is a milestone to millions of women. Once the baby arrived, some young moms found themselves feeling trapped in an overwhelming situation.

New mothers are more and more open to the fact that Postnatal Yoga can help women minimize the risk of developing Post Natal Depression (PND, a clinical depression) or even worse a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD, a serious sort of anxiety often associated with those experiencing assault or people living in war torn areas).

1 in 10 women experience PND. The condition can last for weeks, months, or if the patient doesn't receive a proper care - for years.

In many cases, PND patients can easily overcome their blues by moral supports from their loved ones and friends.

What are the signs of PND?

There are strings of alarming conditions that show that you might need a professional help:

- If you find your spouse and your newborn annoying;

- You feel exhausted all the time;

- You're unhappy especially in the morning and in the evening;

- You've lost your appetite;

- Finding yourself sleepless;

- You're not interested in intimacy and somewhat repel your spouse,

- You've lost interest in things you normally passionate about;

- You feel overwhelmed and can't seem to be organized no matter how hard you try;

- Constant bad thoughts;

- You're always afraid that you might somehow "break" the baby.

Yoga as mommy's "Me Time"

Postnatal Yoga is a grate method to keep you in tune with the transition from being pregnant to becoming a mom.

Speaking to RateND, Joanna Dela Cruz from Green Lavender Yoga in Toronto indicates how Yoga can be beneficial to new moms.

"After the sheer physical effort of labor, yoga <em>Asanas</em> (postures) can help with strengthening new mum's body. Certain postures can help to re-build and re-strengthen weakened pelvic and abdominal muscles after labor. Practicing yoga can also provide relief and! act as a balm for aching shoulders, back and legs that many new mum's experience."

According to her, there's an equal meditative aspect of Yoga that has calming effect such as <em>Samavritti Pranayama</em> breathing technique which one should practice under supervision of a qualified Yoga instructor.

Joanna also suggested a simple relaxation practice.

"Many times, with the new arrival, mom can easily forget about time for herself, a simple yoga practice and deep breathing can help mom feel continually refreshed and energized."

Can mommy and baby practice Yoga together?

Feeling confined at home and overwhelmed by the newborn are things that new moms normally feel in the first weeks after the birth of the baby. In fact, the first few weeks are critical for mom to recover from physical and emotional setbacks. Being in a Postnatal Yoga class with other new moms can help reduce your stress.

"Yoga time with baby is a time for bonding and fun. Various postures will not only help to stretch or strengthen mum's body, but add baby into the mix, and it's a whole other level of fun and exploration! Or if baby wants to nap...mum can simply take some time just for her."

According to Joanna, there are several Yoga poses that are especially beneficial for the new moms.

"Cow-face arms (Gomukhasana) or Eagle Arms (Garudasana) are particularly nice. If she needs to stretch out her low back and back legs just a simple forward fold (Uttanasana) with knees slightly bent or straight will be great, as well as Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)."

Joanna Dela Cruz is a certified Vinyasa Flow and Hatha Yoga instructor and the co-owner of the Green Lavender Yoga Studio in Toronto. Green Lavender has prenatal and postnatal Yoga, restorative and gentle Yoga, Hatha, Vinyasa classes, as well as Qi Gong.

About the Author

RateND is a Canadian Premium Naturopathic Review Website. We aim to publish articles on all things Naturopathy that are informational and fun to read.

Morning Waking Up Yoga Try this routine to wake up your spine, neck, lower back and hamstrings.

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Meditation - The Most Basic and Profound Tool

Posted: 08 Dec 2011 03:06 AM PST

Article by Elizabeth J Dabrowski

When we are in need, seeking help, and trying to reach the cosmos to convince the Universe to be on our side, when we struggle with our world and think of coping no more, when everyone and everything seems to be against us, meditation can be the panacea for everything.

It will calm you down and it will put your troubles into perspective, but if you sustain the momentum of meditating (keep doing it on regular basis), your life will start changing for the better without much physical effort on your part.

I am not an expert on meditation techniques (plenty of them can be found on the net... many for free!) but I know enough to recommend finding your own methods including position, place, time, etc. by simply paying attention to how it feels and how it makes you feel. It should be pleasant, comfortable and isolated from outside noises as much as possible. If you want music or sublimal audios, that is fine but make sure to eliminate all interruptions.

You can meditate on a specific problem, you can join group classes (probably a good idea if you are a complete beginner) or you can quiet your mind as much as possible and just be. The latter one is my favourite way regardless of how many problems I want to solve at once.

The most beautiful thing about the outcome is that all needed solutions and ideas will come on their own, some straight away, some later. What you are gaining above everything else is your connection with the Universe and Its promise to serve you; all you have to do is to surrender to Its power, calm your hectic mind and start trusting which is only natural to achieve in meditating state. So far I have not found anything that comes close to the power of meditation.

Meditation can be addictive, which is great! The more you meditate the better off you are! And you feel so good afterwards and next day as well. Hm... and it costs nothing. The simplest things in life are often the best. So give it a good try before you spend plenty of money on different progra! ms, each promising to be the only one to save your life and make a new person out of you.

P.S. Let me recommend Three Magic Words by U.S. Andersen. It works perfectly with meditation, one enhancing the other. It always works for me when I need a bit of help.P.P.S. Once your life has improved and everything is going so much better, keep meditating! Do not fall into the trap of thinking you do not need it any more. But if it happens, do not despair... start meditating again... now you know that it works! a

About the Author

I write about what I have experienced myself, either personally or as an observer. Even though many people have influenced and shaped my theories, they are mainly based on my own development and as such reflect my very personal point of view. To find out more, view my website

Indian flute meditation

Lay back and listen

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Posted: 08 Dec 2011 02:00 AM PST

Article by Krzysztof Sroka

We live in a very fast, changing and often stressful world. Sometimes things happen so quickly that we don't react as fast as we want to. We might even lose our capacity to think fast, clearly and make right decisions.

It's not supposed to be like that. It is important to slow down, relax and calm down our bodies and minds. Otherwise the stress will build up and this will affect our lives and our relationships in negative ways.

One of the best methods to slow down, relax and calm down our bodies and minds is meditation. We need to be sometimes still and we can achieve it through meditation. Meditation is a great antidote for all the stress and pressures which are practically unavoidable in the modern world.

Meditation is good for everybody. Although it is a practice of many religions, it is not just a religious method. It can bring some religious or metaphysical experiences, but it is also a great way to reduce stress.

Meditation may be a challenge for most people to do as a habit. But it is not as difficult as some may think. There are several easy meditation techniques that anyone can follow toward attaining a deeper sense of relaxation. Meditation is an effective weapon against banishing stress brought about by the rigors of life.

People practice meditation for all kinds of reasons, and one of them is health. By practicing meditation we can improve our health significantly.

Ultimately we all look for happiness, and meditation can bring the real happiness which is in us.

Nowadays people are also interested in subjects like manifestation and the law of attraction, but to be able to manifest what we want, we also need to calm our minds and bring happy feelings to us. To do this we need to control our minds to some degree. There is no better way of controlling our minds than practicing meditation.

About the Author

To learn how to practice mediation and anything you need to know about it visit Meditation Guide.

Visit also our Manifestation Site and download Free eBooks about Manifestation, The Law of Attraction and Self Growth and Meditation

Violet Flame Meditation

"Saint Germain gave us this beautiful meditation on the Violet Flame to support us to safely open our hearts wherever we may be. He specifically requested that we post this onto YouTube for all the World to hear. May your experience with it be as beautiful as ours! Blessings, AFW."

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Why Meditation?

Posted: 08 Dec 2011 01:10 AM PST

Article by David Clemen

Relaxing Nature Scenes - Relaxation Meditation Soothing sounds of Water

Google+ Facebook If you're looking to de-stress before bedtime, then try the wonderful nature sounds of Soothing Water Stream. Soothing water stream features the relaxing natural sound of a small stream of flowing water. Enjoy the calming, soothing and relaxing sounds of the falling waters of a babbling brook. This bubbling sound is both soothing and relaxing. Soothing Water Stream creates a peaceful oasis and brings relaxation and sleep. The water stream has a lulling effect to enhance sleep. New FaceBook Fan Page Scenic Videos come join the discussion! Follow me Feel free to download my videos, and MP3s absolutely free. If you are a musician and you want to use these scenes in a music video, or if you are an animator and you want to use the scene as the setting, or how about a back drop for your green screen/chroma keying? The possibilities are endless. Be creative have fun and please remember the YouTube Terms of Service when uploading. In return all that I ask for is a link in the description and in video credits. Each video is one minute in length and in 1080x720 widescreen mpg format. Each MP3 or WAV is 3 minutes in length. If you post any of the footage, let me know and I will add your video to the recomended pages on my website and add you to the playlist on my YouTube Channel. go to then to the downlaods section or just click on by banner to get to the site. and remember to tell your ...

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Yoga as a Profession

Posted: 08 Dec 2011 12:12 AM PST

Article by James William

Yoga is one of the oldest forms of exercise and meditation according to Indian culture. As the trend is catching on fast all around the world to use yoga as an instrument to stay fit and healthy, people are starting to consider taking up yoga teaching as a serious profession.

Today yoga classes are being offered everywhere from dedicated studios to clinics and other places. In such a scenario it becomes essential for a serious instructor to acquire some kind of Yoga teacher certification or yoga teacher training. These days it has become possible to obtain yoga instructor certification from reputed institutes. This certification helps to distinguish the services offered by a professional instructor from the casual and not so good teachers. People are taking up yoga instruction as a career as they believe yoga has changed their life and they want others to understand the benefits of yoga.

The benefits of yoga are many fold. Regular practitioners of yoga are stress free, have better moods and are more energetic leading to a positive outlook towards life. There are also the more obvious benefits gained through exercising one's body with yoga such as increased flexibility, increased strength and improved balance. Essentially yoga is a tool used for meditation and can have profound effects in healing and rejuvenating the body. Patients of diseases ranging from cardiac problems to mental and other health problems also find yoga highly beneficial to lead them on a path of recovery. A professional who has undergone yoga teacher training, can prove to be the resource of learning this complex art. With yoga instructor certification the trainer can imbibe in his students a passion to lead a lifestyle of calmness and compassion. A trained instructor is aware of the student's difficulties and is able to guide them through the proper methods.

Yoga instructor certification or yoga teacher certification aims to train an individual in expanding their horizons of knowledge and help them understa! nd the t radition of Yoga. Yoga teacher training can help one to understand and comprehend the spiritual aspects of this exercise. But one must be careful in selecting the institute from which to obtain a yoga teacher certification. The institute must be able to provide good and effective training and their methods should suit the individual. These courses must increase the confidence of the teacher and enable them to transcend their limits through new practices and self-discovery.

About the Author

James William is a expert author who write articles on yoga teacher training. He is providing useful information on yoga teacher certification.


In this video "Warming-up sequence for yoga" Esther shows you a way to get your body warm and ready before you start your YOGA

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The Trypnaural Meditation Program Going For A Much Deeper Look At What Is Provided

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 11:24 PM PST

Article by Iris Ingles

Dealing with unique variations of anxiety as well as depression and even various types of phobias and additions can be taken care of by using meditation. Meditation is something that a lot of people would like to do however they are unable to find the best program or even the proper sounds to do their meditation. Of course you can find all different sorts of programs and meditation music all over the Internet, but what actually works? That is why I have chosen to take a far better look at the Trypnaural Meditation Program.The particular results that you can get with this method can actually begin within your first few sessions as opposed to years with other programs. You won't just discover all the methods needed but the speed of the results are incredible. And unlike various other meditation courses you will learn to put this meditation directly into action with just a few minutes each day instead of hours. Meaning with just a few minutes every day you will be able to get rid of stress from your life.This method was created by a person who is in fact a musician as well as a scientist with a masters degree and has also had education in ancient Indian Vedic and Gregorian music. And also by combining everything he has learned with all this training he produced this meditation program to truly work.Something else you will be taught with this program is exactly how and why meditation is so useful at getting rid of stress. The science which was utilized to create this system is what makes the program so effective. He has left nothing at all out of this program because he integrated everything he has learned.After you join this system you will be receiving many modules such as the ones listed below. The particular guides you receive will explain how to use the program efficiently and you will also be getting over 13 hours of meditation sounds, music and tones. There is something else that you will receive when you join and that's a free membership for the Alchemy Sound Therapy membership website.This s! ystem it self is currently being sold for which may seem a little expensive. But when you consider all the great results this program can have on your life as well as your health, that is really not that much. The truth is the retail value of everything you will get in this program is 62.This system itself includes a money back guarantee and lots of individuals are comforted by that fact. This really is great because you can take advantage of the program for 2 months and if you really don't get the results they claim you can obtain a refund. If you are looking for a meditation program I would highly recommend this one mainly because of everything you get and also because of the refund policy.

About the Author

Iris Ingles is a full time life coach working in the San Diego area. If you would like to know more about self improvement and self help then check out this website called Personal Development Fad.

Can yoga become a source of stress?

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 09:33 PM PST

My yoga class has become so crowded that I dread going.yoga2.jpg

That's a good reason to stop going, right? And I have, for now. I'm hoping the multitudes will lose interest sometime soon.

The room is large but more than 50 people have been squeezing in. You have to get there as soon as the previous class ends to find a place for your mat. If you don't, people will move their mats over so you can fit in, but only begrudgingly.

It's a gentle class with several poses that move your legs and arms off the mat, so you end up bumping into your neighbor. The teacher encourages everyone to laugh about this, but no one wants to be touching or kicking their fellow yogis during our moments of peace.

So I am saying goodbye to yin yoga for now and will find another class to keep me calm. I promise to return when it becomes less popular.

Will is absolutely imply Hot yoga?

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 10:21 PM PST

Article by Qdid123

must see meditation 616

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 09:04 PM PST

Article by Danny Soto

The meditation forum happens to be an addition to the site that is their to aid people in expressing their experiences along with gaining more guidance to support them on your journey. Having worked which includes a few good spiritual teachers and done lots of work on my I know how valuable it is to have guidance when questions show up. Sometimes you will need to answer these thoughts yourself, other times surface clarification from somebody with experience is useful.The meditation website itself covers several topics, and over time a lot more are being further. With the capacity to search through various threads to search out what you are looking for, it is a hassle-free resource to use. Plus of course you may always add a different topic you might be that there is without a doubt nothing there of which answers your dilemma. Of course there are several resources in the guided meditation, meditation ebooks and options sections, the meditation community though is more connected with an experience sharing and also advisory place.If you suffer from any questions and also suggestions about fresh resources, or resources that you prefer to see created then an forum is a fantastic place to air those views. It enables suggestions being grouped together and things that people really wish to be noted, and produced into being far sooner. I am doing business as best I can to make a strong resource to essentially aid people who want to learn how to help meditate and excel at meditation, so working together in this way enables better leads to generated.Also this can be a good place to plug with other including minded people, people which might be anywhere around the world. People on such type of journey can sometimes find it a little lonely a result of the absence of people to chat with whom are on a single wavelength. Another source of bringing the deep breathing forum into simply being, to create relationships and generate a lot more enjoyable experience for every individual.I encourage wonderful participati! on from everyone on the meditation forum, by building this together you can easlily create a strong resource for the whole family and help to relocate humanity forward jointly. By creating your calmer environment for ourselves yet others through meditating we change the planet around us in any positive way. This effects air on a more expansive basis too, as being the calmness filters available and affects many others. Thus we produce change in the world. The more people we bring together for this more suitable, and the wider the change can spread at a greater pace.So join myself and let's set about improving all of our worlds.Whatever your experience of meditating, wherever you reside, whatever you do, there is something inside for everyone. A viewpoint that may aid you, a new tip that there is been seeking, a way of helping person that sets you off in the better direction, or even just new associates. So come on in and revel in the meditation site now.

About the Author

Absolutely love meditation and meditating, sharing ideas is for this and being component to a good forum helps very much. Plus i absolutely love helping others as well, it brings feelings of wellbeing for me.meditation forum, m

The Health Improvements Of Meditation

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 08:00 PM PST

Article by Vanwyhe Holowell

There has been an increasing interest in alternative healing modalities that take their influences from the realms of complementary, herbal, and alternative medicine. One of the healing modalities that have been studied with much success has been meditation. Meditation is a process of breathing, guided imagery, affirmations, and 'self-talk' designed to induce positive states of well-being, wholeness, and ultimately, healing in an individual.

Meditation could be a series of daily spoken or written statements and affirmations, or incorporated with yoga, walking, or other styles of exercise to create a total holistic affect. The overall benefits of meditation are evidenced in positive changes within the body, mind, and the spirit. Most of all meditation enables anybody being a restored and re-energized person without all the expenses of gyms, fitness instructors, and even sometimes, practitioners. It may be a self-driven effective personal practice that can help anybody and results is visible immediately.

The fundamental premise of meditation is self-guidance and self-inventory. The steps of meditation are made to allow people to obtain in touch with the inner person to in order to create outward changes. Meditation is rooted in the spiritual understanding that the understanding of self starts healing and that self-healing is possible. This of course could be a challenge to a lot of, since many of us have a difficult time understanding that humans and especially ourselves are problematic. Not problematic by design, but problematic in our awareness of the world and how we interact with it. Meditation enables us to consider a second take a look at how we percieve the world and how we respond. Self-inventory and the creation of statements and affirmations to alter outward results forces the person to take more time re-creating a better and whole person who can positively interact with the world. Meditation could be a means toward self-promotion and self-healing, and even forgiveness.

! Deep bre athing can permit the negative occasions of the past to be positioned in perspective and eradicated from your present view of the globe. Guided imagery makes it possible for the meditation to resolve prior pain, and hurt, and permit the healing process to start, changing old resentments, frustration and pain with positive solve, and emotional as well as religious freedom to start in a new location with people and scenarios. In deep breathing, it is understood that good outcomes will come and great events will need location merely because the individual will this straight.

About the Author

Meditation for the transition from this existence is important. Using special cremation urns and boxes can make this time meaningful for those who are left behind. It might be a consideration for companion cremation urns as well as a timely and expedited purchase in advance for all those who are concerned.

Article Spinner by Article Marketing Robot

Root Chakra Meditation (Muladhara)

Best if done with headphones! I decided to make videos on each individual chakra with some information and the track for you to meditate too. I will be posting the next in a few days or maybe even a week. I am working up from the root, only because a strong foundation is important when working with chakras. I hope some of you are able to benefit from this. Guided meditations really helped me out in the beginning, and I loved these tracks.. I could really feel the results. Music by: Paul Lawler

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Awaken Kundalini with Yoga Spinal Twists

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 07:10 PM PST

Awakening the Kundalini

Yoga to Awaken Kundalini

Kundalini Yoga exercises, poses and sets are designed to dissolve blockages in the gross and subtle body, and promote the flow of energy throughout all its systems and dimensions.  Ultimately, upon reaching certain critical thresholds, large amounts of energy can be released from the base of the spine and felt rising up the central column.  This phenomenon is typically referred to as "Awakening the Kundalini" or "Kundalini Rising" and can be quite a memorable experience for those who encounter it.

One should keep in mind though that Kundalini Yoga, regardless of whether you are experiencing full blown Kundalini Awakening or not, is benefiting your mind and body in enormous ways.  Done regularly, this practice will help you increase your energy, make your strong, fit and flexible, give you clarity and bless you with peace and joy.

There are various exercises which have a reputation of triggering kundalini to awaken and I have written about my own experience with one such exercise is the article – Explosive Kundalini Rising in Class Today.  The particular movement I was doing that day, is not the exercise I am going to present a video for below.  It was actually an exercise called Camel Ride and it is part of the famous Spinal Warm-up Series of Kundalini Yoga.  Visit that set to see the details of how to do that particular pose.

One tip if you are plannin! g to use these poses to awaken kundalini is that you have to do them with considerable intensity and passion, in order to generate the necessary spark.  So be ready for giving it your all.

If you are not a hard core Yogi, but are instead a serious meditator, take heart, you are also very likely to have the very same kundalini awakening experiences as the yogis.  In fact, my first experience with explosive Kundalni, was not from physical yoga, but actually from meditation.

For those interested in this approach to awakening kundalini, you should definitely read the following article – Kundalini Yoga | Power of the Energy.

Yoga to Awaken Kundalini

Today's video article teaches you how to do Kundalini Spinal Twists.  You will get full details of this exercise in the following article – Lower Back Exercise | Yoga Spinal Twists.  Of course, this exercise has plenty of benefits, especially for your back and spine, so whether you are interested in awakening kundalini or not, this is a great exercise to learn and practice. 

In the video below I have demonstrated several arm and hand positions for doing this exercise.  The one that is generally indicated for stimulating kundalini, is the one where your fingers are interlaced and your arms are behind your back, and pulled away from your body as far as possible.  Twisting in this position adds additional pressure to the base of the spine.  The resting place of kundalini shakti.

As usual, this video will be adde! d to the Free Yoga Exercise Video Series hosted here on Mastery of Yoga and Yoga.  This is a great resource for free yoga videos, but I would suggest another free resource for those interested in kundalini awakening as well, and that would be the Free Online Kundalini Yoga Kriyas collection.  There you will find full yoga sets, which are great for optimizing your body, mind and energy.

For Yoga and Yoga Certification Students and Teachers:

To fellow yoga teachers, if you have developed your practice sufficiently, I do suggest trying these exercises with greater pace and intensity.  Experiencing the awakening and rising of kundalini yourself, will give you a very special insight into this mysterious and powerful energy, and it will help you a great deal in understanding and guiding students who come upon such experiences as well.

This exercise is part of the Yoga Teacher's Training and Certification Program and is certainly suitable for those taking the Meditation Certification Program as well.

Spinal Twists to Awaken Kundalini Video Details:

  • The video gives a full demonstration of Yoga Spinal Twists.
  • It teaches 3 different arm and hand variations for this exercise.
  • It discusses the benefits of this pose, along with other details about the technique.
  • Ple ase note if you have trouble viewing the video from here, I have provided the YouTube link as well which you can use.

Yoga to Awaken Kundalini – Spinal Twists


Related posts:

  1. Lower Back Exercise – Yoga Spinal Twists
  2. Advanced Kundalini Yoga Technique to Awaken Kundalini
  3. More Easy Yoga Exercises – Simple Yoga Twists
  4. Spinal Warmup Yoga Exercises – Free Book of Kundalini Yoga Poses & Kriyas – Ch 1
  5. Kundalini Awakening Symptoms
Read More @ Source

What is Yoga? - I define what meditating means to me. Yoga is to the soul as breath is to life. Discover your true, inner self. Connect with your divine energy. Expand on your greatness and capabilities. Tap into your true god goddess self. Vibrate at a higher level. Tune out the distractions of this reality and tune into your higher self. By tuning into yourself, you will over/inner/understand everything else around you. Because you are EVERYTHING and EVERYTHING is within you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Love Life Wellness Radio Intro/Outro music by John Graham - Befriend me on Facebook - http Follow me on Twitter - Recommended Products - Check out my 14 Day Holistic Weight Loss Program if you are serious about losing weight - S. Ali Myers is a holistic metaphysician, holistic health practitioner & coach. Visit for more information. TAGS - holistic health practitioner metaphysics life coach mind body soul spirit meditation energy nutrition conscious aware awaken gods goddess universe energy EFT chinese astrology dermatoglyphics philosophy organic natural affirmations mantras goals

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Meditation Online

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 07:01 PM PST

Article by Editor123

In this fast changing world, the importance of meditation cannot be denied. Every now and then, people are looking for internal peace and happiness in their lives to deal with their constant problems. Therefore, meditation has become a real craze in the world where time is running out from hands. Meditation is defined as a specialized technique, or practice that usually makes a person to focus on an object, perhaps a candle, a sound or your breath. So, that for a time being, you can forget about your daily life work pressure and can feel your inner self.

Benefits of MeditationMeditation is of great importance for a person for dealing with the increasing busyness and work pressures. With proper meditation a person can attain just peace and lots of happiness related with this. As you meditate the number of random thoughts developing in your mind diminishes, as well as your attachment to these thoughts, and your identification with them. This whole process of meditation helps you to keep your mind in rest and give a chance to your body to synchronize with your activities related with brains easily an People suffering from heavy stress can seek big relief into the technique of meditation. It is known as the great stress buster for stress management. Taking stress is not good for the body and you cannot perform perfectly until and unless you get rid of your stress problem. It means your mind is the key to remove stress from your life. Meditation provides experience, relaxation, increased awareness, mental focus, clarity and a sense of peace if practiced regularly. So, learn tricks and tips to get more happiness and peace with proper meditation procedure and process.d effectively. Moreover, the technique of meditation allows your mind activity to settle down and results in you becoming more peaceful, calm and focused.

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Visit Modern Meditation, for further information on meditation online, meditation community, meditation workshops, meditation news, meditation exercises etc please visit at

Meditation for Stress Reduction

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 06:00 PM PST

Article by Anmol Mehta

The biggest killer on the planet today is stress. It's not cancer, heart attacks, AIDS, it's stress. Stress suppresses the body's natural immune system and thus, diminishes it's ability to fight diseases and stay healthy. Thus, it is the underlying cause for many of the health issues we suffer from today. Cure stress and you are well on your way to living a happy, healthy and long life. What is the best cure for stress? Meditation.

Today's high pressure and highly competitive environment is the culprit for creating this atmosphere of stress, which is afflicting us all. From grade school onwards, right through college and career, the mantra is to get to the top. Everyone seems to be fighting to be king of the hill, and in this immature battle with each other, they are falling victim to stress. It is time to turn our attention now to this silent killer and neutralize it with the elixir of meditation.

Meditation is the right way to defeat stress for two reasons. First is that it transforms us into deep, peaceful beings who are much more capable of handling stressful situations. Second, the state of mind induced by meditation is optimal for self-healing to occur and thus, reverse the damage that stress has caused our bodies. Let us go into each of these two reasons in a little more detail now.

Meditation is the art of living in the moment. It teaches us how to disengage from endless worrying and anxiety causing thoughts and instead, cherish and live each moment fully and completely. The more we practice this art of living in the moment, the more we find ourselves in peace with our lives. We drop our constant habits of chewing over the past and our constant worry of how the future will be. This shift in how we approach our lives drastically reduces the amount of self inflicted stress we have to deal with.

In addition to the decrease in thought induced stress, meditation also teaches us how to remain calm in the face of storms. As we practice our meditation we are actually learn! ing to n ot run away from the moment. We are learning to absorb the difficulty that the moment presents us with in a controlled environment. This then translates into dealing calmly with the difficulties that life throws at us in our day to day living.

Essentially, stress is mostly the result of life not being exactly the way we want it to be, and with meditation we start of accept life exactly as it is, and so drop the part of us that wants it to be different. When we drop this part which wants things to be like this or like that, we drop the stress associated with constant seeking as well.

As we also indicated, meditation helps us heal the damage that stress has already caused us. This is because meditation produces a state of mind which can be called relaxed awareness. Relaxed awareness is the state most conducive for self healing to take place. Mountains of medical research has recently emerged about the health benefits of a positive and relaxed mind, and meditation regularly creates this wonderful state to thus promote self-healing.

So the prescription is simple • " meditate if you want to be healed and stay healthy. The silent killer is stress, but to kill stress, sit silently.

About the Author

Anmol Mehta is a Yoga & Meditation expert. For Free Online Yoga & Meditation Classes visit, Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques or Chakra Kundalini Yoga Blog.

An Overview Of The Origins And Practices Of Yoga

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 05:09 PM PST

Article by Boyce Gomez

Yoga is a practice that people do keep their bodies in shape. All of the elements of Yoga were inherited form the practice of Hinduism. Ethnic principles, and body principles, along with spiritual guidance and philsophy are just some of the features associated with Yoga. Yoga is usually taught, by a person called a "Guru". Their intentions are to teach people how to obtain a quieter state of mind through meditation. Quiet breathing and chanting "mantras" are practiced to help the person get to the "quiet" state of mind.

Yoga is supposed to lead a person to better health, and a calmer, more emotional well-being. Mental clarity and a joy in living are the main thoughts imposed upon a person who practices Yoga. The steps in Yoga ultimately are supposed to lead to an advanced state of meditation called "samadhi".

All the goals of Yoga are expressed in different ways among a lot of different traditions. In Hinduism the main thought is that yoga brings people closer to God. In Buddhism practices, yoga is supposed to help people get a deeper sense of wisdom, compassion, and insight. In some of the farther Western countries, individualism is the strongest emphasis, so yoga would help people there get a better meaning in themselves. But, the ultimate goal of yoga is to actually attain liberation, from any type of suffering and/or the cycle of birth and death.

The word "yoga" derives from a sacred root of "Sanskrit", which in English means "yoke". The general translation of yoga is a "union of the individual with the universal soul". The diversity of yoga involves many subdivisions, but everyone would agree that "the path to enlightenment" is the best suited phrase for yoga.

A common theme of yoga is the practice of concentration. The concentration is mainly focused on one point of sensation. When you sustain this "concentration" for a long enough period of time you will reach, what is called "meditation". Most meditators express deeper feelings of joy, peace, and self-oneness. ! The focu s of meditation differs between yoga teachers. Some may focus more on peaceful thoughts, spiritualism, or a better sense of well-being, while others will focus on the more physical aspects like, different types of stretches for getting the body into being more fit. All would agree though that meditation for either the spiritual part or physical part of yoga is the most practiced.

A little bit of history on yoga comes from the Indus Valley Civilization that was around somewhere in between six or seven thousand years ago. The earliest accounts of yoga were documented in the Rig Veda. This was a certain type of writing used back around 1500 to 2000 BC. However, the full description of yoga was first found in the "Upinasads" composed around the eighth century before Christ. The main thought of the Upinasads was that they constituted the end or conclusion of the "traditional body of spiritual wisdom". The Upinasads used to offer sacrifices and hold certain types of ceremonies to appease the Gods. They used the thought that man could please the external gods by these sacrifices and in return that they would become one with the Supreme Being, through moral culture, restraint, and a stronger training of their minds.

With all the different types and practices of yoga, one person has so many types to choose from. Whether they want a more peaceful inner self, a stronger sense of well-being, or a body that will be put into better shape. All practices contain a characteristic designed for each purpose. While some practices are argued about, all have one thing in common, it is practiced regularly around the world by many, and it is growing more popular every day.

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Find tips about licorice benefits, patella surgery and other information at the Health And Nutrition Tips website.

Yoga Benefits – A Logical Reason for Catching Flights to India

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 04:00 PM PST

Article by Jack Olivor

Yoga has been fast gaining currency as one of the most popular ways of exercise. However, there is more to yoga than simply working out. Yoga is an ancient body of carefully preserved information on the well being of the mind, body and soul dating back to thousands of years in India. Naturally, India is possibly the best place in the world to learn yoga. Yoga Masters with decades of experience guide students through the different aspects of different types of yoga. Before spending on airfares to India, take a look at some of the best places in the country for learning yoga.

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Dhanwantari Ashram, Trivandrum

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Dhanwantari Ashram in 'God's Own Country' or Kerala spells sheer divine bliss. A stay here seems to transfer one to a different dimension altogether. If you want to experience the high season at the Ashram, book your flights to India for any of the months from 1st October to 30th April. There are different choices for staying at the Ashram. While budget travellers arriving on cheap flights to India might want to stay in dormitories, those with more funds can try the Vaikuntam rooms. Tent space and twin rooms are a couple of other choices.

Parmarth Niketan, Rishikesh

Parmarth Niketan is situated in Rishikesh, one of the holiest places in India. Many visitors to Parmarth Niketan try booking their cheap flights to India for the month of March as the institute comes alive with the weeklong International Yoga Festival during March. This festival aims to combine the powers of a number of disciplines such as Reiki, power yoga, and Shinto yoga. Approximately, 550 participants hailing from over 32 countries arrive at the festival. The ashram was specially founded more than three decades ago to help foreigners on a spiritual travel to India.

Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute, Mysore

The Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute prompts many foreign yoga enthusiasts to book flights to India. Starting from mo! nth long sessions, classes are held for varying lengths of time. Appropriate attention is given to students with different capabilities. While students without yoga experience are given more personalised attention, those on a repeat trip are allowed a higher degree of freedom. There is an attempt to introduce different aspects of Ashtanga Yoga to the largest possible extent to students.

Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, Chennai

Many yoga aspirants also reserve tickets to Chennai for enrolling at 'The Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram'. This ISO 9001:2008 certified centre has more than 50 qualified teachers who are adept in the art of teaching the gentle Viniyoga variety of yoga. At least, an average of thirty therapy classes is held every month in addition to theoretic discourses.

About the Author

Experienced content writer and editor, Jack Olivor has been working with Southall Travel for 3 year. He is consultant and expert advisor on flights to India and writing various tips and advices on holidays and travel industry. Visit for more information about him.

How Hippie Meditation Helps Us All

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 09:34 PM PST

Over the weekend, I attended the third annual"Change Begins Within" benefit celebration, presented by the David Lynch Foundation in Los Angeles. The foundation donated $1 million to teach theTranscendental Meditation technique, TM, to active-duty military personnel and veterans and their families suffering from post-traumatic stress.

David Lynch, the film director, is a long time meditator and speaks about TM with veracity and authenticity. His message is clear: TM practice reduces negativity.

Who doesn't want that?

I want it. And can it come in a pill? I only want to take pills to make me feel better; they're so easy and convenient. Though sometimes I hate driving to CVS because I get a weird feeling from the Gower Gulch strip center in my neighborhood. But if that's the most inconvenient task, I could make it worthwhile and pick out some cool Essie nail polish or fulfill my chocolate cravings by purchasing a Snickers or, if feeling inspirational, a chocolate "health" bar. Chocolate, and trendy nail polish, make me feel good.

For a while.

Which is why I started TM.

And then quit. How was I supposed to work, work out, go out, eat out, shop, sleep and find 20 minutes morning and night to sit still and be quiet? Impossible.

Until a friend reported that I'd inspired he and his wife to take a TM class. How had I done anything of the sort?

He went on to divulge, miraculously, normal stresses from work had melted away. Things he normally would've freaked out about, he let wash over him. Then things got interesting. Jobs floated in from unexpected places. He'd had the best few months' of work and had me to thank.

Yipes, I'm a total imposter, I realized. I'd better get back to meditating fast, I thought; if not to hold my head high, then to get in a few good months.

Off I went back to the 20 minutes. I'd yo-yoed so many times that at least now I had some perspective. I realized driving to CVS, shopping for Snickers and Essie colors took about 20 minutes and nothing permanent ever came of that.

Reducing stress, anger and negativity via mediation isn't easy. Our time is occupied by so many choices. But easy choices lead to superficial and temporary fixes. Life's irony is that nothing is easy unless and until it follows selfless work. The only way work becomes less "work" is through practice: a daily, non-debated, habituated practice.

David Lynch introduced TM best at the Change Begins Within benefit:

1. Mankind was not meant to suffer. Bliss is our nature.

2. Transcendence is akin to an experienced gardener watering the root of a tree instead of the leaves, and thus the tree grows to perfection.

3. For the individual, transcending is watering the root.

4. Transcending is the experience missing from today's lives.

5. TM is a mental technique; an ancient form of meditation brought to our present time by the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

6. A mantra is given with a specific sound vibrational thought.

7. The mantra is designed to do a specific thing.

8. The mantra turns the awareness within. Instead of being pointed out-out-out, it's now pointed within-in-in-in.

9. Change begins within.

10. Each deeper level of mind and intellect has more happiness and the happiness is like a magnet that pulls us within. At the border of intellect you transcend and you experience that big ocean. You begin to expand whatever kind of consciousness you had to begin with.

11. The side effect of expanding consciousness is that negativity begins to recede.

As I write this, a friend emails me from India. Tomorrow she embarks on her first TM class. She's nervous. She's never closed her eyes and just sat with people. Will her eyelids rebel, flutter and flip up? Will she internally explode? Cause a scene? Run out of the room? She doesn't feel ready.

She said:

My Dad knows vets from his small Okie town of Wagoner, population 8,000, that practice TM. It makes me want to cry to think of these good ole boys and how desperately paralyzed with trauma they must be to try "hippie meditation" but it helps them! If it can help them, I know there's a chance for me.

How to Escape Stress with Yoga? What is Yoga?

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 02:00 PM PST

Article by Lana Waterfall

Namaste - Yoga 12 Minute Flex Part 1

12 Minute Flex demonstrated on "Namaste."

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Yoga Mat is Very Important Who Attend the Yoga Classes

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 12:00 PM PST

Article by Usman

Yoga mat basically depends on your priorities that what kind of exercise you are going to do because there are different kinds of exercise in the yoga practice and according to the exercise and yoga mat bag will vary important thing. So typically base on the way of your exercise therefore many important features will be ironically judged. When you are going to purchase mat that it will be comfortable, provide non slip surface, should have soaking capacity to suck the sweating and last but not the least mat should be reliable.

Now we are going to mentioned some of the best selling mats in the markets which are best because of their lots of beneficial points we can choose it according to your need and preference.


People who do lots of poses in the yoga they need solid mat according to the requirement. The Manduka brand stood first because of their excellence in different types of yoga exercise top of the list brand is "Manduka black pro".


Many of the yogis (person who do yoga practice) want such mat which is not harmful for the environment. So in market eco friendly mats are available like Manduka ek0 71 inch 5mm ECO friendly and Manduka Eco Lite mat.


When there are questions of high quality for the senior and respected citizen than we highly considered the Yoga accessories Extra Thick deluxe Yoga mat which is preferred because of its good functioning.


Another interesting thing that these mats are also available for the kids which is full of funky and captivating colors. Sometimes shop keepers are giving you discount like when you buy yoga bags and get free Yoga mat bags.

Many people know that the yoga mats are very important for yoga. Yoga becomes popular in public near about ten years ago. When yoga is very popular in public, then people think about mats for yoga training and people think about different colors of mats. Nowadays different types, different verities and different colors available in market but many people ! no know the difference between mats and many people know very well which type of mat is perfect for yoga training. I will tell you about different type of yoga mats and what is best mat for you. Yoga mat basically depends on your priorities that what kind of exercise you are going to do because there are different kinds of exercise in the yoga practice and according to the exercise the mat and yoga mat bag will vary important thing. So mat typically base on the way of your exercise therefore many important features will be ironically judged.

About the Author

If you have your own yoga mat that you bring to yoga classes, then you should consider purchasing a yoga mat bags to make it easier to transport it and keep it clean. A general purpose sports bag should accommodate all of your other needs. More information about yoga mat bags visit now

Meditation: Improve Your Health, Reduce Your Stress

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 11:00 AM PST

Article by Keira Adams

Nowadays we reside in a fast-paced society. Events occur so rapidly that frequently we don't get the opportunity to respond in a meaningful way. Too often, instead of thinking things over, we make sudden and impulsive decisions.

However, it doesn't have to be this way. Each of us has to loosen up a bit now and then and relax. If not, tension will mount and impact how you handle the people around you, not just at work but in your own home.

The use of meditation is a means for you to relax for a while and allow your mind to focus until you settle down sufficiently to cope with the everyday demands of life.

Indeed, if you believe that your life is too stressful, you should definitely slow things down. Your head is in all probability overloaded with too many worries and cares. Meditation can help you relax and ease your stress.

The benefits of meditation have been experienced ever since it was first practiced many thousands of years ago. These include:

1. Stress reduction: Because meditation calms your mind and relaxes your body, it relieves your tension and stress. This is accomplished by the breathing exercises that are a component of the practice. Lowering your stress levels is among the primary reasons that you should engage in meditation.

2. Numerous health benefits: Research studies show that meditation can assist in healing disease. A major study conducted in 1976 by Australian psychiatrist Ainslie Meares, which was released in the Medical Journal of Australia, demonstrated the regression of cancer after a patient regularly practiced meditation. Meditation is also known to reduce hypertension, which is a plus for individuals who are at risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.

3. Better concentration: One form of meditation calls for concentrating on a specific object like a lit candle or reciting a mantra. Activities like these have been demonstrated to enhance concentration and focus.

4. Acceptance: Another benefit of meditation is the enh! anced ca pacity to accept things as they are. This helps considerably in managing your annoyance and dissatisfaction over events and situations over which you have no control. Those who are dealing with anger management issues will most certainly see the benefits of meditation.

So the next time you feel stressed out, try to calm yourself down by practicing meditation. While your problems won't go away, you can at least become mentally prepared to face them.

About the Author

Want to learn more about meditation techniques? Visit Meditation Techniques: Relax Your Mind, Reduce Your Stress at

Yoga Teacher Training – Become A Yoga Instructor

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 10:00 AM PST

Article by Daveopton

If you love yoga and want to help keep this very old tradition alive in contemporary cultures, you may need Yoga Teacher Training and become yoga instructor.

To become a good Instructor, you may need professional Yoga Instructor Training. There are lots of different Yoga Teacher Training courses are available for you, many of them are free and some are paid. Yoga is an activity alike which anyone can explore it at any time. You can change your student's lives with getting help from your local training centers.

Yoga is an art. Before going to become a yoga instructor, you need to gain whole knowledge of yoga. Yoga Instructor Training gives you a full understanding of yoga as an art which is required for a yoga instructor. You need to learn the different positions as well as the history of it. With the help of yoga workshop you may become a good yoga instructor in quick time.

If you shows interest on it, than Yoga Teacher Training can be easy for you but if you show no interest it can be difficult. The Training is made so that you can learn how to teach and train others. Keep one thing in your mind learn everything from these training courses from every angle so that you can teach and help your students after the coirse. You need to learn deeply about all the positions. You must be reacting as an instructor in all the difficult positions. For this you may also learn how to master these positions.

We can search many of courses provided by different institutes. We can take the help of web also to find best courses for training. There are several of web portal available those facilitate the services of free training courses as well as paid. But we need to do proper research before to join any of the workshop for training.

A good Yoga Teacher Training courses includes Yoga Videos, Yoga Music and Yoga EBooks for their students. Students can also get help from it. These things can be helpful for students at the time of finishing their Training courses.

At last, not f! orget to take a Yoga Certificate from your training center. Every Center provides a Yoga Certification to their students after completing their courses. Certification is must required for a instructor, especially at the time when you decide to start your own Yoga Workshop.

About the Author

If you are looking for Yoga Teacher Training, than go with Atma Yoga workshop. They offer a professional Yoga Instructor Training, which makes you to become an expert in all Yoga techniques. Yoga Certification is also provided them to the students.

Meditation prevents mind-wandering

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 09:55 AM PST


By Jordan Konell

A recent Yale study has verified that meditation can help improve concentration skills.

Judson Brewer, assistant professor of psychiatry and director of the Yale Therapeutic Neuroscience Clinic, found that experienced meditators are able to deactivate the specific portion of their brain that is involved with mind-wandering and often correlated with unhappiness and anxiety. The findings, published in the November edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, support the theory that meditation can be scientifically studied and has neurological effects. The technique may also help meditators improve, as researchers will be able to use brain scans to determine whether meditation is actually having an effect.

Brewer and his colleagues studied the brain activity of people who meditate on a regular basis and saw that there was decreased activity in areas of the brain called the default mode network, which contains the medial prefrontal and posterior cingulate cortices. These areas have been linked to lapses of attention and disorders such as anxiety, Attention Deficit Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, and even the progression of Alzheimer's disease. People who had minimal previous meditation experience, by contrast, did not see a change in brain activity from doing meditation exercizes.

The subjects were allowed to choose one of the three major types of meditation: "mindfulness of breath, loving-kindness and choiceless awareness." Brewer said that the deactivation of the default mode network was consistent in experienced meditators across all three types.

"We now know what regions [of the brain] to go after, and we can give people specific feedback by looking at their brains and tell them whether they're meditating correctly," Brewer said. "These findings will help people improve their meditation practices so they can stabilize themselves and put themselves in the right state of mind."

Meditation has already helped people to quit smoking, and in the future could help people with other addictions and with anxiety disorders, Brewer said. He added that he hopes his research facilitates teaching effective meditation in clinics.

"Their findings are pretty cool because they used analyses that haven't been done before, and the research is pretty consistent with our current understandings," said Fadel Zeidan, a researcher in the Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy at Wake Forest University. Fadel's past research has shown that meditation can be used to reduce pain, to a level on par with morphine, a pain-killer.

Sara Lazar, an associate researcher in the Psychiatry Department at Massachusetts General Hospital and psychology professor at Harvard Medical School, said that while several previous studies have demonstrated the connection between the default mode network and some pathological states, this is the first study to show that meditation can strengthen the brain's tendency to focus rather than wander.

"This data will us understand how meditation practice leads to long-lasting changes in mental state," Lazar said.

Meditation has been linked to changes in metabolism, blood pressure, brain activation and other bodily processes, and has been used in clinical settings as a stress and pain reliever.

Yoga to reform criminals?

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 09:56 AM PST

An NGO working towards bringing criminals into the main stream today claimed to have developed a methodology, blending yoga and behavior therapy, which can bring a perceptible change in crime scenario in the society.

"Yogic Crime Theory -- a fusion of yoga, criminology and behavior therapy -- can modify and change human behavior," Criminologists Society president Rameshwar Singh Jamwal told reporters.
This theory works on the mind of the criminal and has been successful in changing the composition and character of billions of neurons in human brain and changing his thought process, enfeebling his negative forces and then finally eliminating them from the brain, filling up the neurons with positive thoughts and making him law abiding citizen, he said.

"So far our approach has been to treat all sorts of offences and offenders by one yardstick, like treating all patients with one medicine and putting him on medication after he gets the disease, putting him in isolation wards without categorisation and without going into the cause of the disease," Jamwal, who is also deputy advocate general, said.

This technique, though complex, is totally unique and have over 90% success rate and is inexpensive, he said.

Special Day - Relaxing Music - Meditation - Peaceful Music - Love Day May 1, 2011

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

All About Meditations

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST

Article by Arlene Myers

Coping with the demands of the modern world – like handling multiple jobs, communicating across different time zones, and squeezing so many activities in a day can bring our stress levels to soar way beyond what we can handle. The result could be anything from simple fatigue to serious depression.

If all those self-help books about busting stress and the loads of multivitamins and energy boosters don't seem to help your feelings at all, you might be missing out on a simple, no-cost means to combat stress and pressures – meditation.

Meditation is a form of mental discipline where one sets to regulate the level of thoughts from the reflexive mode (the usual conventional thinking mode) into a more deeper and profound level by focusing. This way, all the surrounding thoughts and worries fade into the background, encouraging a more meaningful and attached awareness on the object of the focus, usually one's self.

The scientific and religious viewpoints agree that meditating is both a "lightening" and an "enlightening" experience. Indeed, meditation is in sync with physical relaxation, mind invigoration and spiritual calmness that are actually the priceless treasures one can attain in a lifetime.

There are many meditation techniques that one can use, from simple moves that you can accomplish right at home for 15 minutes, to structured poses that are taught in meditation classes which can run for several sessions.

One can also incorporate meditative routines into your daily activities. Even simple walking can be meditative - focusing on every step, disciplining the body to execute grace and gentle moves in each stride and being simply at peace about the whole exercise is already an effective way to practice meditation.

Likewise, simple activities like listening to a meditation CD and reading meditation books are great ways to start you on your way to higher meditation levels.

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